10. I.- ... 1 '': CHABLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTEMBER 17, 1903. Nsws of" tKs State Happening of Yesterday Told In : Bank Deposits ; of .Three Kinds . Mr. E. D. Steele has been appointed trustee for the High Point Publish ing: Company, of High Point, ' which went Into bankruptcy some ume ago. Mr. Steele will sell the plant and wind tip the business. -Mr. H. W. Dorsett, of Bethany, la reported Seriously iUL Dr. D. A. Stan- ton, of High Point, haa been called to bu bedside. ,. Mr George A. Shiplett. of Abing- : cob, riL, is on a visit to his uncle, Mr. M. B. Shlplett. of High Point Tor several years he has been cashier ' of one of the strongest banks In the West, located at Abingdon. - ' ' ' . ' i FIRST A Checking Account, pay your bills by checks nd thus tget a receipt for. each payment. .; ..-.--..' , .--: -' SECOND Get a Certificate of Deposit, for three months or longer, , bearing 4 per cent, per annum Interest. , .-. : THIRD Open ' a Savings Aconnt, In which you can deposit at any time and receive per cent, per annum interest, compounded quar terly. - BE SURE to make your deposit In Tlie Commercial National Bank Capital $500,000. Surplus $320,000. 'Tl;e; Merchants & Fdrmers 1etional Banft OP CHARLOTTE, K. C. - Capital..- ' p t 1 $200,000.00 . A. DCXV. President. ' XV. E. BOLT, V. President. A. O. BHEXIJ5EH, Cashier. A. T. SUMMET, Ast, Cashier. CO M R0A t mum L BAN CHARLOTTE, N. C ESGISEER AT SPAKTAXBCTUJ. C. C A O. Railway Representative ; - looking Over the Situation in Tliat .' Section and W ill Report to Direct . ' or at an Early Meeting. , Special to The Observer. Spartanburg, a C. Sept 16. A. W Jones; assistant chief engineer of the Carolina, Clinchfleld & Ohio road. Is . spending several days in Spartanburg, looking over the situation (in this territory In order that he may report , upon the probable cost of the con atructlon of the road Into Spartan burg from fcostic, N. C, at a meeting ' of directors to be held within the next few days. Mr. Jones stated that it had not been definitely determined to con- ' struct the main lino into Spartanburg and no decision will be reached until the cost of right-of-ways through the city and county are secured. He said that the road from Bostlc has been surveyed to the Cowpens ridge and right-of-way secured free of cost. From the Cowpens ridge two lines have been run south, and via Gaffnoy and thence to Columbia, the other via Spartanburg. The route to be deter mined upon depends upon the proba ble cost of right-of-way. Jf the peo ple of Spartanburg show a generous attitude towards the new railroad Spartanburg will In all probability be selected, while on the other hand If prices in real estate Jump sky high making It Impossible for the railroad company to purchase thn rlght-of way, the route throu'gh Gaffney and down the Broad river valley will be elected as the route. KIght-of-way agents are now working In the City f Spartanburg and In the county and it is expected that a (Wlslnn will be reached within the next month. The Carolina & rilnrhfieid road Is Dow operating trains betwe. n Johnson City, Tenn., and Marlon. N. C. Track Is being laid from Marion to Bostic and will be finished within the next Six weeks. DAVIDSON LEADS AT VSlOX. The Tar Heel Presbyterian College Furnikhes More Tlutn One-Third of the .Students at the Seminary. Special to The Observer. Richmond, Va., Sept. 16. The nine ty-seventh annual session of Union Theological Seminary in this city opened last Wednesday with the largest number of students ever to answer to their names at a roll call. Among these while other colleges such as the Universities of Virginia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, Washing ton and Lee, Hampden-Sldney Col lege, , Arkansas College, Richmond College and others are well repre sented, there are nearly three times as many men from Davidson College, N. C., as from any one of the others. Indeed, mors than one-third of