CIIARLOTTI DAILY OBSERVER, DECEMBER 21, 1CCX O LAE3?' LEADERS GUILTY (Continued (rum 1'at One.) I HAD riSH DRIFT ASHORE, c" m of unmeant contumacy Is heard; i rwstlnj in contemptuous violation i the order, no defense Is offered i v these: , "That the Injunction (1) Infrlng-ed ! i constitutional guaranty of free i m of the press, and 2) Infringed f is constitutional guaranty of free torn of speech.'' - . i In connection with the considera tion of the contention that the in junction Invaded the right of free speech and of the press, the court l.eld in part: - The position of, the respondents Involves questions 1tal to th preser ation of eocial order, Questions which smite the foundations of civil govern ment, and upon which the supremacy of the law over anarchy and, riot verily depend." -- ' " - : In the opinion or me court, even where a tribunal - had fallen into error in the determination of a causa which It was Invested with jurisdiction to "hear and determine" the duty and necessity of obedience remained nevertheless the same. . i DEFENDANTS' DEFIANCE. In conclusion the court said In ' Dart: -' j-3 .-''; t ' . "Before the injunction was granted these men announced that ' neither they nor the American Federation of Labor would obey It; since It .issued they have refused to obey it; and through the American Federation of .Labor disobedience, has been success fully achieved and th law has been made to fall;- not only has the law failed in its effort to. arrest a wide spread wrong, but' tho Injury ; has grown more destructive -since ths in junction : than It was per ore. . xnere : 1 a studied, determined, defiant con flict precipitated In tha light of open s day between the decrees of tribunal : ordered by the1 government of the Federal union, and of the tribunals of another federation,' grown up In the land; on of tha other jnust suceumb. for these who -would. unlaw tha law are nubile enemies. . ; '.'"j In passlnr sentence oni th de- fnAanta.. tha . rmirt maIAi -v , "It would seem not Inappropriate for such a penalty as will serve to deter others . from . following after auch outlawed examoles. will : serve to vindicate tb ; orderly " power '- of judicial tribunals, and establish over WrigbUvtqe Beach Strewn With Bar rels of 11h Cm I'p By tho fcea Sunday Morning IrollIy Killed By Dynamite ised In Wrecking or By Discharge of Heavy Artillery at Fort CaoweU Fiah Will Be Used For Fertilizer, . -Wilmington Star, J 2d No end of speculation as to tha cause of the phenomenon has teea created by the apoearance of drifts of hundreds of barrels of manhaden or "fat backs" with other varieties of sea. fish along the coast, tooth in the sounds and -on the beach in tno vicin tty of Wrlghtaville Beach.--, 4 --.N V The Ush first made their appearanc On Sunday morning and when cast up by th water were either dead or so badly Injured or diseased that they died after leaving their natural element.- Hundreds of people who went te tho beach Sunday and yesterday to to account - for -'the presene .of tha fish unless they were killed In schools as they passed up the coast ty Oyna mite used by the.Unlted States revs- nuo cutter Bemlttble in blowingr p some Vrecfcage off Cap lookout last week pr wero killed by tn concus sion of the Wr guns at Fort Caswell during practice at floating -tarret some miles oft shore last Wednesday. BU11 another theory Is that m migrat ing southward. with the change in the temperature -. of i the water we nsn were attacked Jbf soma faUl dlseass and were cast up by the tide. At any rate the fish appeared in such lame numbers along the beach and la tha sound at Wrishtsvllle that tha Tide water-Power Company ana residents there became apprehensive lest wnen decomposition set In they would be a menace to health and thAy set to work with others who desired ro use mem for fertUlslng'-purposes to clean them up with pitchforks ana an otner im plements available. i The fish were largely: "fat tacks' i or - roennaaen hlch are unfit for ; domestic- use. though , thei. were ; among' them a number - of - flounders and speckled trout. '- Three freight cars wars loaded with tha fish yesterday, for, commer cial purposes and others were hauled away toy residents on the sooner tor compost purposes ontneir larms. . u- i Were ths summer ' season In prog- a - - . . .1.