CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTEMBER , v 1908. mm v J S Financial and: jComm COTTOX. 4 New Tor.V Sept. ..After a. moderate 1 advance at the opening the cotton mar ket turned easier to-day witn the close - net unchanged to I point lower, gales were estimated at 125,000 bale.. The mar ket opened steady at an advance of i ,to 1 poipts and during the first few mln . utes sold 7 to points net higher on cov- ering. i During by houses wjth English " connections and a demand from reaction--? leu which . was ; encouraged by higher 1 cables tbaa expected and reports of a bet ter -leelrne- In Manchester. The advance carried October up to or points above the- low record of yesterday and at- tills level ;e"jermga increasea, : wiuis -"the boyin here for English account be- - Ing chiefly against sales In Liverpool was withdrawn after the close ot (He market and prices- consequently ended off after -midday. The low point was reached quite lata In the day 'when October sold at Lto, ior points net lower with the close a shade up from the bottom on renewed covering for over the holidays which will be followed by the first census report of the season at the opening on Tuesday morning, giving the amount of cotton gin ned from the. new erop prior to Beptem- , ber 1st. The local market will close .to morrow night for over. Labor Pay. '.. ;. - ' :. Southern spot markets reported to-day were Uc. lower to l-19c. blgher.v- . -., s " Receipts at the ports to-day 1LW1 bales ' agarost' 10.011, last week and 0,81 last " year. For the week 100.000 bales against 11,494 last week and 4S.423 last year. Tor 1 day's . receipts at Nw Orleans ISA .bales against 80 last year and at Houston &.97J against 4.994 last year. STOCK JIAKKAT. New York,- Sept (.-Selling of stocks by speculsUve holders to-dsy was Induced by the perception that some of the essump- tlons on whiob they has acquired them were not well founded. The conspicuous feature waa American Smelting, which broke badly In continuation ot Its weak ness ot yesterday. The prominent place given to American Smelting in the widely advertised Lawson campaign made Its example Influential in raising fears of similar condition to be met in other stocks. the mental and industrial group were most closely affected In sympathy. The July net-earnings reports of. railroads coming to hand and those of gross earn ings for the later weeks of August Indi cate a slender foundation for the more sanguine estimates ot the rate of Im provement The same Is true of the re turns from tbs iron and steel trade where the revival Is going on steadily but ad mittedly slowly. Conditions In the money and exchange markets were little chang ed. -' Discounts eased in London in spite of large withdrawals of gold from the Bank of England for export. The1 Bank 'of Prance return was weaker and dis counts advanced at Berlin. The general bond market was Irregular, Total sales, par value, t6.594.0M. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Total sales of stocks to-day 717,K; In cluding Copper 49.200; Smelting 87.509; Su gar 800; A. C. L. 100; C. & O. TOO; South ern Pacific 89.700; Southern Railway 100; pfd. 000; Tennessee Copper Union Pacific 124.200; United 8tates Steel 46,(00; Sloss-Bheffield 800; Virginia-Carolina Chemical 100. t . Baltimore, Sept. 8. S. A. and preferred nothing- (Joins;. L. cemmon HnVbard Bros, & Oo.'s Cotton IiCtter. . Bpeeial to The Observer. - New IforR, Bept lA-LIverpoot opened flrra wi'h Uie expected sharp rally and closed easy on more offerings from America. - Whether this reaction will hold depends upon the attitude of spinners as to their policy. 