JIIA.RLOTTH DAILY OBSERVER, AUODST 'ID, ICO 3. 2 v WHAT XTllil MRS. HAIX8 DOT Lawyers and PuMIc Alike CarioM a . to Whether ' She Will Stand ' by Hot Hurtbaurt or Maintain He Attitude of Enmity Defendants to - ltsvo limineaC txmnae. Kw York, AuS". IS., A predomi nating Otfure ': --.In he Halns-Aiinli tragedy toniay- was Mr. ; . Claudia. Haina. the attractive younf wife f Capt.' Peter C. Haina, Jr, U. 8. A.. who on Saturday last shot and Killed ' William, E. - Annla, an. advertising manager, at the Bayside Club, while ' hit "brother. T- Jenkins Halna. pre- vented interference by holding -7 : crowd at bay with hla revolver. What the attitude of Mrs. Halns wlll be la of paramount lntereat and Importance to the lawyers for the Halns : brothers and to the district attorney. Rumore were rife to-day ' that Un. Halns will drop hrr hostile ' demeanor" toward her husband and ' will take her place at hia side when 'the trial cornea. . ' . However. thes reports came from so authoritative source. nd Mra u Halns and her lawyers are silent as to her plana Mra. Hains. it is said. - MnmiiH to her home in wassa 1 rhiiuitiii. Her lawyer. Frederick L. K-nrtan of Roston. who came here t advise her. announced to-day that" v. will have a statement from her 1 1 within a. day or so. but he will not iMimti nuhat the statement will fAntafn. Caotaln HainH and his brother will ' : be represented by the best that can be procured. John Intrre. a former assistant : attorney, and MEETIXO OF THAWS CREDITORS Counsel and Referee Blair Fix Sep- , tcrnbf-r 7th a lite. IHU Thaw's ounwl Mlo Petition Asking Leave V . . Ul I -. i-. - V (Pittsburg", Aug. h 8. Monday, Sep tember 7th, Labor. Day. has been set for the first meeting of the creditor of Harry K. Thaw in the bankruptcy proceedings. A representative e. of Stone & Stone, coansel for 'thaw, called on Referee Blair, and tha date for the meeting was agreed upon. It Is said here that Thaw will be here at that time, A thia meeting counsel F. Me district one or tne amosi mw- wn nmrilrlna st the criminal bar was retained to-day, and It was said that an effort Would be made to (jet Martin W. Littleton, who defended Harry K. Thaw, to join the defense. Mr. Littleton Is in F.urope An evenlna newspaper quotes Mr. Vclntyre as saying that Inxanlty will be the defense. General Halns and bis brother Peter A. Halns. a lawyer of Ronton who. It Is believed, will be asorlnte1 with counsel for th deten-o. vlKlted the two prisoner In the Queens county Jail to-dy. Th.-y remained for some time in consultation with the young men. raptain Hains and his brother still remain alm. and advice of counsel, refuse to m.k nv statement r.eardinK the tragedy. Guarding Gen. Ilalnx IVom Annoj- fisndy Ho.k. N. J.. Auk. 18 The commanding officer st Fort Hancock stationed a guard to-day at the qusr ters of Jen P. C Halns. father of the Halns brothers, who are helms held for killing William E. Annis. with orders to prevent unwelcome visitors from approaching too cloiw This Is dom- to prevent any annoy ance to the srent-ral'M wife. Several attempts have been made to obtain photographs of f'apt.iin Hams chil dren and this also will l prevented. INKTITITK AT TIT FARM. Several Thousand Farmer Showed Their Interest by Mt.iwlliur and Learning RrtwtlfW MetluxN of SfTU-ulltire Flue Fthlblt or Colt Flesh Made. Special to The Ornerver. Troutman. Auk. m To-day the annual Farmers' Institute was held at the 'State test farm n;ir SUti-s-vllle with the lnrgeM ntteiiflanrv 't on record. Innteail of a handful f curious spectators which Ml' ndi d t li first Institute held swral .tru the attendance tn-dtty ran up lnt" the thousands and wan comprised chiefly of the aaMcult ural clasn, who came to hear and to l.nrn of the scientific stride mml by the .Stat in their behalf. Hut mixed amnnjr the hayseed ther was a goodly sprinkling of doctors, lawyers, preach ers, manufacturers and tradespeople