10 Nsws of ths State Bank Deposits of Three Kinds ' FIRST-A Checking- Account, pay your bills by checks and thus get a receipt for each payment. : ; s i -..i ' .. SECOND-Get a Ortlflcate of Deposit for three months or longer, bearing 4 per cent, per annum Interest. . i " .: r, , THIRD Open a Savings Account, In which you can deposit at any time and receive ; per cent, per annum Interest, compounded quar- . terly. , - . t - J3E SURE to make your deposit In' The Commercial National Bank , Capital loOO.OOa. Surplus '$J20,000. - , . v ; i- '. ;. , . , R. A. DCNN. President. " A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. .W. E. HOLT, V. President. . ; : A. T. SVMMEY, Asst. Cashier. WiiciAL NATIONAL Bill " CHARLOTTE, N. C. , " M Offerings h Basfcass .i ns!nce Pre-:rti:s Three bHck stores located near ths centre of city and convenient to Bouthern Freight Depot. .Annual rent I J, 175.09. Will pay J 1.1 per cent net after deducting taxes and Insurance. ' " ' .T-room residence on Elisabeth Avs.: newly constrocted. all i mod ern ImprovemenU; lot well elevated with fine view. No avenue In ths city is building up mors rapidly. ' Pries of property is low now ; compared to what It will be In threa to five years. f Pries enly .Tsrms, 11.000.00 or mors down; balancs through ths" building and 'ijloan association. r . . - . ... -v x . ; " , . - : Fins - lot on Park avenue, XMlworth : . . ,,'..1 i v'.tl.oCO.sO v -aers lot on Deriu road. .....3W80. Southern Real Estate loan's Trust ;Cch::;t HareiUij 'of Yesterday T01 Paragraphs. - " . v a'' call u Issued yesterday by the 1 ? Corporation Commission, for reports V from ail State, private and a vine banks showing their condition-at the - - close of business September 2S&. , MADE IN OUR . iSA&lDip before October 6th will bear interest from October 1st.: ' -' . - V: - y:.; rjy ' Open Saturdays; in addition to " rjegular -hours, "from 4 to 7 p. m. ?y?f." l 'y':-,:C': A receroer s courx ior nnu rom ; ' la being urg ad by Toe Enterpriss in . - trAt.T ta Aa an with so many petty i cases that come up In Greensboro . and cause so many ciusens to loss . tints from thslr worn. Thrss Hlxh Point negroes were sent ' ; tip for several months ror roooery in Superior court in ureenaooro inure - day. d Walker. Tate and Anderson. ihrM tore-breakers who bare given Capital, $75,000, Sun)lu8. S100.000.N ' the .people much trouble, were the W. a ALEXANDER. . R ' ;r Prssldsnt . t DTO ' A. M. MdDONAUJ,' Vice President , . Bsc. and Trsaa. parties. Mr. J. C Campbell has resigned as ' book-keeper tor the Piedmont Tele . ' shone-and Telegraph Company, of - Oastonia, and will enter the music business st Princeton, S. C, in Octo ber with his brother, Mr. M. M. Camp bell. Ths condition of Mrs. J. TJ. Cox. f Statesvllle. who has been 111 at the ' Billingsley Hospital for some months. Is again very critical and little hopo ; for her recovery is entertained. A number of out-of-town relatives are at her bedside. Ths Gastonla theatrical season will open October 1st with Coburn's Greater Minstrels. Other attractions booked for early appearance are as follows: October td, "Uncle Josh Jenkins;" October th. Black Patti; October 7th, "The Clansman." Mr. Charles P. Crawford, of States vllle, has bought the interest of his partner, Mr. E. B. Leinster, lo the livery firm of Crawford & Leinster and will continue the business at the present stand. Mr. Leinster has not decided on his future business arrangements. Ths Norfolk 4 Southern Railway will run apeclal trains from Elizabeth City and other points to Norfolk dur ing the winter to give theatre-lovers ths opportunity to witness the more prominent plays to be shown there. Next Tuesday night a special will be run down to see Dixon's play, "The Traitor." PLATERS ALSO IX THIS STATE. if Jake Stockton and Jim Beck, nerro convicts or Iredell, escaped from the chalngang camp on the Turnersburg road sometime Thursday night. Both convicts had about served out their time and were trusties. Stockton has been cooking for the gang. The authorities have offered a reward for ths capture of the men. Mrs. Henry Summers, mother of Mr. C. H. Summers, of Btatesville, is critically 111 at her home in Shlloh township. She has been In poor Jiealth two or three years and it Is geared that she will not recover. Rev. J. E. Summers, of Mecklenburg, pass ed through Btatesville yesterday en route to Shlloh to be at the bedside of his