- 1 . i: ... .. . CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSEUVEH, SEPTEilELR r, 1CC3. li:p to the WGirr agaix.J rixxi P.OIAGB very'iUght: Ontalo. lYanklln Differ Widely I rom Captain Ilobcrtnon and Mr. 1 o o la Interpretation of the Iw AtxHJt Keeping to I lie Right -The Customary Ksccutlva - besOon or NJ tt j Jioard. Aftof ait fnrmsi huslness had been! disposed of at the regular meeting f the board of public safety last! right, an executive session, wnicn isiweeK. nave oeen nnisaea mua i becoming a habltuaj feature of this j bridge Is now as strong or stronger commission's duties, waa ordered and! than It "was before. Mr. H. C LUtls thp, nMrHiiDer men were - .asked v absent themselves. If anything; of uncommon public Interest happened, It was during this secret affair. Mayor Franklin did take a shot or two. at those members of the board, particularly Capt W; K. ; jtooerison i thins that toad to be done was to rs and George A. Pace, who have been I the foundation and set It back eo ardent in their agitation to en-lln place. The -work did not cost force the ordinance as to keeping to the right whUe drmnr along in an ooen street ' Captain Franklin cnar - acterlsed such a law aowraaaa and absurd. "I have, been violating the ordlnsnce ever since it was enacted and -I'll be frank enough to tell von that I am going to keen, on violatlnsr 1L It's literally absurd to try to force any such law upon the people of this town." These remarks were by him sub mitted after Mr. Page had called the that the ordinance was being dis- regarded along with the other law -i." a .k. ....... r.l FnkuTTd th. he.nd the Thle m.r bridge, on private dirt road, hid been conferring and that the over the county more or less dam- 'ordinance about loafing would here- J Injury to most of them after be mildly enforced. He didn't consisted of supports knocked out think It was practicable to pay much foundations washed away. There attention to the law about making on tourthat ,7" Jk,"1 drivers cut all sorts of turning pranks fway In i toto These bridges wore on on the square Just to keep to the the roads which act as feeders, to the right He said the ienslble interpre- macadam highways end are Ufil tatlon of that ordinance was 1n mostly hy the rural ma I delivery car making teams pass each other rlers. o vat sum will be required ' properly when they, met. and that at to repair them. That Mecklenburg ic other time was the law meant to escaped light Is evidenced by the ex be enforced perlence of Cabarrus county, which Mayor Franklin further said that ' ald to have lost as n" " "vo l innVpil mlrhrv foolish in him to steel bridges In the flood, and RoDe- . -r 1, . n-uib- nrmu h uiun mhen niinmnhiioi were ai- lowed to cross at a salt of 25 miles n hour. fantai'n Rnhortxon l f n rreeri with tha mavnr In hl Internrrtatlon of the lew relative, to keening to the right and declared that In his estl- matton it meant for drivers to keep on the rlRht sidp of the streets ho as to have uniformity in moving along the thoroughfare, all vehicles going In the same direction being forced to take the same side of the etreet. Mr. Page thought the same thing. Captatn Robertson said this ' was the way It worked on Broadway, but Mayor Tranklln said he had driven In Washington and New York both and had never been requested to obey any such regulation. The report of the fire department showed five alarms during the month with a total loss of .'!30. ' , In the recorder's court 171 cases 1 ' were' tried. $20.30 was Imposed In , fines and $38B.37 In costs. The chairman of the plumbing committee reported that tho Y. M. . . C A. wanted 192 refunded which . had been paid- for plumbing In spection, but the board thought that j this was an unreasonable request, as this was not a charitable Institution. An opinion was read by a special committee from City Attorney John A.' McRae in which he stated that the request from Mr. W. H. Charles, ex-flreman, for hospital costs, should not bs rranted. He thoueht that the city was neither morally nor legally jianjs tor tne care or Mr. Charles wh ille In a hospital after an injury I Teceived during his employmebt by . the city. The mayor brought a requeat to th . board from Col. C. B. Hikes, asking , that he be relieved from regular duties as a patrolman and be sent - back to tha Southern depot. Mayor Franklin was requested to take this matter up and adjust It satisfactory to (he city, the rallroad'nd Mr. Pikes. JUS TAMUNU WAS XOT CHEAP. nr.' n. A. Rcfrlster Sued by Hell Telephone Company For Tulklni in fcxccsK of tstlpnlatcd Time. Mr. It. A. Register, a traveling man irom uaiumore, to believe that talk nas gnou cause in expensive in '!!, i.,3,' , f:,r31 - haV n been secured AKdInst him venteriinv by the- Southern Hell Telephone Com- rany lor a conversation he held Thursday afternoon with lialtlfnore and which lasted 42 minutes. Mr. Register protested against paying tho bill when It was presented him, de daring that he engaged the tele phone to