CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, AUGUST 16, 1003. i.'Tsunigkwoo'dl' attention to me those' under' their eharge cannet do successful work.: So, although 1 people may call ma. names, it will be, CONSTIPATED? seen that I am quite useful. .. KTHTL. Pleader. Ca photographa ; b cleaned f dirt ot dust, and what may one use to clean themt (J) Does lightning strike something every time H Hashes? '(I) oea the Vice Presi dent live in the White Houee, or ii not, where? () Give a brtei ssetcn of what the interstate Commerce Cimmlulon la ami what it does? (5) Can yon rive the addmts of a rood electrical firm hand ling email - ha t- tprlea. talefraob: instruments - and ; hr electrical tov Instrument? A. -If ; not, too much eoiled they may be cleaned with a sort sponge and clear water. Z JUigntning w discharge of electricity between one group of clouds and anotlier, or be tvws the cloudi and the rround. -It is much the same, though, on a much grander scale, at the spark from ad electric . machine. Thunder cloud cloud vary in height from 14 to 2.600 feet from the ground, mere are. three kind! of lightning. Sheet - lightning baa no definite form and Is harmless 1 a mere flash of electricity, .forked lightning - if aimed at the earth and strikes unless it is first dissipated in the air. Ball lightning usually takes a curved line for the earth,- burning everything It touches until it is Itself burned out. The last .4s more like a meteor. (I) The gov eminent does not provide a house for the Vice President, and be is com pelled to provide his own. (4) The Interstate Commission is a body in- - tended to adjust matters of difference between the people and the inter state railroads, labor, ete. To this . end accidents, strikes and everything ' tf the sort is reported to the commls ion. (J) TJils column does not print such addresses; inquire at an elec trical or hardware store. , W. B. St. -Is there any fertilising . dualities in a soil called marl ? A. Marl soils are, in general of great fertility. It is also advanta ', geously used as a fertiliser, acting botg , chemically and mechanically. But - different kinds of marl are of very different value in this respect. - ' A. It. 8. Please give an account - ! the Brownsville affair and when tt happened? C) Where Is the town f North Andover? (J) What la - meant by Roosevelt's big tick 7 (4) What Is the horoscope of one born April tth? . A. lust August three companies of -negro aoliders stationed at Fort Brown, Texas, were mixed npNn a hooting affair when several citisens were shot. As it was impossible to convict the guilty persons all mem bers t the three companies were discharged without honor. (J) There are towns called North Andover in Massachusetts and Wisconsin. There - are And overs in perhaps a dosea , States, and no doubt some of these fcave villages called North, ft) The . term Is applied to some of the Presi dent ' aggressive policies. (4) A na- tural reasoner and leader, making a . good lawyer or teacher. -' Pete. What causes varicocele, and What effect has electricity on It (i) Olve a simple remedy for constipa tion? ' A. Lsttie is known of the nature and causes of varicose veins. JSx- - haustive exertion, increases the dif ficulty. Compresses are most used, with Moling lotion, l am not in .formed as to the use of electricity. it) The simplest remedy is to treat the cause of it These rosy be over- ' work or over-worry, bad diet, neglect of the bowels and lack of physical exercise,. Avoid cathartics, but use a mild ' laxative under the direction fit a physician. XJleTlt. ' Thl"war a-increase" In even veers or ZI.7S. xne iwo r ritories forming the Stat were aim ivAi in nonulatlon. In the new SlS th.ra are 75.0U Indians and HSU 40 negroes. - - vv. --x'S.r ' - - y- , .