13 COOP BErORTS ARE MADE A WARM - .DISOUstilOX EVOKED. tJrUst Board of FduoaUoa Makes Keromiuemlation That Sense Coo Mdecabie Debate and Uie Convea . thw Reject lix Report Secretary ' IJvliveviott Johnnoo' PoIbU Ou ItaijulUes of Collecting Vends For Missions I'nder t PrwsoBt Arranne ' ion t i leoom ntentliuiona ' f Mis , aton Board Good Progress la 6m day Krhool Work Reported tyM. ' Middleton Greetings to and From - tlie MethodiMs ' at Durham- The Committees Appointed. . -Special to The Observer, Wllaon, Dae.'lOTb feature of to. day's session . of " the. Baptist SUU Convention was the discussion of tha reoonunendatioa of the board of edu cation providing that tha policy of tha .board hereafter be to furnish every heosftclary of the hoard statement f aid fuonlahed him and . that; the . beneficiary ' be expected to repay the amount as he become able either Id mosey or service to tne boara. ' This question was tha subject of oon aiderabie d abate at Wilmington a yeaf ago and at, that time the Convention voted lit favor of making- all assist ance to ministerial students an abso lute cift This action 'of1 the Con ventlon last year did not neat with the approval of tha denomination at large and the receipts of tha board 'for this "year were not equal to ' the' - hopes of tha' board. The . recommen dation of: the board evoked a warm , debate but when the question was . called for tha Convention rejected tha report and adopted a 1 substitute, -. which aontinnes .the policy outlined a year ago. .-4 :: ?..:4' rM--'f-4i ? fiECRKTART JOHNSON'S . REPORT. Tha annual report of Livingston ' Johnson, corresponding secretary, ' svaa road. This report shows marked f progress during tha year. The trees " ureVs books closed with ISf.lwS.1T. faJnoa then-sufficient funds have come In for akate missions and Sunday schools to brlns the amount-up to 4SM01.H, a alight increase over last year. ; Twa weeks before the hooks . closed all i Indications pointed to a 4M0I' debt, while a week later It ' seemed barely oosslbls to reduce the f iadebtednese to 12.600; . but two or three days before tha end of the year the hearts of the people were touch d by the aplrit of God. i 'Tha board has n the roll this year lit missionaries. Of course assocla t tonal missionaries who make their reports to tne board are -included in this number. These men have been at work in every section of the State, Fnrtv-ais-ht of the sixty-one associa tion have had mission work done within their bound this year. It should bo stated that the report! cover but nine months. Heretofore the last quarter ended OctoberJlst, .while this year the last quarter c roses the list of uecemoer. The boards report: Bermons preach ed, s.oii: churches supplied. 281: out stations supplied, ; lib; rejigtous visits, lf.170; nspusma, s.v; auueu hy, letter, l.MO;.- conversions, 2, Jf ; protracted : meetings held, 40S; churches bulldin-,, 44; churches fin l-hed. es: churches organised, 11. Ths board has two f evsngellsta. These two men reported so Baptisms and this work was done in 40 meet ins. '. .','.;: -." .?': . v "' A CHANGE! IS NECESSART. i Mr. Johnson said: "For eight years ti board has asked that contribu tions to Stats mission bo made all 1 throua-h tha year. More than one- sixth of the money sent to the treas- - urer for State Missions this year cams la on tha last dsy of the conventional vmt and more than one-third tha last week. It is very unwise in many resoects to cause so much to depend on the last few'day. It makes It ' necessary to retort to high pressure methods In raising ths money. To ba ' compelled to raise such a large amount in a week or a day, even :. srrantina- that It can always be done, 4s an abnormal and unhealthful con dition, t It' creates : deep anxiety throughout the State as to what the slnal outcome wUl be. Although the suggestion that we take quartexUr collections for (State missions, wnicn the board made last year and the Convention adopted,' appears t have