CHAKLOTTE DAILY OBSEKV&ii, Shjf iiilliK LU, 1U03. 'Financial: and COTTOS MARKET. . New York, Sept 19. Ths eotton market opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 1 point and during the first few minutea aold 4 to I polnu net'higher . : ,j . ... . a. wkiu on covering rer over m the market reacted for 4 points Irom the beet late In th first hour 4t, rallied in n .iturinr tha mlflOM DI lu muiiuu, i selling about I to 1 point net higher on vreDCTt - from ' ew ? xnmam - ii weather looked threatening. Business was quiet and .chtefly professional. ras quiet ana .cmeny pww-.... Th market ciod ateady . with prices . . . . It I to I polnta mgner. t i to g polnta mgner. . R!ntsYt the nort to-day 17.462 bales against 30.S8T last week and 0,5O4 last year. For the weeK zm.wo Daiea against 914 cea aa1f anil 91 S12 list . veil r. Tn. day's receipts at New Orleans S.044 bales against 452 last year ana si Houston bales against 10.000 bales last year. ,-....-1,'. -- OXVVJk 3AVJCX. TnrV Knf. 1!) fit neks failed to hold the recovery which was enjoyed - yesterday, although there was some .. early extension of that recovery to-day. " Later In the session the most active and nmmlnent stock an Id at the lowest prices ol the week. The violent rUose . was due. to renewed suspicion that storks 'were being distributed by the powerful speculative party that has been credited with tne practical control or me marsei for weeks Dast. The selling a In full force when the market closed. The disclosures pointing to the measures taken In the past on behalf of the Standard Oil Company officials to in fluence political and legislative action in the interest of that corporation were re garded with apprehension as threatening to turn the campaign discussion and tn ' fluences into those channels. The spec ulative sentiment showed Itself sensitive to the threat of Inflaming public opinion again in the direction of hostility to cor porations. A sharp decline in foreign exchange was a feature of he day. The loan con traction disclosed by the bank atatement showed that the stock market liquidation Is -having lta effect In offsetting the move ment of funds out of New York hank reserves to the Interior. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, IM0.00O. - t IT. 8. a have advanced H and the 4s 14 per .cent, on call during the week. Total sales to-day 519.900 shares, includ ing? Copper 27.800; Smelting 28.000 ; 8usr 1W Tobacco WO; St. Paul 20.500; Erie 35. S00; L. ft N. 100; Beading 109,900; Southern Ballway J.OOO; pd. 700; Tenn. Copper 1.800; V. 6. Steel 84,400; Va.-Caro. Chemical 800. New York, Sept. 19.-M. ft O. ct. 4s 84 bid. Baltimore, Sept. 19-Seabr.ard common and preferred, nothing doing. Hubbard Bros. A Ca.'n Ootton Letter. Special to The Observer. New York. Sept 19. Many cable grama from Liverpool to-day contain practically the same advice that the unexpected determination of the card room operatives to resist the reduc tion of 5 per cent, in their wages may bring about a lockout on Monday In Lancashire. They do not believe that the lockout wlU be of long duration. Our market has shown the unusual movement on a Saturday following the sharp .decline of yesterday, rally ing a few points, which may bring about a slight