-Si ? CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, AUGUST 8, 1903. ooxncre fob the city. 1 " taxt single met onit. Bod or Ooontr- pononersi it- to the Effect That Hereafter. Only Serves Notice That the Fond Re quired to Be Pld Over a the City bv the Count Win Be Paid In La filntfe Men Be Uecea on ire iw parunrnt. . . .. t -CoL A I Smith, chairman of tha bor as Soon as Agreement la Reach ed -Convicts Will Work City Route fire committee of the -publlo safety .. .... board, introduced resolution at the - w.u ,7U urtchtai T a reT!lr meeting of the body laat nlht will have tha "J? T1' J to the effect that hereafter tho board kk0' UhZ. noT b. eleeTenly alngle men on the Are de withln the cltr w partment.- This brought forth con- jit-. ' : . : . m v.. h. jui u iao r:Tl ',.Vf;P hv th. J " resolution as aoout to pe ty. puiitoMtccoum., v- tto a voU Md Co,nel gjmtu wItn. Heavier tramc. i " " drew it There Is no doubt at all that mile , Jn and about the city motf(n would bllV9 Cftrried by a belna- used ten times as mucosa You want a GOOD TTunk or Suit Case, don't - ' A ' , . ' v . - yout ' ' - ..,-. . . Weve got good! ones loose isxtner ouu n Tv-. onmmissioners colonel smitn succeeaeo in fet- ?hM aam. at ieait a part of the tin a resolution through look filrr.JXnce ,n to the election of firemen "TT"! yil" ""';"7 Th. l,,- only from within the old limits . wru'?? ;i ", TV " mmi.. of the city hereafter, as he aatd it jsiaturo, " oo -" more Pt men to a heap of trouble and . .. 7 rhirlntt town. SEl brunette ncoTlci wa fnm work within the corporate limits In such manner as the board of 1 nubile service of the city may dealg natal , 6hould the commissioners not do this then It will become incumbent upon them on or before the flrrt day of February or the first day of March next to Py over to the treasurer of the city the sum of 1 9,000. The law also applies to the board of township trustees of Charlotte township, the only difference being one of degree rather than of kind. Should the j w j r, nnt Via vfi a. wrs o iu ninj J. Mr certain amount of work done within)"" the corporate limits, then they woulflj0 t required to pay over a sum ot not less than $3,000. ! At the last meeting of the board of .n.i.t,r mnimltflnnm (his matter wan rflvunod in full. After cnnKlrtering the subject in all its phases, the oom niaainnitra rippmed It better to pay in -v.... .h nH this Ae. of the city and the cit boaio or ai lie law. ol 10. . "hnrlaea Jf b of commissioner, of Meckl. i liurf county 'for the purpose of rnanlng a more equitable division of tho taxes levied and collected within Charlotte: township, under fiortlons and 59 of i rhaDter 50. of the Public - iJivvs "i i 1991 fer the purpose of bulldlnK and I repairing highways and brmE4s' at h(r nntion. from and aftr th- first day of July, 1907. to require t.io rcn vlct road force employed in tho con atrurtion of highways of said county to work each year an equ!tnie por tion of the time upon such highways or other public works within the cor porate limits of the Oty of Charlotte as the board of public service ot the said city may designate and to def-ay the fxpenses of sucn work out of th" funds collected from thf taxs afo.-e-aald. "It Is therefore unanimously order ed by the board that the convict torce employed in the County of Mccklen bUTg In tho construction of highways shall work an equitable portmn of the time during the current year bra-Inning with the first of July, lflOS, upon such highways or other public -worttr-wrthhr the- eorpo rate- HwM ef she City of Charlotte as the board of public service of ti said city may designate and that the expenses of ueh'work sha'l be defrayed out of the funds collected from the taxts levied In Charlotte township during the cur rent rear, under Sections and 09, of Chapter 60, of the Public 1-aws of 1901. "It Is further ordered that a copy of this resolution be served upon the board of public service and the board of aldermen of the City of Charlotte." WILL MAKE KAJiAD OIL. fiwlft & Co. Iycis (on l root I-or Eror ' lion of Another ISuilding at North , Charlotte Plant III Make Salad - inil From Cruder IrHlu-tM. Mr. J. D. Grandy. one of the best known contractors In the city, has been awarded the Job of putting up the new building at the Swift & Co. plant In North Charlotte, of which mention was made in The i)hservr last week. This new building, a.i tncii Stated. In general arcldtectur.il scheme, will conform with those al ready standing. It