representing every branch of their calling, all enthusiastic and interested in the doings of the fanner man. Thero were lectures on advanced methods of agriculture ami stock raising for the men; aluo a series of Interesting topics on home life and housewifery for (lie ladles Each branch was handled by able speakers and much good whs done There was a gund-naturcd contest among the county fyrmers as to who had the best colt An arena was Im provised and Into this was placed some 15 or L'O colts, grade I'. rchoi.s. which comprised quite tlo l M show ing of young live s'o.ck t ver exhibited In this counl. The Stale farm has a Very fine Import' d I'erchon s'allion and this one hor: Is doing much o elevate the general awrage of horse flesh It) this eorrnimnit . There was also a di inoiistratloii of Improved farm ma. 1 1 i n 1 . of whlih great cjuantlti.s are In lug Mattered The agrl ultural .i.ith.i.k is innnl promising. More pri.giesH bus b n made along tins 1 1 n within the l.it five years than In any preceding ;u years. Th" MUe ribbon and I Hi gold piece were awanbd Mr H. 'V. 1'rawfurd, Of Hethany township, for tin I" st colt. The red ribbon and 10 In gold were awarded Mr .1 H Harks, of Btalesville, for second best The Judging was done by Mr A I.. French, a noted stockman of Hyrd Vllle, Va Extraordinarily .v slusiing at ihe Camp I'crry lUingc. Camp I'erry. Aug 1 i What is s.d to have been the most elra"M Jinai y long-range rifle , shoot ln ever seen In , America waa at omplis.wd to-day lv Captain K- K '. a. v, ,.f th.- First rtelanare. In the I,.,vh and Wimble don cup mulches, both of hl li he won by rcnrd -ir ak nig scores In rhe Lee h mat h for the cup present ed by Captain li', ,,! the Irish team, which vlslte,j . w Y.irk In 174, a match at son. 1 nim .ini. Casey .r.,i ) i, j ou' .if h possible lOi. In thi lllble,!..,, (KOl-ya'-d thatch tli.s afiernovin he scored !t7. beating the match record of SI made by Captain Itu hard. 'f Ohlo,iti irt'H Casey won Hi' Wimbledon here list year by the ss-ore of tH, utuler very unfavorable conditions. To-day the conditions were nvzry perfect. In the ler ri rnatch Hrlvate Mlner Vlnl, of the Konrth New Jersey, was econd. and 'puln ? v. Wise, of UaVJLachuxttB, third at 9. . w. Seventy Miner .n tombed by Kil Mon In an KnglNIi Kliaft. viTjjan, En.. Au. ii An explo l . lon occiirrcd to-day In the Maypole 4 coal mine. Isslonginf to Messrs. pea' . - aon and Kaowles. The head ear t aad ventilailng apparatus of the mine was destroyed, and about seventy of the miners are entombed. Jt Is fear- ; d that many have been killed. 7 7 Only -the atnalkat hope Is enter , taiaed of saving the entomb d min er. Temporary repairs to the ma . .jrhinerypanabn i rescue Hrrttel'o de.' . acendHnto the adjacent working. :. ealy t find theur way blocked by wreckage and gases. Three dead mln ' ert were found and one terribly mu . . tllated, but atHl alive, and several .' dead ponlea. Foar of the mlnera es csped alive, . A number f the re . ruere were overcome by the fume " aaj. brought te the aurfae uncon acloas. A frenzied crowd of relative and friends of the entombed miner yrround the ' pit mouth to-alf hi, anxlooaiy awaiting newa. trustee id to be selected by the credit ors, or In the event of their failure to do so, Referee Blair will appoint one. The meetlnj is to be held In Referee Blair's office. Tnrough his local attorneys Thaw to-day filed a petition in the United Slates Court asking leave to amend the ached ule in his voluntary, bank ruptcy petition of August 7th. The petition was granted and the amend ed schedule of creditor was filed. The naiiicn of live additional creditors are added. They arc Daniel J. O'Hiel- ly. of -New York, whose claim Is plac ed at SI, nun for servlc-es rendered in lt)7 and iyf8; Frank J. Connolly, of New Yoik. for clerical services SSO; Stone & stone, of Hlttsburg.ssrneyg or local service 1.000, 1908; Charles M om nauscr, of I'oughkeopsie, N. Y., for legal services $100; Dr. John A. Card, of Houghkecpslo, X. Y.. for medical services J30; H. II. Haln, of Houglikeeptiie, for niealB. 