recovery In Liverpool on Monday. The feeling here la that in this pericfd of equlnoxlal storms It i. 4nrnm to have any short inter- ..iinHinr over Sunday. So far no storm is in sight, but tlje trad fears the possibility of ono develop HUBBARD BROS. & CO. Chicago Grain and Provisions. v mi u.w-m - Chicago. Sept. 19 The market for wheat rebounded to-aay unaer me ului of reported export Dusiness ana un ....Iof. rhnlrri. closlnB prices being from 1 to 1 over yesterday. Com, oats and provisions all finished at an advance. The wheat prices were the highest, of the crop. WHEAT September High. Low. Close. 101 98 100 10H4 99 .101 104 102 1WW 77H 76 77 BfiJt o t6K 65 64 65 49 48 49 49 14 4f"Si 49 61 51 61 15.67 15.50 15.65 17.15 1S.97 17.15 15.55 15.47 15.55 10.30 10.22 10.30 10 02 8.95 10.00 10.27 10.27 10.27 9.95 9..80 9.96 8.95 8.80 8.92 9.92 9.85 $-93 May... CORN May.. . OATS May PORK- October... .January... September. BIBS- October.. . January... September. RIBS- October.'. . Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, ' Sept. 19. -Cloning cotton: Spot dull, prices 9 points lower; American middling fair 6.01; good middling 6.65; middling 5.45; low middling 6.21; good or dinary 4.61; ordinary 4.21. The sales of the day were 3,000 bales, of which 200 were for speculation and, ex port and included 2.000 American. Re ceipts 2,000 bales. Including 1.700 Ameri can. - Futures opened easy and closed steaoy. September September-October . October-November. . . November-December December-January... January-February.-. February-March... . March-April April-May May-June Jone-July 'July-August 5.04 4.84 4.78 4.76 4.73 4.73 4.74 4.75 4.76 4.77 4.77 177 . . New York Cotton. New York. Sept. 19. Cotton: Spot elos d oulet: middling uplands ISO; middling 9 75; sales none. - , Futures opened and closed steady. open mgn jw ,inr 8.80. .... $.98 Sept , .. Oct Nov. TJec Jan. Feb. .- ... March '.. .. April .. . ' May .. .. June .. .. July w 6.95 9.00 1.95 8.96 (.78 8.8$ $.67 l.7 8.64 8.69 $.67 1.75 : ; $!i . I.82b 8.86 $.71 8.77 $64 1.73 8.6T 1.72 5!77 J , $.78 $.78 8.82 X-Bld. ' - , , : i. . ' . BANK 8TATEMENT. Reserve, decrease.. ... Less, United States, decrease.... Loans, decrease-.. ... ... ... w Specie. decreas.. Legals, dsereass... .... j. . pepostts decrease .... Circulation, decrease,,. ... ... ... 17740 1.810,850 4J77.70B J.81.Tn0 saJHTj T.498.400 A StTRE-ENOCGH KNOtTKER. t r. Goodwin, or Keiasvtuey N. C. Bucklen's Arnica Salve U a sure- knnkor for Ulcers. A bad mi. I enough knocker tot ulcers. A, bad on came on my leg last summer, but that wo.derfUllv knocked It out a( Be. at aU drag stores. Commercial Dally CfcrtOD Market ' . New York. Sept. 19. GalvMton, tone firm; middling ; net receipts " 13.978; gross receipts 13.97S: sales 881: stock 13L- New Orleans, tons quiet; middling S-1; net receipts t044; gross , receipts 2,046; sales 62S; stock 46.323; Gt. Britain un: continent zn: coasiwiaa wi. ; - Mobile, middling IHrnst receipts 2,215; I o -'7. . ' gross receipt x,; aajes z; swca - - Sairannah an Millet' mlddllnSr SUt net receipts 11,822; gross redSelpU 1L822 sales : ; ' . - " 8.175; stock T,81S; coastwise I. I rv, ta4v mind -v,...i....... atiJv mlddllnar g: net i viiwh v receipt t.S14; .. gross receipts 1.S14; stock 