CHAKLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEFIEMBER 5, 1903. 'j Financial , and Commercial COTTOX. " K TuV Cnl i The cotton market! was. outer durin to-dara session with : business chiefly in tM wajr evsiuna up lor. orer the haliday, the market .will be closed from io-niiui uny uo ,.day morning." The . close wu - barely 'steady at a net advanoa ot I to ( points. ' The opening was ateadjr at deollne at '1 to I points under scattering liquidation J and favorable 'weather . reports, but the i market soon rallied owlnr to" steady - cables and week-end covering with Oc- tober selling up to 1(1 and the active -f months generally about to points net higher. Tne. Buying on w lavuct seem ed to satisfy, the demand rrom shorts and K later prices . eased off under scattered uium Tha close was from t to mints iup from tha lowest. '.- V ' . Receipts at the porta to-day 12.571 bales ;' against 14,878 last week and U.77 last "year. For the week 100,000 bales a gal nut : n.S last. week and 48.023 last year. To day's receipts at New Orleans 441 agalnat -224 last year and at Houston 4,548 against 4,204 last year. ' , . . 1 , STOCK MtlRKET. mmmti ' mffmjtmA mm kv liMmlnjinAi '. of a three-day holiday. : Dealings, were confined, largely to the closing np of 'eon ,' tracts by tha traders who are averaa to ., the risk of a long period In which stocks ' cariaot be dealt in, while some sudden :: : event might change therspeculatlva situa tion Not oJy the stock exchanges but in -commercial eccnanges generally are a h mImI ! kl- am.,.., lfwiwuM mm .' an extension of the labor holiday, on Mon--, - day. The day's dullness was the result. ., TTnrmimik mavlrAta mmvm,, r.9 a mk. r nldence of the. uneasiness caused by the , Moroccan situation. Preliminary esti mates f the week'aj currency movement indicated a falling or in shipments to ' iifw ivn lU'iufi ye suaivivm .w iurp tha tide of the movement In favor of the , , ' I a . . a ..1-1 a a a .Interior. ' -. The commodities markets .'were dull and featureless under the Influence of the ap ' proaehlng holiday and no Important de '. ductlona were drawn from them Of the progress of the crops. There was a coil-J slderable demand for foreign exchange which have early firmness to that market. The United States 8teel stocks developed strength when It became known that J. Plerpont Morgan had coma to hfs office for the, first time aftfr his return from abroad. This gave a lata upward im pel ue to prlees. - .. - Bonds were, active and Arm. Total , sales, par value, (5.240.400. Vnlted. States bonds were unchanged Total sales of stocks to-day frere 484,900 shares. Including: Smelting 48,600; Sugar 9ftv American Tobacco 800; L. N. 800; Reading 44.S00; Southern Paclfle (4,800; Slasa-ShefrieldMO; Southern Railway 600; do pfd. 600; Tennessee Copper 1.200; Union Psclflo H400; United SUtes Steel 81,200. . Baltimore, Sept. 4.-8. A. I common and preferred s New York, Sept. 4,-M. as a Ct. bid,- 83 Hubbard Bros. A Co.'s Cotton ratter. Special to The Observer. New Tork. Sept. 4.