CHARLOTTE DAILY OESEEYEE, AUGUST 31, 1CC3. 1j THiuim anndl " . Mil 1 1 BY SAVOYARD. t i related that on one occasion Alien G. Tnurman had dined um tuously and cam into the Senate, no expecting- anything- unusual to ... taW rir in the deliberations t that at' Mm sodv. -Mr. James O. Blaine was then a Senator from Maine and al' ixt roe onoortunlty. There wsj iom ouestion, growing out ot South ern reconstruction, then a dreg la tn bontlea) caldron, and Blaine, the dem- - SCorue ana V" xryn ... " .iienMr Tharman . to a dispute upon it. ' "' ' - ' ' They had It hammer and tonga lor an hour or two- hour with ths re ult that the plurosd plucked knight , when the thing was Thunnanwent into the Democratic cloakroom, followed by bis worshlp .r. rn Voorheea of Indiana, and Henry Oassaway Davis, of West Vlr. g Inla. He took from tola coat pocket that historic bandanna and blew on 9 a blast that was beard to the Inner most recesses of the prow gallery, and exclaimed: " v ' ," i' ' , nova- did thet'd d harlequin ., .t with me?" ' 7o, no. Senator, you did splendid ly and left not a piece or mm. . -vir mind, never mind," said of these days he'll tackle me when I'm sober, and then, d d him, wont I smash aim! , lt was the opinion of Sir Edward Coke that If alt the sages, ancient and " crated time out of mind, they could not have produced a work superior to ' (be common law of England. At the fcar Thnrman was a complete master ' f the principles of the common law as - our country ever proauceu, uj Roscoe Conkllng. himself a great Ju- i rist. declared that when the common law was mentioned he turned to the ' seat of a Senator from Ohio as the de vout Mussulman to Mecca. But it was as a debater of constl- tutlonal law In the Senate that Thur man stood highest the equal of any of them. He wss called "the old Ro man," not that be waa Cato. or at all like him; but that. Intellectually, he was so able and so honest that none could stand before him. His moral ytatnlna was weak compared with that of his celebrated uncle, "old Bill" Allen, who forced him into the flat money camp contrary to bis tetter Judgment. If Thurman, the hard-money man, bad been nominated for Gov ernor of Ohio In 187, he would have been elected: but Allen waa nominat ed, and R- B. Hayes beat hlra. Thur- . man would have been elected, and the following year he would have been chosen President of the United Statea Crisow of Georgia, greatly distinguish ed himself and became the actual Democratic leader the first session, Congress adjourned later than ever before, , with a single exception, ana the .Democrats made the McKinley law paramount. .Mill waa tho rec oanlaed leader on that issue, and h made a tour ot New England, apeak ing daily and nightly, proclaiming- free raw materials for the manufac turers and tariff for revenue ooly for their finished products, ror the srax time alnce Jackson's day, since in tirth of their party unless It was in 1152 -the Democrats elected a ma lorlty of Congressmen from the six New England States. A' majority of the Massachusetts delegation were Dfttnoorais. Rhode Island nd New Hampshire were solidly Democratic In Congress. There was but one Re Dobllcan member from Connecticut In that Congress a Democrat would have been chosen Speaker if no mem ber of the solid South had voted. Tbs total Republican vote was but a beg carlv 81. and the Democratic plural ity was mors than twice SS. It was the completest political victory of our history the congressional election of 1I0. :., ...v-:. I believe It was Wellington who said that a great victory waa nearly as dangerous as a defeat, and . so this proved. Nobody can blame Crisp for aspiring to the Speakership. Ha got It because Mills! the Roman, was not favorable to river and harbor bills. Thomas C. Catching, a-ho did more to put the Mississippi river In its pres ent excellent state than all the rest of them, elected Crisp Speaker, but that work was the eglnnins; of fac tion In the Democratic party afteT the war. I writs this because a newspaper man said this lo me the other