10 CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTEMBER 22, 1908. Financial and Commercial i ' " 1 " 1 - sssssassa I COTTON MARKET. New Tsr Sept- $L-Reperts el -hut down b Lancashire mill cud quite a sharp rk In the cotten market to day with the close steady at a net de cline of Potato. Sale were esti mated at 1,000 bales. The market open- ad (toady at a decline onw pi la rospoDM to the cables and during the morning told B to a net loss of to II points under- liquidation. South rn and . ' . i v -lira iortica selling- ana ww w -- Private eebles aaM that. 73 per cent, of the Lancashira mills had not opened thta morning, owing to labor irouotes n ' that tho duration ol the ahut down waa unoertala. But atter the early break, sell tni on this development became more cautious and it waa pointed out that there might possibly ba a settiemeni ai j . time, and after midday the market ral lied alightly from the lowest on covering and ft little scattered buying- on the re action theory. The close was about 4 to a nMnt tin from the bottom. At the low tH market wss about S4 to Zl points under the high level of last week. There waa nothing In the weatner news w m. the bearish Influence of the Lao eaahlre altuaUon. the effect ol which upon domestic splnaera and Interior spot hold art la now being awaited. Southern spot markets officially reported to-day were ' generally H to cent lower, and some thought that pan 01 me scums With (Southern connection represented hedging ol spot supplies or prospective Receipts at the ports to-day 41.U against .S last week and 31.753 lt year. For the week Z70.0TO against 113. SQ last week and 21.;;12 last year. To day's receipts at New Orleans 4.05. against J.CO last year and at Houston 11,301 against T.S75 last year. : STOCK MARKET. New Tork. Sept ll.-With active sell ing of stocks and scute weakness car ried up to the very close of last week, it was a matter of course that outside sell lag orders should be in considerable vol ume when operations began at the ex change to-dsy. Urgent calls for addi tional margins went out to customers at the elose of Ust week, and failure to respond to these was followed by selling ut Of account!. The opening decline In yriees also broke through the limits of additional stop lors orders snd precipitat ed fresh liquidation on the market from this cause. T'.e tak of mir-portlng" tho market, therefore, rroved difficult, and It waa some time in fact before the sup port became effective. It was hut tem porarily so and the closing tone s demoralised with speculative liquidation on an enormous scale. Reports were cur rent In the financial district of plans for renewed sttack on ths Standard Oil or ganisation irom government sources. Tl e .... at was felt. woulJ be to Invlt. renewed hostility to corpora tlm. 1 Cral and to the Standard oil Company in particular and to shape the poUtfcel Vimpalgn more definitely in t hat direction. One of the strong factors In the late speculate for the rise in the stock msrket has been an assumption mm . tatlon through the country n was losing Its force and Its venom, i nw .nlaode of the publication of the Arcn- kni.F-oraker eorrcsismdence has causeo ,m revision o( thlr view in uie " . Ai.iriri- finillar process of re- r earlier vi-ws of the business .nA. rlace as an Influence on the reaotlonsry tone hered Cofree Pady; Rl0 No. 1fVtk. Santo. No. market. A feeling ct 'lne;h 4. 