-Wlth several holl r days before u the tendency, among the trade U to reduce commitments to the lowest .point. Our market,-therefore, basn been. a., small one all day, with the South aendlng selling orders, which supplied the local . demand. From the nature of this. selling It would appear to indicate that It was In the nature of hedge selling agalnet cotton now being bought In the South for "which-there was no Immediate demand from spinners. Reports are heard of the ' better gradea being aold on the lowest basis On October in several years. We aspect -that spinners will continue to buy moderately In England, but will not buy . freely, until they can sell their yarns. IM , moderate demand will sustain this ; market -until the spot market in the ' South come to a lower basis. ." ' r ' " Nrw Or1eai Cotton. New; Orleana. Sept. 4 Cotton: Spots ''. were quiet with quotatlona revised by the uEuioii cumnuun.. i n re via ion re- suited In prices of grades below mlddllna- savanclng 3-Kc.. while middling fell 1-W ... and , rrn Am m hnv tmM 9.1A 9,u, , T bales on the spot and 800 to arrive. Cotton futures opened steady 4 to 4 , points under yesterday, but a rise set in, which although of small proportions, was - steady and carried prtaea to or above yes- Teraay s closing levels. Reports of a bet ter forefan Olltlnok Inr ih MttmrnntLu, " i -.'vw, ,uo ,iin:ipi causes oi this rise, Try also were counted as favnrahiH .im. The cloning was steady with prices un changed to I points above last night's cioae. Closing blda: Beptembea (.66; Oc , tober 8.88; November 8.61; December 8.48; January tv; r eoruary f.ti;' March 8.67. New Orleans. Sept. 4.-The New Or leana cotton market will be closed to morrow and remain closed until next Tuesday on account of Labor Day. ' . '' Baltimore Prodsce. " RaWJmore.V Sept. 1-Flour firm, un . changed. ... Wheat steady; spot contract 97 to 98; No S red Western 10954 to 100H; Southern on grace w to 9B. , a . Corn steady; Southern white 80 to S. ,v Oata. ftrmj No. 1 niixed 51 to Sit. Rye steady; . No. 1 Western domestic iwnr in - ' ..''.,.;' Butter eggs and sugar steady, un rhanged. , ..... -, Cheese quiet; new large and flaU lDi new.amau 12. -:y .;. ,T, , Sea IsUihI Cotton. , . ' - Savannah, Ga... , Sept 4. Sea , Island: Fancy Florida and Georgia 21 to 25r ex tra: choice Florida and Georgia 19 to 20; choice. 17 to 18; extra fine 16 to 14; fine 13 to 14; common 10 to It- Sales 118, - Charleston, 8. C..' Sept 1 Sea Island ' Cotton: S Recelnta none- atiyipfa - sales none; stock 2,317 bags. Quotatlona omitted. , iu .": : : dntr m - - -., - K Trk. IUl lnVk BlaaWnva f a. w ,aou,. n.vm agvinsi SZ,UiI,KD,U0 Mfljit week and (2.147,624,000 last year. " (NJtlchmond (6,058.000. increase 8.0. . ' ' AtUnta (S,1.00, decrease 10.4. ' Savannah (3.044.000, decrease 7.1 , Norfolk 81W7.00O, decrease 12.$. -tl ' Augusta 8811,000. Ntecreaae u.7. ; Jacksonville 31.141.000, decrease ltt . ' . (.Tiarieston asss.000, decrease 16,0. Maeon (504,000. increase 10,7. f ' rnli,M.KI AAA 1 - mm' . v v-- Dry Gooda Market' .; -; New Tork, Sept 4. The dry goods raar- ' ket was quiet and steady for tha day with a continuation of small ordering .noted, fit ts tha opinion tn the market that trade Is slowly Increasing. Cotton yarns are being sold more freely on a low basis on contract The local wool market la quiet . j .; , ' Malaria Make Pale Blood. The Old Standard GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC drives , mi naiaria ana ouuas up toe sywJ lem. r or grown people and cbil drtii, I (a ' ' , ' Dally Cotton Market, New Tork. Sent 4.-Galveston. tone steady; middling 4&f- net - receipt 1,95; gross receipts T.S; tales 2,4S; tock SI.- New itrlMtn tin. nul(r mlddllnr (: net receipt 4.3; groee receipts 443; salerf 425; stock 25,!)T8; 'coastwise 45. ; Mobile tone steady; middling g net receipts 238; gross recelpU 231; sales 130; stock i.TA. ' " -'''ii-, Savannah, tone steady! 