CIIAELOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTEMBER 18, 1903. Social and Personal Few BRIEFS. in and Miss . Mary. O. Graham left yester day mornlns for New York , City. where -she , will pursue an advanced course in primary teachingat Teach ers' College. : .," Minor Happenings , , About Um City. . The breaking of a cable nreclDl- tated an elevator a number of atones I in toe kyscraper yesterday. . No no I was nurt, .- ' Mr, H. T. Payne has returned trom, Kicnmond, Va where he was I pnder treatment at the Memorial MospitaU -Henri Gressitt, advance represen- '' At the Second Presbyterian church thla evenlnsr at 1:30 o'clock a recep tion will be given in honor of the new I UUye of 'The Merry Widow" was in pastor. Hev. A. A. McOeachy and Rev. I the city yesterday. This, show will and Mrs. 'R. T. Colt. , ' . PPr' here soon. , , 1 " r'' ?V"; "j I enrollment of 1(2 Is reported, Rev. aniMrs. R. T. Colt arrived in I from the Hunteraville High School. the city yesterday and are me guests w oi tnese students peine irom out of the Misses Rankin on worn -o i siae tne local (Jlatnct. - . -.,'. r lege street. They haveeen spending ' Master Hugh Graves Boyer,- who 1' their honeymoon, at Montreal. Miss Miry Brockenorough is ex pected heme In a few days from Roektnrham county, where she ' is Visiting. , - Miss Helen McNeils went last night to Belmont to attend a banquet given there last evening: in honor of Father Felix, who has just returned from a trip to Europe, , t i ,, . . ,' . Mrs. P. fl. Gilchrist and family, who -have been spending the 'summer at tnsir noma at Montreal, win return to -a ay. Miss Marjorie Richardson, of High Point, arrived yesterday to : resume her : studies at Elizabeth. College. Here is what, one woman does in order that her mahogany may look as niceas she thinks it ought to : v : .-,; ; y, "About once in two months, I give my ma hogany pieces a good bath. With a dry cloth, : I wipe off all dust Then with; warm Ivory Soap suds and a piece of cham ois I begin mv washing. Mr. Harold ft. Hall ispreparin Alter that. I Wipe IfehtlV' rect a handsome residence on hlsr Jai ' . - . witu t piece oi cneese cloth, polishing , with a chamois." " Ivory Soap underwent a throat operation at 8 Peter's Hospital Wednesday morning, u gettlns- alone finely.' ; v to erect recently . acquired property on - Kast Seventh street extension. i The Cotton fields are white The genial September sun has invited the bolls to burst open and the pickers to gather their sacks and go, to worn The -5 board of ' directors of . .the x oung Men s t cnristian , Association i qq . . TV' ' ' v has decided to extend the tlma whenl W ?loo MrCC LiCXlt. P' paid to October 15th. . . ;. , . V Robert. alias Sam Farrow. a small negro boy was locked up last mgm eariy ror engaging "in a. on- ficulty. in which a rock figured, .with wm Douglas, colored. ure. St , KILLED BY FAST RIDER. ' Mrs. J. L. Settle, Mrs. a A. Mo- Murray and Mr. Ray Settle, of Shelby. were In the city yesterday. They stopped at the Buford. Mrs. Ji W. Ferguson la visiting relatives in Greensboro. - The Ladles' Aid Society of St. Mark's Lutheran church will meet this alter noon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J. H. -Thlellng at . her residence. No. ill North Brevard street . , Mrs. E. C. Davidson and her daugh ter, Miss Sadie Davidson, have moved Into (Nor west Stonewall street, where they will keep house this win ter. - Miss -Caroline Nunburger, of Au gusta, Ga., Is. visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. O. Hawley on North Long street. Miss Nunburger was formerly a student at the Presbyterian College. - Mrs. F. A. Dillingham, of Cincin nati, O- arrived In the city yesterday I Loan and Is spending; awhile at the Selwyn with her husband. Dr. F. A. Dilling ham; -Walter