10 CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, AUGUST 23, 1CC3. 3ARRIAGES.i . - . v . . . v i . .... .... . . - - - T f ths State i EWS O i Happening! of yesterday Told 1 Paragraph SfrCurry-Pope, at WimOon-Salem. I .Correspondence o( The Observer. ... . . . Winston-Salem. ! Ante. 28.- Miss Partheni C .Pope and Mr. Jt M. Mc- Curry were Quietly-married 4ast even Ing at the reeidence of Rev. Dr. H. A crowd estimated at between five I A. Brown, of the First Baptist church. em six thousand saw John Kownson si " fv .""a - onuegroom us at Hickory Wednesday.- despite J ave many friendsjherft. j. r the threatening weather. Wlngate-Brown, at Spencer. O.overnor Glenn has offered re-1 Special, to The Observer. -ward of ISO for the negro, 6ld Ciena. aerueed of the murder f Henryj Wherry, colored, In Forsyth county. - - - . . ... , i , . ' ' : The condition Of FireinaaV Phillips, tniured in the wreck at Saluda Tues day nteht. when Engineer London ; was killed, Is reported as favorable. Mr, Phillips is being given medical attention at Tryohv 8peneer.rAugr.27.--A' marrtagel In which two well-known Spenceriajis were the -principals wasconsumated here last night when Mrs. Dema M. Brown became. the bride of Mr. John P. Wineate. the ceremony belnx oer- formed in Spemcer Methodist church by the pastor, Rev. it. D.'- SherrlU. A large congregation - witnessed the nuptial event., attesting the .high re gard in which: both the parties are -It la renorted at Ashevllle that the I H .i.? fZXSEL mnther and sister of the late Jultffl 1 j...v.... , ., ku. u. -tint jrrea jioore, r win 1 liam A. Kinney, a very Intimate friend with trohoid fever at . Brasstown, mif ,, , h. man Clay cownty, and that they have not j The uj,ero n-ere Messrs. George W. vet bee informed of Judge Moore's j Robinson, gebe Perry, Robert I death. I Julian and L. Tobias Brown, all well , , i . . t v i known cltttens her. The fifteenth judicial district Dem- j A wedding march was artistically . ocratic convention has been called to I rendered by Mrs. W. B. Duttera, of be held at Ashevllle September lrth Salisbury. ?. ' '" ' 1m mr the turnoso of nominating- a lodge I Th tiae M graceruiiy attirea in n .C. . v..rv nneroired term I ray voile over lacr.fter tafTeta. whila f the late Judge Fred Moore. There the maid of honor wore a pink crepe are two candidates, juag j.j. iiur-1 hundreds of relative and pry ana uapi. -.b, ... ;;; friends there was a large number of - k . w. I out-of-town vlsitoss. Among tnem , TlW -extremity oi i belni M) Ethel Xorthey and M atreet. winston-aiem, wn w j p. Taylor, of Charlotte; Mesars. T. with bitullthle at an early date at a c Utnu Burtoa craige, 0. K. Julian . cost of 114,000. The property owners an MUs setnie Shaver, of Salisbury; . have asreed to CV one-tenth on each Mr. and Mr. I.. C Rldenhour. Messra. side. The plea for the Improvement B,n Kelly and Monk Clark, of Dan- of Fourth street between xraae anu Vilie; I. H. Eianage ana x. ts. tiogan, ' Summit Is supported by widespreaa I of Greensboro. :n,.bii nnintnn. anrf It Is lllcbly hat The bride and groom were the re Oils imoortant thoroughfare will be I ciplents of many handsome presents. - bltullthised aoon. also. , I ,AXter the ceremony Mr. ana Mrs. J IWlngate left at once for a tour of : . ni.i utMi at. I Northern and Eastern cities accom ;v: - washing V. C, . re- P"1"1 b " laughter. Mis. Ella orts the Issue of the following Brown CONSTIPATED? patents on the ISth Inst, to residents of North Carolina: Mschlne for mak- FIXE EXGI.VEERIXG FEATS. Inz tags and affixing thent to plugn of r-. ninrfM ni.i rtoaA