. CILIRLOTTE i)Aim OBSERYErc, SEPTEMBER 1, 1303 A'1 advertisements inserted lit this coin An at rate of tea cents per Hue of mx words. No ad taken tor leas tiinu; 20 rents. r fash In advance. - . .WANTED. TIIE DEATH RECORD. MARRIAGES. it. Clifford . II. Thompson, Of Aslievllle, Special to The-Observer. ' - , , :Ashevll.e,Aug. 2Th funeral services over the ' remains of Mr. occurred at his home'here- Saturday It :the parsonage of Central Methodist afternoon at 4:10 o'clock, were con- J church Saturday, evening when Miss hiiu.-.Uarby, at Asheville. Special to Ths Observtr. .'" - Asheville, .Aug. St. There was the culmination of a pretty little romance ducted: this afternoon from the late residence. .'Mr. Thompson was for &er.AAaT "Bookkeeper." fcs, I verai years foreman .of the Hackney CO, Hickory, W. C. -: , , . . j printing-, establish ment of WAITED Laundry agents m au mwbi Khm u- mr nnt iirHily represented, f iya- a-- . . 1 . t..ivMa - . - ------- r. .... Mr" '""a.uinwri in uuuiu wvuui Sanitary Steam Laundry, Charlotte. N. C L,,, r Obeerrer. . . . .-. . . lady . ViKTRn-Thornuihlv . competent book-keeper' and stenographer at once, , Address "tt-lt," car Observer.. . .. - Greensboro, Aug. tl.--Rtr. ' R. Oretter, well-known, cltlsen of Guilford county, died hls morning 'WANTED Man of good .ppearanc to " . ; ?' li Michael solicit subscriptions ior afternoon. paper. -Address'Sollcltor." -care uwervsr. Gretter.. six miles southeast of Greens boro- Tha-deceased was 02 years old and had been a local preacher of CP. "WANTED-Saleemen with own teams, to line Southern Metnodlst cnurcn. ror a .'.u mimirv trul ' Call between Land mmhcr of vears.- The funeral will f bitii Hotel p. u. ennauan. -. WiANTED Position as junior drug -clerk. by young man. - van cgin went tsepi. 7th. 'Addtwi H Ok care Observer,' he held at Bethlehem church to-mor row. WANTED Position fts Junior drug clerk. Three years' experience. ; References I furnished, "if. N. C.,u care Observer. Margaret Darby, of thU city, became the bride . of Mr. John B. Shinn, of Chattanooga, Tenn. - While U waa generally known that; Mis Darby and Mr, Shinn were to be married his fall, the earlv celebration of fhe nuptial event came as a aurnrise to the bride's many friends here. After me ceremony, performed by Rev. Dr. Gilbert ..TV Rowe, pastor of Central church, Mr. and Mrs. Shlnn left for cnatianoora, where they will make their future' home. . The ' wedding Saturday night Is the culmination of a love affair which soranr ud aev- rai years ago while Mr. 8hlnn ;waa, Bvuucui t . xungnam scnooi - ana Miss Darby practicing her profession of trained nurse. Mr. Shlnn became 111 and MIsa Darby was called as his nurse.- Since that .time they : had planned for the wedding day. - 'Parks-Harrison. t Asheville. Mrs. Lools Klmcl, of Winston-Salem. I Special la The .Observer: . Wlnston-Balem; Au g. ? I I Mrs. Louis Klmel, aged . years, died ' i ui i. j - - . - - - - - iDbcvm.uj'iBf luisrrver- 'nfiTrni. ih ti oar. 1 1 Jhvrtv trii THttrdif fturnoAn. I - - ""'"" - - . -- . - ' . ... i 'a.hftviii. ' ...,!. . -- tiflcate wants work at ence as . copying Her nusoana ana tnree ennaren sur i , nuB. nuum !or as-s unexperienced . clerk,. Address Ivive her. She was a member of the I Jrr on oanghter of Mrs. Fannie ' B. A4. care Observer, . . ;7 f I Moravian Church, sad was burled in 1 arrison and the late City Tax Col afternoon, . Chickering Is the rvord which jneans:artistie color 9 - l quality o f tone,---yirtv,6so brilliance in scalje, fe7ca ' . ; ;of action, roiWf' . of material thoroughness ot Jj workmanship, 6esTa bf encasing and finisfen-all ; ;f combined supremely in the one piano which bears it.",-;"': Not In competition with tho low grade piano and t i T:- beyond the, competition of all others irrespective , ' --oi: price; v'v . 