19.S4& ' -; . - ' .,' 'e - Wilmington, wni qum, - . net receipts 1.47X5 gross -receipts S.471; I stock 14,868. Mnrfnllr tnM teflv: middling tHt net recelnts 1.407: arose receipts 1.407; stock 6,646; coastwise 2,060. Baltimore, tons nominal; middling- stock 2.145. - . New York, tone quiet; middling tw: gross receipts 1,872; stock 4,495; continent 700. Boston, tone quiet; middling .; gToss receipts 1,316. , . , v Philadelphia, tone steady; middling S.tS; stock 820. Brunswick, stock 4,110. Total to-day. at all ports, net S7.4S2; Qt. Britain 100; continent 971; stock SR4,27t. Consolidated, at all ports, net 37.463; Ot. Britain 100; continent 971. .Total since Septembtr 1st. at all porta, net 438.527: at. Britain 44.419; France 1L- 681; continent 113.QS6; Japan 250. - INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Tinnaton. tana steady, middling 9; net receipts 7.149; gross receipts 7,149; ship ments B.230; sales s.FJi: siock ii.wi. Augusta, tone quiet; middling 9M; net receipts 2.B42: gross receipts 2.770; ship ments 1.499; aales 1.B22; atocit n.w. Memphis, tone easy; middling 9: net rerelnts 1.120: arose recelnts 1.173; ship ments 970; sales 850; stock 17,265. St. Louis, tone quiet; middling ; nev receipts 1: gross receipts 447; shipments 654; stock 3,692. Cincinnati, net receipts 11 ; gross re ceipts 11; shipments 13; stock 10,403. Louisville, tone nrmi miaonng Little Rock, tone steady; middling 8T4; net receipts 190; gross receipts 190; ship ments 19; stock 2,867. Total to-day, net recelpte 11,018; gross receipts 11.740; shipments 8.533; sales 6,963; stock 99,139. Naval Stores New Orleans, Sept. 19. Receipts: barrels rosin; 18 barrels turpentine. Exports, none. Wllmlnston. 8ept. 19. -Spirits turpentine steady, 84tt: receipts 59 casks. Ilosln ateady, 82.J0; receipta sua. Tar firm. 3160; receipts S3. Crude turpentlns firm, $1.50, 82 and 2.T5; receipts 53. Charleston, Sept. 19.-Turpentine steady. 35c. . .' Rosin, steady. Quote: ABC to r rt- V. 82 50: V 82.60: O $2.65 to $2J6; H $8l25; I $3.65; K $4.40; M 84.70; N 85.40; W O $5.90; "W W $6.15. Savannah. Oa., 8ept 19.-Turpentlne firm. 35H; aales 203; receipts tto; anip- ments 62. - Rosin firm: sales 2.736; receipts 2.46b; shipments 1,464; stock 140.636. Quote: A B ?so- n 82 50 to 82.66: E 3.w to r $2.70 to $2.72H; O $2.76 to $2.80; H 83.35; $3.75; K $4.55; M $4.75; ' " ; W W $6.25. Bank Clearings. New York. Sept. 19-The statement of clearing house banks for the week ahowa that the banks hold $50,218,625 more than the requlrementa of the IS per cent, re serve rule. This Is a decrease of $1,774,300 In the proportionate cash reserve aa com- r in tne proponiuiiifs v.n 1 1 . - - pare(i wtth last week. The atatement fol- Loans $1.818.152,W0, decreaae $4,577,700. Deposits $1,412,563,500. decrease $7,498,400. Circulation $54,441,600. decrease $32.200. Specie $323,694,900. decrease $2,816,700. Reserve $403,859,400. decrease $3,648,900. Reserve required $363,140,875, decrease $1,874,600. Surplus $50,218,525, decrease $1,774,800. Kx-U. 8. deposits $52,647,700, decrease $1,810,850. The percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house banks at the close of busi ness yenterday was 28.76. The statemerft of banks and trust com panies of Oreater New