, .. .- , . i jti jf -v J v. -v atk. .si i1 m SUBSCRIPTION PIUCE: $8.00 A YEAR. CHARLOTTE,-N. C. TUK SPAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1908. PRICE FIVE JCENTS. EIGHT-BIDERS LN STATE THREATEN ; TO' BTJRX GINNERY. Ir - Manaoer of Southern Cotton Oil Com "'. pany'sPlant at Shelby Informed by v Annnvmnua letter That Gin Will i e Burned If it Continue to Run f,aTils Believed to lie iirst, uuicrop-i-A .tinr or Nlirht-IUdirur Movement In ' North " Carolina Armed - Guard Surrounds Gin and It Continues to " Run Detective Put to work en the Case by the Company, letter . 'Received Saturday nut war ' - Kept Quiet. ' V '. Special to The, Observer. ehelbjr, Sept Mr. J. F.-Jenklns, - th manager of the Southern Cotton Oil Company at thla place, received a , letter Saturday noUfying him, that If he continued to gin cotton In the face ; -r of th declining nlarket night-rider would burn bis gin. Not knowing whether thla notice wti genuine or a hoax, if requested I local1 paper to V make- no publication until be ouid submit It .to the Charlotte office of hie company. In the meaotlnT be has - inatracted bis nirht watchman to t khoot anv nerson found around 'the V. premises at night. The original letter was sent to me unartowe out ; only two or three of Mr. Jenkins ,, intimate friends were Informed ofiu ;: receipt . Under this situation less - than a' dozen . neoDle Of this place y have any Information or knowledge of the matter ana Mr. jenains, w .approached about it. stated that he , bad nothing to give out as he had referred same to the Charlotte office. No other ginner of thla section baa re. .1 ceived suoh notice so far as can be learned and there is a difference of -v , opinion among the few who nave . heard of the notice received by Mr. Jenkins. Some think it to oe genu " Ine, while others think that poastoiy ; It is the work of some personal enemy, Nothing has occurred in the State in recent years which excited so much " talk in Charlotte as the news received ' yesterday afternoon to the effect that the much-feared nignt-naers naa ap peared In North Carolina, this time In Cleveland county, where Saturday they notified Mr. J. F. Jenkins, man ager, of the Southern Cotton Oil gin aery' In Shelby, not to operate bis f' plant until 12-cnt cotton was realla- ' . ed. otherwise his establishment "would go up In sraoak." The first intlma- tlon of impending trouble came to those In charge of the central office In this city Sunday, when a special delivery letter waa 'received, which ' contained the threatening message and all other facts bearing upon the case. This special delivery letter was sent by Mr. Jenkins, who deemed the . situation one of the gravest import ' one that should immediately receive ' the consideration of the highest au thorities. That the officials here . agreed with him is evidenced by the .-lad inec positive instructions were given yesterday that armed guards be picketed - about the ginnery grounds ' and any strange parties appearing on i n scene oe immediately nred upon. These guards will be maintained day . . and night until the whole matter' is cleared up - by the secret service "agents of the government. The gin nery yesteroay ran as usual and notn Ing out of the ordinary transpired. THE THREATENING LETTER. The threatening letter was received py Mr. Jenkins Saturday, it was mailed in eneiDy Friday and was written on a half-sheet of ordinary note paper. . ' The writer was evident ly a person of education for the chiro graphy was good and the (rammer ana spelling excellent. But one mis take was made In the whole letter and that was in the spelling of the word "smoke." It appeared "smoak," - evidently an Intentional error to dis guise the writer. The letter was .In pencil, well punctuated and In a clear, ;old epencerian hand. Everything went to show that the author was ' a person of reasonable intelligence ' and not unacquainted with the schools. It Is significant that the Statement appeared In it that "We are your friends but ," which Is taken to Indicate that It war not designed to promote a private grudge against the manager of the plant who is a very popular resident of Shelby, nor ; la' It the expression of one of disorder ed mind. TM Southern Cotton Oil ginnery In Shelby Is but a small plant, situated on the grounds of the oil mill for the' purpose of handling auch cotton as Is brought there and can hardly be said to be running In com petition to the other ginneries of the section. There has been no friction ! between the authorities of the. cotton oil. ginnery and' any othlr and noth , Ing of a personal matter -could hard ly , enter Into the situation. For this reason, the officials at headquar ters here believe that this letter is ' nothing more than the first outcrop- YEAR BEGIXS AT THE JTQRMAIi. ' tVITITP ' HlTTf II Tl t V1A VTTi ! i VATTTITT) t HDT 1 I -rnn fi t I?T FATHER A TULMIXGTON L.N. f PRESIDENT AGAIN TO HIS AI1 AH Rooms In Dormitories Fined, the Enrollment Being : 630 Guilford : Court Convenes For Trial or Crimi nal Cases Negro. Wanted at Hills, boro For Murder Arrested. s Observer Bureau. : . , The Bevill Building, Greensboro, Sept. The regular work of the fall session of the . iute formal and ': Industrial College began this morning. : Presi dent FOust announces that , the enroll ment of students ti tv andxthat every room In the dormitories is occupied. A. few girls' have found board in the Immediate ..neighborhood .of .'the.. col Salvation Army and FHnuli TniMtl. Biing sensational Report of Recent unnuonment or z.Yearlld xhltA .Child in Norfnlk.RnsinMB Man if iiiuniiifuin oeucvea to Be uuuiy " triine iiaa blamed a Sec ond Tun and Wife, Objected to Children The Tot Irft With. Ne gro Woman et Norfolk A Home to He Ptmlded For It and Father jrroDaoiy Frosecuted. ' pectal to The Observer. 