'With stocks so small .'n " IdYerpool and revival 1 the demand from Lancashire -will hrlnir about another rally and an, Inqreasa m th demand for prompt shipment frsm the South which is now reported lacking by exporters. So small Is the Inquiry at the moment In com- ,parison .with previous years that ex porters sre nussle'l as to what course to pursue. It to be noted "that spots and future quotations are closer together . In New Tork than In Lirerpool. The feel- , Ids here after the action of Liverpool to day is that It is prudent to wait Xor fur- ' ther Indication of the coarse- spinners In tend to pursue, as so far this season they . domitiate the . situation. . New Orleans Cotton. New Orleans, Sept. t Cotton: 8pots ..were easy and l-16c. lower throughout; " middling 8 l-16c Sales were 27S bales on tbe spot and 100 to arrive. Cotton futures opened steady an4-J-to 4 points above yesterday's closing In re ' fleetion , . of higher Liverpool cables. ; Prices were lower after the opening on re ports, of heavy spot offerings in the At antic States, but rallied on news of ab sorption of October options In New Tork. Unfavorable condition reports "from Mis sissippi and Alabama also had a strength ening effect on , prices. The margin of - ' fluctuations, - however, was narrow throughout -the- day. v The .closing was steady with prices i to 4 points net lower. Closing bids: ' September 8.64; October t .63; November. Iff); December .; Jan nary .; February 8.49; March 8.54. i v Chlcao Cattle. '.; Chicago,' Sept l.-Cattle, receipts esti mated at about (.800. market - steady. Steers $4,75 to $7 86; cows $3.40 to 85 26; ' heifers ',$3, to $4.28; bulls 82.75' to 84.M; "'. calves $4 to $7.86; atockers and feeders $2.0to $4.60. . , ' , , , . Hogs, receipts estimated at about 11 000; market 10c higher. Choice heavy ' shipping $4.90 to'Z; butchers 84.85 to 87; light mixed $8.50 to $7; choice light. $4.78 to 86.90; pigs $175 to $6; bulk of sslea . $4.80 to I6.90." -" ' -" " ' Sheep, receipts estimated at shout 17,000; 'market lOo. lower. Sheep $150 to '$4.45; Iambs $4.7$ to ;. yearlings $4.35 to $4.85. -. - Dry Gxxxlt Market ; :fSKr Tork, Sept Reports to tha dry '-goods market . from men's wear houses - are to the effect that 'business; Is sub .sUntlariy tetter In spot goods and some i -re -orders are already beginning to come f-8tward on soring goods. -.' The cotton JLoods trade for the day was fairly steady, 1 Vk, Affn.nil Mnt tnr small lots s-eneral- . ly for early shipment. Raw silk factors . are finding the demand more steady from the mills.- Jobbers bad a fairly good day. The Money Market-'-J.- . S'J , New Tork. Sept. 8. Money on call easy 1 te l1 per cut.; rulise rate 1; closing ; bid 1; offered at 1. ' -Time loans dull steady $ 40 days' S per nt and a) dys IVi per cent.; six months Itt per cent. .-.... Closer Prime mercantile paper 4 to 4H per cnt i Sterling exchange firm wits actual business In bankers' bills at 484 W - to 4S4.40 for fi0-day'blll and at 484 for de , mand. Commercial bills 4S3 te 4S4. Bar stiver 5114.-. Mexican dollars 41 : V" .' ; .