' MISTRIAL tS VJtlB CASE. tn CM U Man Chrp lth , 4nMt does 0t w uw - : of Court. Spectal to The Obserrer. . . LaurlnbBTg. May 4.-Tne caseof BUU against A. Bequest, tb. mbesxlement of certain funds from the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, of New York, wii not called last . . .rf iv consent week dui w t" - ntU the June term. The caae against W. J. Mill., charging mh"1; 0f ti 400 from Mrs. Hams W 4rant now Mrs. Haiti. W. Mc SuSST m December 1901. was railed for trial on Thursday morning. By ? o'clock in the afternoon a Jury had been selected and the taking of sUmon? began. Mr.. MhM was tbe first fort-1t." Kv, .ted among other things, tnai ? ttrn.d ?r to Mill, the $1,400 in Son to be Placed on In "re. to her credit in the Commercial -ytion" S Bank of Charlotte, and the depowt BEY. PR. MOORS AT DAVIMON, and Distinguished Son of tbe Bad m. WaImmm Visitor at Alma Mater Debaters Contest Municipal Election Other Xotea. Special t Tbe Observer. Davidson. May 4. The presence here Sunday in the pulpit of the Presbyterian church of Rev. Dr. W. W. Moore was an event of special Interest, aa are all of his visits. The distinguished minister, one of David son's foremost son.. Is always a wel come guest and preacher wherever he finds himself, but this ceUege town and hi alma mater yield to none In appreciation f the man and his One and scholarly and at the same time deeply spiritual pulpit work. Sun day morning his theme was the Bible, handled in a fre.h. attractive and luminous way, becoming the great Book and In every way sustain ing the reputation of the famous preacher. At night hi. topical dis cussion concerned the Incidents in the life of David leading up to and following the death of Absalom and especially as throwing light upon an inatrnriiva huf not Dromlnent cnir- ThofnasvlUe School Closes Thursday. Special to The Observer. m- w... Th closing Hlsexerclses of the Themssville graded school will oe ne-a -- Friday of this week, on iaw evening Rev. Plato Durham, of Con cord. wiU deliver an address ana on Friday evening an operen. D""" White and the Seven Dwarfs," will be given by the school. - 1 Ttsnk Of Chsrlolte. ana wi- "i- iniiruiuv uui v , !irh. brought to her on Christmas cter and actor In the scenes. Ahlma slip to pe orousi hie-hlv entertaining and r . . -j tk.i it was In 10 Efor. he again saw Mill, and tha ,he hsd never received the deposit clip nor any of the money back. Mpta"n Brenlser. of Charlotte, cash ier of the Commercial National Bank, las next called to the stand and testi fied that no money had ever been placed in the bank to the credit of Mrs. MeLauchlln. The State rested its C,The defendant went upon the stand nd testified to having received the "o.ey from Mrs. MeLauchlln to be placei were he could get the best in ierest on it, ss he had done with $10. . , i vvmhr. 1901. He ...rtv.r tut flfl mil UP""' rnrmr and R. A. Mi l tian from A. Bequqest that he (Be- i . -tch society o nuest. could get a better rate or in- man Tne ? . .v.. o.hsj-lotte National . . ,v,. j.piuinn Bank with which he was doing busi ness, he turned tne muiic, finest on the square In Charlotte nd that Bequest went it one. te the bank and deposited it and afterwards reported that he had done so at a Keod rate of Interest. Mr. W. H. Twlt fy of the Charlotte National Bank then introduced by the defendant shewing that a deposit was made In til bank in the name of A. Bequest on the th day of Dwembsr 101, for $1,160. But he further testified hat the writing on the deposit slip was the same as was contained In a - . win. .imiti1 that he letter wnion mui --- -- . wrote to Bequeet from Elizabeth I y. in 1901, and was the same hanJwrit- , Ing a. the name. A. Bequest, written , one of Mills' personal cards Bequit went upon the stand for the State an j testified that Mills made the deposit, in hie absence from the city and to , his credit. That he did not know Srhos. money It was until In March when he received a letter from Mr. MeLauchlln. and at that