CHARLOTTE BAIL X OESETrVKR, SEPTEMBER 7, 1903. Social ahd Psrsonal . , Mrl If. B, Query "ha gone to.. Co , lumbla,-gi C... where she wilt spend . some time with relatives And Jriends. - j .,- ...... . .. .I' .. , The follovring from The? MacoA News of Saturday, geptemljer' 5th, will be-of Interest: " . "Mr. and lira. calder Baynard WH- lingham announce the engagement of their daughter. Ruth, ta Mr. warms du lea Williams Norfleet,- f Winston Salem. N. C., the wedding to occur on -October J int. .-' -'. i - "This -engagement is of widespread, 'social interest throughout the South, owing to the prominence and popu larity of the contracting parties. "Miss WllHngham, who la ths third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calder Wll " llnrhara, la a very handsome girl ot the blond type. She spent last year - in Europe, and on her return to her ' homo town -baa been an unusual fa ' -vvorJte. . '' Mr.' Norfleet clalma Wlnston-Sa- i , icui. XV- um .119 iiwiitc:, nti vi atwiuuu . a comparative stranger here, la of a ' family of great prominence." The Spinsters will meet thia afters . noon at 4:39 o'clock with Miss Bessie . Burkhelraer on North Try on street, Mr. and Mrs. returned front a tain, t B. FY Watson' have visit to .Pilot Moun- Mlas Bessie Burkheimer will leave la a few days for Monroe. Wilming ton and Newbern, where she will visit friends and relatives. , Mrs. A. B. Justice and children are visiting Mrs. Justice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, In Winston. Mrr and Mrs. Luclan Durham are expected In the city soon from Tam pa, Fla,, to visit relatives. . Mr. and Mra. H. 8. IClalre. of Au gusta, Oa.. were registered yesterday among the guests at tne Buiora. MIm Mauger Moseley will leave this morning to enter Baiem Academy ana College at winston-eaiem. . . . Mr. and Mrs. James W. Atkins and little son spent the afternoon in the. city yesterday en route to Oastonia. Mrs. Atkins has been spending the summer with relatives In east Ten-- nessee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ta Matthews and daughter expect to leave the first of next- week for a week's sojourn in Washington and other places. Mra H, It. Skinner, of SmithAeld, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Lawrence, on Tenth avenue. PERSONAL. ' The Movements of a N amber of Peo ple, Visitors and Others. Dr; W. Gill Wylle. of New .York, who spent Saturday In the city, left yesterday morning for South. Caro llnato look over the work ' of the Southern Power Company, of which he la president. Among the guests registered at the Selwyn yesterday were Messrs. J, T. Stevens, of Kershaw, and J. H. Wltherspoon. of Lancaster, S. C. Mr. Orpah Prevatt. of Morganton, ' Was registered among the ' guests at Mr. J. D. Hall, of Wilmington, spent yesterday in. the eity.. . Mr. C. WV Curry, of Greensboro, was a visitor yesterday In -the city. Mr. V. C. Badham, of Bad ham, S. C, was a Charlotte visitor for a few hours yesterday. Mr. J. B. McOee, Jr., of Spartan burg, S. C.t spent yesterday in the city, stopping at the Selwyn. Mr. J. Ernest Price, of Washington, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. William H. Green, of Elisa beth City, was a Charlotte visitor yes terday. . Mr. Leo Wellhouse, of Richmond, Va., spent the week-end In the city with friends. Among the guests at the Buford yesterday were Messrs. J. M. Peebles and R. L. Brown, of Albemarle. , ,Mr, A, E- Kramer, of Norfolk, Va was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. , Mr. J. T. Jennings, of Atlanta, Ga., spent yesterday In the city with Mr. C. B. Bryant. Mr. J. T. Poag. of Rock Hill. S. C . was a Charlotte guest yesterday. Mr. A. M. Dixon, of Oastonia, - spent -a few hours in the elty yester day. ' Among the guests registered at the Buford yesterday were