-" New Tk Ottlek T ". New i York.. SepL t-Beeves receipts ' X.8S2; no trad in live cattle; feeling easy. Calves, receipts 29f. Common and me dium veals 87.25 to $8; buttermilks $150. Sheep and lambs, receipts 4.X9S. Sheep $2.60 to 84.S0; lambs JiiM to $4.45; on car - $4.50. . - ' , Hogs, receipts t$93: nothing doing. Feel ing easier oa Buffalo advices. j .: DeSy , Cotton Market ' a . v "New York, Sept. 8. Galveston, tone steady; middling VA; net receipts s,234 gross receipts ,234; sale MS; stock 35,474; COSStWl AO ;jll,,V - '-" ' :l.r.' New Orleans, .tone steady; middling 11-16; net receipts tX; gross receipts 636; sales S75; stock 24.8. . , , 'Mobile, tilt receipts SOS;' gross receipts 209; sales 14; clock ,4S3; coastwise 4. Bavaannh, tone steady; middling 113-18; net receipts 4.U; gross - receipts.' 4,08; stock 3O.M0; coastwise tt. .' " , , Charleston, tone steady; middling 1 13-H: net receipts -rO; gross receipts 829; stock Wilmington, tone nominal: stock 1090. -Norfolk, tone-quiet; middling 9; net receipts 15; gross receipts II; stock 8.043; coastwise 3v , . t vyV- ".--. .Baltimore, tone nominal;" middling' t; stock 1.JS. ' ; ' New -York, tone quiet;- middling 930; gross receipts, M! stock 76.182: ' Gt Bri tain 8.228; Franca 800; continent 100; coast wise 6i. . : - -- - -: Boston, tone quiet; middling 930; , set receipts W; gross receipts 184. . Philadelphia,' tons quiet; middling .856; slock M43. j - t Total to-day, at aU porta, net 11.981; Ot, Britain 3.ZX; France 800; continent. 100; stock I8b.85. ' v V Consolidated, at all ports, net 44.870; Ot Britain 16,243; France 14.556; continent 5S.285. ' -. i Total since September 1st, at all ports, net 39.983; Ot Britain 8,246; France 9.169; continent 23,781. ' y - : .. ; INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston, tone steady; middling 815-16; net receipts 5.978; gross receipts.' 6,978; shipments 7,283; sales 4,799; stock 38,042. Augusta, tone quiet and steady; mid dling S; net receipts 616; gross receipts 416; shipments 256; stock f,4S3. Memphis, tone quiet; . middling t: net receipts 189; gross receipts 265; shipments 91; sales 5; etoek U.S4I. - St Louis, tone dull; middling f; gross receipts 172; shipments 172; sales 80; stock 9,9: . . ... , . ; Cincinnati, net receipts 152; gross re ceipts 153: shipments 144; stock 8.21L . Louisville, tone firm; middling 9. ' Little Rock,, net receipts 10; gross re ceipts 10; shipments (; stock 2.084. Total to-day, net receipts 4,945; gross re ceipts T.198; shipments T.968; sales 5,054; stock 74,558. New Ywk Produce. New York, SepL lFlour Arm t4 higher. Rye flour steady. C'ornmeal firm. Hye firm. Barley stesdy. Wheat strong; No. 2 red VS to V6 elevator. Options I to lVfce. net higher. September 105; December 108; May 108. Corn firm; No. t, 89V4 elevator. Op tions Si net higher. September De cember T9; May 74, Oats firmer; mixed CI to 54. Beef steady, - Lard steady. Tallow, dull. Pork quiet, Sugar, raw firm; fair refining 83.4l; cen trifugal 94 teat 83.84; molasses, sugar 8X16; refined steady. Coffee quiet; Rio No. 7, SSi; Santos No. 4. 8. Mild dull; Cordova W to 12H. Fu tures net unchanged to 10 points lower. ' Butter steady;, orealnery specials 24 to J4Vi. Cheese firm, unchanged. Eggs steady, unchanged. Cut meats quiet. Rosin quiet. Rice quiet. Molasses quiet. Peanuts and Liverpool freights steady and unchanged. Potatoes easy; Long Island per barrel 82. a to82.62; Eastern shore sweets 8L60 to 82; Jersey per basket 60c. to 81. Cabbages unchanged. Baltimore) Produce. Baltimore, Sept. I Flour firm, un- changed. Wheat firm, spot contract 87 to M; Southern on grade 84 to 87. Corn dull; spot mixed ; No. 1 white ; Southern white corn 83. Oats Arm; No. 2 mixed El to llhi- Rye steady; No. I Western domstlo 794 to 80. Butter quiet, unchanged; fancy Imita tion 20 to 21; do creamery 25; do ladle 20;' store packed 1 to 17. Eggs quiet, unchanged, 22 to 21 Cheese quiet, unchanged; new large 12; new flats 12; do small 13U. 8ugar unchanged; coarse u granulated $5.10; fine 85.10. Chlcaso Grain and Provisions. Chicago. Sept 8. Wheat prices on the local exchange to-day advanced nearly 1 cents from the low point of the, session owing chiefly to confirmation of enormous sales of flour at Minneapolis yesterday. All of the advance was not maintained. .but the ma Meet closed strong' with prices up to to to ltt te Ht. Corn also was buoyant and closed at net gains of to c. Oats and provisions showed moderate gains. . ( . v - . WHEAT ; High. Low. dose. May.. .. ....101 109 101H Sept.. .. .. 9814 t 8814 Dee.. .. j,. .. 98 96 87 CORN- s .-. May.. .. .. tS 64 Sept 79 - 79 79i Dec ,. ,, 47H 63 OAT8- May ., .. SH BZM 62 Sept 80 60 50 Dec ..50 60 60 PORK- Sept .. .. 14.95 1440 14.M Oct A 1500 14.85 14.85 Jan.. .. .. .. 14.50 . 16.45 16.45 LARD , v Sept.. 917 9.62 9 87 Oct.. 9.76 9.70 9.72 JttH.s , s 1.53 9.50 9.52 RIBS ' . Sept..' ,. .. .. .. .. . 9.20 9 15 9.15- Oct.. 4 .. .. 9.77 9.22 9.22 Jan....... 156 3 a $.52 Estimates, To- Last morrow. Tear. 309 . 400 6.000-7.000 New Orleans. Houston.;- Comparauva Fort Kecaip's. - ... . :. , - To-Last f day Tear New Orleans.. Mobile..." Norfolk... ; '' 15 Total (eat.).. .... 11.006 Ntval Stores, --. ;''--,-vv Wilmington, Sept. 8,-Splrtts turpentine SSr receipts a. - - t Rosm steady, $3; receipts 93. . Tar flrm, $140; receipts 3. ; Crude turpentine firm. $LS0. $2 and 82.75: receipts 1L . - - ' ,' - "... ftavansah. Oa.. FSenL 8. TnrMnllna am. 34; sales 392; receipts 1.087: shipments rift. , wsi nrm; nies ., receipts .44; sblpmenU 1489; stock 154.074. Quote: A B C- $1 46; D $2.46;, E $150 to $2.55: F $170: O 8175: H $3.36; I $140; K $4.30: M $450: N $5.25; W O $5.90; W W $4.10, tV Charleston, 8. C, Sept. 1 Turpentine steady at 36. - , r Rosin steady. Quote: ABC $127 te $13; D 8130; E 813S to $2.37; F 82 S to $2.70; O 8172H to 82.75; H $144; I $150; K 94.15; It $4.40; N $115; W O 85.74.; W W $190. - - ' - ' 10,000 SPINDLE HILL . - With 25DL00JX13 You can secure any part of the Hachinery in this :v - mill, which we are' disposing of very rapidly. It is in splendid condition. , A fine-chance for those who are 'balancing their " equipment, while business is temporarily quiet. ;r It Will Pay You to Investigate. GREENSBORO SUPPLY CO. GREENSBORO, N. Q. Si?!? I' piHAVUB MACHINE WnRifft POTTOW TAUNTON. COMBERS LAP MACHINES v - LOOKS southern orrrcc at charlotte CDW1W HOWARD, AOCNT. TflE JOEL HIItIrTOMPANY (Chartered) rUBUC ACX:OCNTA!fT8 ANb AUDITORS. Cost Systems. Inreatlfa Uons. " Bank Examinations. 121t-20-2t Kmplre BMg., Atlanta, Ga. CORRESPONDENCES SOLICITED. Charlotte Cotton. These prices represent figures paid to wagons September Id. Good middling 1014 Strict middling 10H Middling 19 Charlotte Produce. (Corrected by R. II. Field Co.) Butter 10018 Chickens Spring ... Ducks , Kggs Geese-per head Hens per head .... Turkeys per pound n2 80 26 . 4O0SO SOtj36 13814 Charlotte Graln, (Corrected dally by Cochrsne-McLaugh- Iln Co.) Rye Corn Cotton Seed Oats 8S 101 21 68 Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Sept. J. Closing: Cotton, spot In fair demand; prices points high er; American middling fnlr 5.82; good mid dling 5.46; middling 6.2; low middling 5.02; good ordinary 4.42; ordinary 4.02. The sales of the day were 6.000 bales. Of which 500 were for rpuciilntion and export and lncluled 6. 