'middling JP4; net recelpU 8.430; ' gross recelpta 8,530; sales J.242; stock: 2J.528; coastwise 4.JS4. ; Charleston. tone quiet; middling ; f', net receipts 6; stock C725. Wilmington,, tone nominal; net recelpU I; gross receipt (; stock 2,085. Morfitlk, tone quiet;., middling 9'. net receipts 18; , gross receipts 16; i sales X; stock S.063. . ' -. :,; ;-"--'-:y". . Baltimore, tone nominal; middling (Hi net receipts 16; gross recelpU 1.71S; stock 1,749; conUaent 1.T00. . , v V V;? Vew York, tone quiet; middling ,1.10; gross receipts 1008; sales 2,700; stock 8, (00; continent (,000. - t "-' v Boston, tone quiet; middling ; gross receloU 00: Gt Britain 1149. ' ' ' Philadelphia.' tone quiet; middling (55; stock Lt - . Newport News, net receipts 125; gross receipts 12S; ooaetwlie 125. s ; . , Brunswick, net receipts 100; gross re. eelpts 100: stock 360: coastwise 200. . : Jackaonviile, net receipts 100;, coastwise MW. V - 1 ToUt to-dav. at all porta, net 12,173; Ot Britain. 1448; continent 12,949; stock 178,- Cr.isolldated, at oil ' ports, net TT.241; Ot. Britain 17,392; France 14,554; continent - Total slnoe September 1st. at all porta, net 82.668; Ot Britain 4.395; Francs 9.189; continent 84.722. - . : INTERIOR MOVKMENT. I ' Houston, tone steady: middling 9; net recelpU 6.566; grosa recelpU 4,668; ship menu 7.278; sales 606; stock 82,932. Augusta, tone quiet; middling Ml; met reoelpts 743; gross recelpU 742; sales 795; stock (,77ft. - " Memphis, tone quiet; middling (V4: net receipts 20; gross receipts 155; shipments 297; sales 60; stock U.7S8. ' . St. Louis, tone dull; middling t; net receipts (4; gross reoelpts 818; shipments (77; stock 9,666. . Cincinnati, net receipts 761: - gross re ceipU TS1: shipments 126; stock 8.8S7. Louisville, tone firm; middling 9: ship, menu I: sslee (; stock to.. Little Rock, tone dull; middling (; net recelpU 8; gross recelpU S; sales (3; stock 2,094. Total to-day, net receipt 1138; gross re 1.(86; shipments 1.402; sales 1,369; stock 1 IrTLi New Tork Produce. New Tork.- Sept 1 Flour firm but higher. Rye flour steady. Corn meal Arm. 'Rye dull. Barley steady. Wheat irregular&No. S red 104 to l"6Vi' Options steady without net change. Sep tember 105; December 105; May 1081-14. Corn steady; No. 2, 89V nominal eleva tor. Options Me. net lower. September 83'4: December 7tni; Hay 74V OaU steady; mixed 63 to 64 Beef steady. Cut meaU quiet. - I,ard easy. Pork steady. , Tallow dull. Roeln quiet. Turpentine quiet. Rice quiet , Molasses quiet. - Sugar, raw steady; fair refining $3.44; centrifugal 94 test 13.94; molasses Sugar (3.14; refined steady. . Coffee quiet; Rio No. 7, H: Santos No. 4. mild coffee dull; Cordova Vi to UH. Butter firm; creamery specials 24 to 244; creamery extras 23V4 to 234. Cheese stesdy, unchanged. - F.ggs quiet steady, unchanged. Peanuts quiet, unchsnged. Uverpool freights steady, unchanged. Potatoes easy; Eastern Shore 'sweeta pef barrel 8150 to (1.76; Jersey (2 to (2.60. Cabbage Arm, unchanged. ' Sew Tork Cattle. New Tork, Sept. 4. Beeves, recelpU 2.693. Steers (4 to (4.80; bulls (2.60 to (3.60. Calves, receipts 912. Veals (6 to (925; tops (9.60; greasers (3.75; Westerns (4.60 to (6. Sheep snd lambs, receipts 4,198. Sheep (3 to (4.40; yearlings 84.75; lambs (5 to 84.25. j . . . . .. Hogs, receipts 2.7H8. State and Pennsyl vania hogs (7 to (7.10. Chicago Cattle. Chicago. - Sept 4. Cattle, recelpU esti mated at about 4.000; market ateady. Steers 84.76 to (7.86; cows (3.40 to (A.2S; heifers 83 to (4.26; bulls (2.76 to (4.60; calves (8 to (7.85; stockera and feedora (2.40 to (4.60. ; Mog's, receipts estimated at about 14, 000; market steady to strong; choice heavy shipping (4.90 to p,t; butchers (4.90 to (7.06; light mixed (8.60 to (4.70; choice light (4.78 to (4.90; pigs (8; bulk of sales (4.40 to (4.