- chaiilotit; daily u: AUGUST v.- iilE SPORTING WORLD ABEBALL YESTERDAY American League, Washington ; St. Louis , New York 4; retrolt S. Philadelphia : Chlcag V Boston 6; Cleveland 4. ' Kalloual Jueacue., Chicago It; Boston 1' ....-,! Mtuburr 1; Brooklyn 4. 8t. Louis 4; Philadelphia V Cincinnati kNiw lfirt J. 'S:j,r Sootbern eaTM Montgomery Atlanta S rain), f"'" ' -Birmingham 1; Jfashvill 1 (T nmnift, (11 innings. - darkness). ' - v'v. Jf sw Orleans 1; Little Rock a Memphis ; Mobile 4. ,. 6ontl Atlantic Xeaffiie. Charleston Maoon T. . Savanaah I; Augnsu L Jacksonville Columbia 1 .Second game-Jacksonvfll S; Columbt & Ca!l , 4 fta Inning by agreement). Eastern Learne, ' . Rochester S; Baltimore 4. , : Montreal 0; Providence i. - i Toronto 4; Jersey City . Buffalo S; Newark It Virginia lurame. v Danville, I; Norfolk t Portsmouth-; Boanoke 3. 5 Richmond -', Zcmchwurg 8. STAXBIXG Oh TICK CLCBSL Won. Lost Pet . 4 42 .404 .64 42 -04 .3 61 44 .50 .67 44 .553 .55 05 .500 , 47 41 .435 , 40 44 .SW .37 a ,w JEAOUi. Won. Lest. Pet 6S c .vn 62 44 .174 61 48 .wo 6 SO .Ml 62 U .494 53 54 .484 43 . 43 .405 35 72 7 Wtsbarg .. JCtw York .. ' Chicago - Philadelphia .. CtnclnnaXl . - Boston .. .. Brooklyn . St. Loots Detroit ,St, Louis .. Cleveland .. Chicago .. .. Philadelphia Boston .. .. Washington . Mew York .. SO CT HERN LEAOUK. Won. Lort. Tri ll 44 .549 63 4f .54 67 40 .638 63 3 .800 62 M .600 61 'A .486 63 67 .4X2 38 M .372 :ague. Won. Lost. P"t 66 37 .441 64 34 .440 61 5S .4X1 43 47 .430 42 1 .401 39, 2 .386 . "Htm Orleans JJesnvul .. . Memphis .. ,. .Mobile Montgomery . Atlanta .. . IJttle Rock .. . Birmingham v . . VIR ; Richmond .. . Danville .. . Jtoanoke .- .. Portsmouth .. Nortolk .. .. Lynchburg .. Won. Lost. Pet. 76 33 -fff! f,i 4 .574 &1 W .477 4.". M .445 46 67 .407 43 45 .398 Jacksonville Savannah .. Augusta .. . Columbia .. Macon .. .. Charleston .. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburg. Aug. 20.Pittsbur-s lnabll Itr to hit Mclntyre to-day. and the heavy hitting by the visitors gave Brooklyn the " second game of this series by a score of to 1. McMillan, recently ecured by f Brooklyn from Jacksonville, made three hits In three times up. Score: R. H. B. - Pittsburg .. ooo ool cm 1 4 1 Brooklyn .... W .... 200 002 20O-6 15 2 Batteries: Lee-er. Letfleld. Cmnlts snd -CHbse and Phelps; Mclntyre and Berg n. Time 1 50. Umpire. O'Day. St Louis. Aug. 3-Kast fielding and the good pitching of Raymond won for fit Louis to-day's game with Philadel phia. The score was 4 to 0. McQulllen was off form but was well supported. Score: R- M. E. St. Louis 102 009 lflx-4 1 Philadelphia .. .. .. 000 O00 OOD-0 5 4 Batteries: Raymond and Ludwlg; Mc Qulllen. Conidon and Dooln. Time 1:35. Umpire. Emslie. Cincinnati, Aug. Although Clneln ratl outhit New York two to on poor base running and the good pitching of Mathewrson with men on basts prevent ing tallica New Tork was helped In getting runs by the wlldness of Coakley snd an error by Huliwitt, Score: It. M. B. Cincinnati MO 00 DOO-0 I 1 New York 000 100 0011 4 3 Batteries; Coakley and McLean; Methewson . and Breanahan. Time 1:50. Umpires, .Johnstone and Klem. Chicago, Aug. 3D. The locals forced trguson off the rubber after one out In the second inning and pounded Chappelle bard throughout the game. PfelMer pitched a grand game, allowing but five Ingles, snd striking out ten of the vis itors. Score: . R. II E. Chicago ISO oni lix-10 15 Boston 010 000 nio-3 6 1 ' Batteries: Pfelster and Kllng; Fergu son, Chappelle and Graham. Time 1:48. - Umpires, Blgler and Rudderham. AMERICA X LEAGtE. f Washington. Aug. 20. Keely's pitching j and Shlpkes batting enabled Washing ' , ton to shut out St Louis in the Anal ' game of the series. " Score: R. H. E. Wastilngton .. .... 001 000 Kht ! T 0 f St Louis .. ..... , .. 