- . .1 " r- " .; I tha "flood of fish" would unaouDteaiy -s Th , Buck Company's prosecution of th officials of th Federation bs f au in August, llOT.w Ths ': orlginsj ' action was test case' wherein It was - sought to enjoin -the labor, unions 'i from using the ."unfair and we don't patronise" lists In their fight against firms and individuals. Justice Oould, f .1 iJ ; '"WHO'S TO UK FRIEND ?" - : The coming " engagement of v $h great . international, iNew lorit ana London success, ; "Who's Tour Friend?" with that k odd comedian Mr. Harry Beresford in' the leading role, will b the comedy event ef this Season's theatrical engagements. No item . has been omitted In th production or play from : that orlgU nally seA in New ' York during its long engagement, - and our . theatre goers will have the pleasure of seeing an actual New Tork comedy success with th. entire production and almost the same Identical cast supporting Mr, Beresford. "" . . . , i t BLANCHE WALSH. ' ' , Miss Elinohs ' . Walsh, - who1 . has scored a sensational success in Jules Eckert ' Goodman's powerful , drama. "The Test,", will begin her annual en gagement at. the Academy . of , Music next Monday night. . " .- ..! '.-- .- 'Ths Test' has been pronounced by competent critics to be on . of th strongest plays produced In America in many years, it deals with condl tions - which are th toplo of th world to-day, and runs the gamut of human emotions. The - author .. has gone into the very souls of men and women; then- passions and their emo tions, and has drawn a picture which stands out in splendor as a story of deep-heart- interest to men and wom en In every walk of life. The scenes are laid on the Esst. Side of New Tork. Miss Walsh, as Emma Eltynge, declares the part to be the sreatest of her career as an emotional actress, fieats will - be placed 'on sal thl morning at Hawleya. : .;: .v v COMING THRO THE RTE. , "Coming Thro the fty.' th ' W musical comedy success, will be seen as uie special. ew Tears attraction at the Academy of Music, giving two performances, matinee and evening, -"Coming Thro the Rye" is one of the biggest musical' shows that - has been produced In years. In the com pany are soma seventy-odd people, ncluding -the. famous English Pony Ballet which scored such tremen dous' hit her last year. WEMAICE PICTURE:; FRAMES : Toircncc Paint Co1. : 10 JVOBTH TRTOX. wilxiam rmnsr mux , tut: rnxsx b. coiaxs, tw rre. sm i mmun moisteniimg cgmy 79 ISSJk Street; Boston, Ilass. T. 0. COTHEAIT, tovthera. neftmmmtmttn, d0 Trass Bid CHAIlL0TTE, IT. 0L " ' A' DANGEROUS OPERATION, i , la th rovai of tha appendix by a sfar- ton. No on who takes Lr. Ktng-s Mew LUs Pflls Is ever subjected t this fright htl ordeal. They work so quietly yon Son't feel them. They cure eonstlpaUon, headache, blilousaeas and malaria, -So. at W. I Hand Ce.'e drug star. - THE STORM AND THE. 1M)ET. nicbinond's Bttrd Again la A Mnslca' u)rm . men rroauce tsreiy . lm ages. In the Mind of the Hearer, : New Tork Sun. i ,'v . (' , K v Virginia's best beloved troubadour. Andrew Jackson Andrews of -Richmond, has broken loose "again: "The rain had fallen, the voet arose." sang Tennyson as If In an inspired forecast 'All- ; Express paid, by us on all orders of $5; or over up ( to January 1st, 909. ; No premiums will be given with these; orders, - - , ' , - . ' ? r'-' J - - I'Wtile For: Our- liieit-' Price Ut-v r ROMIfVIRE&UQUORCO. ' ;t LARGEST AND OLDEST HOUSE IN ROANOKE. ' Z Sooth Jefferson Street Roanoke,' Va. Rex Flintliote 2oo tfing - The Best For Leaky Eoofs. 