'K, i Mr. Roosevrlt's latest Plea For Snp- ; port For His Candidate, Judge lan, urougnt JrXrtn by the Ilrarnt- 5 Foraker Coutroveny IXt lsres - inn tne Defeat or Tart WIU Give batkfactlon Ot-ly lo the Moneyed IntereMts Points Oat That Tart Is y- the 'Antithesis of the Forces That Were Responsible For Foraker Tart's Candidacy Based Vpon His ureat Hccoru or Actual Acnieve ment. Says the President. Oyster Bay. N. T... Sept 21. Lte Wllmlncton Rrnt .l Th R.tva tlon Army at Wljmlngton, through I to-day Secretary Loeb gave to the james Yates and several friends who press a format statement by the Pres- lege and Others baVe been forced, to : .7 Jt, which was called forth by the r.t..r. hnm. . , .: - . ZtnS. ; - - 'a' v I exchanges between William R, a. weeK s criminal term or ouiirora "- cro V f Mr. Hearst, in nublic utteran.-es had Superior Court opened this morning, m 8tn "V?5" lD?Z ffcud the Senator of relaUon. with Ilcitor Jones Fuller who appears In this city Ouilfnrd tnr IhA Arat tlm. in rha eft-1 Fr6nt si paclty of the State's prosecuting offl- Pr'etprs of which are also making a with Judge Jones on the bench. So- cate that the father is a resident of l?,, !onlTinl this city and Is employed at a leading TAi, "J"-' Frbnt street estabUshment, the pro- DuhIif.9n .lioi.. ;nf,inn. In to-day s statement President cer, received a cordial greeting from JJ? 7 k t T Roowvelt makes another appeal for the members of the bar and other th Lynnhaven Hotel. the n f M Taf declares friends in the- city, , He will Vve a on. of jha targest '"h'- that his defeat would bring "lasting busy week, the docket being especial- Me hostelrles in Norfo a man glv- Batlafactlon t0 out one .teof men r ..- ".V " v"-v."u.. .-. - . "," , . . - lutmeiy, to loose men wno, as snown Jail a waiting trial, to say nothing of registered, cajrrying Jnhta arms m the correspondence published by many that are on bond. The case pre tty flax en -Tii llr ed ba - Tb Mr. Hearst, were behind Mr. Foraker. charging "Vt'llllara !.. McAdoo with asked about the child and the tether tne opponent of Mr, Xaft wlthm h manslaughter in killing Ed Aldred, replied that the mother would be OWQ ftnd .o nJW are hlnd the . term, - as is the case charging I Sydney Pass, colored, with the mur der of a fellow colored workman near Bummerneld on the 12th Inst. Mr. Baxter Shemwell. who figured In a recent sensational encounter with Southern Railway Conductor Smrih- ers, la hee for trial. He la charged with an assault with a weapon. Kev. a. C. Hamby. who recently resigned the pastorate of the Ashe- boro Street Baptist church, will leave this week for Louisville, Ky.. to take an advanced course In theology.- John Mebane, colored, who is want- while on a hunting trip seven or eight there in a few days. The 'I"" Governor Haskell and his associates. montns ago, is set for trial during ' " vlltha opponents of Mr. Taft In the op ...... A - poelte party." arrangea wun one or me n The BUtement embodies a letter ooys to nave a mu r"l'rtJl written by Mr. Taft to a friend in .H ?e7 "trelH.Tt XI? I Ohio. July 20th, 107. in which the child that day. stating that "ha was RepubUoan caldlaate for the prtal. going to the races. dency refused to acquisce In the plan - CHILD LEFT WITH NEGRESS. 0I the Ohio State central committee T-i.im.r" naM hia bill Monday to endorse Mr. Taft for the presidency deadly! morning and disappeared. Mean-J and Mr. Foraker for re-election to the time he had taken tne cnna o " ontw in . aiugia rtiiuiwii. . negro woman's house and made ber a President points out that Mr. Taft's liberal offer to care for the little one, attitude has always been directly op- brlnglng a suit case with a good al- posed to that charged against Senator lowance of clothes for the child. He Foraker by Mr. Hearst regarding the promised to return for the baby Mon- moneyed interest. -iv. .t.tinr that If he was late pnnwNavn.T.n imraiR fiTEn. :..n.SeTly lllYer:Z"t to e !d' .r.U2f The President cite, the Brownsville Z ''" "a I.V-'AV k, . i toP y n'nl n affair as a case where the agitation was carried, to Hlll.boro this morn-f Twhlte man did not return K" f tbjort Mr. . Frank A. Matthews, and well-known citizen, was . VS!sw Thilnstrv "'y1'4 on one, "We IrVhe "on on behalf of colored men at all. cr,tteLwC0".dK .! 1,18 country over to Miss Seeley. matron at the mere Qne e ftf the efrort by . I Mnrai nonce siauun. ...nmon ,iviui a latter pur- AMERICAN APPRAISERS MEET, "lrfin to be from a rnend of the .mii in v.v York statins: that the Results of Importance to American .... 