Huntley and his wlfe. both colored, had a tight last night on East Hill street, txut no casuallties srere resultant. Huntley, If arrested, will 4e tried this morning. The receipts at the cotton plat form yesterday were 122 bales, wnicn sold, for 9 cents; for .the same date last year the receipts were 14C bales, tne prevailing price being 11.60. The country people who are ac customed to early rising looked for frost yesterday morning, but found none. It was the general verdict that "It didn't miss Jt,far." Master James Harris was the lucky winner of the .roller 'skates given away last night by Manager T. J. W. Brown of ths Latta Park skat ing link. His number was Z19. A school census Of the cjty Is be ing taken. Messrs G. P. Heiltg, F. P. Wyche. A. O. Randolph and H. P. Harding, of the teaching! force of the city schools, have each one ward. Mr. J. Bi Alexander yesterday sold for the Southern Real Estate, nd Trust Company a house Miss Carrie E. Pollock, of Cheraw, 8. C, spent yesterday in the city, topping at the Selwyn Hotel. - Mrs. Josephine P. Durant enter tained yesterday at two tables of bridge at her home on North . College street. The first prise was won byj Mrs. H. S. Mather. Those present were Mesdames W. 8. I. W. Fal- on. J. P. Caldwell, E. W. Phlfer. H. S. Mather. Betty Pegram. W. W. Phlfer and Miss Lee. Mrs. Joseph R. Ross entertained at three tables of bridge yesterday after. noon in honor of Mrs. Dilworth Clark, of Fla. The first prize was won by Mrs. Cameron Morrison. Mrs. Clark was presented with a guest ot honor uprise, r . Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Klrkpatrlck have returned from Gastonla, where they have been spending aeveral days with friends and relatives. snd lot on North Caldwell street to Mr. F. J. Anderson, the consideration being 11,200. Mr. Jak F. Newell leaves to-day for Greenville and Wlnton, Bertie county. He will deliver a Republi can speech at Greenville Saturday and at Wlnton Tuesday. He will then re turn here, before going to the eighth and ninth districts. A dray horse took a turn around the postofnee square yesterday after noon, finally being stopped at the Southern Railway station, having smashed the wagon to 'fragments. It had the shafts and two front wheels with it when stopped. I ' PERSONAL. Miss Lucy Gluyas, one of the most popular young ladles of the Long Creek auction, leaves to-day for Greensboro to attend the 'State Nor mal and Industrial Institute. Mrs. Wade H. Terrell, of Norman. Okla., who has been spending several weeks at tne home of her father, Mr. J. Watt Klrkpatrlck, In Sharon town ship, has returned home. Miss Nell Orr has gone to Lin wood College, where she will teach. She was a member of the faculty last year. Miss Annie Brown, of Davidson, was in the city last night, a Buford guest. The weekly dance will be given to night at Dilworth Hail doubtless a large crowd will be out to enjoy this excellent 'floor than which -there is no better in this part of the State. A number of ladles have consented to chaperone the dance, and the Rich ardson Orchestra will furnish the music. Altogether this dance" should be one of the moat enjoyable given In some time In the city. A" fee of 25 cents will be charged for spectators, and 60 cents for dancers. The harvest frolic and fall festival which the Daughters of the Confed eracy will give to raise money for the Arlington ' Confederate monument. under the leadership of Mrs. I. W. Falaon, .will take place at the Selwyn Hotel, next Thursday night, 24th' Friday was the date first decided on but there will be a play In town that nignt ana a conflict was avoided. Preparations are on foot for an even Ing which will afford much pleasure to inose wno attend. ., The Movements of a Number of 'Peo ple, Visitors and Others. Mr. Henry Burkheimer, of