CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTEMBER 5, 1903. 10 r ' i ' I liVVJ f tKs State llappcnto? of YeaterUey Told In Paragraph. MIUS AND MARKETS DUN'S REVIEW. The first bale of new cotton for that aectlon wax sold on the ltocky Mount market yesterday. . The member of the Statesville bar jI:nrcked at East Monbo. on the Ca tawba river- Wednesday. The day was an ideal one and the lawyers en Joyed the Outing. Harnett Superior -Court convened Monday at Wlllngton with Judge Neal presiding;. On account of the recent liooda it will a very snort A ramo of the United Con federate Veteran will., bo organized ' at High Point Saturday. September nth in the office of ilazlstrate J M. 6echreet. , Xash Superior Court adjourned THurxl fter a four day' session. The criminal docket wan light and .. At tha civil docket was tried . Judge W. R- Allen, of Ooldsboro. pre aided. prof. John A. Mclean, principal of the Dunn graoea icnwi. io -rner course at Harvard equipping- him if iar better works. The Dunn . school opens September 14th. a meeting of company M. High ntn Rifles. N. C. N. G.. Thursday i- i.h m. R V. DeLaunav Ladd. for merly of Ashevllle, but now of High Point, was unanimously elerted to the .position of so con a ueuienanu ''Tobacco aalea on the Rocky Mount , market have been neavy every uy this week and the prices are tner- Iry satisfactory to the farmers. Sales lor tne five days ioiai mw .- ' . million pounds. tsw h fin lit week the Dunn to taoco market has broken all records of the part two years. air. tu. . fvmnritnr of the Planters warehouse, says from 25.000 to 30.000 pounds came in dally. There will be no formal celebration of Labor Day at Wilmington, but the Tidewater Power Company ha an : flounced reduced rates to Wrlghtsvlll.) Beach, where a canoe race will be field in the afternoon, with possibly ether attractions. Mr. Jule Elder, who has been con nected with the North Carolina Fire Insurance Company, has accepted a position with the John W. Gordon general agency, nt KW-hmnnd, Va., and will be special agont for North Carolina, with hpadaiiartrni at High (Tolnt. A call is issued r the New Han over county Democratic chairman, John 3. Furlong, for a meeting in tho court house at Wilmington next Wed nesday night for the purpose of or ganizing a Bryan and Kltchln Demo cratic club. Active work will be pros ecuted to the end that an old-time majority for the ticket may be rolled VP in New Hanover. ' Mr. Fred L. Bowie, who returned to tils home in Statesville in July, after Jiavlng served three years in the Unit- ea States army, re-enlisted in the in fantry Jservlce Wectesday through Sergeant Gilbert, of the Statesville re cruiting station, and has gone to Co lumbus barracks to be assigned to ..duty. Mr. Bowie spent two of the three-years ho was In the service In - (he Philippines. ' Mr. James L. Mayo, clerk of the Beaufort county Superior Court. Is having Installed In the clerk's office la the court bouse at Washington. N. C. a handsome set of fireproof fixtures made of steel and consisting nf document and book flics, desks, etc. These Improvements will add very much to the convenience of the of fice force, as well as insuring tho safety of valuable papers filed In the office. Steady Increase in Percentage of Idle v Machinery and the Number of Idle tars cwumcs iiraduai increase in Retail Trade, New York. Sept, 4. -It. O. Dan U Company's weekly review of the trade will say to-morrow: . - The steady decrease In percentage of Idle machinery apd the number of Idle freight cars swells the amount or money distributed among- wags earners and gradually increases the Volume of retail trade. As Stocks of merchandise In the, stores of re tailers become depleted, there is store confidence regarding the future and contracts are made covering deliver les up to the end of the year, but conservatism still 'dominates the sit uation and many plans will not ma terialize into anything tangible until the election uncertainty