-. i " .3 .,t. .' '- F. H. The motto "In - God Trust" first atoared on the " coppe: t-cent Issue of 114, and" is Ihe first use of the word Ood In any govern ment act. "1 The sentence was Intro- duced bv James Pollock,, an ex-aov ernor of Pennsylvania, director of the mint. - with the ; approval or a..' JP. Chaee, then Secretary of the Treasury. H. L. The rating of business firm can be obtained fsom tsraasireet or Dun. - y i : - r" a- R. J. B.r-The most buoyant ub atanra la cork. But this Will not rise to the surface If sunk 00 feet below the surface of the ocean, owing to the great pressure of the water. At-any less distance it win graauauy wor Its way to the surface. K. K. Giraffes are found only In the remote Interior of Africa. Tn th. VAUnr m Tha Observer! The Shaw memorial reierrea to or L. W. in the naoer of Sunday, Au gust fth, is probably the bronze me morial tablet erected Just opposite the common in Boston, Mass., to Col. Robert O. Shaw, of that city, wno commanded a negro regiment in the Union army during the civil war, ana was killed during the siege of Char leston. 8. C You will find the same written up In any guide book of Bos ton. The memorial was designed by some celebrated New Tork sculptor. A. B, ANDREWS. JR. Raleigh. Aug. 11. 108. , 11IS HEAD NOT TURNED. ' W-INITIAI, CHANGE. Just see how naughty Harry Male Jiangs like" a bucket by the i Struggles and kicks will not avail; -Entreaties, too. are bound 4- ; He climbed the wagon In the swale, Regardless of the driver's V Though Reuben told a moving tale Of lawless urchins sent to ; . -Harry kept floundering like a whale . Upsetting cabbagea and ; " ' - He even left a muddy trail On letters going to the Then Jumped, and ran, the fence to scale, where he was eaught upon a Hs wishes that be were a snail, . To crawl Inside a box or ';' . While he is game. It makes blm quafL Thus to be swinging from a .' . O. if his trousers 'were but trail! Alas, they're strong as any . Now Reuben's whip faUe like a nail. Or like some nery dragon's . Till Harry startles hill and dale With one long, loud, despairing GAIL. A. R. Are the Indians of Okla homa citizens of the. United States? Z) What Unha mast healthy country In the world? (3) Is the land that Is being sold by the Indiana of Okla homa sold at a low or a high price 7 A. Only those who have severed . tribal relations can become citizens. J Norway had the lowest death rate Mn 100, the last year in which figures are available. (I) Naturally it brings about what It is worth0. A. C. D. Can you inform me Ishere 1 can obtain books on the sub- Jecte of mageettsm and hynotism? -Av They may be found at any up-to-date book store or library. O. W. B- What religious society t did each of the Presidenu belong to ? A Washington, Madison. Monroe, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor Vnd Arthur ' were Episcopalians; J. Adams and J. Q. Adams were Congregational Uts; Jefferson was not a sectarian ; : Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Lincoln. Cleveland and Harrison were Presby .' terlans; Van Buren and1 Roosevelt, - fteformed Dutch; Fillmore, Unita rian; Johnson, Grant, Hayes. MuKla ley, MethodUts; Garfield, Disciples. P. W. Tour cent of 1S10 is worth from 9 to zl cents, according to con dition. The b cents of 1658 is worth cents. None of the others rare. There is no United states cent of 1721. , J. T. 3. Was Scotland ever called tValentla? , A. The southern part was so call ad by the ancient Romans, in memory cf the Emperor, Valentian, who died In 175. - 8. J. T,-Is the Chinese lojlc cor rect when It is said that if one man Is Idle another man Is ' made to suffer for It? Av Quite right. The special privl " lege of any man must be paid for by Mini person or persons, whether it is the privilege ot consuming without aiding la any way production, or en joying anything free for which others have tolled. . 