Messrs. Fred R. Morgan and George A. Hoyle, of Shelby. . . "' ' Mr. R. S. Motte, of Wilmington. was registered among the visitors at ' ths Southern Manufacturers' Club yesterday. Mr. Gilmer Slier leaves thia morn ing for'Durham, where he will enter Trinity College for his senior year. , Mr. J. C. Leak has returned from Winston-Salem., where he spent some time with relatives. Mr. James D. Proctor, of the Lum herton har, spent last night at the Selwyn. Among ths visitors In the city yes terday were Messrs. Cramer Julian, the United States navy, and Mr. Wil liam Julian, of Thomasvllle. SPLENDID FINANCIAL SHOWING. First Baptist Churrh Contributed More Than $20,000 to Various CauSea DurtorPast Year AssocU ". tlon to Meet To-Morrow. The annual meeting of the Meck lenburg and Cabarrus Baptist Asso ciation will be held this week with ths Clear creek Baptist church, com mencing to-morrow. Quite a number of Charlotte people will attend, all of the local Baptist churches being rep resented. One of the regular features of tha meeting ts the reading of the letters from the various churches. The following Is ths First church let tor of this city for the year ending September 1st. which was unanimous ly adopted after worsnip at tne morn ing service yesterday: FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ' VBftoT'm salsry. etc. , l t,l0.80 Building and repairs n. ...... jv.iksw liclrtentals " .............. J.flM.SS Sunday school expenses The poor .. . 24121 Total .. . ;... n7.Kt.ei . 132.15 , ST2.M . J.S1.M 9.7 ntate missions ,. Home mbwlon .. .. ttl4tl tflaee as Foreign missions Orphanage ................ Total .. .. ...... ..4...;........I..i tma Grand total ,. ....0,W!7.M The church letter also Includes the following facts relative to the mem bership: Additions by baptism, 41; additions by letter. 78; additions by . restoration, I; tout additions. 111; dismissions by letter. Zl;- .loss by 'death, I; total loaa, 14; net gain, II; totsl membership, 114. . . . ' Officers and teacher of Sunday school. 47; scholars, 1,009; average attendance.. 100. This letter will be carried by Dr. H., II.- Hnlten, Mr. J. A. Durham and Mr..W. C. Dowd. CEI.EBRATR LA BOH PAT Flavor your aeaert with Blue Ribbon Vanilla or Lemon Kxtract and remember Labor Day pleasantly. By doing this you give ths whole tamlly pleasure. MRS. J. A. PICKAKD DEAD. Resident In Seversvllle Stricken With - etwtdon Illness Yesterday' Morning A bout 1 O'clock Wea Front Prom inent Orange Connjty family Funeral This Morning at 10 Q'tlork. , - An unusually sad death occurred yesterday morning in the passing of Mrs. Sallie Stroud Frckard, wife of Mr J. A pickard, at his home in SeversvlHe. -The, end came almost without , warning, for Mrs.' Plckard died In something Uke an hour after It was found that sha was sick. Heart failure was the direct cause of her death. She had been a sufferer for several veara with that trouble. 'Mr. Plckard was awakened about o'clock bv er coughing, and upon tnqulry found tier very 11L ' He gave her What reUef he could, but by. the time her physician reached her she Seldom has a death occurred in Charlotte that afftctea a larger frnA . Mra. TMrkard came to Charlotte with er husband and fam lly In III5, and had been here con tinuously since. In all those years none ever knew her but to love her. Endowed with- all the noble instincts of a well-bred womannooa, sne possessed more than an - Oydlnary , r 'tha trliaracterlstlcs Of a good and loving mother, and as such h adorned her flrestds, ruling with all the love and .gentleness known to s tender, forbearing motner ox a ii , rhiMrcn ver had a more foithfiii mnlhrr than did her. ' If she had a fault ,it was In her aelf sacriflcing goodness to; those about r Mrs. Plckard would have". teen Sj years of age next January, and had been married