10 CmRTjQTTff DAILY ; OBSERVER, SEPTEAIBEIl 23, 1903. Nsws of fete Happening af Yesterday Told In Paragraphs. - The Raeford cotton mill has re tumed operation .en (all time. . . ' Raeford Institute haa an enroll ment Af 1 IK ittmila k fh ffintmna i c pieasea wim ui new invuii- menu , . Governor Glenn i notified by the Democratic national committee that he la to apeak In New York, Mary- land and several other States October - 10th to 20th, . Mr. R. X. Nash haa riven up his eoaltlon aa eirnerintendent of the Atha Chair Company plant, at Stateavllle. end will rest a month before engag- ! In in business again. Hia successor i has not been named. Bank Deposits of Three Kinds ; ' - ' . - ' - ' FIRST A Checking Account, par your hills by .check and thus ret a receipt for each payment. ' : SECOND Oct a Certificate of Deposit for three months or longer bearing- 4 per cent, per annum interest. : '.: . ' THIRD Open a Savings Account, in which you can deposit at any time and receive 4 per cent, per annum Interest, compounded quar terly. - , ' , ; BE SURE to make' your deposit In The Commercial National Bank v Capital 5QO,O0(7. Surplus JJ2M00. St. A. PCNN, President. w. e. holt, v. rroawct. y A- O, BREXTZEB, Cashier. A. T. SCMMKY, Asst. Cashier. COiBCAL NATONA BAN CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tfe Herdiaiiis Fdrmers National': Ban! ' A. charter la granted the White Tract-Sanding Company, of Greens boro, to build and deal in railway track-sandlnr - machines under pat nta obtained by C. P. White, the amount of capital stock being $100.--600 and' Mr. White and several others being stockholders. Mr. Roland McLelland. who return ed Co his home at Statesvllle the . last of August, after having served " three years in the United States army, re-enlisted In the coast artillery serv ice of the army Monday through the leeal recruiting officer. Sergeant Gil bert, and left for Columbus Barracks. O. He will go from there to a fort ear New Orleana Mr. Arthur Boyd, a young man from Maiden. Catawba county, haa been accepted for service in the coast artillery branch of the army and haa also left for Columbus. LOOKS good from the front. A Traveling Man Finds That all About Bryan la very Popular An In-v- nta nee of Change In Sentiment In - California and the Reason. Te the Editor of The Observer: . Traveling as I do. reading, listening . and thinking as is my custom. It 1 a real pleasure to note the signs of the times. It is quite evident that the people are thinking more than ever before. I have been reading The Ob server for the past ten years and In tny opinion never has It been more clear than now on the political ls- sues.. The Observer's worthy repre sentative In Washington. D. C. Mr. Ghee's write-up on politics In Mary land was Indeed food for thought. It is one thing to listen, but far better to think after listening. Mr. Bryan, so far In this campaign, has been thrilling In his utterances. Surely In my time no man Is read af ter and discussed more favorably. He is standing erect and flat-footed1 on the Democratic platform, and unlesa something occurs to change the cur rent of thought he will be the next President and with him the House should by all means have a good : iJtmnrrauc majority, MARRIAGES. Cowles-Creagrr Announcement. Special to The Observer. Statesvllle, Sept. 22. Cards have been issued for the marriage of Miss Mary Creager, daughter of Major Harwood Creager, and Lieut William Henry Cowles, of the United States army, the ceremony to take place at Portland, Me., at 4 o'clock on the af ternoon of Thursday, October let. Lieutenant Cowles Is a son of Col. Calvin V. Cowles, of the United States army, and Is a nephew of Col. H. C. Cowles, of Statesvllle. few days since with some aentlemen from southern California and In course of conversation I inaulreit of me political conditions and was told throwing out the driver and demolish Keever-Wad, at fclatcsvHle. Correspondence of The