all th students in the seminary this year are from the famous Presbyterian col lege in 2'ortn Carolina. They are as follows: V. W. Arrowood. J. F. Coleman, R. I). Dickson, J. F. Goddell, A. P. Hassell, D. W. Mclver. M. A. Hay. William T. Thompson, Jr., . A. Blue. W. H. Hamilton, A. A. McLean, J. O. Mann, R. K. Tlmmons, O. M. An derson, T. M. Bulla, C. It. Crane. A. S. Crowell, J. E. Hemphill. Kobert King. J. A. Mawhlnney, J. K. Parker, C. II. Phlppa, C. W. Reed, 8. Dwlght Winn. wILL OPEN IT AKHK OOCXTY. . Railroad For Which Bond We Voted Will Mve Mountain County, : Now Without Railway, Thirty-Kighl Miles or Track. , Special to The otwerver. Jefferson, fipt. Id. Ashe county haa taken $100,000 stock in the Vir- s frtnia Southern Railroad Company, having last Saturday voted a bonded Indebtedness of $100,000 to pay for tier Interest In the road. This road Is to be built from Rural Retreat, on the Norfolk Western line, by way cf Troutdale, va., and on to Jeffer son and Creston, in this county by way of the Ballou Iron mines owned by the Virginia, Iron, Coal and Coke Company. If this project Is carried out, Ashe county will have about SI miles of track in the county, and tbs Immense Iron mines will be de veloped and the water-powers util ised; and Ashe will launch out upon 4h sea, of commerce and industry and te the leading mountain county In thn Mate. The citizens are very much elated over the election returns, which show a good majority for the bonds, and many are already beginning to figure In dirt around Jefferson and the section through which the road will be constructed. Sir. C. C. Moore to Address (South Carolina Farmers. Special to The Observer. Spartanburg, 8. C, Sept. 16. There will be a big rally meeting of farm ers and busmen men held In tho court house next Saturday for the purpose of discussing the cotton situa tion. Addresses will be made by men prominent in the cotton movement and well-known business men. Among those who will speak is Mr. C. C. Moore, president of the North Caro lina Cotton Association. He In a fluent speaker and will bo heard by large crowd on tho occasion of his first visit to tills county. K. D. Smith, I'nlled States Senator-elect from South Carolina and president of tho slate Cotton Association, may also make an ad Irons. The meeting of farmers and vuslness men was ar ranged by K. L. Archer, president of the county cotton association. Mr. Archer is a good business farmer and la very much interested in the farm ers of this county, liy bringing the business m.m of the city and the farmers of the county together in such I a meeting he hopes to accomplish a great deal of good for both. .-.V.V.V.V.V.VA' AV.V.V..-. CHARLOTTE.N.C. aaSSBBBBBSBBBBJBBBBBBBJ Surplus and Profits 130,000.00 Accounts of Corporations, Firms and : Individuals - , Invited. . We Issue Certificates of deposit .Payable, on De ', mand Bearing Interest, at 4' Per "Cent Per, : Annum if Left Three Months or Longer. It - We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings Deposits and Compound" the Interest Quarterly. 1 f'' ' We Want Your Business. - , , GEO. E. WILSON, President. f V : !' JNO. B. B0S, Vice President . ; , W. C. WILKINSON, Casnier. Extra Amount of Building Activity In Wilmington. Special to The Observer. Wilmington, Sept. II. In spite of the business depression, a large amount of building is now going on here, owners taking advantage of cheap prices and reduced wages to supply their wants before normal conditions are soon restored, which they apparently confidently expect James F. Woolvln. a leading under taker, announced that as soon after October 1st as possible, ha will be gin the erection of a three-story block of four stores on the site of the old court house, on Princess street, and at least a dosen handsome residences are being: erected In Carolina Heights. a "hew and fashionable suburb that Is being faat developed in the eastern section of the city. With building gointf on In