Wil mington, Is in the city on a short business trip. 1 Messrs. C. J. Turvoy and Charles Grler, the latter of Matthews, leave to-night for Philadelphia, Pa., where they will enter the junior class of Jefferson Medical College., r- Mr. B. M. Graves, of Greensboro, spent yesterday In the city, stopping at the Buford Hotel. Mr, C. H. Hartsook, of Greensboro, was among those registered yesterday at the Buford. Mr. G. B. Patterson, of Maxton, spent yesterday in the city, a Cen tral Hotel guest. Mr. George H. Carter, of Sanford, was among the guests of the Central yesterday. Mr. Eugene Morrison, of States- ville, spent the night at the Buford. Mr. J. M. Patterson, of King's Mountain, was among those registered last night at the Buford. Mr. C. H. Hartsook, of Greensboro, was a Buford guest last nignt. Mr. Joseph Dunlap, of Wadesboro, was a visitor in tne city yesterday, stopping at the Ceutrai. Mr. C. B. Weller, of Goldsbprow was last night at the Central. , Messrs. P. H. and E. M. Hicks, 'of Statcsville, were at the Central Hotel last night. i Mr. H. Lv Crowell, of Monroe, was yesterday at the central. Mr. P. M. Delllnger. of Newton, was registered last night at the Cen tral. Mr. James M. Boyd, of Salisbury, stopped at the Central yesterday. Mr. G. B. Patterson, of Maxton, is a. Central truest yesterday. Tlr. T; B: Powell, of Marlon, was a Charlotte visnor inn vaatorrinv. Mr. J. T. Eaton, of Rafelgh, was at the Selwyn last night. TWO OTHER FRANCHISES. Mrs. Alexander Ketner, While Return ing From Church Along Dark Road, Run Down by a Young; Man Rid ing Rapidly, Her Injuries Being Fatal. Special to The Observer. Winston-Salem, Sept. 17. Return- wg from church last night, in the company of eeveral persons, Mrs. Al exander Ketner, 40. years old, wife' of a farmer residing near Crater's Mill, seven miles west of this city, was run down by a horse, receiving injuries from which, she died early to- dayf The horse was ridden by Mr. An derson Hege, a young man, who has a farm near Harmony Grove church. When services at the church were over Mrs. Ketner, with several friends, were walking home In the roadway, when Mr, Hege came along. He was riding- fast, it Is said, nd the roadway was In shadow at the spot where the fatality-occurred, so that the young man did not eee the pe destrians until he was almost upon them. They irmde a scramble for safety at the side of the road, but Mrs. Ketner -was too late. The horse'a hoofs struck her down and she lay senseless In the road, with wounds on the head. Horrified, those of the party who had escaped, rushed to her side and Mr. Hege, who had succeeded in stopping the frightened horse a short distance feway, came to her assistance. He was grief- stricken at the tragedy, which he said he was not aJsle to prevent. Mrs. Ketner was taken to her home and a physician summoned, but ehe expired in a few hours without having regained complete! conscious ness. The case is particularly sad, on account of her five children, two of them being twlna, just two years old. - ' IVEY'S . ANOTHER LINE Doll Samples For To-Day 1" We bought this week of Montajt Bros at a big discount their entire Sample line of Dolls. We will add this to the other sample line we will put on sale to-day. Montag Bros, have the banquVt room at the Selwyn filled with their samples. Rather than pack them up and return we bought them at a bar gain. Tou get the advantage In this ad vance sale. We will keep the Dolls for you until December 10th. We require one-fourth down and balance when you get the Dolls. Bring the children to see the large display in the Millinery room. SPECIAL GINGHAM BARGAIN 22-Inch Gingham, regular 15c. quality from the Arnold Auction gate. Nice styles, just opened yesterday, at ,10c. yard SPLIT IX HEARST PARTY. Georgia State) Chairman and National C'Dininitteeman Clapp Disagree Over the Quratlon of Fatting Out Electoral Ticket. Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. 17. A serious split developed In the Independence rvarty of Georgia to-day when Chair man Sutler, of the State executive committee, announced that no electo ral ticket would be put In the field At the same time National Commit teeman ciaDD. of the party, niea witn the Secretary of State a complete lUt of State electors. Following a meeting of the btate executive committee an omcial state ment was given out by Chairman Bernard Sutler declaring that It was more important to wage a State cam paign for Governor than to put an electoral ticket in the field. Commenting on to-day's action he said: "The action of our executive com mittee means that our candidate, Mr. Carter, will support Bnyan and Kern In the national election. It means further that Mr. Carter is an Inde pendent Democratic candidate for Governor." TOMMTTTEEREPORTS ON BILL. Th llnnso CYmimlttee of the) Georgia TMtalature Submits Report ion Bill Terminating Convict I ease) Systenr Which Will Probably rasa the IIOUSC, Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. 17. The House committee on penitentiaries to which was referred the latest bill terminat ing the convict lease system In Geor gia, made its report to the House late to-day. The bill as reported provides Cor the employment of convicts on publlo works and on the 8tate prison farms In raising sgricultural products and In the manufacture of articles for the use of State instluttlons. Convicts not so employed are to bo hired to municipalities at $100 per annum. Any residue of convicts may be used by the prison commission with the NORTHEY-CULPEPPER. Quiet Wedding Last Night at T O'clock Miss Elsie D, Culpepper Weds Jlr. . .Nortlicy. - . , . r : In the presence of only relatives and few most intimate friends. Miss jisie u. uuipepper ana Mr, Northey were ''quietly married r last night at 7 o'clock. The scene Of the nuptial celebration . was the home of the bride's parents. MP- and Mrs. William E. ' Culpepper, No. 90S West Fifth street Rev. Herman H. Hul ten, pastor of the First Baptist church, was the officiating minister. - There were no attendants, the 'service being purposely made as simple as possible. Immediately after the weddlnr Mr. v ana Mrs. Northey lert on a north ( cdk ound train for a bridal tour. They will spend their honeymoon.ln Wash- Ington. New York and other cities In that section. , Returning they will . make their homla In Charlotte at Mr. " Northejr residence on South Church street. . Mr. Northe? Is now district com mercial manager,' and ' has been for ,-. years the- manager ef the Charlotte " department of the Southern Bell Tel ephone and Telegraph Company. Miss r Culoepper had for a number of years tield the position of cashier in the office of the same corporation. .Thus . It was that their marriage was tha cul- tninatlon of several , years f close friendship, whteh ripened Into the ; closer and more hallowed bond. The bride, who Is accomplished and charming, and the bridegroom, who Is closely identified with the. solid busi ness interests of Charlotte, have hufi dreds of - friends who wish for them tha most of happiness. . i i .11-. .. - - - nrunors FOB 11 YEARS. . Blue Kibbon Quality has been popular for 11 yar, sad tne or Blue Ki bon Vanilla and Lemon is constantly in creasing. . '; ' : " ' .. . Messrs. L. C Harrison and W. 8. Lee Secure Francnisea ror irmr; Uw Through Town of Mount Holly and LowelL - - -5 rriotta oeoole. as well as those r tha motion more immediately 'con- ... vin leam with Interest that Messrs. W. S- Lee and I C. Harrl- Kftt Ft AT T II IM CUT. UCLVV vcvsai James granted franchises by the Town, jf Mount Hoiiy ana wweu wr ." in ir and operation of a trolley car line through each town. It will, oe recalled that these gentlemen were last week granted a irancnise or alderman of Gastonla for the opera tion f & tr!t car line in that town. on the condition that work should be begun on or before January 1st, 1210, and car. to he in operation on or be fore July 1st, 110. The una auwior ised npw .will extend rom Gastonla to Mount Hollr. with Lowell as an intermediate point, '. Bridge DO YOU PLAY? .