(6. Sheep, receipts estimated at about 4.000; market steady; sheep (3.(4 to (4.86; lambs (4.75 to (4; yearlings (4 te (4.(6. . Naval Stores. Charleston, 8. C, Sept. 4. Turpentine stesdy at 26. ' . Rosin steady. Quote: ABC (2.30; T (136; K 32.40 to (2.46; K (2.40; O (3.(5; H (115; I (3.60; K 84.30;, M (1.40; N (5.15; W O (5.80; W W 14. , -. Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 4. Turpentine firm. 34; aales (3.42; receipts' 840; shipments 19t Rosin Arm; sales (.001; reoelpts"' 8.4S8; shipments 892; stock 158.468. Quote: A B C (2.40; D (2.45; E (2.60 to (2.6S; F (2.46 to (2.76; O (1.79 to (2 90-, H (3.30 to (3.36; I (3.65 to (3.(0; K (4 26 to (4 30; M (4.60: N (8.2SL.W Q (8.90; W W (4.10. A - . Wilmington. Sept. Spirits turpentine nothing doing; receipts 19 casks. '. Rosin steady, (2; recelpta 41. , Tar firm, (1.40; receipts none. 1 Crude turpentine Arm. (LS0, (3 and (2.76; recelpta 68. - -3 . , - ' Weekly Cotton Statistics. New Tork. Sent. 1 Th lnltnwl ata. italics on me movement a cotton tor the wee ending September 4th, were com Piled by the New Tork cotton exchange ,-,.. E.E.M.1.X MOVEMENT. Ist Tr. Port receipts .. 6X321 ' Overland to mills and i - J - Canada .. .. ' 1,082 Southern mill '.takings v (estimated) mana - "43,439 14a 23,000 Gain ot stock at lnte- - rtor towns ., .......... 4.938 tm Brought lnte' sight for the week .. ........ Tl.XX 4 daya ; ,- days. . - HOW TO GET STOOXO. P. J. Daly, of 127 W. Cimrr... rt . v ll-W',. wu "i m mmy w imcome STrOnS He says: . "My mother, who Is old and ws very feeble. Is deriving so much benefit ' front Electric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic . and strengthening medicine about It. In my mother's esse a market gain In firth has resulted, insomnia has been eArrcome, and she tm steadily stow Ins strtmrer.'1 Blectrto BIHers ouk-kly t'n edr stomach, liver and kidney complaints, fold under guarantee at ail drug s torts. I .alia K a. - U . w 10,000 SPINDLE MILL ". V , With 250 iXou can secure 'any, part jmui, wnich we are disposing of very rapidly. It is in splendid condition. . '-A'; fine , chance f or those" . - -. eqmpment,, while business is temporarily quiet It Will Pay You GREENSBORO GREENSBORO, M G. CARDS g& PRAWIN9. ZmZ5 FRAMES MACHINE WORKS gOTTON MACHIfJERY TAUNTON, COMBERS . J?'-Lir MULES LAP MACHINES LOOMS SOUTHERN OFFICE AT CHARLOTTE EDWIN HOWARD, AOKNT. Charlotte Cotton. These prices represent figures paid to wagons September 4th. Oood middling strict middling Middling Charlotte Produce (Corrected by R. H. Field Co.) Butter wail Chickena-Spring 1726 Ducks 20 Eggs 2022 Oeese-per head .. , 404ji0 Hens per head (OOOJ Turkeys-per pound 13814 Charlotte Grain. , (Corrected dally by Cochrane-McLaugh- Un Co.) Rye Com Cotton Seed Oats Id U 48 Chicago Grain and Provisions. ' Chicago, Kept. 4. Profit-taking sales had a weakening effect oh the wheat market here to-day but prices showed only ullfcht declined, the future, deliveries closing at net losses of and to . Owing to the congestion In the September delivery that option closed at a gain ot to . Corn, outs and provisions clos ed easy. WHEAT High. Low. Close. May 101 100 101 8opt 94 97 9S Dec 98 97 97 CORN i May 48 (5 .4?, Sept 7! 79 '79 Dec i .. .. 