3: mild dull; Cordova 9 to 12H. Ku- ferco and the downward plunge at ine u)chanie( to j polntl, iower. end of the day wss the consequence. Hutter rrprular; receipts 4.W; cream From 1 to $ points measures the range t ,ry mpfCtK ;4 to 24H; extras 23H to 23'i; t the day's losses, and in the Harrlmans , ,Plrrt to firt 18 Ao 22'4; Htate dairy com urn. Hi Paul and Reading the dam- j inn to finest 18 to 2?H. and Hills, Ht. "ut ann " " Cheese steady; receipts 7.111; full cream age runs from 3 to 4 po nt. ar' state 12 to 14. Bonds were weaa. - , IT. 8. bonds utc unctiangen "n Total salts f-tocks to-day l.l(fl.M shares. including: Copper ;.: fmeiuns i".-"-. Sugar 2 ; lb:i-ro W: Coast Line ,W c & o. aw; St. '"' -vu- Krl" M-,(; Uraat Northern fM- N i-(M: K. . W. l.0: Itcaulng -.'l.TlKi; Northern 3S.0U0: Niitii.uHl Lead ill.lMi; Kloss TV.; bouthern Pacitlr TT.smft; rtouthern Kwy liW- pfJ Sou- r.ilon I'scitlc 4.'l.i; Sieel , K.9: Carollp'a Chemical '.-OO; Pld. 1"0. j Baltimore. Sept. :l.-Sea board common and preferred, nothing doing. New Tork. Sept. :i -Mobile t Ohio 4s U bid. Hubbard Bros. (''" Cotton letter. Special to The Observer. New York. Sept 21. A lockout In Lancashire has followed the refusal of card room operatives to MiUmit to a reduction of 0 pjer cent, in their wage. Several cablegram sum- umi tits strike or lockout is imriy io ion- ; tinue long, as punnc opinion in '''"-Considerable selling for short Interests 79 per cent, of mills are cl"";i c ! aH ,,,.,, ,iy ,ie rMllro troubles, do not believe the lockout v, II Wph1 ,lf.r ,, .,,im w,ro not K(oll tmt tlnuo long, as publlo JP'""'" ; wrrH ,,, paM ,,.,, Ucntlon. The close SlltlS" ';- ! to 20 PKdnt der KlfJ ZV?;Xl"W g- bids: September ,90 Oi,o,er J mkr over such a small mutter : K"J' timber Jun thls. Our local traders appear to luary 8.63;' February 9.65; March 8 69. have taken this view as they have i bought freely the cotton sold here by j Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, believing the worst of the Liverpool. Sept. 21. -Closing cotton: news Is known and that tin re will ! '.slM.t dull: prices 14 points lower: Ameil- S recovery anroan to-mono, h' - cetots continue heavy, tint tin. price Is regards as fairly low s.. they huv bought freely. Liverpool houltf bo 3 to 4 points higher to-morrow. New York Cattle. Nw York. Sept. 21.--Beeves, receipts 4.U6; steers 14 to 16 25. bulls 12 W to 13.90; sows ll.S) to 13.50. Calves, receipts Veals tit to $9.iu; culls 14 to W .50; buttermilks and grasxers CIO to 12.60; Western calves t..17 to W.W; drsssril calves firm; city dressed veals &S ts 13; country dressed 8 to 12c; dress ed grsasers and buttermilks 6 to Sc. Snoop and lambs, receipts 16.972. Sheep VIM to 4; culls IL60 to J;' lambs 14.50 to K.w: colls tS-st to 14. Hogs, receipts U.O10. Market easier at n t r-. i ' Chicago Cattle. Chicago. Sept. 21.-attle, receipts 20. (09. - steady. Steers $l.0 to 17-70: eows S2.S to K.2S; heifers ti to 11.25; bulls li.&O to tUs; ealres UM Ut IS. 25; Blockers and feeders CM to K40. Hogs, receipts 19,900, firm; choice heavy PJS to I7.4S; butchers X1M to 17.40; light ' raised SI.99 to I7.U: citotcs light 97.20 to rJO; rough 15.75 to K.St pigs 13.75 to 16.25; tralk mt sales KJS to 17 15- Shaep. receipts .. stesdy to mc. lower. Sheep IX7J to H7i; yearlings ll to 94.7J; Umbs UM to 96. V ' Dry Goods Bkrket. Kew York, Sept 21.