000 000 0000 I t ' Batteries: Keely and Street; Bailey and - Crnlth. Tiros 1:43. Umpires. Connolly and Hurt - New Tort, Aug. SO.-In a stirring ntath , Inning rally to-day New York, using lour substitute batters, two of whom hit safe .. ly. scored twice and won again from De , trolt y a score o( 4 to 3. Ths winning .': run wa scored with two out on Cobb's ' muff of Kietnow's fly. . y- o5 :'v - ' r. a e. Detroit '.. ...1 108 m 2003 . . Nrw Y"ork. t ' V , ,7i "WOtWt 0024 I i . , Bauertes; Winter and Schmidt: man ning and Blair. Tlme 1 jo. Umpire, , ; O-Lougblln. 'V ' . -i.'. ' -- Philadelphia. Aug. 71. Philadelphia to cay won the third straight gams Jrom Chicago by knocking Whtts oft the rub ber in five - Innings. All Bvo runs off --TiUe wre irivea tw hy Msrphy wUb-a . double and hoaie ma. . ' tWre: ( " ' " R. H. E. Chicago . . M. . SOO 010 0001 i 1 phiuieiphta ....... ,43eio-4 Pattertes. White, Own and Sartlvan nd Shaw; Bender and Scbreck. Time 1:30. Umpires, Sheridan Egu. r Tiototi, Aug. 29. Hotoa made K three strict from Cl eland by winning t errors behind him caused the" defeat. Rin: R. H. E. Boston . . ... 300 003 lOx 6 3 Cleveland .. .. .. Oil OU0 O02 4 , 4 S Batteries: Arellanos end Crtger; Joss, Foster and N. Clarke. Time 1:43. Um pire, Evans. i,, . , - . SOCTHERX LiiAGCE. little Rock.' Ark, Aug. VL R. H.-B. New Orleans 008 000 0191 ' a Utile Rock .. ..... eoo 000 eoo- t 1 1 Batteries: Hart and Wood; Brekensteln and Stratton. Tims 1:15. Umpire, fitx stmmona. . . ; , Birmingham, Ala,' Aug. JW. ; A Boore: - Jt lU.t Birmingham .... 071 000 COS 000 001 7 Nashville .. DW 000 001 000 09-1 " 7 Batteries: Bauer , and Raub: Dugitan, Perdue and Seabaugh. .Thne 2:35, Cm plrea. Brown and Carpenter. ; ; (Called, darkness). Montgomery. Ala., Aug. 10. , Score: R.H.E. Atlanta .... 110 000 CO J 4 Montgomery .. .. .... 102 120 00 6 13 3 Batteries: Maxwell and Smith; Bliss and Shannon. Time 1:3V Umpire, Pfen- Dinger. (Called, rain). Mobile. Score: Memphis Mobile .. Ala., Aug. 20.--.: R.H.E. .. 003 100 000-4 3 .. .. 300 000 010 4 11 Batteries: Shields. Kelber and Owen; Hickman. Killlan, Beeker and Oarvln. Time 1:55. ymplres. Mora a arid Wheeler. SOUTH ATLANTIC. Macon Trbna Oiarlesion. Charleston. 8. C. Aug. !0'. Macon caucht on to the curves of tipark man, a local Charleston tvirler, In the sixth Inning- and hammered out three singles, a double and a triple and aided by a batter hit. netted five runs. But Macon kept on playing and scored two more runs in the ninth. The locals failed to score. Murdock, with Ave times up, made four hits for seven bases. Scoret R H E Charleston . . 000 000 000 0 2 Macon. . . . 000 050 002 7 10 2 Batteries: Sparkman and Rclsln ger; Clark and Robinson. Time, 1:10. Umpire, Buckley. Chicks Take the First and Tie Vp the Second. Jacksonville. Fl., Aug. SO. The locals lost the first game and tied the second with Columbia to-day. Er rors were responsible for the visitors' only run in the first game, while Salve held the locals down with one htt. Helm pitched a good game In the second. Score: R H E Jacksonville . 000 000 006 a 1 3 Columbia .,.105) 000 000 1 t 3 Batteries: Lee and Roth; Salve and Cote. Time. 1:30. Umpire, Truby. Second game: Score: R H E Jacksonville. . . 000 100 12 6 2 Columbia. . . . 000 110 0 3 2 2 Batteries: Helm and Miller; Wel sher and Cote. Time, 1:25. Um pire. Truby. (Seven Innings by agreement). Savannah 3; Augusta) 1. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 20. To-day was Merchants' Day but rain just be fore the game was called spoiled the attendance. Savannah won the con test by the score of 3 to 1. The field of Mullln and Haidt were fea tures. Score: ' R H E Savannah . . . 010 200 OOx 2 ( 1 Augusta ... 