68 87 47 OATS- May 62 52 (2 Sept 60 47 49 Dec 60 60 60 PORK- Sept 14.77 14.52 14.87 Oct 14.87 14.55 14.43 Jan 16.47 18.20 14.32 LARD Sept 4.87 9.43 4.45 Oct 9.73 9.66 9.47 Jan 9.53 9 47 -' (.47 RlBSe- Scpt 9.20 - (.01 (.10 Oct 9.25 9.10 . 9.1S Jan (.65 8.47 8.50 Estlmatca. To-' ' Lest morrow. Tear, New Orleans.. Houston Galveston... . 200-400 4.600-7,600 4.600-7.600 Comparative Fort Recelpta. . To- Last day Tsaf dalveston 448 New Orleans 7,975 Mobile 238 Savannah 34S Charleston (4 Norfolk 18 IJvprrKH)! Cotton. Liverpool, Sept. 4. Closing cotton; Spot moderate business done; prices 1 . point lower; Amerlcxn middling fair 6.81; good middling 6.46: middling 6.26; low middling (.01; good ordinary 4.41; ordinary 4.01. The sales of the day were 4,000 bales, of, which 600 were for speculation and export and Included (.400 American. Recelpta 100 balea. all American. Futures opened quiet and stesdy and closed steady September 4.85' 4.71 4 47 4.44 4.43 4.43 4.43H 4.64 4.44 4.87 September-October. ., October-November. . . Novem ber- Decern her. . December-Janua ty ... January-February.. ., February-March March-April... April-May May-June... .. .. .. .,. ... f . ' -. The Money Market. : New Tork. Sept. 4.-Moncy on, call easy 1 per cent.; ruling rata l; closing bid 1; offered at X- Time loans firmer; 40 days per cent, and 90 dsn 24 per cent. Six months 8tt per cent. Prime mercantile paper 4 to 4tt per cent; sterling exchange Arm with actual business In bankers, bills at 484.(0 to 484.46 for (0-day bills and at 48.04 to r 4S6.10 for demand.. Commercial bills 484 to 4844. Bar silver (114.. Mexi can dollar 45.. " ' ...'. ; : ... ., ';- New Tork Cotton. New Tork. Sept 4. Cotton: Spot clos ed quiet; middling uplands 9.30; mlddung guM 9 li; sales liuO bales. Futures opened steady and closed barely steady. . Open High September ".. .. .. (.63 8.68 October .. .. J .. 1.63 (.81 November . .... ( - December .. 1.44 ' (.62 January ,n IH 1 11 Febmary.. .. . '4.43 Lew Close 8.48 848 ' (.63 8.54 ;.. 8.41 (.41 8 44 (.33 (. 8.43 - tM March .. ...... ,8 ,8.48 8.37 8.4t May 8.60 (. 8.W , (.44 -LIVERPOOL WEEKLY STATISTICS. 1 IJverpool, Sept. 4. Following are the weekly cotton statistics: . Bale. Total sales, all kinds ................ 94. Aft) Total sale. Amertraa t. ....... ...... 80.(OJ English aplnnerv" takings 40 ouil Total export ...................(,.. R.ere Imports, sll kinds ..................... Imports, Amertcaa ................ 4.oe Stock, all kinds ..ri.f) Ptock. American .. 2rt.&" Quantity afloat, all kinds ............ 47. (M Quantity afloat, American ........... 84.0 Total sales on speculation J'0 total sslea to exporter .............. ' 409 Pink- Pain Tablets Dr. Snoop's stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, any where, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on tha tie. boa. Ask your drurglst or doctor shout this formula it's flna, Mullen's Pharmacy. t Loomii . . , ' ' of the JJacnlnry In this who are f. balancing ' their to Investigate! SUPPLY CO. r SPINNING WT5EKLT INTERIOR COTTON TOWNS New Tork. Sept. 4. Mid. Atlanta, nominal .. 9 Brenham Charlotte, ateady .. ( Columbia .. .. Columbua, Qa wk. 8 Coiumbua, Miss. .. .. Dallas Oreen villa Greenwood, 8. C. Helena Little Rock, dull .. 9 Macoir Meridian Montgomery, dull .. 8 Nsshvilla Natches Raleigh, easy .. ..10 Rome . .. Belma Shreveport quiet .. t Yasoo City Res. Shps. Stks. 37 37 621 701 612 2084 64 64 444 444 4800 806 1G04 2394 23 31 148 213 .... 