S3 years last July. To her were horn eleven children, four of whom have died. The nving are. Misses LiUie, Murl and Alma; Messrs. Gales and Paul and Masters Eugene and Charlie. Besides these she leaves a husband, two brothers, Mr. A. O. mA ,n, r n ftfrnuit. of Ore . HIU. and a sister, Mrs. Mattle Dossett, of Burlington. , Mrs. Plckard was a daughter of the late Alfred P. Stroud, of ' county, a man greatly loved in n The high esteem in which she was held was attested yesieraay r .imm of pallors at me kUUOl.U. v.. vs.... - home, coming from all classes. The funeral aervlce will be con- ilitAtait enm Wadsworth home. In Seversvllle. this morning at 10 o'clock y, Rev, Hugh v n..r naator of Tryon Street Methodist church. GRABBED FOCKETBOOK. History Repeated to Enstera Char lotte Between 11 OVlk and Mid night Saturday .Night 110 Taken. Boarding the street car on which two Charlotte ladles had taken seats, riding out a far as WorthSngton avenue and leaving the car when they rang there for It to stop, crossing tha atrcet and following them stealthily thence to Cleveland avenue, an unknown negro near mldnignt Saturday robbed Miss Annie Patter son of a pocketbook eontaiintng about 10 in money. His flight was suc cessful and, though the policemen answered the call, he had gone and left no trace bhlnd him, and no clue to his Identity. It was at the square aDout ii.av o'clock or slightly earlier that the man saw Mrs. Thompson and her sister, Miss , Patterson, go on Doara a First ward car. utms i" hv hurl no male escort, he proceeded to follow with the result stated. Ha stole up behind the ladles, grabbed the pocketoooK ana was on iiu they fairly realised wnat naa happened. Residents nearby came In answer to their calls and Chief T. M. Chrlstenbury and Mr. J. H. Orr made a bicycle trip to ins scene. JJEATH OF MR, DE HERRADORA. Estimable Younjr Man Passes Away After Long Illness rune xws Afternoon. . ' Mr. Frank F. De Herradora died yesterday afternoon at 1:18 o'clock at the residence of his mother. No. IS East Stonewall street, alter a nn- vrlnir illness of ten months. He Lhad been a patient sufferer of an in curable malady ana succumDea oniy after a brave fight for life. Mr. De Herradora was born at Wlnnsboro. S. C. on the 24th of July, 1887. and was therefore 11 years of are. The funeral will take place at the home on East Stonewall street at 3 o'clock this afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. E. L. Bain, Dastor of Trinity Methodist church. of which he had been a membjer since young childhood, assisted by Rev. Frank Slier. ' The pall-bearers will be J. H. Lit tle, J. W. Cuthbertson, W. F. .Hard ing, J. A. Jones, W. H. Davidson and H. . Link; . BRIEFS. 1 Few Minor Happenings ta and About the City. The board of aldermen Is due to meet to-night.- , The county board of education will meet at the court house to-day. Zeb Blackwood was arrested late yesterday afternoon by the officers on the charge of being drunk. He win appear before the recorder to-morrow. Miss Annie Patterson had a'furse snatched from her late Saturday night on Cleveland avenue. Dilworth. which contained 1 10. The officers are work ing on the case. Mr. A. a Neely, of the J. W, Wadsworth Sons' Company, has puri chased from Dr. Will Graham a house and lot at the corner of Ninth and Poplar streets for 13,000. . There wll toe a rehearsal of the Tali Muslo Festival Chorus at 1:11 o'clock to-night In the lecture room of the Second Presbyterian hurch. Au tlilgera. ladles an gentlemen, are urged to .be present and' Join the chorus. ; .'