will be of cuptrlor tMick. four stories in height and about 40 feet long by 30 feet wide. It will be used for pressing and storing sa'ad oil evolved from the cruder refined products. The building has a capaci ty of five presses but only three will he Installed at present. Kour cold storage tanks will also be placed In the building each one capable of hold ing 50.000 gallons of oil. Hal ail oil, or winter oil as It Is frequently called. Is j vsea as a substitute tor onvo on and In the manufacture of other subiitl- tutes. It has many and varied uses c .. .. The North Charlotte plant of Bift A Co. is one of the complctest In tho country. It Is not the largest but for vp-to-dateness of equipment and gen eral utility has no superior anywhere. (Situated in the very heart of the cot ion aeed oil belt, where conditions are most favorable, the success of the en terprise has been assured from the . Mart. As the territory Is developed, It Is the purpose of this great corpora tion to add other departments. A voap factory la said to be but a ques tion of time and a fertiliser factory j by no means a remote probability. . QtlTE A DlrVKKKNCK. " Two Younc Men Discuss a Camera- phone Ifcrprod action of Well-Known ...".' Hay at Academy All tbe Differ. . cdc In the World. Two young inen, rather flashily - garbed, had lust left the Academy, ' . where they had witnessed with undls. , , gulsed interest a splendid camera 'V phone reproduction of one of the weil . known and . popular metropolitan ; plays. "That was nothing short of marvel ousand all for ten cents," exclaimed the first, carried away with what he bad s&en. "Why, many a time have I paid big mopey to see a show not a hlt better on Broadway." "Back up a little," cautiously ob served the second, "almost, not alto gether. - "Hera there are no side-door features, no chorus-girl parties and Ba late suppers which, now and then yea know, are relished by the best of men." "With this show," he continued, growing somewhat disgusted, "tbe after-effects are all good." Sells Property For S7,O00. Papers were filed with court 'of ficials yesterday for the transfer of tbe bouse and. lot atih corner of West Trade and Cedar streets from Cept. J. A. Allison to Mary A Suggs. Tbe property Is considered very val uable., , the consideration being 17.600. - " '- - Pain anywhere stopped In 30 minutes sure with one of Dr. Snoop's Pink Pais laUeta. Tbe formula is on the t&eent box. Ask your doctor or druggist about this formula! Stops womaoly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. KHoop, Kacine. Wis., for fr trial te prove lue of Jiis headache, or Pick SsLItta. fcoid by Mullen's Pharmacy. i : j ' " : ' . I 'O ores HI ail II Ulejr HVO 1H IUC I f . His other nation was made in the Interest of efficiency In the de partment, his contention being that the single men were much more duti ful than married members of the Are department. City Engineer F. L. Btutts was re elected unanimously for another term of office in the department and As sistant Engineer E. G. Graham was also given his old position. Mr. J. H. Wallace wua elected first foreman and will be transferred to So. 2 depart ment to have charge In the absence of Chief Orr from the city at any time. W, B. Glonn was mane the other reman. These matters were ien over from the last meeting. A request was presented through Mr. George A. Page from former Po liceman Clifford Bell asking for his salary during his suspension. This was turned oown. a requem " came from ex-Assistant Chief of the tire Department v. o. tnaner, aa- j R w Berryhiu as cllv wal, e.th.r morally or legally f amount, which Is . ... aoout o. The report for the past month from the fire department showed ten rc- ioiint- m iiimiu i of 14,308. insured and uninsured, total Insurance loss being tiMo. the The report from the police depart ment showed 1S5 cases trlea during the month with 101 convictions. The total receipts In tines iind costs was iHifi SO, of which JHH9.60 was remitted to the city treasury. There were present at the meeting the"-followlnK-namrd: Vice Mayor J. W. Wadsworth, and Messrs. A. Ij. Smith. Erskine Smith, E. V. Berry hill. W. R. Robertson, J. I. Blakely and G. A. Fage. FOR THE CITY POOR. CUnrhflold Coal Corporation Donates Car Load of Ool to 1ty Poor Which the southern Agrees to Haul Krcei of tlwrgo Tio, Gtnerous Deeds. - -T'h poor- f ths-clty will ha.ve caiise to thank the Cllnchfleld (,'oal Corpora ttlon and the Southern Railway this winter should the snows be deep, fuel be scarce and clothing be scanty. The Olriclifleld Coal Corporation, of which Mr. John H. Winder, of K-mnok. Va ts president, and Mr. IT. H. Morris, of this city, agent, has tendered to Mrs. K. C. Register a car of coal for the service of the city poor and this car the Southern Railway has generously consented to haul free of charjre from the mlm-a to this city. Mrs. Register will act as distributing agent and Mr. J. It. Sexton will serve as custodian and k.