mother. Deputy Collector J. M. Davis, of Btatesville, has returned from Alex ander county, where he spent two or three days looking sfter the Alexan 6r moonshiners. He found and seized a blockade still In Wlttenburg township and also 95 gallons of brandy while on the trip. The goods were brought to Btatesville and will be sold by the government. Mr. S. M. Robinson Thinks That tits Tar Heel Checker Players Will Bestir Themselves They Can Beat Champion Flshbnrne It Was Once (Done by a Lowry Man. To ths Editor of The Observer: I notice In to-day's Observer sn ac count of a meeting of checker players held recently In -Atlanta, Ga. The article states that Mr. F. B. Fish burne, of Columbia, 8. C, was the prime "mover" in making the ar rangements for this meeting and that It was mainly due to the efforts and enthusiastic work of Mr. rishburne that ths meeting resulted in the or gantzation of checker association of the South and West It seems also that Mr. Flshburne beat all the boys playing checkers and that he got all the bouquets and carried oft all the honors of the meeting. I note mat North Carolina had only one repre sentative at the meeting. I think that this accounts for the score being so one-sided and all In Mr. rush- burne's favor. I know that there are several checker players in the city of Charlotte alone who would have Interested Mr. Flshburne had tney been able to attend the recent raeet- 1ns In Atlanta. I never had the pleasure of meet ing Mr. Flshburne, but I know of him and have heard -that he can play some. However, ne is nui imp umj checker player we have in this fair Southland. I know that once upon a time he met his Waterloo at the hands of a North Carolina player. About three years ago Mr. Flshburne, .hllened Mr. J. M. Wilson, of Lowell, for a game of checkers by correspondence. Mr. Wilson is not a professional 'checker player, but has chsrge of the accounting depart ment of the Lowell Cotton Mills and the Peerless Manufscturing Company, and plays checkers only for amuse ment and as a pastime. Mr. Wilson did not feel that he should accept a rhallenre from a player with the skill and experience of Mr. Flshburne , Vlth th result that Mr. Wilson beat Mr. Flsh burne one of the games and snarte a draw of the other one. Mr. Fish burne remarked after the game that - -THE' UNION ' NATIONAL BANK . Of charlott;e,n.cl THE WEATHER. Washington, Sept. to. Forecast: Virginia, fair Saturday and probably Sunday; light variable winds becoming south. North Carolina and South Carolina, fair Saturday and Sunday; light to fresh northeast and east winds. Georgia. Alabama, partly cloudy, show ers in south portion Saturday and Sun day; light east winds. East Florida, showers Saturday snd Sunday; light variable winds, mostly east. West Florida, showers Saturday sad Sunday; light to fresh east winds. Mississippi, Louisiana, local showers Saturday and probably Sunday; fresh east to south winds. West Virginia, (air Saturday; Sunday Increasing cloudiness. MERCHANTS & FARMERS NATIONAL BANK American Machine & Mfe.-Co. CHARLOTTE. N. C Manufacturing Machinists - and Founders tottoi ud Cittoa Oil Mx.inery. Waste ladunery md WNtf-Workiof Kadiinery. General Repairs. Casting: . ; Contract to Install Steam and Hot Water Heatlntv. Fir Pro teetlon, Klectrlo Lighting and Power Plants. 14. First National Bank cHARixyrrE, w. c. ; ; Capital, and Vroflu. ; . . . . .SSSO.000 ' ; Accotot 6oucrrz3 ,: ;4 Par Cent. On Tims Certificates. HENRY M. McADEW,...,. President JOHN , F, ORR, i .. , Cashier Directors: ' . ; S. C. Burroughs - Geo. W. Graham J. a Myers J. H. MeAden Prank Gtlreath . ' Geo. W. Bryan '1' C. A. Bland C. A. Wllllamg . Usnnr tt. .MeAden v ' t --it; m. but I finally persuaded hlrn to piayi Mr Flshburne two games, witn LOCAL OFFICE V. 8. WEATHER BURBA!'