. '; r. Vincent Off on Vacation. ' Mr. Robert W. Vincent, managing editor of ; The . Charlotte Observer, leaven this morning for Flsgah to Jnpend his vacation In the . Beautiful Sapphire Country. Wednesday r. Vincent will run up to Lake Toxaway to attend a meeting of the editors t the Southern dlvleion of The Asso ciated Press which has been called by CoU J. C. Hemphill, of The Charleston News end Courier, representing the special committee. - for the purpose of hearing complaint and suggestions, and preparatory to a full meeting of the special committee in New York next month. Mr. Vincent wilt he ab sent from the city about II days. . ' ;.a PAYING nmTMCU. Mr. John Whit, of 21 Hlshland Ave, Houlten, Msine. says; "Have hn trou bled with a eovn h every winter and spring. Iist winter . I tried many a4 vertteed remedies, but the eeush contin ued untft I Muaht a We. bottle of Dr. King's New Diaonvery; before that was half gone, the coitah was all gone. This winter the same happy reau It has follow ed: a few doaea enct more banished the annual cough.- I am o convinced, that pr. King's New IMacorery I tha beat of all couah and lung remedlea." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores, toe. and IL Trial bottle frta Merely because you v have used such-and-such' a soap for years, it does 't not necessarily ' follow that it is as good as, or better than, Ivory Soap; Ivory Soap: would never have attained the sale it has if it were not; superior to other soaps. ' ; -Try it! That is the best way to determine? .how good it is. " . ' ' ." . - Ivory Soap 99 Per Cent. Pure n FIRST STREET MAY BE WIDENED. Movement on Foot Now to Provide oO-Foot Thoroughfare From Tryon to Mint Along first The Proposi tion of the 4C's Company. The widening of East First street from Tryon to Mint ts again being agitated. As it now stands, the street is hardly more than an alley being only about twenty feet wide, This is Just enough to permit the passage of one buggy or one team and In times of a rush a congestion la the Inevitable result. For some time past residents and property owners In that section of the city and those who have occasion from time to time to drive down into that neghborhood have fre quently discussed ths need of a wider street, but nothing has ever been dons about It. The matter heretofore has never been pushed, owing, doubtless, to the belief that the cost would be too great to compensate for the benefits accruing therefrom. New life was recently injected into the movement by the proposition of tne 4j's Company, wnicn owns tne block extending from Tryon to Church. 400 feet along First. The 4C's has offered to rive the city 25 feet off of what is known as the Car son property, thus making the street from Tryon to Church 10 feet wide, on conditions the city would see to the widening of the street from Church to Mint, a distance of 100 feet Of tms distance, it will be necessary for the city to secure a strip 20 feet wide and 200 feet long west of Church street along First and then a strip but six feet wide for the remaining 400 feet. No estimate of the cost of this work to the city can be made, for the reason that no figures are now available. It is not believed, however, that it would require any great sum. The proposition, all things consider ed, is a splendid one from the city's standpoint, as the Carson property Is a very valuable one and the city has the opportunity of getting a 60-root street along First at small cost. It i furthermore generally understood that the widening of this street will insure the 4C'n its extension to the river from the present terminus of the Hosklns line west. Whils no state snent to this effect has been received from any of those In authority It is very generally believed that the widening of First street as content plated will result In the opening up of First street under the southern Railway tracks, as was so strenuous ly agitated last year, on a basis much more advantageous than that offered then. There is nothing In the esti mation of citizens of calm Judgment, keen