,v; CHABLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTESIBEB 7, 1903.'' ' people's golu::; AU advertisement inserted lu this column at. rate of (ra rrnu per Un of aU word. No ad taken tor lew tliau 20 cents, tab la advance. ; WANTED. WANTEDA It rat-class man cook. UUsabeth College, Charlotte, JJ.-.C. at -.WANTIcn A wanA home for a healthy In - rant three weeka of age., Address IL, care oj uoserver. ..... - ? ' WANTED Thoroughly competent, tutor for boy of u rear. Address r. O. Box 83, City.- , . '. '; ' WAITED Twelve energetic salesmen o cover city. Oooa pay. jpermanent po sition. ' The TrU Qoinpany, k 301 .West Trade street. fc V v-S. ;. . .WANTED-Stenogrepher at onoe. Apply te Tomimeon cnair atrg. co. High iy rami. . u. Y 'WANTED Position as book-keeper or as. suianc tungie or oouoie entry. Refer. ence furnlwlieU. Not choice as to locality, Correspondence elicited. Miss Eva Bioaes, Carlisle; a. c - - - . WANTED Vour bicycle and baby car- t' riage repair work. Batlafaetion guaraa ( teed. Carolina Cycle Co., 27 E. f th St. ' WANTED To borrow 11,000 on good se- curny. Address -Hustler," care Ob- aerver. 1 , WA NTED Rail wa v mall clerki. . cost . .. office clerks, carrier. Examinations here November Uth. Preparation free. Franklin institute, Rochester. N. T. 'WANTED To purchass whole or: pa interest In established paying .drug business in growing North Carolina city Give full Particulars. All replies conn- ' dentist. Address ,"B. H. J.," Me. WJL0 Moihtr tit.. Baltimore, Md. - - t . . WANTED Position by registered phar - tnaclst, six years' experience. Address Box SO, Elisabeth City, N, C. - ' WANTED At once, a thoroughly practl- cat engineer for power house work, :. who has had experience with A. C D. C. apparatus, Address Box SU. Greens. : boro, H.,G. . -. ,-. . WANTED To secure the services of an experienced matron to have charge of me Kitchen ol a boys Boarding school. A Widow . with boys to send to school . would find a good opportunity. Answer quick. Address A, cars of The Observer. AGITATION FOR A KEW JAIL ?XGS ov campaign poets. COMMISSIONERS WILL Soma Kllrrlna- Melodies UhLh rh MEET. I, North Carolina . Bard Onramvhur r ...... . ' " . ' f Their Accustomed 'Place, In the rJ.M-m yommiswonori win J . Jd, Make Political Kchees Ring it Theli VZttZ'SZZJrZ Baltimore Bun.'. Needed la a Modern, Sanitary ami f whn p V111" to rise in the : Ip-to-Date strnctnee in- Keenlne-1 earIy P;lnr It stirs up the germa of WANTED For U. . Army, able-bodied uamaxrled men. between ages II and tt, cltlae'na of United States, of good charac ter and temperate hauts, who can sneak read and write English. For Information . apply, to Recruiting Officer, 1 West Fifth street. Charlette, N. C; I South Main street. Ashsvtlle, N. C; National Bank, Lenoir. N. C: National Bank Building; Shelby, N. C; 401 South Centre street, Stateaville. N. C. or Wk West Main street Spartanburg. S..C. TOR SAtC FOR HALE Newspaper property In good - town, well equipped plant; owner going-into ether work. Llnptype, care Ob server, i FOR ' SAT.RTx1A.lS ft -P. LliMetl Tamn- kins engine, in excellent condition and! running , order. Address Greensboro Supply Co.. Ureensborot N. C. Write us for any machinery joi need. FOR SALE One boiler 150-H. p. carries 160 lbs. stesm, one 14x3s Corliss engine, Including all connections, also heater. Above first class but am using electric power. Catawba cotton Mills, Newton, li. c. FOR SALE Large whiskey business. Jug j)d bottls house, tha finest and best equipped for the mall order trade In the united States. Enjoys -large city and - country trade also. Party who buys can retain the present name which is worth izs.ooo to any mail order liquor nous. And in addition, the party If from North Carolina who would get in here now with this firm name would get a tremendous trsde from North Carolina when that State goes dry on January 1st. lne. For particulars address The CasperTrenor Company, Jne., or w. O. Trenor, Roa noke, va. 1XR RENT. FOR RENT Modern house 702 North Church. Car line. Possession Oct 1st. R. C, Carson. FOR S ALB A brand nsw etereopticon, with vapo-search light A bargain. L. P. Bogle, Caroleen, N. C- ' FOR RENT Store building en South Col lege street, plate glass front. - Apply to Dr. C. L Alexander. (OR BALK-Saloon doing a shipping trade, to quick buyer. doing a retail Bn tfa Pat arahitrv Va also Address u-ith- h. wt . . I poetry that are latent in the blood Tor or SnZ" " indlviduata, ; and , a lew '.;" ; ' .' ' -' sward, cauliflower, bosay dells And . ."X -was. lmtnansely pleased whenvl leye. - In the same war tha . rising read ih Ths Observer av few -days age 01 Political enthusiasm eUra up the . acrlhhllna' niKmh. n.. n.t one of ; the matter., .likely ; Urt be considered by, the board of com- j beata the . measles ta fourth-grade missionera atrita September . meeting -cnoou ? ; ; -. ,. ; .. -. ; -would tw the proposition of a ! new f'The aunplclous appearance right at ln Secured ne ef the most In- P"J"5 112 Pin ot ths nuentlAl and -ober-mynded.emgeng.of lit' "Si fc ptt "Wj.wiy. io an Moserver man. yesusr i uii generous inspiration to the flay. Jtt Is to be sincerely hoped that I;"110 ",n.?afor Bryi- Ho singers th. .commoner.l Utan whom there -1 .-. . . (wrwuv ami jiuuiiv-i a ra inu nose OI tne SmTO eplritedx'.cltliens to .tha ' couaty, 4 ah I Unf nd Ylrnl. From them bursts landowner. con.e,U concerned la the community's wel-1 heart could fair to thrill, at such a fare, "wilt aea thlr'ar.. mr. tn takalgWm as this: , ' : ' . -ia united states' greatest mn , . Inan'sueri nreosltr taking up such a proposition. I can h do. k.. ,v. . readily believe. I understand and ap- fThe people know where Jie has went, . premium jusi now mey icei, tor n m a leaaer Heaven sent, been in their position myself. They I He'll dwell within the White House want to be aura of their ground, to - ' feel the public pulse, tp sjfct clrcum-, be our next President" ; epectly and not lay themselves Ha- These thrilling Unee are' said to be hie to. the rhsrn nf hlni rushed from the pen of Mr. Andrew Jack headlonsr into a. nriannaitlnn ' involv . I son Havachaw. of Waxhaw settle- in g as this doe. the expenditure- ot mnt, N- C--S- near which apot a big sum of the countya money. And ne Immortal Andrew Jackson wa. they are to be commended tor mcn '"V0"" oonoivoucn spirit, for It doe. them credit and i?rth thriticity f the author. augurs well for the future. The com- oul ln "n PeK for tnem- mlasioners, however, need have - no j fear as to this matter. . A - .'.-ol.nt,?.n f ' "A new Jail. uo 1n keeping with "oul? "l the tlmea. modern, sanitary, commodl- eTlcued two rh.Vr- tlZZ tr.t. tSltTm'll K'che arUeTfrYmW or: WmVl rofSunag l?'