166. The old schedule of claims amount ing to J 1. HO. 4 3 is increased and amounts with th claims of the addi tional creditors to S4j5,206.5. The a..-i-lM of $ I 2X.01 2.38, formerly given, remain the sumo. The name f Harry Kendall Thaw appears throughout the petition. The Halm of Mrs. Mary C Thaw against hT son, Harry K. Thaw, was filed to-day before Keferee Blair, ller claim Is for $.'09,874 L'l, said to have be. n loaned on promissory notes, of which the claim states there was 24. ranging from $500 to $20,000, given b twen June 28th. ISO, and August M, 1 f 0 7 . All hut ono of the notes are dated In Hlitshurg. Thaw In his sihedule of liabilities gives his Indebt edness to his mother as $ 1 91,500. but in Mrs. Thaw's claim he la charged with interest. , FOltTCXES OX, TREES. XFXJKOKS WAKXKI) TO f,F.VF Situation at .lelllro hy n Mins Quiet Mve WlUte Miners rreMcil ;rave fVars l-itertalm', by Wis" JlcMda, Though Mine Owner Are Inclined Co Treat Situation l.lglHly. Knoxville. Tenn . Aug. IS At mid night the situation near Jellico, where the uprising of vyhlte miners against negroes ocriirre yesterday appears to be quiet, though It is dlffteult to obtain flWect Information owing to the remoteness of the S'ction. Sher iff Hughes, nf Claiborne cnuntq, Ten nessee, to-day arrested five members of the band, believed to be the lead- j ern, and this has done much to re- lleve t ehsltuallon. j Karly this morning the band drove fifty negroes out nf their homes at 1 Campbell's mine near Anthras. rous- I lug them friitn their sleep, and forcing! them to leave hastily, some half clad, j It Is staled that the members of j the tiand have notified the negroes of eight or ten ramps scattered over several miles to gt out within three days or they will be killed and many negroes and some white residents to day continued to flock to Jellico and other town It was reported also that some time last night a cabin occupied by an aged nogro womsn and five children had been burned, and all the occupants lost their lives, hut this has nbt been verified. Mine owner are speaking lightly of the sltuallon. but that the situa tion -to-day warranted grave fears is not to be doubted though the arrest of the leaders has relieved It consid erably. Sheriff Huddleston's dopu tles are still on guard over the negroeg at Anthras. Threats were sent out to-day against negroes In the Town of frftFoflette and Jellico. but the authorities' do not take them seriously. m; noiik I'liAXNEn. "Push Itockliiirliani Forward" 1uh Will i .reut Things ir It Accxmii-pll-lic What It 1'iirpoNC) liolrig. Sj cl.,1 to The ohsurwi. Itoi kinuh.un. Aug. I ft. The "Push Ito. kiiiKharu Forward" Club, recently orgaril.. d Ik re. with Mr. W. C. Leak as presld. nt and II. I-', rteynotda as seer. tarv. is g.'ttimr riifhf .loan .. business. A big meeting w ill be held I We.ln, M,lay night, August 'th. In thei court lions. Among the inntters the 'bih pr.ipu!.e.s taking up ut on,.,. Hre: j Advertising Hock Ingham. Plcwctt's ' Kails and Its .1.'..noo electrical horse-I power ready for the public at cheap! rates h June Ut, 1 y 0 1 ; Kllerbe Spring', a neighboring resort both; summer ami winter delightful In all r-spicts and a panace for hay fever I and asthma sufferers r,, affording J the liri.st hunting In thr world In' """"'i; ' perr-ctlrig an excellent svsl. m of good roads throughout the entire county. a handsome club build ing a library building, a municipal building, a Conf. derate monument Improvements to the court house, a town park, an electric trolley lino eo,,c,tiTiK rt oc k I n gha m. Hamlet and th.. s. v-r.il neighboring cotton mill villages dnd .osibly Including Hlew 'tls Kails, K ller be HprlngH and Cbe S. C; niaciidaniUlim the streets of Rockingham and i.avlng; the side walks, establishing .