night: 'I see that (Roger Q. Mills is now in Baltimore, a patient In a hospital; 1 thought he died long ago, and would .have bet money that ho was no longer among the living." Mills in public life was very nearly all a great statesman In a parliamen tary government should be except aa old has was among the numerous fairies at his birth and. decreed "he shall not have tact." And when he was In Congress If somebody had handed him a Bagful of tact he would have been oewuaer ed, and surely he would not bavs known what It was (or. CANADA'S CALL OP THE WEST. iVom Eastern Golden It wis the domination of Thurman t a morally stronger man (Allen) that makes me conclude that Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, was the real "old yemiui" o the A rp ''-ne- the past 40 years. He was ons ma which point they will be distributed Great Exodns Provinces to Get In the Grain. Et. John Sun. Testerday the Maritime Provinces sent their bone and muscle to help garner the golden grain of the great west. Over 6.000 of the youth of eastern Canada started last evening the long journey to Winnipeg, from who never wavered, never i:omiromln- ed, never surrendered. Not ho able as Thurman, he was yet a better and a more capable leader. He was not so . lovable, nor so popular as Thurman. Sis was Infinitely more like Cleveland, whom he resembled In many ways. All lis entered' Congress In 1172, elm Vltaneously with Joseph G. Cannon. It wss in the days or reconstruction. snd Ben Butler sought to make the South choose between negro domlna tlon and bayonet domination. The at- . tempt failed, not because Randall, Beck, and Lamar conducted a fili buster unprecedented against It, but for the reason that Speaker Blaine was not in favor of It There are two theories aa to Blaine's motive one that opposed it aa politically male In ae, and the other that he saw danger to his own political fortunes In the power the force bill lodged In President Grant, who had a great deal mors use for iRoscoe Conkllng than be did for James O. Blaine, and had Ben Butler's force bill become a law It Is very likely that Conkllng would tiave beaded the Republican ticket In 3I7C. " Bo that as 1t may, the succeeding Congress was Democratic the first of the complexion In eighteen years and It was then that Mills first began to show the metal of which he was . made. He joined the Morrison wing or the party and supported Kerr for : Speaker, and later he was the natural successor of Morrison as chairman of the committee on ways and means and leader of the House. In 1879 Bamuel J. Randall was the Democrat ic caucus nominee for Speaker of the Forty-sixth Congress. Mills refused to vote for him, and in that same Con gress "Pig Iron" Kelley gave his vote for Hendricks B. Wright, a Demo cratic Greenbacker. of Pennsylvania, rather than to Garfield, the Republl- . ran caucus nominee. . Randall was elected Speaker, Oar . Held led the Republlcanx, and we had the strange spectacle of the Demo cratic leader the advocate of protec tion and the Republican leader the - advocate of tariff reform. The deata throughout Manitoba. Seven farm laborers' specials were used to con vey the harvesters. Three of thene trains were made up In St. John. Two came from Halifax and one. from Sydney. The remaining one started from Point du Chene with the Prince Edward Islanders, who crossed Northumberland strait ' by special steamer. The excursion had all the features of similar excursions of previous years, with few exceptions. One of the latter was the number of ex curslonlsts, which was much larger than Is ordinarily the case. Another feature which distinguished It from the average harvest excursion was the absence of drunkenness and fighting. The class of men who formed the living freight of the three trains which were made up here was excellent. Some whiskey was of course in evidence among the ex cursionists and the crowd was a little noisy, but In spite of these little drawbacks everything about the union depot went smoothly until the last of the local excursion train pulled