- (1 Thi" if"" i needed, in fact there lata atrongcr n l",r" , . u .IVT ) a .1 ' ai.s I . '-' v inirju Oiatef val tkVti u V- "'"n'fvr "".u" Wno , Personal acquaintance of uuHu.n, UI i puDiio naiur. wn:n n MUI Mr Shermans' side-whisker.: been erected in the county wlUln my 0 mMr j,m! 0 M1,t.r - iwuMreuun. ! . venture 10 ey Q,a were we wne ne h..ra twM h,m nine out oi every len men in mo wnen all the morning papers stated -county, certainly all - of those who As how he had been nominated, have thought over the matter or have dresses nobby, very - a well, had occasion to Visit the present A!vi,",wP,re"'d'ntJ h will do well, tructure. will bear me Out in my iS-htoVihMa?. '"" Utement that Mecklenburg county know.VgT somS -.".'nS" fee need a new Jail more so than any When this you seej remember Me." otner one thing at this Ume. Sucn Who can measure tha effect aueh a strong and spontaneous tribute will havp upon the colored vote? They may be cold and sullen 'now; some may even be disaffected; but tney cannot refuse to vote for a man who' la not onlv a arrest ililMmiii competent and patriotic citizens, who but Is liberal in his tips. arrived at such ' a ; conclusion only I t i. after having investigated the fact, brief specimens of the. tribute, to T. for themselves at first-hand. The Watson, of (jeorgla; HlBgen or WIlMe- big majority of the members of the heam. . To n,.srt the flashing sparkle Charlotte bar are of the same be 0f the cUzzIIhk tributes of John lief, as can be very -sasUy and read- Temple Graves would 'pale the efforts lly determined by a few inquiries. of other earnest workers and be un- "And why should the commission- just to candidates that have -more ers hX-sltate? Their duty 1. plain and I votes but fewer no ' Rut w oun. their power, ample, nor can the I not refrain from addlne- a verse from charge be made that the county is In I a sweet singer of Viirginla , to the financial straits for It has never had) sterling Indiana orator who Is .the more money. I was Informed not I Democratic choice for Vice President: less than two weeks ago that the I "John Kern, you are the people's friend, last 19.00b note on the county's! And thoUKh vour name's at ta t.u mh floating debt had been- paid off and I w k"(ow s statesman no one greater-' that save for such bills as fall deSi.l.ffr hoe "n? dl Prtaters. II . . a a. L II at A IIUUK li VOU WOTK ft T I njs IsltW tMflg -lA mommy ana m lw iner oonsmiiunB. I wv .aw . 7- Z 1 ' the county owe- scarcely a cent. The EVA y0 J ZJ-X? w'"l p,ow Anttf (tntiru that aeema wnnA tn m a I unm . . . . . . is ror ine commissionera 10 line tne was the belief of Judge James L. Webb, ,of Shelby, when he was here holding court several month- ago, and -such has- been the opinion of two grand Juries, composed of IS freeholders of the county, all able, HISTORIC Oil) FORT GIBS0X FAMprs yAMKS IXVKKP WITH IT. Prof. Jerome Dowd Gives an Account . of IVrt Glbsou, the Oldest . and ; Most Uletorlc lrort in Oklahoma mstory. interwoven With -Such 5 Aauiear as Irving, Henry Stanley, : T. u oer k, jjee and Sam -nouiwn Hg CtabllMtMwl j laiA Written for5 The Observer. ' 't' i Fort Gibon la the oldest settle ment In Oklahoma and U associated with more celebrated characters.- per haps, - than ; any other town la, the United Statea it seems atrange- that a little insignificant-looking town in this far West should have a Matarv which is Interwoven with the uvea ati such noted characters as Washington7 irving, me poet - .Longfellow, , Henry M. Stanley, the great African explor er; Jeff Davis, .Robert k. Lee, Jame. O. Blaine, General Sam Houston,'' vtsnerai Aayior, Albert Sidney John on. General Bragg, General Scott, sirs, commodore Dewey. 'Fort Gibsoa was estahllhd a mlilUry fort in lilt and since that ume it has played a part In many inaian wars and manv of th aoi. dlera In service here have before the Red Man .and are burled In a national cemetery on the outskirts of, the town.