-, Ice plant, an 1 in"., u sieani laundry, fei.,r. ;i furniture factory '""i """d factory, a wagon fac lory, at least ten large cotton mills and a number of smaller Industrial Plants It Is 1,10 ,rop,,m.,t t ni,,. H. kliighatn 0 winter resort and In connection ,h, Kllcrbc Hprlngs 11 number of Northern tourists should easily be procured The club is talk ing itself seriously ind u blind man can almost see Itocklngham buggy a sash. Position if 1 ho IT - l. Sydney. ,V H. W.. Aug. m.A wire less dispatch received here given the position of tho American battleship fleet at s p m. T11. sdny as latitude S4 degrees. 39 minutes south; longi tude 159 degree. 16 minutes eat. a distance of 4J0 mile from Sydney. According to tl(e dispatch, a stiff westerly brecite. with a heavy scH. prevailed throughout the day, mod erating toward nightfall. The rough sea caused some reduction In the speed of the warships, but at I o'clock In the evening speed waa Increased tip to 11 knots In order to arrive on schedulo time. The hospital ship Relief was un able to keep up with the other vessels of the fleet and was deft alowly be. j!" .kll . han4-4- Hr,rlnr-f oT ward with Intense Interest to the visit to Sydney. KXCELLEXT HEALTH ADVTCI3. Mra. M. M. Davlaon, of No. J?t otfforg Ave., flan Jnse. Cal.. says; "The worth nt Kleetric lilttora as a ffeneral family remedy, foe headache, biliousness and torpor of tha liver and bowels is mo pro nounced that I am prompted to say a word la Its favor lor the benefit at those seeking relief from such afflictions. Thert la more health for the dig Uve organs la a bottle of fclectr! .Bitter than la aer other remedy I know sfc Hold under guarantee at all drug-Herea. las. r Orchards In the Xocthwet IThtctt - TkeCi rroflta of S 1,004) an .Acre, Technical World,. w. ' ' : "'. In thHoue river ,Talley la south ern Oregon I,' H. 'Hopkins In 1197 made A profit of UJjOOB off aixteeri acres of winter Nell, pears 41.ltT.S0 an acre. In tha same valley O. H. Hover bought tea acres of pear or chard at S(0 aa acre. Fifteen months later the crop brought him IMOO. Eight years ago J. L, Dumass set out fifty acres cf apples near Day ton In the WaJU Walla dUyrlct of southeastern Washington. .In - the summer of 107 he, bought fifty aeree of apple orchard adjoining the prop erty at an investment of 111,000. The apples he picked from " these fifty acres that season sold for 1 1 1,000 and the total crop from the hundred acres reallied' $52.000 a return to the owner of $40,000. A climate and soil that are capable of rearing such monsters as the red wood trees and the sequoias,' which render measurements of vegetablo growth In other regions of this coun try puny and scant, account In part for these bewildering figures. Rut thero are obscure valleys, nar row and dlminultlve, mere pockets. between huge mountains, where in the past no plant- worthy of cultivation ha found so much as a foothold. And It Is in many Just such spots as these that the returns are the hugest. Ir rigation, in such cases, Is the remain ing factor that explains the mystery. The same magazine tells a remark able storv of the success of twe wo men who tried farming In England. They began with five acres In Berk shirr, but found they had too much nd. so they cut down their holdings to less toan half that amount. The teachers of the women were a French gardener and his family, who. with an acre of land In France, sold .500 worth of produce In a year. "In a hare ploughed field stands a square palisade of sine plates enclos ing about three-quarters of an acre." writes a visitor to the farm. "The ground Is all covered with Inverted bell glasses of the kind known In Eu rope as clochers. Under each bell at dans Tut co:.:f mm : QtJCKLT ERADICATED BX NEW (. ; . fiKJN REMEDT. -v 7 Blneethe discovery on year ago. pea lam, the new akin nmv in in