-Mai -orders for try coods were ery imuU factory to-4ar. Dress goods for spot delivery were in de mand. Cotton yarns ar held a little higher la some houses. . Trade for the day was generally quiet , Cettow Seed OS. ' ' New Tork. Bept. 2XCotton seed oil was easy early, but steadied later on light efferlnss and commission house koytng. Prime crude 31; do. summer yel- low w to w. o Co. x' te 40; good do. 17 to SJ: prime wblM.42 to 4i; prime winter y How 44 to W. a - ' : DftQy Cotton Market'' .- New Tork. Sept. -2L Galveston, : tone I steady; middling H: net rcoeipta M.fSS; j gross receipts 16.1S6; sales 00; stock -117. tl7l Gt Britain 1LS95; continent - 14.838; I coastwise 4.15L .- , ; . . I New. Orleans, ton steady; middling f 1-H; net receipts 4,057; gross receipts, 4.067 sales tZ75; stock J0.3S0. . -, ' Mobile, ton steady; middling 9; net re ceipts 135!; gross receipts 1.862; sales, S00 Stock 17.2S4.. . i . Savannah, tons quiet; middling f 15-16 net receipts 9.S67; . gross receipts 1,367 sales 4,150; stock 32,880; continent 3,206 coastwise 4,340. . Charleston, tone steady; middling f net receipts 5.888; gross receipts 3,883 sales 300; stock 1S.3B4; coastwise 1,1150. Wilmington. tone quiet; middling 3 15-1 ; net receipts 4.161; gross receipts 4.151; stock 18,617. ..-. Norfolk, tone quiet; middling tSii net receipts 2,484; gross receipts 2,494; sales 77: stock 8.571; coastwise 46& Baltimore, tone nominal; middling ; cross receipts 469: stock 2.lt4. New York, tone quiet; middling .; gross receipts 9.979; sales 46; stock Yl.ir; continent 3. Boston, tone quiet; middling 9.40; gross recelnts 3,200. Philadelphia, tone easy; middling 9.(3; stock 220: Gt. Britain 100. Jacksonville, net receipts 206; gross re ceipts 205. Brunswick, stock 4,110. Total to-day. at all ports, net 41.891; fit. Britain 11.690; continent 16,606; stock 332.499. Consolidated, at all porta, net 79,443; Gt. Britain 11.795; continent 17.677. Total since September 1st. at all ports. net 477.471; Gt. Britain 56,114; France 11,- 681; continent 129,842; Japan 250. INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston, tone steady; middling 9: not receipts 18.203; gross receipts 18,203; ship ments 16.883: sales 2.673; stock 48,387. Augusta, tone quiet; middling 15-1; net receipts 8.623; gross receipts 3.928; shipments 1.730; sales 900; stocks 20.112. Memphis, tone steady; middling !; net receipts 2.H04; gross receipts 2.W1; ship ments 1.041; sales 62; stock 19.0S5. St. Louis, tone dull; middling 94: Kross recoiptsU'O; shipments 225; stock 8,47. Cincinnati, net receipts 300; gloss re ceipts 3f; shipments S3; stock 10.W. IjouiKvllle-. tone firm; middling Kittle Rock, tone dull: middling 8T". not receipts 789: gross receipts 769; ship ments 112; stock 3,624. Total to-day, net receipts 23,499: gross receipts 26.181; shipments 20,044; sales 3,625; stock 110.278. New York Produce. New York. Sept. SI. -Flour steady wltti a tslr scattered trade. Rye flour steady. (Virn meal steady. Hyn dull. Harley quiet. Wheat easy; No. 5 red 107' to 1081. elevntnr. Options Sic. net lower; Sept. uli Tl... 1iQlZ Mov IfiT. Corn easv; No. 2. 87 nominal elevator. Options net lower; Kept. 88. I (lata stealy; mlseu si Iteer steady. Cu mpHi. ,ea(Jy, . r(i Rml r, Talow teady. RoKin ,let Turpentine quiet, 39. HlrK gtl.ftdy Molasses quiet .sugar, raw steady; fair refining 33.46 to $3.50; centrifugal 96 test 3395 to 4; mo . r-..