001 000 000 1 1 Batteries: Richardson and Kahl koff; Hartley and McMahon. Time, 1:43. Umpire, Latham. Hlrkory Hat a Batting Rally and w ln Over Matesvilte. Special to The Observer. Hickory, Aug. 20. In the second and last game with Statesvllle Hick ory won by a score of 6 to 4 in the hardest-fought game of the season. Statesvllle imported Stevens, a crack pitcher, who was In excellent form, and It seemed for awhile that Hick ory had lost the game. But in the seventh Inning, with the score 4 to 2 In Statesvllle's favor, fhe home hoys began their terrific hitting, which they kept up until the finih. Ham Johnson getting two two-bstm hits and Wideman three hits out of four times up. ficore: R. H. E. Hickory S 14 3 StateevlUe 4 S 3 Batteries: Harris and Abernethy; Stevens and Siierrlll. Umpire, Yo der. Checker Association to Hold a Men In Atlanta. Sporting Editor Observer: The Southern Checker Association win tnet In Atlanta, Ga., September 10th, 1908. for the purpose of elect ing permanent officers and to hold a tournament to decide the champion ship of the South. All who wish to enter must send their nasi W to Act ing Secretary J. Sprlggs Hall, No. IS Houston street. Atlanta, Ga.. by the 8th of Heptember. All who can possi bly come are urged to do so. An ef fort will be made to have one of America's Mtrongest p!ayra attend, and there should be many very inter esting games pulled off during the meet , FRANCIS FISHBURNE, Checker Editor Columbia, a C, "State." Columbia, 6. C, Aug. 14th, 10. - Clover Downs wlnnsboro. Special to Ths Observer. , Wlnnsboro.. S. C Aug. 20. In an exciting gam of ball tier this after noon the - Clover ' team defeated the local team by score of 4 to 2. Smith opened up In th box for Wlnnsboro end pitched good ball, but at his own request in th fifth was replaced by J. Davis. Davis pitched an ex cellent game for Wlnnsboro. ss did Riddle for Clover, but th Wlnnsboro team failed to support their pitcher as well as the visitors supported Rid dle. Clover .secured four 4iKs off Smith and on off Davis, while' 4ft locals got five hits off Riddle. Bat terlee! ciover-Rlddle- m-teJVom Wlnnsboro Smith, J. Davis and El liott. Wilson snd Wilmington to Flay For Champlooahlp. y Special to Ths Observer. . V ' - Wilmington, Aug. 20. Wilson, the winner of th first series in the East H Caiullii l,aa.ie has decided a accept the challenge of WilmfhTlmri winners of the second series, to play J lot the championship, and ths first mm will be played tier to-morrow. Three, games will be played her and thr tn Wilson and 4a case the- sev enth Is necessary to decide th cham pionship It will be played at sum neutral point, perhaps Raleigh or Geldsbcro. ONTHE HAC2 THACII. Sew Record at Empire City Tracli. Empire City, N. Y.. Aug. 20. Footpad. the 2 to S favorite, easily won the Wake Held stakes, 6H furlongs, at Umpire City to-day.' and In doing so created a new track record for the distance 1:0 1-. which is one-fifth of a second taster than the best previous time.. -. : Roseben started in the third race, but second to Nimbus was the best he could do. Summaries: ; ' . k .; First race, selling, mile and a sixteenth' Gowsn, 3 to 1, won; Mombassa, 3 to 1 place, second; Goloonda, 3 to tv show, third. Tuna 1:43 3-6. c-; - . Second race, ' 6H furlongs: ' Mascara da. 1 to 3. won: Th Pippin, I to 6, place, sec ond; Krlklna, out, aho w, third. : Time 1:01 3-6. . ; .;. : Third race, Jiaodlcap, furlongs: Nim bus, 3 to M,. won; Roseben, even, place. second: RlsJto, 1 to 3, show, third. Time 1:13 -: - - . -:--v- . Fourth race. -the Wakefield stakes. 6H furlongs: Footpad, S to', won; Dick Rol ler, 3 to t, place, second; Torbelllno. to A show, third. Time 1M 1-L Fifth race, handicap, ' mile: Golden Pearl, 4 to L won: Master Robert, to 6, place, second; Falcada, .3to, show. third. Tims 1:40. ' : Sixth race, selling, mile and' a sixteenth: Colonel White. 7 to- 3. won; Lord Stan hope, 1 to 1. place. -second: Rockstone. 