Observer. Statesvllle, Sept. 22. A rather unique marriage oocurred here Satur day morning, when Mr. R. Morgan Keever and Miss Sallle Ward, both of west Statesvllle, were married at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. J. H. Pressly. The bridal couple accompanied by a sister of the brldt- elect and a driver, drove into the back yard of the Pressly home and called to the minister, and stated that they wanted to have the knot tied while they sat in the carriage. Rev Mr. Pressly Is very accommodating on such occasions, and he readily agreed to do as they wished, and stood on the ground near the vehicle while he read the ceremony of the Associate ReCormed Church, which made the couple man and wife. Im mediately after the ceremony the party drove to the station and the bridal couple left on the Taylorsvllle train. - They will visit relatives of the groom at Hlddcnlte and other points In Alexander county, after which they will return here to live. Mr. Keever is an Alexander county man, but has made his home here the past few years. A Runaway and a Street light. Special to The Observer. Statesvllle, Sept. 23. There was plenty of excitement in the business section of South Centre street yester- I traveled several hundred miles apJay morning. A horae belonging to the Statesvllle Grocery Company and driven by Will Falls, colored, one of the company s drivers, ran away THE UNION NATIONAL BAN ft; OF' OF CHARLOTTE, NVC. -I Capital! .v...':'. V,-; . . ; ; $200,000.00 ; w , y::fj Surplus and Profits '. . ; . . ; . . . . . . 130,000.00 , Accounts of Corporations," Firms and Individuals .' " -. ; . Invited.. ' -p We Issue Certificates of Deposit Payable on : Dei mand Bearing Interest at 4 Per Cent.' Perl'-; ' t Annum if Left Three Months or Longer.' , V. "We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings Deposits and ; -Compound' the Interest Quarterly. . r "'- We Want 'Your Business. ' ' GEO. E. WILSON, President. ' 'V JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. W. 0. WILKINSON, Cashier. fine Of ferings in Business i Residence Prc;:rtiss -' " '''''''.ifi'.'.'f'.o 'U':: ' . r br,clt tores located sear the centre. of City and convenient tov Southern freight Depot.. Annual rent I2,17.e. Will pay 7 1-J - per cent, net after deducting taxes and Insurance: , 7-room residence on i Elizabeth Ave.; newly constructed, all! mod. ern ImprovemenU: lot well elevated witlt fine view. - No avenue is ," c"y J building up more rapidly. :. Price ot property la low sew . compared to what It will be la threa to five years. Price only n'JlL12 . 4. .!-..-, . .....$,TM.aw V ,Term' .00.e or more down; baUnce through the building aad ' loan association. - . - ..... j Fine lotf on Park'avenae, Dlhirorth;,..., .v..lt,00M. . Icra lot on Derlta road...... ......1M.M Real - Estate Loan & Tnsst (m?zh . w Capital, , $75,000. " Surplus, $100,000. ; " W & ALEXANDER. J ? R. A. DTJNN.' Jl. M.' MoDOMIIJJ. r r Vice President fieo. aad Treaa, October lsth Date of Bks-Fest. Special to The Observer. Wilmington. Bept. I2.--October lfth has been tentatively decided upon ss the date for the Ems-test In this city during the fall for the benefit of the children's playground movement. Mr. uouls E. Buckley, of Cincinnati. O., a well-known director of amusement enterprises, is here looking over the field with a view to taking charge of the artair ana providing the attractions. THE WEATHER. tnai in one section where some 700 voter Jived, heretofore at least three fourths of them voted the Republican ticket. But now they have a Bryan club of over 800 members. I again Inquired the cause for this change na wunoui hesitation the answer was. "We are tired of 'my policies.' and 1 stand for his policies.' We sr too great a people for one man to show a disposition to usurp all the brain power. We are tired of great aggre gations of capital paying to elect public officers for the purpose of hav ing special favors. Our country and people are