. Charlotte, Sept. 25. Sunrise 6:13 a. sunset ;1 p. m. TEMPERATURE (In degrees). Highest temperature Mean temperature Excess for the day Accumulated deficiency for month. Accumulated excess for ye;ir PRECIPITATION (in Inches)-. nhi- Total for 24 hours ending S p. m. . Day of Kern's Visit to Re Holldav. I (jorreepondence of The Observer. Winston-Salem, Sept 24. At a special meeting of the tobaoco board of trade it has been decided that October 7th, the day of Hon. John W. Kern's visit snd address here, at the Piedmont Fair, there will be no tobacco sales. In fact. It Is slrsady conceded that the day will be vir tually a holiday throughout business clr cles In the Twin City, due to the presence of the distinguished citlsen of Indiana, which will be the occasion, too, of va rious entertainments throughout the city. 4: The human eye unaided usually sees nothing more minute than 1,200 sach. Stocks and Bonds Bought oi8old. J Per Cent. . or mors, free of taxes, can be obtained from first-class stocks which ws can offer. In buying or selling It will be well to have the benefit of our experience and facilities. NORTH CAROLINA TRUST COMPANY, Greensboro, N. C Capital and 8urplus $405,000. A. W. McAlIster, President A. M. Scales, General Counsel. Robt C. Hood, Asst Manager. Mr. Wilson had "caiiRht him ping." "Howsoever these things he." Total for the month 0.W Mr. Flshburne was beaten. Mr. Wll-, Accumulated deficiency for month:. I.M son seldom plays a game now. as hIsjTota for tne year 41. 64 duties keep him verv busy. He has Accumulated excess for year 2.46 had to decline al! challenges ror xne prevailing wind direction East. Vr. Davles McLelland, who recent 7y resigned bis position with the Statesvllle Drur Company, went to Mooresvllle this week to enter upon the duties of his new position with the Goodman Drug Company. Mr. Me llland Is a Mooresvllle man and was formerly connected with the Goodman company. He made many friends during his stay here, who regret his going away. Capt. W. K. II. Gregory, of States- vine. received a message this week stating that his son, Mr. Harrv Gregory, was seriously ill on a ranch rear Hillaboro, Tex., where he was employed. The physician and friends in charge of the young man were ad vised by the father to start him home as soon as they thought the patient sble to travel, and It Is possible that he is on his way to Statesvllle now. The South Fork Baptist Association, composed of fifty-two churches, will meet st the First Baptist churrh of Gastonla Wednesdny night. October list, snd the sessions will continue through the following Sunday. Rev. Dr. William Lundsford. pastor of th First Paptlst church of Ashevllle will assist Rev. W. H. Reddish, the psstor in s series of evantHlfttr serviced st the First Paptlst church here, begin ning November 4th. tlonal Interest has been manifest by the people of every township In Vance county. Creditable school buildings ave been erected which are comfort bls and substantial and whose loca tion U convenient to all. The graded chool in HeneVrson opened suspic iously and fhe numh,r enrolled sre 577 f27 students and pupils. rrnf j t Alderman has shown suptirh exeru Ire ability In the conduct of the Irmtl-xntion. Interest In Matesvllle's Gon Club In rresses. fipedal to The Observer. Statesvllle. sept 2J Interest tn bs proposed gun club for Statesvllle continues to grow and some of the Soca! sportsmen have become very enthusiastic over ths matter. Mr. E. H, Storr, of Charlotte, a representa tive of the Peters Cartridge Company, pent several days here this week At- . ' sjrviMiucn fiv JJI UptJJf Or ganixlng the club,, snd his visit helped to arouss' interest Mr. Storr visited ths clay pigeon traps In company with a number of Btatesville gentlemen Wsdnesday afternoon and demon strated ths qualities of his cartridge In the shooting of the clay pigeons, lis is aa exsVrt gunshot and did some fine shooting. A number of the local sportsmen also did some excellent hooting and were much encouragcH by efbetr progress and the remri ade. , The trap and pigeons used were the private property of Mr. Hagh R. Cowlcs. who is entertaining the sportsmen until ths club Is form ed. It Is probable that the club win be orgaolsed with at least 2t mem bers. 22 names having already been r'-aced a ths list-': past twelve months, but I reel sure that If he had the time to studv and practice the gume Mr Flshburne would be easy for him. The last tlm Mr. Wilson played In Charlotte he best the reputed champion of Char lotte three straight games, while In a nervous strain, fearing that his train would leave him. The North Carolina 'bovs must wake up and see that the Old North Ptste Is fullv and ably represented at the next meeting of the checker associa tion, and I will wager that the scoro m tell A frerent taie wn-n- ins meeting is over. P M. ROBINSON. Lowell. Sept. 24th. W. J. BENNETT. Observer. F. D. A . KB 33 f took two of Chamherlata'a HtMn.K liver tsbJets Ust slsht and I feci f r vr ent.. betr thaa X have for k.