10 CHARLOT TE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTEMBER 14, 1S03.' ACGVSTA AXD TUB FLOOD. The Associated Charities Did Great Work In AnvUoraUng uxj gnnenng and Caring For the Poor Goto (litnn In the City Government Looking o Protection From Such Disasters Proposed. i To the Editor of The Observer: :. '.;''" , The hardships of ths flood In Augusta have been unmense:y mitigated and tbe condition of the poor tu been immensely ameliorated by tbe work ol the iHoelit ed Charities. Througn It th work of all the charitable ore anlsattons has bean systematised and It haa helped to pre vent duplication of work, and alao pre vent omlssien of warav Mr. W. M. Rowland la pi evident of th Associated Charities, which la made up al ranrasentatives from the different , charitable oranlaatlons, 2 In number. Besides the president It hu three vice nmUMti and a natd secretary. Mr. T. - X, Hickman la first vice president; Mrs. Charles Phtnlsy, a very prominent woman In Augusta In every way, is second vice - nmaident and Mrs. Kut-ene Verdery U third vice president. The Associated Charities haa directed all th work of relief done In the city, and Haa made expenditure Infinitely more - efficient than could have been done by the different organfsaitons represented In tta membership. The wotk Is still coins on and 'he results of the flood are far from being- yet cone, yet thia organisa tion la looking after the people who need - help. The board of the Associated Charities la - made up of "te most ptomlnent bualnese men In all lines of business In Aufusta, thus Insuring rood bualnese management . ef all Its affaire. The Ufa of associating nd correlating charity work la growing ' vsry rapidly.. In tlmea of the flood here the necessity of some system among the - charity organisations to keep their workj from overlapping became very apparent. War or other calamity creates reforms. ! There Is a movement nere among me best ImslneM and manufacturing element 5 to take at me atis to prevent a recur rence of the flood dlsaater. It aeema to be taken fnr granted that the regular city government cannot te tolled upon to do anything. li tnls statement there la no reflection agalnat the different members of the elty government bu: the very form of elty government lead the members away from such subjects aa protecting ' the elty gains floods and other dla . asters. Thera hum been formed a sort of reneral cammlsaion Irom rmorgst the best busi ness men In Augusta an.l these have dis cussed the suMect .nd hrvt organised a special mmm'Uee or special commission ; of five people wno win taae uv " f nermanent protertlon aealnst flood water and sther .lleinter It is no ... .Mihsriu a small special com mission lo consult engineers, find out whether any help can be got f.om the government and otherwise Investigate the whole subject and then make a report to the general commission, n me yv" dieates a good and feasible pln. steps will be taken to give the special com ,hoHtv br act of Legislature JLt.. handle the subject off! elally and oonatruct auch worka and do . such other things aa may be necessary to prevent aucn noons as n TSom advocate the plan of building a big levee like the one which protects New Orleans from the overflow from the vi..iuinnl river. Some are advocating the plan of raisin the level of the City Of Augusta by about eight feet as was done In Galveston after, the flood and In Chicago alter the fire there, but Jurtg- , theaa different Hems Is held In abeyance pending the work of the special eommlsslon which will inveatlgate and report open tne suoj. The reports published can give no ade quate Idea of the damage done by the flood. All over the submerged part of h everv form of Mlge pump and bucket brigade Is busy trying to get the w.l or and mud out Of tne cellars, ureal hole have been washed In the ground In many places by the swirling currents. Pavements have been undermined and fallen In. All of the furniture In the railway station has been totally ruined and haa been thrown out aa waste