talk but three minutes and .contending that the exchange, girl should have notified him when his time was out. Not so, thought the court, which fn this instance was 'Kqulre 8. H. Hilton. Mr. Register stated in evi dence that he asked the price for a .three minutes' conversation with a friend In Baltimore. He was told that the Bell people would charge him 12.50 for this privilege and he put the money In the slot and got the conversation. Not being halted when his time was up. he kept a-talkin' .until he had used up 4 2 minutes In point of time and $31.20 in extent of cash. The plaintiff company, which was represented by Mr. H. N. Pbarr, con tended that the telephone girl in formed Mr. Register before he entered Into the conversation that for every minute after the three he .wvuiu d cnargea no cents. The court held that the operator Ti nir no obKatlon to Inform Mr. Register and hence gave Jtidg ment in favor of the telephone com. Xany. FT,M'. 8hat")nhouse appeared for Mr. Register. OXCK WAS 1IKXUY CLAY'S. Mrs. W. F. Parks, of AugSsta, Ga., ill. -?w"pper 1rUlul On Wlk ' ' a Whim Has Presented lo Hcurr Cfcy A Valuable Relic. Mrs. W. F. Parks, of Augusta, Ga.. mho la spending some time in the city Srttn her son. Mr. J. H. u. parks, has a treasure In the shapo of news paper of which she is Justly very proud. The vpaper was printed In Mount Pleasant, Ohio, July th. 1144, and tha first copy, which was struck off 6b silk, waa presented to Henry Clay, then the nominee of the Whigs for President against James Knox Polk, the Democratic nominee. The paper was known as The Western Mercury and Mount Pleasant Intel ligencer and was a staunch advocate of Clay for President. Theodore Pre. Unghusea, . of New York, for Vice President, and Mordecal Bartley, for Governor of tha State of Ohio. Be ing the first copy, It waa presented to the distinguished statesman with the compliments of the editor and It has passed, down In direct line to Mrs. Parks. The copy la In splendid state of preservation and tha type Is as clear as if .it had been printed yes terday. It Is bordered and sewed with silk thread. The srflk on which It waa printed was tho first ' piece woven in Ohio. : TIIET TAKE THE KINKS OCT. I have used Ur. King's New LWe Pills " many years, wun inoreastng satisfac tion. They take the kinks out of stomach, ) r'and bowels, without fuse or frie ""l" says S. H. Mrown. ( pjttsftald. v a. Guaranteed satisfactory at all drug Supervisor B. T. Stowe, of the County itoauls, .Declares tnac jttousueuuurK . Escaped Very Easy From Recent jlood McAlptae's Creek e iiritlge liepalred. ;:v . The repair on that section of the double fcrldge over McAJphlne'a creek on the Providence road which wa twisted out of place by the flood last toih&it chares -of the work and: those I who hare seen It say that he has mads a splendid Jon of It. ine span on the side next to Charlotte was the on twisted from Its abutments. It was not lost, however, and the only more than f-50 or $J00.. - .-. - Mp g T. Stowe. county engineer i . - . .kinnil , erecting a Steele bridge over v " -hout ni)ei Mallard creek about three miles north of Detlta. stated to an Observer man yesterday that McAlpine's creek bridge was the only one located on a macadam road In the county which was damaged by the recent nooa This, he said, was a .most excellent showing when the strain' and stress to which all were subjected is con- f'4' f abutments. additlon to this span, merely lifted from Its there were- .fourteen son. Montgomery and Stanly counties, which are reported to have suffered v" worse. The men engaged In the bridge business In Charlotte are said to have more work to do now than ever before for their work after the flood is of the emergency kind The bridge over Mallard creek will be one of the bent of Its kind In -the county when finished. It wtw have concrete abutments and the bridge will be of steel. The approaches have been graded and everything leveled off so as to facilitate (raffle FOIt A NEW COCVTY 4. II County Oommli4loiicr I,lkcly lo Con sider Iro)OMHon at Meeting flfon clay lOxtcnib-d .Inrtwllction Vor lUwrtler. One of the matters likely to be dis cussed at the meeting Monday of the board of county commissioners will be the proposition of a new Jail or repairs to the present one. At the last two terms of court the grand Jury recommended Hint a new ami more commodious building be erected In addition lo this, there has been much talk along this line on the part of substantial and conservative citi zens who believe that now Is the time for action. Hence the likelihood of tn'" ,nmitor. "',n seriously considored at Monday's meeting. Chairman V. M. Ing expressed hlmseflj yesterday in favor of granting added Jurisdiction tn the recorder In order that so many petty larceny and wnissey cases may te disposed of In the city court Instead of being sent up to Superior Court, thus forcing the county not only to support the prisoners In the meantime, but to bear the cost of the trial afterwards. He