York not mem bers of the clearing -tjouse shows that those institutions have aggregate deposits of $1,042,563,100; total casn on nana .im, 700, and loans amounting to $951,244,200. New Orleans Cotton. New Orleans, Sept 19. Cotton: Spots were quiet and ateady with quotations un changed; middling 9 8-16C There was little business doing, sales amounting to 150 bales on the spot and 375 to arrive. Futures opened steady, unchanged to 4 iut nlffht. the onenlns ad vance being due to threatened labor trou blea In England. With bullish prospects abundant lh this country the market re mained about atatlonary throughout the morning. Almost total lack of support and Interest appeared to account for the stagnation. Bad weather In the cotton belt and evidences of Increased demand tor cotton by spinners as stated In Secre tary- Hester's report last nignt. Kept nrw from droonlng. Tne ciose was steady 1 to 4 points over last night. Closing bid: Sept 9 06; Oct. 8.89 Nov. 8.78; Dec. 8.81; Jan. 8.82; Feb. March 8.87. . flat: 8 84; Chicago Cattle. Chicago, Sept. 19.-Cattle, receipts about 800, market steady; beeves siw to 7.w; Texas steers $3.50 to $0; Western steers $3.20 to $5 80: stockers and feeders tc.w m 14.85: cowa ana neners l so-w; cslves $S to $8.25. Hon. receipts aooui j.ww, mrci and ateady; light $6.60 to $7.25: pigs $4. to $8.r mixed $6.5 to $7.J7H; heavy $4.80 A 17 an- rnuahs $6 0 to $8.80; good to chole heavy $6 80 to $7.40; bulk of sales $8.8$ to $7.10. 8heep, receipts about 22.000, market steady.naUv $2.26 to $4.28; lambs, native, $3.25 to$5.; yearlings $4 25 to $4.75; West ern lambs 83.26 to $5.80; Western sheep $2.25 to $4.2$. NewVork Cattle. - Kew York. Retit 19 Reeves, receipts 1.- $34; Texan beef ft to Vic uaivss, reoeipia ; city aressea ran " la cauntrv dread I to 13c.r dressed buttermilks and grassers to $c. Chun m rA 1 a mhi rt.tnf. 1 AMC .hMn $3 t $4; Umbs $4.7S to $8.5$ ; yearlings $4. Hog. receipts l$7; good medium nogs. Com para Ut Port Receipt. ' -. . To- Last day . Tear ..." .. ...... MJTi - Oslveston... Naw Orleans. ... ...A. 1 041 i Moblls , ... ... ... -.m ta". Savannah.. .. ........ 11.721 . Charleston.' ... ... 4. 1314 .. . . Norfolk... ... ... ... , 1.407 Cotton Seed OB. , ...uu mi was dull -with prices easier tinder local K crennre: nrim Crad tie.; nrlnu New York. Sept. - U.-Cottoo seed oil bear pressure; prim Crude tie.; prime tummer yellow 40 to 40 1 prims whit 44 t pr,m. wlnt ysllow 43 to 48; off 10,000 SPINDLE MILL . ' With250 You can secure any .part of the ilachinery in this . mill, whiclxVw aro. xt is. in spienaia conaition. . . . A fine chance for those'who" are balancing their equipment, while business is temporarily quiet, . , It Will'PayYou -to Investigate. CREENSB()RdlsUPPLY CO HRAWIN9 MACHINE Woricq COTTON TAUNTON, COMBERS MA33. UP MACHINES SOUTHERN OFFICE , AT CHARLOTTE , EDWIN HOWARD, AOCNT. Electrical Supplies DOUBLEDAY-HILL ELECTRIC CO. PITTSBURG, PA. CHARLOTTE, N. C. .Manufacturers and Dealers -DOUBLEDAY-HILLjL, :$kBli IKIt VIA fll ARC LAMPS INCANDESCENT LAMPS DYNAMOS AND MOTORS SWITCHBOARDS A Large Stock Is Now Carried In Charlotte. N. C. For the Accommodation of Our Southern Trade. THE JOEL HUNTER COMPANY (Chartered) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. Cost Systems. Investigations. nnk Examinations. 