-,nt. 10.246: State. Penn- i f.vlvanla and nearly fancy 26 to 02r. I'ratiutR easy; fancy hannplcKea lo '; ot)ff. domMtl. 2 to t I-'relghts lo Liverpool quiet: cotton by steam inc.; grain by steam IVjd. potatoes eak; Maine per hug $1.90 to $1.9'); Htate por I8D pounds J.' to $.'.1;'; l.oii lohind per barrel 2.ffi to $.50; Jer mi 1150 to '.'; Kastem shore sweets per barrel II to fl !!6; Jersey 11.75 to $2.!S. Cabh((o steady: Htute pT ton life to tX; flat Imtoh per 100 $1 to W; red per barrel II to H a",. Orleans Cotton. New Orleans. Sept. 21. "'it ton : Spots were steady and'. ', lower. Middling !) 1-16. Apprehension over the labor situ- i atlon In I jincaHliIre and bud weather, j whlrh kept buyers out of the market. on used the deellne in prices; sales were 1. ''.') talcs on the spot and 1.050 to ar- ; rive . 1 Kill ores o(erieil ntcudy at a deellne with prices 1.1 to 15 Mlnts under Saturday's close. Hie Iiic.ihIiIio labor siluullon was the dominating factor of the day. forcing prices below the opening level I (or hwHen amounting to about II per bale. i,,,,, middling rnir !.: gooa miannng o.iii; middling 5 31: low middling 5 07; good or dinary 4.47; ordinary 4.07. The sales of (lie day were S.OT'O bales, of which 3n0 were for speculation and export and In- eluded 4.70O American. Receipts 13,000, In- eluding 12.SO0 American. Futures opened easier and closed steady September '.. Mepteuibei-October ... October-November November-December.. . December-Jan ua ry January-February , February-March March-April April-May.: Mar-June June-July July-August 4 90 4 75 4 70 4."S 4.06 4.60 4.68 4.K9 4.70 4.71 4.71 4.71 Baltimore Produce. Baltimore. Sept 21. Flour firmer; win ter patent $4.80 to $4.95; spring patent 13.75 to 96. Wheat unset tied; spot contract 103 to 103: spot 2 red Western 10b to 105; Southern, on grade 100 to 103. Corn (inlet; Southern white St. Oats quiet; No. 3 mixed Sl to 52 Kye firmer; No. 2 Western export 8 to 83. Butler quiet; fancy Imitation 20 to 21; da. creamery 25 to 25; do. lad! 20; store packed 16. Kggs quiet, 23 to 24. Cheese firm; new large 13; new flats 13: do. small 13. . Sugar unchanged. 95.20, - The Money Market. New York, Sept. a. Money . on coll easy. 1 to 1 per cent; ruling rate 1; closing Ud J; offered 1. -:. ... ; . Time loans quiet snd steady, days 2. 99 days I;, six months 3 per cent Prims mercantile paper 4 to 4 per seat: sterling exchange steadier with ac tual business In hankers' hills at 486 to 4X5 10 for 0-dsy blUa and at 4M.lt for de. mand. Commercial bills 4X4 Is 4M. Bar silver 2- Mexican dollars 4t Oov iemment bonds steady; raUroad bonds! weak. . 10,000 SPINDLE MILL With 250 You can secure any part of the Machinery in this -iv;.j:j,jnUl, .which - we are disposing of very rapidly. It is in splendid condition, e 4 1 A fine chance, for those who ate balancing' their equipment, , while business is temporarily quiet. It Will Pay You to Investigate. ; ? , CREEIVSB0R0 SUPPLY, CO. GREENSBORO, iV. G. . . CARDS aL SPINKIK6 " PBAWIW l FRAMES MACHINE WORKS COTTON TAUNTON, COMBERS MAH- MULES LAP MACHINES LOOKS SOUTHERN OFFICE AT CHARLOTTE Et)WIN HOWARD, AQSNT. Electrical DOUBLEDAY-HILL ELECTRIC CO. PITTSBIKO, 1A. Manufau-turrrs lDoubleday-hill; ELECTRIC CO. ARC LAMrS wan INCANDKSCENT LAMPS DYNAMOS AND