284 2T,48 162 1M3 93 !fl 4l4 44 34 228 3 63 2034 784 7 1234 1KI ltH 741 3904 214 8041 477 641 480 1419 122 134 38 6 H6 1176 1819 1407 482 319 283 1811 7 160 4078 Cotton Recelpta. New Tork. Sept. 4. The following are the total net recelpta ot cotton at all ports since September 1st: Gal alveaton (4.831 1.332 913 14.6H 2S8 32 45 18 99 VS 100 124 6T658 New Orleans . Mobile Savannah .. .. Charleston .. . Wilmington .. Norfolk Baltimore .. .. Boston Newport Newa Brunnwlck .. . Jacksonville .. Total bales Cotton Seed OIL New Tork, Sept. 4. Cotton seed oil was quiet with, prices steady on light offering of crude. Prime crude 28 to V; prtrao summer yellow 874; ojt summer yellow 36V to 3614: good off summer yellow 36 to 36; prime white 3S to 41; prime winter yellow 40 to 41 H. NEW YORK BONDS IT. S. refunding 2s, registered ex. Int. U. H. refunding 2s. coupon ex. int. V. H. 3a, registered , U. H. 3s, coupon It. S. 4. registered , IT. 8. 4s, coupon American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco as Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4s Atchison cv. 4a Atchison cv. 6s 10314 104 101 101 12H 121 4 74'4 lMs m vi (7 104 94 Atlantic Coast Line 4s Baltimore & Ohio 4 101V4 Baltimore & Ohio 3 ',4b 92 Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s 7"k Central of Oerrgla 6 1MH Central of Georgia lt Inc. bid 45 Central of Georgia 2d Inc. ofd 44 Central of Oenrgta 3d Inc. oM. ..... 40 Chesapeake gt Ohio 4's 11 Chicago & Alton 8tts 9 rhlcasn. B. Uulncy ,new 4s 9! Chicaan, It. I. ft P. ft. R. 4s.... Chicago, tt. 1. it' P. n. H. ml. 6s Chicago. R. I. & rae. Jty. rtdg. 4a C, C. C. St. Louis gen. 4s bid Colorado Industrial 6s .. Colorado Midland 4a bid , Colorado -A Houthern 4s , Delaware A Hudson rv. 4s , Denver Sc Rio Grande 4s Erie prior lien 4 ofd t Erie Oeners) 4s Hocking Valley 4!i Interborough-Met. 4!s , Japsn 4s Japan 44s Japan 4H. 2d Series Louisville & Nash. tTnlned 4 ...... Manhattan coneol gold 4s old Mexlcsn Tentral 4s Mexican Central 1st Inc. bid ....... Minn. A St. Louie 4a ex. Int. ofd... Missouri, Kansas A Texas 4s Missouri, Kansas A Texas 2ds..... National R. R. of Mexico consol 4 ki, Vik rntral a-en. 1S 64 4II'4 9r'4 74V4. 44 imis 91 88 ; lOn SD'4 9f 99H 9SA 824 17 80 9814 (4 82H New Jersey Central general 6s bid. 12314 Northern Pacinc Northern Pacific Sn bid ...... Norfolk A Western consol 4s 14 T3 99 94H 94 ins 994 102 Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s .. Penn. cv. 3Ve, im Penn." Consol 4 hid Rearflna General 4s Reoublla of Cuba 6s ex. Int bid HtL. A Iron Mountain con 6s bid 11H St. Louts A Han Francisco fg 4s. 70 Ht. Louis Southwestern con. " Seaboard Air Line 4s Southern Psclflc 4s Southern Pacific 1st 4a Southern Railway 6s 7i 69 8014 94 101 lieu 76ij 1011, 1H 7il4 130'i Texas A Pacific lata Toledo, St. L. A Western 4a ITnlon Parlflo 4a Union Pacinc cv. 4s V. H. Steel Id hm ...... Wabash lats Western Md. 4s v;v Wheeling A Lake Erie 4s bid ...... Wisconsin Central 4s N. Y.. N. IL A H. cv. 4 ctf.. a CXOSIXO STOClt LIST. Amalgamated Copper .. .. .....,. 79'4 inurim far A Foundry American Car A Foundry ptd. Aai.rifl.a 1'nU nn Oil .......... .t 1 20 American Hide A Leather, pfd. American lee Secunttea ............ American Unseed .. ...... a 11 u American Locognotive .. .....-.....' AnuHrlean taooemotive Ptd. .....u.i,, 10C American Smelting A Refng. (..,... 94T4 American Smelting A Kefng. pfd... 107 Amertcaa Sugar Refining ........... 