8." P. II This column is-not in tended as an aid to slothfulness, and so X beg to say that all your questions can be answered. If at all, by study of the first few chapters of the Bible. They are not of sufficient general in terest to warrant my taking tb time tieeessary to do so much reading IL V. N- Jut what la an agnos tic? . A- One who believes that the finite mind can comprehend only the finite world, and that Ood and the In finite and the causes that underlie appearances are necessarily unknown bd unknowable. - : -TX. R -TTowajgeJiJt4i TTirlted f tates army? What rides are aswTby the army? - - -v A At last report It consisted of 9.171. exclusive of provincial and -.oir1tal corps. The, rifles used are the fc.-rinrfleld, which carry to a dls tirr of (,oo4 yards, and shoot accu r;.t !y at 1.004 yarda According to ro f 1 1 tfrts the American army shows, f :r is eire, superioriry In marksman p to t; e forelga armiea. i T. C. B. "iVhat is the population of fi : jte of Oklahorn ; . , A. ccr.ig to the er' iil census i ; t jcar. In tt m and Cotomd Minister Who, Treated With Much Consideration, Knows How to Bear Himself Ueooming-ly. Statesvllle Landmark. Speaking of white and colored people eating together on terms of equality recalls a story or the negro Shepherd, who has for several years labored as a missionary In Africa, and with great success, under the auspices of the Southern Presbyte rian Church. Shepherd has twice spoken from the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church of Statesvllle to exclusive 'white audiences, who heard with interest bis story of mission work in Africa, Just as he has spoken to white people In their churches all over the tiouth and elsewhere, for he Is an entertaining talker and tells a story worth hearing. In fact Shep herd has been somewhat lionised and the fact that the attention paid him has not "turned his head can only be accounted for by the fact that the man must be an humble, sincere Christian; for with all the attention showered on him, he has never for gotten his place when among South ern people, nor elsewhere so far as nown. But this is by the way. hhep- erd first went to Africa with a young white man from Alabama, 'Rev. Sam Lapsley, a son of Judge Lapsley, of that State. Young Lapsley sickened and died and the story of the devo tion of his colored companion to him In bis last hours Is a pathetic one. When Shepherd made his first vlttlt home after Mr. Lapeley's death lie was asked by Judge Lapsley to call at his home one evening and tell to friends gathered thpro the Htory of his experiences In Africa with young Lapsley. Under the circumstances Shepherd was a ort of guest of hon or, but when he called at Judge Laps ley's home h went to the back door and knocked, and when admitted placed his hat on the hall floor in true negro style. That this was not mock humility is proved by another story told of the man, which Is 'this: A Presbyterian and a Southerner be came so ardent In nla admiration of pnepnerd that he argued hlmnelf Into the belief that, seeing that Shepherd Is a Presbyterian minister and a mis sionary, it would be entirely proper