- esys J. i. Firestone, of Allegan. ? ' ' TUlely f.n srttel .kf;i""7 " For sale by R. It lor t Co. fcamples free. ATTKMPT AT BCIlGtART. Mr W. W. Gslther, of Sfstesrllle, Tsltea a Mt at Would-IV Tlilef. But He Gets Arrsy. Special to The Observer. Statesvllle. Sept. 25. The first at tempt at burglary in Statesvllle for some time oocurred early yesterday morning. Between I and 2 o'clock Mrs. W. W. Galtber was aroused by some on attempting to open the blinds of a kitchen window. After llstenlns' a few minutes to be sure that it was a burglar, Mrs. Galther awaken ed Mr. Galther and whispered to him that a burglar was sbout to enter tne house. Securing his pistol, Mr. Galth er crept noiselessly to the kitchen and managed to open the door without frightening away the night prowler. The man on the outside continued to pull at the blinds until Ma Galther flred at him. when there was a great commotion on the outside. Rushing outside, Mr. Galther could bear the visitor rushing through the weeds In the back tot at high speed and he attempted to empty the other cham bers of hla pistol, but the weapon failed to fire. Mr. Galther Is man ager of the Iredell Cafe and is always the last man to leave at-night. He did not get home until 12:30 Wednes day night, and he thinks the would- be burglar was some one who thought he had tsken home the money taken In at the cafe during the day. All last winter there were burglar scares In Statesvllle and a number of times the nlght-sjowlers gained en trance to homeswld made away with a, little booty. During ths summer, however, things have been quiet as a rule. The "peeping Tom stunt" a fw nights sgo, snd the Incident men tioned shove, will cause ths nervous to become uneasy again. Oos Bound Over In Two Cases. Special to The Observer. . ' Winston-Salem. Sept 25 Oliver a Cox. who I secused of having victim ised merchants here, In Mount Airy ana in rnot Mountain, by means of bogus checks, was to-day bound oVer to Superior Court for trial In two cases. He was unable to give tlOO bond which was set Cox, since - his arrest .In Mount Airy, appears to be fetgniifg complete ignorance of having committed any of the acts charged. AN OVERSIGHT: Suggestion. The famous "Scott' Revenue Act 1908. (Applicable Charlotte only) completely ignored and forgot at least THREE IMPORTANT TRADES. These should be included: 1st. The lawyer, he sells real estate, heals and makes trouble. 2d. The preacher, he Is generally a wen paid man in Charlotte. 3d. The physician, or "scrip" writer, ne is tne character our "board" can't trust. A fine Dll worth Lot for sale. F. D. ALEXANDER Exclusive Whitft .Agency. Notice Notice Is hereby given that the Highway Commission of Black Moun tain Township, Buncombe County, N t ., will receive bids until 12 o'clock m. October 1st 1908, for the grading and macadamising of the roads In said township, as shown on the pro files in omce or said commission at Black Mountain, N. C. Said grading ana macadamising not to exceed In cost the sum of 121,000. The Highway Commission hereby reserves tns right to reject any and all bids. C. E. COTTON, ; " Chairman. W. II. BURNETT. Secretary. It's s pity when sick ones drug ths Stomach or stimulate ths Heart snd Kidneys. That is all wrong! a weak Rtomach means weak Stomach nerves at. ways. And this is also true of (be Heart and Kidneys. The weak nerves sra l- CS. ryi1 Lr n'l-. splslneH C . ""'v n-nonnrt m promptly helping Stomach. Heart snd Kidney aiU meota. The Restorative reach.. iL. ,.u.. .J"11 ih ailment s- hi lin tf. " Anyway tetrtthi w miurs. . 11 won't TV"? " nisi, nut yea nip M coming. Pharmacy. cure m will snrelY bMM Sold by Mullen's "Jordan's on ths Square. E. P.' PurcelL President. D. A. McLaughlin. V. prsa, we in smoking .is in the quality of the Cigar. 'Our lines of Cigars are all v of the high quality kind and never .fail to .satisfy. Buy them to-' day. .rr:;,,-) : i i Mm j & co, Tkoaa f. NURSES' REGISTER FOURTH WARD Ror Q3,250 We have just had placed with us for sale a seven room house and lot in the above ward. The loca tions is gdbd, being near Tenth Avenue Church, and the place is offered cheap. Call and let us show you the property. J. Em Murphy (k Co. 43 N. Try 00. 'Phone S42. North Church St. Residence SSBffSSfJSJSJSJBSJSJ H - ' . . - , . .v. , , ;V Lot 75 feet , front, .nine rooms, all modern' eon-; veniehces,- electric lights, steam heat . ; . .