Is removed two months hence. Cotton mills still curtail their output, but other leading manufacturing Industries are gradually increasing their output and the fortnightly statement of idle freight cars shows a decrease. Lla billties of commercial failures In Au gust would have compared favorably with those of the same month laM year, but for three large suspensions, one of which was speculative ana had no effect on legitimate business. Pig Iron production has made fur ther progress, fewer furnaces offering concessions in prices as the aemana Improves and Southern companlef are able to extend operations since the collapse of the coal miners' strike n the Birmingham (liHtrici. severai idle furnaces are preparing to reaumo next week. A better undertone Is beeinnlng to appear in the primary marnei ior cottons, although buying Is confined to pot goods that are taken only as ac tuallv needed. Local jobbers have aone a miie better of late. Kill The , Merchants & Parmeris liaffoal Bank Mr. Patterson's) Body 'Still TJnre. -ore-red. Special to The Observer. . Y Klnston, Bent. 4. The body of Mr. O. W. Patterson, who was drowned In the Neuse river Wednesday, hai not been recovered, though un remitting search is still being made. The extreme high water and other circumstances may render It Im possible to ever recover the remains, though hopes are entertained of its rising to the surface to-morrow. THE WEATHER. ; ;. OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. . . Capital;;.. ;. $200,000.00 V- - Surplus and Profits., . . ; 130,000.00,''" Accounts of Corporations, Firms , and Individuals v v ' i' Invited. --? 'y; We Issue Certificates of Deposit Payable . on Do ipand Bearing Interest at 4 Per Cent "Per -' ; lAnnum if Left Hhre'e Months or Longer. We Also Pay IPer Cent, on Savings Deposits and V v Compound the Interest - Quarterly. i ; We Want Your Business. ' . ; GEO E. WILSON, Present. ; ' -y JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. . ; ; W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. PANIC T1DK HAS TIRXKI). So Kays President Van CJeme. of Na tional AsNOfiatJon of Manufactur ers An Interesting Letter. President Van Cleave, of the Na tional .Association of Manufacturers, has Issued a circular letter to the three thousand members'of that as sociation stating that the adverse tide has turned and that ruiini onni- (lons are now Improving all ulong the line. The letter follows: Dear lr: The hiiftlncxs outlook Is a matter of vi!l lmportnnee: the future looks bright, and we Invito your attention to a few lines from President Van ('leave's article In American Industries, of August 5th: 'The aeneral acgrecate of the rops promises to tie greater man ever before. Money Is plentiful and low. A country so well endowed a the United States, with the tnings which the world must buv from us, aannot be held down long by any sort of adversity. On all sides we aee evidences that the tide has turned. A steady Improvement from this time onward may be looked for with continence. In New York, Chicago, Pltbthurg, Ht. Louis, Boston, and other Industrial centres, mills are re-openlng- their oors. The stocks of goods In tno hands of manufacturers and whole salers have been reduced to low fig ures, and the resumption of pur chases, which Is under wav In all the great lines of trade, la beginning to send In orders to the factories with little of their old-time volume." "Yours very truly, "QEORGE 8. BOUDINOT, "Secretary." Washington, Sept. Forecast: Virginia: Partly cloudy and warmer Saturday; Sunday fair; light south winds. North Carolina: Fair In east; Showers In west portion Saturday; Sunday local showers; light variable winds. Smith Carolina: Local showers Satur day and probably Sunday; light variable winds. (ieorgla: Local showers Saturday; Sun day fHir. except showers on the coast; light variable winds. Kant KlnrTlla; Local showers Saturday and probably Sunday; light variable wind. West Florida and Alabama: Local