to entertain hlro at his table with his fsmly. notwithstanding his color. The Invitation was extended to Shepherd snd when the latter understood what was meant he promptly and -courteously but firmly declined. He would to and partake of the white man's food, he said, but It must be served to him In the kitchen, separate and PrtJr0m his host. Which proves that the negro had more sense of the proprieties than his would-he hot. COURT'S WORK A ROUT OVER. Taat Trial by Jry In PMrlrt tToiirt t AthPrill Had and tho .Tnrnra Ar Paid off and lt no mg Kf fort Belno; Made For Clemency Yir Ilov." W. O. Whltakrr. Correspondence of The Observer. Ashevllle, Aug. 14 The last Jury trial at the present term of United States Court over which Judge New man, of Atlanta, has presided, has been had and the Juries discharged. The court convened July Cth and the 25 or 30 Jurors were entitled this morning to prove 40 days attendance with mileage. A It a day for ser vice the more than two dosen Jurymen from different sections of western North Carolina this morning were paid oacb about $110 by the govern ment. The last Jury trial was that of George W. Vanderbllt against J. Frank McCall, a litigation over 140 acres of land claimed by each. The suit ended in compromise, both agree ing to the correct boundary and each paying his own ocsts. In tha wind up of the case and the running of new lines Vanderbllt gains about 10 acres. McCall, however, re ulna too remaining lie acres, which, It la alleg ed, are situated in the midst of Van derbilt's great bunting preserve and on which are located the famous "deer stands" f the Pink Bed a Al though there will be no more Jury trials Judge Newraan expects to hear a number of motions before adjoining court. Mr. Thomas 8ettle, who aWy repre sented Rev. W. G. Whltaker. charged and convicted of using tha malls for fraudulent purposes and sentenced to tha penitentiary In -Atlanta for - It months, still has hopes of getting his roan oft , Mr. Settle had a confer ence with Judge Newman this morn ing relative to a modification of the' sentence and the result of tha con ference has been telegraphed to Die- 77 STRAYED AUTHORS. (The first blank In each set is filled by the name of an author, the second by one qf his works). -1 .! The English M. P. visited the Congres sional Library with a member of Con gress. He was after some facts In Onsnce, but found so msny other things to (1) that It was """ "" to turn sway from strict business. Pres ently a young woman reporter, whom the Englishmancalled in his own mind a sold baggage and a laiy (2) made a request of "to furnish her with some . documents In the archivea Her nerve certainly seemed a little (2) . but she looked at him with - that seemed In nocent and appealing, and finally with a merry laugh she, handed him a letter of Introduction from a dear mutual friend, a man new very old. yet (4 and hearty, and asked the favor when It was at onto cheerfully granted. The . Senator even took her " out to a restaurant and paid her (5) gener ously, and I understand that they were actually or nearly when they separated for their respective () , and that they will be married ere flutters from the bough In auttimn. DOROTHEA. 