worthy of a better chance to show true citizenship. We have been opposed to Bryan In the past, but He Is speaking so the people can understand. It Is wonderful what knowledge the men has of our coun try and Its needs and we believe now he haa been right and ws wrong. Therefore we are for a change end Bryan Is decidedly our choice. Mr Tsft as a man Is all right, as supH. out aa compared with Brvan. he lng the buggy. The runaway started In a back lot. where the horse was frightened by a bicycle, and when the driver attempted to atop him the rubber bits broke and the driver was helpless. The runaway animal made a wild dash across the court house yard and Centre street and turned over the bugay on the sidewalk at the door of Mr. J. P. Plilfor's store. Washington, Sept. !t Forecsst: North Carolina and South Carolina, fair Wednesdsy and probably Thursday; light esst winds. QeorKla. partly cloudy Wednesdsy; Thursday showers; llaht east winds. Esst Florida, partly cloudy In north; showers in central and south portions Wednesdsy and Thursday; light to fresh esst winds. West Florida and Alabama, loral show ers Wednesday and probably Thursday; llaht esst and south. ant winds. VlrRtnls. fair Wednesday; Thursday fnlr; llaht south winds. Mleslnslppl. loral showers Wednesdsy; Thursdny (air; light south winds. Virginia, (sir Wednesday; Thursday fair In east, showers In west portion; llaht variable winds. Louisiana, fair Wednesday, except showers in extreme southeast portion; Thurrdny fair; llaht south winds. Ksst Texas, fair Wednesday and Thurs dny; Ugh' south winds American Machine & Mfg. Co. CIMRLOTTE. N. C Manufacturing Machinists and Founders Cottoi and Cotton Gil Machinery. Waste Kacbinery aad Wood-Working Madtloery. General Repairs. Castings. Contract to install Steam and Hot Water Heating, Fire Pro tection, Electric Lighting and Power Plants. Golden wedding Celebration. Special to The Observer. Statesvllle. Sept. 22. An event of Interest to the many friends of the sged couple occurred yesterday, when Captlan and Mrs. A. T. Marsh cele brated their golden wedding at their home ft York Institute. Alexander county. Numerous friends, relatives and neighbors gathered to congratu late this venerable and highly-respected couple on the fiftieth anni versary of their marriage, and the occasion was one of much pleasure; A sumptuous dinner and music were features of the day. F. n. a A CLEAR COMPLEXION AND BRIGHT ETES. In most eases av sallow, blotched com. plexlon and dull heavy eyes sre due to mnr digestion ana as inactive liver. Ortno Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion snd stimulates the liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth snd clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrun does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleas, art to take. Refuse substitutes. R. H. Jordan ft Co. and W. L. Hand Co. nr.. . ss WTT . Jt aw. I ...a L. Jaa.lrss IPnllai oliintT 1 "Tnl ICIOI, a Sill MVUIiceua H'lu (ill U WIIIJI " " V V " to the lines, however, and two or threr. men who csme to his rescue managed to subdue the horse at a point In front of the Statesvllle Drug t om showers Wednesday; Thurs- psny. where the animal fell to the ground. While the horse snd driver were only sllnhtly Injured, the biiKiry - . -. 1 n 1. 1ft .AAma SlmOMt wna iii '" "-;" . . . tv.4n.(.v miraculous that serious damage not result. The excitement caused by the run away had hardly subsided, when a street fight between two cltlxens oc curred near the scene of the runaway. One of the cltlsens wss a merchant and the other an old customer, and I Thursdsy. Arkansas, day fair. Tnnesee. showers Wednesday snd In en st portion Thursday. Kentucky, showers and cooler Wednes day and Thursday. West Virginia, Increasing cloudiness showers in west portions; shows his weakness. Why do he' the fight wss the result of a non-pay not stand on his party's platform and explain aa Bryan does?" So I hear these profitable