showers Saturday; Sunday fair, except showers on the coast; light variable winds mostly south. Mississippi: Ixk-sI showers Satutday; Sunday fair; light Variable winds, mostly south. Texas: Fair Saturday and Sunday; light south' winds on. the coast. Arkansas: Fair and warmer Saturday; Sunday fair. Tennessee: Local showers Saturday; Sunday fair. Kentucky: Local showers Saturday, warmer In west portion; Sunday fair. West Virginia; Partly cloudy Satur day; Sunday fair. American Machine & Mfg. Co. CIMRIOTTC. N. C Manufacturing Machinists and Founders Cottoi and Cottoa Oil Madtinery. Waste Mackioery and Wood-Wwkicj Machinery. General Repeh. Caslinp. Contract to Install Steam and Hot Water. Heating, Flrw Pro tection, Electric Lighting and Power Plant. - BU- LOCAL OFFICR V. S. WEATHER F.EAU. Charlotte. Sept. 4. Sunrise 6:5 sunsot 6:46 p. m. TEMPERATURE (In degrees). Highest temperature .owest temperature Mean temperature Deficiency for the day Accumulated deficiency for month. Accumulated excess tor year PRECiriTATION (In Inches). Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. m Total for the month Accumulated deficiency for month. Total for the year 40.67 Accumulated excess lor year Prevailing wind direction East. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. a. m.; BANDY MYTvRS, Consulting Engineers. Water Supply and Purification, Sewerage, Sewerage Disposal, noaas. Streets, Pavements, Water Power. Hydro-Electric Plants. Irrigation Drainage, Reinforced Concrete, Sur veys, Estimates, Plans and Specifica tions.. Construction Superintended. Complete Plants designed and con. tructed. -Main Office, 175-77 Arcade Building, Greensboro, North Carolina. Branch Office, La'niinburg. North Carolina. GILBERT C. WHITE, C E. Consulting CJVIL ENGINEER DnrTiam, N. C. Waterworks, Sewerage, Streets; Wa ter Filtration. Sewage Disposal; Plans, Reports, Estimates, Super vision of Construction. BANKRUPT SALE. Greensboro Table Cnmnamr Plant. By order of Court I will sell on September 21st, ll'os, at'noon. onvthe premises, the entire plant, stock on hand, etc., of the Greensboro Table Company, best equipped factory of Its kind in the South. Ready jn all respects to start up for business, and a large demand for the product. An unusual opportunity. Retailed In formation furnished promptly. Write to ROBERT C. HOpD. Recelvw. Greensboro, K. C. Au. list, 1108 0 0 0.46 The members of the Rocky Mount Hoard of aldermen have unanimously placed themselves on record as being opposed to granting drug stores 11- . cense to sell liquor on prescription - when the State prohibition law goes . into effect No application was made , .for such license, but the action was , taken to forewarn any who might I contemplate applying for such llcenao after January 1st. The lyceum course for the High, Point schools has been completed and comprises a fine array of talent and rt. The first attraction Is Victor's : Venetian Band of twenty-five pieces and appearing the night of September JOth. The other attractions are: P.romell-Read Company, Frederick "Wie, Honolulu students (six Ha ailan' Jn native costumes), Com wonweaTTn Orchestra, Shungopavl Company, Opie Reed. These attrac tions will appear during the season, which closes In April. day. Epeetal to The Observer. . Albemarle, Sept 4 -Albemarle's magnificent and up-tp-date hotel, the - Alaralise, will open Its deors to tho ; traveling public Monday, September 7th. - Mrs. Alice Mabry. who for seven years conducted tne central here so , successfully, is owner. Mrs. Mabry's . came alone Is a sure guarantee of a splendidly managed house. The Varallss Is truly an absolutely mod ern structure, no money or pains : fcaving been spared In making It the ery best, not only In Albemarle, but so far as conveniences, equipments ; and style is concerned one of the a best In the Stat. . Tht, building Is Constructed after the colonial styls of ; architecture, of red pressed brick with mammoth Roman columns. The . Inside is