time, he says. Mill, ha j drawn all the money In checks and drafts on him. Mr. Be enest produced Ms accounts to corrob orate hi statement. The defense made . fierce attack upon the books and the character of Mr. Bequest. Judge Bigg, made his charge to ho Jury Saturday night concluding at 10 o'clock. The Jury deliberated all Sat urday night and until 5 o lock yes terday afternoon when they reported th.t it was impossible for then, , to resch a verdict. Thereupon the court ordered a ml.trlal and dismissed the lury. The defendant wae ordered to jail until his bond could be renewed. RTJTHERFORDTOV DISPLEASED. equally profitable In the lessons drawn from the study. Tne sermon wa u dre.ed more especially to young men, touching on the value of athletics as giving a strong body for future endurance and empnasizing the dangers of over indulgence and calling attention to other qualities and endowments that make for suc cess In life. The debaters' contest, taking place Saturday evening in the Eurainean Hall, in which the Eu Society repre sentatives argued for an increased navy and the Phi representatives argued against the Increase, resulted ivnufl lur mo .eoi for the ffers a medal debate was ex- was not easy The local election passed off quiet ly with but one ticket In the field. J. Ie Sloan, Jr.. for mayor, and the board of aldermen. C. I Grey. "W. H Thompson. J. A. White, Dr. W. R. Qrey and F J. Knox, all being re- elections, to the sausiaciion "i numerous friends, and having the confidence of their fellow citizen. i,.....iiu Beauregard Houston, a colored ten ant on the farm of Dr. W. R. Grey, and a most respectable, industrious man, Is greatly distressed over the disappearance of hie 17-year-oM son, Calvin, whom he says has left home In a fit of displeasure over the fath er's exercise of parental authority and has struck out for himself. The Observer's kindly discriminat ing and appreciative reference to the Davidson baseball team in this morn ling's issue 1. pleasant and agreeable I reading to all here, deenplte the fact .i.... i. h.. in toll of something be- Wlttl I- ii.a . . sides victories for the season Just closed. THE UNION NATIONAL BANK ; CHARLOTTWit r Established 1898. and Felt direct to Send your Panama Hats to be renovated rt. KIRSCIlBflUM the practical hatter, Charlotte, N. a Write for circulars. SMALL ACCOUNTS As well as large ones are welcome here you need not wait until your business has assumed great pro portions before opening an account. Bo so to-day. Our patrons, regardless of the amount of busi ness done, ' receive every courtesy in all matters en trusted to us. WE WANT YOUR, BUSINESS. Merchants & farmers9 National Bank 35 East Trade St. tic. fly- RAIIiROAD MEETING TO-DAY. Delegation of StaWvlllo Cltliens oe to Elkln to Help Alon the FYo poNrri Un From Mates Ille to That riaea. Special to The Observer. Stateevllle, May 4. The people n Statesvllle and vicinity are greatly interested in thhe propositions regard ing the building of the Statesvllle Air Line Railroad and other lines, to be discussed at the big railroad meet ng at Elkln to-morrow The following gentlemen left yesterday and to-day for Elkln to attend the meeting: Messrs. William Wallace. V. B. M.l a. D. M. Ausley, W. D. l urner x . Carlton. J. A Hartness R R Miller, Herman Wallace. C. S Tmlln W R. Mills, Claude Tomlin. John M. hharp. . A D Cooper and others. The first five named are members of the board of directors of the Statesvllle Air Line Railroad Company. Mr. W. D. Leeper, of "V' president of the Virginia & South, bound Railroad, who Is greatly Inter ested in the building of the Stateevilln Air -Line, arrived In Stati-svUle Satur day and conferred with V h e person ,. interested. Mr. Ieper and Mr . J H. MoElwee left yesterday by PrUa (conveyance for Elkln. They l !rtriv over the proposed route for tne iroad aa eurvd from Statesvllle to rMnt Airy, to enable Mr . Leeper to see tne nn ,ki .i, ... . iiurf far Httes whlcn be penetrated by the new road. FOR RENT. N'lee brick store room In North Char lotte 115.00 Nice store. 