4 - 4 For sale only by ,'r . , CHARLOTTE QUPPLV CO. .v.vt(We carry everything in Hill Furnishings : 1 swjOH' wWtOt PGt erw Hl -Wis El t Vehicles. Harness, gaddlss, Robe. Blankets and accessory good or every description. - - -r v f i. HORDES AND MTUES . J In our sales barn you will And about lvO good young Morses and -Mules. We sell good goods at reasonable prices and on easy terms. Ejvery Item w sell must be as represented, small or ; large pur 'chase. - ','.'' " ; f , ' ... ' ! J. W. ; YADSYORTH'S - SOUS'. CO. Our Carrlag and Harness Repair Shops ar th largest la th Stat.. be credited to the vivid Imagination of the uress agent, but the situation Sunday and yesterday with resident and th Tidewater Power Company was one which they would have oeen tery glad to have gotten away front Th - United States revenue ctatter fieminole was In nort yesterday foro- nuii mtA it waa MtaiaA that the o1TIk' Of Andrew JlckMii Bdnm cmiiH. a Vi AiinlwmA Yrtlirt nf th District ! . umA AiA Vnlljhv fh fm . ' ntr trnmi a l,ttnk v n. ; (r. a w of Columbia! Issued ' an.., injunction ummt, pt the wreck would have though we trust Indulgent, sentence ' f wmcn was later mae pwmnm caused such wholesale destruction- ox ; in -nis native town and smsartnr with the fish as wrecks ar r frequently ihls genius the storm swept wreck of blown up along the coast with no such Birmingham in far off Alabama. We results. . The same wss stated with didn't know eher had been a hurrl rsference to the practice with the big I eane In Birmingham, but ' What ' 'of guns at the fort, a well-known, local ,thatT Andrew Jackson Andrews mariner stating that even 4f ths fiah knew It. These messages of tynfedy nau ueen Kiuoa nr vim sntu ,uu cuiaviyam peneiraiv ' anna nm tne soutn- blddins theDubllcatlon of- the com peny's name In these lists. President . Gempers, 1 in an editorial . in rThe deatlonist' , of last January, mad known his Intention not to obey th rnurt'a order, contending- that fhs in junction Issued was In derogation of the Tlchte or jaoor ana an souse 01 the tniunctlv power of the courts. Oompers, Mitchell and Morrison, sub- - sequently were cuea tor coniempyano thl phase of the case has been be fore the court for many 'months, the nroresdlnffs " taking ..the form of a hearing of testimony before an ex aminer and many arguments. - APPEALS TO ROOSEVELT. Whether President Roosevelt trill current oft Caswell Is to east and it would be hard to account for th drift further up the ueacn. It is recalled by seafaring men tnat 10 or it vears aa-oabout Cap Look out very large fish eight or teg feet In length, were thrown ty by the tide along the each,' buVtJO one seems to haVe a satisfactory explanation of the presents phenomenon at WrightsvlH Bach. iThe theory that "the fish were take any action as he has been ur,jed J tiied and injured : by dynamite : - Is n dn In nlKsrama received from dlfJ -a :. , ih. ,lmimrli. hf v - -. , - ISUTIIBIHCP.. - .- - ferent labor orsaalsatlens through-' out the country in. connection with ' Judge Wright's decision, has not heed . decided. It was siaiea at tne w nus House to-day. -..There was an intima . tlon, however, that some action might be taken-If he should be convinced ' that the sentence is unjust, It it snould ,y hA affirmed until a D Deal The Illinois United Mine Worker v sent this telegram, signed by Presl ' . -dent John II. Walker, th vice presl dent, secretary-treasurer and members -i of the executive beard ni "In the nam of 75.000 mine work " ers In Illinois we . desire to protest ' asainst the recent decision commit- ting to penal servitude ;. those,' great 1 commoners i and i -,. representatives -" of the American labor movement. Bam v uel Oompers; John Mitchell and Frank - Morrison These men -may De , guilty : of sV breach of law but a Jsw . that denies the use of free press and . full speech Is a breach of the fund 4- 1 mental principles of our country. Such decisions only tend to create : enmity and class hatred. We , respectively ; solicit your Influence o prevent, th Incarceration, of these men.'