prod uct en a vacant lot Any protection that would be effective against such calamity would be cheso for the city at any coat. - Augusta, Oa, Sept Oh. A. i ' . , t -. ; . : . . ' . ' ? nRST A Checking ; Account, pay yout bills by checks and thue , ,get a receipt for each payment. . .. ; r, , KECOXD Get a Certificate or Deposit for three months or longer, bearing 4 per cent, per annum Interest, , , ; -h-- ' TIHRDOpVn a Barings Account, In which you can deposit at any time and receive 4 per cent, per annum Interest, compounded quar terly. ,. " f ' , ' BE SURE to make your deposit In The Commercial National Bank Capita! 1500,00. Surplus $120,000. S - It A. DUXX, President. W. K. UOLT, V. President. A. G. RRKXIZEHK, Cashier. A. T. Sl'MMEY, Asst. Cashier. COS itRCAl NATIONAL CHARLOTTE, N: C. OrR CURRENCY. MENACE. PERFJXTED BTJIlGIiAR AXAIUI Two Chin Grove Citizens Invent Apftaratus That Not Only Gives an . Alarm But Takes the Burglar's Pic ture. Special te The Observer. " China Grove, Sept. II. Rev. W. B. ' Gobi and Mr. T. W. Boat, two of China arove'e prominent cltlsens, have Just aeoured a patent which - , yromtoes when put on the market to ' make them known and talked of the world over. After many years of . labor and study they have perfected the Monarch automatic burglar alarm whleli when Insulted In a dwelling not only starts an alarm but lights up the house and Indicates the room which the burglar la attempting to enter, and at the same time makes a photograph of the burglar. It is also so arranged that In case an attempt n mado to enter the house while the occupants ' are away the date and hour the at tempt was made la registered. These gentlemen have organized the Monarch Burglar Alarm Company with Rev. W. B. Goble, president, and F. W. Boat, secretary and treasurer, and as soon as the necessary arrange ments are completed will open sales ' offices and manufacture the alarms here. Mr. Goble will retire from tho 'ministry to devote his entire time to the manufacture of the alarm and Mr. Boat, who for a number of yeara has been one of the leading merchants, - will retire from the mercantile busi ness to' look after the office work of the new enterprise. Mr. J. N. Dayvault, formerly of Dayvault Bros., will be manager for the State of North Carolina and will leave in a few days for the eaatern . part of tbe State to put the alarm on the market. , - TroUUigcr -Clarke, at Salisbury. Correspondence of The Observer. Salisbury, Sept 1 2.-Marriage li cense was Issued this afternoon to . Mr. John K. Trolllnger and Mlas Frances WUUrd Clarke, of East Bpeneer. This Is a runaway wedding, tbe bride having left her adopted - home last night to marry the man of her choice. RECOMPENSE. Kew Tork Sun. - I've whacked then and I've knifed them and I've kicked and cuffed them good; - I've rasped them and betrayed them at every point I could; I've muddied tip the fountain of their pore Democracy - But they're very good to me; yes. Very good, te me ,(. ' . , ... , Je led them from the paths their fathers trod so long and well: -t've turned their gaae from heaves v and faced them straight to bell) I've stripped them tor my profit, of their boasted decency -, -.. .... -, But tbeyre very good to me; yes, very - good to me. I've taught them how to bate the things they once sought for their weal I've slandered all their Idols oh, Pvt brought them to my fceel! : -I've torn them from their moorings te drift o'er trouble's sea : r .t tl.cjr're very gnod to me; they're j-fjii s good to me! Tbe XuiBance and Danger of an In elastic System Never Better illus trated Than Now. . New York 'Journal of Commerce. The operation of our existing bank currency system Is proving even worse since the panic than was predicted by Its most severe critics, wnen tne bank note circulation was Increased some $80,000,000, In order to meet the currency famine, it was generally anticipated that a good part of this circulation would be withdrawn when the emergency was oyer. .This has proved to be the case only to a de gree which Is