stated that If such power were given the recorder and the magis trates of the county, too, for that matter that the present Jail would be ample for all demands that might be made upon It. He cited the records of the court to show the burden which the limited jurisdiction of the recorder has Imposed upon It. Mr. Long Is of the opinion that a new Jail, such as would have to be erected should the county decide to build one, would cost from $0.000 to $100,000. He Is ready and willing, as is also the board for that matter, to do whatever Is rgnt and proper and what Is reallv ...... v.., u. however, as to what will develop can . - .i. . , , discusses the matter. The nronosltlon h. vi. v.t .o- n.M.j ,.! hence any declaration of purposes and plans would be out of place. As to thfc reports that the board had se cured options for a site for a Jail wore accessible to the county court house, Mr. Iong declared that there was nothing whatever to them, for the board had never taken any steps In this direction. O, O. P. CONVEVTIOX TO-DAY. Republicans Will Kqulp Tliclr King Arthurs and bend Them Into the Usts To-Uay, This day has been sot apart .for the convention of the Republicans of Mecklenburg county and from the movements of the leaders, one Is led to believe that the gathering will be of exceptional Interest. It is firmly declared that the Republicans will not try to make a clean sweep of county offices :thls fall, but are de termined to wrest fronl the Democrats some of the slices of pie. Finding, with little trouble, too, that so much dissatisfaction exists In the county over the present publlo sehool arrangement, and chiefly the superintendent! the members of the P. O. P. are going to concentrate their forces In ordr to get represen tation on the board of education. They believe that many dissatisfied Democrats Will join with them In an effort to elect candidates for places on this board. It is proposed to send Into the lists well-known Democrats to run Independently and give them the sup port of the Republican party of the county. The nameiof the proposed candidates . have not been divulged. They are looking for men of strength and popularity and who are sure to be elected with the combination of dissatisfied Democratic voters and full Republican strength. Mr. W. W. Haywood. It is said, has been approached on the subject of taking the field as a candidate for the Legislature, but -he declines the honor and the names Of those who are being held in reserve are not known. The Republicans claim that there grs many Democrats In Mecklenburg who ire going to vote with them on the presidential ticket, and they are pulling for increased power In the county. -To this end they will put candidstea In the fleld for the sev eral offices gradually, seeking to lay their foundations well. A number of the offices at present held by the Democrats will. It is declared, go unchallenged in this election.. A pleasing, good, high-grade, truly fla vored. smhr colored cup of eoffee ran be bad and without the real Coffee danger, or damage to health by simply using Dr. hoop's new automate, called "Health Coffee." Pure, wholesome, toasted cereals, malt, sola, etc., make Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee both healthful and satisfying. No DUN minutes tedkras boiling. "Made la a minute." aayS Dr. gboop. If served ss coffee, tf s taste will even trick ao ex pert. Test it and see. Miller-Van JCeat Co. J , 1, .: Qy . .-. . . - V iy. . 1 e-1 State Hera For Its Share of Delin quent Taxes. Mr. W. F. Moody, chief clerk In the-office of the State Treasurer, Ra leigh, Is spending a day or two In the city for tho purpose of collecting or arranging to collect the State's share of the amount which Messrs. Alfred Brown and H. C. Severs have secured In delinquent, taxes. Mr. Moody Is a Charlotte boy who Is well and favorably known through out the county. Messrs. Brown and (Severs have secured approximately $22,000 in back taxes and this amount, loss their commission, was turned over to the county treasurer. The gtate has not been settled with for the nharc which Mr. Moody claims is due it and hence his visit. Change In Water Kate of Largo Con sumers. At a called meeting of the board of water commissioners held Thurs day night it was agreed to extend the sliding scale on the amount of water used over the 2.500.000 gallon mark and hereaftr tho following rates will bo effective: From 2.500.000 gallons to 4.000,000 gallons the charge will be f cents per 1.000 gallons. From 4.000.000 to . 