701 West Trade stre t $12.50 Modern. 6-room house, 913 West Trade street. Modern 8-room house, 616 East Fifth street. May 4 $22 50 Modern o-room house. 206 West Eleventh street lit) 66 6- room dwelling and store. 934 North Caldwell Street $12.50 7- ronm house, 510 North Brevard street $16.00 3 4-room houses, new, North Cald well street. Each $9.00 6-room house, 207 North Cedar street 110.00 4-room house. 1429 East Fifth street. Electric lights, city water .... $9.00 S-room house, 631 South Church street, per wek $1.25 8-room house, 512 West Eleventh street, per week $2.50 4-room house, 302 Belmont avenue, per week $1.50 J.Arthur Henderson & Brother First Ward Home 9-room residence, modern in every respect. Nice, high location, shady side of street, two baths, splendid hot water heating plant, house comparatively new. Owner has left the city and very anxious to sell. The place Is worth about $,500. We have Instructions to sell this property for SS.3SO.OO CASH J. E. Murphy & Co jt -j n 'Phone 842, 41 N. Try on St. Elizabeth Avenue Horn1 Eight rooms. Pine elevation. Slate roof, r v, 1 mantels. Nicelv naoered thrmiv,. ; walks and curjl ,If taken promptly can be bought for Will arrange terms to suit the purchaser Southern. Heal fctatc loan & Tryst CoqJ Apply i First National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Established la 1I6K. Surplus and Profits. $5es,ooo Accounts Solicited. 4 per cent, on Time Deposits. Henry M. McAdea, President. Geo. W. Bryan, V. Pres. John F. Orr, Cashier. SCOTTISH FIRE POLICIES PROTECT F. D. A People of That Prosperous Town Think the seaboard and Carolina. OUnchneld & Ohio S hedule Is Giv ing Them the Short End of tle Peal. Special to The Observer. Rutherfordton. May 4. The people of Rutherfordton and Forest ( ity do not think they have been treated right in this new Joint schedule between the Seaboard and the Un. Clinchfleld A Ohio Kaiiroau. . . , eummer travelers from all points on th Seaboard east of Charlotte to , Rutherfordton and Forest City and ... r,nrU .re obliged to lie over aix hours either in Charlotte or Bos- , and as I understand n. w,c train that leaves Rutherfordton I in the morning and returns rrom ; Charlotte at 8: SO p. m.. la only experl- j imental. If that service nd";d Jhen the Seaboard leaves Rutherford- ton and Fore.t City entire y ou U-, MVV '' ,10M0! Washington. M.y 4 -Forecast Vlr he Seaboard under a charter to lnJa, ,lrofr Wednesday and Thursday, to Rutherfordton. The people of lln ',ocl shower.,; moderate southerly .i. ,r considerably wrought up wlnn3 mm - , -,.m will THE WEATHER. ever this treatment 'jcorJe(,1Z1 the railroad people and are rfculatlng a petition which Is being largely signed and whksh will be presented to the North Carolina Corporation Com mission asking that body to look In the matter and remedy it- The old .chedule was niuch more pre erable than the new one. However If the Kesboard would give a local train to ak. connection with the Carolina. Clinchfleld & Ohio train over the Sea board to and from Wilmington at Bee tle the Rutherfordton and Forest City people would be satisfied. This, r the old schedule will suffice. Horse Drowned While Attempting to Ford Creek. Correspondence of The Observer. Mooresvllle. May 3. Yesterday afternoon as Misses Vernle Templeton and Ida Henderson, of Mooresvllle. were on their way to Mount Ulla. where Rev. W. S. Wileon was to preach the baccalaureate sermon for the high' school of that place, they had the misfortune to lose a very valuable horse Belonging to Miss Templeton. The re(r.t heavy rain had washed out a hole at the ford on Back creek, which they were at tempting to cross. The young ladies, not realising that there was any change, drove Into the creek and the horse drowned before any one could reach him. Mr. George Young soon reached the place and got the young ladies out without tneir sunermg any , harm. ThoroaaviUe's Municipal Election. J Correspondence of The Observer j Thoroasvllle, May 3 Monday the 1 municipal election was held. Every-) thing passed off quietly and the entire j ticket named In the primary was elected as follows: For mayor. W. O. , ' Burgln: he received 2S1 votes; town ; ' commissioners, J. C. Green. 