CHAELOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, 'AUGUST IS, 1903.! Social and Personal . UluM Narnle Bogers, of Ralel gh, end Miss Leollne - Etheridge, -(this 'eltr. tviutrt iva STiday for Blow- In? Rock to spend a few days l , mountains, v v f ' - ulss Florence and Allda Oliver have returned from Mount Holly. they pent several days wUb. Hiss 11 elan . Rnyne. .- - ; -. -, , ; Mm. Fred Mlsenhelmer, of Salis bury, la vialtlnr at the home of Dr, an UM-;,n.. a.' Mlsenhelmer. on North Tryon street " ; : ; 0 -r-f" SfiiTC.cManaWay it expected nrriu. la tha city Friday from Pet ersburg Vu to visit at the home of Dr. and Mrf.. U,' u, icinaway. . Ml Stuart Jones Is atlll a visitor at th Toiaway Inn. Misses Louie and Sarah Jones returned to the city sev eral flays ago. , . . - -Tf -' ' ' - ' Mrs.' . W. Falson, accompanied by Mr. Harvey Lambeth, has returned ' from Hendersonvllle, whurx sae spent several days with her daughter, Airs. Lambeth. k ." :Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McNeill, of Raleigh, left yesterday morning for Montreat after spending Sunday in the city at the Belwyn. Mr. McNeill Is chairman of the State Corporation Commission and Is off for a much needed rest. , ' Miss Louise Taylor .Busbee, of Ra lelf h, will arrive this afternoon to vis-, It Miss Mary Armand Nash at her home on North Church street Mrs. Clem Dowd left yesterday for Black Mountain, to join Mrs. L. J. Dowd, who Is spending a. portion of tha summer there. l6th ana Sta birthday anniversaries, respectively, of the houstess and host. It proved to- be a very delightful af fair. - Refreshments were served on the- lawn where ;&mes were . played and a caramel hunt was Indulged in. Those invited were Misses Mary R. Olbbon, Evelyn - Blake, Elleabetn Bruns, Helen Schlff. Mildred Flnlay son, Etlcabetb. Jones, JfJarry Mclver Wilkes,- Annie May Turner, Josephine Kuhn, Adelaide Caldwell, Katherlne Hargrave, Isabel Adams and Helen Parker; Masters Charles and James Hooper. Edwin Dowd. Harry Allison; Jack and Wilson Brown; Oliver Lan dls, Oliver Shaw Jo Simmonds, Ralph MurrilL Harvey Howell, John Mellon, Held Russell and John Carson. , Mrs. Walter Clark and Miss Eugenia Clark, of Ralelrn. are visiting atJthe rnisiotDfrm orgs rwr WkMncrv tsorta Chureh atrsat. . - y -v-' , PERSONAL. -: 250,000 grocery s t o r c s J n . t b e U n i t e d States. . , .;. and Ivory Soap on sale 'in more than nine-tenths -of them. . " So, no matter where . you may be, 'you will never have any difficulty Ja'ttinjpurejtokg Mr snd Mrs. B. N- Duke, Miss Mary Duke snd Mr. vrhsrler Duke, of Dur ham. are spending some time at the Ton a way inn. Lake -oiawsy. Miss Louise Murphv end guest. Miss Maude Muller, of AllenU, CJa.. are pending some time at lluidenile. Miss John) Bason, formerly teacher of violin musij at Red Springs Seminary, will s:il 'tr Europe Thursday on the North uerman lio steamer, O rouse r Kurfuret. She Will study music In Paris. Miss Nellie SutherunJ. of Peters burg. Vs.. Is vlAl'Ing the MImcs Waugh, at their lionw. No. (01 Ki.'t Fourth street. Miss Marguerite King has return ed from Pennsylvania, where she spent the winter snd summer with her uncle. Miss Inabol Laney has gone to Mon roe to visit her father. Mrs. Harris Malllnckrodt left yes terday for Baltimore. Md.. to visit her parents. Hhe Joined her broth er. Mr. Owen'Palmer, here, who pass ed through on his way home from ivew- Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piatt left yesterday for a two weeks' visit in the mountains. Col. and Mrs. Jacob T. Pendarvls have returned to their home In Sum mervlUe, 8. C, after a visit of sev eral weeks In the city. The colonel Is so pleased with Charlotte and has such faith in her future that he con templates returning to invest In some real estate here In the near future. Mrs. Osmond L. Barringer and small son, Master Brandon, and sis ter. Miss Stisio Cowles, left- yester day morning for Lenoir to spend some time In tho mountains. Miss Cowles will return to the city about Septem- ner 1st to enter the Tresbyterlan college. Misses Anna Morrison and Louise ItMnhardt, of Stanley, were vl!tors in the city last night, stopping at the central. Mss. K. G. Ollmer, of Statesvllle, spent ystPrday in the city, stopping at the Central. Misses Mildred Booker, of Martins ville, Va., and Kate Robinson, of Lowell, have returned home aCter spending; some time in the city with Miss Rosalie Wilkinson, ' on North Brevard street.