'f.r: -. " ' " ' ; . "vv, r . o. We make it to your distinct' advantage o ex.? i 1 amine the Chickerihg before concluding your piano v ! -purchase. ,!. ; , '.X--- 'A-..y'' ' .. c,i.-....i.. ,1.1. -i wwr , inomaa r -HifriKn mit . . n, .. .i . i I luv uaiciu WKUWVI JP I1IW ICI U Wit, I . . -" - - - I "It- ,1' " "r I Rev. E. C. Stemple . conducting the 1 " 5tks, jr., 4 or Jefferson- City. .'..,., . . i were quietly married Parker-Gardner Co., Charlotte, N. C, Factory Distributors In Korth and South Carolina. . : ' - ' ' ' ' " ' j3 g DonH wait untU Christ- y Spinas to Bfake jour chilr fi drenhappy i a vcilxy stak: T i my :. over city.. Oood cay, - nltion.t The Friz x Company, iraae. street. g oi maa"1-- sui v W eal i " i iE. i tu Roberta of ; Durham. 'WANTED Toung man- or young Special to The Observes. : , Ratnr. day evening at the home of - the 1 0u ,and Dobson Irm Partnership. prios s motner on , Starnes - avenue. ISpeeial to The Observer. ., ; s. Tha titmll .. -. .... i. . I . ... ' -f Z"... m :.i.b I ' Gaff nev. .. f!- Anr 11 Senator n . 1 1. . a . . b. . - only members of tha; -writer.- Address In own handwriting. Cot- Durham, Aug. II. The ' funeral Roy -P.. Goodwin, who accompanied ttB hM formed a. partnership with ton Mill, care Observer, charlotte. Ji. C. train bearing the remains of Mr. E. the groom from Jefferson Clty The Mr. R. A. Dobson for the practice of " 1 ' '" 1 1 ' 1' I Roberts, who died yesterday, morn- ceremony waa Derformed . bv Rev . , . . . - WAWED-Positlon by c.pabl Moont. ng af f o'clock in Edgemont, left Wljliam Lunsford? E I V pastor -of Uin ffnlr-Mr. Dobson Is a son in bankini "lumbar m3cturuu7 Md utt'ntm ' ww morning ior rsiem, me rim Baptist church of this city, wf Mr- wuiiam jpooaon. or irua SttonU aSi hal.b"2ti afwhch Mr- . Mrs. Park, wrt P, who recently came here from to-aay,Jw"" uau cuwi ui, in. mi. ui, muerjr I'arK riotel. leaving I in young man n as own ruv.uiyiucm ucjra. ucnucu' n" i ouuu. morning ior Jefferson City, I c"at)a jn teacning ior some years body the services at the home this (where thev will mair., hi r..,-lbut when first adm'ltttM to thn har anted superintendent ror lumoer to. i morning ana fifteen went to rua oia Home. The bride Is one of ' Ashe-1 practiced law with Mr. T. Yancy Wtl- J3.60O. Manager general store, I home t Stem. The death of Mr. ville's charmlnr vouna- woman an Hams, of Laneaat.tr. hia hroth.r-tn. Oeraro. in.rri.ge tow. Mr. Dobson la a splendid young systems. Address this Cotton,'' care Observer. office Ti rv. Hnua-l w in w maaing gui i comei as a pleasurable surDrise to I man and should succeed at anvthlna- t ,BJ i....u vfl'"-. ,., l hi. ihl,lt.i In lhalh.r manu . ' . 1. .vi.i. - . 7 . ' ton, Texas. ; . .'. 7 FOR SALiE. t FOR SALE A genuine bargain. 2 new I again. Li if its r ui iiih - li uurii inama . au . t.iia iirr nissnw svovtvi f ri&n a aHa . hosiery mlft Friday evening paralysis qualntances in the city. - Mr. Parks ...... ...u , u,.v.wuw.wwo.