2 to 8, show, third. Time 1:47 2-e. . PoitcbkevptUe Summaries. Poughkeepste, N. T., Aug. 26,-The three races that made up to-day's pro gramme in the grand circuit meeting at the Hudson " River. Driving , Park, were won In straight beats. . Margaret O trotted one of the pret tiest races of the meeting. She was nev er headed. Hedgewood Boy fulfilled expectations by winning the 2:04 pace, but be bad no easy task. John A. made the pace for first part of each heat, and the first beat waa a hard fight in which Hedgewood Boy nipped out John A a (ew feet from the wire. Summaries: The Duchess, 2:12. pacing, (3 In 5), purse 31,500: Jerry B. won; Fred D. . second; Charley Hal, third. Best time 2:05. . 2:04 pacing (2 in 3), purse 31.000: Hedge- wood Boy. won; Black Lock, second; John A., third. Best time 2:03 3-4. :0f trotting (2 In 3), purse 31.000: Mar garet O. won; Locust Jackson, second; Del Coronado. third. Best time 2.-07C Wadesboro wins In 1 even Lb Inning. Special to The .Observer. Salisbury, Aug. 20. One of the snappiest : and moat hotly contested games of ball ever seen on the local diamond was waged this afternoon at Fulton Height (Park., when allbury crossed bats with Wadesboro. At the end of the ninth snalng the score stood 2 and 1 and it required eleven (in nings to decide the contest, the Anson boys sqorlng In the elsventh. with two mors goose egzs for the local team. The feature of the gams was the triple play In the second inning, with a visitor at the bat. a man on first and third. The batter knocked the ball near Hobbs, the Salisbury pitcher, who secured It- put It to sec ond, second sent K to first and first sent It to the plate, each play putting the runner out. Batteries: Wadesboro Eldrldge and Moore; Salisbury Hobbs and Slnki Rain Breaks Up Charlotte-Laurlnlrarg os me in seven in. Special to The Observer. Laurinburg. Aug. 20. Rain put an end to the game her this afternoon between Laurlnburr and Charlotte In the seventh inning, neither team hmv- inb scored. Score: . ' R HE Charlotte ' 0 1 2 Laurinburg 0 5 0 tsatteries: Drumm and Baum. garner; Temple and James.. . . ? One-Artucd Pitcher and One-Legged ta toiler. Newbern Journal. We had an exciting gam of base ball a few days ago at th ball grounds of this place between Aran shoe and Grant bo ro teams G rants -boro's pitcher, a one-rmd man, and a one-legged man behind the bat, re sulting In a score ot to JnAvor of Grantsboro. CHILD PAIVFCIjLY BCRXED, Matr-h Placed to Blank Cartridge and Powder Scorches Little Fellow's Face Postofflce) Clerks to Form Organisation allbnrlana Interest ed in Trial of Mrs. Kthel Blair. Observer Bureau, 421 North Main Street. ' ' Salisbury, Aug. 20. Bruce, the 7-year-old child of Mr. Isaac Lyerly, of Chestnut Hill Salis bury's hustling southern suburb, was painfully burned this afternoon. The child in some manner got 'in posses sion of a blank cartridge and struck a match and. placed to It, the pow der Igniting gnd badly burning the child's face. Th attending' physi cian Jias hopes of saving th little fellow's eyes. For some Mm- the clerks In the Salisbury postofflco have been agitat ing th organising of st Stat asso ciation of postofrlcs clerks, similar to that of the letter carriers, and a meeting of those Interested la to be held In Charlotte next Wednesday, the 2th tnst., the date of th Re publican Stat convention, this day having been selected owing to the fact that reduced rates are obtain able. It la believed there will be a large attendance at the meeting, and that a permanent Stat organisation will be formed. Much Interest Is felt her In the coming trial in Columbia, 8. C, of Mrs. Ethel Blair. for th killing of her husband, Capt. Cully W. Blair. Captain and Mrs. Blair wars married In this city, where she was reared from childhood. uid lived her for a number of years after their mar riage. ' A sister, Mrs. R. L. Murphy, of the late Captain