been unheeded,, we make bold to re- f pea i .; wiui . iiiw ctk. . (Something- must' be' done to change . ear- nresent methods or In the and this dangerous delay will result, in disastrous debt." The report shows the ' offering to foralsn missions to be fS6.04.l. a Jecreaseofll.T9l.il. The offerings So home missions were $17,00144. a less of S4Xt.ll. r BOARD'S RECOMMENDATIONS --''The following recommendations arere made by the board of missions nil were referred to is committee: - First, That the -board operate on the aama basis as last year, that Is, t0,- 4)00. - Second. That all , above that ' amount be .used as a church building loan fund., under condition provided ." in report of a year ago, which are as follows:: . First, That It ba shown to the en ' (ria satisfaction of a discreet eommlt-'-- tea composed of members -of the - Jward that the point applying cannot poeelbly build a house without kid ! .1 and provided, . Second, That ho loan will he made - to a hoaso of worship until 'ths mls- . - ntonaries shall have been paid in full.' : Third, That a committee be ap pointed to consider the report of a committee appointed by the Boutb- am. Baptist.. .Convention suggesting ems changes In the plans of raising T money for tha several benevolent abject. - v . RECEIPTS OF THE TEAR. Treasurer Durham .offer3 his an- kinsi. report showing receipts as fol- - lots: State missions, !I,24i.Tl; for- irn mission. Ut.zM.SO; home mls alons. tlMlO.Sl; education, $4.4lt. ; Sunday school missions, tl.t0t.t0; nlnlstertal relief, f 2,473.07; student's aid fun 1101.07: Margaret Home. 4182.41; training acbool. 41. 87: mls rellsneons, tSO.OS. Total eontrlbu- dons to benevolences, $04,l2.tt.; - Tha board f relief for aged -mln- ' Inters la Its annual report suggested that tha Convention take steps to- rata and build" a home some where in the State for aged ministers, A . special committee - of .five r was ' ap pointed to consider this question. A resolution was-adopted calling vpon tha churches to make Christ mas a time of apeelal offering to the relief of aged ministers., . PROGRESS I?f ST7NDAT SCHOOt Secretary K. t Middleton reported tnmi nroareu in Sunday school work. The report shows 1,700 Baptist 8ua- ar schools in ths mate sna zv rhiirches without schools. The report of the board of minlsto rl.1 !ucation shows It ministerial students in Wake Forest College,. 2S at Loniviii Pminary and 2 at the Tniaviii Traintn KchooL - ' It, Puietit read the report f tha -srd of 'trustees of "W'sk Forest .i . The report show a healthy oii,!:o in th f.!cr. Dr. Potest r,.,ka of the c T -ir.'.en which to-day rrrjror t f, t.---!"ii.iatlonsl eoIleK. . it t n tie trio Industrial, te crowth or tn f TV I-'. .don by the Ftste, t f i ,-!!!- cf the .... . ,:.a lasUt- tions from the benefit ef the Carnegie Foundation.. - . GREETINGS TO .METHODISTS. The following resolution was of fered by Rev. XX White and after adoption the secretary of the Conven tion was Instructed to -wiro 'greetings to the Methodist Conference In ses sion at Durham and ask It to co-operate in a Ilka resolution. 4 The resolu tion follows: - - Be it resolved, by tha Baptist State Convention of iorthr Carolina In aes sion aaaemblod.. that we all upon all tha men . and tvomen of North Caro lina who leva ' righteousness and be lieve In the sanctity of law to exert their - utmost -. effort to see . that , the will Of the people as expressed at the polls- on May - ttth, 1008,? be given full; force and--effect and 'that every lover' of ' hia State v consider himself in duty bound to contribute his. indi vidual share tt effort to see that tha prohibition law. of the- State accom plish the purpose for which it was n acted; that w urge the members of Cur churches. In their -capacity as citizens to organise civic or law and order lesguea In every community to aid. the officers ef the law m ne en forcement of the prohibition meas- A" telegram of greetings from , tne Methodist Conference at Durham