- . vivouc uui vounr nil hi n man iiwnn nis oesa. - ne never rwinwra i 01 Mennessee, sensibiuty and died without speaking which he undertakes. . Ontv-AmiM 3Ian Manhes Thumb 4 : i ? Will Driving a Kail. Special ,t The Observer. Oaffney, S.C. Aug. ll For re markable occurrences Gsftney still leads. Coroner Vinesett. who has but one arm, while engaged In. driving a nan tne omer day mashed his thumb with a hammer. The coroner has not yet succeeded in exDlaininsr to Ma friends how he managed to pull off uon remancaoie -stunt" and when Re enters the next campaign his enemies are liable to use this against him. ' . for them now. " ,Jc;J See our nursery win dow. Here you . will fmi suitable books from the infant up to large I children. We have taken great care in se Jecting our line of . ' Cohle-CUusson, at Clausem, 8. C. UAT.i? r.ii, mm hImmiI with . latest Improveil machinery practically I Price Very Satisfactory, new. Labor and 'lumber cheap. Located J Special to The Observer.. , . :in ene ef the beat tewns in the ftata. For! ' . ..-- . . further Information address "Personal. ' """-"J au. ii.-iu car Observer. ... , K . icessatit rains last week made.lt al- I niun impossioie lur inn larmers ot I f1 1- utriflnn ftn a. , n m. ..!, ..4 Ih. WXttt IttiH T. - Irecalnta nt tnhiwn tin in' FrUlv I War HMrHitllltf nil . nVlrlaw . .uarv FOR RENT-Store bupdlng an South Co- warehouse was :, co'mforUbly filled than- .110.000 Ixiounda waa intit- T a wrm i A and 3 1 bottom -leaf . nrlmtnas continue to 1USCELLANEOC9. v prevail, on the market and there are but , few Dlles of the better arades. ( HORSES RECEIVED en Aug. th.theurh such grades are. en the ln- . J. W. Wsdsworth's Sons Co. ' I crease and the nronortlon of nrlmlnss grow less from now on. GaiTney Express Agent fVslgna. 8 pedal to The Observer. ' Gaffney. S.C., Aug. tl. Much to the regret of the patrons of the South- Vn IT.n.... a". m . a .. ClaOssen, 8. C. Auar. tl One of ICE. iriahar h. r..ir,.4 . ...... the prettiest weddings ever seen at here. Mr. Fisher has been the cam- Claussen occurred last week at Hope- pany'a agent here for four years and well Presbyterian church. The occa- by his kind and courteous treatment slon was the marriage of Rev. Charles of the public has made friends with f tPrlhla, rtrt a. u.... . . ui., all . V. . -. w . . . Borky Mount Tobacco Market will I Louise Claussen. The bridal party sn-1 creased the business at this point to iwe on ureal, Activity io-imp i terea tne cnurch to the strains . of a considerable extent. The beonle of MBuuviHuim b weaaing marcn ren-1 wareney nope mat Mr. Fisher will see i.u j ma. vvrniuii iiru. i ne uan-1 .' way i irar to remain as a Cltlsen r, jnr. lyae -jsrown and Mr. A. 17. 1 oi me city. co-lneh full , ouartered oak roller-tOD I - ti -i ' '' v vdesks. sllahtlr damased iA Shipping. Haval, "7,.. " , "L " . .l 1... I Pisi to The Observer. ten repaired and In fine shape. Address , ' ,L" 7 " T . Duk cui onaarvar ' naughters. In the fraternal orders 4 , , V. he was prominent, and withal an r- laFOR SALE 7x10-18 H.-P. Wddell Tomp- cellent ciUsen. , , - : . kins engias. la exoellant condition and ' - ' " running order.-. Address Greensbiroi . v DOCBLB SALES BEG IX. 5 isuppiy to., ureensooro,. r. u. nnn , . , tt . for any macniaery you need... ' " - Clinch held tho Coal of quaUty. less .street. , plate class front. - Add1?I .-j .. t t't .1. , v.-. " winmuioi; more Gregg, then preceded the company to I tne aiiar. Rev. j. a. Ward, of Auburn, Aia., was best man. while Mra w. M. Gregg, sister of the bride, was-dame of honor. The other attendants were; Mr. Ernest Cooper, of Columbia, & C, with Miss Bessie Coble, of Greensboro, f. c-sister of the groom; Mr. ,T. D. Sharpe, of Greensboro, N. C. with Miss Dora Claussen; Mr. Henry Mc Call. of Effingham, with Miss Matll- ence, with Miss Bertie Gregg. The bride arrived at the altar lean-1 Ing on the arm of her (brother, Mr. -Ill -I".