-cper of the car. Tho car, which contains from forty to fifty tons. Is now on the way and should arrive soon. Highland Park Mills Running Well. Of the mills In this section, those of the Highland Park Manufacturing Company perhaps are running on fuller time than any other. While other plants h.are been shutting down at more or tn frequent intervals, these have been operating as if con ditions were altogether normal. A splendid office building 4s being erect ed and finished at Mill No. 1. which would do credit to any of the mam moth textile corporations of tho North. Mr. Charles W. Johnstton Is presi dent of the Highland Park Manufac turing Company and Mr. J. L. Spencer, treasurer. It lays to Advertise. The value and reach of Judicious advertising Was evidenced by the ex perience of Himmonds & Co., real estate brokers, of this city, this wi-ek. This progressive firm Issues regularly la pampnici indicating ine locuuo; r,rop.rtlpjt which It has for sale. pamphlet Indicating me location of A letter was received yesterday from a Mr. B. Millwood, of London, England, enclosing a ( lipping from this periodi cal, and asking for prices, terms, etc., of the property Indicated. Monday Wk Criminal Court Con veiie. Monday week, August lth. Is the date appointed for the beginning of the next two weeks term or criminal court In this city, Judge M. H. Justice presiding. In the county Jail are 42 prisoners awaiting trial. Chairman W. M. Long, of the board of county commissioners. Is always In need of more convicts to work the roads. If all signs do not fall. It Is likely that the convict road force wl'l be con siderably augmented within the next few weeks. Clubs to Play Match Game of Hall. As soon as tho Carolina League season closes, a match game of ball between picked nines representing the Southern Manufacturer's and Co lonial Clubs will be arranged. The contest will be pulled., off at Latta Park and will be one of the events of the year. All details will be announced as soon as the preliminaries can be perfected. OffU-rrg of .Morklcnbiirjr Camp to Be Elected. A very Important meeting of Mecklenburg Cnp. No, 3S2. United Confederate Veterans, will be held In the armory at the city hall this morn ing at 11 o'clock. The most impor tant business to be transacted wilt be the annual election of officers. Capt W. M. Smith Is the present command er and Mr. H. B. Duckworth, adjutant Will Open Office In Charlotte. Vr. O. I Frrtster -rs- -arfed In the city to open tip an office for the Ault Woodenware Company, of Cincinnati, O. Mr, Frailer, who Is quite well known In this locaUtywIU ha charge of tbe territory of the Carolina. Hs Is , at- present at the Buford. , Bay .: Clinch neld - Domestic Coal now whil th price Is low. Leave orders with your dealer or write the Cllnchfleld . 3oal r Corporation-- Char tottn, V. :;, ,v, - . ... . . ' JAKE OX THE WARPATH. Iteport of Ills Rn-rot Speech to lle publicana In Kings Mountain. The following from The Kings Mountain Herald tells about the re cent speech of Col. Jake K. Newell to the Republicans of that vicinity: "lion. Jake Newell delivered an address In the opera house Satur day night to a large audience. There were many Republicans present, but In the audlejice was a large num ber of Democrats who went out for mere amusement and It is needless to say that 4hey got their money's worth. Ills address Saturday night was up to his usual standard. He pictured the Republican party as the only hope for eternal salvation and the Republican leaders as wingless angels without spot or blemish, while he characterized the Democratic party and Democratic principals as originating In Inferno. He paid glow ing tribute ito Roosevelt and extoll ed Taft for taking hirf speech to his boss for approval. He accused the Democratic party of -producing the civil war and the panic of '93, but kept quleit on the full dinner pall and The present rtay panic "Newell amused his hearers all alike. The Republicans In the au dience werp glad to hear