was received and read and a reply was or. dered sent by the secretary. ,'sf Ji; ,THE COMMITTEES. President Carlyl announced the following committees: Home Missions u. a. jenxins, oay- lus Cade, R. A. McFarland, l E. Tynder, B. A. Tyree. W. O. King, R. P, Thomas. ' , , State Missions J. W. Lynch, B. A. Hedgepeth, A. A. Pippin, J. P. Bow ors, A. R. Forsbee, 8. T. Becker t -Foveign Missions J. I White, R. p: Thomas. V. B. Justlca.lW. B. Wolfe. E. W. Stbne,' C. 8- Meseney, John H. Kerr, A. J. Freeman. Woman's WorkH. W. Battle, B. P. iWslker, J. M.Arnette, J. D. El liot M. W. Buffaloe, R, C. Short, T. W. May. r - Secondary Denominational Schools C M, Beach, J. A. Beam, Q. E. UneberryM.' A. Wood, J. Ci Clifford. Biblical Recorder H. H. Mash burn, J. M. Adderman, P. T. Long, J, C. Scarbordugh, I. N. Loftin. To Nominate Board of Missions W. H. Eller, W. E. Humphrey. D. O. Washburn, James Smith, R. D. Steph enson, A. T. Howell, A. A. Butler, W. A. Cooper. Ministers' Relief Board W. C; Ty ree, C E. Maddrey, T. H. Thornton. B. O. Early, W. P. Campbell, 8. W. Oldham, J. O. Blaylock. Obituaries J. A. Smith, O. 8. Jones, H. A. Brown, R. T. Vnnn, O. W. Triplett, I. J. Ragsdale, W. H. H. Lawhorn, ' PUce and Preacher T. M. Pitt man, W. A. Graham, D. 8. Reld, T. T.' Speight, C. F. Whitlock, T. W. Cham bliss, A. H. Porter. To Nominate Board of Education W. R. Beach C. M., Rock. C. W. Paysen, J. W. Davenport, John P. Miller, E. W. Shearin and M. P. Stall ing. . Orphanage E. E. Bomar, H. Street, A. C. Sherwood, E. F. Mum ford, W. A. Cooper, A. W. Earl, R. F. Devans. Order of Bualnesa Next Session E. U Middleton, A. J. Moncrlef, J. W. Lynch, F. P, Hobgood, J. R. Doan, n. K. Stone. . L : XL Mercer. To Nominate Aged Ministers' Reltof Board C. F. Watklns, W. F. Staley, W. H. Haywood, J. W. Sledge, F.. W. Bright THOMASVILLE ORPHANAGE. .Prof. F. P. Hobgood, president of the board of trustees of the Thomas- villa Orphanage, made the an natal re port to-nlghb The report ahows t8t phildren in tha home. During the year' many improvements hae been made. The orphanage work was dis cussed by Rev. Dr. K. K. Bomar, of Charlotte, and M. U Kesler, of the orphanage. Rev. C A. Jenkins, of StatesvUle, read the report on home mission. The report recites the growth of home mission work during the past year. - Following the report Rev. Dr. C, J. Thompson, formerly pastor at Dur ham but now located in Atlanta, ad dressed the Convention. Dr. Thomp son was at his best and eloquently presented the Importance of the work of evangelisation of America. ' The reception of the pastors who have located in tha -State during the past year was a beautiful conclusion of a very pretty day, Corresponding Secretary Livingston Johnson was In charge and presented the new pastors to the convention. T. w, u. SOVTENIKS VERY STRIKING. North Carolina Society of New York Dinner a Hplendtd Event Kcboca of the Occasion " Some of - the (nCHts. - r Mr. 8. Wittkowslty has received from his eon. Dr. Albert J. Wlttson, several strikingly handsome souvenirs of the annual dinner . of tha North Carolina Society of New Tork, which was given at tha Hotel Astor, Mon day evening. December Tth.' The Hon, William H. Taft, President-eleci of the United States, waa the guest of honor of the occasion. ,, ;' ; ' ' Tha souvenir menu cards were ex ceedingly handsome. The seal of tha Bute in gold appeared on the cover and within, on the first sheet,. was a splendid steel engraving of the guest of honor of tha evening. The second leaf bora a photograph of the tablet recently erected by the North Caro lina society of tha Daughtera -of the Revolution to the (1 ladles of Eden- ton constituting the famous Rdenton tea party of colonial days. - The : bill of fare of the dinner followed, one of the familiar drinks-available be ing "Mecklenburg spring water." . '. Other souvenirs consisted Of -t a small box, on the top of which was done the great seat of tha State,?