2t0 American. No receipts. Futures o;wned nteady and closed easy; American iniJitlir.f g. o. o. x September . , ,4.84. September-October 4.49 October-November 4.68 November-December 4.61 December-January 4.61 January-February 4.61 February-March 4.82H March-April .. 4.64H April-May 4.66Vi May-June New York Cotton. New Tork. Sept. 1 Cotton: Spot closed quiet; middling uplands 9.30; middling gulf f.65; sales none. Futures Opened and closed steady. Open High Low Close Bentember 8.4b 8.60 8.4 . October 8.60b 8.68 .8.50 November December 8.52 8.62 8 $.58 3.41 $44 $34 January 8 43 8.44 8. February i.m i. i. March 8.48 8.49, $.38 $.36 8.88 April .. .. May 8.48 $.44 8.4t ' Cotton Seed OIL New Tork; Sept. 8 Cotton seed oil was steadier with a fair export demand for tin hMn movements. Prima crude. 48 spot, prime summer yellow '8714: off sum- mer yellow 36 to ; gooa on uiranw yellow 35 to 36; prime white 39 to,U prim winter yellow o t w. j NEW YOBK BONOS , ; U. S. refunding 2s, registered ex. Int. IT. B. refunding 2, coupon ex.. int. U. S,8s. registered ...... U. S. 8s. coupon ... U. & 4s, registered U. 8. 4a, coupon American Tobaoco 4s American Tobacco 6s Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4s Atchison ev. 4s .,; Atchison cv. 6s Atlantic Coast Line 4s Baltimore tt Ohio 4s ,.' 'Baltimore ft Ohla 3s bid .......... Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s Central of Georgia 6s Central of Georgia 1st Inc. bid Central of Georgia 2d Inc. ofd Central of Georgia 3d Inc. old. Chesapeake Ohio 4s ... Chicago ft Alton 8s Chicago, B. ft Qulncy new 4s... Chicago. R. L P- B- R. 103 104 101 101 IWi lot 101 91 97 'ST lot 2 74 1W 46 44 - 40 101 44 t 40 42 sr4 73 44 101 93 86 104 Chicago. K. I. ft Pac, By. rfdg. 4s.. C, C. C- tib Lun . w Colorado Industrial ta Colorado Midland tt bid fvinvatA A Houthern 4a ............ Delaware ft Hudson cv. 4s .... Denver ft Rio Oranoo Erie prior Men 4s ........ VH lnral 4a bid ...... tseaaees-eea Hocking Tsiiey oia , Interboreugh-Met. 4s , .. ....... Jspan 4s bid ....... Janan SWa .. ............. J...... 80 90 8 ' 99 : 9S r: 81 17 i to - 83 ; 81 - i 123 - ' , 73 4 - 102 1)0 " ,.75 64 t U 101 110 ' 75 1" 97 m lm j 76; '4 SI 130 Japan 4s, 3d Series .,,,...... Louisville ft Man. t nineo s ...... Msnhatun conaol gold 4s ofd. ...... Mexican Central 1st Inc. bid Minn. St. LOWS ex. vtu wa..s. Missouri. Ksnsas ft. Texas 4s told,. i ... 4 iraiiui a. ttMi Mm bliL. National R. R. of Mexico coL 4s bid New Torn tnirai gew. ... New Jersey -Central general s...., PiHfle a. ....... Northern Paeiflo Is bid Norfolk ft Weetera eonaol 4s Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s Penn. rr. 3s. IS.. ................. Penn. Consol Reading Oenersi s ...t..... ........... Republlo of Cuba 6s ex. Int. bid.,., o. t a. Iran Mountain eonaol Ka St. Louis ft San Francisco fg. 4s ft. Louis Southwesuern.. con. 4s.... He a boa M aw une -r. Southern Pacific 4s Southern Paelfle 1st 4s Southern Rallwsy 6s ................. r.a a. mMtr. lata Toi'-io, 8t L. ft Western 4a bid..... T'nion Pselne 4s ...................... fnion Paelfto cv. 4 V. a Steel 34 6s Wabash lets bid TX'.,. XI 4 aa ... Wheeling ft Lake Erie 4s ........... wuxn!n nirsi w .................. N. N. IL ft itl cv. Is ctfs. bid SPINNING U -5 FRAMES MACHINERY Mill FS CLOSING STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper 77 American csr rounory 40 American t;ar s rounary pra. American Cotton OH American Hide ft Leather pfd. American Ice Scurltles American Unseed Amrlcan Locomotive American Locomotive pfd American Smelting ft Refng. -.. Amerlcsn Smelting ft Rtng. pfd. American hna.