tobacco, W. E. Msrtln. winsion-aa- - w,. ;oh n-rlin i,. Be Splendid One Mr. Taylor (Talks. lem. aanlenor of seven-thirtieths to O M, Davis, same place, and E. J. Davis, Oreensboro: pen and pencil holder, W. R. Crawford, Jr.. Raleigh: comb! Anything, about the new coal-carry- nation toy and educational block, O. lnf road through the mountains ,. of at bar-O. 8. Sergeant. Oreensboro. Carolina - of Interest to Charlotte i 1 people, owuij 9 inn ikci ini ii wn WILL HASO NOVEMBER 20T1L necU wJtn ,ne Se.board at Marlon. Jeath Senteneo Imposed on Lewis and. therefore, will bring Charlotte HETDACHE? ; THE WATIOfiAL BAN 11 . -e- or -CHARLOTTE.!! OI1 COAELOTTE, If. C. ' Capital . , i ; . $ 200,C 00.00. ; i Surplus and Profits.. ... ... 1 . . . 1CQ,CC0.00 Accounts Corporations, Finps and Individuals : - .--i. ; '5 j ..Invited.' ; ' : We Issue Certificates of i Deposit Payable on De . mand .Bearing Interest ? at 4 Per : Cent. Per v : ; ; Annum if .Left Three Konths or linger. 4 We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Sayings Deposits and !. - Compound tlie Interest Quarterly. ' GEO. E. WILSON, President. ' V - JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. V : -, - ; ' .W; C.WILEINSOK Casnferr Very Dsrable Residence and Manufacturing Property for Sale 10 1-i acres of land 8 1-2 mlles south of the c'.ty on R. R. and N macadam on which Is located a modern 10-room residence. Barn , 20x80 feet, gin houe w!Ui complete Murray ginnery outfit, double .. box press,, automatic trampers. etc., three 70 -saw gins, 3-story mill house with basement, three corn mills and one burr wheat mill, need house 20x6 fet All machinery run by power supplied by the Catawba (Electric) Power Company,, whose main line runs within about 200 feet of this property. Blrty horse-poweT In- , duction motor, brick power ' house 80x30 feet.- Seed blown direct' - from-gin to seed house on. R. R. fcldetrack, grain unloaded from ' car at the mill by elevators. All buildings lighted by electricity. - Everything practically new and in fine condition.. We are offering this property at about 80 per cent, less than cost. ; SOUTIIECI REM. ESTATE. 10AN S I TLUST C0"?A:iV ' Capital, $75,000. I; Surplus, $100,000. v-;- W. L ALEXANDER. R. A. DUNN, A. M. McDONALD, 4. President ; Vice President-. , Sec and Treaa, llrthcr YMtcrdar Morning by r Julia ; Juatlre-No Protupeet of , Escape lor Prisoner. - Unless some Ugat agency Inter- venes to save him, Lewis Fletcher, confessed slayer and convicted murderer of George Boyd, colored, will : ascend the gallows In the In very close touch with the mam moth CllnchfleM coal fields of Vir ginia and West Virginia. The follow ing from The Winston-Salem Journal will be of interest: 'Mr. W. B. Taylor, Jr., who has Just returned home after spending the summer with a large construction Mecklenburg jail yard on the 20th of force of the Carolina, CUnchfield aV (November and be hanged by the neck Ohio Railway in eastern Tennessee tintil he la dead. This was the and western North Carolina, ts en- eentence imposed yesterday morning thus'""0 over some of the '"llneer. v t ... , L. ... , ... ing feats on that line. Thla road, , by Judge M. H. Justice, following the wlwn completed, w,u be one of the returning on' Wednesday morning of best. If not the very best railroads In v a verdict of murder In the first de- the co-untry traversing mountainous gree. The crime occurred on Sun- country. No expense is being spared oay, August th, teas than three I and the engineers do not allow weeks ago. I grade of more than 1 per cent any- . uttle ceremony and little of the where. In tine place