'h , ft wlth ntr was nt his muwHna mx iu.in . " v.... f,at of a iriena whom -w "a Conference Being Held In Tow York "J" t year ago in New Tork; Apiwalsers Addressed bf Assistant hi8 am was Harry Atkinson. Secretary Of the Treasury. I.JV u ,f. d child about six- New Tork. SeDt. 21. Results' of I nnth. am. and that he (the I kn.iiin nt ih. intAraKta - - vvj t. ,i iii ii . .... n ' , . liiuiiiii un ii'd.ih ... - Importance to many American Indus- fren4 from New York) had come to I of the,r epecaj representatives tries are expected to evolve from a Norfolk -with the hope of finding him ,n puDllc llfe at1(j in the press, to th cuuicrenw v l tjuii.ru oitc ... v, n a n mraa weeu iuv,,i .nm n.t n. r ilii, rr.rr . wu mere y era rrom an me seapons oi ni cwun-i f(Jr . hlm The colorea woman the ' natural sequence of their nos- try, which began here to-day. The f k.-.h m th letter to aee some char- l.i.itv t. th measures of the adminis- meetlng will be In progress unUl Sep- j pert6n R0 that a home for her hration for the regulation of great tember 2th, and -during this time - d untii,,. the father was oorporaUons doing an Interstate busl- the various schedules of the great va- V . h woald b, llWsrally ne. and to the attttude of the ad- rlety ef goods imported into this coun- I ministration In consistently prosecut- kg J IfViU tyiCiS't gsa.inj Ta aV kv I - vnen mo wnno .... -" resentatlves of certain law-aerymg an ared Tuesday morning the olored woman corpontatlonB1 to bring discredit upon i J?rl?ken -Prted the CM tow,H.- th acmlnlstratlon." It wtos, he says, n la in thorltles and the child, which Is , , . a nuln, aglta. the reoresentatlves of certain law- defying corporations to bring discredit upon the administration because iti was seeking to cut out the evils con nected not only with the corrupt use of wealth, but especially with the cor rupt alliance between certain business men of large rortunes ana certain politicians of treat influence. The 'REASON FOR ABANDONMENT. -Mr vS, "3 shrhYndftr rather than the LT. X'SU & M fum'ed iSWdK ru.rn,ln .WS' ,l,.don? AaW cnlld by the "PPosed Wilmington the antithesis of the forces that were D 1,0 'jfe ? .Hne flrst fhlng officials "which concern us here. parent l8 that he recently married and responsible for Mr. Foraker. Attempted tS Drove that the high I-1ontr'hb.ft w."1. le'TnNeoXtblec'te AN S not di.muu.in- her here. althouah w.i5 . TAr?! 0Djecled l? r?ommentln further on Mr. Taffa and that to revise or lower the same 'lJZi - Wilmington Btt-SiX'' Mr. " aiKiuiiuf i una marriage. At anv rata. tha K1"""." .: ' ; ;" rii . Array and ., th nuhiln that his attitude hniiM twi Known. im man nuu i. .a C Ll m"Zr.u0t hesttatlriglrJHesits temptation, who It le not known whether "Trr HL -Z . ronsldera- CBIIUVl W " " ' " tlon of personal interests trom imi lowing the course which his lofty con ters." James B. Reynolds. Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury, In an address to-day. said: "All of the signs point to a speedy revision of the tariff. That will mean increased work for you. action of the Salvation other friends who have become in terested here is purely a matter of Humanity, criminal prosecution will result 'or ' not. Either throuarh Norfolk friend. or tne tsaivauon Army here lmme "Each year thS work that you and duti .tew win b. Uke n to nSe ceptton of duty dictate, to tlm, the ur colleague, do put. into Uncle ?Ch dP J ' . olr, h..Pr2 Ld mln whose whole concern 1. for the you Sam's Dockets some $300,000. In all the united states, it costs tne gov ernment but three cents to collect each dollar of this amount me cnua witn a comfortable home " .w. whn has and safe environment. we"i - nr. ti mi of d ifflcult and i"nlerei?..ih.at."Le..W1lm,?- Cf ul DublTc serv'hU exfraordlnary We wish caoacitv as an administrator, is surely every dollar that rightfully belongs 1 1?" XT. .T" "ul," "J1 the man of all other, to be entrusted with the presidency. Mr. ran - can ny more. Tou must neitner ne un- . ""7.-" government to lose Its Just dues. v . nxii rvr-n, m be" impossible of achievement ana pari rours is tne auty oi eniorcing me i n which wouia oe a.Doiui,ijr ....r,- existlng tariff schedules, not to cor- "IZZL . T chlevous to the people of the wnoie rect what you tninK are errors 111 r t"7 ; , . x "ur I count ry If put into eneci. lts paragraphs." C. V. KINO VINDICATED? Twin City Ulrht HeKter Because dldacy Is based upon hU great They Were Delayed in Arriving on , l.tURi aohlevement. his pmg of the night-riding movement in Kortn uarouna and if goes wttnout 1 saying that they are considerably Worried. , 4 BIO CORPORATION AROUSED. The Southern Cotton OH Company , Is one of the largest corporations of the kind in the country. It has more than one hundred ginneries . operating at omerent points through . out the cotton belt, of which seven ere m tha Charlotte district. That thoss at the head of this eornoratlon are determined to take the matter rn hand at once Is shown by the In structions given yesterday to the man ager of the threatened plant. The letter which excited so much talk was , Immediately turned over to the secret -service authorities of tke government and every effort is being made to ' apprehend Its author, ft Requisition will be mad on Washington, if neces sary, for special officers m. .order that o stone -may be left unturned, to S probe the whole matter to .the bottom. J . " Night-riders . have ' appeared - In ueorgia ana otner points tn tne south rlrv whin wtflllnna nt rlnllara virtli - of tobacco was consumed. For months ine papers were -run or me mianignt operations of these unknown despera does. The state of the tobacco In- . dustry in Kentucky to-day is evidence of the thoroughness with which they operated; The price of cotton having - fallen below the minimum, effort was made to duplicate the performance in the cotton trade. More than .one Instance haa been chronicled- where formers utr to Bell their ratlnn fnr less than 10 cents were met by die arulsad oartlea snd ordered haetr - to their homes under thteat of severe penalty la case they refused.' So also with cotton gins. The proprietors of several establishments farther, South ..have been notified to close down pending the return of better prices. These operations hare heretofore been , hundreds of miles away and only a cursory Interest was taken in them. But the outcropping of a similar movement In North Carolina has brought the matter Very close at i home and hence the present alarm, i His can record ..... i ayr,iAv.m.nt. nia rr p. L A coo Ui it of Attending Dance Win- I a m th -nubile. UDon ston-Salem Considerably Stirred KT- ir.fr.ihi anherence to the high- SsV.H I . .- - . . m Ji-JS-? Obrver. Ainfearle..- orHlTAuserTwrNot Appe'n ' If- J1'.7A iZi In relVntlessly warring against evedHeHas SetUedWltHls rXK ffiTrTXcl&S Vjh -Boston. Mass.. Sept Xl.-Cardenlo X" i'f f! ed m in., ...... I. th. i.in. - r v- niMF couniry ior mo S:..f. -..L .rr "J--"-.rJ'r.-w ? college, at ureensboro, because I muntrv to ut such a man at Its . i iininai v.uura, 11 rri sw s.irusa r aiiuu uaii i i a. . - SMAU-JJEEKLNS DEBATE LIELY EET IN PASQUOTANK. .... OoL I. M. Mceklna and Congressman i Small Have Another Joint Discns- lon, Speaking at FJiaabeth City- . air. bmau AssaUs Republlians : for . national . utravaganfe ana- llr. Meekina the Demixxats for State Fxpendltures SinaU's . Courage In Congress Severely Ridiculed Fro- . IU 01 tlon gnestloa Was Launched. Meekins Dcclaies, to Dlmrart At- t tention of Voters Mr. A. P. God win Speaks Also. ' Special to The Observer. ' Elisabeth City. Sept. 21. Pasquo tank voters were to-day treated to a thorougn. discussion of the political Issues of the day. Superior Court convened this mornlrig but held no session, this, morning on account of the speaking. The court house at 2 o clock was packed to its utmost capacity and A. Pilston Godwin, can didate for the State Senate, waa the first speaker. His speech was very rorcerul and convinced hia audience that he was thoroughly conversant with the Issues confronting the first district and the State generally. He pledged his best efforts for the furth erance -of his people's Interests. Mr. Godwin was Senator from this district in the last Legislature and his re election Is assured. SMALL FOLLOW8 GODWIN. The next speaker was that polished and astute Representative In Congress from the first district, John H. Small, who delivered a most powerful and logical argument in behalf of Demo cratic principles. Ur. Small opened his speech by giving his views of the duties of Representatives In Congress, assuring his hearers that he was al ways ready to do their bidding. He said the people make Issues and not the leaders of the parties and quoted the woKds of the Peerless leader, "the people must rule," and said no candidate or leader was any better than the average Individual voter sup porting him. He compared the per sonnel of tha two leading parties In this 6tate and county and left It with his hearers to decide which party de served their support. Mr. Small unmercifully assailed the Republican party for extravagances and laid the blame for the recent panic, effects of which are still felt. at Its door. He said tne government appropriations were not Justly dis tributed over the United States and Supported his statement with convinc ing facts and figures. He declared the Republicans under Roosevelt were In favor of a strong centralized gov ernment and opposed to tha Dem ocratic Idea of State's rights. Mr, Small explained in a comprehensive manner the workings of the protec tive tariff and presented homely II lustrations to drive the truth home He closed his one-hour speech by eulogising Bryan and predicting his election In November, amid cheers from the lsrge audience. TARIFF DEFENDED; SMALL AS SAILED. ' ; ORDERED TO WASHINGTON. --V:V , V-. . Colonel Stewart to be Examined Be - fore a Retiring Hoard as to His Disability. Its Nature and Wlietli ' er Incurred in tne line of Duty ' This Action Outcome of Recent Ex- amination at Fort, Hnachuca, Arts. Washington. Sept.. 21. Col. Wil liam F. Stewart, of the Coast Artil lery, whose, case because of his de tail to the ungarrisoned fort at Sort Grant, Arlx., has been before the pubNc for some time, has been order ed to appear before a retiring board at Washington, where he will be ex amined as to his disability. Its nature and whether it was Incurred In the line of duty. This action by Secretary Wright Is the outcome of the physical examination of Colonel Stewart by a board of officers at Fort Huachuca. Arts., when he appeared recently at that post for the purpose of taking the test rid of 90 miles, directed by President Roosevelt. That board re ported that the colonel was practi cally blind In one eye. and that be cause of this and the additional fact that he had heart trouble, he waa dls BEPUBUCAyS NEED FUKDS THE CAMPAIGN WORK DELATED. 