774 TRANSPOSITION. :' ! f. , -The. PRIMAL may but useless be, - But often .they corrupt some other;'' If time hangs heavy, then we' lea : A PRIMAL fellow seek a brother. The- PRIMAjof ten stoop to steal. ; Because they are not used to working; And some have SECOND for a meal, , Claimed they were III, instead of shirk-1 :. - lng. ; Jv J, ;j: Such are the PRIMAL" vagrant tramps, A blot upon our bounteous nation. A set of1 thieving, sauntering scan Who beg to get their every ration. ',- . B. & , THE PRIZES. In a letter of leas than 100 words name as many of the birds answering Til as you can discover, and "forward to B. It Chadbourn, Melrose, Mjtsa. within five daya. The sender -of the best letter will receive the week's attractive reward. HEADACHE? Mrs. F. P. Wycbe, Laurlnburg, Other answers particularly goo those of C. a McLean. J. L. B. PrescotC N. V. Knowlton. Mary V. C. Morse, K. H. ' od. C O. Strong. F J. Ellis, D. B. Cook. N. C Linden." N. C'..,-, ...... ..'5T- 12S; Liberty..., "' . . ... Limestone.. .. ... J' .... , ,. 140 161 , Lockhart. 8. C... .... " , 87 Loray MlUa, pfd.. .... ..... ; M Lowell-. .,.... 300;' Lumberton.. v .' .. ... . .' ' -Marlboro Cotton Mills.. .. ., -73 8S ' Manchester Mills.. .. .. .. .. ; IDS Mlllls Mfg. Co...'..' ....-100 muis Mfg. co pfd.,- .. .i .. .; m Modena Cotton Mills.. .. .. ,. 12 Mollohon.. .. .r . . Monoghan.. .. ..... 114 Monart:h.. .. .t-..., ...:-(?.;!. 104. Monarch. 8. C, pfd!.. ... .-..' N . Mooresvllle, N. C... .... - . - . w f rH 1 1 Newberry.. ANSWERS. 1 7C5-Ear. i , . 7661. Greece. 1 Spain. 8. 8weden, Anam. t. Slam. 1 China. 7. Feru. Chill. 9. Natal. 10. Tripoli. 767 Revolution, evolution. 768 1. Pope.' I Baeon. t. Ham. Garland. S. Hood. 4. Bunyan. 7. Abbot. Nokomls 1 Coke. . Penn. ,10. Suckling. IL-Saxe. I Norrts Mills 12. Moody. 11. Crost. 14. Gay., 14. 1 Jiympia Mills, pro... .. Grimm. 14, Young. 17. Swift. 14. Calne.l0"' 76-Talbot Fisher, Fox, Gibbon, Lamb. uara .., Hogg, Roebuck, Bull. Brock, Badger, facoiet ig. o Colt, Roe. iracoiet rg. pro 770 Ellm busses sublime. .Ii.. A' ' " mHni.w X Pelser Mfg. Co 771-1. Pat, pet. pit, pot. put. 1 Bat, Wdmont Wagon Works.. .. bet. biL hot. buL I r-ieamoni 773-RecreaUon. 1 ii"r. Co, , 130 - 7 a , 104 161 . .. .. 109 'IT 193 Poe W. F. Mfg. Co... Richland. 8. C Pfd Roanoke MUls Raleigh .. .... , 768 CHA R A DE. The Muse, slim, shining beauty. Eyes witching sweet, hair TOTAL soft, FIRST LAST h'r woodland bower, To win me from my duty, Make me quit tasks Care sets so oft. To while wlfh her an hour. I earns upon a hill all blue and gold- Its base the mighty western waters eweep A bill that blent its gold with morning suns. And blent at eve Its blueness with the deep. Just buttercups, but thousands, in their pride. Their gold crowns tossing 'neath the fair spring sky; Just violets, close nestling head to head. In royal purple, yet so meek and shy. I set not foot on that' sublime brocade God's hand had spread upon that Mrch-green hill. And. empty. Innocent, my hands re frained . Iilooked and scented, looked snd scent ed still. I see It yet, though years and years have flert- That hill of blue and gold, that sky and sea; And tongue or pen of mine eoidd never tell What sweet' uplifting tt Is still to me. SEMORITA. TW-WORDS WITHIN WORDS. 1. Find an insect in songs. J. A song In an sctoc t Affection in a piam. . A big weight In a little weight, t. A wmp In hastens away. 4. An amphibious snlmal In a bird. 7. A domestic animal In a bird. . A bird in a big rock. . A domentle bird In a fabled bird. 10. A ion flh in a sneech. 11. A boy In a elee ring. 12. A tree in the head-piece ol a knight. California's Big Apricot Crop, Los Angeles Times. With trees bending under the burden I Roberdel of the heavleet crop in years perhaps I Richmond Spinning Co. the greatlest in the history of the State Riverside Mfg. Co the harvest of apricots in California Rocky Mount is at its height I Saxon It Is estimated that the green crop will I Sibley. Ga .. total 120.000 tons and that the return to Social Circle .. ... ., .. growers will be 11,290,000. The ' pie and I Sprlngateln sauoe possibilities are appalling. Because Btateevllls Cotton Mills, of rapidity of ripening possibly 10 per Sauabury cent of the crop will not be gathered. iToxa way.. .. .. , S3 . .... 