almost negligible.,. The disposition to keep notes in circula tion In the face of an accumulation of Idle money which has never been equaled In our history, because the banks have the bonds on their hands Is a new lesson of the unsoundness and folly of the system of basing notes upon bonds. There are several amazing facta. The first la that, after the withdrawal of about $9,500,000 In bonds In Jan uary, the disposition to retire circu latlon almost ceased, in spite of large surplus reserves of legal tender money In the banks and call rates of one per cent or thereabouts. In the New York money market. Altogether the net reduction In bond-secured circu lation from the maximum of the panic period has been $17,500,000, or barely more than two and a half per cent. Net circulation outstanding haa declined, even lews by about $11,000,000 in all becauHo the Treas ury has been unable to sort out the notes in process of retirement from the crcat mass received for current redemption. All of this mass of notes, of course. Is not In actual clrcula tlon. Somo, which have been re turned from Washington for current redemption, are no doubt locked up In the vaults of the Issuing banks. About $54,000,000. moreover, are In the Treasury, awaiting distribution either to the redemption or the re tirement account. The situation Is, however, abnormal and it might easily be dangerous Jr other condi tions were not so favorable to the maintenance of confidence. Such conditions afford a mild hint of what would happen to our financial system if there should be a large inxue of two per cent bonds to carry on war or for other purposes, while the present bank note system remalnod in force. As the two per cent, bonds would not be attractive to private In vestors because of their low return they would be absorbed by the banks, If taken by anybody, as a basis for new circulation. Tho marketa might be swamped with bank paper to an amount which would expel gold hy hundreds of millions and put tho country again upon a' paper Daws. Senator Aldrlch and other (Republican leaders maintain that the limitation of circulation to the amount of bank ing capital would be a check to this form of Inflation, but the experience of Janan. tho Argentine Republic, and) every other country which has tried such a system, shows that new banks spring up like mushrooms where mere Is a prollt In taking out notes ana lending them to the public. The Treasury Is already getting a taste of the dancer of this proeens by the volume of bank notes which. Is chok ing the channels of circulation. Whiln the retirement of notes Is small, be cause It Involves the voluntary action of the banks which have Issued them, the redemptions are swamping the clerical force of the Treasury because the notes are sent In by other than the l.milnr hanks In order to exchange them for lawful money. It should be explained, perhaps, for the benefit of the reader who is not familiar with all the technicalities of the subject. that retirement as here used means absolute retirement and cancellation, with the surrender of the bopds to the banks, while redemption means only that the notes come in from outside sources to be exchanged for lawful money but sre returned to the Issuing banks to be again Issued to the pub lic. From the period when the panic was over and money began to become a drug upon the market, bank notes In the Treasury awaiting redemption climbed steadily upward from $10,- 26,03 on December 30th, 1907, to a maximum of $(7,414.24$ on July 25th lat. Aa the Treasury was required by law to pay gold or greenbacks for notes thus received pending colloc tlon from the banks, the result was to vitiate Its cash resources in much the same manner aa they became vitiated In 189$ by the steady influx of sllves notes for public dus. Only by the transfer of clerks from other bureaus to the redemption division has Secretary Cortelyou been able to make head against this torrent of bank paper. It Is, moreover, a task of Sisyphus, for a note may no soon er go back te the