'Jioual Chairman Hitchcock Admit . That Fund Necessary to Defray. Expenses of Speakers Have Not ' Been Forthcoming Caused a De toy in Beginning of Campaign Work In Moot of tbe States dlans tr Effective Campaign Work During Month Of October Time - So lar Devoted to Adjusting; Factional Differences Senator Crane -Iseue fftatement Regarding ID Visit to -' Western Headquarters. .. . ; Chicago, Sept .Ji That the funds necessary to defray th . expenses of a long, vigorous speaking campaign have not been forthcoming was frank ly admitted to-day y Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock, of the pub lican national committee. '-. The state ment was made in explanation of the delays that have attended the , be ginning of the campaign work Inmost of the States. .':-i?-- "I have noapologies o RiakeTYn said. "We knew lona- ao that 'we couia not U'UUta an, r 1 1 n i . . ,.i t rW ' abled for military service. Privilege that reason we decided that the pro p- ! . " " ".. rr ming to ao was to get the States Stewart the examining board In Its i shape for an effective campaign report declaring that to do so would for the last month uraeedin. aiae. endanger his life. Brigadier General I tlon. To that end I have devoted W. P. Hall is president of the examln- most of my time to the adjustment lng and retiring board at Washington of factional differences In a large, which will take up the case. Its number of States where the Repub- : functions wilkbe to ascertain formal- lican were not pulling together." Iy the facts and report them to the j Chairman Hitchcock expressed the Secretary of War for his use and that opinion that If an active campaign : of the President. oulu be carried on for thirty days- Colonel Stewart's "exile" to Fort that Is for the month of October tha Grant dates back a year. Before being Republican national ticket will be sent there, however, he was given an successful In all of the normally Re- opportunity while at Fort Barrancas, ! publican States and In most of ' the ' States that have been, out In the doubtful column by conservative poll-, tlcianr. . "That was the theory when our plans wero outlined .at conferences Criminal Court here to-day aUhough he wfBV.dhem idmlssion to thVin- hiad" his case was set tor trial mis morn. .tttutlon to-dav. a dance a-i van tn I nan on th!r? ? Coui I?' Mr Kin, the,r nonor oun men Friday 060.? h,.rtjr:on. "'..,-51l',K!niL' night figures In the case. President now. out on oaii, n kuicu vreiuj nvm.t ..v th.v w.m t.r I . . ... . , The 7 7, - , . Tw .. ituxcn ing Jay on in own;, wiwiw PRICES PLUNGE DOWNWARD. they declare he flaunted the newspa per clipping reporting It when he is sued orders for their return home. Several young ladles from other towns arriving at the Normal jo-aay met which Knded in Demoralised Sell lng; Rcxult of Sharp Break on ' Saturday. New "fork. Sept. 21. Declines of t to I points in the prices of most riving at me nurmm 4u-uajr me i - - . - .. -toeka war. the net re si ml la r fate, among them being the "l.ck TL J. i .nf ..ITv with his creditors... it Is said, district attorney's office Is non-committal but states that another con ference with Mr. King's attorneys and Judge Pierce will be necessitated by the failure of the ease to come up to-day. There are court officials who think the King case will never come to ugnier or a mgn mat omcuii. ine h to-day which ended In dp trial. Although the financier wa. ft re ,elllnt, x pJunge of pr,oe, ready to meet his accuser fac to to, the dieclpllns but resent the . meth- aowBward at the openJn. cam, M tn. face to-day. tns raiiure or any or tnem . ; to show up in court is taken as -an Over long-dlsUnce telephone Pres- that Ur. ,Khir ha. haen I Ident FOUSt told One Of th girl S Vln1leatl. Meanwhile Mr. Kin la I father that a Stat school had U much I tha nowerful ranl- the hardest-worked man In Boston, right to Insist on a definite reglstra- UUata ,upp0sed to be Interested-In In his old : headquarters furnished J tlon day as to requlr a voter t0jth6 , speculative poaltlon brought with less elaboration out peopiea py 1 register on " "" mnr. 4 mi ttvnrthv mnlrivM. h in r-1 ft French scholar. calls President w aw m r - . m. a tillllllB ID V ' gaining -his old prestige and manjr, Foust . King Louis. ana suggests me day period. Apparently advantage New England customers- have forgot- motto "Letat. C'est mol. waa ta.aen of this restored level to tea the -doubtful past and are flocking Winston-Salem baa a large "P1"- unload stocks with even greater pre- to blm. : His light - Is considered