- fii-.ijilr.g Amerlcsn Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison v Atchison pfd Atlantic CoHst Line Baltimore ft Ohio Baltimore ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Paoific , 17! Vi Central Leather 2R Central Leather ntd 07 Central of New Jersey 193 Chesapeake ft Ohio dl Chicago Great Western 6 Chicago ft North Wentern 161 Chicago, Mil. ft St. Paul 14:' C C, C. ft St. Louia 64 Colorado Fuel ft Iron 3 Colorado ft Southern 35 Colorado ft Southern lt pfd t4 Colorado ft Southern 2d pfd 67 Consolidated Oai 145 Corn Products Delaware A Hudaon Denver & Rio drahde Denver ft Rio Grande pfd. Distillers' Securities Erie Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfs. m 26 65 33 !4 39)4 80 145 1MV 65 140 11 32 10 55 24 16 25 61 10S 1A 27 122 - 66 81 64 82 104 iX 74 61 ' 111 24 123 96 76 ...... Illinois Central Interborough-Met Interborough-Met. pfd International Paper International Paper pfdT f .... International Pum p Iowa Central Kansas City Southern Kansas City Southern pfd Louiflvllle ft Nashville Mexican Central Minneapolis ft St. Louis Minn, St. P. ft Sault St. M.' .... Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kanias ft Texas Missouri, Kansas ft Texas pfd. .. National Lead New- York Cantral New Tork. Ontario ft Western .. Norfolk ft Western North American Northorn Paclfio Paelfle Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas Pittsburg. C. C. ft St. Louis. Pressed Steel Csr Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading ltl 43 127 Republic Steel 23 Republlo steel pro. Rook Island Co. Rock Island Co. pfd SU Louis ft San Fran. Id pfd. .. i!4 PC Louis Southwestern , JY ' 45 10 19M ' 15 49 M t fti 1"4 864 31 W 4S7, VWi 44H H n 74 IK CiS St. Louis Southwestern pfd. Sloss-Sheffletd Steel and Icon .. Southern Paelfle Southern Pacific pfd Southern Rallwsy Southern Railway pfd Teanessee Copper Texas ft Pacific Toledo. St. Louis ft Wejt Toledo, St Louis ft West pfd. .. t'ntoo Paelfle fnion Paelfle pfd TTnited States Rubber ITnJted States Rubber 1st pfd. ... United Plates Steel United States Steel pfd Utah Copper .. ..- Vlrglnla-tTarollna Chemical Virginia-Carolina Chemical pfd. . Wabaah Wabash pfd.' Westlnghmia Electric Western Union Wheeling ft Lake Erie Wisconsin Central Standard Oil FIVE BUSINESS STRUCTURES. lTrr1eman, Xew Undertaking Fsfah- it8WnHit, liana wuti irtej KeH ta thf.tu. Special ta Tha Observer. .Henderson, Sept. I. Of the buxl nesa structures which have been re cently erected Henderson, none aifkaasea tha undertskln establish' ment owned and operated by Mr. A. T. Barnes, funeral director. Tha edifice is. two story brick 10 l-2xf faet with ' fireproof floors. 