1219-20-21 Empire Bldg., Atlanta, Ga, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. New York rrodnc. New York. Sept. 19. Flour Arm, but quiet; Minnesota patents $5.40 to $5. SO; winter patents $1.40 to $4.85. Rye flour quiet. $4.15 to $4 .88. Corn meal eteudy. $1.65 to $1.80. Rye dull; No. 2 Western 84 nominal f. o. b. New Tork. Barley quiet; malting 66 to (9 clt. Buf falo. "Wheat firm; No. 2 red 1074 to 10914 ele vator. Options to lc. net hlsher; September 109 : Dec. 109H: May 110 to 118. Corn firm; No. 2. KS nominal elevator. Options He. net higher. Sept. 88; Dec. 78 V4. Oats steariy; mixed 52. Beef steady; family $16.75 to $17.50. Cut meats sternly. 114 to 12. Lard firmer, Jlo.fiO to $10.75; refined firm; continent $11; S. A. $11.75; com pound 7i to S. Pork firm $14 50 to $20. Tallow steady: city 6. Rosin quiet, 52.75 to $2. Turpentine quiet. 89. Rice ateady. 3U to 6. Molasses qul-t. 2 to 42. Sugar, raw firm; fair refining $3.45 to $3.50; centrlfuKHl 94 test $395 to $4; con fectioners A $4 w to $."; mould A $5.55; cut loaf $5.90 to $l; crushed $40 to $6.90; powdered $530, granulated $120; cubes $5.45. Butter -easy, unchanged. Cheese firm, unchanged. Eggs quiet and steady, unchanged. Peanuts and Liverpool freights steady, unchanged. Potatoes weak; Maine .per narrei to $2; State $2 to $2 .12; Jersey il.ou to Cabbages dull, unchanged. Coffee quiet; Rio No. 7, 6V. Pantos No. 4. 8Vi; mild coffee dull; Cordova M to 12H. Futures net unchanged to 5 points lower. The Money Market. New Tork. Sept. 19. Money on cnll nominal. Time loans nominal; 60 daya 2', and 90 days 2: six months . Close: Prime mercantile paper 4 to 4j per cent.; sterling exchange easy with ....... In hankers' bills at 45 for 60-day bills and at 4SS.35 for demand. Commercial bills 4M io " 62. Mexican dollars 43. Dry Goods Market. v 19 The dry goods . w int., ' ' t" - - . - . market --aa fairly active for spot mer chandise to-day. tomrwis -r. . j ..Mni,.iv hv buyers and aell- era. Cotton yarns are still In fair de mand at low prices, unnw . . . , k. nw,r frMlV. liUr- laps ar ffrmer and ar being Influenced by a reported anonaga " j - ' diarlmte Cotton. erlcaa represent figures paid t wagons Beptemoer iui. Good middling Strict middling... ... Middling..-...' ' - C3arloM Prodace. (Correcied by R. H. Field R utter ...... .......... Co.) 11 172$ 20 20923 403M t04$4S 123 14 Chickens 8prlng Ducks EiTSTS..' Oea per bead " n h A .. ...... Xurkeys-psr pound .... ...... . Cliarlott Grain. (Corrected dally try Cocbran-McLaogk-Ua Co.) Rjr ...... ....... ..... . JJ Corn " " - Cotton Seed ...... .... ... Oats Ileal Seed ... ... ... ... .. 2 24 Cotton Seed Meal Estimate. i to- Lat ' ' ' j- morrow. Tear. Kw Orleans... x.oisj.m : Houston 17,804-11.400 . CLOSIXQ STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper .. .............. Tt American Car 4k Foundry American Car 4k Foundry Jrfd. .... li mfica otton Oil H Americaa Hide' Leather" pM. 1 Amrican lc Securities .......... $14 Looms" .1 . disposing of very rapidly. SPINNING FRAMES MACHINERY MULES LOOMS WIRE AND CABLES BATTERIES CONDTJTT8 INSULATORS, ETC. American Linseed American Locomotive American Locomotive pfd. " American Smelting & Kefng. American Smelting & Kefng. pfd.' American Sugar Refining American Tobaco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison " Atchison preferred . . Atlantic Coast Line "" Baltimore & Ohio Baltimore Ohio preferred " Brooklyn Rapid Transit t'anadjan Pacific Central Leather ' Central Leather preferred Central New Jersey Chesapeake, A Ohio . Chicago Oreat Western .. .. Chicago A North Western .. .. '.' Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul C. C. C. & fit. Louis Colorado Kuel & Iron Coloiudo & Southern " JO'.i 4i 101 11 128 92 23H 43 r 96H 86 49 171 4 25H 94 "4 21X1 fo'i 5Ti i:.s 133 64 82H 37 5 684 14SV, V1. 1654 27 W 29 21H 42V, S3i 1X1 i:wj Colorado Southern 1st pfd. Colorado A Southern Consolidated Gas .. pfd. t orn rrsducrs Delaware Hudson Denver & Rio Cirande Denver ft Rio Grande pfd Distillers" Securities Erie Erie. 1st preferred ... . Erie 2d preferred General Electric Oreat Northern prefered Oreat Northern Ore ctf. . Illinois Central ' Interborough-AIet ', IntercorouRh Met. preferred International Paper .... International Paper preferred lasT, n 31 r.s 22 "(4 27. fil '4 10)4 28 119V4 62 29 63 77 14 72 04 1264 244 1214 96 75 81 112 1204 SI4 74 184 84 25 17 43 614 102ts 118 21 52 r's 224 24 M'4 158 H 2 'I 97 44 107 H 40?$ 1W7 12's 24 j iniernuiionai fump Iowa Central KansRg (Mty Southern .. Kansas (Tty Southern prereired Louisville Ac Nashville ... Minneapolis ?. Louis .. .'. '," Minn.. 8t. P. Soult St. M Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kansas ft Texas Missouri. Kansus ft Texas pfd. National I.-ad New York Central New York, Ontario & Western! Norfolk & Western North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mu 1 1 Pennsylvania .. .. .. people's Uan Pittsburg. C. C. ft St. Louis ... Pressed Stvl far Pullman Palace Car Railway Kteel Spring Reading Republlo Steel Republic Steel freferrl Rock Island r'n . Rook Island Co. preferred Bl. Luis ft San Fran. I'd Pfd. St. Louis t'oulhRe.Uern tfd Mlos4heffield Klecl and Iron Southern Pacific Southern Pucitic j referred Southern Railway Southern itailna preferred Tennessee Copper1 Toledo, St. luls "&' vi'ent t.l& m. i . . . . . . . . j wwuu, ri, xjuii be ncot prwierrea Union Pacific - Union Pacific nrefsrrml Vnited Rtatea Rubber united States Rubber 1st preferred. United States Steel United liolu R', l mnf.rr.i) Utah Copper virglnla-caroiiTi'i liemical , Virginia-Carolina Chemical pfd Wihub ... .. . . Wabash preferred wastmrlmoee r.llric .. Western Union , Wheellns? JBr TjtV. Krl . . 71 59 Wisconsin Central ... standard Oi 430 NEW YORK BOXDf- V. 9. refunding 2a. registered ...... 103 14 m lot 121 122 73 KW lot'i t M ' 14 93 loon I", ". refunding 2a, coupon v. R. as, registered IT. H. ts. eouoon IT. B. 4a, registered V. S. 4a, coupon American Tobacco 4s ..a.:..... American Tobaco a Atchlsos general 4 .,... Atchison adjustment 4s .... ... Atchison sr. 4 .. ..,. Atchison cr. 5s ........... t,,.... Atlantic Coasit Lin. 4a Baltimore ft- Ohio 4a ........ it.. ..... i..i. .... ...... m r4 0S .... 44 ,... j 44 I..., n : ..... 