re- sentatton at , tha i Normal. Tnos cipiUncy from the start. In th final markable and it has Impressed the suffering President Fousts dlspleas- hour lonf. atrlnic. of transactions In publlr and driven his accusers to the ur are old and popular pupils. Two MVeraj thousand-share blocks were deep woods., i ; - of them will aet return under any eon- rw.ordad-in the Harriman and Hill dltions. their parents say. . rnai atocks. Reading and St. rauu Tn natural consequence of the sharp break on Saturday, which brought In scattered outside liquidation. Bank that the guilty parties will be pro. P"--, told tbem "Vlctte? ! market looked m. .though som Im- cuted to the limit him altar getting borne. FARMERS' - UNION NOT IMPLI- umerm MUlM RAID. J nortant aneeulatlv Interest had been caught In an uncomfortable position and was obliged to sacrifice holdings . l .... Mr n. i. h.inr It is not believed that the Farmers' I Men .Arrested at Newbern "Fori Tnmnra era current of a renewed Union or the Southern Cotton Assocla-I ttni Tbrerimr Elsrhfeen Warrant I .t.-v n wt mads by the govern- tlon has any thin r to do with this I iA and i-ivideiice Worked Cn I at and ard OH and reports of Barmy ooraonnrmon. o organua-I ww twecuvea. " ." -.' -' Ian unfavorable turn in in teei ana tlon designed to UDlift and nromote f n , n.. A - lt - inr,n- I..H.I also were rife. - Th th cause of the farmers could father kT, hTT tt a. h. Tuidnsatlon caused by th exposures of or : mn - a-la ! . n.ni.. .....i I Nawbern. SeDt xl. As the result I (i -.ikl. l In. ' mi. uiui ucr auu uu iiae. i am i '"r". ' -" . . Z Lin I In nubile life was. reared as tnreaieo- suuatton.is. one. tht, preeenU many were arresiea ana Ju- "r I r t0 sUmulate a revival of hos perplexlng features. " In . the main was englneefed brRv. '-'W. Ham w i ,uu Oona. A subsidence it l. hardir bellareabia tnat I Daator of the Tabernacle Baptist I . lA. ,YLt7 , kl. ...hi ... or company of men would undertake church, and began at midnight. j factor In the active to set fire to and 'burn on mmhu I Eiahteen warranu were Issued, but I ?",".ri ,. . .iM i. ..vti Tha man s property simply because the thus far only ten of th men have '" f renewed activity of this price; of th staple received on the been cauglit. ; , - ' " - agitation came, therefore, on a weak open market was pot ; what some The preliminary, trial was tn occur B" uiatlT position. - . aeemea tnat it snouia d. . . I a noon to-oajr ana av who erowa a-i - Nothing can. be given as to thelsembled In the - court B0. Vt nammW Slipped and Negro Is Shot Shelby affair ether than what has al-1 Justices Mines and Harrington finally fm7l Wftbserver , rmmAv hMi .hrnnlM.H ,.ntMl . . I A iimIiuiiw tha. trial nntil HpeClal lO Tn luarrrrr. . - service agents and detectives hava I Tueeday at t o'clock, fixing ball at I Oaffney. 8. C Sept. n. Mr. Ralph commenced, their work. Washington I $1,0 ,ch. Only one man was j Gaston, ths ticket agent of the Southern. was comwsunicatea wita yesterday and I ble to rutnisn tn Dona requirea ana i wpu cngara m """v . the hivestigatkm will begin without I there are rlK :n Jaif to-night. . I Saturday night let the hammer slip. delay. It is enough to say that I The evidence It very strong against I shooting a negro through the muscles of Nothing -will- be -left, undone to ap-.the authorities are- aroused and that I the mi and has been worked up by I his arm. Th wound was st once dress, prehead those who are behind th I nothing of tlm or money will be neg- I two detectives, who havs spent three led by a physictan and the negro win movement and it oew without saying lected to clear up th mattes, 'weeks here. , - 'probably be all right la a liv days. ' would mean the destruction of all le gitimate manufacturing Interests, Fur thermore he said ' the farmers could not get 40 cents for chickens and 25 cents a dosen for eggs under a low tariff. He compared the present pan ic with the panic -of 1904. saying that the former panic was due to the low tariff and thai the present panic was due to the money kings of Wall street. He criticised severely and ridiculed Mr. Small' a course In Con gress, particularly his efforts In be half of the inland waterway, the Southern Railway, etc. Mr. Meelctns said a Republican Representative could accomplish something In th national House. He claimed that the Republicans in ltd Instituted1 the first free public school: said the Su preme Court of North Carolina found the Legislature's and Judge Long's ac tions regarding passenger rates un constitutional and Glenn had to Issue a hurry call to repeal the act. He shouted with great oratorlal gusto that Glenn's administration was a to tal failure and In order to distract the attention of the voters the State prohibition lisu.e was launched. He acoused tho Democratic administra tion as extravagance for having In creased the number of State officers and salaries. Mr. Meeklns closed his great ora torlal effort by calling down the stars, moon, etc.. to witness the great deeds accomplished by the Repub licans during 'Roosevelt's regime and urged- hi hearers to cast their bal lot for "that great and Illustrious patriot, William Howard