out at about half past 12 this morning. The first train left at 8:30 p. m., the second tan hour later. Harvest excursion trains ars usually accompanied by a number of C. P. R. detectives, but this season no plain clothes men were on the trains. The composition of the excursion crowds was about as usual. A few family parties containing- women and children were to be observed, but the great majority of the ex cursionists were men, and yountt men at that. Until the last train left the union depot presented a most animated appearance, being- crowded with hundreds of . harvesters and their friends. The total number of excursionists from the Maritime Provinces Is much In ecess of what the C. P. R. officials expected. Three thousand was the figure expected. The last of the harvest trains passed through at about 5:30 this morning. - union man ffi2 TcrcLufs & Farcafs L?:ti:::l .Bzr.!i Nsws of ths State Happening of Yesterday Told ta , . Parairrsphs. Hon. Lee 6. Overman will address the people at Lenoir Tuesday. Ware's chapel south ReidsvlHe, has been purchased by the Edna Cot ton Mills and will bs used for a school nouse. ,; - x - Miss Annie Jones. of Reldsvllle, has accepted a position to teach elocution n aula s creek Academy, and has gone to tnat piace. To-day will - be a great day for Le noir. There will bs a circus there, court will convene and there will be speaking; by the Hon. Richard N, Hackett. Democratic nominee for Congress in that district. ., If Marse Henry Had the Say. Houston Post. ' There Is no occasion (or a contro versy over the birthplace of Marse of Speaker Kerr, in 1878, followed Henry. He was born in Washington toy the disputed presidential election of that year, postponed Democratic tariff legislation nearly 20 years. Ran dall defeated the Morrison tariff bills In -the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth .Congresses, of which Carlisle was Speaker, but in the Fiftieth Congress the Democrats passed through the Honae of Representatives the Mills tariff bill over the protest and over the veto of Randall. City or Tennessee parents. He had no choice In the matter, else he would have been cradled In Texas or North Carolina. THE WEATHER. Washington, Aug. SO. Forecast: North Carolina, Bouth Carolina and Georgia: Fair Monday; warmer In In terior; Tuesday fair, light to fresh north east to east winds. On that measure the Democrats East Florida: Local showers Mondav "went to the country tn 1118 and I and Tuesday, light to fresh winds mostly wers ceieaiea, ins greatest calamity -noruisasx. , that has come to the Democratic par tr sines the spilt at Charleston, in 588. Had Grover Cleveland been re elected in 1888 the tariff question would have been settled on Democrat ic lines ahd the silver question com posed on (old standard lines without' a split of the party, snch as that of ,J8. By a narrow margin Cleveland lost the election, and by a more close wot the Republicans gained the Fifty first Congress. Reed was Speaker and McKinley chairman of ways and meana The House passed the Lodge f ores bill to .make it Illegal for Mississippi to go Democratic, To de feat that, Gorman, a goldbug. sought alliance - with Stewart, the silver crank. Then It was that the 0. O P . rave as the Sherman silver law. as fine a piece of politics as ever was turned out t this capital, but the South was saved and the panic of 18t incubat ed. The AfcKlnley tariff was exceed ingly unpopular everywhere. ia the controversy that arose over the fact that Speaker Reed took from Con gress the right of deliberation. Mr. , , FOR SOKK FEET. "T have found Bucklen's Amlea Salvs to be 1 he proper thing U uae tor sore (ml ss we as for healing burns, sores, cuts "d U manner ot nrlon," writes Mr V. b'onp, of Esst Poland, Maine. - rt t j.rorr thUig.