- Mr. and Mrs. David Yarbrough and children have returned from Te county, where they spent somo time with relatives. A party consisting of Miss Anna L. Twelvetrees. Miss Oraee Tompkins, of Edgefield. S. C.t Mrs. M. C. Bogart. Miss Kathleen Bogjart. of Washing ton, N. C. and Mr. W. M. Bogart. of Charlotte, leave this morning to visit Edgemont and other points In the mountaJns. Mrs. F. P. Jones and children havo gone, to Aiken. S. C, on a visit. Mr. Jones Is preaching at Providence this week. Rev. R. T. Colt, formerly of this City, but now of Mississippi, will be married on the 1st of September to Miss Wood, a daughter of Judge Wood, of Meridian, Miss. The hon eymoon will be spent in the moun tains of this fitate. In the early ran Mr. ana Mrs. Colt go to Corea, wnere-tney vm reside, Mrs. VT. J. Hodgea and daughter. Miss Annla Laurie, who are visiting In tBe city, will leave to-day for Jack sonville, ia. t Mrs. T. M. Constable aid son. Hen' ry, leave here to-dsy for Wilming ton, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Martin 8. Willard. Later they win go to isewoern to visit Mr. w. H. Oliver. Mrs. Constable's father. . The Movements of a Number of Peo- pie, .Visitors and Others..; Messrs. Crate Davidson-and C M. Furr left last night for Denver, Col., and the Yellowstone Park, on a trip of Several weeks duration. - Mr. J."E. Murphy returned yester day from Hlddenite, where he spent several days. ,,. , ' Mr. Conner Myers, of the clerics' force of the Merchants and Farmers' National Bank. Is spending his vaca tion in Washington. ' Mr. "Henry Eddv has returned from Warren and 'Providence, R. I., where he spent his vacation with relatives.' Messrs. Eurene Graham and Tom Pegram have returned from Atlantlo, City. Mr. D. J. scent a few hours In the city yesterday afternoon on his wsy to uastonia. Mr. jonn m, crsiz Joined him here and together they will go up to Blowing Rock this morn ing. Dr. Fred Austin returned yesterdsy morning from Rockingham, where he spent a dav or two with his family. Capt T. J Rent row, ons of tha well-known citizens of Matthews, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. L. W. Sanders has returned from s business trip to New York. Capt. David Clark 'has returned from Lake Toxaway, where he spent a few days. Mr. R. M. Odell, of Concord, was a visitor In the city jor a few hours yesterdsy. Mr. Henry C. Hammond, of Au- : All you need do is ask the grocer for Ivory Soap. Nine ' times i n ten, he has it. Ivory. Soap 9950 Per Cent. Pure. BRIEFS. and gusts. O a., spent yesterday at the Belwyn. Mr. R. B. Jennings, of Colombia, S. C, spent yesterday In the city on business. Mr. Walter Cullars, of Opellka, Ala., was registered among the guests yesterday at the Selwyn. Mr. R. B. In graham, of Olbson, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. Alexander L. Brevard, one of the best known and most highly es teemed cltlsens of Lincoln county, wss a visitor In the city yesterday. Mr. J. L. Wilson, of Abhsville. 