- A list of the guests present was also given. Among those better known In charlotte wares -- v . -?: "' A Messrs. R. B. Amngton, epencer a. Adams, Dr. Charles Baskerviue,- Drs. H. B. and Simon Baruch and Joseph Barnoh, J. El wood Cox,- or. juyman Abbott, W.'A. Blair, John C. Breek tridge, Thomas Dtaon. Jrn R- B., C. C. and Qrover O. Dula, B. N. and A. B. LiuKS, B. i-Juncan, tsk r. Donbleday. Thomas S. FuUer, Frank A. Oadger, Clark Howell, Frank H. Hitchceek, 'WlUlam T. Jerome, J. T. JoynerA J. C Leslie. Oeorge ., W. Meacbam, Adrian isena, jr.. ineoirr S. LxM-d, H.- A. - aieia, stbok v. Mebana, Seth M. MUUken. Hugh MaeRaa, Joha Motley Morehead, Rob ert C. Ogden, Adolph & Ochs, James W. Osborne, Hon. lioe i Overman, Theodore H. "Price, Walter Page, Wil liam Anderson Polk.- Harry u. i"ui ltam. Arthur and Ralph Page, H M. Post. Junius Parker M. V. Richards, Herman Rldder, L. O. Roontree, Hon. F. M. Simmons, Hon. J. C. Spooner, Samuel Uutermeyer, Charles P. Taft. Alfred P. Thorn. Dr. Francis P. Ven able, Hon. Augustus Van Wyck. Hon. William Van Wyck, Dr. C. O. Van dell, Dr. Albert J . Wlttson, Dr. W. Gil Wylie, B. A. GU Wylle, Dr. R. H. Wylle and Dr. Oeorge Tuckef Har rison. - ' ' ' " , '.' ' ' l i AU Inconsequential fire called the firemen from their couches about 11 o'clock last night A blase bad start ed in the enitine room ef the plant of the Southern Newspaper Union on r-nllrr and Fifth sirerts. It w ext;nej,hed lt'eaM and without ARGYLE CLCB'S RECEPTION. Laurtnbnrg'a New Social OrganUaUon . lakes Jtank wiui uie ms in ww Mate Recent Kutertalnmeut Giveu by It An Kveut of Mart Koclal Im-, ' Dortamce lii Lanrlnharg Mr. H. W. AlaJloy's SpeecU. Waa the Feature ' of the Evening. "- ' -i;;f I Correspondence, of The Observer. . J " Laurlngburg, Dec "s 0. At no tlma in the history of our town has there been a social event of such proml neca as the reception given by the Argyls Club on Friday , evening, Jthe 27th of November. . ' ;-T ;';..:; A scene of beauty, grace and re finement, beautiful -wemen and hand some men fitted In with the elegance of the club rooms, Ths . Argyle may well bo proud, of Its equipment, which can compare to advantage with : tha handsomest In the Bute, and Laurln burg may well be, proud of this up-te-date club. Though It has only been of recent organisation, its ef ficient management has brought. it forward In rapid strides, and now It Is of the best, and a cluV that no mother need be afraid for her boy to enter, one of refinement and Intel- ligrnce and so bound to exert treat Influence for good. ' ', - ' . Miss Bessie Muse with Mr. Tom Myers were tha first to meet the guests and with a hearty hand-clasp of welcome aracefullv turned - them over to the care of , Mr; and Mrs, Daniel Shaw whoy respecttvely,t con ducted them to the , dressing rooms, after which an ascent to the next fioor ushered In the . beauty and delights of the club" rooms. ' h , :. i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, assisted by Miss Paul Jamea and Mr. C. M. Fetter, ' here renewed the generous welcome, leading . the guests to the parlor and; introducing them to the receiving committee ; . Mr. and Mrs. J. V. sMacRas. Mr. and Mrs. E. H Gibson. Mr... and Mrs. A. L. James, Mtaa Harriet MacLan and Mr. Jim North. Theaa with gracious fords of hosnitalMv nassed the attests on to Dr. and Mrs, C. W. Regan, who con ducted them into tha reading room, Where's soecial committee -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Blue, Mr. and Mrs. W.' DeB. Met Each in. Miss Bessie': Muse and Mr. W. H. Weatherspoon saw that all were taken to tha register ' that they mfght leave a witness of their having been In the midst. of this enjoyable occasion. -'' y-'-:'-- The bunch' bowls." respectively pre s fded over . by Miss Martha Everett end Mr.s George GSodwln. Mis Ina MacNair and Mr. George t Avlnger neitcaUed ifor - devotees i and soch were '' not lacking.;: having ; once - Im bibed the delicious, nectar. . -' 'Tha elegant' pool and -billiard room was also