128V4 .... 156 105 eeee The fruit ia exceptionally luscious. A GREAT RECORD Trenton, N. C I Try on. N. C Tueapau, S. C '. Tueapau. S. C, pfd. ITuscorora Toccoa. Ga Union-Buffalo, 1st pfd . - , 68 ' Z '. uT 12S to ' too 100 Hard to DuDllcata It In CharlottA, Scores of representative citisens of TT0ion.Bufraio id ofd Charlotte are tesflfylng on the fol- Union Buffalo. 2d. pra lowing subject Such a record of vi wiVi. ' r "' " local endorsement is tinequaled. In w.lhalla S C modern times. This public statement warren Mfg Co "pfd "".'" made by a citizen Is but one of the WMhln,ton MUi, .. ..' hTdreatVw W. M. Stitt, 104 W. Tenth St,, w'lv.,.. Charlotte. N. C. says: "My advice to 2XJ" " " " ' any one afflicted with kidney trouble ?,?d,,l,e, pM is to give Doana Kidney Pills a ln,amfon; trial. About two years ago I had a wsre Shoals .. .. urt attack of kldnev tronbla and Whitney ........ was In great misery formonthsi My V"8" Kidneys were very inacuva ana at i times there was a complete retention of the secretlona I bad severe pasta 4n my back, felt tired and weak and INSURANCE STOCKS. wholly unfit for work. After being I Greensboro Life. treated by a doctor without obtain-1 North state Fire lng much relief, I heard of Doan's I Dixie Fire.. .. Kldnev Pills and. Durchasins? a box Piedmont Fire. at R. H. Jordan A Cq.'s drug store, began their use. They strengthened my kidneys, eradicated the backache and toned up my system. I always keep a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills on hand and a few doses now and then serve to keep my kidneys In a healthy condition." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents, (- 13 -f - 158 61 1 128 74 106 24 lit 101 106 100 uw tl Southeastern. Southern Life SctUsh.. .. - in - 136 too - - 101 - K0 BANK STOCK, Ettery Park. Ashevllle.. .. Citizens National, Gastofila.. Charlotte National Bank .. .. .rJ,:M"r.n CabaTru." Saving." Bar (par 1S4 164 New Tork. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's -and take no other. M - First National, Charlotte.. .. 16S First National. Morganton .. 144 First National. High. Point .. Merchants A- Farmers' CluM. . , lotte '" lfl National Bank, Gaffney.. .. .. 160 191 110 154 170 SOUTHERN COTTON MILL STOCKS I "tto Bank' and Trust Co' - I People's National, Winston Quotations by F. C. Abbott Company American iro . e ease "I 770 REVERSAL, don't know why they named m FIRST," She said. "I have no gift of soaring; I cannot sing; I am not versed In art of building or of boring. To turn It round. It seems like some Strange degradation of ones seity, To find It suddenly become A most sbhorrent Hindu aeity." M. C. S. didn't say. In tha event that tha appeal la abandoned ' and tha court dosn't show clemency application will be made to President Roosevelt for a pardon for Whltaker. In fact, petitions are already in circulation. Incidentally several hundred people have thus far signed this petition for pardon which. In effect, set out that while thejdefadant waa convicted there la, In the opinion of tite peti tioners, a grave doubt as to. his guilt. Amopg the signers of the petition is a numoer ox tne onicera ot tha law prominent cr.jtos. T71 TANGLED BIRDS. (Anagrams of birds are capitalised). Will and I have been bird shooting. (1) One tried to decoy us .away from ner nest of