discus alons here snd there. To one of the colored porters on one of the Pull man cars on the Southern, the other dsy I said, .lust to hear his opinion. "Well, it's Bryan's time now, is It rot?" He straightened up and said. "Well. sir. I am going to vote for him. whether he wants me or not." I said. "Why the change?" He laughed and aid, "Boss. Bryan is the best man. sure. Welt, we have only a few weeks Bow before the flnnl battle, it looks gooa. as the pickets report, from the rroni. J A HELViy. Mooresvllle, Sept. ltth, 190S. Gaffnejr Hopeful of Getting C. C. A. O. J (ail way. Special to The Observer. Gaffney. a C. Sept. 22 It Is a well-known fact that the Carolina Cllnchfleld Ohio Railroad ran bo DulU by way of Oaffney at much less cost than by any other route; and the neonlst at Haffn. ...iui.. . . . In building roads the promoters as a rule choose the lesst expensive route, have faith In the proposition that the road will come by way of Gaffney. The business men who are at the head of the enterprise real ize, further that Gaffney is one of the very best business points between At lanta and Charlotte, and that the routa by way of this point would be as advantageous from a business point , of view as any other to say nothing of the saving In construction. lbcrmaa Falls Overboard and la Jfar'-. Drowned, ipedal to The Observer. Wilmington. Bept 22 While fish ing oSt Banks' channel trestle of the Tidewater Power Company, at WrightsvlUe Beach, yesterday even log about 1 o'clock. William Hoef ner. about 10 years of sge. a well knowa white barber, f overboard and was drowned. Other ftahermen in mi viciniry neard the splash and two colored men attempted to laanch a boat to his rescue but found the boat looked and when they reached the apot where he went down he had disappeared from , aighL , Hoefner came to W ilmington about ten years ago from New York, where all his relatives la this country reside. Stating Improxmeuu on Hotel, pedal to The Observer. Gs ff ney; . C, SepL r t a Mr Charles Dudley, who haa recently .. sumed the management of the Com mercial Hotel, is making v extensive Improvement upon the Interior of the Gliding at considerable expense. Mr. Xmiley is a veteran hotel men and It Is his purpose to make the Com nerclal one of the best little hotels i.i the State. He Is a firm believer In the maxim that "cleanliness Is next to G-d;; s" and everything con r -td the establishment U as r "at as a f.a. , ' ' 1 ment of an old account. A "Peeping Tom." Correspondence of The Observer. Statesvill". Sept. 22. While sitting on his side porch at his home on Ra'-e street, between and 10 o'clock Hnt urday night, Mr. B. H. Adams saw a form of a man walking along the street. Presently the footst'-ps came toward Mr. Adams' gate and ho waited for the man to come up the front walk. Not hearing him cwme In, Mr. Adams metvt to the front gate, hut saw no one. Walking to the tear of the premises Mr. Adams saw a well-dresed white man peering In at a window where a light was burning In the room. Mr. Adams had no weapon, but called to the fellow, who Immediately ran, explaining as he ran away that he was looking for some one. Mr. Adams was unable to distinguish the visitor's features. Two or three years ago residents of east Statesvllle were troubled with a white man who would do the "peeping Turn stunt" at night On one oc raslon the stranger remained at the window of a lady's bedroom nntil she walked to the window and. gave him a good lecture. The young fellow was always well-dressed, but his Identity was never known. Thursday showers. Early Marketing of Frnlfc Special to The Observer. Statesvllle, Sept 22. Evidence that this Is a rather early fall comes from all sides. A Statesvllle grocer tells vour correspondent that Northern grapes and celery are on ' the loci market at least two weens earner man usual, and. In fact, everything seems to be coming In a little earlier. A mountaineer who was In town last week with produce stated that the fruit crop was two or three weeks earlier than usual In the mountains this year, apples which usually ripen tn October having already become ripe enough for market. There Is a certain variety of peaches grown In this section known aa October peaches that Is now ripening and falling off. Ordinarily they do not ripen until October after most of the leaves of the trees have fallen off.