8. C, spent yesterday at the Selwyn. Mr. R. H. Jenkins, of Salisbury. spent last nleht In the ty. stODDins: at the Central. Mr. D. Cromartle, of Davidson, was registered last night st the Central. Mr. J. L. Abemethy, of Lincoln ton, was a Charlotte visitor yester day. Messrs. O or re T. Pennr. of HIrh Point, and J. C. Penny, of Oreensboro, were registered among the guests at the Selwyn last night. Mr. Furman Smith, of Anderson. S. C, was a Charlotte visitor last nignx -Messrs. A. T. Beaver and B. L. Lumpkin, of High Point, were guests yesterdsy at the Selwyn. Dr. B. O. Edwards, of Landls, was a visitor at the Selwyn yesterday. Dr. C. R. Harding, of Davidson. spent yesterday in the city. Mr. w. 8. Shelor has returned from a visit to his father at Anderson. S. C. capt. Claude. Morrison has return ed from a trip to Norfolk, where he pent some time. Rev. II. K. Boypr has returned from Catawba Springs. Ho is at the Cen tral. Mr. C. W. Tlllett leave to-dav for Montreat to Join his wlfa. His sons. Messrs. Duncan, Charles. John and Will will be at the Central. Mr. J. W. Mitchell, of tho Ed. Mel on Company, returned yesterday from, Spartanburg, S. C where ho spent his vacation. Among the guests at the Selwyn yesieroay were Messrs. Jacob New man. Jesse J. Ooldburg, P. D. Elliott and V S. Ottley, all of New York. Mr. j. v. Thackston, of Raleigh was a guest yesterday at the Selwyn .Messrs. h. F. Flow and R. H. Booe of Davidson, were Charlotte visitors yesterday. Mr. T. S. MeUheetera. of theVlerleal force of the Commercial National Bank, has geturned from a two-weeks' trip-hr-virgltrt A Few Minor Happenings In About the City. A fine electric sign has been placed over the Greek restaurant on West Trade street. Mr. W. J. Chambers, who has been ill at his rooms at the Central for some time, was out for the first time yesterday. The finance committee of. th board of county commissioners yes terday hogHn the task of auditing the books of the county treasurer. A bold,, bed thief entered the home of rapt. Claude Morrison, on Graham street, one night . last week snd stoi everything eatable out of the refrigerator. r -Majriare license was Issued yes terday by the register of deeds o Mr. William S. K lack welder and Miss Dora Church. Both are fesldenta of the MnHard Creek section. May Vtley. a young White klrl of IVEY'S - " . ,. r . ' J - AUGUST CLEARANCE :SALE WEEK OF FINE BARGAINS , . The big crowds attending our Mid Summer Sals are finding the greatest values ever given by our store in all sorts of summer goods. This week to be bigger than ast All odds and ends must be closed out at some trice. Wash Suits $1.96 Each A fine special lot new stylish Waah Suits in Solid Colors and the new Tan. Blue and Black Stripes. These are nicely made and finished, The kind that sell at $3.50 to $4.00 usually. 79c Linonctte Skirts New fresh lot Just put out. These Skirts are easily worth 11.00 each We have an immense lot on hand nlre and full cut, carefully made from best Linonette; all sizes. Each 79c Hats, Hats Fresh lot neatly trimmed Hats Just put on sale at the ridiculous price of so. eacn The bare shape is worth twice the money. 7 1-ac. Ribbon A big variety odds snd ends 10 and 15c. Ribbon in good colors and wide widths 7 l-'ic. a yd. 25o. 6.-.C. 25c. Mr. R. K. Blair expects to leave to day for Suffolk, Va.. to spend a few aays witn his family. Mrs. Frank L. Slier has returned to the city and Is with Mr. Slier at the Central. . . v - Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harry leave to day for Atlantic City. They will step In Washington for a day or two. - Mrs. Robert L. Gibbon Will enter tain to-morrow in honor of Mrs. Oeorge P. Wadsworth. -Col. E. U McRae and niece, Miss Emma Belle McRae. of Maxton, are at theSelwyn on their way to Ashe vflle. ,. , . , ... . . . Mrs. W. Z. Stulfei left yesterday morning Tor Martinsville. Va. where eh will spend awhile with friends. - ueorge neumger entertained a num ber of their young friends yesterday afternoon at the home of their par ents, .Mr. and Mrs. George, H. Bellin ger, on .West avenue, from 6 to ,7 o'clock. :; It was In celebration of the SPECIFY BLUE RIBBOtf. If you are dissatisfied with the flavoring- extracts you have been ualeg, try Blus Ribbon Vanilla next time, SEASON TO OPEN SOON. Opera to Succeed Baseball In Popular j-btot nays Are Headed . This way. uut ot Doubles Nor Trlplo 11 JR. j nat me marietta opera season will open during the closing days' of me present month is stated by Mr. John L. Crovo, who. with Mrs. Crovo, returned yesterday . morning from a two months vacation, spent in Ken- ucky, Tennessee