young, but could not make tnat Rt'RR no. The next (2) we saw was a dear little bird, a sort of flycatcher, and when 1 saw that I bad , killed mm I WEPT. I also felt sad when (SI the next bright pretty fellow fell, but Will, when he saw the WRECK, "rootu ' at my scruples, and so when he aimed at (4) the next I called him CRUEL. W and I still objected to his shooting (S) the next' bird, this made BUB "RILED" little, and as he discovered (6) still another bit ot game, he told me to go back to oamp as I was not IN PLACE at a shooting party. , He also said he meant to have (7) at least one other kind. I might HEAT-PANS In order to be ready te cook It for supper; and as I turned fcack. while (8) a lovely bird sang overhead In an elm. be cried after me, 0. RE-OIL my. "bike while you are about It too!" DOROTHEA. T7J-DOUBLB DECAPITATIONS. ' , ! ' ' ' ' ' " .... The rain comes pouring down the , And pretty Ann Is in a : j For she Intended ta go XT, V; 1 And take a stroll through the field w TnlZt' rrchanee, ahe-d meet her V "tTiJr C? ' III- . For an tha yams that yon may ; She does not ears one little ' Sae does so hate te be ahut ., - B. P. :" :!i"T7t-ENioMA. People call me rough and blunt, and think that Irony Is my chief characteris tic: but I help to smooth out the rough places In 1lfer and makthm-yfwTitiJincater Cotton MIHstt fof thers. t The editor prttes me highly, snd would think It a great misfortune If he were to be deprived of me. Military Abbeville Aiken Mfg. Co American Spinning Co.. ... . Am. Warehouse pfd. spray, N . C. a Anderson Mills., ,. Arcade , Arcadia.. .. . Arista '. , Arkwrlght Mills.. .. Arlington Atherton, N. C... ... Avon ., Avondale.. .. .. .. Augusta, Ga, ... Belton Hlbb Bonnie .. ,' Brandon Brogan Cotton Mills Brookside.. .. .. Uroomtleld. Cabarrus.. ,, ...... Cannon Mfg. Co.. .. Capital City, pfd. Chadwlck-lloskina Chadwlck-Hosklna; pfd. Cherry vllle .. Cheswell. S. C, pfd. . CheswelU S. C, Clara.. .. .. .. Clinton.'. .. .... Clifton, com. ., ... Clifton, pfd... .. ............ Cllffslde.. .. .. ' .., Chlquola Cotton Mill.. ...... Courtney.. ,. ,, .... Converse Mfg. Co.. ' Cherokee Mfg. 0... .. ...... Columbus Mfg. Co..... .. . Cora., ., i. '..,, -r Poxe.. .. .. N.. ......... ,. Darlington.... ... Daliss Mfg. Co.. .. .. ....... Drayton- -.. ,. - ...... -. . Dillon . .. ;.. Eagle and Phoenix.. ...... .. Eflrd, Ni C. ; i .V.. Elmira, pfd.. .. .. .. Easley.. .. .. ...... ........ Edcnton.. .. .. .... ......... Enoree.. . ' Enoree. pfd.. Erwln. pfd.. , . Eureka.. .. .... .. .. ...... ... Exposition.. ., ... .. .... Fairfield., .. ' .. . ... -.. - Florence.. .. .; .. .. .. Gaffney Mfg. Co.. .. .. .. ,. Gaston.. Gnick..... ...I Glcnwoodaa Glen Lowry, pfd.. ........ .. Qranltevllle, 8. C..... Aug. IS. Bid Asked -.... - .. .... n n -v 141 71 101 M 112 16 - N n 107 - 121 - 125 1U 120 - 162 M 100 100 tl 124 U4 104 10J 141 128 - 100 117 Z- KV, 1U . -,; 101 M ' 104 a irvi 130 - 101 "151 -' B4 loo 75 5 " "' 134" ' 74 ' 100 ; '- 8 : '124 , ' . 168 -124 121 ---Jit---'-,f7 ; 101 lflU - - 124 Southern Loan Ravings Bank, Charlotte ,, 121 Wilmington 8avlngs A-Trust Company .'.. ...... TOO Wachovia L. 4V T. Co.V. .. ..124 124 American National, Aeheville 101 Murchlson Nat'l, Wilmington 114 BONDS. N. C. 4a, 1919 120 N. C. 44, 1910.. .i i 100 N. C. 4s, 1913 ... - 106V N. C. R R. Stock.. .... .... lit 147 City of Charlotte 6e. lttt.. .. .- 144H City of Winston te. 1987.. .... 102 City of Concord te. 1437.. .. .. , - 104 A. T. & O. R. ts 1911 .......... - 104 FiiEf v.i;isffls ciriff eo:,i imma J.&E. MAHONEY, Portsmouth Va. .'