Blair is a resi dent of this city, ' ' , - . Mr. J. A. Roberts has purchased the grocery stor of Mr. Q. A. Li Laker at th twitch on th ' North Main Street extension. Mr. Roberta will also continue Tls business in East Spencer. Mr. J. L. Reld, a well-known farm er of th Craven neighborhood, says he. hss on his place a f-reonths-old lamb which has thre wen developed horns, the third horn being between the second horn and left ear. , v; Lima, Peru, Aug. 20 Anna Peck is preparing tojresumo iter hazard ous mountain cmb ar!y next week. She was urpried - whew Informed that ah liad been reported lost. t-n rept lek'i wrrv 9AXES LETS OOT WELL. ' Everybody in Zanesvllle. O.. knows Mrs. Mary Lee, rural routs I. She writes: -u hustsnd. James Lee, firmly believes - f1 1 6Vfy: Hl-4aeraajB. verely affected that consumption semmui InevltsW. when friend recommended Kw Dswv-y- W tried It and tie use has restored him te perfect health."- Dr. King's New Discovery is- the King of throat snd lung remedies, for coughs and coMn it has no equal. The first done gives relief. Try it. fold wnder guarantee at all drug store . Kc ana $1.00. Trial bettl tre. - cramzk. About One Hundred Graduate At tentl Meetlnir In TlalelghThree 5 1rtr Granted -Chairman 1 JkT jaices lp' Oanipnljrn Work Two ijoojanga xr benator Overman S 'i'.S Observer Bureau; ' ; The HoUeman Bulldinr, -r Raleighi Aug.'20. -Tns North Carolina Association of the) Deaf wat . organised . hers to-day with D. R. TilUnghast. of Morganton president. The organization Is to be completed at the final session to-morrow. About 100 deaf mutes, graduates ohe State schools her and at Mor ganton, attended from every j?art of tha, Stat. John C." Miller, of Mor- ganton. .'who has been th . prime mover tn assembling the deaf mutes for organization, called ! meeting to oraer.' P. I Ray, of Greensboro, was mad . temporary chalrman, ' and Robert ft Taylor. N)f Mount Olive, tem porary . secretary. Committees were appointed for Various purpose's to re port to-morrow. The delegates spen 1 no uicruuonxm uia street cars see ing thejlty, with John E. Ray. 'super Intendent of th ' Stat school here, as conductor. Indicating points and sights of interest in the sign language. Chairman A. H. Eller. of the North Carolina Democratic executive com mittee, has arrived here to take up regularly the headquarters work, hav ing spent ten days principally In west em Carolina seeking recuperation and Incidentally taking th pulse of west ern Carolinians. . He says th Dem ocracy of th western conntiea never presented a better fighting front. -He is getting right down, to the routine detail of th campaign, which is to open very soon now in full blast. Announcement la made from head quarters that United States Senator Lee &. Overman has been booked for campaign speeches at Hi I labor O Au gust 2th and at Dobson, Surry coun ty. piemoer urn. - . Three charters wero issued to-day. These ar th Poryofse and Fish Product Company, Buxton, Dare coun ty, capita! 2100.000 authorised and 31.000 subscribed, by T. T. Hicks, Henderson, and D. Martin Terkes and others, of Pennsylvania; Pane Puce t t ! i t MI vlH ;; SASH, j; DOORS, I BLINDS I! AND GLASS : Largest stock La ' the Carolinas. ; Get our prices j Before you buy. I B. F. WITHERS i Distributor BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. CHARLOTTE, JT. C frHtT4fH 1 4 t PURE WHISKIES (Direct from Distillert, ) ' '. Boy jroar Wbiskkg from in old estiblisbed house. : ' We owb oar distillery and; sblp direct to the consumer, prepaylij all express charres. - Below are a lew of oar apeciaU. , ' . '-. . Ifsllfsh. spa, Likt Dsaa (extra) . $IM to.71 $19.66 Maar Straltht Rye . 4M 8.M 12J6 Ceatlsrt Rya (feed) 2.56 4.71 7 66 Moaatala Blead . .',. 3.66 1.7$ 8J6 Fatally Cera (M). . 2-50 6.7S 16,66 SsecUl Csra L50 4-71 7J6 BreacboQIa....... iM e.71 16.66 014 Tw 01. ..... . . 