- too, lor pii-m. Try hi t 1 ur.der s.irnle at aU drug stores Lt cf-D'.a, West Florida, Alabama. Mlsalsalnnl: Fair Monday and Tuesday; Ught east winos. , .. Louisiana: Fair Monday: ' Tuesday partly cloudy, possibly local showars. light to treah east to southeast winds, East Texas: Partly . cloudy Monday : Tuesday local showers with cooler In north portion; light to fresh southeast to south winds on the otast. Virginia: Fair, warmer Monday: Tues day warmer, light east to south winds. West Texas: Showers Monday, except lair in southeast portion; cooler In north portion; Tuesday fair, except showers In extreme west portion. Arkansas: Fair Monday; showers and cooler st night and Tuesday. - LOCAL OFFICE U. 8. WEATHER BU " - s:-:- BEAU. 1- . Charlotte. :Aug. ). Sunrise l:M a, m.J sunset :tt p. m. .''.-'; 's . TEMPERATURE -On degrees). : Highest temperature. ... ................ .78 Lewest temperature 84 Mesa Uroperatur .. .................. J ss Deficiency lor the day ................ 1 I Accumulated deficiency for month .. - '18 Accumulated excess for year ......... 138 PRECIPITATION (in Inches). Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. Total for the month 11.61 Accumulated excess for month ...... 8.23 Total lor the year .................... SJ.M Accumulated exews for year ........ H Prevailing wind diriin ............N. E. . - W. J. BENNETT. Observer. Mr. B. S. Bronson. formerly with he James E. Clark Company, of Washington, 1 N. C has recently ac rented a position with the firm of William Jack man Son. of . Nfw York City, and left last week for New Tork to assume his nsw position. Te power people at Gaston Shoals ars again furnishing power and Gaff- ney, 8. C, Is thankful that such is the case. For ons night that town was In complete darkness, but ths en terprising; manager of tbs power) sys tem there rlsg-ed up ths old machin ery or ths town's power plant and gave light until ths Gaston Shoals people cams Into 00m mission afaln. Steauner Cat Whale In Two, Montreal Dispatch. The Dominion Line steamship Ken sington, which has just arrived In this port from Liverpool, while going at uu speea near the Banks of. New foundland, ran down a large sperm whale. The whale was first spied when ths vessel was nearingr the Banks and for some time it kept alongside of the vessel. Then it attempted to cross her bows. It was struck with full force by the vessel arid cut Into pieces. trail 01 moon covering; the sea. . The Up-lo-Date Treatment 1 OF CHARLOTTE, IT. C. V a. ..,,...,... v : Surplus and Profits .... . . ...... 1CO,000,CO , : - Accounts of Corporations,; Finns , and Individuals Invited. ' , " ' ' : ' We Issue Certificates of Deposit Payable on ;De- - ; mand 'Bearing Interest at 4 Per Cent. Per v -t t - Annum if Left Three 3Ionths or "Longer;. ,;v -" ' - . . - . ..... - " 'We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings Deposits and , ' 4 . Compound the Interest Quarterly. , ' -K "VVe TVant Your Business. GEO. k wiLSOlT, President. V . :-y r'. .;. JNO. B. B0S3, Vice President. .- - . ; , - - 'W. 0. WILKINSON, Cashier. Very Desirable ; Residence and Manufacturing Proper ty for Sale 10 l-J seres of land S 1-2 miles south of the city on R. B. and . macadam on which is located a. modern 10-room residence Barn lOxSQ feet, gin house with' complete Murray " ginnery outnt double box press, automatic traropers, etc., three 70-saw gins,' 3-story mill house with basement, three corn mills and one burr wheat mill, seed house. 20x60 feet. AUruachlnery run by power supplied by ' the Catawba Electric) Power Company,, whose ,'maln line runs within about 200 feet of this property. Sixty horse-power in duction motor, brie power house 30x30 feet Seed blown direct from gin to seed house on H.