visited, and Interesting games watched. "A fine strlng'band added to the delights of the evening and many a dainty foot-surreptitiously tapping the floor' attested,, to the ? enlivening charms of ' the music, , - After an ' In terval of, delightful chat, a bevy of beautiful VllUler girls, r Misses. May Shaw, Emma Neal Covington, Grace Graddick. Mary Covington, Mary Lou . San ford. Hattlo ' Wall Bryant Marie Covlnxton. Nannie Hammond, Annie ' Goodwin, dressed in white with crimson ribbons, served sn ele gant salad course. Shortly after Judge W. H. Neal made a delightful address of welcome In behalf of the1 club to the visitors. It goes without saying that. this was a masterpiece and fully sustained Judge Neat's reputation as an orator of-wit. To this Mr. G. B. Patterson, of Msxton, responded for the visitors In a happy little speech which re ceived a shower of applauses Mr. W. H. Weatherspoon. with a few gracious words of .- welcome, Intro duoed the-speaker of the evening, Mr. H. W. Malloy, of Wilmington. , Mr; Malloy's themo was one to whleh all present heartily responded,, "Laurln burg and ; Its ', Possibilities from Business Standpoint." With -t well chosen words these possibilities were disclosed, the unrivaled excellence of our farming lands, our manufactories paving the way for other ' branches and all calling for greater educational advantages. Mr. Malloy . being , a former Laurtnburg boy, knew weir hl subject and did It full Justice, His speech was masterly and heartily en joyed. .. ' :'-.. '.': fc Col. N. A. MacLean, of Lumberton waa to nave aaurcsseu ins company, but was prevented by. sickness. , : '. Thus ended an evening; of delight and ,msny thanks are due for: the elegant hospitality of the Argyle Club; MESSAGE 5NDS MEMBERS. Senators and Representatives Object - to tlie liana; usee Used by the Pres . Men In Ills Heference to the Se-rre-t ,48eirTloe- Numerous Confer ences Held and an Investigation Is Orderedv'- .'V-j;.:;'-. ;';-,i i:-f Waihfcgton'., Ded. ' 1 .-Numerous conferences were held at the Capitol to-day relating to President Room velt's message , to' Congress and ; his Mu.nmfflAndBilAna oiwwmln" tha se cret- service, in which - he used lan4 guage which "Is . Objected to by Senar tors and - Representatives, . . Tha last Of these conferences waa at the office Of Speaker Cannon and was Attended by the Speaker and Senators Aldrich and Hale. -1. -. - '. -':) 'p- If was practically decided that resolution should : be Introduced in the House to-morrow providing for the appointment of a select committee to consider .the recommendations .made for a restoration -of tha law regarding the, secret service -and also to take account ef tha expressions .In the mes sage which were effenslve to mem bers of Congress, a -- A ' resolution el ready has been prepared and Is lh the custody -ef ' Representative - Per kins, of New York, who according to tha present understanding will Intror duce it in the House to-morrow. -,, Indications point to non-action by the senate on the message until After the House special committee has had tha opportunity to investigate the tmtire matter. A number of Demo- -atlc Senators have had , informal conferences concerning the isngusge used by the president, and as a result Senator Culberson, the minority lead art, to-day consulted with Senator Vfkm the new ; Republican leader. atot Culheraen tooa tne pooiuon that the message coma not - oe ig nored and suggeated that the portion relating to the secret servics be re feited to the Senate committee en ropriaUons for an mvesngauon. JtlDIGESTIOn? DYSPEPSIA? C H AELES PAVlSACaUITIXD XTJ.ETEEN- nAUATTS NECESSARY. , - ' ' ' ' ." . Jary in li p TriAl Of Car!es svu , or Hie .Murder of Jr. T. Kusiiu, After Belufc Out Thirteen Hours, , Ileturns a Vtrdlct of Not Guilty : ;o Furtlcr Prosecution of the Case Hill n Attempted and Mrs. Abbie Rlcci t!ie C.citkraJ' Figure , i Case WIU K Be " Releoaed Weeps When -Told Wie Must JLave the . Prison Davis