286 4.75 JM I Any of the abovebrands supplied m cases of quart, pint or half-pint bottles. Write for complete price list of. Wines, Cor dials, Liquers, Beers, etc. ' . - Acaim roa - VCOlfSUMUUlBREWTNaCO. Brewers f "ftselabraa' and "Seaside" Noa-Aleebolie Beer. fiatf l-4ti. Itaf ssatf srscr. 'earn stow ctrfiTMdsxtli W hav a com pi t lin of Tiffany, ; Sonar Band and Oval Wddrag Rings, 16 and 82k. Engraving fr ; Also ' a Q new stock 'of rUtefttl'sBlg- M set Rings fort ladle and W1- fiAIUBAlDi;rBRUHS . & DIXON Finest DEAF JILT I Repairing Department la lb Bute. ; ni""" 8 vtlliam rir.Tii, rr.rs. ; . ' - JS..,C0TIIBA1T, (Incorporated), ..WInston-Ealem. ; cap ita iza.uuu authorized. 30.000 aub scribed 1 by D. H. Blair. George F. uwire and otners for developing Park Place: the Rubright Liniment Com. Wtny. Newbern. 35,000 capital au-t-l0rled, 31,000 subscribed bv. 3. W. waters, josepn uaskin and others. An amendment is filed for the Prltcbard Horton Company, Durham, changing me name to. me Perry-Horton Com- Joe iAnc Out on 98,000 Bond. Special to The Observer. - , ... i Asheville, Aug. 20.V Josenb Lul charged with th kllll-ng of V Alma ureen by a, random , shot t . Buena Vista station December 21st. 1007. and convicted of manalaughter, - was released h is afternoon on .- -28,000 bond" pending tut appeal of the case to t weak and ailing women, there Is at leas) on waytobelp. Bat wttb that war, two treatments, stud be combined, ' One is local, one Is cootttto. tUnal. but both are important, both eisintisl Sr.81iAO'sKlgMCurlstlMLoeaL V : Tt. 8!oop's Beatoratlve. she ConstltotlonaL The torswi Dr. ftboop'i XlgbtCore Is a topical stueous membrane supposttorg remedy, wail Db Sboep'sKestontfvels wholly an internal toeaa ateat Tb Sertoratlv reaches throughout th entire tystesn. seeking the repair of all star all tissue, sad aU Mood sJfcnsnts. - , . c - The "Nlaat Cora", as Its nam tmpttes. doss tta weak while yoatlsep. Usoetnesaoreaadlnaaav edBUOous scrsMse, assls local trwakaeasaa and eltsoasiges. whlla tb Kaatomtive, eases nervoos SBdaasHat, gives renewed vigor and ambition. As np wasted tissues, brlsgtne shout feaewed streagto, vigor, and anry. Saks Dr. aboep's BaatnmUes Tabtoss or Liquid sss general tonre touiyieaBB. IpoaWveloosJalp.tiseaswa ' UULLENS IHARUACY. : 7 0 J Veatr Women Sores and Ulcers are indications of impure blood. . Ther show that the circulation has become infected with germs and poisons, which are being constantly discharged into the open place to irritate the delicate nerves, tisanes aad surrounding flesh and keep the sore in a state of inflammation and disease. Whether these impurities in the blood are the result of some debilitating sickness, ap. old taint from a former disease, or whether it ia hereditary bad blood, there is but one war ta cure am-ea and nicers, ana uat is to puniy tne duxxl wasnes, salves, lotions, etc, are often bene ficial because of their cleansing:, antiseptic effects but nothing- applied to the surface can reach the blood, where the real cause is, and therefore cannot cure, & S. & is the remedy for sores and ulcers of every ine trouble ana removes every trace 01 impurity ot poison, ana makea a lastina cure. S. S. & changes the quality of the circulation, so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes and heals the irritated, inflamed flesh and causes the nicer to nil la witn Healthy tissue by on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice xna. swift FINE i WIsISCUES r AThFULL I don't cot the quality of whiskey in order to pay express. -I GIVE YOU FULL VALUE IN THE WHISKEY ITSELF ! ' If you want every eent of your money's worth in Whiskey Quality . instead of a lower grade) allowing for expressage, send ma your orders. ' Below are a few of my specially popular, brands, every one of which represents the very highest quality obtainable for the price: . ; Lincoln Count jr ' 4 full quarts Lincoln County $2.08 4 full quarts Old Hickory lis, 43o-.... S.EO 4 full quarts White Oak S.00 4 full .quarts Moccasin Club . -. r 4.00 CernWhlikey j. 4 full quarts Hamilton Co. Corn...... S2. 