- It was also an impor tant fort during the civil war. The town 1. situated on the beauti ful Grand or Neosho river, which empties Into the Arkansas two mile, below. If is-only eight miles from the City of Mutkogee. The fort, bar racks and residences of the officer, were built on a bluff overlooking tha river, but the town, since the com ing of the railroad, has developed about a mile from the river. The buildings about the old fort are most ly. In a state of decay and have an exceedingly antique appearance. In 1132 Washington Irving made a mp to the West, in company with everal foreign gentlemen. Including a b rench count, and sojourned at Fort Gibson. He pitched his tent just outside of the parade ground and there wrote his "Tales of Traveler. In his book. "A Town of the Prairies," he tells of Fort Gibson of his crossing the Grand and At kansaa rivers and of a trip to the punaio hunting grounds. Longfellow made a tour of observe tlon In the West In 1848 and came to Fort Gibson by ooat. up the Ar kansas and Grand rivers. In his celebrated poem "Evangeline," which appeared the next year, Is a beautl- iui and ' graphic description of the vicinity of Fort Gibson and here some of the chief eventa of the poem have meir ineatxe. nenry m. Stanley, the greatest Aincan explorer, once taught a sub scnption school in an old building still standing near the fort. This Building was of special Interest to me because of the great admiration have for Stanley and the great ser vice his books have been to me In the preparation of my volume ''The Negro Races." chariah Taylor, afterward. President of the United fitat.s, was at one time the commander of this fort. Jeff Davis, afterwards President of the Southern Confederacy, succeeded General Taylor as commander of the tort and married hla daughter, Bettle Taylor. He lived here with h'ls wife until called to duty in the Mexican war. The house in which he lived r.tm. of the noted Indian ehlsfg. XmXXXZZXZXZXXZ?a He ba. palnte'd more Indians than any other man In America and one or nis painting Is said to be valued at ito.ooo. ' Ambassador ; Jamea Bryce; the author of the "American Common wealth ha. recently honored this little town with hi. presence. ' The - most interesting and pictur esque character now living ' in Fort Lrioson- is Mr. J. 8. Hoiden, editor ot the local paper. He la an antiquar ian and the preserver of tha local traditions and relics. He 'is a great lover, or poetry and sometimes writes a poem himself. Among other Inter ests he la devoted to tree planting and raising; his house Is surrounded by a . forest of little trees of hi own cultivation. One of his peculiarities la that he is a vegetarian. Jie has not eaten meat for year.. ' Tet he has a ruddy, healthy complexion and is active and robust for hla years. He has a fine eye, classle Up. long curly hair and. one could easily take him for a poet. I am Indebted to him for the facts In this article and for some valuable relics for my mu seum. He is a distant relative of tha late Governor Hoiden, of North Carolina. 1 .. JEROME DO WD. Fort Gibson, Okla., Aug. 80, 1808. was demolished a few year, aso General Has' n was also one of the The poe., of the South by no mean. mnd:aLthi,.i,!:t, JlLwiv"a - - --.-. siu iiai icu av i?bj AVI I w tl. The-y lived In a still In Hazen became a matter ud Immediately, ask for plan. VJT. V.. .uJu"'. " D,"nB . . . a.a. ... . ai a v .v- -hi meir uw iv wiv. nitr I - a - ana begin w investigate xne ultimate dehts of Yale alone have produced t"' 01 uncln,lu- ' TnV "v cost. A newJall has got to come as 4l tributes tn verse' to the Hen ,r tt0M building which Is sure as day follow, night and the wini.m H Tad ,,'.1.. 