all parts of the city and the likelihood of slxty-nix saloons be ing vacant on the 1st of January, real estate men are' showing an optimism that is truly marvelous. Meeting of Baraoa AsNoclntlon. Special t The Observer. High Point Sept. 16. At a meet- Still MlnUterlng to Wants of Sufferers. Special to The Observer. Wilmington, Kept. 1. There is no relaxation of the effort on the part of the local relief committee in iniu latcring to the wants of those who were so sorely stricken by the floods In the upper Capo Fear and In the Holly Shelter section of Pender county, which suffered by the fresh ets early in the month of August. Food, supplies and nome forage for live stock were dispatched yesterday by steamer to Canetuck, Ivanhoo and Kelly's Cove. Lieut. R. 8. Mcken ney, of the United States army, who has been investigating conditions for Ing last night of the Toung Men s the War Department, has returned Baraca Association Rev. K. L. Slier was elected reporter and Mr. C. P Johnson asakstant secretary and cus todian of the rooms. Action was also taken in regard to getting Rev. O. W. Belk. of Albemarle, to come to hia city and deliver his humorous lecture. "Tho Qospel of Cheerfulness." jnder the auspices of the associa tion, at an. early date. An amend ment to the constitution' was adopted alknrin; boys ibetween the ages of 31 and IS years to Join at half price, srranting them the privilege of the rooms, gymnasium, etc., except at lilght and during ladles' hours. A vote of thank was tendered tho Toung Men's Business Association for a donation of $50 left in the treasury when tho association dis tended; also to Mr. C. C. Muse for furnishing the electric light globes fres of charge. from all sections of the flooded re glon and will, of courso, make hiH report to headquarters. It la not pre sumed that the government will takv; a hand In tho relief work until the efforts of citizens have been exhaust ed and there Is real suffering. Wilmington to Have an Elks-Pert. Bpaeial to The Observer. Wilmington. Sept. 16. At a largely attended meeting of thn Wilmington lodge of Klks last night. It was de cided to give an Elks-feet or fall fes tival her some time during the com Isg months prior to the holiday. A commute headed by Dr. Charles T. Harper was named to have all the principal arrangements In hand. It rlll be for the benefit of the chil dren's playground movement and the TAk hope to make It a State affair. Fimllar affairs have been quite suc cessful further South, the Idea hav ing been recently brought to Wilming ton' by Exalted Ruler J. F. Leltnr, who attended an Elks-feet In New Orleans. Fall Term of Oxford Seminary Begins Well. "f pedal to The Observer. Oxford. Sept 16. Oxford Seminary tias begun Its fall term under mot ' favorable auspices, the number of stu dents la attendance being considerably In excess of tb number last year. Everything about the school betokens prosperity. It has grown steadily In public favor and la patronage and Is tiow reeognlxed 'as one of the fore most schools of the Stats. . It is ex reedlngly fortsnata fn Its location, which Is noted for Its heatthfulness nd refinement of Its social life. Por rfty-elrht years It has been, doing Its eoiendld work for the young women of the country. . ' - A PATTJTG ntVESTMEXT. Mr. John White, of X Highland Ave.. T'onlton. Maine, seysj Hsve bmh trou ild with a couch everr winter and nrwi, - Last winter I tried many ad vertised remedies, hot th eourh-eonttn. til antn I bnairht a toe. bottl ef Dr. r: teg's New Derry: before that was t gone, tbs eowrh wss stl aons. This "ntr th Mm happy result has follow ed; a few 4w one more banished tbe Jnnuel eugh. 1 m riew eonvtnrsd that r. KJne New IHneovery Is tK het cf !! cMirh and lu"T remedies." tni t"fr"l' st all drug Korea, fcoe. 1 1L Trial bottle free. - . Wofford College Opens WIUi Ijarge Attendance. Bpeclal to The Observer. Spartanburg, S. C. Sept. 16. Wof ford College and WofTord Fitting School opened