Issuing bank and the Treasury be paid In gold for it than It may come In ggain from an other bank which has found it burden ing and vitiating Its cash resources. Fortunately, public attention hat not been focussed to a large degree upon this subject, nor has confidence been impaired even In banking circles, because the Treasury Is so thoroughly sound In other respects. mm Peculiar Accident. Goldtbore Headlight Mr. J. Jt. Daniel, of New Hope township,' met with quits a painful acciaest Bunder night while engaged in smoking eut mosquitoes by means of gun poerder. A spark from the pan of live coals -popped in the pow der flask causing It to explode and fearfully burning Mr. Daniel's face and hand a Fragments of the bot tie hit his eight-year-old daughter cutting a gasn in ner forehead. His six-year-eld son was also struck from the explosion, .causing a gash in Ms throat. WISE. Detrult Free Press. lie knows Just what the nation needs to guide it aafely back t'nto the prosperous days of old. and put It on the track That loads to riches, and he knows Just what should now be done To curb the trusts, and he can tell. If he were asked to run. Just what he'd do: his methods he 1 very proud to state; Rut then, of course you understand, he's not a candidate. If "Hlg Bill" Tart would list te him and take his good advice. He'd have the presidential Job already pacKed on Ice; 9 The platform no one would decry. If he had written It, For every plank that he'd have used would be a perfect fit; To hear him talk you'd think that It was eav to be areat. It's hard to figure out Just why bt's not a candidate. In problems of finance he's versed,' quite plainly you can see. Mont fluently he can discuss elastic cur rency; AH diplomatic questions he will settle right offhand. There's nothing In this government that he can't understand; And so, when hearing him discuss the grave affairs of state, Somehow you have to wonder why he's not a candidate. A Very Vagae "Challenge. : Co'umbla Record. The North Carolina .Republicans have nominated a full State ticket and the platform challenges the Democratic issue on State-wJde pro hibition. The Charlotte Observer recognises among the. leaders on the ticket some of the best cltlsens of North Carolina. but It doesn't pre tend to say that the party has the ghost of a show of winning ta the general election this fait A FAYIXO INVESTMENT. Mr. John White, of I Highland Ave, H out ton. Mains, says; "Have been trou bled with a eougb every winter and spring. - Last winter I tried many ad vertised remedies, but the eoush eoatln. aed until I bought a toe. bottle of Dr. King's Kew Discovery; before that waa half gone, the eough was all gooa. This winter the esme happy result has follow ed; a few doaes ones more banished the annual eougn. I am now -eonvliuwa tl.ai Dr. King's New Discovery Is tbe beat of all curb and tuns remedies. Bld under guarantee at ell drug stores. tOe. and $1. . Trial bottle free. ' THE WEATHER. pipex-lal I "or era Mt Issued. Washington, Sept. 1$. The Weath er Bureau late this afternoon Issued a special forecast as follows: 'The first well-defined disturbance of the present season Is approaching the North Pacific coast and a West Indian storm Is advancing toward oar Southeastern coaat This combination should produce abundant rains la the drought-stricken districts of the North Central and East Central States before the close of the present week." Washington. Sept. 13. Forecast: Virginia: Fair Monday and Tuesdsy; varlubla winds. North Carolina: Fair in Interior, show era on the coast Monday and Tuesdsy; fresh north and northeast winds. South Carolina: Fair Monday; Tuesday fair In Interior, showers on the coast; fresh north and northeast winds. East Florida: Fair Monday except showers in east central and south por tions; Tuesday showers, north and north east wtnda Increasing In force. Georgia, Alabama and west Florida: Fair Monday and prqbably Tuesday, fresh north and northeast winds. Mississippi: Fair Monday and Tuesday, light variable winds. Louisiana: Fair except showers In northwest portion; Tuesday generally fair, light variable winds. East Texas: Showers Monday and pro bably Tuesday; light variable winds. West Texas: Fair Monday and Tues LOCAL OFFICE V. 8. WEATHER BU REAU. Charlotte, Sept It Sunrise 1:04 a, m.; aunset p. in. v TEMPERATURE (la degrees). Highest temperature .. . $S Lowest temperature M Mean temperature .. 