MOTORS SWITCHBOARDS A large Stock Is Now Carried In Charlotte, N. C, For tlie Accommodation of Our Southern Trade. Charlotte Cotton Those prtcss represent figures paid ta Iwagons September :1st: r,rt mirt.llln 1 Strict middling 74 Middling i Charlotte Produce. (Corrected by R. H. Field & Co.) Butter 101I Chickens Spring VQ Duoks 20 Eggs 20923 Oeese per head 401 50 liens per head M03S Turkeys per pound 13 U Charlotte Grain. (Corrected dally by Coclirana-McLaugh lln Co.) Rye H Corn Cotton 8ecd Oats Meal Seed Cotton Seed Meal... 1.0t 21 a Zt Chicago Cralii and Provisions. Chicago, Sept. 21. Evidence of accu mulating stocks was too much for the wheat market to-day and an early ad vance for which there seemed no legiti mate reason, was more than lost, De cember closing lc. under Saturday. Corn x Imped nearly 2 cents, while oats and provisions receded less violently. WHEAT- High. Low. Close. Sept 101 9! 99 Dec 102 ltX4 WH Muy 105 lOCIi 103 103'i 7ii4 61' 8 00 1.V37 13.60 16.92 10.35 10.35 9.95 9.96 8Ki COKN Sept... lHc... May... 77 66i 65 49 49 61 13.37 15.90 17.20 10.37 10.40 10.07 10.07 9.00 76 64 61 4S 4S M 1S.37 15.47 16.95 10.33 10.37 9.92 9.96 8.S7 OATS Sept ... Dec... May.. . PORK Sept... Oct... . Jan... . LAKD- Sept ... Oct... . Jan... . HIUS- Oct... Jan... . KMIinatca. To- Last morrow. Year. . 6.00O-7.5OO 25.000-27.000 30,000-30.000 . New Orleans.. j Houston itialveston Comparative Port Receipts. To- Iast I day lear i Galveston 18.186 .New Orleans 3.962 I Mobile 1822 j Savannah 9.957 i Charleston 2.RK9 Norfolk.. 2.M 1 Total (eat.) 40.000 31.73; INTERIOR RECEIPTS. To- Ist day TesH Memphis 3 l Houston ' ... ... ... .A. Naval Store. Charleston. 8. C. Sept. 21 Turpentine Steady at SSc. . Itosln "teady. Qtiote: A B C M2 40; D 12.40 to I2.4B; K I2.W to 92.02: K 92.SO to 2.2: II 93 25; I t3.4; K 94 46; M $(&; N 5 40; W O 95.90; W W 98.16. Savannah, On., Sept SI. Turpentine, 35; sales 1,2m ; receipts teo; shlptnerus liosln Srm: sales !W: receipts ISflB: shipments stock m.t Quote: A B t" 92.MI to 92 ; I 92.95: trt5 to 922: K 92.75: O 92.77 to 9? SO; II 83.39; I 91.55; K 94.55; U 94.16; N 95 ; W U $C; W W , . ; ' " rrew Orlesna. Sept. 81. Receipts 179 barrels rosin, M barrels turpentine. K a ports for llavaua, MMirrela rosin.' Wilmington. Sept. 2L Spirits turpen tine stesdy, 34; receipts) 37 casks.' Bosln stesdy, $2.20; receipts 149. : , Tar firm. tlMi receipts J barrels. . Crude turpentine Arm, It. SO, 93 and f2.7S; receipts X - . Looms MACHINERY CHAitLOTTE, N. C. and Dealers WIRE AND CABLES BATTERIES CONDUITS INSULATORS, ETC. New York Cotton. iftN'W. Tori- 8ept- 2' Spot closed quiet. JSuata dow": middling uplands .4o; middling gulf 9.C5. Hneu 46 bales Futures opened and closed steady. upen High Low Close ft.83b Sept. . Oct. .. Nov. . Dee. . Jan. . Feb. . March May . .. .. 8.86 8.66 8.70 8.M 8.5 8.58 8.GJ iff Mt m Hsw jwa K.H8 8. SO 8.S3 8.60 8.i0 8.74 g.64 8.73 8.59 8.:l 8.W S.i 8 54 H.o S.K) g.61 S.tii NEW YORK DONDfl 8. refundlns 2k. registered 103 i fiunuiiijK js. coupon .. 1'. M. 3. resl.itoru 104 tT. H. 3s, coupon '.' C. S. 4s. registered ..... .. I". S. coupon " Amctiriin Tiiimccu 4s American Tobacco 6s Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4s Atchison cv. 4s Atchison -v. fs .. Atlantic Coast Line 4s',.'.'..'" Baltimore ,t )liP is Baltimore & Ohio 3s . Brooklyn R. T. cv. ts . Central 6f Oeorgla 5s Central of Georgia 1st IncV'ofd" Central of Ooo.