this morning with the largest first day attendance the school ever had. Dr. H. N. Snyder, presi dent of the college. In speaking of the successful opening said that tho management of the college was sur prised at the large attendance, for while the faculty expected a large opening It was not prepared for the unusually large number that reported for coUege duty on the first day. The freshman class starts oft with a mem bership of So and all the other classes are large. Regular class room work will not begin until the latt.T part of tho week. THE WEATHER. Washington. Sept. 1. Forecast: VirirlnlB. fair with rising teninersture Thursday and Friday; light variable winds. North Carolina, fair Thursday and Fri day; light to fresh north winds. South CaVollna snd Georgia, fair Thurs day snd Friday; light vsriable winds. Fast Florida, local showers Thursdsy and probably Friday; light to fresh northeast to east winds. West Florida, partly cloudy, local show ers Thursday night or Friday; light east to northeast winds. Alabama, fair Thursday and probably Friday, except possibly showers on the coast; light northeast to cast winds. Mississippi, partly cloudy Thursday and Friday: light east winds. Louisiana, east Texas, local showers Thursday and probubly Friday; light va riable winds. West Texas, fair Thursday and prob ably Friday. Tennessee and Kentucky, fair Thurs day and Friday. Arkansas, (air Thursday and probably Friday. West Virginia, fair and somewhat warmer Thursday, Friday fair. LOCAL OFFICE I. S. WEATHER BU REAU. Charlotte. Sept. 16. TEMPERATURE (In degrees). HlKhent temperature Lowest temperature Mean temperature Deficiency for the day i Accumulated deficiency for month .. Accumulated excess for year PRECIPITATION (In inches). Total for 24 hours ending t p. m... Total for the month Accumulated deficiency for month.. Total for the year 41.54 Accumulated excess for year S.3 Prevailing wind direction ...N. E. W. J. BENNETT. Observer. 70 61 60 11 30 109 (I 0.67 1.00 American Machine & Mfg. Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C Manufacturing Machinists and Founders bttoi and CottN 01 Kacfaery. Waste Machinery and Wood-Wofkinj Mncry. General Repairs. Casting. Heating, Fire. Pro- Contract to Install Steam and Hot Water tection, Electric Lighting and Power Plants. Quick-Working Cotton Gin For Trout man. Special to The Observer. Troutman, Sept. 16. Mr. John H. Whltston, of Orangeburg, S. C Is here Installing one of the most com plete cotton gin systems in this part of the State. It Is the only one of the kind In tW county and one of a very few in the State. When complete it will be the property of Messrs. C. H. and A. G. Brown, and so perfect and speedy will be the work that 'twill be like the reading of a fairy tale. The farmer drives to the gin with his huge load of cotton and while he sits quiet ly in his seat long enough for the glnner to say hocuspocus and make a few passes with his hand the cotton Is ginned, baled and loaded back on the wagon on top of the seed, all In shape and ready for the market F. D. K Fink Pain Tshlets Dr. Shoen's itnn r . i. . . , - . r ii.u.ain, wQDianiT pains, ur nam. an v- whern. In 20 minutes aure. Formula an the 25c. box. Ask your drurrlst or rinetne anoui tais lormuia It's fine. Mullen's f narmaey. Free of Taxes T per cent, net Income can be obtained from absolutely first-class preferred stocks of substantial North Carolina companies which we can offer you to-day. Call or write Trust Department SOCTHERV I,TFR A TRUST COMPANY, Greensboro, ST. C. Capital and Surplus 1405,000.00 E. P. Wharton, President A. M. Scale, Gen. Counsel. Robt. C. Hood. Asst Manager. "BLACK MARIA," our POLICE CHARIOT, has monopoly in hack fare. The city forces hacksters down In price and assesses each poor devil who falls In the police net to fork up 60 cents for his exposed drive, a ride In the Chariot, accompanied by from S to 5 bad (ted police. WHY SO MANY POLICE T Ah. that's It. They