t - , ... ,: . f , V .... .... i ..: ui .;-,vilDJ1-.i'.. 'VKW LL!i;U U : 5 i Ul MILK U;U .U111UI lii-ll . l7u 'Ladies'; Winter ''Ribbed-'- ,. - Vests," Special Friday and -, Saturday. . .10 cents each l 23 and 50 cent J1 d Bags,-' ' ' 1 slightly dama, 10 cent 3jl&?s (Htinuins.iii , "short lengths L ' , Al?;b 1-2 cents a yard ; i.jeeceOCskflJi lan s eecedo!kW Pang ' r't . . -. ....... iWi U wCiltia ' ,..,JiTirn.lOT,n; tinir ia an .,--" - ,. "T ' : '" ' l.l X- l'..V colors iu cbui-s, ufrfivlXtv Domiko BroTO . v; ,;, :i..-.'.'.10 cpnts a yard 10 cent Twilled Draperies-. V, V . r. . . 'J ; . . 5 cents a yard ' , Crepe Paper for', Christmas ; - ' " Decorations, ' all colors, w . ?full size, bolts..., .5 cents f Xjadies $J.OO - Union .Suits; ' , largo counted ull for Fri- - f ,u f day. and Saturday -v' r t ..33 cents, ' . 2 for 75 cents ; 1 ' Ladies! 50 and, 75 cent Union v ; r - Suits'. more than 2,000' ;Garments to sell Friday. , ' - and Saturday - 4 "'"' V '. 1 .. ,25 "bents each. - . Linen Thread worth 10 M 2 Spools 5 cents Coats Gray4 ; Stripes' ' ' ; Plaids, etc. Coats w6rto;V $4.00, to $5.00 each. Spc - i ' cial. . . .$L93 ; V. Ladies' fine Sample Goats Jc'. 1-3 - off, regular Prices. , , Best $10.00 and $12.50.'; : : Coats 'for. $5.93 and $7.93 " , ''" iciildren'saVhite, Red and V Brown Bear Skin - Coats , e ' worth ,$3:50 and $4.00; all '; -... -' sizes. , . , I i $1.93 , , v Uotlon Specials For Friday. .' , v -; and Saturday' ;,i f 1 . - New Elastic Belts Blue,' a 1" Black, Browne and all , " colors..::. -.25 cents. each ',. -r The new wide Merry Widow , 4 .JRuchings, 14-inch Collar lengths:.; '..20 cents - .,,10 cpts a yard - - Heavy Lace Bands, Cream," a. .v. ,i...'- . 11 mvv w . .10 cents a yard Belt Pins and Buckles ' . Whitfl nnri n nrs . ' . T .Js cents eacn , 24 cents each Nice line clear Pearl" But- ' ' tons, all sizes , - - , .5 cents a dozen r 6 Spools J.' & P. Coats' Spool " -Cotton . .:....'. .25 cents New Line .of Wide Hair"' Barrette3 alt kinds ' - ' ...;....:,. 10 cents each : Pretty new Line Collars, the. " latest Styles ; 25 and 43 cents , ; Ladies' pure ' Linen Hem . stitched ITandkerchiefs . ......... 10 cents a dcrcn - CQ2. TRADE -: ,..j, ' ...xfTvvrlWnSi'on this .:r(tton ..,..,':':. : 'V...-. - w r r . 1 tisements are so effective. . s ,-'-:; .v .. , ? : . v.l: -.Vr.', ,V .V' V ' . t;.', AGrept Remnant?6unterjpry Goods For Friday and Saturday Shori lengths of, all kinds fine quality Dry Goods worth " , from 7 1-2 to 12 1-2 cents a yard; - some very - good - j lengths, running up to 10 yards-yard .wide Pe'rT . ' cales, heavy Outing, Fleeces, ,tj Flannelettes, nice, light Shirting Goods, etc: ..Choicd the entire counter 0. i Vw. :. ;V;.'..:r".V w.Y;.. 5 cents a yard S 1 JRcmnant DryG6ods For One Gent Several thousand-yards Rags and Scraps air kinds of Dry Goods, such as Percales,1 Calicoes, Gingliams; ', Outings, Towels, etc 'Largo counter piled. full V v " ;'; . ; u i. ' .1 cent a yard v v Remnant Gottori Blankets For Friday Morning r .Si;: The short lengths froni a large Cotton Blanket Mill V V White and Gray, some very good size pieces. Choice -' k. ; , ; V . . . V. ..'. .'.;..'".. 5 cents each .t . , . ;t' " , i 71 Great Special V ' ored GoIIars : and Gulfs . ; 15,000 "dozens all kinds and .colors, tied up, Cuffs: one '' dozen pairs in a Package; Collars one dozen to the Package." The Cuffs in - pairs-,' the Collars ' all - one size to the Package. - - . " ' The Special Price for Friday.and Saturday will be; : v . Caffs ,'v" . ' , . Collars... '.,.-. .' ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AND COLLEGE i T -,--,.,.;.- .,,.'.,' .,. o ; oapeapenuirie poodbamairiandrworth 4 r n 1 .v. a Yard 3 I J - 1 - - I r -1 -5 . . V in Men's 2oI 10 cents a dozen pairs -5 cents a dozen ST& 4 ; ; y - -n . m . . -f-. .vi-;,,; '.' '.'!'.';.,.'-;,'' V: 'V ' Knottier Big Special in Boys9 and Girls1 Heiivy Ribbed Hose , . 1 i . ' 'J v " 1 , , T V ' The best and heaviest Two and One, Ribbed Hose made - - to Retail at 15 cents, all sizes including the large sizes up to lti.f Special, Friday and Saturday, - ' ...I'.'hi.'.;.-1, r.il'jV... .'.10 cents a pair Ladies', Black. Hose at a Special Price Saturday Best fine Black Samples 10 cent Black Hose for Ladies. f Special Saturday. . : ..).. . ,5;cents a pair Dress Goods ft. i r ( Sacrifice i 2,000 yards Dress Goods in short lengths all kinds and ' qualities, different widths, in colors, lengths from 1-2 yard to 5 yards; Dress Goods that Retail regular - 1 from 25 cents to $1.00 a yard. Two Lots at T?o . Prices1. ;:r '.V..V;. U2 1-2 and 29 cents t' S t Special in ble Damask Genuine Turkey Re'd Table Damask, full .width;' nice, neat patterns; worth regular 25 to 23 cents a yard. 7-'. Special Friday, and 'Saturday. J ,;,15 cents Remnants Fine quality veide Sheetings in Remnants. 'Special Fri day and.Saturday ; 1 i . ,19 cents' BfJ Special in - Blanket 11-4 and 12-4 size the heaviest and finest' all pure Wool Gray Blankets, worth $5.00 to $0.00 a paIr,Spe- ' ' ' cial Friday and Saturday, y. ..... . , . , .;$3.50 AND ':J';' i:V rsHH .3? 111 o .',- - '. ' ,v . vour while read! ' -:'Vj; ,f, r . Remnants : atM ' TurkeyyRed Ta ' 4 10U Sheeting all Wool Gray ' ' . I - , T-IT7P?T7. RETllililllili'; - ... - , -. . Children's-Bear Skin Caps, - - White and all colors t '. . -'- -. .25 cents . Ladies Short Covert Cloth Coats, real nice Coats for : "'...,. -t$1.48 and $1.93 To ' - inti-oduce - - something , New at o,ur Stoi'e Friday- f and Saturday, -we will sell - the well-known-De Long , Hooks and Eyes , Friday " and; Saturday, V . ' ' 5 cents a card cents a yard ith-. Special '..1ida,nani.ta ' ?;'-"V -The finest all pur Saturday ; 75 cents, TV, The finest ' all' . pure v Wool ' heavy twilled back Broad- v ' cloth,' the best 'quality " C ' ever Retailed for $1.00 a ' . --yard. ' Special here Fri- , " day and Saturday ' ' " ' ' ''--4... , . . . v l.75,cents . ' . ; 44-inch all .Wool. Panama ' Black, Navy Blue,. Oar- -, v net, Brown, etc. i ..... r . . .Sft'cents a yard , 50-inch, Garnet Serge, regu ) lar $1.00 quality . ,,.'.75 cent3 : Wool Batiste," Cream,' Pink ugnr iiue uiacit, eic. . . . .25 cents a yard . 1' 54-inch all . Wool Black . i Panama, $1,00 quality ,l ' ,f. 53 cent3 : ; ; ; ' Otner Specials In Dry Goods . . "; Department ' Linen 'Finish Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches ' ' ......10 ccnt3 'Extra heavy quality 81x90 , Full large size Hack Towels , ' , with Red Borders " - . V.79 cents a dozr! 1 - -f $1.00 Cotton Comforts t , , ,H ,. ..59 cents ($4.00 ; ' Marseilles ; . Bed Spreads, .... .,',$2.53 , , 15 cent Curtain Swiss, beau- -tiful new Patterns ' 10 cents ; ' $1.50' White Bed Spreads s, ..... cents ' Yard wide Bleach . : 5 cents a, yard , :r,. White Cambric, full yard, ; r wide, . . . . .5 cents a yard -15 cent extra heavy Kimona Fleece:.. 10 cents a yard , 4 50 cent Lace Curtains r. .29 cents . "V $1.00 Lace Curtains , ....: .....59cent3 ' , : 10 cent heavy Fleece Flan ' nelettes, all colors, Fri- V : Saturday ,r. ..... ,'.5 cents a yard 15-cent book-fold Side Bor- , " der Dress Goods. Special v. Friday and Saturday CHARLOTTE, N. C.