-gia 2d Inc. ofd. Central of Georrlu sh in 101 11 121 121 73 109 101 93 95 102 94 100 sn 74 109 65 46 87 Chesareoke A Ohio 4a .... .' ion; Chicago A Alton 3s ' 711a Ucago. B. & Qulncy new 4s 59 ' 1. I , It. K. 4s Chicago. R. I. p. R. . col. 5s.... 67 Chi 2 cjgo. R. I. & Pac. Ry. rfdg. 4.. ( . C. A At. IulK van Am Kl.l '. C. A St. Louis gen. 4s bid.. s 73 6; 91 100 94 70 105 67 90 K94 99 9K 90 15 )' ! 84 S3 v umno) innusiriai 6s Colorado Midland 4s bid "."V Colorado A tfouihern 4s " 1'elaware Hudson cv. 4s " I'enver .Ns Rio Qrande 4s ofd Erie prior Hen 4s ofd Krle Oeu. ral 4r b'd Hocklnsr Vallev 4s bid ."."' Interborough-Met 4s Japan 4s Japan 4s Japan 4s. 2d Series Ia)uIsvI1Io Sc. Nashville Unified 4s bid Manhattun consol gold 4s Mexican Central 4s bid Mexican Central 1st Inc. bid Minn. A St. Louis 4s ofd Missouri. Kansas 9 Texas 4s Missouri, Kanaas & Texaa !ds bid.. National H. R, of Mexico con. 4s b. New York fntrl -own u.m New Jersey Central general as"!!! 123 92 Northern Pacific 4s 103 Northern Pacific 3a Norfolk A Western consol 4s bid..! Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s bid.... Penn. cv. s. 1915 l'enn. Consol 4s Reading Oeneral 4s Republic Jt Cuba 5s St 1,. & Iron Mountain con. 5s b. St. Louis & Kan Francisco fg. 4s.. St. Louis Southwestern con. 4s ofd . Seabosrd Air Line 4s ofd Southern PsclfVc 4s , Southern Pacific 1st 4s .. Southern Railway 5s .. Texaa Sc Pacific lsts bid Toledo, St. L. A Western 4s bid... Uition Pacific 4s ... Union Pacific ct. 4s V.. 8. Steel 2d Is .... Wsbssh lsts ... Western Md. 4s Wheeling A I-ake Erie 4s bid Wisconsin. Central 4s ofd. N. Y., N. H. & II. cv. so ctfs 73 99 99 94 104 99 103 99 71 74 57 91 95 102 111 1 7 75 - ra CLOSING STOCK LIST. Amalcamated Copper American Car. tt Koundry j American Tar A Foundry pld American Cotton Oil .... American Hide Leather pfd. American Ire Securities , American Linseed .. American Ixicomottve .. American locomotive pW. ex. div. American Kmetlins; ft Refng. .. ., Amertcsn fcmeltlne tc RetnK- ptd. .. American Hugar iteflnlna American Tobacco preferred .. .... American Woolen .... ... Anaconda Mining Co. ... .... .. .. Atrhteon ..... ..... ... Atrhtmin preferred ... .', Atlanlio Cot Lino .... Baltimore Ohio .... ..... Baltimore Ohio preferred Brooklyn It pld Transit riins'lian Pari ft c .. ... Central Isther ..... .... ...... ("Mitral lnXhtT preferred ...... Central vt New Jersey..... Chesapeake A Ohio .... ... ... .... Clilcajco tjreat "Wemern ,. Chicaso North Wmtero ... .. .... Chlcae. MIL St. Paul ..... ... .. C C. C. St. Louis ........... Colorado Fuel Iron .... .. ., Colorado 8outhern .. ..... .. v. Colorado ar Houthern 1st pfd. ...... Colorado a Hottthcra 21 pfd. ...... ConsolUtated Uas .. ..... ... .... . Corn ("rod nets .... ... ..... .. ..... Drlaware Hadson ... ... .t ... Ienver Sk Rio Orande ... .. I Oliver Ar Klo Orande pld. ........ UlalUlers' becurlllrs . . 