no leu attractive than the outside. The oak woodwork and fur niture are exceedingly pretty and tasteful , There are twenty-five bed rooms and on each floor are toilet and bath rooms. Albemarle now con , gratulates herself on owning an un ufually Well-equipped hotel with an experienced and courteous manager and she has cause to be exceedingly proud when the Maralise makes ber how next Monday. ' Kit. C M. JUchard Declines Another - - CalL Special to Tha Observer. v eutesTille, Sept CRer. Dr. C M. Richards, pastor. of the First Presby terian church of Statesvllle, who with his family is spending a vacation at Arden. Buncombe county, has notified the officers of his pastorate that he has declined the call to the pastorate of the First Baptist church of Sher man, Tex-,- recently tendered him. Within the past two years Dr, Rich ards has declined at least Cve calls to prominent pastorates elsewhere- and l.'t congregation is much gratified that be has declined the call to Sherman and will remain here. - The pastorate I made vacant by tha resignation of '. y. Dr. l!c;eachy, Who bas accepted call to the ratorate of tha Second j .-esiyurlan tburc.H at Charlotte. v The Visible Supply. New Orleans, Sept. 4. Secretary Hes ter's statement of the world's visible sup ply of cotton issued to-day shows the to- I visible to be 1.KH.M9 against i.iw.av: last week and 2.211.364 )ast year. Of this the total of American cotton la 9fi,502 against 9A6.&46 last week and 1,288,389 last year. And of all other kinds, .including Egypt, Braxil, India, etc.. 722.046 against 744.V46 laxt week and 922.975 last year. Of the world's visible supply of cotton there is now afloat and held in Oreat Brilnln and continental Europe Sra.OOO agalnnt 1.310.000 last year; in Egypt 60.000 agalnnt 23.000 last year; In India 4H4.000 agalnHt M9.000 last year and In the United States 288,000 against 8K9.000 lust year. F. D. R STRANGERS NEWCOMERS seeking homes, Charlotte, SEEK rooma ME offices In Vgly Runaway at High Point. Special to The Obnerver. High Point, Sept. 4. An ugly runway occurred here yesterday when a horse belonging to Mr. Thacker became frightened and tore up things In general. Mr. Thacker was talking to Dr. Duncan when the latter gentle man cranked his auto preparatory to leaving., At the noise the horse made a bound and carried 'the buggy , at a breakneck speed around several squares and then turned up Main street, demolishing tho buggy. Pass ing Ring s drug store the horse ran into another horse, knocking the animal down and injuring It to some extent. There was a small boy In the vehicle, but ho escaped unhurt. FIRST. Doubtless your wants will be supplied. OWNERS 'Phone or coma tell me what you have to rent If J place your vacancy before 10 seek ers a day, ain't It reasonable that I'm worth ten times what you are at renting? Try it This Is the busy season. ISothlng taken on my list renting for less than $10.00 a month. F. Z. ALEXANDER The medium 'twlxt two wsntera. lr. I) red Peacork Joins the Ozone Club. Special to The Observer. High Point, Sept. 4. Many ad mirers of the funny sheet are familiar with Colonel Ocone and his open air crusades. He has a follower here In the person of Dr. Dred Peacock, the genial and learned manager of the Provident Life Assurance Company. At his home near the suburbs he has erected open air sleeping apart ments. On the top of a porch he has fitted up a skeleton room 14x20. It has walnscitlng a few feet high and a cover. A copper wire acreen ex tends from the .wainscoting to the roof, which gives him plenty of fresh air from all sides, the wainscoting reaching up Just far enough to knock off the full effect of the breezes. Free of Taxes 7 per cent net Income can be obtained from absolutely 11 rat-class preferred stocks of substantia) North Carolina companies which we can offer you to-day. Call or write Trust Department SOETHERX LIFE A TRUST COMPANY, Greensboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus $405,000.00 K. P. Wharton, President. A. M. Scales, Gen. Counsel. Robt C. Hood. Aast Manager. BANKING SERVICE In selecting a bank, remember that large capital and surplus form a margin of security that affords absolute protection. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL Bill CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital.. $500,000.00 Surplus.... .... ...J 10,000.00 - - Total Keaources, Including Stockholders' Liability .$3,125,000.00 Very Desirable Residence, and Manufacturing Property for Sale, 10 I-J acres of land J 1-J miles south of the city on R. R. and macadam on which is located a modern 10-roont residence. Barn . 30x80 feet, gin house with complete Murray ginnery outfit double box press, -automatic trampera, etc., three. 70 -saw gins, 1-story mill bouse with basement three corn mills and one burr wheat mill . . seed house $0x40 -feet' All machinery run by power supplied, by tha Catawba (Electric) Power Company whose main line runs within about' J00 feet of this property. ' 8ixty horse-power , In duction -motor, brick power house 10x30 feet Seed blown direct . from gin to seed house on R. R. aldetrack, grain unloaded front the mill by elevators. All buildings lighted by electricity.- Everything practically new, and in fine condition.. We are offering f this property at about aO per cent less than cost : SOUTHED. REAL ESTATE LOAN ; & , TRUST COMPANY ; :; Capital, $75,000.. VT. B. ALEXANDER. -: - R. ; .' 'y:.- President. ' . - v Surplus, $100,000. i A. dunn, a. M. Mcdonald. , VIca. President ,v v See. and Treas. First National Bank ' v ;. CHARLOTTE, ' If. CV. Capital and Profits.., ; . f S (0,000 J y ACCOrXT8 SOLICITED , , fld'Per Cent On Time Certificates. 1 HENRY M.' McADEX.... . .President JOHX F. ' ORR. . ........... .Cashier -' '; J Directors: V-".: : J. C. Burroughs Geo. TV. Graham J. a Myers . J. H. MeAden .Frsnk?Gllreath Geo. W." Bryan C. A. Jft land " C. A. Williams '" , Henry M. MeAden , REALTY - INVESTMENTS -sFOR SALE Railroad site with seven tenement houses, renting for tlit.OO per -year, or about If per cent on Investment A bargain. Prlca ........ ..f,zav.vw U Two tenement-houses renting, for $110.00 per year. Prlca for tha two. , -" ...... ...... k -. .awu.uo Five-room cottage with sewerage, bath and electric lights, renting for 111.00 per month; house new. Price..., .... ,...$1,500.00 DILWORTH HOME - i Seven-room modem home, very desirable .... ..$4,700.00 - The Charlotte Trust &. Realty Co. Phone 377 .?fSheT-18 E. Trade. QUICK SftIE E 9th COTTAGE 02300.00 , CAN ARRANGE TERMS Five Room, ' Modern Conveniences. Brown & Company. Thone 635. " 203 N. Tryon St.; Qottage Homes For Sale $2,250 Por (-room home, North Graham street, perfectly new, nice mantels, electric lights, city water,.-. plenty of shade.. Place enclosed and on high and level lot. .. .. . $1,750 For 6 -room cottage, corner Third and Long streets. Just recently completed; city water, electrlo lights, shady side of street food lot and nice fence encloses property. 11.050 For neat 5 -room home, Twenty-first street North Char lotte; new, never been occupied, electric lights and city water. Tha above cottages are offered for a short tima only at these prlcea Call at office and we will show them to you. . . t J. Em Murphy & Co. 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone 842. Dangerous Escaped Lunatic Recap tured at Boone. Special to Jhe Observer. . Boone, Sept. 4. -About ona week ago Bynum Greene, an Inmate- of the Insane asylum at Morganton. made his escape by making a duplicate key from a piece of birch " wood, with which he unlocked his cell door. Me arrived here Wednesday nearly ex hausted. He was taken In -Charge by Officer Blankenshlp and returned to Morganton. He is considered a vary dangerous man. lie came very near kuiing Deputy Sheriff Wllborn about a year ago. .,. ; .,. Good Time to l'e the Rod to Ad van. Weev Special t The Observer. .i'vV-' Hlgh Point Sept -4. Last evening Chief of Police