Taft." CLCB FORMKD IN WAYNE. Mr. n. A. Grady Dlsrnsees the Issue at Colds boro -CI u b Membership over live jHunarea. Special, to The Observer. Ooldsboro, Sept. 11. To-night at I o'clock a Jarg body of enthusias tic citlsens of Ooldsboro met in the court bouse for th purpose of or ganiilng a Bryan-Kltcbln Club. FIv hundred and eight of Wayrre'e loyal Democrat Joined. Mr. W. D. Creech waa elected president and Ourney B. Hood, secretary. Ths secretary was Instructed to re quest each township of th county to elect a vice president. After the organization of the club Mr. Hood, m an enthusiastic, and elo quent speech. Introduced the speaker of the evening.' Mr. Henry A. Oradr. of Clln&on. Mr. Orady for an hour discussed the national and Stat is sue of th campaign in a clear logi cal manner, giving special attention to th conditions la Sampson, county unner ropuiist-KepuDiicaa misrule. Th club adjourned to jneet again next Friday night, when Mr. W. c Newtand will speak her. Th De mocracy of -Wayne county I In ear nest and good Wg majority for Bry an and Kltchin In November Is as sured. ; at , . . Fla.. to retire, but to this offer Col onel Stewsrt replied: f appointed brigadier general. will retire: If not will remain on dutv." The War Department's Intentions which I haa with tne party leaaera regarding Colonel Stewart at the at Colorado Springs, Chicago, Boston time were to send him to Fort Grant, and other places," said Mr. Hitch without command, until he reached cock. "It costs a great deal off the minimum age of 2 permitting of money to keep a large speaking force his compulsory retirement by the going, ann even u i nau inougoi it - President unless In the meantime h necessary I would not have Been am should voluntarily retire, after 40 to start the paid men Derore octODer years' ervlce. When Information was l- But 1 have not thought it ' sought at the War Department as to ary. and ail of the leaaera of the ; the basis for such action, the onlv Ply with whom I have conferred, comment forthcoming was that Col- agreed with me. , , - - onel Stewart waa "temDeramentallv benator Cran?. of Massachusetts, t ImpoHslhle." Colonel Stewart. It had to-tlay made a statement fhWlj - been asserted, was unfit for command-Vc1"""' . v,. Ing a body of men and' did not get along well with subordinates. 1 Last April the friends of Colonel Stewart obtained an order directing him to take up his residence at the abandoned St. Francis barracks, St. Augustine', Fla., for tha tlm expected to serve three year or more on thn active list, but two weeks later the . order to this effect was countermand ed by the President. th widely nubllvhed story that his visit to West ern headquarter of the Republican national committee presages a ror-, ganlzatlon and the subordination ot Chairman Hitchcock's authority to that of other Republican leaders. It follows: - - "I came here at the especial re quest of Chairman Hitchcock with, whom 1 am. as a momber of the advis ory committee, associated, and w he wished to consult with me regarding . Last spring th esse of Colonel ,. an,nin. Mr. Taft. whom I Stewart was discussed with much tK(ntly met at Cincinnati, expressed warmth In the Senate. On two oc- hlmaelf as belns thoroughly satis- csslons Senator Rayner, of Maryland, criticised ths President for what he termed "his petty attitude" toward! Colonel Stewart. SEVEN PEOPLE POISONED. Gsffney dtisene' Uvea Endangered ny Fauna Peaclie and Cream, Rut No rata lit lew Result. Special to The Observer. Oaffney, 8. C, Sept 21. The Ob server correspondent has Just hesrd of a serious case of ptomaine poison ing which occurred In this city yesterday afternoon at the residence of G. W. Speer, Esq., caused by eat ing Ice cream and canned peaches. Those who were poisoned were -Mr. and Mrs. Speer, Mrs. W. C. McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gray and two small children of Mr. Boyd Sarratt. They deceived prompt medical at tention and all are doing fairly well. MORE APPOINTMENTS. Mresra. Pom and McCuia to Speak tn mat nam. . Obeeerver Bureau. . Th , Hollemao Building. -x :. Raleigh. Sept. SI. Ex-Oevernor Ay cock, at Governor Glenn's special request, fills the let ter's political ; speaking appointment at Troy. Chairman Jameg Richard Tonng. of th Democratic commute. of this district, announces that Congressman Pon and Elector McCotn will speak atfth following named place In Chatham: . Harper. Cross Roads. September ZHth; Slier City, that night; Silk Hope. 29th: Merry Oaks, 30th; also In Franklin county. YoungsvUIe, October 1st. afternoon; Loulsburg. 2d, at night. Chairman Toung In vite Willis (. Brlggs and Frank D. Jones. Republican nominees to meet Pou and McColn at these points. Mr. Murphy Speaks In Lenoir. Special to The Observer. Klnston. Sept. 21. Mr. Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, Democratic nominne for prealdenUa) elector-at- After large, addressed a very large assem blage of ladles and gentlemen at the court house to-night. The speech was very much enjoyed and his dis cussion or educational issues was forceful and masterly. Mr. Murnhy is a fine speaker. He was Introduced by Mr. Plato Collins In a happy man ner. Messrs. Murphy snd Collin were college mates. This Is Mr. Mur phy's third speech In Lenoir county during this campaign. H spoke Sat urday at LaGrange and at Sandy Hottom to-day. Mr. E. It. wooten, Lenoir county's next Representative, was with him at Sandy Bottom. At ths latter plac they addressed a large gathering of farming people and the apeechea were well received. Mr. Newland Speak at Roxboro. . Special t The Observer. Roxboro, Sept. 21. Mr. W. C. Newland, Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor, - addressed a large and enthusiastic audience ber to-day and made a magnificent speech to a large crowd, that was well re. ceived. Th Democratic county con vention was field and nominated Mr. J. A.' Long for the fourth time for th Senate and Capt. John S, Coleman for the House, both ex-Confederate sol diers. Col. John 8. Cunlngham, chairman of the Democratic execu tive commute, moved to organise a Bryan-Kltchla-Brook Club and mad a strong speech for party ' aarmony. Th club was organised with over on hundred member, and MaJ. J. T, Yancey, -upon motion of Colonel Cun lngham. was elected president. Ring Doeent Like Davidson Ticket. Special t Th Observer. .-. Lexington. Sept. 21. The RepubU-l can executive committee of Davidson : county was In session here all this. afternoon and It waa generally report ed that the committee waa consid ering many changes In the ticket named Saturday. This, however, waa denied by the chairman to-night, but be did aot state what waa considered. Ex-State Senator P. C. Thomas, of Thomssvllle. tformed the committee that If 8. W. Wall, who .waa nominat ed Saturday for the Senate, ' waa not taken down and he (Thomas) named Instead he would some out Independ ent as a "wet" candidate. It Is said that some of the ring Republicans are not entirely pleased with th result ef Saturday's convention. . - . : ' l - . -. . : . . ; - Bed with Chairman Hitchcock's man- agement of th campaign. AFTER PACIFIC STATES. Chairman Mat' k Plans For IUg Fight In tho Far West Encouraging He ports Received. i ' New York, Sept. 21 Norman E. , Mack, chairman of the Democratln national committee, is planning to force the fighting in th Paclno State and during the month of October speakers of national prominence will be sent West to aid In swinging all debatable States Into line for the. Democrats. Mr. Mack said to-night that the reports received from Cell- fornla, Oregon, Montana and Colo rado were of such character as ta , i jt tn tha hallaf that With a. strong effort they would be captured for Bryan and Kern m "1 regard tn miaaie oiaiw, Chairman Kern to-nignt, ' saii Democratic and all our efforts noyr , will be to hold our advantage, which. will be mane easier Dy tne row w . the Republicans. The national com mittee Is receiving glowing report from the Pacific coast and w will make added efforts to bring Call- , forula. Oregon and other States Inta line. I am going west soon -likely meet th national committee men of fh Paclflo Btate om ttms In October In some city f West, and I may make a flying trip through all the debatable States." SHOT AND KILLED BY SHERIFF. nin. siuit and Serlonely Wounded torgta "ITa.SES. and Kills Negro W hom He Attempt- ed to Arrest xr Murnor. Fort Gaines, Oa., Sept. 21. Sheriff W W. Beard, of Clay county, was) shot five times here this moraine by , George Thomas, the negro alleged to have murdered th Blu boys about ten days ago. and Thomas In, turn was shot and killed by the hrlff. Sheriff Beard met Thomas - on th street and ordered him to halt. Thomas opened nr and wound Beard flv time befor h could drave hi pistol. Beard finally got hi pis tol out and shot Thomaa dead. Sheriff. Beard condition is reported to ba ''Three other negroes. Essl Coleman. Alma Johnson and Savannah Woods, th woman who house Is near tha seen of th tragedy, are confined la the county Jail as accessories. ; ' , Th only evidence against Essta Coleman and Alma Johnson is that they were with George Thomas on the night of the murder. Coleman t tava been drunk and re members nothing. Johnson is unable to give an account of nerseu. ARRESTED FOR FRAUD. Tltnnias C. Duncan. Sou of the Late Bishop Duncan, CDargea nun ub. tain lag SS.OOO From t nlou, S. 'Bank by MlsrepresentaUoa. Union. 8. C Sept. U. Thomas C Duncan was arrested ber to-day charged with obtaining . money by miareprerentation to tne amount ot about tl.000. The charge was made; by the receiver of th people' Banc. of this xtty, which several months ago went Into voluntary uquiaauon. and relates- to certain checkss ana draft an tha Bank of Spring City, Tenn paid by the People's Bank, but turned down by the Spring City bank as Duncan had no funds on deposit. He was released en bond. , a.: Duncan 1 the son of the UteBwhp Duncan. - r President Returns to Washington To- .. . . . . . -:.-4 Day. c-.,'r. -. . : . Oyster Bay. N. T Sept. i Pre:-. dent Koosevelt te-morrow morn- f will end his vacation and with h.a family and executive staff will i.mv for Washington. No formal fare -i : has been prepared by the resident Oyster Bay. but practically evfry , In town will be at the ra!I -v f . . Hon to say farewell to the dent t