vision and ripe experience in municipal affairs more needed Just at present to keep pace with the city's onward march as a street car line to the river. It Is believed to be an end to the accomplishment of which the city should be willing to sacrifice Itself a little to procure. . THE GOVERNORS AGAtW. Meredith Nicholson's Book Soon to B Out What Did the Governor of ; North Carolina Really Say to the Governor of South Carolinaw . Book lovers throughout the Caro lines will be interested in the forth coming publication of the Bobbs Merrill Company entitled "The Little Brown Jug of Klldare," by Meredith Nicholson, the author of The House ot a Thousand Candles" and other Well-known novels. Klladre Is -art Imaginary town on the border between the Carolines and the plot of the story centres about the question which the Governor of North Carolina Is fabled to have put to the Governor of South Carolina on the occasion of their meeting at some time in the dim. and distant past. The cover design will show the State Capitol Building at Ra lelga and the Illustrations throughout will be masterpieces of the printers' art. Many references are made In the story to-Charlotte and other centres in the sister states. Tne dook win oe placed on the market between the middle or Movem'trer ana tne ii oi December. The publishers have made known their determination to make this the best seller of the year and with this In view will do a vast deal of advertising. One of the special feature will be the distribution of a number of little brown Jugs, "little brown Jug of Klldare."., The author, Mr. Nicholson, is said to have spent some time In this 8tate getting the local color and those who have seen the story say that It will prove even more popular than any ot nis past suc cesses. . , v ; "Buy tn best that's CUnchBeld.' TOIT MUST ACKNOWLEDGE ' That any successful business ' 'must furnish I things ' ATTEimoX - .GOOD GOODS' V . '- IHGHT PRICES , : t . - Any concern that doe not give these must have a "Money Tree'' or Bust. Low price without Quality. Get Little Business; Low Priors with Quality Get More Buslnes. NEITTIER PL A MAKES .- , , " ; . .- SUCCESS. - Our Business has grown sue-,; cessfully II years. ; - . When others, ouote lower fWy are too IOW. - - We give ATTEVnOV, GOOD GOODS. RIGHT PRICES. .-Tke the ease,.- QUEEN CITY PRINTING CO.- Everything lor the Office .CHARLOTTE, J. O. IVEY'S Sale To-Dav ; ' Of Pretty White Ready-to-Vcar Clothes For Baby Dainty White Dresses, all sizes; pretty Baby - Gowns and Skirts, on sale at 1-3 leas than usual price. We beughf them that way and give you the' saving. - 25c. HATS Of course on Saturday in the big sale we closed out nearly all the Trimmed Hatst but the rain kept a good many away and we still have hundreds of fin Shapes for to-day's selling. These are all fresh from the boxes and cost as high as 12.00 each. They all go to-day at.... 25c. each RIBBON SALE Our buyer secured for us a great bargain In Ribbons for to-day's sell ing. We have divided them Into two big lots at 10 and lie, a yard 10c. LOT Nice, heavy Quality high-grade Silk Ribbons, almost all colors and worth up to llo. a yard, for. ...10c. a yard lac. LOT Extra heavy and fine All-Silk Rib- i bon In every leading color; worth about 20c a yard, for.... 12c a yard 25c. TAFFETA RIBBON, 18c. YARD A very heavy lustrous Black Taf feta Ribbon, a good 26c. one, for 18c. yard This Ribbon Is guaranteed all Silk, J-4 Inches wide. . 