221; J. R. J Myre, 181; J. W. Lambeth. 179; A. H. ( Ragan. 21S and H. Rapp. 181. This , ticket la composed of good men and i r they win give the town a good admin- Istration- All the busineas Interests are represented and each and every one has the material advancement of the tnwa at heart. North Carolina, South raronna ami Georgia, showers and warmer , and Thursday, morale southerly winds. East Florida, fair and warmer Wednes day and Thursday, varlnhle wlnds Wet Florida. Alabama, and Mlssls sipl fair Bnd warmer Wednesday nd Thursday; moderate south winds. tx.uisls.na, fair Wednesday and Thurs day, warmer Wednesday. moderate southerly winds. T,r. East Texas. faJr Wednesday and Thurs day, cooler Thursday; moderately south winds. . WMt Texas. fair Wednesday and Thursday, cooler Thursday Arkansas, fair Wednesday and Thurs day, warmer Wednesday. Tennessee. Kentucky and est Vir ginia, showers Wednesday and Thursday, warmer Wednesday. UN PRE I A RED N ESS f6r FIRE. The smell of smoke in, darkness of night crratrs a parole in the homo hardly traceable, hut evidence danger lurks and then you think of K1RE INSURANCE. It's Just like the fellow's delay in prnpared neis to cross the Eternal River. Both havn waited too long. Time Is called. Fire at hand. Too late. Talk with me to-day about mundane Fire Insurance. F. D. ALEXANDER CHOICE MANUFACTURING SITES Owing to our large holdings of real estate In Charlotte, we have decided to" offer for sale the plot of groun a situated between the Atherton Mills and our present plant. This plot h as a frontage of 600 feet on Southern Railway, with side-track already In . and the property extends through to South Boulevard Extension. This is one of the few hUh-class av allable manufacturing sites In Char lotte, and offers a splendid opportu nlty for Investment. Price from $25.00 to 137.50 per foot of rallwa y frontage, depending on depth of property. This price Is very little more ' than residence property Is bringing, and will surely double In value In a few years. AMERICAN MACHINE & MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dilworth on Boulevarl New 7-room house, lot 45x190, rear alley, g roof, plumbing as good as the best everything i i x j M A CAA ffi F fr iii eiegant taste. iyi,ouv, jpi,ouu casn, balance on eat? terms. Will be sold at once. For further partial lars see or 'phone Brown & 'Phone 535. Company 203 N. TryonS WEATHKR BU- 4.-Sunrise 5: 64 lOTil. OFFICE. V.. a REAU i-i,,-ir,! N C. Mv . m Sunset 7:10 P- m. TEMPERATURE (In decrees) . . u Koon fiT 4 P m 70 8 P Highest temperature '- lowest temperature Mesn temperature . n tni'tency for the osy " Mean temperature this date last ysr & PRECIPITATION (In InchesK - hours endlnr S p m .. 0 tTotal for the month to date 0 ... Detlrlency tor wh.i Deficiency for year " Prevailing wind direction S. W. W BENNETT. Otsrr. "Jordan's on the Square." E. P. Purcell, President. D. A. McLaughlin. V. Pres. FRESH FRUIT STRAWBKRRV ICE CREAM GUAPK ASIBHOSIA OKAXGE ICE Vc are serving these to-day and they are Mr. 'Williams' best efforts. If you prefer some other Ire cream, or a cold drink, ask for It. We come very near having ever thing that's cold, and they are always the best at R. II. JORDAN & CO. Phono 7. NUKSES' REGISTER I TP 11 By Atnerh-JMi Trust Co.. Ins. Pcp't., nsurance 1 alks Harvey I-ambctli, Manager. Have you ever read that BOILER POLICY you have? COVER DOES IT 1 The boilrr ItBelf and all Its connections 2 Your prnpprty. 