and Canada. Mr. Crovo again this year will be the local manager of the Academy of Music. Although the schedule of slated plays Is not yet In hand. It Is expected that the season's offering will quite measure up to, if Jt does not surpass, that of last year, when a large num ber of stars visited the city. Among tne piays wnicn win appear here in the near future, few will attract more attention probably than "The Merry Widow," which is coming this fall. Jt win he oy a first-class company.. Last year the country over was not the best In the history of the theatri cal business, owing to tha financial depression. This. , however, despite the fact that it Is a presidential year, Is not expected to Interfere materially with the success of the season. Cer tainly it will have hut nttle effect on the size of Charlotte audiences. Man ager Crovo Is on the. ground, making preparation for the 'opening, in the confident expectation of a very suol ccssful year. It is certain that under his efficient management, all that can b done at this, end of the lint will contribute to this end, , Card of Thanks. TO the Editor Of The Ohssrrert ;' To 'the many rleads who lavished upon us sympathy and kindness so freely during the dark hours of our sorrow, following the sudden death of better appearance than reputation was arrested last night on the charge of vsrranry. A friend came to her rescue and she was liberated. - Mr. Harvey Lambeth has Just purchased from Mr. Chase Brenlxer one of the Morehead lots on South Tryon street, on which he will erect a handsome home at an early date. Mr. C. (". Byron, the clever adver tising representative of Colonel Dll llnrham's forces, who was called to Cincinnati Saturday night by the ill ness of his little child, wired last night that the little one was improving. The Southern's excursion to Nor folk leaves this afternoon St 3:80. train will haul six cars and the fare la to bp S4.50. Two days and one nlrht will be spent in Norfolk. A Pullman car will be provided for those who wish It. Mr,, "1'np" Harris, formerly pitcher on tho A. & M. baseball team, and one of the well-known twlrlefs of the State, spent yesterday In the city on his way to Hickory, where ho will play ball during the re mainder of the summer. Civil action for damages sustain--ed while an employe of the South ern Hallway when two freight cars which he was coupling bumped to gether, will be brousht by Otis Wake field aralnRt the Southern. Damages In the sum of $10,000 or $11,000 will probably bo asked. Yesterday was another day of op pressive heat In the city and the out lying section. There wa not a drop of rain or anything that looked like rain all day lonr to coma to the rescue of the earth and tier heat ridden population. The folks who had to work forced themselves to their tasks. Those who didn't got hot trylnr to keep cool. "I understand that there will be only ono member of last year's base ball team at the University this yesr." said a collegian yesterday. "The strict athletic rules at that Institution and tho strict way they are interpret ed la declared to bn- responsible. It TRY A is said tnat the students are becom Ins; restive under restraints which they consider make It almost Impossible to put out a winning; team against other colleges not so handicapped. Bo. Waists Mors than a dosen fine styles of regular $1.00 Waists selUng at Sic. each. These are all fresh, new Roods, bought for this sale as a big leader; all sires. Each B9c. Sc. Lawns, Kto. A long counter of 10 and He. valuea In Colored Lawns, Percales, White Ooods, Cotton Suitings, etc. be. yd. Special Mention Lana Oil Sosp. . .