-;;, ' J- , porxeo-stoxb is ; ExerclseV Yesterday at Unoolnion in Pedlration of Mew Graded School . t Jiullding. . t r, .... , Special to. The Observer., t . Lincolnton. Dec I J. The corner- fetone of the new graded school build ing here was laid this afternoon, the actual operation of laying the stone being preceded by aadresses ;.f y prominent men,' songs by the school and the preparation or a box to te - placed behind the stone. These ex ercises took place in the auditorium. The stone was placed at one side of the. front entrance. t First, there was i i placed in the receptacle prepared for the stone an Iron box containing char . ters snd grants by tha kinirs of -Kng. ' land to the Lords Proprietors, char ters, grants ' of counties and docu ments relative to school district!!, by the - General Assembly, ; among' them v ' being the charter for the present Lin colnton graded school. :,, Also -- were placed Inthe box relics of former : buildings,-rolls of .teachers and Btu dents, superintendents V. ef previous - schools, rolls of present teachers and students, a Bible, copies of catalogues of. the colleges of the State and copies of th addresses delivered on the oc- ' casion of ths laying of the cornerstone.- The stone was placed by ftev. Dr. R. A. Yodef, pastor of theXuther an church here. , , " ' The present building 1s . the- third . to be erected on the present loca tion, the previous ones having been built in X82S and 184. The corner stone to the present building bears the words. "Lincolnton Graded School, their aDDearanee to that of fish killed In the sam manner In small streams and lakes There Is a. fleck of.wood at the gills and they .appear to Tiave been stunned. At any rate the '"Ash questloV yesterday divided time with the preparations for the holidays In great shape. , '."'' , SANTA CLACS OH FUSE. ' K He Gets Gsy at a Sunday " school rCliristiuas Jiiiiertnlnmnit ana Al most Panto auuoweo.- - Greensboro Record, Jtd., . , ; - The, first Santa Claus accident hap pened last night,, but fortunately-little damage was done. The Presbyterian Mission "Sunday school In ;Qlenwood had a Christmas entertainment last night, In th centre v of the room stood a large . cedar tree-well ladon with, gifts snd ; lighted by mahy can dlea Santa was being, watched for tntsntlvVhv tha little, tots and he sr-,' rtved on time, but he got too gsy, or i m-iHin., at least Careless, -y- f or ? in ;-turning I JackjK)B( AnUrewa- ramalna. .'a.Mri.iu hie nu. i::, . -. . ' boudoir and the calaboose, and k-o th minstrel smites tils ' lyre and sings to this effect: "The stsrmy winds did blow, Remorseless tsars did flow, ' From sobbing mothers dear,-' Where babes were killed right her, . By . rustless cyclone sent To ,ae8troy. Plrmlngllam was bent On, on, this -terrible, tempest spaa, . ' Melting hearts that was hard as lead. Ths matron snd maid killed ' Dead right hers. ,'. Have I not ssld bofor 4 - ( Boon we all must go v - From this world of trouble -. - ' Tbst's merely a soap bubble, -'-'. . -Some day the storm of death ' : Will come r- . And point us to our awful doom. Is lif worth Uvtngt I say ho; . j ' My pen Is felt from shore to shore; W ar only ssnt nsr to stay, - To be snapped suddenly away. ". Tbls is not your home, - Ram ember, silly and wis, r-- But above in 'yond beaven' ' ' ' Eternal, tb skiea 1 Eat, drink snd merry, merry. ba. To-morrow thy soul shall b required of f thee.. A '. . y. .xy. : '- When rambling this- sarin - ' . As peaceful as a lamb, u . 'j Remember,' gentle folks,"" v ' Ths storm of Birmingham. - " " -, With Indescribable relief we " And thst Birmingham still exists. But th eructation ef .. Andrew around his roat of Inflammable ma terial came In contact with one of tha i able, poignant and . compelling. . Th rersons ciose. to mm -w,.r - 1907 ' RECETlTEai FOR BIG COXCEIt, 21111s. Campbell Ijnmbcr Company,' of Newborn, Placed Temporarily in , Ilanils of Receiver. . : f pedal to The Observer. , " -... Kswbern,- Dec. 23. -This afternoon, on the application of Mr. Maxwell, of Ohio, Judge O. H. Gulon appointed Mr, W. B. Blades, , of Nrwherni tern porary receiver for the Mills Camp bell Dumber Company." The applica tion for a receiver came as-a sur prise to the officers snd stockholders here, who