1- .w. tood repair. Mrs. Ha.en he only question Is that of a year or two. I large terms Justified by ao weikhtv a Krlaow d 1 now the wire of Commo The, present board haa a rare opi I subject. But to our mind these ,or w'y " ... Iy . , .L . . ("joutes rrom me universities are uenerai Bam Houston la another 'As I take it, the commissioners -j too studied and ntnted Th. ii.mnilriithr,i nam nnnaota -,it. v,. are halting only for the reason that I to combine the neriruta nt T.,..k I hinriA nia.a i . .., v. I they believe that the present Jail with and the Italian sonnet with George- resigned the governorship of Ten a few repair, can be made to aervelcohan ragtime is not an unonaiifiei ne .h.nn. hi. ,if. m. a few years longer.. If Mecklenburg success. As for us. give us the lines West and Jod the Cherokees. He county is anything t Is progressive, of some simpler poet, whose words married Tahilhina Rosers. a heantl- uoerai aw rav. .ii minp, .u. iriini nis jieart, fresh with ful Cherokee maiden, with whom he 10 inoee in us cn4,e. 11 win if tpirmuun. lissome as tne lilt r r w until hi. h ........ .v.. . ... 1 -II l . I "T ..1 . ---v. ... u, n, uu. 1. It,, wln quire dui a moiiiriik s iiivrDiiaa-1-' asceataln whether or not a new is needed Sheriff Wallace noVDep- " 'ucn, a 0 n thl rat Governor; he married again and utv Sheriff Johnson are not to be I campaign we must go to Boston, that I ..i-.j . ,.n.. , .u.i.' hlima tor the o resent atructure and centre of culture and wellanrina . ' r ' """' Hteratur. thai ... !""-. I nousion. is now a prom.nent man in v,"M- . " 2 ttmr Oklahoma It is oui-oi-uaie, unsanimry inn uii-1 vu.c, luums no ary. riere tn l..n nrlannar. In for inm. 11 thflkclosinir lines of A flna IrlK,... tn Tiff . , . . n . -m - timesas many as 7ft are connnea in a - Hur:: i.um ine oston iD.ctlon. Bnd o,neril. o-ou maOe space 40x50feet square, xnat tne ,"J.'-- mP ' or-tne ,:Veral visits here. need of the hour 1. urgent stands to y A. I. "'"r"y "u expression aihm It la ntnAinhtriiil that I - " iiiBni.-iiueiis poet: the present Jail was built 85 or rnore j many pounds of fat. ; That Dear Uncle Joe. Louisville Courier-Journal. Very probably Mr. Cannon's already great and growing popularity In North Carolina, which cradled the distinguished statesman, and in South Carolina and Georgia, boasting the honor of being near neighbors to hla native State, has been Increased dur- ina- the last few days. The Juggling of the Appalachian forest reserve bill during the last Congress is irasn ,in the public mind, especially Ih the South. To the Patrons of the City Public Schools We thank your good you for natured liberal school Ctharlnton EipMWit Charleston Newe and Courier. That "Iredell county amber-colored, corn Juice, either with or without the revenue stamps," we must say. would make life worth living, even In a community which gave Cole L- Blease a majority In the race for Governor. The Charlotte Observer may dispatch the "caeT" by the first through freight from Charlotte to Charleston. L Nye Hutchison & Son INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT patience and purchases of books. (Sales one-third greater than first day last year). Our stock is broken to only a small extent and Monday will find us readjV to serve you. v Kememhpr. w hnv , j and sell old books and make all the exchanges provided for by the school board. Comfortable waiting room for ladies. Stone & Barringer Co. Booksellers and Stationers. it nxmrmxuxuxuxmxmx.mxumxwm Letter From Hazen, Arh. Haxen. Ark., Aug. It, H8. Mrs. Joe Person,'' - -.