&. rake; He. box good 10c. Vest for So. each 40-Inch 12 l-2c. fine White Lawn , 10c. a yd. All Linen Mercerised Suitings 17c. a yd. Linen Lawn 1 a yd. Table DariSssk Hit', a yd. Table Damask lc. a yd. 7 l-2c. Bleached Domestic, full yard wide a yd. 15c. Persian Lawn 11c. a yd. IVEY'S Vomon, Why Suffer ? -SLgw HICKS' rADIiniMC KS-II- l.rtl 1 1 IflMI w mm -mjr vii I As (LIQUID) I Quickly Cures I all paint, headache backache, neuralgia and nervous exhaustion, brain fag, etc At all Srmtslsta, 10c, tie sad 30c , CENT DOTTLE It's too hot and w are too busy to writs a fancy, flowery "ad." But. wa lust must give you notice of what's going te happen at BelX's Mon day. It's mighty hot now, but these prices will maks It hotter sttlL It'a money to you to read on. All these "specials" will be on dis play, all marked In, plain figures and some of them tot Monday enlyj IN DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT , ; New- York Mills Sheets, $1x90-, worth easily 7 Sc.; good, heavy Do mestic. 8pecial ..... ...... .,.,..500, Good Hemmed Sheets.... ..... ...... ,.$4a ' Just In, a good, heavy Sheet for tingle beds c Good Huck Towels...: ...... .' ..... ........ ,.B0c dog, SPECIAL Vi LONSDALE CAMBRIC .. 1 We have a few pieces of Empress Cambric, as good as any II Cambric on the market. We will offer last lot at a 1-2C Monday only. 5c 36-INCH BLEACHED DOMESTIC 60. For Monday we have a few pieces good, soft Bleaching worth t 1-Je. Clear of starch, and to nee It is to buy It. For Monday So. WASH GOODS AND WHITE GOODS i Here's some "eye-openers" and they happen to be all good, clean merchandise. Your money back for anything thats not As a starter: 18c. 38-INCH LINEN LAWN lac. Think of this pretty, sheer Linen Lawn eve have only a few pieces and after these go none will be sold for lees than 25c. Monday price ..... ... ... ...lie. yd. No. 3.500 .White Dress Butting..... ...a 1-ic. Brown Dress Linens a l-Io. On our front counter for Monday we will display a few pieces of Long Cloths, short lengths, some worth as much as 1 l-2c.. any of it 10c, and for Mondsv to clean up the lot we make the price 1 1-Jo. Yard wide Pajeme cloth.... a 1-Sa Monday price. 8 l-2c. DOTTED SWISS a I -So. We have a few pieces of Dotted Swiss to clean up lot we will close at ,-... i.Jc. SPECIALS IN LONG CLOTHS These are regular numbers and the prices we give are for to-morrow: No. 150, 1$ yards to bolt , gs. No. 200, 12 yards to holt 81.19 No. 300. It yards to bolt ilM Our stock In these cloths is limited and will soon be exhausted. Don't fall to see our he. counter In Colored Lawns. Values on this counter worth up to 15c. per yard.,,. Be, "NOTION SPECIALS" 110 Long Silk (J loves for Monday Black, .Tans, White. Brown. Monday '. 510, Ladles' pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ...4&c. doi. Any 50c. Belt on the counter Mondsy for.... '. .c. 25c. Embroidered Belts '. t9o. Don't fall to see Our Lace and Embroidery counter for Monday. Look for the 5c. and 10c. lots. Hemember, all our Summer Ooods are melting away - under these hot prices, and If you don't get your share don't blame us". 19-21 EAST TRADE 3M SWT Pain anywhere stopped In 10 minutes sure with one of Dr. Hhoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula Is on the JS-cent box. Ask your doctor or druggist about mis formula! stops womanly pains headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. snoop, Kacine. v is., for free trial to prove value of His headache, or Pink iBDiei. Bora ry si u lien a I'narmacy. The Great Spring Tonlo King's Sarsaparilla Nature's own remedy for all diseases arising from an Im pure condition of the .blood. $1.00 per bottle. Registered Nurses Directory . (Graduate Nurses Only). Burwell-Dunn Retail Store 'Phones '41 and 300. JULlSS J0f U fte-Belll nger-TOWgteTf our-5n' Fttd. A lfTsadjwrwTrirYff express .our most heartfelt rratitiid. The recollection of their devotion we shall ever cherish. ; v - MR. AND MRS. C. P. ALEXANDER. Weak women should read wiv "T?vnV No. 4 for Women." If tells of Dr. 8hp' Night Cure. Tells how theee Soothinr beating, antiseptic suppositories brine uick ana eertsin help. The book Is free, kddress Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. The Charlotte Trunk! Strongest and best Trunk on tha market. This special Trunk Is built to our own specifications In 100 lota, and contains more points of value by 15.00 than any. other: Full else. stroflg . box. full steel bound, every part riveted, linen lined, double trays. 