twenty-seven dramatic marked the imposition of I miles of expensive road was Con ine . sentence or aeatn. The speech I mfrtiri Ha set nine miles down Mr. Ben Smith Preston Critically 10. Mr. E. R. Preston, of the Charlotte bar. has been called to Atlanta, Oa, where his younger brother, Mr. Ben Smith Preston, Ilea critically ill with typhoid fever. It la understood that slight hopes ' are entertained for -the recovery of the young man who is so universally esteemed in the whole city.' Mr. Preston does not Know when he will return to his home. His actiona will be entirely governed by any change In the condition of his brother. . Dr. McKanna Cures the Liquor Habit to Stay Cured of the Judge was brief. .He re- mountaln. In this distance "tore are ih who!M CO" .u. ..)..r m.ieh winding and mission he had been convicted, In that be bad taken that which he twisting, could not aiva. "I rn rv von nn "A part of the force with which Mr. " . i . . better advice. he said, "than that Taylor spent the summer was .in you spend the remainder of the time making a fill across a valley, more between now and the date -of your I than 000 feet long, and. In some execution In asking the mercy of theiniacea 95 feet deep. This nil Is S3 w wmwe jaw you nave feet wide at the top and three to nve God will listen In mercy to all who pray to Him la that way. I see for i ou no hope at all f r a new trial , tor your life. All that I can recom mend to you la that you pray to be prepared to meet that Lame God of , Justice and of mercy." in prisoner bearl the sentence years ago a trestle would have been built for this valley probably, but per manent construction, regardless of cost, hi the plan of the Carolina, Cllnchfleld A Ohio Railway people. "Mr. Taylor aaya that the line will be In operation for freight trains "with outward imperturbability. There from Marlon to Johnson City, Tenn., aeems to be -little doubt that the sentence will be carried out Al though the usual form of appeal was gone through with, it Is doubtful whether the move Is eonsummaLed. There seems to be nothing whatever to oo;ect to in the way the trial was carried on. by the first of the year." THE WEATHER. Washington. Aug. 71. Foresaet: Vlrslnla, partly cloudy and warmer Fri day: Saturday fair, warmers light winds Mecklenburg court came to a clone Lmilr northeast about 11:30 o'clock. A few minor North Carolina, fair Friday, wanner In cases were disposed of before the the Interior; Saturday lair, warmer; fresh i"rr.weu worai were said. Bob northeast to east winds. xniier, wno nad carried concealed I ,,th r.rntin. an nrr! fair Vrt- - capons, aas given lour months on I.,. in o, ir,trnr- R.inrriuv 'fnr.'.m.HeLm, wnlifi' ot Klr': ''ah t fresh winds mostly north xour months on the charge of steal, -ant ing cnicitens. joe Brown, white. ,""-aa given 80 days for non-support BIG MKLOX8 IX TOWN, '.Berrvhin Fimuw Hrtn. 4. urrtay, variable winds. ,t- the Averare Weight of -Wlilch Ert T'T' ,8jr FrW"r Saturday. neing tv roand Will Try For a I p pow.jr irawm i iu7 ... vx eaiit. East Flpiida, local showers Friday and Saturday, variable winds. Weat Florida; . Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, generally fslr Friday and 8at- . 