-!- - Charlotte. K. C r , rPear Madam: , The editor ef The Goldsboro "Argus rec 6m mended your Remedy to me some years age. 1 wa. suffering from an abscess In the right cheek bene, knewa ta the Doc tor. a.s the Antrum ef Illghmoor. . : Although X doctored for two years, none of the doctors really learned what wss the . matter with me nntll I met Ir.-Crawford, at Atlanta, who operated on me. During tha time X used thirty bottle, of. your REMEDY and I am satisfied thaf It saved my Ufa, as it kept ms fronV dying from blood polsen while the doctor was guessing about what ailed me,' Tour REMEDY Is not for -sale la thui sec tion of the country. My wife is In Sa area St a S-St 1 . alaa,Baaa ' - - - as - ap want to have her try the REMEDTV Please ship me six bottles to Hasen, Ark. -' '-t I will de what I caa to lntrednee the REMEDT ever here, as I can al ways truly say a good word for 11 i Respectfully yours, - v A. O. ALXJCN. A, O. Allen's United Minstrel Showa. ' mm. a ttt f (',t,,t"iTrrr ttv ' THE fRIGIDOR Keeps water eeol all night In dispensable in sick room, and where there are children. Price fl 6. J.N.McQiusIandiCo. Stov DeeUera and Reoftng Contractors. 281 8. Tryon St. OITICE No. t Bant Ball ding. BD 'Phone 4S0X General Robert E. Lee and General McLellan were here on tours of In year, ago when the population of the "'i1"8. c"- h that; city and county was not one-fifth what Hvp all right!, h we raise our hat. hi ha'a all t-1,.1., l It is to-day. . ' "The commissioner, cannot make a Me. tirvan'. r ........ muuak. when- the matter In hand , w ' ' "-' "" -' -v-nW a niihitrt iiriiirv wnio.n nasi a - been suggested by one , presiding I !; Mr.' Bryan's clever plea before the . MISCCIXAKEOUa. FRESH OYSTERS-Powell tt Co s. 'PHONE Kl for electric work. Harkey rage-.. . . i '" -i-a--aaeeaaiaaaasiaiaa I UTVII BUHsl vmmv - m" va-w. n a - ' - A - - msv-s 1 .SB B TOURS FOR GOOD WORK and service. Judge, recommended By two grand RePub'lcanf Point to 85 Queen city Dyeing Cleaning Works. Juries one alter tne oiner, enaorseqi " y-- mtir oay aoout tne lh the leadlnr cltlsena of the county I IO"y ot Mr. Taft's prompt and em- . , . I - . . v,a. I nharlA ! At - . . AVTQMOBiiaKS ror mr?. Auto IJvery and AU those concrna.in mm com- uumuun oi me aeposit m., h o. v.norcn oi. rnone ms. . i munltv ' welfare ana tuiure. a snan i --"- ,wini;n migni just as ! await with sreat concern, aa Willi'"" nave Deen len. without nreiu. FRESH OygTKHS-Powell V Co'a . ' I manv others, the action" of the com- I dlce.'to the financial commission now w.,eaau i ii i.uuj'iiia Dana ana cur- several visits here. Jama G. Blaine spent alx week. here shortly after his defeat for the presidency of the united States. HI son-in-law. Colonel Coppenger, wa. then in command of the fort. ' James M. Stanley, the well-known artist, sojourned at Fort Gibson In int. where he painted the portrait. will open her! MISS 8ALLIK DIXON - music class Sept.- Hth. to Join this class address V West, 7th St., or pnon Ml.' , i miaainnera at their meeting to-dky." ... i , Hi.- i rency rerorm. ana, ultimately, to the tTLyPl1! IR- MX3EACHY TAXEtV CHARGE. I wisdom of. Congress. It is now a I , . 