Returns toi His Po- ,;ltton In the 1-trst National Bank of Omaha. ; - c,.. - :' : "''' Omaha. Neh.: TJee. 10. After. thlr-. teen hours deliberation the Jury in the case of Charles E. Davis, cnsrgeo with the murder on the morning, of Septem ber J d of Dr. Frederick - T v Rustin, at :15 thlSj morning agreeu upon a verdict f ot guilty.. Two hour .later Judge Sears receive th verdict and peered, tha discharge djj the prisoner. J - ' '- . '' ' ' " Nineteen ballots were requirea v reach -an agreement Tha llrst ctoeo.? eleven to cne for acquittal - of the charge of murder 1n the first dzree The lone Juror maintained his posit tloa 'for four tiauoti ana nw.m was Joined by another In' voting for j conviction -on a lesser charge.-; -lVT,v The case1 had attracted . nnusuai , attention not only ' because of "'tne prominence of the victim of the Kilt ing, ; who was ens of tha leading - physicians and- aurgeona or and the mystery surrounding tne tragedy, but because of the family connections- of the defendant. ' : ' '. ..THE CASE IS ENDED. ," . It Is not believed that any further nrosecuttona will be undertaken connection with the.- killing of Dr Rustin unless nnexpeeted evidence should be discovered. " County Attorney James P. angusn, , who conducted the . prosecution, . was at his home when called up ny teie-r phone this morning and -advised of the verdict." i "What la ihe vsratctrVhs asked wlth-anxlety. :-'v ;'-J-t'-,"'s."'- "Not guilty," , was tne repiy mere waa a note of disappointment In- h'". voice aa he' aald: '. .-:''. --'-? . "V thought it was a case that ds- mended the mTTst vigorous prosecu-.- tton, and I exhausted the resources st ray command to , give' it that. Everything the Stat could do to sub serve the ends of Justice waa done." "Will Mrs. Abbls r Rica be prose cuted r' was 'asked. s'v ,- "Wen, I should sa not, was the quick reply r "She 'will be released." .The case'.wntcn ineBiats (mn igalnst Davis contemplated, if It did lot . estaousn tne mnocencv oi . soman as to the commission of tha murder, .':,;. . :'' ,'-';-'' - "' . IOATH TO LEAVE PRISON. lrs. Abole Rice, the central figure In the prosecution' of Davis,, wept when Informed that the matron's de partment of, the city Jail where he has been since a few. days after tho killing of Dr. Rustin, ' could be her home no longer. Before the trial shs declined to leave the lall when her tether offered to furnish bail. Now . she will leave for Dee Moines as soon . as her father sends the necessary funds and will remain there unt.l her husband, Irving Rice, who resides in Boston, ' and . with whom she ' has becomereconcllsd, Is able to prspsre a home for her. , - ,. "I toldtnothlng but what I knew to be the truth," she aald to-day, re ferring to the trial of Davls-"but I am glad they did not convict him." Charles K,i Davis today resnmed his duties clerk In the First Na tlcnal Bank. -.v-j.t'-r.'.Vv'-;"'. i "I never felt; a r moment' enaat- ness about the-outcome of the trlal.t said he: Vtfv --J, t From New .Tork World, FOUGHT HARD TO f fORnlULA; JHAT MADE; FMEV COURT' DECISION FINALLY G1VE3 WESTERN ER PERMANENT RIGHT TO REIIARKABLE I t. Cooper, whe believes a that stomach trouble causes ninety per cent, of th Ill-health of tne present generaUon.- has been in .New, York three weeks. His claims are now admitted by an' astonishing number i m. Vnrlrr. and the young men lis winning new adherents every day.; i Cooper statea i xuesasy ia j"' thousand' people. lnNew Tork; City alone are - now trying his . medlouie. An hour spent, si the-young .mans headquarters where he Is. meeting the public,- would Indicate this .state ment tor be correct,- Judging from the numbers? who call in that length of time. 5 le sneaking of his success, re cently. Cooper saldr "I believed ten years ago-mat any ow . " produce a foymula that would -regu. Uta the stomach would have a for tune. ' When , I got - hold . of .this formula "I knew - witnin m was rlghand my fortune was made. I palled the medicine Cooper's New Discovery, although I did not get p the formula.