100-Ponnd Melon, - Mr, A. A; McAllister, of Bern hill Townsnip, nao on the-streets yester treme northwest portion, light - to fresh emit to southeast winds. West Texan, fair Friday, except show- Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, gen- day for sal elxht watermelon. h vn Handle Saturday fair. grown on n the city wl apiece, the heaviest tipping the scales Is elaea ! mllM mhiii e the city wffich averaged 70 pounds h""" f"lr Fr,d" mni satay. t 80 nounda. Thu mim. ... I Saturday fair. grown on a section of what Is known wisas. West Vlrslnls, fair, warmer Friday; fresh east to southeast a the W. M. Barringer farm and were . not xivea more than ordinary at tenUon. Mr. McAllister is recalled as tha farmer who six years ago brought 11 melons to the city which averaged 17 pounds, the heaviest aeighlng 0 7pounds. He la a farmer .. who knows how to grow melons so 'as to combine quality with quantity, . those which he bad In the city , yesterday ofrlng of delicious flavor. Mr. McAllister believes that he can grow melons weighing 160 pounds .; by paying the proper attention - to the .plants rand plucking off . the young shoots and buds so aa to ' throw all the nourishment into one jprout He says that ha will try a banner specimen next year. ; .. . VALCABUE3 ARTICLES STOLEJr. Mr Corgw Tt Bell Loae, Diamond Worth JO, Mati-h. Kazr and Otlter Artk-icK Mr. Oorge It. llerbert J lobbed rgro tilri Ar Pathlng open the transom of Mr. Oeorge R. Herbert's room n , the Jlarty Building and pushing himself or herself through this aperture, some person entered this apartment and another Wednesday afternoon. From 1r. George It. Bell a rasor and rld Walt ham watch, double ease, with Initials "O. R. B.- on the back of the caae were stolen. In addition' a 5 amond tud valued 'at 8800 was . taken. From the room of Mr. Her bert two razors and other - articles . were Uifn. t harmed vw:ta being the rulltr arty, a nef-ro girl. D aisy Cain, who as seen in tm building ttoat after- t Oin asout tae time the robbery s ii-t bave occurred was arrested and ! In the lockup. It Is believed that -'re Is a r f ro boy concerned In LOCAL FF1CK U. 8. WEATHER HIT- BEAU. Charlotte. Aug. X7. Sunrise 8:33 a. m. Sunset :67 p. tn. TEMPERATURE On degrees). Highest temperature .. ,. .. .. .. ,. Lowest temperature .. .. ., .... Mean temperature .. ., , ., ,, ' . ' ,. Deficiency for the day . .. Accumulated excess for month .... Aectimulated excess tor year .. '.. '.. PRECIPITATION (in Inches).. Total tor 14 hours ending I p. m...., d.lt Total for the month .... .. ...v. .. 14.61 Accumulated excess for month 1. t.ea Total for the year .. ,. .. .. .. ,7 40.67 Accumulated excess for year ... ,. t.9t PrevsUlng wind direction .. N. E. W. J. BENNETT,. Observer. . 8 M 43 12 -13 Vfl Dr. McKanna's Treatment has stood the test of twenty years, and the first patients treated have never taken a drink since. In all these twenty years, during which Dr. McKanna has treated as many thousands, not a single man has ever come to him whose system would not yield to his treatment. Thousands of these patients were .. former patlerits of other, methods that failed to cure, but not one can say that Dr. Mc Kanna's Treatment did not cure. Of all the treatments for the liquor habit now before the public. Dr. Mc Kanna's is the only one whose for mer patients think enough of it. to allow their names to be used aa a reference. Dr. McKanna never uses any one's name without the consent of the patient yet thousands have voluntarily offered htm that privi lege. No other treatment can ahow a successful record and a long list of cured patients to verify it Which treatment will you' take, the one that Is successful or the one that la not? Remember that Dr. McKanna cures In three days and that there are no dangerous hypodermics or bad after effecta to fear in hla treatment Call or write to-day for full In formation. . Liquor Cure $50. Morphine Cure $100. Call on or Address McK ANNA THREE-DAY MQTJOB ORK COMPANY, V Reldsvllle, N. C. 6 PERQOIT.IZZ7 Tf) THE SAFEST INVESTMENT ' i XLs0 Lilt I OBTAINABLE IS A FIRST MORTGAGE ON CITY REAL. ESTATE. Write for booklet describing oar First Mortgage ieaj jusiat Bonds. :-. : NORTH CAROLINA TRUST; ,1..