-. I... a'm MM . ant. la NOTHING, but dyeing and cleanins. 'i,:" " J'Tl "7 . ln on the rm r n'r mother. Mr. . Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works, w ftoe Y7 "c lp! nd Ur'6P w M. Clussen. The ceremdny was : portion t good stalk-cured loaf are th.n n.rtnrmmi, v n. n m v SEE OUR new fall styles la Colonial expected. Prices ; on most, grades I flf nariinirton assisted bv Rev JE Mahossny Bedroom Furniture. Parker- have been very satisfactory. All Sr ""lnpon' ,MIMM Rt, Gardner Co. f . . stalk-cured tobacco la eagerly sought T;.,.. . , ' ' . after an t4 hrln-a trntiA nrlooa. -in. uuug, orry4Ur..BV uooqucii, oi so ituKnais KBciuivisw Aug. zstn ; eacn i Double sales will be put on to- ZZ?'?Z"1J?.","VX?. nd continue until bride's roses, was dressed -In- 'white tnoussellne trimmed In 1 real f lace. I right, terms right, J.W. Wadswosjh's th n.n.in.. h.iM.v. tn. wearing a veil trimmed with eran-re I ; Sons Ce.- , i. .;" , J .u A. . . . -k- ..I. 4 tltoaaflma. CtVia alao wam a lovalvl -' ' ... . n, - I -.-. - 1.110: nucilUUKI IVJaaKK. r . . SPECIAL DISPLAY of fine Velvet andl"''-' 9cn. The crowds that throng brooch, a sunburst of pearls and dia- Wtium Carpets and Rugs. -Parker-1 Ue sales are not only -amused but monas wnicn was a gut or me groom. Gardner Co.. . " , i ' ideeply Interested. Many ladles an-1 JThe" church waa. elaborately, tleoa-1 . , ,...i ... i . , pear on the breaks from day to day Bated with amilax, palms and. ferne, a jaSna 'ciT and are welcome visitors. , presenting a color scheme of1 white i , Heavy Early Reason Sales at Win- and green. After the ceremony the at- W HOR8 ES Prices J. W. Wads worth LARGE NEW STOCK of Rattan Rockers : and Easy Chairs. Parker-Gardner Co. . Unique , desi, kers gbS.I eton Expected, Special to The Observer. Wlnston-8alem Aug. tendants with several ' invited guest assembled at the home of Mr. Claus-I . "Get it at Hawley's," Splendid Service 'and Swell DrinRs 'at Hawies Pharmacy. We are pleading in fountain specialties now, .Our new Improved service ;l, a ? winner and a wonder. ?. ;'EveryUiing"'New to Drink ean now be had at our estab- ;. We wou'fd be pleased to see Cydii) at our store every day," fWe are quite sure our service fWould please the eye as well as -tire appetite;- We shall look for jyo.uf to-day. f . "...V ",,.', a e.. I en. father of the bride, which had OURACTOCK of .Matched Dng Room ouiiea. is - tne .largest in. ins country, i sale of tobacco in tne -fore pant , 1 1XT L L . .; Parker-Gardner Co. . ; . ' tha a.aaon hare-. J.u h-.ral presiding at the punch bowl, gave all houses '. handled mere " - leaf than in Fall Dress Making time. is here. .When you start upon your fall outfitting, don't forget the many ways In which our cleaning and dyeing de partment can help you. We shrink cloth for you bet fore' making up. We dry clean or dye old or faded fabrics. N We dry clean, dye and re flnlsh articles of trimming. Jaces, etc. We dye and curl plumes. feathers, tips. etc. Our work Is prompt and ptloes always-reasonable. Book Jet mailed f res upon request. Charlotte Steam; laundry ML BOOKS -this year and will take pleasure and pride in showing them to you. erCo. Stone & Barring Bookseller, Stationers. ' Hoffman. V. C Aug. 24th, 1J0S. Mrs. Joe Person,, . - " u 4 - Charlotte, N. C. v .... ,. .... ; .v. Dear Mrs. Person: Two years ago. niy ' wife .. used . two i bottles ef your Remedy f or Indigestion and 4 was eared. ' She la somewhat rundown, caused! by the severe hot weather, and I- wired 1 f or a Jew bottles of . the . "- ' -f '-. - , -- - ' '. .