85c. TAFFETA RIBBON, 23c. YARD A beautiful All-Silk extra fine and heavy Black 5 1-4 Inch Taffeta Rib bon 28c. a yard IVEY'S DEATH OF MR. J. J. .VEAL. EldV in A. R. P. Church Passe Away After Long Illness Funeral This Afternoon. Mr. J. J. Neal, who lives at No. I0T North Caldwell street and who has been an Invalid for vears. died at hl home last night at 8:30 o'clock. His widow and five children survive him, namely, Mrs. Noah Grifnth, and Messrs. Tom, White, Gllffoed and John Neal. Mr. Neal moved to Char lotte 10 years ago from gardis and has ever been one of the beet known and most esteemed citizens of ills sec tlon of the city. He was an elder In East Avenue A. R P. church and had always given It his loving and loyal service. The funeral will take place at the home this afternoon at 1 o'clock, the service .being In charge of Rev. J. A Smith. The interment will he at Band Is. The pall-bearers will be: eMssrs. R. M. Ronaon, J. T. Orders, J. B. McLaughlin, U. P. Harding and T. F. Walker. FACULTY OF SEVENTY TEACHERS Durham School Open To-Day and These Teachers Will Have Plenty of Work to Do. . Special to The Observer. ", Durham. Sent. 6. With a faculty of seventy teachers the Durham schools open to-morrow morning, the final meeting to mi p out the work having been held yesterday afternoon. All Alkali Soap (Oxford Bine) Cuts oat dirt and grease from the ckin and leaves it soft and dean. 2 1-2 lb. Bars, 25c f- Registered Nurse Director . (Graduate Nurses Only). Bnrwell-Dunn Retail Store i ;'r", 'Phone 41 and 800. The Charlotte Trunk! Strongest and best Trunk on the market. This special Trunk Is built to our own specidcatlon la 109 lots, snd contains more points of value by 15.00 than any other: Full . sl'xe. strong oos, full steel bound,- vsry part rlvetea, unen unea. double traya; . :v' . . .-J 11-Inch. $.: l-toch $8.00; j- IncV M.SO; -Bch. $10.0i 18-lnch, $11.00; : 18-lnch. ' 112.08; so-incn, $18.00. ' . THE BERCCliES TnOK STROP Strongest strop tnad with patn sliding release buckle, . price Ida free by malL " 1 6!lQR-f,!00HE CO. To") f Tl ' ' 'VTo) - - 11 - Already the season has oocned with us. f a" arriving every day, oat ouits, separate Skirts, oilk Underskirts, etCt in Suit Department being shown Don't fail to see us. .We hdve never had such a variety of Up-to-Date Apparel. WOOL GOODS 45-lnch Herringbone Cheviots and Serges, Satin Stripes 08c. (0-Inch Serges, Panamas and Cheviots in the leading shades.. 85 and 08c. 14-inch All-Wool Cheviots, Panamas and Tamise, at 48c. Let us show you our line of 45-lnch Fancies In Imported Fabrics .... 8c. to $1.50 LINEN DEPARTMENT 16-inch All-Linen Cambric, good weight for suits or waists 25c. Ask to see our pure All-Linen 8-inch wide Irish Cambric, worth 50c, at 80c. ART LINEN SPFXIALS Now is the time to get your Art Linens for Christmas work: 45-lnch Roundthread Pure LInen aSc. 14-inch Roundthread Fure Linen 8c. It-Inch Roundthread- Pure Linen - 8c i TABLE LINEN'S AND NAPKINS We have only a few left from sale and will close these Monday at: 48-Inch, every thread Linen, 85c. value eoc. B ELK teachers were present. Superin tendent W. D. Carmichael expects the largest student body he has ever cared for, and in normal condition he has about 8,000 on his books With a registration of 1,982 whites last season his dally attendance has been 78 per cent, and his number of promoted In all grades has been greater than the percentage of at tendance. The colored schools swell the total attendance to 1.000 more. and Mr. Carmichael undoubtedly pre- siaes over one or tne mate s nnest school systems. The schools this year lost B. S Skinner, who entered the lnw, and Garland Greever. teacher of English who goes to Arkansas University as associate professor of English In that college. He has just Issued a work on American poets that will be used there. GENTRY BROS'. FAMOUS SHOWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 10TII 200 Animal Actors 200 The Comedy Weylers The Htriner Family M'lle De Ocw-li. S Performances Rain .or Shine. CELEBRATE LABOR DAT FLAVOR your desserts with aiue wooon vsnuia or Icemen extract, ana ramtmmr jua bor Day pleasantly. By doing this you givs tb whole family pleasure. FOR ANYTHING IN DRl'O LINE OR for sick-room suppue -pnone wood. ALI SHEPPARD. No. as. They, give prompt and accurate service. SOLID, SUBSTANTIAL, . BTRONG. ut. allent and satiaiactorv. is tne -u. C. Smith Typewriter. Ball bearing ivMhiti and "writln In slaht." J. E. CRAYTON A CO., 217 S, Tryon. 