- We sell the best SCORE PADS 15c We also have a lVrge line of tally card for card parties, lowest prlcaa,. , . . ' TyMephono Officials Confer. ' . A throe days conference among tha xsomoerclal managers of tne fourth dlTlslon of tha Southern Bell Telephone .Company- came to a close last nlcht with a rapper at the south ern Manufacturer's Club Inywhlch ths local officials of the Southern power Company also participated. There were eleven representatives of the tele phone company here during tha con ference, coming from various points In the fourth divison territory which includes North and South Carolina. Win B Charged With Gambling. John Caston and . Bert Douglas, colored? "were turned over to the local police by fecial Agent Scett, of the Southern Hallway, last night. - They had only (wo gallons and a half of lUruor and hence cannot be charged with retailing. They Will, .however, be tried on tha charge of gambling. They cam In on train 42 from 'Salis bury. ; , ; ' QUEEN CITY PRINTING CO; Everything for the. Offlca ; - 14 E. Fourth St CHARLOTTE,' ; O. IVEY'S approval of the Governor In any way deemed advisable. The indications to-night are that as amended the felll will be passed by the House to-morrow. ($: mm nrv rl n n f 109 of these excellent bargains for a .'- - .. . . , Monday Special A Petticoat made of good, heavy, rustling quality of Black TanTeta. cut good width with a deep flounce; regular value 11.00. Special for Monday. , . .$3.7t Fall and Winter Cotton Dress Goods Special For Saturday and Monday 10c. Flannelettes in a pretty line of dark patterns. . price . ... So. yard Beautiful Japanese patterns in Cotton Fleeces.' These are -splendid tor klmonaa and . dressing sacques. Regular 16C value at... 10c. yard Pretty dark double - width Cotton Suitings in Plaids and Checks; 15c. Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Sweater Coats We have a splendid new a line of Ladies', Misses' , and Children's Sweater Coats. The season's newest styles in White, Red and Gray Prices for the Ladies' and I Misses' $1.75, $2.48, $3.50 to $7.50. goods at 10c. Short length Light and Dark Outlnv, worth 7 1-2&; at. ...... . .... -5c 7 l-2e. quality yard wide Bleached Domestic, good weight, no dressing:. Special Saturday at.,.....Rc. yard 15c. quality yard wide White War ranted All-Llneh Cambric. . Price ...... . . 18c. quality full' Bleached Mercerised Table Damask. ..... . . .29c jard The New Tailored Waists In Cotton, Linen and Silks $1.00 to IS.30 Children's Red, White and Navy Coats and Reefers Children's Bear Skin Coats In Red. White and Navy; regular I2.C0 values,, at SI.B8 Children's Red Cloth Reefers . $2.48 lo $1.30 New Coat Suits In Every Day Our Coat Suit business so far has doubled last year's. We bellevo we have every wanted style designed and made by style experts who study the lines or all figures and produce models that are har monious throughout and becoming. Th5 most popular fabrics are used Chiffon Cloths, Herringbone Cergea. Cheverons and the Fancy Striped Worsteds. All the new fall shades, together with the always staple Navys, Browns, Green, Garnet and. Black. Prices $10.00 to $30.00 BELK BRO Water Board Meets. The consideration of routine mat ters largely resulted at the meeting last night of the board of water com missioners at which only two mem bers, Messrs. R. M. Miller and C. A. Williams, were present. Mayor Franklin presided. The board agreed to extend the water main about 900 feet on Mint street In order to give prober protection In case ' of fire to the people of that section. Pink Pain Tablets Dr. Phoop's atop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, any where, in 3D minutes sure. Formula on the 23c. box. Ask your drurrlit or doctor about this formula It's fine. Mullen's Pharmacy. King's Corn Salve The best mode. Does what It claims to do. Take no substitute. 