-.R. feidetrack, grain unloaded from car at the mill by elevators All bulldln&s ' lighted ' by electricity.. Everything practically new and in fine condition. We are offertn this property at about 80 per cent, less than cost. SOUTHERTi REAL ESTATE LOAN & TRUST COMY Capital, $75,000. W, 8. ALEXANDER. -, President. : ' t Surplus, $100,000. . R. - A. PUNK, ; . A. M. McDONALD, Vice President . See. and Treaa. -Relatives In Reldsvllle have . been notified of the critic a f illness at Blue field. W. Va., of Vlr. Bud Miller, form erly of Reldsvllle. F. Be m A great many diseases hays i. been robbed of their terrors by up-to-date methods, resulting- from scientific advancement The once dreaded smallpox now yields readily to simple methods and vaccination keeps 'it from spreading-. Antitoxin has great ly reduced ths mortality-In dlph' thorla cases and the treatment hi many other diseases has shown just as Important advances. It is ths same with ths liquor disease. Ths barbaric methods of former years have been eliminated bytDr. Me- Kanna and a simple but effective treatment now does Its work in three days so much better than the old methods did In thirty days that there Is no comparison. No ons thinks of the old methods of treating- the liquor habit now without a shudder. and the success of Dr. McKanna's treatment shows that the people ap preciate ths Improvement, Dr. Mc Kanna's treatment is positively the only effective three-day liquor cure In itih world. There are no dangerous hypodermics, bad after affects or an noying confinement to contend with, and every patient finds as much pleasurs and Enjoyment while under treatment as he would In his own hornet Full . information cheerfully furnished. - ; Liquor Cure $50. Morphine Cure $100. Call on or Address McKANXA THREE-DAY LIQUOR CURB COMPANY, Reldsvllle, V. C - "Jordan's oa ths Bqaara." E. P. PurcelL .President D. A. McLaughlin. V. Pre The Height of; Perfection 7 in candy making , has been attained by Huy; ' ler.-.' ' ' i - Iluyler's . ; Candy is the purest and the best Keeps fresh and -lasts longer. ' - R. II. JORDAII&CO. ' ' - - - - . NURSES' BEQISTER Free of Taxes . . . , . T per cnt net income; can b obtained from absolutely fl rat-class nrrferred stocks of aubstsntial North Carolina companies which we can offer ; yo to-day. . ' V Can r writs . ' ,o - Trast Department , 60UTIIERX LTFK TRUST i v COMPANY, e ' ' . Greensboro, N. C. CaplUl and Surplus $405,000.00 E. P. Wharton. President A. M. eVales, Gen. Counsel. ' Itobt C IkmL Asst Manager. BANDY MYERS, Consnltlns; Enjlneera. Water ' Supply and Purification, Sswerag, Sewsrsge Disposal, Road a Streets, Pavements. Water Power. Hydro-Electric Plants. irrigation Drainage. Reinforced Concrete, ' Sur vey Estimates, Plana and Specifica tions. Construction Bupenntenaeo. Complets Plants designed and con structed. Main Office, 371-77 Arcade Building-, Greensboro, North Carolina. Branch Office. , ' Laurtnbarc, North Carolina. The difference ,'twlxt tweedledee and tweedledum may not be much. but the modern legal difference twlxt a game of crap, at a penny a throw by a bunch of . dark skin Ameri can Citizens hid away In a .wooded piace Knars gambling and a cosy room full, of human ., beauty; silk ru fRes,' hair rats, falsa teeth and the like deck of cards, a ton of coal or a cut glass bowl. THE PRIZE, that's innocent pleasure. , That's splitting- hairs with vengeance and a case of skin and who, not what . , - SHUFFLE YOUR HOUSE WANTS to ' - I - : F. D. ALEXANDER He rents and sells. ' GILBERT C. WHITE, C E. f CunsolUns;- " " - CIVIL ENGINEER - Dnrham, N. C. Waterworks, Sewerage, Streets; Wa ter Filtration, Sewage ' Disposal; Plans. Reports, , Estimates, Super vision of Construction. ,. BANKING; SE Ia selecting- a bank, remember that Urge . capital and surplus form a margin of security that affords absolute protection. - COUERCIAl NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital.. .'. ... ...$500,000.00 Surplus r ...,$ SJ.0,000.00 Total Kesonrces, Including Stockholders' Liability ., ., $3,125,000.00 t first National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Oldest National" Bank in. North Carolina. ... . . - Government Depository.' . - Capital and 'Profits $950,000. ' 4 par cent Interest on time de posits. .Accounts . solldlted- HENRY JL McADEN. .... v - President,. JOHN F. ORB,' - Cashier. ". ... .-.v- REALTY-- INVESTMENT S FOR SALE Railroad sits . wit)) seven tenement houses, renting- for I6S4.00 psr : year, or about H per cent on investment A bargain. Price -... ....'''....,,.'......,. ,.... ... $4,150.00 Two tenement houses renting; for 1110.00 per year. Price for ths two.,j. ....,.