'Phone, apt. IT WILL 8URB PAY YOU TO BUT your supply of canned Vegetables from -us tnts year, uur auppi m uiutu mr r than ever, consequently our prlres will be just right. See us now. MILLER-VAN NEBS CO. ' !. JACOBS'' CANDT-COST1I A LITTLK less and tastes a 111 tie better. Freah stock ust in JAg. P. STOWE a CO, Druggists. Thone ITS. POR RENT K WEST TRADK 8T. 8 rooms, r-I.W; 7 N. Poplar I reoma, 828; V N. Brevard Kt. 8 moiw K2; Waat ith BL t rooms, gut; 802 Weat 6m St. 8 rooms, 811 ; -room house Cleveland - Ave., 818; 609 East 7th 8 rooma. tl 4. ' All mw1em. Other 8 t -room hmiaes. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. FOR BALE-CRUSHED BTONB IN slse suitable tor all grades concrete . work. WU1 quota yen delivered prtca by wagon er cars on application. Fred Oliver, Charlotte. N. C . EVERYTHING THAT'S OOOD TO EAT In hot . weather Is being served by us In the best style, - Come In - snd se . what ws bsve now. vOEH RESTAUR ANT, a ; : TO LET T-ROOM MODERN HOU8E. Morehesd stfet, 830; 8 rooms. Palmer street, city water free, 810.W: 4 rooms. E. th. ; 8 rooms. N. CI ark arm. .V Houses for colored tenants, 81 to tl.M er week. Rooms In Sanders Building " for Offices or b4 rooms. 88 te 87. E. L. KEESLER. 21 S. Tryon 8C 'Phone Special Notices 21 SBSBBSssaaav . Trade "Ob- O . r4 72lnch, every thread Linen, 11. 00 value .....76c. We have, to be exact, three small pieces of full 72-Inch heavy Damask that can't be matched for less than 11.60. To close at. .$1.10 Our stock of Dress Linens in Cam brlcs. Lawns, Arts, Irish, Em broidery, etc., was never so com plete and we can save you money on same: 10-4 Linen Sheeting at 50a 10-4 Linen Sheeting at 8c. 10-4 Linen Sheeting at 80c All these, are cut prices and will move out. LONG CLOTH AND NAINSOOKS 11.50 Long Cloth at 80o. $2.00 Long Cloth at $1.10 Our stocks of these cloths are very complete and we are better able to save you money than ever before. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT This department Is, as everybody knows, a most Importsnt one and receives at all times our careful sttentlon. Just now our "special at tention." -4 Sheetings 27a New Tork Mills Sheeting thst every body knows, for Monday at.... 27a BROTHERS Clothes for " LpiipEte uoliiig Cc . 0';; j -r " Knovra For Style, lit and Quality. O Our new Wool Goods m f 9 T 44m Big line of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Counterpanes at Interesting prices. Just In to-day new line of 24-inch Auto Cloths, at .....10c 24-inch Stripe Suiting, sells for" lSc. Special la l-2o.' NEW LINE FINE GINGHAM A. F. C. Wexford A Co., all new. pretty patterns, very best colon. Price per yard lOo,' Flannelettes, Fleece Ducklings, La- nax Suitings, etc.. all. new fast colors and pretty designs 8 and 10c 38-Inch Linen Finish l-20w' This Is a good 10c. seller. SPECIAL MONDAY ' 18 1-Zc. Dotted 8wlss for Curtains Monday at 10c NEW LINE DARK PERCALES ; ; 10c. Fercales in good, dark' pattern and faat colors, at l-2o REMEMBER THIS , , Thousands of new goods in all de- -partments rolling in every day Coat Suits, Skirts, Silks. Wool Goods, Domestics, etc. All these at lower prices and every day there will he something to Interest every customer. Knabe Pianos Como and see the new, styles just received. A pur-, chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life-, time. Wei sell cWper Pianos also. Write for r.atAlntni.' O - - " Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Second Floor. '. Young Men