3 The property of others 4 Loss of life or Injury DOES IT GIVE YOU 1 Best Inspections by experts 2 Best possible rates. for which you are liable, to persons. MARYLAND f ASUALTY rOMPANY Merits Complete Confidence The Charlotte National Ban will move early in May, into its New Home, whil will offer every convenience for handling the buc ness of its patrons. New accounts, small or largj are invited now so as to be in line for OUR MORE COMMODIOUS QUARTERS. OUR SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT will tf unexcelled. B. D. HEATH, President. J. H. LITTLE, Vice Prea. TVO V. RCOTf. Tto ft W. H. TWITTY, OmW WflGE-EflRNING PEOPLE , We Invite the attention of every wage earner to the advantages of our Savings Bank. It affords a safe and profitable place for the accumulation of small savings. We pay 4 per cent, and compound the interest four times a year. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. $7,000 WILL BUY The elegant home ( have Just completed on North Poplar street, at No. 607. It has rooms, two complete baths, electric lights, double siding and floors, slate roof, and a beautiful high, level lot, 47 1-2 feet by 141 feet, with a ten-foot alley on the side and a nine foot alley In the rear. Remember, homes like this are very scarce. For further information call or phone CAR.OLINA REALTY CO. No. 311 North Tryon St. 'Phone (09. FIRST WARD HOML - ..i- . .V lrhl home in the First Wnl, C V ' ' L 1 I I w i ra i . ; v . . . . - In and on car line splendid neighborhood. Hovise is new. has slate roof, splendid cabinet mantfli, UJ electricity, for lighting and all other modern improvement tC, 500.00, on easy terms. ti The Charlotte Trust & Realty V A. O. Craig, Secretary Phone 377. Offloe Basement kos7 " I American Trust Compan; growing bank able to meet the legitimate quirements of growing business enterprise Accounts Solicited on That Basis. rVaa GEORGE Bwn- PAHS. A H If you desire a clear complexion take Foler Orino tAxatlve for constipation and liver trouble as It cleanses the sys tem and purines the blood and blotches toon disappear. Foley's Orino Laxative ruiw chronic constipation fey restoring th ratural action of the bowels and -i-oM 4o not have to take medicine con ' wsntiy. R. H. Jordan A Co. and Green s Fhannacju, - f - BUILDERS' SUPPLIES i.argf:st and most complete stock in the caroijnas BEST QUALITY MATERIALS PROMPT DKI-IVERIES RIGHT PRICES SATISFIED CUSTOMERS B. F. WITHERS, . Clirlotte, N. C "BILLY MALONE" If you want to know about Building and Lone "as te" Building and Lone, you want a few minutes with E. L. Keesler. He's got a whale of a big association that DOBS things. No fooling or "chew ing the rag" In the Mutual's office. You've got to go elsewhere for that kind of rot. THE APRIL SERIES Is still open. If you want the best, absolutely the best Building and Loan proposition going, one free from frills or furbelows. Join this. Do It NOW, and your start for a brighter day la made. If you buck, back, grumble or think you're conferring an ever lasting favor on the association by borrowing its money at C per cent., then raising Cain when you're made to toe the mark, get Into the other band wagon we need your room. E. L KEESLER, Sec & Treas. Phono 544. SS S. Tryon St Stocks and Bonds Offered 10 LitUe-Long Co. 10 American Macnine. 10 Commercial National Bank. 25 First National Bank. 20 Charlotte Realty Company. 30 Highland Hotel Co. iseiwynj. ko Chadwlck-Hoaklns Pret 50 Highland Park Pref. Woodlawn. Gray. 10 Lulu (Par 600). 15 Gaffney. 40 Newton. 30 Vance. 11 Drayton. 30 Gaston Mfg. Co 10 Dilling. 20 Gibson ire I. 10 Linden. 30 Majestic. ' ' ' 60 Washington Praf. - SO Washington Com. ' . 25 Loray Pref. 20 Loray Com. 0.000 Cotton MiH 6a. , V 10.000 City of Lancaster 5a. 10,000 N. C. 6s, lfl. Stocks and Bonds Want 100 Gaffney. 100 Marlboro. U ....kin. Ct . 20 ChadwlcK-r""" - -fc.rlntte National t lo Merchants 50 Southern Nat'OO k irirst National, o 20 Union Nat.onai e- 20 Eftrd M1"- 35 Wlscassen. 15 Patterson. 30 Limestone. IS Cliffside. 20 HighUnd Part 3 Henrietta. 10 Nlma. 10 rhiquola- Easier- 50 a a Ivy. 50 Kesler 20 30 50 "- ' ..vine. pacolet Pref; Piedmont ins- in Salisbury 10 Tuscarora. 30 Wiinaniston. I! W Eallroad 10,000 N. C. 6S, ifiS. F. C. Abbott (Si Coo 4