extraordinary accomplishments, exceeded oi sanguine expectations of the eminent specialist who gave it to the WOrlQ- It hmm rorl .kAn..,-4. - - -. of ecsema and eradicated facial and oth- f -ir.n!lrmMlU ' years' standing. The terrible itchinr attaninc i.m on- fed With the ft rat application, giving proof set. CUrUV ProPerU very ut- In lews serious skin affections, such ae pimple, rash, heroes, blackheads, acne. barber Itch, mm ih after an . Y.r'"m application, only a small quan- 1 , . required to efteet a cure.. A luuaur or sallow comolexlon la noticeably improved by a single application.' Those who use noalam fnr ihu minor sktn troubles can now avail themselves of the special tO-cnt package, recently adopted to meet such needs. Both the (0-cent package and the regular 12 Jar may now be obtained in Charlotte at R. H. Jor dan Co.'t- and other leading .drug stores.- ;--.. Sample for experimental purposes may be had free ef charge by writing direct to the Emergency Laboratories tl -West Twenty-fifth street. New Tor city. - the time this wrltei- visited the farm were five lettuces. Iettuces were growing around the bells and : other vegetables sown broadcaat were com ing up everywhere. Every Inch , ot the soli bears at least three' crops a year, each of them anticipating the season and therefore producing fancy prices." r-. .; - v. ' - NEW AMSTERDAM HOTEL 1 4tb Ave. A I gist St. hew York 1 Jzoropesa Flaa aoonn with nt of Btn tt sod op. With prt. ?i!TlfTh i tot oa..ti0 for two and upward. New Baths and Plombtno Matt Com' bxatum CitV , railroad farrlei or from Grand """SpeelalB-l-Mad." m HtlU al r.banrfaery, fkmrimmt 1 Ma KtMlel a Ain'lrH- niaMlrtriML ummmm low. WnHlirwi.iia4ww , nilsstalsar.ll I Jeaa.l :SACtf AND- PE17EE';l.lACPliIE SHOPS 1 ; COTTON MACHINERY -. ; Pickers --J" it " Eevolyin. r Flat Cards' : ! Ballwaj Heads J i: l Blubbing ;j Intennediatd'T and and " Drawing Frames A.' Mm, WASHBURN, Boying .Frames ' Cpinnlng. Frames Spoolers .r. and ' l V " Eeels v- ' Southern Agcni CHAELOTTE, XtOBTH ; QJJLQLD&A, ; . '' ' 18S7. I08. duilford College For Both aim ana "Women. Courses in the Classics and In the Natural Sciences. Jjepartnfents In Bible Btudy and In Music' Labora tories for Chemistry. Biology and Physics All buildings supplied1 with pure water and lighted br electricity. Noted for thorough Instruction and high moral ton. . Located In the healthful Piedmont-Section ot North Carolina. I "V For cataieujr address ' It. L. noBBS. Pre-Jdent, Guilford College, North Carolina. Charlotte University School Will open Tuesday, gept. 1. for Its fourth session at the same location, 2nd floor Southern Kxpress Building. All students who expect to be enrolled In the school for this ses aion should make Immediate appli cation. Competent instruction and wholesome association assured. Ad dretts the Principal for information or call at No. S North Myers. Jf. W. GLASGOW. ' i1 THK VACATION QUESTION? THE MECKLENBURG Chase City. Va.. of course: Because it offers greater advantages and at tractions than any other place In Virginia. It Is the home of the famous Mecklenburg Llthia and Calcium C hloride Water. Prominent people from all over the South gather here;, therefore the best and most congenial company at all times. Everything first-class. Special summer rates. Make reservation now. THE MECKLENBURG. Chase city, Va. VADE SPRINGS "The Carlsbad of America." STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Located In the Haura Mountains. The healthiest spot In North Caro lina. Hotel accommodations the ver y best. Cuisine unexcelled In the SouTh All white help employed. F or further Information and full par- r 4ru la rat V a A A raaa QJZABITH C0UI6C AND COSSERYATORY .. OF MUSIC CHABMJTnC, IC. C. i nrk Grade OoTleg fow Women. . . mV 2 Beautiful saburaan tloa, 10 aores camp as, verlooklng the eltyi Haa oildlngs; university sdu eated, esperienoed taac Almi T provide