103 Brooklyn R. T. cr. 4s ........... Central of Oeoraia Be Central of (4orgla 1st Inc, old. Central of Georgia M Ine. ofd. i-wntrsl Of Cleorsla Inc. old. Chesapeake 4k Ohio 44a (ioTTON MILL MAC HI N ERY. Stuart W. Craaier, . ' J r MAIN Ol StOSI OUTH TRYOM ST., A CHABLOTTg. N. O. Revolving Rat Cards, Railway Heads, Drawing1 Frames, Spinning Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Quitters and Reels, Looms, COMBERS ETC., ETA. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW, YORK MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change. Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS POL1CITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invltefl. MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS CHARLOTTE, N. C. Motors, Dynamos, Alternating and Direct Current. 'Any size and voltage. Stpck on hand. We ask for orders. CLING FAST ffi PLASTER "Second to Non" Experienced plasterers pronounce it the best on the market. The Best is always the Cheapest. Ask for prices and booklet; it will pay you. STATESVIUE PIASTCR I CfMENT CO. StatesvIIle, N. C. CATLIN & CO. Commission Merchants 345 and 347 Broadway, New York Boston Philadelphia, 128 and 130 Chestnut St. COTTON YARNS All number Skeins, Warps, Cops and Cones COTTON GOODS FOR GOOD BUILDING BRICK address ROCK HILL BRICK WORKS, Itork Hill, R C, or CATAWBA BRICK CO., Van Wjrrk, 8. C. Chicago ft Alton 3s Chicago, B. ft Qulncy new 4s Chicago. R. I. A P. R: R 4 Chicago, R, I. & P. R. R. col. 5s.. Chicago, R. I. A Pac. Ry. rfdg. 4s.. C C, C. A St. Louis gen. 4s Colorado Industrial is Colorado Midland 4s Colorado A Southern 4s Delaware A Hudson cr. 4 Denver A Klo Grande 4a Erie prior lien 4s Erie General 4s bid Hocking Velley 4Hs Intel borough-Met. 4tiS Japan 4s Japan 44a . Japan 44a. 2d Series Louiavillc A Nash. I n I fled 4s Manhattan consol gold 4s Mexican Central 4s .. Mexican Central 1st Ine Minn. A St. Louis 4a ofd., Missouri, Kansas A Teaa 4 Missouri, Kansas A Teaas Ids .. National R. ft. -Of Mexico consol 4s New York Central fn- 3s New Jersey Central general 6a.... Northern Pseiae 4s Northern Pacific 8 ,. Norfolk Western consul 4s Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4 , penn. ev. 8s. ' 1915 .. .... Psnn. Consol 4S .. .. Reading General 4m . . ........... Republic f Cuba 5s fit. Louis If Iron Mountain consol 5s St.' Louis A Ban Francisco fg. 4s.. St. Louis Southwestern can. 4s Seaboard Air Une 4a Southern Parinc 4s .................... Southern Pacific Ut 4s Southern Railway 6a Texas A Pacific ' lsta bid .a Toledo, St, I Western 4 ........ Union Psclflo 4s. ...... ..,...... Union Pacific cir. 4s V..H. Steel ltd 4a Wabash lets .. .. Western Md. 4 . ,.......,.... Vheellng A I-ak Erie 4a ' Wbcmfsln Central 4s ...-,.....;..., N. T.. N. ll - il. v. 4 ctfa. 70 99 47 24 8s M 73 S7 94 100 94 87 W 104 M 80 !? 99 H n 17 m W4 8! 92 l'i 103 73 90 95 94 104 99 1(4 mvv 9 74 M 99 r., W,; 110 78 1 iQ2: 97 101 l, 75 : .74 i M mm ENQINEER AND CONTRACTC3. WOONSOGKET Slubbers, ' Roving Frames Intermediates, Jack Frame R B A D THIS f IF VOTJ HAVE TO SELL, LIST IT IN THIS OFFER If you hav houses or stores to rent, let me do your collecting and save trouble and worry. Th plac to lnsur your property Us in this agency. ; R. E. COCHRANE. Insurance and Real Estate Axent. You Cain Put It Om Any one with strength enough to drlv a small nail can lay our . "ELECTRO ID" Hard Rubber-ilk Roofing "ACME" Double Fltnt-coatsd Roofing "UNIVER8AL" Gravel Surfaced Roofing Sufficient Large-headed Oalvanlted Nails, Liquid Csment and Di rectlons for Laying are packed in the cor of each roll. These Roofings ar mor attractive In appearano ar chepr than shingles, tin, corrugated Iron, tar and gravel, and without re pairs will last longer. WRITE FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES! Carolina Portland Cement Company Southern Distributors. CHARLESTON, S. C. Motors, Generators, Dynamos and Electrical Wiring installed by us. Mill work a specialty. Prompt attention given to all work. R. G. AUTEN eOMPANY Electrical 'Phone 1307 or 1308. 202 S. Tryon St. BANDY 4 MYERS, Consulting Engineers. Water Supply and Purification, Sewerage, Sewerage Disposal, Roads, Streets, Pavements, Water Power. Hydro-Electrlo Planta, Irrigation. Drainage. Reinforced Concrete, Sur veys, Estimates, Plana and Specifica tions. Construction Superintended. Complete Plants designed and con structed. Main Offlee,875-77 Arcade Building, Greensboro, North Carolina. Branch Office, Laurtnburg. North Carolina. GILBERT C. WHITE, C. E. CunsuIUntr CIVIL ENGINEER Durham, N. C. Waterworks. Sewerage, Streets: Wa ter Filtration. Sewage Disposal; Plans, Reports. Estimates, Super vision of Construction. B. PARKS RUCKER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Consulting and Conat meting ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Estimates. Plans, Specifications and Su pervision ot Construction ol Lighting, Industrial and Power Installation. Hydro-Electric Slajits, Power Trans mission. Municipal Lighting, Eto. (UllAERtCr HYDRAULIC jpXCTRIC ss r..T :&TUCKtRb8TJ IJTEAM ,ttt- rjwLLAXTON IX ,0 AUDfTDRIUM BLDG. 13-JC H ARLQTTE. N.S FRANK P. MILBURN & CO. ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON. D. C LOUIS H. ASBUBY ARCHITECT Law Building, Chariot, if. O. HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS CHARLOTTE, K. J, . 1 Leonard L. Hsmter autd FrankUs ARCHITECTS Law BnUdlnf , ChaxlOsUa, X. a So, til 4t4kt Sift. ' TUo 7I Y4eftV(TASi.a BuiLDiNa, - , ATLANTA CZf km Automatic Feeders ? , -Openers and Trank Breaker, Intermediate aa4 Finisher Lappers,' . ' UrschnerC&rdins Beatert ; Thread Extractors, " . Waste Pickers, etc Raw Stock DnrerS. BTC.J ETC, Contractors, Charlotte, N. G. SCREENS flies and Mosquitoes on the Outside Small Cost J. H. WEARN & CO. Mauafacturera of laaotela. rrlte (or catalog, Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently find it necessary ta hav Banking Facilities In ad dition to thos offered by local banks. THE First National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. With S, ., ll.OOO.aeO.CO Capital Earned Surplus $ J4.5OO.0O0 0 DepoaiU , $. 000.000.00 Total Resource Offer Just th Additional Fa cilities Requlrad. Jno. B. Purcell, President: Jno. M. Miller, Jr.. Vloa Frcst. dent; Chas. R, Bornatt. As. slrtant Cashier; J. c. Joptin. Assistant Cashier. A. D. SALKELD & BRO COMMIKSSION MERCHANTS M-Tf LssosMrd Itrfttl KEW TORX. . t CtyiTOIi , TARNS '' "r ; DKP-r. '-"r. rredTc Vietor Ss Achelis. JAIIES E. mTCHELL CO. COXHT&SION KERCHANTS Cotton . Yarns and C 44 . , Cloths. . CONEIGNMINT3 gOUCWXa. . miadeipbl, 1U fti 1S4 Che- ! St, Dost on, 1SS EananMW ft. Xew Tork. JT. ?S Ieoaard f (jriotto. ti ft, aryesm t-.