him russ out the Democrats and the Dem ocrats were Just as well amused to see how far to extremes one of the speaker's stamp and brand could go. Jake's a peach. He Is right there with the goods when by himself and If he will make us a few more spiels ot different Intervals, we don't care If tho picture show stays out of busi ness." Ilev. Dr. Orr In Chance of Ashevllle Meeting. The following is from The Ashe vllle Cltl.en: "The management of the Y. M. C A. is planning to have a large mid summer meeting for men in the au ditorium next Sunday. Rev. W. W. rr. of Charlotte, a prominent evan gelist of note, has been engaged to tnko charge of tho meeting. Rev. In. Orr was approached for th work Hume time ago but his en gngementK were so numerous In ad-i vanco. that the meeting was put off Our pleased thousands customers of is our best advertisement. Fine Piano Tuning, Polishing and Eefinish ing, General Repair ing. All work guaran teed. CHAS. H. SUCff Manufacturer of the ArtlsUd" Btieff o4 .-ShAWIhjB lajioi ' with the" sweet ton; SOTJTirEKJI WAREROOM , W. Trade St,.. CHARLOTTE, W. C. 0.H.WILM0TH, Mgr. STIEFF PIANOS Please Particular People until this week. A special musical programme Is being prepared by the association quartette and It promises to be one which will lend attractive ness to the meeting." Kmxuxmx.uxnxxxxuxM?mxmjm Popular Lady Margaret E. S. WILLS, Bookseller and Stationer, 118 South Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C. Mr. C. C: S. Stone, Charlotte, Dear Mr. Stone. When yon were here a few flays ago you asked me if I didn't want 25 copies more) of "Iiady Mer ita ret." At the time I didn't think I would need them- so soon, hut have only one copy left, and I am ready for thein.- Yours truly, E. S. WILLS. HE GOT 'EM QUICK. The fact that this! really great story was written - hy a North Carolinian, published serially in a North Car olina newspaper, The Charlotte Observer, now published in' book form in the "Tar Ilec! Library," is not keep ing it from being to day, in North Carolina, at least, the "best sell ing book." Price, $1.50, post paid. At all book stores, or order direct from Stone & Barringer Co. PUBLISHERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. nxurmxmxSMXMX-Mxwxuxvea Ties? Hundreds of . them are here the smartest styles of the season. Bright ties. Somber, ties. Plain Ties. Fancy ties.' In fact every kind of tie will be found here when you come for the kind you want. 25c. to $1.00. The Tate-Brown Co. L - WfEIiieSIurti'-V ; Wedding Rings We have a complete line of Tiffany, Square Band and Oval Wedding Rings, II and 22k. Engraving free. Also a new stock of latest style Sig net Rings for ladles and children. GARIBALDI, & DIXON Finest Repairing Department In the State. SEE US If you are in the market for a DESK We can sell you any make of desk made, and save you money on it. POUND & MOORE CO. Commercial Stationers and Office Outfitters. 22 Sooth Tryon Street. 'Fbone No. 40. Oil! v MR. STOREKEEPER Remember you don't have to buy, dirty rags any more OASIS COTTON COMFORTS made from pure, clean, raw icotton marka a new era in the comfort business; V ave us your orders. Buy at' home. Bettes goods ' for less money. SAVE FREIGHT. Tte Severn Ccllcn Oil Co. Sols Msjaiacturera, . . Charlotte, Konh Carolm. TRUNKS AND STEAMER AND HAND BAGS Almost every kind made, not old stock either, but' everything brand new and right up to time. Big shipment just in. Better investigate. . EH. MELLON CO. REMEMBER, MELLON 'S CLOTHES FIT ESPI "hose Ipl .Hateful Did you ever hear that expression made use of? or did you ever have that experience? No doubt you have, but there is no use of being worried with them longer when $1.00 will buy a good Canopy We say Good, and that Is what we mean. We don't have the kind that mosquitoes can i crawl through. For Seventy-five cents mora we will furnish frame for either wood or iron bed. Try one. Lubin- furniture Company I Nye HotchisoD S Son INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT OFFICE No. t Bant Building. Ben Those 4301 COAL C C. B. POCAHONTAS SMOKELESS NMOKaESS UnequaHcdfbr the Generation of Steam Our Lump and fgg Are Unsurpassed For Domestic Purposes. Prompt and regular shipments at all timesr Shipments during ) 904,5000 tons. Prices and other information on applica- tion Gastncr, Gurran , Bullitt ' SOLE AGENTS; RpANOKE VA. S: B. CART, Hunter, Roanoke, Yirinuu r WALL Interior Decorators Torrence Paint Co. ' 10 NORTH TRTOW. to f. r - :v