7m 3ii 102 Vi V 101 l'4 91U1 3'4 'Ms ISM, ! M C H l.V4 lrjH Ss: rr' rtOTTOM Mil I nnAuimirDv sW W ' - want ei too ci OUTH TRTOhf T..: CHARLOTTE. N. O." i Railway Heads. n- Drawing Frames,' n sfpinnloo; Frames, , Twisters and Spoolers Quillers and Reels. Looms, . . ' C0MBHR5 HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW ORK MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invlteS. MECKLENBURG IRONWORKS CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Motors, DjTiamos, Alternating . and Direct Current., Any size and voltage Stock on hand. We ask for orders. CLINQ FAST 5 PLASTER "Second to None" Saves you - money and gives you a better wall than any V other plaster on the market. Only one trial will convince you. Ask us for prices and booklet. . STATISVIUE PUSTfR I CEMENT CO. StatcsvlIIc, N. C. HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers Miscellaneous BoaUten SeeoHtiea WILMINGTON. N. C Washington. D. O, dOS Colorado Bid . Cotton Mill Stocks. FOR GOOD BUILDING BRICK address ROCK HILL BRICK WORKS, Rock HIIL'S. C, or CATAWBA BRICK CO, Van Wyck, 8.C Erie .... 2SV4 Krle 1st preferred 1V4 Krle Cd preferred Utinerai Kiectno .. Great Northern preferred Great Northern Ore ctfs Illinois Central Interborough-Met. .. .. lnteroorough-Mct. pfd.' .. .. .. .. International Paper .. ... .. .. ... International Paper preferred .. International Pump ... Iowa Central .. Kansas City Southern Kansas City Southern preferred T . Mr.hv1!l - . 1S7 . 13 . 65 . 136 . 1W4 . . 5K . 211i . 17 . 2 CO . Wi . . tlt . 117 . . n , 7 , lfOH . zm .. n ,. CO , 123 . 24 , la .v '9.1 . Ti : , 214 . 171 mw Minneapolis St. Louis ,?;Mlnn.. 8t P. Sault St M. ... Missouri Pacific Missouri. Kanaas A Texas Missouri. Kansas & Texas pfd. . National Lead .... ...'., .. ... New York Central New Tork,. Ontario i Western .. Norfolk. & western North American .. Northern Pacific .. . ... Paclflo Mall ., . Pennqs-lvsnla. V... People's Gss ....... '...V .v... Pittsburg. C. C. fit Louis Pressed Steel Cer .... Pullman Palace Car. Railway Steel Spring e.. Reading ... .. .... ,...,.... Reiniblie Hteel .... Republio Steel pfd. ....... ....... . Rock Island Co. ..' ..jf.t.., ....... ir inland Co. nreforred M4 . St. Louis San Fran. 2d pfd. v fViiMt. LauIs Southwestern Wk -"4iSt. Lonis Southwestern preferred .? 6 Hloea Sheffield Steel and Iron ....4: Wt' Southern Pacific .... ... i.. ....... S 1 tsoutnern racinc pracireu ..h.. .... WHISouthern Railway .. .. .. .. ........ i Houthem Railway preferred .. .. , J !4 i Tennessee Copper ....... . J Texss It Pa(Mrtc .... taimia Kt. imia Sc v eiw.-.. ...... Toledo, St. Iouls .West. pfd. I'nlon Pacific, ...V. - lT'.;kn Pacific preferred .. .. ...... I'nlted States Rubber I'nited Ststes Rubberlst preferred. t'nlted Stales Steel ... -.. .. I'nlted Slates Steel preferred ...... ftsh Copper .... .v... Vlrelnla-Carollna Cbemical VlrRinia-Carollna Chemical pfd. Wabash .. -- v. . Wabash preferred . ......... Westinahouee Electric .. .. Western Colon .... 5 S4 ss UK ... U lea.- Tl ........ Mi Wheeling Lake Erie H WlfpnnMn Central ... ... a a H . Standard Oil .. .... ' &3 w IWIIssslasylwirtWI tuart - W. Cramer, ENQINEER AND CONTRACTCQ. - f 5Iubbers, ;w Rovins; Framas J WW 1 . , ' " Itan '' " Intermediates lack Pram ;B3mA,Pc . this: IF YOU HAVE TO SELL, LIST IT IN THIS OFFER , . It you have bousetor stores to rent., let me do your collecting and -1 save trouble and worryt t :' The place to insure your property Is In this agency. R. E. COCHRANE . Insurance and Real Estate Agent. ... You Can -Put It On Any one with strength enough to drive a small nail can lay our "ELECTROID" Hard Rubber-like Roofing "ACME" Double Flint-coated Roofing " "UNIVERSAL" Gravel Surfaced Roofing ' Sufficient I-arge-headed Galvanised Nails, Liquid