- . . COMPANY. . ' '"-' Greensboro, N. C ' v Cash Capital, 8125.000.. ., A W. McAUster, President R. 3. Mebane, Sec. and Treaa. BANDY MYERS. Coeanl ting Engineers. ' Water ; Supply and Purification, Sewerage, Sewerage DlspVaal. Roads, Streets, ' PavemenU. Water Power, Hydro-Electrlo . Plants. Irrigation, Drainage,. Relnf orcedConcrete, Sur veys, Estimates. Plans and Specifica tions- ' Construction Superintended. Complete Planta designed and. con structed. -' ; Main Offlce, ITI-77 Arcade Building. ' Greensboro, North Carolina. ... ..... Branch Office, . ' Lurlnbnrg. North Carolina, ' The difference 'twlxt v. tweedledea and tweedledum may not be ' much. but the modern legal difference twlxt a game of crap, at" a penny a throw by a bunch of dark akin . Ameri can Cltisena hid away in a wooded pmce mais . gainDung and a coxy aoom . tun or human beauty, ' ailk ruffles, hair rata, false teeth and the like deck of nMi tnn A ...t a cut glass bowl. THE PRIZE, that's innuc.Qi pleasure. . , That's splitting hairs with a vengeance and a case, of akin , and who. not whatv. . ? SHUFFLE YOTJR- HOUSE WANTS tO ".'..; v.' ,T- S F. D. ALEXANDER He rente and sells. ' ,. GILBERT C, WHITE, C E. CIVIL ENQINEEE Durham, N. C. ' Waterworks, Sewerage, ' Streets; Wa ter Filtration, Sewage Disposal; Plans, Reports. : Estimates, Super vision or construction. : ,-5 First National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Oldest NaUqnal Bank Jn North .Carolina.. , ,- . . " ,, '' ,-', Qovernraent . Depository. " Capital 'and Profits 1550,000. - 4 per cent, interest on time de posits. Accounts solicited. HENRY L McADEN. ..... , President.. . . JOHN T. ORB, . Cashier. "Jordan's oat tha Square." E. P. Purcell. President , D. A. McLaughlin, V. Pres. Drugs and 1 Everything in the Drug Line We carry . the moat " complete atock. ' ..' ' We carry tha rery best . of ; everything . . ..: Alt houkeh&ld articles and n- , . . cesslties. ... ,': " Ask us for what you want , R. II. JORDAN & CO. NURSES ' REGISTER SEVERAL TWPS .To be considered in selecting your bank Btrength, careful management, courtesy and ability to proper ly handle all your business. COMMERCIAL PONAL BH CHARLOTTE, H. .C. iv Capital $500,000.00. Surplus $310,000.00. ON ELIZABETH AVENUE ' ' '' . . f " -. we have a beautiful iwo-story - home : for ; sale, " equipped with every modern convenience - and in perfect repair; house built for home by owner, lo cated on nicely elevated lot with splendid view. Other information at office.. i '"' ' V. -Hi, Klurphy & Co. 41 If. Tryoa. Thone S43. REALTY-INVESTMENTS FOR SALE Railroad aite with seven tenement hous.es. renting for tf 14.00 per year, or about IS per cent on investment A bargain. Price ' y.. $i.S5o.oo .Two tenement house renting; for $130.00 pec year. Price for the .two.... ...... ........... .....f.. ...$800.00 , Five-room Vottage with aewerage, hath and electrio lights, renting ' for $11. 00 per month; house new. Price,... .... ....$1,500.00 ' DILWORTU UOI . - Seven-room modern home, very desirable .... V... . t$ 4,700.00 The Charlotte Trust &. Realty Co. QUBCC S ML.B ; E 9th COTTAGE . CAN ARRANGE TERMS Five Room, Modern Conveniences. . Birovssi & Company. Thone 535. ,T . , - 203 N. Tryon St.' : mm - -- T 7 criTijm"iji - ' t - : , i -7 ' . . .