1 American Tobacco pfd. .............. , (Sis American Woolen .. ,......,...... i Anaconda ' Mining Co. : 47 Atchison .. ..a..... ...... '.. - 901a Atchison pfd. .. v...................... 94 Atlantic . Coast Lin .,,i . ( Baltimore A Ohio ,. ......... ........t V& Baltimore A Ohio pfd. si Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... .......... 64H Csnadian Pacific .. ...,.............. 1724 Central Leather .. .................. 24 Centrst Leather ptd. ....... ' W4 1 4:14 4 l!?i 144 4 M ; 9 (T4 4V 6A 14T4 19 j ventral ot itew jrrmrj ........... Cheaapeake A Ohio .................. Chicago Great Western Chicago A North Weetern .......... Chicago. MIL A St. Paul C. C C. A St. ,IohIs Colorado Fuel A Iron ....... Colorado A Southern Colorado A SoiMhem 1st ptd. Colorado A Southern Id pfd. ...... Consolidated Oas ., Cora Products ..................... COTTO N Ml LL MACH I N ERY. Stuart W.. Cramer, ' ' ENQ1NEER AND CONTRATC want ei fcoci . . SOUTH THYON ST., .' CHARLOTTB. N. O. Revolving Flat Card. Railway Head, drawing Frames, . Spinning Frames Twisters and Spoolers - v QulUers and Reels, Looms, C0MBKR3 HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HAN'OVER 6QCARE, NEW YORK MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex- - change. Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and 'sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invite. MECKLENBURG IRONWORKS CHARLOTTE, N. C. Motors, Dynamos, Alternating and Direct Current. Any size and voltago. Stock on hand. We ask for orders. CLING FAST Wood fibre Plaster "Second to None." Experienced plasterers pronounce it the best on the market. The Best .is always the Cheapest. Ask for prices and booklet; it will pay you. STATES VI LIE PLASTER & CEMENT COMPANY StatesviUe, N. 0. HUGH MACRAE & CO Bankers Miscellaneous ttoatlera SeeurtUe WILMLNQTON. X. C. Waatuagton. P. Cm 40S Colorado Blds Cotton Mill Stocks. Delaware Hudson Denver A 111" tlrande ..... Denver A Klo Ormde pfd, rxatlllara' Securities 174 Wtt A 8-1 sh 41 (1 141(4 11 81 V, 10 (7 244 1H le ins l4 nn ltm 82 44 Erie Brie 1st pfd Erie M pfd Qeneral Klectrlc Great Northern pfd Oreat Northern Ore elfs Illinois Cantral Interborough-Met. ... Interborough-Met. pfd International paper .. International Paper pfd International lump , Iowa Central Kansas City Ronlhern Kaneas Cltr Southrrn pfd linulsvflle A Nahvllie Mexican Central Minneapolis A ,St. Louis . Minn.. St. P. A Ssult SU M Missouri Paclflo .. Missouri. )(' Texas .......... Missouri. Kansas A Tegse pfd. .... National L-d New York Ontrsl ..... New Tork, Ontario A Western .... Norfolk t Western .................. North Api(rlaT .. North vn lacillo .. Paclflo- Mall . . ...... ,.., .' Pennsylvania .. . .................... People's 0a Pittsburg. C. C. A St. Louis ........ a m, ..I - 10S j t4 44 24 - ; 124H 73 S4 r i eeaea riwi ....,,,,,.. Pullman Pnlac.Car .................. Railway Steel fettling ,. ............. 161 ' 44 l.'tVt) - '4 V S ?H -17H 44H .t4i 1H! Reading Sieel er4te ea riepuuiuT r? fiu. ........ Rork lalan.1 So. Rock Island Co. pfd St. Loula A San Fran. 2d pfd. .... St, Louis Southwestern .. .. .... St. Louis Southwestern pfd. .......... Sloas-shefTleid Htetl and Iron Smithtm I'aiHflo ........... Bfiuthern Psrtflo pfd- V... Southern Rsllwav .. ................ Southern I'.allway pfd. ............... Tennessee Coptier ,..,,t...,a..,r,,. Texas A I'aciHs ........................ Toleilo, St. Louis A West... Toledo. St. IJula A West. pfd. .... t'nlon Paclfle 1'nlon racifle Pfd. . a..,,,..,.......,.. Vnlted States Kuhher a.. , 144S avw - 33 ..... ,l'Vi t'nlted Stsfes Itnbber lot pfd. i nlted mates Fteei ..... Vnlted States Steel pfd. 43 t tsn Cooper .. ..aa,.., ..,........ Vtrglnls-i'srollna Chemical,.. ...... Vlralnia-Carollna Chemical ptd. Wahaah .. ............................. Wabash pfd. .. , Weatlnahoiis Klectlia ., Western I'nlon .. ......... ..r........ Wheeling A Iake Krte .... Wlarnnatn Central ,. .......... ........ lMi (S i sundard ou 1 i 5lubbers, Roving Frames latertnedtates, Jack Frames R IE AD T HIS IP YOV HAVE TO SELL, LIST IT IX THIS OFFER : If you have houses or stores" to rent, let me do your collecting an save trouble and worry. The place to Insure your property Is In this agency. R. E. COCHRANE Insurance end Cement, lime, Plaster, Roofing And Other Building Material can be had in schooner lots, car load lots or small lots, delivered at any point in the South at lowest prices, by simply indicating to us that you want it and have the money to pay when our bill is due. Inquiries cheerfully answered by telegraph or mail the day received. Shipments made on a mo ment's notice from one of our stocks near you. Write usl Carolina Portland Cement Comp'y SOCTEKN D18TTUBVTORS. . CHARLESTON, . C. Hflotora, Generators, Dynamos and Electrical Wiring installed by us. Mill work a specialty. Prompt attention given to all work. x R. G. 71UTEN eOMPTUVY Electrical Contractors. . ' 'Phone 1307 or 1308. 202 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. a ' Are You A Salaried Man? Then you need Insurance tm yourself In casa your Income should ba cut off when you fat oldfor you family If death cuts off your salary. Are you a lawyer, or doc tor, or a clergyman, or an an glneer, or a dentist, or an ac tor, or a waiter, or a must cianf Tou can't work at your pro fesslon after you ,arn dead and It la the unexpected that happens. Therefor you can not afford to ( without In uranc Moral: Insure la the Kquliablev Life. The strongest in tha world. W. J. RODDET, Manager, Rork nin, ft. C. 1 WM. WHITK JOHXSOX, Rra. Aft, Hunt Bide charkHto, 14. O. FRANK P. MILBURN & Ca ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON, D. C LOUIS H. ASBTJBY ARCHITECT Lw Balldlnf , CasMtettev V. C HOOK AND EOOEES -AECHITECTS Ieooard Li nmter ' and . Gordon FraakU AECIIITECT3 Law Boildlnc. ChaxJotto, X. C V04W 111 a4 !. TUon 171 WaUTAlS SUIkDfNO. ATLANTA. CZi 1 Automatic Feeder, . :-Z Openeri and Tronic, Breaker, Intermediate ani ; Finisher Lappers. Klrscfaner Cerdlog Beaters Thread Extractorst Waste PkkerkvetSa Raw Stock frjrorte '- ETCETC Real Estate, Agent. SCREENS Flies and Mosquitoes on the Outside . Small Cost J.H.WEARN &C0. ..I Maiiafacturera of Mantel. . rlt for caulogua. 1 Manufacturers and Jobbers frequently find It necessary to hare Banking Facilities In ad- dltlon to those offered by local banks. THE . First National Bank Or RICHMOND, VUIGIXIAV With ' (1.0OO.000.00 Capital , , Earned Surplus 404.00(.( S,S.(0O.e .Deposit ll.069.004.00 Total Resource Offer Just the Additional Fa cilities Required. Jno. B. Purcell, frealdent; Jno. M. Miller, Jr., Vice Preal- dent: Chaa. R. Burnett As- v latant Cashier; 4 t., Jophn. Aaslatant Cashier. . ; A. D. SAIsEELD h BH0-, j COMMISSSICOf MERCI1AXTS , ,-7 Leonard strcct, KTW TOME. : " COTTOX TARAS . rKF-r. TreoVk Vietor ta Achelli. JAITCS E. IHTCHTLL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Cotton: Yams and Ccttrn ;V'.:..: Cloths. . - COKSIOXMENTS BOXJCITZIX . rnlladelrhla, IS) and 1!4 Chtr St, Boston, 153 6urnnjr S r, '. Jfew Tork. ". TJ Ionar I r. mi