5 Whila not presentlnf an Impoalnf appear anca external lj, the Interior la both convenient and attractive. The front l supported by four massive ruithj tranlte columns, behind . which are encased French plate, g lass window USzTt inches. The reception room la finished In marble trimmed with ma hog-any borders, and - decorated with ferns and other pot shrubs, which present a scene of ' beauty. In tha rear tha ahoow room contains elcht handsome show eases, in which are exhibited .twenty-four vaskets o4V the most modern- type, two of which are counterparts of those ued for tha lata Knf list) Queen and Senator Vance. On tha second floor th visitor enters a spacious room finish' td la tha purest white with windows and doora, connected with the em balming . department. . With Its my raids of reflecting electric llfhts, masaivs screens - and tasty decora, tlons, solemnity la - dispelled, and visitors forget the character of th business and weird assoclatlona. 1 COTTON MILL MACHINERY. ' Warif Oiheei ' OUTM TfYOhf 8iT.. OHARLOTTK. N. O Rtjyolvfac FUt Curds, - Railway Heads. Drawing Frames, spinning Frames, ' y Twisters and Spoolers QulIIers and Reels, Looms, ' COMBERS HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton E change, New Orleans fotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and rale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence lnvtttS. MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS CHARLOTTE, N. C. Motors, Dynamos, Alternating and Direct Current. Any size and voltage Stock on hand. We ask for orders. CLING FAST Wood fibre. Plaster "Second to None." Experienced plasterers pronounce it the best on the market. .The Best is always the Cheapest. Ask for prices and booklet; it will pay you. STATES VI LLE PLASTER & CEMENT COMPANY Statesville, N. C. k. fcpeiicrr uur x detslUp at Vc I'olnt. Special to The Observer. Spencer, Sept, ..-Leonard B. Gary, aged 17 years, a son of Knglneer and Mrs. Charles POary, of. this place, has been appointed by Senator Lea & Overman to a cadetship at West Point Military Academy, West Point. N. T., for a full four year course. Tha ap pointment was mads over five other applicants from the State at large anj la a recognition of merit. Mr. Gary will go at once to Highland Falls. N. T where lie will take special work under Lieut Charles , Branden. He will then go to Columbus, Ohio, to stand regular examinations. After completing a four year's course at West Point with ths rank of lieuten ant, he will enlist in - the 'regular asmy for four years service. Mr. Gary was a former Richmond boy, having been born In that city. Its has resided In Spencer for the past six years. Changs of SctMxInlo on Marlon ami KJngvlUe llrl4on. Special to The Observer. . ; . Torkvtlle, S. fiept I. 'It Is stat ed that by reason of a change" In ths on the Marlon and Klagvllle division of the South, ern, to place next Sunday, and by which that train will reach hers about . thirty minutes later than at present, tt will be possible for pas sengers from points soutn of Chester, Including Columbia, to reach Tork. vlllo the same day via Rock Hil). This will five Torkvllle two dally connec tions coming In. but there Is none gor ing out. Passengers from this place for points south of Chester are forced to spend from 10 to 1J hours st Reek Hill or Chester, leaving either of those points very 'earlv In the morn ing, after spending the night wltnla IS or 10 miles of home., y Damage to Crop In Vance Xot Com sidcrablfl. . , Speclst to( Ths Observer. . Henderson.' Sept l.Jt la estimat ed by some of our oldest cltlsens of this community, that the rainfall for the past week la equal to that of the memorable year of 1H7. which pro duced the largest fresaet In Eastern Carolina- known lnce XI4X,: . The torrents of rain whicn fell during ths month of June.. list, came when the crops were in a tender atate, and eo Injured them,. It proved