Cement and Di rections for Laying are packed In the core of each roll. These Roofings are more attractive In appearance are cheaper , than shingles, tin, corrugated Iron,' tar and gravel, and without re pairs will last Rrnger. j WRITE FOR TRICES AND SAMPLES! Carolina Portland Cement Company Southern Distributors.,' c " CHARLESTON, S. C. . Motors f Generators, Dynamos and Electrical Wiring installed by us. Mill work a specialty. Prompt attention given to all work. , : v . .' R. G. nUTEN eOMPklVY . Electrical Contractors. 'Phone 1307 or 1308. 202 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. 0. : BANDY MTF.RS. Consnlting Engineers. Water Supply and Purification, Sewerage, Sewerage Dtaposal, Roads, Streets, Pavements, Water Power, Hydro-Electric PlanU, Irrigation Drainage, Reinforced Concrete, Sur veys, Estimates, Plans and Specifica tions. Construction Superintended. Complete Plants designed and con structed. Main Office, 876-77 Arcade Building, Greensboro, North Carolina. Branch Office, Laurlnburg. North Carolina. GILBERT C. WHITE, C. E. Consulting CIVIL ENGINEER Durham. J C. Waterworks, Sewerage, Streets; Wa ter Filtration, Sewage Disposal; Plans,' Reports, Estimates, Super, vision of Construction. B. PARKS RTJCKER, CHARLOTTE, N. C.r Consulting and Constructing ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Estimates, Plans, Specifications and Su pervision of Construction ol Lighting, Industrial ' and ; Power . Installations. Hydro-Electric Plants. Power Trans mission, Municipal Lighting- Etc . ftlllLfUi6F " HYDRAULIC mm ELECTRIC 4 rs ,..y,. ass F.tTUCKtRMEj STEAMS rMlAXTON IX CHARLOTTE. N.C. FRANK MILEURN & CO. ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON, D. C LOUIS H. ASBUET . ARCHITECT ( ...... Jaw Boildlnc. Charlotte K. C HOOK AND ROGERS . ARCHITECTS 711 CHARLOTTE, N. O. Leonard L nanter and ' Franfcllg Gordon ARCHITECTS -' Law BaUdhtg, Charlotte, N. CL', Noa. Ill sal lift." ' " TPhona" 7 111 vasal I l i MANCN Of sretl ! CftUITABU BUILDINa. ATLANTA TM -Automatic Feeders, Openers and Trunk, , - Breaker, Intermediate aa4 ; Finisher Lappers, Klrschner Cerdln Beatert .:.. ..; Thread Extractors, '.h Waste Pickers, eta. Raw Stock Orjrarts s' ETCtsETC. ' ' - ' SCREENS Hies and Mosquitoes on the Outside Small Cost J, H. WEARM L CO. lannfacturers of Man tela, rlto for catalogue. Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently find It necessary to. r have Banking Facilities in ad- i dltlon to those offered by local ., ; banks. THE ' First National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, ; With i $1,000,000.00 Capital ;? Earned Surplus $600,000.0,0 y $6,500,000.00 LVposlU ' ; $9,000,000.00 ' Total Resources " Offers Just the Additional Fa- '. cllities Required. . Jn'o. B. PurcelL ' President: ' Jno. M. Miller, Jr., Vtoe Presi- r dent: Chaa R. Burnett, As sistant ' Cashier: J, C. JopUn, Assistant Cashier. ' , ' -. . . -- '' - - f i A. D. SALKELD & BR04 COMMISSSION MERCHANTS -C0-7S Leonard Street,' NEW TORK. COTTON 1 TARNS - ' ' DEPT. FredTc Vietor & Achells., if n JAHES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS . , ' Cotton . Tarns and Cotton Cloths. v ; CONSTONMENTS b6LIC1TED. i rttnaderphla, 121 and 124' Chestaaf SL, Boston, JSC Sommev.SC ' ; Kear York. No. TS Leonard M. 1 1 Charloue, ti ft. Trroo u

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