74! Excess for the dsy 3 Accumulated deficiency for .month.., I Accumulated excess for year 13 PRECIPITATION On inches;. Total for 14 hours ending $ p. m... . Total for the month 0.97 Accumulated deficiency for month... . Tout for the year .... .....,....., 41(4 Accumulated excess for year ........ (.7$ Prevailing wind direction .. : N. E. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. Stocks ; and Bonds ' " Bought of Sold.. . ' 1 Pr Cent . 6r more, free of taxes, can be obtained from first-class stocks which we can offer. - la buying or selling It will be well to have the benefit of ear experience v and facilities. . NORTH CAROLINA TRC8T V . COMPANY, Greensboro, N. C. ' Capital and Surplus $408,000. A. W. McAUster-, President A. M. Scales, General Counsel. Kebt C. Hood, Asst Manager. Tfce . filerclfsnts & Farmers lki::i Dsn!. . "V OF CHAELOTTE, N. 0. . Capital.;,...; ,.$200,000.00 . Surplus and Profits. 130,000.00 " 'Accounts of Corporations, Finns and Individuals - . ' , - . Invited. ; -. , ' W e Issue Certificates of Deposit Payable on De mand Bearing Interest s at 4 Per Cent. ; Per -A C, L Annum if Left Three Months or Longer. ..v , We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings Deposit" fifid - ,' Compound the Interest Quarterly ' t ' , , We Want Your Business. - " : GEO. E. WILSON, President. JNOfB. ROSS, Vice President . ; WTO. WILKINSON, Cashier. American Machine Mfg Ccp Manufacturing Machinists Cittoi ul Cittoa 09 Kxbinery. Waste KatAinery in. Wwi-Wwiinj Kadiisoy. 6ieral Hepairs. Castings. ' - . . ""; Contract to install Steam and .Hot Water Heating, Fire Pro ' tectlon, Electric Lighting and Powet Plants. ' v "Jordan's tbe If Tear.1 , E. P. Puree 11, President. i V. A. McLaughlin. V. Pres. When you want the VERY BEST come here and get HUYLER'S No candy made in the. same class for pureness and deliciousness. It always pleases. R. il. JORDAN & CO. Pboae Ir NTJBSES' REGISTER F. Bo A P for FBANK, D for DUNKLIN. Afor ALEXANpEB. He is the Good Home Finder. The only "White Agency." Bells everything. Rents, $10.00 upward. F. D. aLBXANDBR BEST FIRE iXSTJRANCK. : - - - : BANKRUPT SALE. ' aBsTatsTasaBTaBTaBTaBTaBT ; Greensboro Table Contotnv Plant. ,1 . By order of Court I .-will sell on September list, 1101, at noon, on the premises, the entire plant, stock on hand, etc., of tbe Greensboro Table Company, best equipped factory of Its kind In the South. Bead? la all respects to start up for business, and a large demand for the product. An unusual opportunity. Detailed In formation furnished promptly. Write .to J " . ROBERT C. HOOD. Receiver. Greensboro, N. C Aug. Slat.lSOS. $4,500.0.0; For lovely Dilworth home, 7 rooms, two story, slate roof, all modern conveniences, nice lawn, "carriage house, servant house and barn on premises. Dil worth is an ideal place to live, and in this property we offer a bargain. ;?H' V V J. ZT. rJlurphy & Co. it If. Tryoaw k Phone 643, Accident and Health Policies . A - I . , .- In the MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY are the meet liberal la -existence, though . they don't cost any more than others. , Every one needs a Disability Policy covering EVERY' ACCI DENT AND EVERY DISEASE. ' -.f.r :',-;r- - Let us tell you how we will pay you a definite weekly Indemnity if you should be disabled BY ANY ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS.. HARVEY LAMBETH, Mgr. Ins. Dept. . ' ' , AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. AT FOR y YOU ' Is your money making money for ' you ? The more of It yoa ' have employed for yoa. the less yon need to work yourself. If yoa keep oa saving; and putting your savings to work the