000, 000 gallons, 5 cents per 1.000 gallons. From 6.000.000 to 7.500,000 gallons and over the rate will be 4 cents. Did Not Forget tho Watermelons Leo I'oyd, the old darky w-ho at tends to the ferry boat at Wrlght'i rerry, over the Catawba river, was forced to take a tree by the. recent freshet.. For something like IS hours Uncle Lee roosted high and called for help but the canoes were all gone and there was no means of rescuing him. Finally, his employers made a boat and went after him. reaching there Just In time to save him from a watery grave. On the way to land. Uncle Lee said to his rescuer: "Hoss, let s go by a patch an' git er load iv watermllllns, ef we don't dey'll all wash away." For a Sprained Ankle. A sprslned ankle may b cured In about one-third the time usually required, by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely. snd giving It absolute rest. For sale by n. It. Jordan & Co. THE STIEFF AND SHAW PIANOS ARE Within reach of any buyer because they are sold direct by their maker to you. Write to-dscy for special bargains , we have on hand at pres ent ' s CM.SW Manufacturer of th Stlcff and Shaw, the pianos with tho :;W gw, ton. 'Southern Wareroora 5 West Trade Street 0. H. WILIIOTH, Hgr. ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. MOTHERS! Don't buy your children School Companions. " We give them to you FREE Saturday, September 6th. Drink Kenny's dally Roasted Cof fee, from 10 to 35c. Try our 25c special. ' " . ' We have all kinds of Teas, save you 10 to 25c. a pound. Sugar at cost Can C. D. KENNY CO. 3 S. Trjon. 'Phone 153t. iA&j ML .jAiAjj a.v' tUOTUfllSRfiED Celebrated Hats correct in every particular Fall Styles Now ' On Sale The TaterBrown Co. Solt flflens Lard Will Melt Hot weather melts lard and Becomes Rancid But In any case. the , cook melts It for frying. Why not use a cooking grease that Is already . melted in its natural state? t. V . -. . t Golden .Glory Cooking Oil Is nature's own sweet vegetable liquid lard, clear . and limpid all the time. '- The only way to fry right Is to use a deep pan nearly full of grease. If you use lard you will be afraid of the expense. If you nse Golden Glory Cooking "Oil. you will use all that is necessary. - because you will realise that when the fry ing Is done the Oil may be strained and USED OVER AND OVER AGAIN.- , And then you V will not " be afraid to get it hot. . i , To fry any kln of meat for Circumventing - Indigestion it should be made.. very hot, tn order to encrust the ; outside and prevent soaking up the grease. .' ' - . ; A? If you get tard hot enough ftr this. It will smoke and burn. GOLDEN OIX5RY COOKING OIL GETS HOTTER, OQES further, ccrsrrs less. USB IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. , ' . ' ALt OROCERS Brannca brtcnzfct to; Charlotte, N. C. ' "Phone 11 S. WIIX Mire Interior Decorators Torrence Paint Co. ! NORTH TRTOW. t Nye Hutchison & Son INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT O STICK No. f Hnnt Building. Bell Thona 4302. IXXUXIXIJ Wedding Rings We have a complete line of Tiffany, Square Band and Oval Wedding Rlngv. IS and Ifk. Engraving free. Also a new stock of latest style Sig net Rings for ladles and chil dren. GARIBALDI, . Ml & DIXON - Finest Repairing Department In the Sute, rtiii,iiiiinrix The Anti-Fraud Acid Proof Ink is the 5deal Ink for FOUNTAIN PENS and INK PENCILS. , It writes a" rich blue black and will not cor rode the pen. ' .i Try a. bottle and you will use n(J other. Quarts, 75c. ; pints,' 40c.; 2 ounces, 5c. . . R Pound & f.Iccrc Co. , - Sole Agentta ' tl 8. Tryon; 'Phone No. " St. "Phone No. " 40. TV . . Mm Men's We are now ildwing tie new styles for men; styles of luthority eyery one, direct from the leading nouses ; of America. ' Thejr - are unusual models tn the way clothes should bs an usual unusually good. , , - They are not extreme and they are not sombre. : - i v They art the sort of clothe that are mad for men who have good Judgment when It comes to quality, and good taste when It comes to selectlnw patterns. shaUes and fabrics. W know you'll ba Interested tn seeing (ha new models. ED. MELION COMPANY T" . Leading Clothiers and Furnishers. - REMEMBER MEIXON'S CXOTHES FIT, . TAKE A BROAD VIEW of this furniture business. Don't think that as long as wo get your money we have accomplished our purpose. It lsn Ws want your good opinion and Its Influence upon others as welL Tour good Influence with your, friends Is often worth more to us i than the profit ws make on you. We 1 sell SATISTACTION with FURNITURE, or wo do not consider wo have succeeded. If you want Furniture of any kind, give us a trial, and ba con- ', 1 ' ' , .. .. - vlnced that we offer . . . v - ' - e The Best Furniture at Lowest Prices with a full measure of perfect Lubin Furniture Co. 50 We received 50 business and pleasure driving Horses on August 29th. Don't fail to see what we' have before-: you' buy. Each one sold must be as represented. Prices right, terms right. We have a new 2:20 trot ting Mare, standard and registered, we urill sell. Worth the money. J. W. . Wadsworth's Sons! Company Unequalled for the Generation of Steam Our Lump and Egg Are Unsurpassed For Domestic Purposes - Prompt and regixlar shipments at all tlmcse Shipmentsduring J 907, 4,900,000 tohse Prices and otHer information on applica- tion, , Gastncr, Garran & Bullitt SOLE AGENTS. , ROAI.'OXE, VA. - v S. B. CART, ilanaxer, Roanoke, Yirjxsia. v 1 ta. JTt v C. a- ft : 3 Clothes aatUfaction. V to 0