- I have owned n, How ever, for three yearsv: I , have ,had one lawsuit over it. -which . I won In the Cincinnati couria. w w settled The cooper wsuicint. psny, ot Btyxoq, uni. only company In the- world that .can prepare the medicine. - The medicine has sold Ilka wlldnre wherever Intro- r i ! One K!ontK ,? AaJ nT ! Vf. MMsnrf m v-:fi,r p-. " V t::- r:::: ( f To t Ts i m ' m '' "' " ' - he. fcCno "irjur. ' : " Cottolene is a cleanly, wholesome product. It is iaacTa from "cotton-seed oil, r in a thorongnly modern and hygienic manner, and is just cs pure as olive oil. It, ' moreover, , makes palatable, digestible, healtHul food 'which will agree with the - most'delicate stomach Lard food on the contrary, is indigestible, and will cause , troable if its use is persisted in. e 'JLcUoletifhi indorsed by tne most prominent coo s ana ncs.zhoka economists othfe'eountryf Is well as by those of- the medical profcssicti vhci Eiake a special . vtetufltiOt tltireXOOGU' liiere 13 IIU suuiututctu v.vi.uit er. i;aauinn.-iiiuiuo suuu" tiening so good'ras 'Cdttolend g;ing 'sgj 'Z COTTOLmiSla Guaranteed 7' - money In case yon ara not pleased.aiter having given GtttokntiUXr test. never voia in um . t ltyu.; frh mnA MhnW , and prevent It from t, aucll at fisht ofl, etc, ntt' HnrVk i Prfi soma. odors, i. n.l. , rf WOOH UOOH - I" W C - .edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, the famout Food Expert, - .'(.liitiiir nuarlw VIA wlnabla reel IMS . , - - ..... lum vvm.mw MadeortrTHE N. K.' f'rJaturo'o Gift from tho Gunny Goulh Banking Deal "Made at: Islington. Special to The Observer. - ''- lxlngton, Dec. ?lv.Testerday a deal ' was consummated : ' by which Kessfs." Dermot Shemweil, of Lexing 4 mA 'r. wi wv"nf Knfsula.' Ala., gcured. a controlling Interest In the National Bank, and Mr. troy assumeu th iniiM r Mihitr.i succeedinr Mr. Fred 8. HHL Mr. R I Burkhead will continue as president of the bank and Mr. W, H. Bain as assistant cashier. Other-changes were the eleo t Ion of Messrs, Dermot Shsmwell and ). E. Fey aa directors to succeed MSssrs. Zeb V. Walser.and L 3. Pea cock, who sold out their interest. The National Bank was organised In 1800 and has a capital stock or szs.vuv, nA it is said that this la to be In creased to 50,e00 In the near futtjr. DR. HOPKINSOX COMJUO. - Dr.' MerrlU Hopklnson will ' arrive in Charlottd. on Monday nert. HI programme of seventeen well select ed . songs, ranging from ancient to modern, is -the most attractiv he has ever , presented to a. Charlotte audience, and all who hear him at Manna Hall, Tf, M. C. A on Tuesday, night wUl,bs well repaid for . their Interest in singing of a high order. Tickets, are now on. sale at the Y. M. C, A. and Jordan's Drug 8tore and are fifty cent each. . , April 1, ,'0 ; RETAIN duced. vt knew It would be Just as uocessful in New Tork as It was In the West ,That is why I said, when I -first arrived, that thousand! would buy it hefore I left" ( ( ' , State'menu. obtained Tuesday from a number of 'tCooper's,' callers who have . tried , the - medicine are very strong. Among -.them Mr.- Oscar Danner,'ef Tl Nelson street. Brooklyn, waa specially; erophatie.. He said: "I am a well man after four years', con stant Indigestion and stomach trouble. Anyone who has aver had Indigestion knows whst .this mean. I '. don't think anything about this - Cooper medicine I know. I .know .It t: has made life a -different thing for me. T dop't believe v Cooper ever- had a mora skeptical man taking his medi cine than I was when , I started, be cause ' I - had -. tried everything on the face of the globe, trying to get re lief. I actually refused to helleve the medicine was helping ma the first few daya I had to admit it, however. To-dav.I sleep like a log. have a fine appetira and can eat anything. The medicine - relieved tha cause : of my ill-health almost at once." r - X Cooper's New blscovery Is now on sale at leading drug stores through oat the United Ststcs. It has madd a wonderful record. Ask your dmg--glst for it. . , -- ' - - - f ;tTtlitarimrrtweitsilSet. South's Livest FarmVee!Jv JTWiwiuM TKE PROGRESSIVE TAWCK W-'O. lU il wvrk Imt Irmm v4 font tnyrr' m Tt A. 1- -" wni (-lroe H. to. lTo. V. F.liftasev. and It. 1 H Batir. titr) Aixrf H mm urn wrbt In BMMT m Awnem,' as Cai. R. J. K:.n, Lntertm CrarM Ejw i"Ml bDna m-rr'rr m-nt h"t ail the tuar mn b i mm w kaw i yas aadsaaatrwlaMbawwiaatMwainaieMaara . Free If You Ovn a Farm! , tiw wrw Id Wti farr f a-1'4 m--,,,.