- ...... .....v ti. .......... ...$900.00 Flvs-room cottage with sewerage, bath and electrlo lights, renting for fll.Ot psr month: house new. - Price... ......$1,500.00 ' DILWORTH HOME , , ' Seven-room modofa home, very desirable,,. ..$4,700.00 The Charlotte Trust 8. - Realty Co Phone m&$Z&g&. E: Trade HOMES FOR SALE $4,700 will buy modern I T-room two-story house, Boulevard, DU worth. '- " $3,750 for beautiful -home, all modern conveniences, Elisabeth Heights. ' $$,500 will buy modern T-room, two-story bouse,' East Ninth street;- lares. lot and good outbuildings. -- .- ' $$,200 will buy a perfectly new 6 -room cottage, . all modern con veniences, closs In and on shady side of street '$2,250 for 6-room. cottage. North Graham street extension, splendid lot, trltli.sLna carteu , . . , :c:Em Murphy Ci Com 4S K. Try on. 'Phone $43. QUICK SSLE E 9th COTTAGE CAN ARRANGE TERMS Five Roomr-Modern G)nvenienccse Brovm (k Company. 'Phone 535. 203 N. TryoirSt Accident, and Health Policies in the MAJIYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY 5 ar the most liberal In existence, .though they don't. cost any more Jhan others. Every on needs a Disability Policy covering EVERY ACCI DENT AND EVKRY; DISEASE. ' ; .y-' . . r v . Let us tell you bow we will pay you a definite weekly indemnity If you should ba disabled BY ANY ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS. ; HARVEY LAMBETH, Mgr. Deptv j - AMERICAN TRUST COMPAlsTn AT WORK FOR YOU Is your money making money for . you? The mora of It yon ' have employed for yon, the less yon need to work yourself. If yon keep on savins; and putting your savings to work the funded capital of yoar earning years will gradually take up the burden ' 'and you will not need to work at all. . We pay 4 per cent and compound it anarterly. . . We nave tew Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. . '"". Southern Loan : 5 Savi ngs Dank JOHN IL SCOTT. President "' S. ALEXANDER, Wee Pres. i W. L. JEXK3XS. Cashier. 1 The American Trust Com pany invites : Accounts on the basis of courteous treat-; .nient and as liberal accom modations as the nature of ths 'Account warrant. ; i :.. ... OZLcq in Th3 Tnu:t Building. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK . " Resources $1,500,000.00 ' 'si I- -Our method of doing business holds old friends and gains new ernes. . B. O. HKATH, President j v .? - MfO. M. SCOTT, Vice Ylresldent, - - . . it- J. XL LITTLE, Vice President - . . v ' W, H. TAVl'I'ir, Cashier. -Fourth Ward Building lot We offer for sale on easy terms one of the most desirable build ing lots in Fourth Ward. Situated at 07 North poplar street, 47 1-2x141 and - 10-foot alley on one side and a 1-foot, alley in rear. The lot Is nlCeW elevated and perfectly level, and one of ths best ' neighborhoods ih the city. Our ipeclal pries IJ.750. Terms 1500 cash and balancs to suit the purchaser. - . CAROLINA REALTY CO. a 3 THIEfe, Pres. B. RUSH LEE, See. w T) WILKINSON,- Treas. and Mgr. J. P. LONG, Salesman. ifo.' W. FUth Street, . . - 'Phons 101. Vcod fibre . Wall Piaster, "Hard Clindi.": ' THE BUILDER'S FRrEND , ' " Freexlnc does no hurt: natural shrinkage win not crack It) '"-ft," water does not make It fall off; hard as stone. Writs for booklet. M11 Jdanufactared by .:.' ' . .. . ' ' CHARLOTTE PLASTER COPIPflNY Write for Booklet. ''f ' ' Charlotte, X. C. j0inq, (ioin a- . Those few remaining- lots 50x200 on Seventh street at Piedmont.' No wonder, for they are the best lots for ths price asked now offered In the City of Charlotte.- ' ,' " . , . Water and sewer mains, electric lights, macadamised street and two car lines at the service of, home owners on this fine avenue. 1 We have' but nve lots 16x100 st.... . '!. I5l- One corner, about lJxHJ. ........ ....... 1.0 - Also one double lot iexJ00... .. ....... 11,500 " Prices subject to change after a few more salea Tou can look all over Mecklenburg: county and find no better bar gains In real estate. x ...... Easy tecms -or cash discount. , :'.s.-' F. G.-1CDQTT '& GOtYlP'V.