. (Diatlllert snd.Shlppert of Flng Vyhltklea.) . Established 1867. " . . Man)rder Shlpplnj Dept., Portsmouth, Va. , DlalUlery at Alexaadsia, Vs., fft UT. your whleklet direct" from an old : rS establlBhed honse.?- We own our dlt- X-sy tillery sand ahip direct to tbe con- gumer, thereby giving you g better class ol -L roods for less money. : FORTY YEARS fa tnewleialVdurlrlbut. - Ins business.- .'T3r-'r.'.,t Our mail order department la now fully V equipped and we guarantee to ship the beat v Roods for the money and satisfy etch ena- ' , tomer. Here are a - few ' vrpeciale, express jt ; - charges prepaid by s : v -?::r'"4V-'?v.-'vri'fal t rals. 3 gala. ' ' Lake Dean 1 exttal ............ .,"41.40 ' SA.71 ein ma . mmwtwr 9iTait;oi Kya... ........... .au twrfoftRye. 4geed) 3-40 Motmtala Btea4 . r 8.00 '- FasaUir Cera, (old) .............. : .M Speclel Cs a..,..,........,. 3.50 Branca Ola .......v............ 4.10 ' Old Tar Ola............ J.80 ' Any of the above brands auDDlied in ranee of QoartBPlnta. or half pint bottles. . Write for com- r plete price list eovering Wines, Cordials, Liquers, f Beers, - etc. ; We supply our customers with erery descrJUon of toodt. - t Atests for tte CooiagienBrewlaiCempsar, Brrwtrs ef "aaelasraa" aasrSeasleV hoa-Alcohollc Beers. WHj5.icrf 8. 0 4.74 8.79 .7, 4.78 4.78 . 4.78 12.80 ' 7.00 10.40 7 oe 10.00 - 7.00 Order Ttif, Seat1 Kooey Ma, Egress Mtr u tttm Otdk U J POt TJ3MOUTM. Parrels, J2 doz, local steamed) $10.20; barrels Brie w- iery bottling expbrtV 10 doz., $ JI f o. be, Lynchburg, Va 25c dozen . for bottles returned CASH WITH ORDER - i , ST 0 Mm AS. -1" .-X ' M Va S asBVaW rT .-vy fa I Plumbers, ' pn. We can supply your needs Jn a moment here. There is no need of going to the .expense And trouble of keeping a stock on hand, when you can pick just what you want , from our fine of supplies. . . Our buuding ihowo aboye conlaina the Jargesl stock south of Baltimore., We are wholesaler!. Our fine of supplies is all new and the prices are the very lowest We carry complete stock of VXrimb suid Com. fated Koofmg: .Tin Plats) in rolls and boxes; Mycoroid Rubber Roofing-. Let us quote you prices. AH orders promptly filled. McGraw-Yarbrongh Company; Inc.1 MlSogik&aSr, luxknoai Tt, fell rteifc (Ireenwood.. Highland Park.. .. .... .... Highland Park. 'pfd.. Hartsville.. .. .... . ........ . . Henrietta Hills.. '.. .. .... . . ro Inraan Mills, 8. C. : ...... . IT" John P. King Mfg Co... .... "f Keesler.. :,. ' ..,-.....,. 138- Klnsa Mountain par t.. .. : tl Kmrevilia cotton Mine lit Lancsater Cotton Mills, efd .. ; t in Lantl...,- .. ............ 111 Langley Mfg. Co.. .. .... .. aotarotjilars .loaist tliat without atriot turana.. .. : '. ' - r 14 rv-1 VTe hermrHh msmiotsrxnaznmoth timat'eeemfUnt 60.000 soeave fst cCasee thotwagtay earpped witn every modern ertaee kaowh to tie ar of Uaadlfcx fine whlasies, Brecyalie whkaVleaVsw'ofrfWaat we piaraite4r to be abeototely" J ; '. tmra. Tbi laA staadard wtJch we haee Cttinfitaed fog so nuny years and the in- f muM sail rf mr twatoa -la MCrVWa. Mi(4taatvtfta aattia&Miaa attrrnoa creased sal oC oo brands bay ntea Vss mobile. ' b. uUi-iu A. e-.'- ..v4 Jk!L ls ics recoca pt-, bEFTXC (&ee0enaa4 perior) Mfmil Cjtgarts.O0j truu, vAae tfs iB( vsmv itsc t-run qiwa 4--r , ' (ROONBY MALrw;rSY (r S a42Jati JJge V Tf fylf aaarts fe.0O ' ! , Z V : For sals by aQ U&U chrtrlbntora, or wrTu nsticloafrg' 4ftooe er i . x ... ... ..ii, r 'attrcoed la ' lain ptcMl &r 4pe S traight. . ' . ' - - YStli'OlS, 'OtJNSTr: CO., : SVIJIII "Al.D I CP I.iNS TTnw-? .A J m . rrii . v

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