regarded the company in gool condition and perfectly solvent. The company has a capital stock of IST0.OOO and is a combination of the Xewbern Lumber Company and the 2u ills Campbell Company. . - ' T1TIS IS WORTH KKADIXG. Tjso F. Zeiinski, of i G-Pt.. BnN . falo. N. Y., sy: "1 cirv.l ti e most in roving colJ e ro I evr h-t. T-ith Kucii-1-n's Arr".cn I nni- U-i this Halve tnce a dsy for two dfiys. vhi-n every tr.rtt vf t y.T KliDP." fill P ui:-lrr i!tr.r..ii(- at v.. U 1 - i & u.'i drag s;-tra. was ablaze. unthqughterly commenced ; trying to beat out the Are wtth their hats, which pnly fanned the blase tho more, r j.aa.inz in ins. aiiimiiuu a cuuitumu" sd man in .the audience Jerked oil his vercoat ana Knocxeo mcn rignt and left as he went reached Santa and throwlnc his coat, about him smothered the flames Instantly ptnd It was all over. ' -?'j.5v. v The only damage done was tb Aone of the windows in the room. ' Some I man perhaps ut in years, concluded to chances and raising-the window sash, darted through it, but the sash,, not -being- fastened, cam down on his back. ? Thia did not de ter him, however, and he dived right ahead, takinrr the sash with him. The Children were badly frightenea whlia Santa Claus cam near h being exposed. i - , vyii Short Items of Xews From Dartdson. Special' to Ths Observer. !i Davidson, Dec 23. The exodu of students was- pretty well completed to-day with he departure of. the 5 P. mK train, the larger number having gone- at roiddsy. - There- are; always, however; enough "left-overa" to keep each other company on the -campus and the town has open doors, socially to all of the boys that do not care to "flock by themselves." s y'f- Some- of the town . absentees ' for Christmas sre' Dr. and Mrs. Wooten and little Miss Sarah, - at Clark'ton. Mrr. Chalmers Knox- Is also in that section of the State tnjoyinj with Drt wooten ana air.-win Fotts their an nual fox-hunt -, Mrs. W. A. Price and son, -Armstrong-, will spend the holi days at Columbia. S. C. with Mr. W. A. Price, Sr., leaving to-morrow. Prof. W. A. Withers, of (he A. & M.; Miss.Matt!e Withers, Dr. Banks Withers and Miss Louise Sioan, from f eace Insutute, are all members of a family reunion this week. ; .-. -',;. The senior class has presented ' to Dr. T. P. Harrison as a mark-of Its esteem and high regard a handsome snd complete set of Robert Louts Stevenson 'sworks. - . t'nlon Farmers Sowing. Small Grain. Marshvilla Home. ; - " It is said by those rho have been traveling over this county that an unusually larpe crop of grain has been sown. With a proper systsm of rotation, such as is practiced ly progressive farmers, the small grain crops, especially, oats and rye, - wjll be gf-eatly Inci-eased la the Soutkl with a corresponding flpcra?e in cot ton proiiuctkm. V.'e are entering upon a revolution In farming methoils i:i the South, and those who get Into the new way -will hive decided a 1 -vanta?o over . the sfuftless plantets vko follow the old system. ter-Murphy" all these Mem to fad away. For the moment, at least, w can think - of nothing but th. storm in.Birminghatn,;.-;-' V(v:-;r - y. -, - iii "i i i ' -v rf1 Cabarrus Win Ask For a Medical i-k':'t '.':v'. plspensary. ' v - . -? Concord! Trlbune.,;y ''.' -- ;V-i C t Among other things that the Leg islature will be asked to do for Cabar. rus county Is to pass a law to regu late the sal ef liquor in the county ny the mesns of a medical dispensary. .This movement i sanctioned . by quite a number of citizens, while there are others who bitterly oppose any such a movement, claiming that the present regulations ar adequate and sufficient for any town or icityv ; " , -, Detburt Mill Putting Ja Iloattaf Ap , paratua. , - -;....' Special to The Observer. -V; , '-',;,',..---', Davidson, Dee. II. Th Delburg Is installing a steam heating apparatus of approved . and up-to-date style. More machinery hsa been ordered for the mil! for early uellvery. -.All the Indications - sre that thi : plant . is turning out the verybest yarns and that with the -return of prosperous times for the cotton manufacturer It will pay handsomely, ; V'.