- Pumpkin pie ts now In season, and time to gather walnuts and htckoiynuU Is at hand, i -.. - -- - . Football Team Organised. Special te The Observer. High Point Sept 12. The High Point High School football team was organised Monday evening and elect ed Troy 3. Hoover manager. Hoover says he will challenge any high school team la the State. , ' DR. myi TESTTMOKT INTEREST I NO. Dr.' Thomas Fins, uf Boonsbore, Mo., who has practiced medicine tor tt years, says he haa used every prc rlpUoa known te the prefeeslaei for treatment of kidney aad Madder disease, aat says he has pever found anything so effective tn both chronle aad acute kidney and blad der trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It steps irres-ularlttes snd builder up the whole system. R. H. Jordaa A Co. aad W. U Hand Co. LOCAL OFFICE IT. 8. WEATHER BUREAU. fisrlotte, Sept. K.-Hunrlse 1:11 a sunset tilD p. m. TEMPERATURE (In degrees). Highest temperature Lowcat temperature Mean temperature Exesss for th day Accumulated deficiency for month... Accumulated excess (or yeur PRECIPITATION (In inches). Total for 24 hours ending I p. m... Total for the month Accumulated deficiency for month... Total for the year Accumulated excess for year Prevailing wind direction m. M 71 :i 108 0.7 1.07 41.54 . 29 N. E. Free of Taxes T per cent net income can be obtained from absolutely first-class preferred stocks of substantia) North Carolina companies which we can offer you to-day. Call or write Trust Department SOUTHERN LIFE A TRUST COMPANY, Greensboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus I40S.000.00 E. P. Wharton, President. A. M. Scale, Gen. Counsel. Robt. C.Hood, Asst. Manager. RECORDS are REMINDERS of other day events, eventa not writ in seashore sand. Many Uvea have dark spots In thslr records. r. D. A.'s ledger record shows him seeking business In 102 with three small houses in hia care; five years later BUSINESS SEEKING HIM. Houses plenty, he wants no more. Insurance . added, growing daily. THANKS to everybody. F. D. ALEXANDER Exclusive White Agency. First National Bank Capital andproflts. .,..v.sM,00 V ' : "ACCOUNTS SOXiXCTTETi d Per Cent On Time Certificates. , HENRY M. McADEN. .... .president JOHN JT. ORB. ...... ...... .Cashier k . : Directors: 3. C. Burroughs 'Oto. W7 Graham J. 8. Myers . 3. H. McAden Frank GllreaUk , Geo. W. Bryan a A. Bland ' C. A. Williams - Henry M. McAdep North Church St. Residence Lot 75 feet front, nine rooms, all modern con veniences, electric . lights, steam heat $4,000.00 Can arrange terms. Will be sold at once. For further particulars, call on or 'phone Brown & Company. 'Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St BANKRUPT SALE. Greensboro Table Company Plant. By order of Court I will sell on September 21st, 108, at noon, on the premises, the entire plant, stock on hand, etc., of the Greensboro Table Company, beat equipped factory of in kind in tha South. Ready In all respects to start up for business, and a lare-M demand for the product An unusual opportunity. Detailed in formation furnished promptly. Write to ROBERT C. HOOD, Receiver. Greensboro. N. C Aug. list. 190S W. 3. BENNETT. Observer. Notice Notice Is hereby given that the Highway Commission of Black Moun tain Township, Buncombe county, N. C, will receive bids until 1J o'clock m. October 1st, ltOt, for the (trading and macadamizing of the roads in said township, as shown on the pro files in office of said commission at Black Mountain, N. C. Hald grading and macadamising not to exceed In cost the sum of 125.000. The