- --1 V-.."-Remedy at 4 p. m. and received It the- following The second dost marked a change for the better. V V':,5r v:, "i'if ; 'V'."-'--Truly It will do what ' yo claim for It, and It la awonderful Tonic. We have used It for a long time ud know Its merits. This statement la volunteered. ' ' . f Tours sincerely, , , -: CLAUDE G. PEPPER, Agent S, A. L. Ry. m. on an early , train. WE CARRY A Large Stock of Plumbing and. heating supplies Write For. Prices, HACKNEY BROS. CO, Plumbing and Heating Can tractors. Jet bars' Supplies. Charlotte, K. C. Phoae SUL . 5 SACfVltfV Alt W ltoitsxir.rta To h sh seaTad bid oa roT flxture. n 8lmllar Prlod in the history of ne ..t i wei aid le.'S, the-St TradePreSt oro! the market and to-day the indications room where eery et'W; M. Crowell. Unexpired lease are- that the large volume of bust a very cordial welcome. In - a short! while all were invited Into the dining a bounteous supply -of) good ' things awaited them. Immeul- werth ehsv.SSO. Leave bid with r-h.n.. I nesa will ba continued. . Thi farmers 1 ately after ihe repast. MX. and,Mrs.i Mo4y, care Chambers de Moody Co. 1 are jubilant ever the good prlees ob-1 Coble left fo IlawIeyV Pharmacy TRVOX AND FTFTH 8TS.' 'Phones IS and 160. Academy, Advance Sale. or Florence, where they I.I..J a a a -. -w. ' . . i . , f ft- a ... I tv. a k.M.l .In ii . I AJUllfjM. nun oi ina vlirriDKS r navel w H likiii ivi viaa-n uiiuki traca i come from Davidson,' Rockingham, I The groom is a native or uumorai Stokes and Forsyth. Primings have I county, N. C. . ' NOTICE 550 laborers wanted for ' laying and ballasting between Clinch port. Vs., and Marion, N. C. Apply t IfAanlAwa If If . Ww ir - JoTTnaon ciV. Tenn.r MrJnol Tn.iel' ?r.ae' will soon be coming In Mr. Frank Carter Painfully InJnred Clinchsert Vs., or Mr. Jno. Reed, !n ,r .-nutiea. Tne Star ware- special to The Oblerver. ' - M-' 'j,, I Messrs. John T. Simpson and - Arch. MR. W. HARVEY OVERCARSH, teach-1 Bennett, begins business -to-morrow. THE RAIN er ot slano and Voice, will commons his classes the 1st ef Sept. The method taught sre the most thorough and are . taugnt in tne most practical . manner. Studios In this city and In Oastonla. Ad. dress COS 8. Try on St. 'Phone 17 J. . irao wants' a. babyt OPENING of the city graded schools. The , regular meeting of the city - school teachers will be held at the South school Friday morning Sent. 4th. at o'clock. All new pupils will assemble at the South T Asheville, 'Aug. II.' Mr. "Frank rta riar n.9 tm snlri' TamfrT ran didate'for the State Senate from this The doors WOll't 0DC11 day from Barnardsvllle, in the north- I and tne Are WOn t' DUITl. A H More Than Bhe ZTi'bSS rwTthn'y "other XJU ramr Weather giVCS LnVrLn to complain, for lng an Advertisement, , v : - Carter family. While on the moun- The Streets are muddy "A baby, guaranteed tender, 'of the tain near Barnardsvllle Saturday af-I - b;j,,ii, JL' age of a year and a half. Is offered ternoon Mr. Carter had the mlsfor-w ana ine BlaewaiKS, lOO;. to .'whoso win nave it by Its over-1 tune to rail on- rocks. SUStatnlns Se- I rPV or.W nn-nc nrA school Friday morning. Sept 4th, at lol burdened mother in Highland Park.vere bruises On one side. , A report fc ouccl ioio oic vituia Kr , fcdon. Jiir a the city in at ne naa ueen ana SO are yOU. , Former i pupils, wiir assemble baturday I. Da.re . i ..nv' -k-...