1 irvwinj. issue in me campaign, and It I We Wash Clothes White and Clean IN THE MOT7NTAINS Adult boarders . wanted at. delightful country house.! Autumn rate M per week. Address Box 42, uiaca Mountain, N. C . SCHOdl. should read the Dall TEACHEJEvery teacher church yesterday nornln and ven- abln to Impart, general information tollna-. this toeing the flret day of his New Psn-tor of Second rresbyteriart M lu that may gain the atten- Chimli Mil. Pulpit rw nret TinielVJ" oi a munuuue or voter, jaded . Practical Discourse. . . I Y wm anii-irusi oeciama- "V an Important point against hla church, occupied the pulpit at thati"p1:on'n . icu,a fuja a- bvu vuanmuni: children. C C Moore. pastoral work here, Largre eoiugrega- J VUBner' ' tlon. heard fllrn attentively ana I r-. nere is unarrotieT - aek The jA BARGAIN te tha rlrht luri. nb t.rnflta.l a, hofch hervicea. For the 1 Observer, of that City. We give it snd stationery business for sale in beat first m nines the resignation of Rev. I "P. tthlaaa it be where we ' found It r on Est further-particular, address "Book Store," town for the Stock 82.800. uslneas In east Carolina 1 I last.v "in the rail nf bltterneaa anH I ur.rV.d7r,.. Ra' I ' the year the Second church pulpit a oi .n.quuy. ears Obaarver. ... I IS regularly niiea louring ine in- tertin .manv fliatinauunea - nreacnersi xr FRESH OY8TER8-Powell A Co'a MRft MINNIE WRISTON MtTH (Miss I the supply pastor; ; Virginia Lloyd), recently returned from! Dr.- McGoachya ' m ana a,urope ,wm re-opea I niornlnf aarvloe have supplied for one or more Sun days, -Rev. Dr. J. W. Boseboro was EVEE WATCHFUL remark, at were eminently A tun. a varm Sua Wm nu. sav 8 iAsrata bv aaiJTM rnrarii -i rnnnifv. r - ' ii -v.-..r " .,1 unon the? church and congreeratlan i a. k..iii ; - - Watch the kidney secretions. K oi impress i ' destrine in enroll should nniv immii. upon tne . . enarch ana. congregation i f health: ateiy. Italian Method Uugbt. Address Ith nd of co-operation on the part I The discharges not excessive or la Central Hotel - -... ' - , . A Kt all In the great work of achieving! frequent: . s , ' , ' '' the mission of Christ" He asked for , contain . no "brick-dust like" sedl- NOTICE-JB laborer, wanted for track the support Of every roan.' woman and ment. ' j -f . -- -.'--; ' r laying and ballasting between Clinch.! eh.M in Vila alTnrl. tn. V,,ilM urAlhal rvnan'a Vldnev Pills will i de this ffelaewVc'e?. a lohnson . Citv. Tmm i vr. . I Jvmmioin. n, miai a apienaia im-l xamj wa-icu in uunqi avuu .m.m StVinchpert, Va.,. or ? Mr. Jno. Reed. Prbon. JT. McGeachy possesses a them when they're sick. - Marion, n. c , iflna voice and an easy address and 1. ". ouuin r. mini, ritutiir hMj ait or .a -,ait, I Charlotte. M. c say.: reel very I HAVE JUST RETURNED from Newt HI. ptatform appearance I. exceni irateful for the benefit I derived i Ir you're dissatisfied with the way your clothes look when the washerwoman sends them home to you, try us. . i It you're not sure that they ire laundered In perfectly sanitary surroundings and In a cleanly way, send them to Our rough dry service gutr- nodn uo-)osjsi8 no ae)u these points and at jt coat that Js a mere trifle. . Cfiarioltc Steam lanndiy iLaunderers, Dyers, Cleaners. GRECN POND GRANITE ' BRICK COMPANY GIBSOX, N C. Offers contractors and builders the neatest pressed building brick on the market for the money. Do not break in shipping, not affected by frost. arden with age and compare favor ably with th highest priced brick In 6ie country. Write for prices and testimonials. DIMNG ROOM FURNITURE - t In furnishing the home, no room should receive more thought than the dining room. To furnish this room neatly and tastefully need not, necessarily, cost a large amount of money. If the proper care I. exercised in the purchase of the furnltuse. Our stock of all