-.J. V Found yearDld Baby on Ilia Porch. Special to Th Observer' Durham, Ded. II. -W. A. Hlnton. a painting contractor, found to-night a healthy Infant, a year old In a basket on his porch snd is unable to locate the parents. He has not the remotest Idea who left the baby there. ,.: Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold is almost certain to end In chronic catarrh, from whien few perrons ever wlvolly recover. Glv every cold th at tention 14 deserves and you may &vuul this dtsssTeesble disease. - How ess you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain's Cough XemedyT It Is hts-hly recom mended. Mrs.- M. White, et Butler, Tenn., says: "Several years ato I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Someone Uld me ot Chamberlain's Comrh Kejpedy. I begaa using it stmt it reiiaved ma at once. Now ray throat and lungs are sound and well. For sale by W. U Hand Co. , ?h- - ' -. r k , ,.. '"Nt..'.r i . v. .... . - i r.. -iwv . ' t wj v . ' ' .( rJ .".'''.'. (.: ' :.,r -i . ; -. . .. . mm MEBRYi.CIIRISTf.IAS -TO . YOUR COUSINS AND YOUR AUNTS The Mechanics' PeroettialB, JkL. Assiu brings Christmas ' cheers to 29 mortgaged homes and 94 non-borrowing shareholders of the 40th Series in tho announcement that, with the third payment of dues m January; next the 4yth ceries mU mature amounting to, ' tJ n . it",,: . k- !'1 41 i"'"i to :j,4i, will be appfied to the cancellation of 29 mortgages, . and the . management i shares with you in the'happy knowledge that in four weeks more, the mort-. ' y; gageW your ''HOMES'' will be lifted, and you can; and :A0ughf ; therefore enjoy your Christmas Dinner in the happy consolation that no matter what twmay betide,' that yQur; wife and little ones will have a: "Home" fully paid for, ; . : XxrlnVli trirni-tfrri'- nci ntVin rrontr rift-rrin-na Then i 4 Ma' tna frf R the . WfiL j , . .maagement asks of you in return is the verdict, " WELL i DONE $ GOOD Itft - TTl '"El TnTTTTTrTT ."niTDTr 4 XTrT-iC! f ' : 1 ".. ' .''t-.' v-.. V, -.--..'. V .' V. r.. f t; V : . Nqw,' what about the 94 non borrowing Bharenblders '6t tne OtH" Series! ; , f- I Trt "pah txra will rtxr in ""f! A RTT nr TNiAUlav 4is ''IQtK -r :.T How many of you would -without the helpfulness of. this Institution have, 'anything more to-show for this $33,100.00. - We imagine very few, if any, J . would have saved anything of this vast sum; so you too can feel extra cheer - ful .this Christmas. ,We ask you to tender to us;' the management of this con- ; cern your unsuntea approval of rw&uu pvxu UUUJJ Axi D ' J? Ai T11J? UL, v BKIIVAJNTS , fairness I you have for 26 rears been treiffhed in" the ; scale of . justice. w r7-?.. and honesty and have NOT been found, wanting." V, i ' , A ; ' .-':' 7 ' V .TIOW A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. L '" . . K''.$ . We feel that you will note with satisfaction the statement that we now, have, in force 23",000 shares of a par value of $2,300,000 and bur weekly cash receipts are about $9,000.00 and we have assets : to-day of $950,000.00 and - are now racing for the $1,000,000.00 mark which we expect to reach by July next, at which long looked for consumation the management will ask a kind . and liberal public to join it in a public felicitation . function, and we ; feel sure, aye, we know that, the public will join us ' in celebrating .that event.. - E00K3 FOE THE Christmas Katea Via Seaboard Air ; j JJne Railway, 108. Th Seaboard Air Lin Railway will sell reduced rate Holiday tickets on Dv It. 19, 28, 14. t5.4 and SI. 19U8, and January 1st, ltOt. sood t return until January th,,ll0s, be tween ail stations, for further Infor mation rail on your loesi stent, or undergigned, '; - . . i . , - .-. ., JAME3 KER JR., City Iaenser Ajent, , . Charlotte, N. C FHTTHIIID SEEIEa WILL OPEN FEB. FOR. THE MANAGEMENT '': - 1ST. R. . COCHRANE, Secty, and Treas. . , S. WITTKOWSKY, President ,.V-V It V. V ' S' v ' S T a 77 : 5 -rf 5A ' ' . T- - ' ay --C- f VN 1 - r