-, '. J ..i.7- v7v '.v 7 - t 'j. i " -. De jot know what k mtMu) It lasai uW CORT RICHT SHINGLES lad aa leg a. the fcdkfiag kX, sad aever seea repsin eevtr need1 attsalioe of say kind, is (act 'eserpt aa eeeaasaal coat of , paint Tkey'ie i reproof, aWmpieal. mi iacxprnatra. They stake nob that rrcrybody Elesj caaaeqoaat! a lot el poof isiitniaas art Wvif placad ea iheaur- ; iat by aaacrapuloas annufadarun, who are tryiftf to trade oo-ibe CXRTRIQiT Kpotadoa, TVrcfofe Wy lett, aaJ yeaH Accident ; and Hea.lth Polic . in the UfARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY ' are the most . liberal in existence, though they don't cost any more than others, Every one Beeds a Disability Policy Covering EVERY ACCI.' DENT AND EVERY DISEASE.; . . ' f ,:7;-'v Let ua tell yon how we will pay you a definite weekly indemnity -if you should be dlsabledUY ANY ACCIDENT . OR ILLNESS. . ; 7 V HARVEY LAMBETH, Mgr! Inswept . : 7 ' AUEBICAN TRUST COIIPAinT. x Is your money making money for yoaf The) more of it yon have employed for you. the Irea yoa need to work yourself. , If yoa keep on earing and putting your savings to work the funded capital of your earning; years will gradually take up the burden and row will not ncHi to work at alt .. - XK'n pay 4 per cent and compound it quarterly. - 7 We have few Safety Deposit Boxes for rent, : ; ' .'. .'- . .- - ., . ., , T''. Southern Loan 6 Savings M S Jon VL SCOTT. President VT. 8. ALEXANDER. Vice) Praa, . ., , . . W. U JEXC1X6. Cashier. , ,. . v7 - - THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Resources $1,500,000.00 rT7" v."":77rv7- ' .y Our method of doing b'usiness'holds old friendSrand yy- y 7- v r - .7 - i t gains new ones. , , ' 7 . . - v . . ..." .... ... .... t .i . .... : JB. D. HEATH, President f .A , NO. M.' SCOTT, Vice PresldenB. v7. . i' : - 7 H. LITTLE, Vice Prealdent. " , ''. .- W. H. TltTnT, Cashier. '. Fbuithaifdj Building Lot "(; ',We oTer for .aale on' easy terms "one of the moat desirable build-' ing iota in Fourth "Ward. 81tnated at 007 North Poplar street,: - 47 . 1-1x141 and 10-foot ,Hey.on one aide and a $-foot alley in rear. . The lot la nicely elevated and perfectly level, and one of the best 'neighborhoods n( the city. K)ur special price 12.750. , Terms B00 ; cash and balance to suit the purchaser. . '! CAROLINA EEALTT CO, O. J. THIES. Pres. : -v ' B. RUSH LEB. Sec. .-. W. D. WILKINSON, Treaa. and Mgr.; 3. P. LONG, Salesman. -:,:'. no. 5 yv. Fifth .Street--j-'i-V V,' "'i-'Phone. $.; Tha American Trust Com pany invites. Accounts on" the basis of courteous treat-' ment and as liberal accom . rnodation3 as ths nature of the Account warrants. Vcod Kre Wall . Plaster, ."ibd Clinch." THE BUILDER'S FRIEND Frceilng docs not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack h water does not make it fall off; bard aa stone. Write for booklet. . Manufactured by . , :-v- .,. -''. r : : . CHARLOTTE PLASTER COMPANY 'rite for Booklet. - Charlotte, N. C. Local BnvccttTtcnto . . : WE OFFER f 0 Moflltt Machine Co. - (0 Fidelity Mill. : ' 10 DeHaven-Dawson Co. 1 Charlotte National witoj r S Charlotte Realty Co- 10 Osark Milk 20 Modena. . SO Cora. . . . i 40 Wood lawn.. . ' 10 Florence. - 1 , 20 Henrietta. SO Washington Pf J. SCBJJUCT TO SALE - 2$ Commercial KatlonaL ' . 40 First National. . ti American Trust Co. 0 Chadwick-HoPkins Pref. ' 20 Highland Park. 60 Highland Park Pref. , ' - 20 American Machine-Pref. V ' 10 Elba Mfg.Co. Pret. 0 Loray Pref. 10-25 Flint. ,10 Arlington (N. C.) 10 Gibson. . . '1 e' a . ' I i i B. F. WITHERS Tho Tru:t Eaildis?. - r-'. i p f. ', 1 ( r U no clue, how' '.', M t-.e i. y of ttLs person. Oiarlotte, N, C. ,e lr-,tter t :j at -the girl n seen -i t. t with ene about the