00 4 full quarts 8werMaah Cern 8.00 4 fall quarta North Carolina Corn .. .. 2S 4 fu II quarts Old Mountain Corn-, . ... 2.60 4 luu quarts UIA lops nam V ' Remember. I pay fioexprees. but give esahprkee. All goods guaranteed un4r ta Pure Food and jOrus Act f Jooa St, 190ft. , ; E; B. GIBSON FINE WINES AND LIQUORS . - To the Consumer at Lowest Cash Prices - s 19 EastSeventh Street .. '. Sand for complete Pries ) For Sale by all Druggist! s " fif sT'slsT1" M FRAXJv 79 llilk Street, Eoziollass r-fTTi Southed Representaflie, 05 Trust Eldg., CHAELOTTE II. C. 9 TQ P .. dJO' t AJjout "leaky: roofs and useRex Flintkote' Roofing. ; .- $ot sale only by ' . iV CHARLOTTE SUPPLY CQ. V: : - We carry every thingjri Mill Furnishings. . '!. th Supreme . Court. I After- the Jury tiad convicted. Judge Ward imposed a sentence of nine years in the peniten tiary and Ion this judgment of eh court the defense appealed, th ' ap pearance bond being fixed at 68,000. tfExprett pire 'ptuaon txca IalotU44$35 1 QALIONJUQ $3.0 2 QAUON JCQ $5.0 4MlfltvMles$3-25 XXFRXra IatIAIOtaaaysssoB Una of Ulilitrm A4aawBiaaas O0.1 ioIbm beraae mii 60s to aae price of eaa -u. aa audio the a a blah-eru. old tuhi),i. tun drftTnK K V Biodo wljnil7ad audio . w. th. Kt dutillm Im N. O. aa4 oaorf whiqw 1. mmm oiraoa w wsssssaassw tv aPPM ,M?VK.IM..PWli oaoo. wfvwtiuiovviiim unH bwaos or uvoruaa, par Bo mia or aaiam ba sl"e nili Ttlae mn 1bm 01 lour aeeeev bstoh. n 4 aoar Order or Gaooioio obeok aad we will mid tk Wkla kr br " Aapreaa. All Oharcoa PIlKPAIU. BotoraaraM BaalltoB b4 BaHoas lot Nil prioe-liaU traaw I HEAtS ? 4- GfWUE& K TTTI IIT17Tlf? UltCu? aHIILI UJLJCalU kind. It gets down to the very bottom of supplying It witn pure, rich blood, Book desired sent free to all who write, v ovjuiixw w.t ailatua, ua. ' Kre - . ' ' 4 fall quarts Old Cabinet Rye. ........ 100 4 full quarta Babnmt S. 60 4fullquartaHamiltMiCo.Clab...... S OO 4 full quarts Gibson's 4 Star 4.00 .-Branetlea . jl. v 4 fufl quarts Apple Brandy,. :. $2.00 4 full quarts Imperial Apple Brandy.. S.60 4 full quarts Fine Old Apple Brandy.. $.00 4 full quarts Very Old Apple Brandy., 4 08 : 4 full quarta Georgia Peach Brandy. . aoo ' the best anode to the eonamnar at tfca Uwat . - ; Chattanooga, Tenn. List sad Order Blanks, -in ' ' - - and Mineral WaterJDealera. B. .COi;i.3, Tlt-e IT-?. end'Treas.' i jblMlXHSCF HYDSAUUC rLrtrrpif!: ,111.1,. ..i,iipi ...... V r-aivn,ivsajau 1 tAM ,. FJuLLAXTON EC CHARLOTTE. NjC. of lie Prcperty cf tfcc 5 Odell MaifactiinnCCo HCCSCOSMLC'V ; Wednesday, Sept 16, By virtu of-a decree of th TJnlted -' 6Ute Circuit Court, for th Wstra District of North Carolina,' entered at Oraensboro, on th 6th day of August. ltOt. In a certain suit In equity ntl tled -Th ContlnenUl Color - and" Chemical Company et al., as plain Uffs. versus ' Odell Mahufacturlny ' Company, as defendants. 2 will, " on . Wednesday, h Kth day ot 8ep. ' tember, 1101, at th hour of noon, la ' front of th offlc of fh Odell Mand-1 facturlng Company, In th Town of Concord. N. C, offer for sals at publlo aucUon to th highest Bidder for cash all of th property and assets of th '. Odell Manufacturing Company, - con sisting of its real estate, manufactui- v Ing establishment Including; all ma. chlnery, etc., the ra-Weoton 'on hand. C manufactured aeods, 1U bills and ac- " eounts receivable, lta Investments la other , corporations ' Its . franchises and aU of its other property of vary kind and character. ; ... Th mills tktl be operated te an,d' lncludlna th day of sal and th -etpek In process of manufacture, 'to