- , mnm a.iKa rt - '-c m S j . -r 1 r f armin 5 " - m . oa ecae ranrtfc Doa'l pot il of l! i ET t f aamr au- aK ' tat aanl tmd mr ' Sad Ma raw pPM ana av"H W'-Wf payar 'aJ i ra an Ml aud. a"J par yam low row SanUa. Da il aaar. Airaa S- 'f r;.: t m ! r''t ' r M 1,. ,wL. v , 11. V I N'l Fk r kt ti H s h& It stands alone, as cveryonfi ran your catcoing Just n4 absorbing disagreeawa '"" -;'., ."i H'vxk ..-y : , ., blu0,J, For a 2o stamp, to pay postage, we will matt 'n- j For 2o ittnn " tptTR'P'. FOOD COOK BOOK" t r - v , r, v"- r ...... v .., FAIRBANK COMPANY Cblcajo ... -. I " . . - ' v .. - - ., . SMSSWMSB VMM i i. -a.-!!! 1 . T . ' 1FFERSO rf:CLU U V HIS1CEY : fine tor A ifj.Z, , '-'V'i . . , ...... - ; .'''-.. "- r; '- 4 " " '-' ' rrr An (rmtlnruw'flrinar J effertonClub - AJ Whiskey is recognized a the gtandard ia';' Quality and rich flaTof. ; Guaranteed absolutely pure and recommencJedl,for family and dub use. j Ask for 'Jefferson KAvb' and ee tnai yougciu.. " k s CtiarsiteedanKief the national pore food law, .. .VStracv Gnast Co,V C'eri rJ.r::-:n RSEf-Af! Two Car Loads" of ceivpd on December 5th. Mules on easy terms. t . Y : VADSVORTIHS SOUS' CO. rJORTH CAKOLirJA l7i!SSUEY CORN OR RYE I40'YEAQS X COU' JOSEPH WILLIAMS, of Revolutionary fame, commenced In 17111 i,-itniirrture of Rye' and Corn Wlilskcy, and ever sines then tb men tion rld xfck WilUams Whiskey made every Southern Gentleman sme Nearly three years ao the prohibition Legislature of North Caro itoDMd us from manufacturing, hut wevhave been sUowed to ah p off Ps?ok. The demand being greate.t for cle8p whiskey w. . jold ntii the new long s go. and saw have only Old block to offer, and It m-t -io, as tTe ohibui.nts have confim-sted the bal-nce of our prop- ?has matul 1. wood, while stored In Government Warehouse for manV yeara right here on the same plantation." where it hss been mad. by fonr'u inVrVtlon. Inh. Williams Family, snd nowhere .1.- 1. there Iiich a. stock of fine old whiskey. It will be shipped to you Jut a It comVout of ths Government Wareho,.-.. It must go, and yoa must bo satistied, or your money will be refunded., . . . . " Neat packages. WITHOUT MARKS to show contents, ; , References as to our 6TANDIXG and OUR COODS: J.ora. All Banks In North Caroiina. North Carolina Cm.rnsn and . . . gr hismn. or Cashier s ciiccit. w r -r i pr.i?AY d;f:iss qlt-Cis CmJ MK'8 lii Veer Ora.ie.. Old Mi-k'i Twelve Year Crade. Old M W Pot tied In Bond.. Old Mck-s Iriate wock.. .... Oii u-ks Artie r randy.. .. . Old Xtck's-I'eech Brandy.. .. We can furnlh the above In rackets Af OP.TF.D to ..it. .the buyer. Go.hlppedth. day after r0er Is r-eived. and prompt ovavery guaran teed sens tn y -- -.August JT..lSv. ,r - ' - ' " - - . r i Kortli too.- w.a ..:p F irfcmorti, dry, ar.l y a., i - fi ll rr.u-t t r'h Ctr'-' Every N"! f.'1 J- ' !' ' r f -: " I I' f -1 a ". t . i .V -1 S t I. Of Ml ;.:.vour a J 'y 3sc l"'itaccord 'a :i z, ; ". li-jxi no v af!t no .,, HiftiiDam C Oi eej 6o'd Horses and Mules re- We sell Horses I and , - . TTRNISHED tlULESH Is. 2 S ' i l ue : "l - i 'i 3 .! 6..'.... 3.4 1 12. ' 8.S-.! d.2- ll.R.- t.M 49 12 t,.V S iV 4.25 11. F J 4.1S 15 mi l-) B It f I 4 !?1 12.7 V s r-! -4,-io li -, S.S il 4 2S 9',:,' 4 P i I 4."j .'; 4 m( !;C i.A - GI f V W II I I 'lue OJJ Nitk s-i'ft. t nxi v ' .5, . X. C. Gi:T IT. rpe-i from . a or 1 1 1 !om i-i ca: in 'vet terr v. a I in ! ' r 1 t - v damage.,,. .,-