Gray received a hurry can saying that highway robbery had occurred, in the' western part of the city, that a white boy had been held up by a negro and relieved of 12.50. The officer nosed , around for soma time but could not get anything dl,1 nita when the whits boy owned up that fee had told his mother & falsehood and she at first believing him had 'phoned for the police. Good For IMllousueNS. ' I took two of Chamberlain's ftlomich and Liver Tablets last night and I feel ftfty fxr cent, better than I have fori weeks." ssrs 1. J. -Firestone, of Alleaan. Mich. "Tliey era certainly a fine arUcle tor piiieusnees.r' For sale by JU IL Jor dan A Co. Samples Ires. "Jordan's on tbo Square." a E. P. PurcelL Prealdent D. A. McLaughUn. V. Prea -,. A Lost Oppbrtunity if you forget -your Sunday Cigars to-day. T You 7 know, where to . get them, don't yout ' , . Remember our mam moth stock 'of the choicest and get busy, R. H. JORDAN & CO. NURSES' REGISTER Accident and Health Policies In the MAKTLAXD CASUALTY COMPACT are the most liberal In existence, though they don't cost any more than others. Every ona needs a Disability Policy covering EVERY ACCI DENT AXD EVERY DISEASE. ' Let us tell you how we will pay you a definite weekly Indemnity If you should be disabled BY ANY ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS. HARVEY LAMBETH, Mgr. Ins. Dept. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. ! Is your money making money for yon? The more of It yoa have employed fer yon, the leas you need to work yourself. If yoa keep on saving and' patting; your savings to work-th funded capital of yoor earning -years will gradually take op the burden . and yon will not need to work at alL We pay 4 per cent and compound It quarterly. ,: We have a few Safety Depoalt Boxes for rent, .v,"., -;:. Southern loan 6 Savings Dank 90US M. SCOTT. President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. - . .. . W. I. JEXaONS. Cashier. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Resources Our method of doin business holds old friends and " gains new ones. B..D. HUATH, President'. ; J . ': -.''T,! JNa M. SCOTT. Vice President : 4"vv:-!'. i - J..H. LrrTLE, Vice) Presldenl. " W.. TAvTTTY, Cashier. - iNSURnNGB U something we all must carry and we would be glad to serve you. Ave write the followlns; lines: Plre, Health, Accident, Surety Bonds, Steam Boiler, Burglary, Elevator, Sprinkler Leakage, plate Glass. "If you need any of the above Insurance, . call 0 and. we will be glad to call and; v. ; CAROLINA REALTY CO. oj. THIES. Pres. ' V ' i - 5 B.' RUSH LEE, Sec." ''.. ' '. ' W. D., WILKINSON, Treaa. and Mgr.- J. p. LONG, Salesmao, , ' Ho. I W. Fifth etrest Phona 0I. This is the Month- ,, to,bull cp ypur balance in tve Strinji Department '- , -A' New Interest Quarter bepnnin October lit W pay 4 per cent and Compound tne Interest Qaarterfj. - American Trust Company Wopd Fibre Wall ? Plaster, "Hard Clinch:" - , , . THE BUILDER'S FRIEND . " : " Freeclnc does not nnrt; natural ahrlnkage will not crack It! water does not make It fall off; hard as atone. Write for booklet. Mannfactared by V. y v , , -. . . t CIMRLOTTE PIASTER COMPANY .Writa for Booklet. V if r'." '..-T Chariotte, X.C SOUTHERN r xiI i STQg Sublect wa offer.. n-M Modena 15 is Clara ......... 13 a Watts .. . 1" itt-fft Hsnrietta 171 (0 Loray PreL Bid 10 &elton .. w. ..m..... ....... ..M. 1A l.llnAk ltil M Highland Park Pref. lOlAInt 10-30 Chadwick-Hosklns .. ........... H Washington - frei n a IS Limestone Bid U TMonaehon 110 W Woodside ,.......r .............. -V W UUlu ..' 119.. 8ublect Vr wan. 10 Belton. , .. ' 10 Cabarrua . jn S Kesler . ii . 6O-100 Oainesvuie .. ... IO-100 Gaffney .. .. .'...I M J Joul2Pn onal, Wilmington ... 153 60 Washington common . n yy iscaeaeit 10 Ctiffslde .. SO LoweU 10 Chlquola 50 Tancaster .. .... Pell pty. Pref. .. . e4e slstt J4 1) 1'4 l!i 1 lit F. C;?Abbbtt & Cdrhp'y Trust Building

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