gether, with . supplies and repairs , on hand, will b Included -and sold wlth th mills. i , f j Th term of aal will- be cash upon confirmation by th court, but a de posit of I per cent, cash or security ; satisfactory to rne, will be required of ' th successful bidder or bidders; and ' any creditor or creditors shall have, th right to us hi or their debt to ' th extent of their dividend valu in the purchase 'of this property. The property will be first offered for sal In six separate parcels, aa la mm hereinafter set out. and afterward all 1 ' of th property of vry description will be Offered aa on , lot, and the aal which reaulta In th highest pric will be reported to the United States Court at Greensboro. N. C on Octo ber J( It 08, at which time and place any person interested may be heard by th court either In opposition to. or In favor of, confirmation of aald aale, - and no notice - other than this advertisement will be given of ' said report of sale, or ' of th motion to confirm same. . ' . - The property will first be offered In six separate parcels, aa follows: (1) The Odell Mills proper, con sisting of Mllls-Noa 1 to .Inclusive, situated at the head of North Union street. In ths Town of Concord, N. C-. and containing together - 3$, lit spindles, 1,774 looms, with th neces sary subsidiary machinery, power plants, etc Th real estat upon which . thee mills ar situated -and W . KltU W1UI 1I1BII WUtA.U . oaa hundred . acres..' antf on It ar V sltuatsd 14 tenement houses, and -the company's storss and warehouses, office buildings, to. Th mill build ings are substantial brick structures and vary in height from on to four stories. - 1 -v - -. t v ' . . ( Buffalo Mill, a brick structure , containing three stories and basement. ' with 15.41s spindles and. ths necessary and usual , subsidiary machinery,, power plant, etc., with about thirty acres of land,, on which Is sltuatsd -twenty-six tenement houses, ware- houses, etc. The properties men tioned under first and second items all He within city limits. Buffalo Mill is located Immediately upon thnain. lin of th Southern Railway Com pany, with sidetrack running Into th property. Th Odell Mill ar located upon a short spur built out from ' main lin of Southern - Railway. ft) All th raw cotton' which shell be on hand at the day of sale; a list. of same with th number and weight . of ' bales will b exhibited. (4) All th ' manufactured : goods which shall he on hand at th day of aale, a list of which -will at that Urn be prepared and furnished. , . . ' (S) All th notes, c hoses' In action and all bills receivable, snd all In vestments in other corporations of th Odell Manufacturing Company, and all other property not specifically mentioned, a list of which will be ex hibited to prospective purchasers, b. for ana at tn oay ox saie, . () Several teams, a list of which will b furnished on th day of al After th aaie in parcels, as afore- - i said, th ntlr property will be J4VM fere for sale in gross. The ; pur-; ' chaser will , acquire all corporat right and franchises of the a. defendant.' - - This is a very valuable wdDerty. located In a rjn town and in th heart of th most successful manu facturing section of th South. Th climate Is healthful and Invigorating. The hlp"V efficient and - contented. A fin quality of cotton is grown in th immediate vicinity of th milL , I will take pleasure in giving sriy further information in my power to ' prospectlv purchasers and my rep- irearata.tlve, Mj J. R. Toung. at Coo- cora. it. y, wi.j iKe pleasure in showins; the abov ' property to those' desiring to Investigate. The title is perfoct, and the purchaser will hav quiet possession - without anhoyarc or litigation from any source. CEASAR CONE, Receiver, ' . : Greensboro, -N. C. August I, 1101. . u

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