1 Price 10c. Registered Nurses' Directory (Graduate Nurses Only). Burwell-Diinn Retail Store 'Phones 41 and 300. The Charlotte Trunk! Strongest and best Trunk on the market This special Trunk la built to our own specifications In 109 lots, and contains more points of value by 15.00 than any other: Full six, strong box. tun sieei pound, every part '- riveted, linen lined, double traya . it-Inch, $ 80; SO-lnch $0.00; J. Inch, 11.60: 4-lnch. $10.00; ll-lnch. $11.00; $-lnch, 111.00; .' to-incn, $1100. ' ' ' THE HERCULES TRUNK STROP Strongest strop made with patent sliding release huekle. Price too. Free by mall GflMER - MOOnE CO: ' ' ' KEEP; T, we nAVK nr.' ;: "sT : " "Southern Hardware Co " "NO DISSATISFIED V J"- : THE Fl RIGIDOR In-and Keeps water cool all night, dispensable In sick rooms where there are children. Price $150. J.N. McCausland&Co. Stove Dealers and Roofing Contractors. 121 8. Try on St. i. v,ini,r;l t : M Knabe Pianos Come and see the new styles just received. A pur chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life, time. We sell cheaper Pianos also. Write for catalogues. Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Second Floor. - KB Special Notices rall and BLUB RIBBON VANILLA MAKES ths best desserts flavors lea cream dell- clously. OrdT It from your grocer nest time. ALLEN'S HEADACHE AND NEURAL gla Remedy will relieve you when oth er remedies fall Price ts cents, at WOOD ALL ft SHEPPARD'B, Zl Ik Tryon St. - WITHOUT AN OUNCE OF ADDED strain, the Instant Automatic Kibbon Reverse of the L. C. Smith Typewriter works nd works in the tick of a watch. Inoidentslly--it the first really satisfactory typewriter ribbon reverting device ask the user. J. E. CRAYTON at CO 117 8. Tryon. - ' . I, i HOW ABOUT, THAT MACKEREL? Coma and see what we nave anyway. Ours Is the finest lot of genuine Nor way Fish that aver come Bouth. Largs tat. tender and juicy, 15. 20 and Xe, MILLER-VAN NESS CO. ! ,' WB HAVE ALL THE NECESSARY manicuring articles in tne oeK makes. Ask here for anything you need In ths manicuring line. JAR P. 8 TO WE CO., Druggists. 'Phone ITi. w FOR RENT M W. TRADE 1 ROOMS. f7.(0; 700 N. i'opiar s rooms, rs; sit k. th t rooms, 117; 701 8. A 4 rooms, til; 1 store room tot E. Trade; 1 store room S NPegram: 1 ball 4060, Belmonts t and TVoom hooss fi.zs week. - BRO. nd tl.tO tr J ARTHUR IflCNOBftSON, FOR SALE CRUSHED - STONK IN ...U.hla r all .MUM : nUtfNtl work.' Will quota, you delivered pr1ev by wagon or cars en appllcstloo- JWr EVERTTHINd THAT'S GOOD TO KAT In hot weather is Being servea or as in the best stylet Come in and see what we hare now. G&M RESTAUR ANT. . V- TO LET 7-ROOM MODERN HOTTHE. Morcbesa street. rooms, rsimr street, city water-free. 4 rooms, 4th, U: rooms, N. CUrkson. ti. Houses for colored tenants, fl ta fl.U per week. Rooms ttt Scaders' Bulldlrtg tor ctfr er bd remns, t ta 17. - K. U KEEBtXR, I. Tryaa ft. 'Pban in yr rttu: in illinium III VIlllllllll III "sW sslWWesl I III i IV I - III I 1 1 - r. i n ill I i Mn mtt iir READY ! Winter We are now ready for you with a stock equally as large as here . tofore with fabrics covering the' whole gamut of men '8 tastes, from "the high, fancy patterns so desired by "youngish" fellows, to the quieter rich ef fects for conservative dressers., . ;te Oslo gio.