- i- dknarerouslv Injured, but it turns out I .... J morninr. .Kent. bin. rar tha aama icho . . r ...... - ... - ... - . . . that they attended last yesr. to he nro- J yWara paper one of the Mule nis nurts. wnue very pamrui moted ahd to receive book lists. Monday. 1 acribea amused himself by re. are not so . serious as were nrst re Observer. In ?ner"'y injurea. out it lurns lYM Anhna r. J paper one of the Mulel lnal nis nurts. wnue very pamrui, I vv viuwh-o cic mjt;y imnuii Mmiair iA I are not so serious as were first re-1 .. nA .-., t cvpi.. unr lac-uia Lunr' Lmy, innra wilt lr i . w uia cunvermiun gi two -lauieSf T" , ' I VT 1 11 I!,?"0iS!.!: Tuy all regular work who- misunderstood the. advertise- ' t, rTT T.-'. . X 0Ur( Umbrella IS miSSini? ui Br,.., . iHainn mui aa'Bnva I meni.- 'W nether the mother in niinil "" nui jr aunHK vimiiuiit i . ... -,' for Wednesday. : Alexander Graham, Tv,T ..TLl?.!?! - f Recovery. and'VOUr OVershoea leak. or the -longer article, she called up Hp,w w - Observer. a.-2D?e.rv.er ,art -aTht. ' A ; - wnnston-Salem, Aug. tl. Sid Supt. Conductor Roscmond Will Chatlcne i. j - jsuitor rfniian. t ftpe;lai' to The Observer. , . , . : Durham,- Aug. II. Conductor Tom J,. RoBomoDd. passed through .the city yesterday morning from Jealeigh 'Who la It that want. ti h.K- -M rvi , 7.i.. .. . u uauj mvi- I vitaaiiuiri. v 11 0 jruunf wmic Ulu witu vertlsed for in Sunday'sx paper," asked ( ivas stabbed and . found lying in the an eager voice at the other erul or tha street yesterdsv mornlnr earlv. is still vire, "I've got one they ran have." - precarious condition at the Twin -How old Is the young oner' asked Clty HospltaL t Hopes are held ' for ui sen db, as soon, as he recovered n mvoyery. . . , ? , vnanaier a assailant or assailants have not been- arrested. Indeed, there hia breath. -. MS . VB a " 1ia -. l- ' - a . - ...... -i. . u.uue, tmw ina reply. "les, I nave eight, S9 solid cars. The weed was shipped j Mf husband is dead. It's more than from iftichmond over, the Seaboard 1 1 can do -to take rare of them aJL and was waterbound at Raleigh. It wl" yon And out who it is wants one was oeing sent to -spencef to take !-" teiepnone me 7" me usual route. Mr. Rosemond tm J ine Observea man ' promised ' and parted the secret that at the next P the receiver. What else was p-' That TiaTiw i.a Oafpubllcan convention or Rowan h there ,to - do? v Exnlannfinn. -roof4Tnat oold Be Proof Indeed. would. be nominated for .. the .lower I "lngs at best, are wholly Inadequate C "rIe"ton Newa.-.nd Courier. .uvw win cniurntto -a wvMiun, - vfUC ID xlisTn.- V t.t. . it 'm . - a In k Ta a.- 1 . .a. raujior.jvnB M. joiwn, or tub post, I mi t 1011-weary, .care is no positive clew, to the Identity, ex cept that which may fee furnished by Chandler 'n himself If he recover enough, to tell. A white man named Jim Payne' says he saw the light, but did not know who the men were. This rainy weather is much ., ,- to blame . : , for your .'sweet . diposi- , ,' uon going wrong ,'. . ; again. Your .Stieffpiano is about the only thing ' - . that don't seem to carol for incessant rain. The Charlotte Observer mlrht nrova i Its ability to raise money for the Brv- a joint : discussion. .Alreailv afr. I Worn mother, waltlna- tor a ItLnh... I n campaign fund'bv strlkinr the n-)iuuuEiui cvnrniign now in-session in its town, i .... : - to Julian has agreed to meet whomso-Iff" which win probably never come. ever . tne Republican , put up . and 1-" wants a cany t 1 fiar 1 .a H . 