$4,O00.6or Can arrange, terms.' :Will be sold at pnce.: For" further particulars, call on or 'phone v ", I Brown W 'Phone 535. '203 N. Tryon St: Accident and Health Policies 1 in the MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANT are the most Mberal In existence, though, they don't cost any more than others. Every one needs a Disability Policy covering EVERT ACCI DENT AND EVERY DISEASE. Let us tell you how ws will pay you a definite weekly. Indemnity If you should be disabled BY ANY . ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS. 'HABVEY LAMBETH, Mgr. Ins. Dept AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, i NEW INTEREST QUARTER ' ' if ' ' .' . On October 1st INTEREST will be credited on all SAVINGS AC COUNTS. Increase your Account all you can before that' date. We pay Interest on all deposits made on. or before October Ith 4 per cent snd compound It Quarterly. ' '. i Southern Loan S Savings Dank BBS, JOHN , SL SCOTT. President. W. 8. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. W. It. JENKINS. CMhJetw . .. . ' . , v'. '. This is the Month to btnM up your balance in our. Sarinp DeptrtmenL A New Interest Quarter bepnnin.? October 1st We pay 4 per cent and Compound tbe Interest Quarterly.' American Trust Company The New Series ; Hutual Building and Loan Is open. Shares are beinr taken daily. No similar bmibIuMmi av ins; so ions; m penoa can irumruny ooast so fine a record 17 years and pot one cent lost. , ' . - -.; AX AGE OP OPPORTTNITY , " i - for youna; men to save and to earn as. never before Is at hand. Had .our daddies enjoyed as much, theirs would have been an easier life, and estates Instead of mere homes, and. In thousands of cases, not even that, would have been the Inheritance of the youth to-day. Use the B. Ac U. young man, save something each week, however small, and yon'lKa-et there- py and by. Just so sure as you hsve the ; nerve to stick-'. THE TIME TO START 7 x. Is now The Mutual, thaa which there Is no better. Is open and wait ing. Resolve to be somebody, then go to work with a wilt Victory can ho youra. , ., . E Ls KEESLER; Secretary . and Treasurer THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Resources $1,500,00000 Our method of doing b'usiness holds old fripn'rjs in'd j : gains nerr ones. B. D. HEATH, President JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. ..J. XX. LrrTXE,'Vtco PreatdenC, TV. H. , TrnTY, Caahlec. MSURaNeE ' Ia something we all must carry and ws would ha glad to serre yea. Ws writs ths foUowing lines: Fire,- Health. Aocldent, Surety Bonds, ' Steam Boiler, Burglary, Elevator, Sprinkler, , Leakage, Plate Glass. If you need any of the above Insurance, call SOS and we will be glad to call and see you. . . v CAROLINA EKALTY CO. J' O. 3. THIE8, Pres. K B.' RUSH LED. See. irA VT. D, WILKINSON. Treaa. anu .Vr. J. p. LONO, Salesman. y&o. I W.' Fifth 8trest. . J ; '" V'-;-.; Thona lOti Farm Sate or Exchange . We offer for sale, or' exchange for city property, a splendid farm of about .40 acres, four, miles from city. Has good I -room cottage, bam and splendid orchard. y .v , 'For further particulars aea . - . - The Charlotte,- Trust SL Realty Co. " : " ' ' v, CAPITAL'' $200,000.00. . 1 Mm mWS2 18 1 "(raft Wood Fibre Wall ; Plaster. "Hard, aindi." THE'BUILDER'S TEIEirD - Freeslng does not hurt; natural shrlnksge will not crack ftr)1 water does not make U fall off; hard aa stone. . Write for booklet!'7 Manufactured . by . , ... - .,; y ;-: ( CHflRLOTTE PLASTER CONPflNY Writ for Booklet. ' , J '; ' Charlotte, Jf. J, -. AGAIN' WE WOlliD .CALL . YOUR ATTENTION TOTHOSE EEVENTa We told you a short time ago that we had but a few left. Rin .. we havs sold - ' . , , The large corner lot at the neaa or the street. 1 00 foot front. Also ths large double' lot HOxJ 00. , And several of the remaining 10-foot lota. , Y . - v -So to-day wo have to offer bat , '. 0 ' . ' ': . ' Pour lots 10x200 on west side of street. A ' ? , - " , , ' . . One'eorner lot 60x300 on west side of street. ' One lot-iOxUS on east side of street.-- . . : And one fine corner 140x70, comer Louise and Sevenths ' ", ' Several clienU are already figuring on these few remalnln Int. A you will do well to call .soon if you want a lot on this broad avenus which has the advantage of two car lines, also waterr sewer and electric lights at your service. . . , , 'e-ai. 'J, 'Phone SM. as a, Trytm ax "Eramina in exal estate.

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