I Itihwsy Commission hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. E. COTTON, Chairman. W. II. BURNETT, Becretary. "Jordan'a ea the Square." P. Purcell, President D. A. McLaufhUa. V. Prea Drive em Away Use a few drops of Jordan's Mosquito Drops . ; before retiring and you will enjoy a good night's rest, undis turbed : 10 and 25 cent bottles. R. II. JORDAN & CO. NURSES' REGISTER FOURTH WARD HOME For Q3,250 We have just had placed with us for sale a seven room house and lot in the above ward. The loca tions is good, being near Tenth Avenue Church, and the place is offered cheap. Call and let us show you the property. J. E. Murphy & Co. At N. Tryon. 'Phone Ma. . Accident and Health Policies In the MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY are the most liberal in existence, though they don't cost sny more than others. Every one needs a Disability Policy covering EVERY ACCI DENT AND EVERY DISEASE. Let us tell you how we will pay you a definite weekly Indemnity if you, should be disabled BY ANY ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS. HARVEY LAMBETH, Mgr. Ins. Dept. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. NEW INTEREST QUARTER On October 1st INTEREST will bt credited on all SAVINGS AC COUNTS. Increase your account all you can before that date. We pay Interest on all deposits made on- or before October. 6th 4 per cent and compound it quarterly. Southern Loan Savings Dank JOHN K. SCOTT. President. . W. 8. ALEXANDER. Vice Pres. -. W. L. JENKiNS. Cashier. zy:.:,: THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Resources "$!,500,Q00.00 Our method of doing business holds old friends and -A gains ne,w ones. B. D. HEATH, President ' "V . " JNO. M. SCOTT. Vice President. 3. H. LITTLE, Vice President. W. H. TAHITI, Caahlen INSUR7LNGE Is something we all must carry and we would be glad to serve yoa. We write the following lines: Fire, Health, Accident, Surety feonds. Steam Boiler, Burglary, Elevator, Sprinkler Leakage, Plato Glass. If you need any of the above Insurance, call 101 and we will be glad to call and see you. y J CAROLINA REALTY CO. " . O. 3. THIES, Pres. ' "B. RUSH LEE. See. W. D. WILKINSON. Trees, and Mgr.. J. p. LONO, Saleamaa. No. I W. Fifth Street.' 'Phone ttt.' Farm-Sale or Exchange We offer for sale, or exchange for city property, m splendid farm of about 40 acres, four miles from city. Has good I -room cottage,?, barn and splendid orchard. . . ; . , ' For further particulars see, . - . The Charlotte Trust &. Realty Co. ' CAPITAL $200,000.00. Phone 377 This is the Month vv to tmlld op your balance in oar Sating! ' Department A New Interest Quarter lepnnin. October let WY paf ; : : 4 per cent, and Compound tbe Interest Quarterly. ; American Trust Company Wood fibre Wall Plaster, "Hard Clindi." . ; , THE BUILDER'S FRIEND Freeslnc doea not hart; natural shrinkage win not crack' tti water does not make It fall off; hard as tone. Write for booklet. Manufactured by . r . , .. - -. CHARLOTTE PIASTER COMPANY . Write for Booklet. . ' . ' : ' ' . . - Otarlotta, ; C. - .0 and T Per Cent. : and T Per Cent. ' -. PREFERRED . STOCK, , NON-TAXABLE - IX ' THIS STATE; These stocks Issued by some of our strongest - home corporations, nnder the conditions . with which they are Issued, are practically as strong .as a first mortgage bond secured by more than double the amount of the bond In r Improved ' up-to-date property. . s - The capital stock of home- corporations Is not liable for' taxation In this State,- so that you- can realise t aud 7 per cent, net on yonr invest ment on ibis Ciass of stocks. v - - - We effer jul at this time preferred s'ocks of some of the strongest and best known corporations la amounts of $SQ0 to SiO.000 and are selling recuilLee of this class to some of the Most conservative and care ful Investors. - . . -.. Call en us or wme ua for. particulars. ' . F. C; Abbott. tdmp'y ' Hlgh-Grade InTciKjncjHa. Everything tn Real Estate.