1 Lin... . I ' - ' , . - - mm b,.iiuiik uimj 1 1 1 1 w aar a, . r . i . . . . .....a. . r. --. " 1 :.- .c ... . . I A iraveiine llm'i I iivrlM A'tWRowiiry &n- 'The 1 report ef the Good Samaritan hou'o. R Vn. OT't'Sn'fta'ln (' iwlu V w ; Hospltalj for August, lei, follows: Pendleton to Le Grande.-Ore., writes Ram V ' T ' -y ': Patients .Jn hospital August. 1st.- ?i Oaw.-- well-known traveling man". Mr. Fred H-Allen Dies as St. Ieter'. catlenta admitf ai,i ".'l? I wbs1 In the smoking department with Mr. Ftm H.- Allen, a prominent Ptnts discharged - durfng Agu the"nt VlrmSJsZmi una man of Wiitnbm. ,.,... 11; patients In hoenltai t I h-.i. ' -h J cm ... -.ui. ... c-v- rt-irrg hfnsnttai Bun-I " i;- operations, via: onto aeatn- in tne csr.' I st enca sot ud -o j mwrniDn iwr treatment, uid this I """" ) "i treatment In ho a- I " ' w'Mt . nwina ner very 1 111 with 1 ' 1 I ' HUH CJ3 A fVt " - U!jJ? , DINING ROOM FURNITURE gs-tta'H!1!"11!.....!.- .1 !H)nu.Biiu...ii n. I m in furnishing the home,' no room should receive ' more thought I I R inan the dining room. To furnish, this room neatly and tastefully III V H v ' " H ""''I not, necessarily, cost a large amount of money, if the proper1 I I . H care Is exercised in the purchase of the furniture. Our stock of alt I I N . H grades of Dining Room Furnltde has been greatly enlarged - this I I H D season and it Is our intention to furnish our trade with one of tha III li x 'I 'trongest lines to be had in the State. 111- ' j n in as. hi 111 m in ana ioos tnrougn our stora, wneyier you want to buy or III I W'' I W.T. McCOY (SL CO. -- II H ljrU B III THE HOME PUBLISHERS. JJ U We aim to please the most H l Y J7). ri; I U discriminating patronsand so . far we've got a perfect score. V Think this over when you get II II . ymandardl 'Co.l. " the Ideal coal. Olvea maximum heat 'from , U II minimum quantity. ' ready for your Fall suit. B H ..""ndard Ice," made by experienced men. Quality and Quantity , ' D II 1 guaranteed. . ; . f i B Standard Ice & Fuel Qomp'y .- ... . H li , ' . Acnu ior u v. , nouumiu Coil, r II , ' $20.00 to 150.00 ' ' II I1 ' - M A UJ1 iriPHJ II ' . ..ssrae.' - III I I ill If. I 1 .e ." II III ainsfV 1 I 1 tt lU A4 I MHk II li li A ' IIIIII fim VAVi b v yL hi in v mrm$ II TApwf aAri 1 1 I Hi III iXNWm H -. .. iLlf. 1 - a I III -- a, 1 , 1 1 N. iay :- A:.:.;F-j: morning at caused by - a o'clock. .Death waa I Pal I08r outside casea .4 tar 11 mp ollc; her hands and arms were! complication of kidney Ireatments: nurse paid 1 visiu to on. ! X"Zn ."5 ZZ.J? .c,''1..? falghien till UlxaaJ. , , 1 L iVT FULL VALUES a . I don't cut the quality of whiskey in order to bay express. I GIVE YOU FULL, VALUE IN THE WHISKCv'lTstt.F I - If you Want every cent of your money'a worth in . Wkikv Oualiitt instead of a lower grade allowing forAxpfcuae, send ma your orders. ' Relaw are a few af mtf anMlallv tvinnla e Kean4a ... . ' - nrj. " 17.1.1: . -j .'. . . . , wwui representa uie verj nigaesi quauij ootaiD&bie for tha pneo: j. bisaoeiaa ceaaty ; el fntlsuarULlneo'iiCauntr ........ full uarta Old Hickory Lis. Co-a-. tV and bladder troubles. ' The ' remains I chaI'-tJ' Patient. Sinned: - ANNA B. ROBLNSON; Matron: In Win- will be carried to Wadesboro on the 4: JO Seaboard train this morning for ! A MXo' IXVFSTMKVT. ' Mr. John White, of 3 Hlchlsnd Aa Tloulton. Maine, says; "Have been trou bled with a cninrh everv winter, and Firina. , Laaai wmier i trteo many ad vertieed remedies, but the rough mntin. "' ml I Ix-nsht a S(V. bottle of )r King's New Dlecovery; before that was rain nonn. m coiian was al inn. .Thi IL . ----- - ---- - ..-a.a. j no- winter tha same happy r-ult 11 follow lumjetof le Mped he previous -1. m irw nun onre mnre bsntdhej thel ' ' iii.uiun pounus itiicrriu nouiu uau a million dollars increase in the cash paid for the weed. In other words prrres were much higher, even with the lirgcr volume of tobacco sold. Report on obacro Veer . . ston-Salem. -, Special to The Observer., ; ' .' '.'. " ' Winston-Salem, jfug. Jl. -The "tobacco-year closed to-day, officially, and 7he report shows that 1T,15. pounds were sold, for the sum of l,l45,7.t, an average of 110.75, tne nignest . in several vears. Th nnuai wnxn. i em now convinced that It. Kins' New IHnrovery la (lie het of all cninrh and Itin reined la uia '" 'rnnee all drug atores. , b j "d It Trial, bottle free. ; . I a deathlika liwik a.n i axr. iw nr tnrew isoiee were Working! with her and giving her whiskey. I want to my suit case and eot mr hnttia arl inimwnim 1 i one. Cholera andl uiarrnoea Kemeny it never travel with out It), ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in tha glass, poured -some water Into it and stirred It with a pencil: then I bad euite a time to set he ladies to let me giro It to her, but I succeeded, a I could at once see the effect and I worked 'with bar. rubbing her nana, ami in twenty mtnules I gave her I artomer ao-e. -nv this time we were si-I muer into J -e tirnnciA. where I was to leave, the train. I gave the bottle to the huettend to be need In case, another dee fthotil.l h needed, but by the time the train ran into la ;rnle he waa alii right, and 1 received the thanks of everv I Pi.enpr in the ear.". For sals by R H. I .uf jjh se wot 4 fullqoarta WhMaOak .............. .4fuUs.tuo4sIsxKeaah.aab. ......... 4.00 Cora Whiskey . : . 4 fnf qoarts Ramtlta Col Cora..... -12. ef 4fullaaarta8atMaehCarn I 4 4 full uarta Korth CaraliaaOara.... f U 4 full auarta Oil Meastain Car... I M 4fv.il auaruOU Ob Care .......... . Rye 4 nsaamOM Cables Bye... LM 4falleuarta Btavmt . . ., 1st 4fuUoarta HaaUiaa Ca. Chib..... f-fe 4 foil quarts Ctoaan's 4 btar. ........ 4.00 - . -: t BrasUllea .-' 4faneaHsAsle Praivlt. ...... . gj 00 4 full saaeulmwrisl Arris Praaly..t M 4 fullquarta f.naOM Arla Brandy. . I 00 ' 4 full quart Vary Old A Ppta Reaaer. . 4 00 iiuutiarnuiaaj'cl sVaady.. a. at Kemacnbef. I par aa axpeM, fcat tin ) hmt rU U tft nonnwr at fa leveat aaakprtoaa. AU gvads suprsataad sadar the Pure faad sad brass Act af Jsa SO, 1J04. v E. B. GIBSON . ' fiije wirms ad liquor? ; To the Consumer at Lowest Cash Prices i ' 19 East Seventh Street ' ' - Chattanooga- Tr-. Sand faetamplata Price Lad sad Order Bhaka NEW FALL I--.;:'': ..... ,V 4, : . STYLES EM LEATHER . . ... FURNITURE The best and the newest styles' in leather Furniture for Ilall, Library or Den now on display. We wish to call special' attention to v our Turkish Leather Spring' Rockers at - ' ' " - 25.00, $23.00,35.00, $40.00 and $C5.00, , ' It is a luxury to sit in them. .' r . Special bargains 'to .LeaiKer Library Suits of three pieces,1 consisting of one .Sofa, one Rocker end one .Arm Chair to match. i : Look where you-will, but you will find nonsuch values as we offer, , v , . . " . .......... - , , . I-