grade, of Dining Room Furniture has been greatly enlarged this season and it I. our Intention to furnish our trade With one ot tha strongest lines to be had In the 8tate. Come in and look through our stock, whether you want to buy or not. W. T. McCOY a CO. THE HOME FTRMSHEIUS, Will Interior Decorators Tdrrence Paint Cb. , 10 NORTH TRTOJf. Standard Ice & Fuel Co. SOLE flQENTS FOB C. C, B. Pocahontas Coal , Endorsed by the Gofem menU of Great Britain, Germany, and Austria. , ' Favorite fuel witi United States Navy. 7 'Phetie 18 or 73. .Yr wherI a special course tlonat and bl command of language ro ut of toant Kidney Pllla In euttina and dftala-nina whn. ,w.l . . . .7 I ant ' an dor a them aa an efficient w'L?ot b-p-to.M SZ : Ja;rVp'!r remedy for any trouble aris.n, from imporiro paiterna - KeAuiiiui tn i - in rama-i, .. ku.. , ... latest styles snd shades: Don't wait for ,n nlmlf nd forcible Eng. ""T' ,SB;va , in m T di-1 ! "fih ' "ki.n.?i the H-h. He la believed to be a worthy 'Jt? ."L T! nlhi. J.rh., t. V- m'r- Re- successor to the great men who have Uable Merehant Tailor. 18 East Trsde St. preceded him at the Second Vb.t, ordered condition and by their fail ure to remove the urle polsen from my system caused me to feel miser able. . I' also suffered a great, deal from pains through the small of my Mr. Wade HarH. o tw . wnoais oe srotusn rw Move in. anaet. - - -- I. vrw" ruiuinnon, epeciaiipaca uaiiaw . .- inn wee Mr. Wade Harris, editor f ti,. we.M.lnaJ? '"7 n.1"1' c, ?"t BSf. loVr?7'?la9 m Even Ina- ChronkU. -ina twnraripniir, iyi me xorce or.the I iuaney tnim ninij irtummtnuca isr isyenin; t-nronicle, leave thU morn- aottlsh Fire Insurance Company, ar- ach troubles. I obtained a supplt. in for Jobpson CTty. Tenn, for anlrrred In the cltv yesterday from v. v. I at R. H. Jordan V Co.'. drug" store exploration, of the territory - covered I vllle to take up their residence Ia'd I ndV Uken them Only a short br the Carolina. CllnchfleM a. rxv.i- the city. Tn ofrices of the Scottish when my trouble waa enUrely ; ,(,., ... . ifirs ineurauice vompany m trie Llrt. I u"l"-"i . v Railroad -and arlll give the readers of ah niMi, , ..... I' ' For sale by all dealers. Price SO Ills paper hi. observation, on this new have not rt bepn furaUhed but they I yoeter-MUburti Co., Bnffslo, road and the benefits whieh will be occuDled all tHe aam. - ti rew Tork. sole agents for the United; expected to accrue through Its operation. to an .J. ,. . . BUin. tharlotte I a,ila ( ... i. . ,V '.. I Hemember the name -Doan's and 1 - 7".' 1 tAks ao other, WE CARRY. A v Large Stock of tng .and1 supplies.. Wntev Fori 4 Prices; iEY BROS. CO. i Plumbing ,aad ' ' Heatln Con." '. tractors, etbers' Supplies. Charlotte, If, G - Tbooe SIS. An appeal to the eye, i By means of attractive printing, ? :v . - usually accomplishes ') the result desired ' arresting and holding the attention. It u in v the production o f t ' such work that ': we excel '-. ' 1 OESrJtYTl flJXTEfC BOUSZ, 1st. ' r-TiT T'TIf 3') NEW FALL STYLES IN LEATHER; FURNITURE CHAJuUrTTT. K C " The best and the newest styles in Leather lrniture for Hall, Library or Den now on display," We wish tp call special attention, to t oiir Turkish- Leather ;Spring Rockers at -V'M'- -t' ; $25.00, $28.00, $35.00, $40.00 aid $65.6o. X It is luxury to sit in them. , . . . - Special bargains in Leather Library Suits of xnrec pieces, constsung ox one csoia, one Kocker snd one Arm Chair to match. .s. -.. Look where you will, but you will find no such values as we offer. ' -- "Or - sa va . i; " ...... t .