disastrous, causing-losses which, drove thousands into bankruptcy. Tortunately for the country, the present season Is far advanced and crps are verting en maturity, . and while considerable damage may be vustalned, the loss will hardly be disastrous. , rHiTm 03 I 33 86 23 J 9Mfc . Sfc 8t k. 63 Stuart W. Cramer, ENQINEER AND COMTRAtTOU. Slubbers, KoviAf Frames . . mmm R B AD T H IS IF YOV HAVE TO SELL, LIST TT IN THIS OFFER ? If you have houses or stores to rent, let we do your collecting and save trouble and worry. ; Tha place to insure your property Is in this agency. R. E. COCHRANE - i . .. Insurance and Real Estate) Agent. Cement, lime, And Other Building Material can be had in schooner lots, car load lots or small lots, delivered at any point in the South at lowest prices, by simply indicating to us that you want it and have the money to pay when our bill is due. Inquiries cheerfully answered by telegraph or mail the day received. Shipments made on a mo ment 's notice from one of our stocks near you. Write usl Carolina Portland Cement Comp'3? KOUTEKN DISTRIBUTORS. . CHARLESTOX, S. C. Motors, Generators, Dynamos and Electrical Wiring installed by us. Mill work a specialty. Prompt attention given to all work. . .... ?. G. ZIUTEN eOMPMVY Electrical Contractors. 'Phone 1307 or 1308. 202 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. 0.' Are You In Business For Yourself? Then you will do well to In vest most of your capital In your business. But lay aside enough each year to pay for a round amount of life In surance. Tour policy may not Increase your business, but It will protect you future. A vast majority of ths men who are in business fall. A small minority succeed. Those who will succeed will find it a valuable asset Moral: Insere In The Equl table Life. The strongest 1st th world. W. J. RODDEY, Manager. Rock niu, S. C. WM. WHITE JOHNSOX, Rest. AL, Hunt Rldg Charlotte, If, 45. I FRANK P. M.LBURN ft CO. - I ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON, D. C ' LOUIS n. ABBUET i ARCHITECT ; law BoIldlBg, Caartotta, IT. C, HOOK AND B0OHB3 'jv -AEcrjnnrecTS-- 1131. v: ' "''" ' .'.' cn.uuxrnr, K. o. Leosxard la Renter aad Fraakllf - . Cordost .. ARCHITECTS '' law BuIUlng, CbarieUa, X. CL Koa. U aa4 11. ' Ttione s?fl 6WTA$3kB BUILOINO. ATkaVNTAe CO 1 ' Atttenatic Ft3cdert ; : - Openert andTrtink. b Breaker, InttrrtntdUt a&i Finisher Lapptira, v Klrschner Cerdlnx Baaterf , Thread Extractoca, Waste pickers, tit ' Intermediates, Raw Stock Dcytrfc . . Jack Frames ETC-ETC ; Plaster, Roofing SCREENS flies and Mosquitoes on the Outside Small Cost J. It WEARN &C0. Manufacturers of Mantela, write foe catakkfM. Manufacturers and Jobbers Jrequentty And It necessary ta have barring racllitles In ad dition to those offered by local banks. Tins , - First National Bank or Bicmiojnj, TTRGoruw With ' U.00MOM Capital Earned Surplus t0.0l.ll It.l90,00l.f DepoelU , Tout Keeeurce Offers Just the Additional Fa. ellltlee Required. . Jne. B. Pureell ' Fresldeat; Jno. M. Miller, Jr.. Vice Presi dent; Chas. R. Burnett. As slstsnt Cashier: J. C. JepUn, Assistant Cashier. A. D. OALKELD tt BE04 V COMMXSSSIOX MZSCHAKTS MTS Leoauirt iaeZ VTW TOILS. COTTOX TARXS y DEFT. FrcdTc Vietor 6 Achslli JAME3 E. IHTCHXLL C 0. J " COMMXSSIOX KEKCaAXTS ICcttoa Yams and Cct' : exsiaNirxT3 ECLirrrr- - riiUaderpMa. IZi act IT t C St, Boeton, ITS tit-nr . - JTew yoctc, ?"v Tt T - - ' t-ar:.--...', lit..

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