get a witness fee in addition to regular pay. F. D. ALEXANDER FIRE INSURANCE. BANKRUPT SALE. Greensboro Table Comoanr Plant. By order of Court I will sell on September 21st, 190S, at noon, on the premises, the entire plant, stock on hand, etc., of the Greensboro Table Company, best equipped factory of its kind in tho South. Ready In all respects to start up for business, and a large demand for the product An unusual opportunity. . Detailed In formation furnished promptly. Write to ROBERT C, HOOD Receiver. Greensboro. N. C, Aug. Slst. 190S. P. HOW TO GET STRONG. J. Daly, of 1247 W. congress 8t, Oil wns of Wilkes Ixok Upon Old Ocean. 6peclal to The Observer. Wilmington, Sept. 16. After trav eling since 7 o'clock yesterday morn ing 214 excursionists reached the city last night from Wilkes county and are to-day enjoying the novel ex perience of a trip down the river and ten miles to se on the steamer Wil mington. A large majority of the mountain people never saw the ocean before and the experience for them Is a fascinating one. The train came In over the Coast Line via Fayette ville and will doubtless be the last of the season, A Traveling Man's Experience, "I must tell you my experience on sn East bound O. R. N. R. R. train from Pendleton to Le Grande, Ors., writes Sara A. Garter, a well-known traveling man. "I was In the smoking department with some other traveling men when one of them went out into the coach and earn bark and said,' There is a woman sick unto death in the ear.' I at once got up and went out. found her very 111 with rramp colic: her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, snd with a deathlike look on her faca. Two or three ladle were working with her and giving her whiskey. I went to my suit ease and got my bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (I never travel with out It), ran to the water tank, put a double doae of the nwvMeinS In the glass poured some water Into It and stlirad It with a penHI: than I had quits a time to set tbs ladles to let me glva It to her but I succeeded. I enu!J at one see the effect and I worked wHh her, rubbing her handa. and in twenty minutes I gave her another doe. By this tiros we were al most Into Xj Uranda. where I was ts Jeava tha train, I gave the bottle to the husband to be omJ in eaae another doa should be needed, but by tha tima tht train ran Into Le Orande she was sit r.ani. .m i rrceivan na thanks a erery rot sale by R. H. passenger In t Jordan 4k Co. er In the ear." fhlcRBO. tells of way to become Krone. He ssys: My moiner. wno is oia and was very feeble, la deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel lc mv dutv to tell those -who need a Ionic and strengthening medicine about It. In my mother's case a marked gain In flesh has resulted. Insomnia has been overcome, anfl sne is steaany growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly rem edy stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Hold under guarantee at all drug stores. Mc. "Jordan's on the Square." E. P. Puree II, President. D. A. McLaughlin, V. Prea We Dispense the finest : drinks 'come here for all the good ones. . , We Satisfy the most people with bur Ice Cream and Sundaes. Everything in the soft drink line.. Rl JORDAN & CO. NURSES' REGISTER One Hundred Dollars Per front foot for vacant lot, located near In dependence Square. Business property in Char lotte is advancing in value each day. If you have idle funds, seeking investment, it will pay you to investigate this. v J. ?. Murphy & Co 63 If. Try on. a? , flume 94M. Accident and Health Policies In the MVKYXiAJTD CASUALTY COMPANY are the most liberal In existence, though' they don't cost any more than others. Every one needs a Disability Policy covering EVERT ACCI DENT AND EVERY DISEASE. Let us tell you how we will pay you a definite weekly Indemnity If you should be disabled BY ANY ACCIDENT ' OR ILLNESS. HARVEY LAMBETH, Mgr. In& Dept. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. fineOfferings in Basiiiess ini Residence Properties ' brick stores located near the centre of city and convenient to Southern Freight Depot. Annual rent I2.2T5.00. Will pay 7 I.s per cent, net after deducting taxes and Insurance. ' . ' -"-room residence on Elisabeth Ave.; newly constructed, all mod ern improvement; lot well elevated with fine view. No avenue In the city Is building up morerapldly. Price of property Is low now " compared to what It will be in three to live years. Prloe only 7 . . .:, .SS.U0.00 . Terms, 11,000.00 or more down;, balance through the building and -loan association. r y - -; j. , . .... ; . Fins lot on . Park ; aVenu 'Zii?MMM': l-acre lot on DerU road.,,., i w. ......... fl,t50.00 . Southern Reil Estate loan & Trust Company , W. & ALEXANDER. : ... President.' ; ourpius, $1UU,UUU. Bu A.- Dunn. a. m. Mcdonald. ? i VJc President. v - See. and Treat First National Bank ' V: CHARLOTTE, N..J0. ; ;: av :' Capital and: Profits:. .V. .ISIototO ! ' .ACCOCNTS SOLICITED , ' : Per Cent. On Time Certificates. HENRY M. Mo ADEN. . . . . . President JOHN F. .OlUt.r..,, Cashier Directors: s 1 S. C. Burroughs - Geo. W. Graham J. a Myers v J. H. McAden Frank Gllreath Geo. W. Bryan C. A. Bland C. A. Williams a Henry M. McAden North Church St Residence Lot 75 feet front, nine rooms, all modern con veniences, electric liglits, steam Wt. ... .$4,000.00 Can arrange terms. Will be solcl. at once. For further, particulars, call on or 'phone Brown & Company t 'Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Resources $!,500,000e00 Our method of doing business holds old friends and . gains new ones. B. D. HEATH, President.. JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. J. H. LITTLE. Vic President. W. H. TVrrTY, Cashier. INSURANCE Is something we all must carry and we. would be glad to serve yon. We write the following lines: Fire. Health, Accident, Surety Bonds, Steam Boiler, Burglary, Elevator, Sprinkler Leakage, Plats Glass. If you need any of the above Insurance, call 10 and we will be glad to call and see you. CAROLINA REALTY CO. O. X THIES, Pres. W. D. WILKINSON, Trea. No. I W. Fifth Street. , B. RUSH LEE. See. and Mgr. J. p. LONG, Salesman. Phone Stl. AT WORK FOR YOU ''.. ' , ,. . " Is yonr money making money for'' yon? The more of It yon have employed for yon, the leWs yon need to -work yoarself. If .yon keep on saving and putting yonr aavlngs to work the funded capital of yonr earning; years will gradually take np the bard en and yon will not need to work at all. . , We pay d per cent, and compound It quarterly. W have st few aSaf ety Deposit Boxes for rent. Southern Loan 5 Sayings Bank JOHN L SCOTT. President W. S. ALEXANDER. Vloa Pres. .'.' Kb JENY1NS, Cashier. . FINE ELIZflDETH IOT We offer for sale' the most desirable location for a home in Elizabeth, 'Charlotte 'a attractive suburb. This property can be . bought just now at a bargain The Charlotte ATrust.Sr Realty Co. CAPITAIi $200,000.00. This Is the Month , 'to Iq3J up your laknce u oar Sarinfi Department A New Interest Quarter berinnint Octooer 1L Wi pay : 4 per cent and Componnd tne Interest Quarterly., , . American Trust Company Wood fibre Wall Plaster, "Hard Clinch." ; v , THE BUILDER'S FEIEirD Freeilng does not bnrtt natural shrinkage win not crack tt . water does not make It fan off; bard aa stone. Write for booklet. . Manufactured by . . - .. . CHflRlOTTC PWSTEB GOMPflNY I Write for Booklet. , Charlotte, If. C HIGH- BQNDG J.000-10.000 City of Winston ts. HIT. ,. 1000-20,000 City of Concord Is. 17. 1.000-15,000 City of Birmingham Is. lilt. ' S.000-10.000 Craven County Ss, lltT. 00-J,00 A. T. O. R. R. ta, 11. ' :. 1,000-20,000 North Carolina Ptate 4s, 110. 1.000-10,000 North Carolina Btate Ss. ll. , -10,000 City of King's Mountain Is, 1IJ7. 10,000 City of Canton Is, If ST. Also II shares North Carolina Railroad Stock. F. C. Abbott Compy 1 ' aa( I A - W . aa - "IIlgh-Grale InTestraenU.'' Trust Bandtng