a bread and liberal eultart) for young warn en. Illustrated catalogue sent free an ,. application. b. xnro, A. 8. DafTsa Ceurse ea Ssl with the beat col es for men! elective degree soursea ohooba. Cpadaltiawt DR. H. p. Mcknight, Mgr., Vade Mecum. N. 1 dmi J - nvi- l-ilBlLMi 9 &&&&& Piedmont Building, South Tryon St., in which King's Business College, Charlotte, is located. (iNCOaPoaarto) First Division of the . Fall Term Wednesday, Sep " tember 2d. Shorthand, Book-Keeplng, , Jelea; raphy and English taught by experts. A school with a reputation. The oldest, largest and best equipped business college In the Carolina. Write for catalogue. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE,1 Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. Office of THE MECHANICS PERPETUAL B. & L ASSOCIATION Charlotte, N. C - Aug. 6th 1906 Mo I for the . Fifty Second Series On September 5th commences our fifty-second series, the subscription books for, which are now open. The 39th series amounting to $97,500 matured on July 15th and was pal.d off "Jess as Ea-Ea-Ea-sy as falling off a log as were also the 36 preceding series amounting In all to nearly $2,000,000 . v.; t ; - , We respectfully and seriously call the attention of non-borrowers or Investors to the fact, that by Invest ing with us they will make 6 2-5 per cent, net as against 15-6 by Investing In institutions other than- .Building and Loan institutions, ; c Now Is the Time to Subscribe for the Fifty-Second Series either as borrowers or Investors. !. - R. L COCHRANE, Secretary -""S' - - S. YinKOVSKY, President Presbyterian College for Women CHARLOTTE, N. 0. The 51st session of this old andvell established school will begin September 3d, 1908. Without making loud claims we point tv the work of one-half century. For catalogue address REV. J. R. BRIDGES, President. TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate. Oraduats, Enjlneerrn and Law. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories In all depart ments of Science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Ex panses very moderate. -Aid for worthy students. Young- men wishing- to study Law should Investlfate tha superior advantages offered by tbe Department of Law at Trinity College. For catalogue and further Information, address . f , D. W. NEWSOM, Begtstrmr, , ' Durham, K, O. . y 'IJ ''''mmgmimmmmmmm ITirDEB-KXW MANAGEMENT THE SE L IV YM ETnROPEAir AND AMERICAN. "' : ' - European, ll.lt pr day and p. American, it.tt per day ttad wm, Cafe ' epea day and night '' Prlcee reasonable. The Matt Modern -and luonsat Hotet In the Carolina. 1M ELEGANT ROOMS. li PRIVATE BATHS. Located In the heart of Charlotte, convenient to ' railroad station, street ears and the business and shopping centre. Cater to hlgn elaee eommerelai and tourist trade. -; Table de beta dinners to 1:19. Mnsls.srerr erealnt? to 9:f. - ' -- : EDOAII B, MOORE - . - - . -' - ... ProprMeMk STATESVE.LE FEMALE COLLEGE ; Parents art" now deciding where thslr daughters shall go next Btp-jt tembef. Vute"tr,ll Collejte offers better advantare . everything- being considered than any other school in the State. 7 Send for catalogue and be convinced. Board, tuition and entrance fees for nine months only, f 111.0. Address RET. 3. A. 6COTT.' D. D, , ' . . ' . ' ' ' ' StatciA'lUe, N. C, Trinity Park School A rira -Class Pfeparatory School. Certificates of OraduaUon 'accepted (or entrance to leading Botith ern Coilegss. - - " .. Best equipped Preparatory School In tha South. . .' Faculty of ten efflcers and teach era. Campus of seventy-five acres.' Library containing forty thousand volumes. Wall-equipped gym nasium. High standards and modern methods of instruction. Fre quent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moder ate. Ten years of phenomenal success. ... ' For catalogue and othsr Information, address . - O. M. NORTH, Headmaalrr, - Durham. K. C - - .. -