1 . k-: 1,' , SS-llfch,' M,60;30rlnch M0; . Inch, IJ.J0; 14-lnch, 110.00; It-inch, $11.00; -lnch,; io-incn. THE HERCULES TECXK STROP 1? ade Strongest strop m sliding release buckle. Free by trialL ; - with paten Pries too. GILMER - MOORE CO. ORB Special Notices SAY IT PLAINLY BLVE BIBBON VA nllla-and you get the finest that money and experience can produce. ALLAN'S HEADACHE AND NEURAL- gta. Remedy will cure your neaaacne when ether remedies fall. If It don't. It won't cost you anything. Price cents. At WOOD ALL A giiEPPAKD'B, 21 Mouth Tryon. NOW IS THE TIMB TO HAVE YOUR . typewriter repairing done, largest and tat eoulDDea shop in 1am t aroiiai All work efficiently snd carefully han dled. J. E. CKAYTON UU., Z17 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 4. NEW ARRIVALS Recent shipments have given us a number of new designs In popular priced, high grade WOOD MANTELS. If you era contemplating piirrhaslnfr. It will pay you to see our display on socond floor. J.NJkCauslandSCo. Stove Dealers, Roofing Con tractor. Ml South Tryon Bt, GREEN POND GRANITE BRICK COMPANY GIBSON. N. & Offers contractors and builders the) neatest pressed building brick on the market for the money. Do not break In shipping, not affected by frost, harden with age and. compare' favor ably with the highest priced brick lm the country. Write for prices and testimonials. 1 1 Knabe Pianos Come and see the new styles just received. A pur chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life time. ... I We sell cheaper Pianos also. Write for catalogues.- Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Second floseY - DONT TOTJ NEED A NEW HAIR brush? We have the best line of them we've ever had and that means that we have them to salt ssyobdy. The very best JAS. P. STOWB CO. A DAINTY LUNCH -A CAN 01 OUR Franco-American punee dotj evr wrae lOo bottle of stuffed olives and nice crisp package of saltinea. Anything else your appetite may suggest ye can furnish you. MILLER VAN NEsCO. IT North Tryon. rOR SALK-CRtJSHED TON IN sises - suitable far all graaae eenefete work. Will quote you delivered prices by wagon er cars 00 application. Fred Oliver, Charlotte, N. C FOR RENT-TORE-ROOM tt EAST i Trade 8t. - Jim N. Poplar, modern I rooms, 2a. wi n. Hrevaro, mooern fl rooms, I. IM N. Caldwell, t rooms. 1211 N. Caldwell, rooms. ' 701 g A, 4 rooms. Other t. A and (-room houses. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON BRO. EVERYTHINO THAT'S GOOD' TO EAT what we have now. OK M RESTAUR ANT. . . ' ,-t. :- TO LET-7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Morehead street, X; s rooms, Pajmer street,, city water free, fiOMj 4 rooms, E. Cth, ti: t rooms, N. Clsrkson. . Houses for eotored tenants, II to tLSe per, week. : Rooms in Sanders' Building for office er bed rooms, ti te IT. - li. L. KEEiiLER, & Tryon St, 'Phone M. ' . - m Above Eveiytliing Eke : , in your purchase of Printing, Blank Books, and kindred supplies, should be considered -:- ; the question of QUALITY. Quality does not mean ornate decoration or elaborate coloring , nor does it necessarily imply "steep" price. v Quality means taste, discrimi nation, harmony in type, paper, and inks. Quality is just as important b lack of it lust as evident ia Botabead as la a catalog. . r We endeavor to give superior quality with every Job we send ont. It pays I both yon and as. - --jotrsrumniym Books, Loose-Leaf, Xerlces, a- Saving, Lithographing, or Print g, send your seat order to . THE 'OBSERVES PRIIT1I3 K2CSE Meeaeeearse ( Veers W7 b Sejrssw K CHARLOTTE, N. C. HATS FOR EARLY FALL Our confidence in J tm Me XW'W We Stetson rests on two factors; ona is the hat itself and the other is the verdict given by the) men who wear an j know it. EeerV Stetse beers die Statsea 1 Have All the Newest FallStvl es in; Soft and Derby Hats . 4 ; Gccis Sent cn A;;rcvEl hhtk A C:r fx;::::.

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