funded . capital of your earning years will gradually take ap tho burden and yoa Will not need te work at alL' . . . Wo pay 4 per cent, and compound It quarterly. u v We hate few Safety Deposit Boxes Tor rent. . " - , Southern Loan 5 Savings , Dank JOnX 1L SCOTT. President. W. S. ALEXANDER. Vie l"rea f . ; Vf. L JEXE2SS, Cashier. This Is tlic Month W-S:kk to IraUd op yonr balance in our Savings DepartaeiiL . A . New interest Quarter beginning October 1st 7e pay ' 4 per cent and Compound tbe Interest Qnarterlr. , American f ru Very' Desirable Residence and Manufacturing Property for Sale It 11 acres ef land I i-S miles south of the city en R. R. and macadam on which U located a modem 10. room residence. Barn' . 10x19 feet, gin house with complete Murray ginnery outfit, double box press, automatic tram per a, etc threo 70-saw gins, 1 -story mill house with basement, threa corn mills and one burr wheat mill.. seed house 1 0x10 feat All machinery .run by power supplied by the Catawba (Electric) Power Company, whose mala line runs within about 200-feet of this property. Sixty - horse-power in duction motor,-brick power house 10x30 feet' Seed blown direct from gin to eeed house en R. R. mdetrack. grain unloaded from ' car at the mill by elevators. All buildings lighted by electricity. Everything practicably new and ta fine condition. We Are offering , this property at about SO , per cent less than cost , SOUTHERN REAL ESIWt LOAM X IKUST COMPANY . Capital, $75,000. V . . Curplus; $100,000. ; W, a ALEXANDER. ,. A. DUNN, A. M. McDONALD, . , President ? Vice President . Eec.and Trsaa. first National Bankv . CXIARIXZTE, IT. C. m ; ' ., ' Capital and Proflu:. . $580,000 ' . ACCOUNTS SOLICITED V . 4 Par Cent. On Time Ceetlflcataa. ' HEJTRT M. McADEN...... President. IOHN P. ORR.. ........ ....Cashier -' '' "': ' ' Directors: i-'. J. C. Burroughs Geo. W. Graham J. 8. Myers J. H. MeAdea Prank Gllreath . Oeo, W. Bryan j C A. Bland C. A. Williams - . - Henry XL MeAden - V -: ' E. 9th COTTAGE 02300.00.' CAN ARRANGE TERMS Five Room, Modern Conveniences. . Brown & - Company. 'Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK . -. - : . , - i.. ....... Resources $J.5007000.00 v - t ' Our method of doing business holds old frienda anpl lli i'4fcwi ' gains new ones. - ' X .' ' " . ' ' B. D. HUATH, President. " , THO. M. SCOTT, Vice President r 'i e. B. XaTTLE. Vice President, . ; W.' BLS TWTfTt, Cashlae. INSURANCE Is something we nil must carry and we would be glad to serVs yon.' We write the following lines: Fire, Health, Accident, Surety Bonds,. Steam Boiler, Burglary,, Elevator, Sprinkler Leakage, Plate Glass. If' you need any of the above Insurance, call I0 and we will be , glad to call and .see you. -l -V- ,vV" : ( OABOLINA BEALTTO. " , . . . . ... - , '-. O. X THIES, Prea. . B. RUSH LEE. See. VV. D. WILKINSON, Treas. and Mgr. J. P. LONO, Salesman. No. I W. Fifth Street, , Phone 000. We hare several , thousand dollars to loan en centrally locat ed business or residence property in Charlotte in amounts of ,' $1,000 and overv. The Charlotte Trust" &. Realty: Co. Phone 377 &S18 L Trade Wocdv : fftre Wall Plaster, "Hard . Clinch. . THE BUILDER'S FBIEND - Freeaing do' not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack It; water does not make it fall off; bard aa stone. Write for booklet, Manufactured by ; v. '. , . CHARLOTTE PLASTER COMPANY Write for Booklet. .-. . , X Charlotte, K. C Rome Investments 10-it Little-Long. ' V W . M-S0 Highland Park. ' ', r ' 10-S0 Highland Park Pref. . 10-SO Chad wick Hosklns common, 10-10 Chadwlck-HoskJns Pref. . - 10 Cochrane Show Case Co. , 20 Moffltt Machine Co. 10-19 Cora Mill. 10 Fidelity. . . i-io Luia win. 20-40 Elba Pref. 20 Commercial National Bank. IS American Trust Co, - 10 Linden Mfg. Co. " 00-05 Loray 1st Pref. 10-10 Modena, , 10 Flint. , - 10 Arlington Mill. . f ' SO Oaflney. - SO Gray. SO Woodlawn. 10 Clam Mill. S Gibson. 10 Monroe Pref. F. G. Abbott (OXCpfiip'y Trust Buadins v.;:

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