13 CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSEBVETt, MONDAY; DECEMBER 12, 1910. WHESTLIXO CLIME GOOD HERE Promise of Bringing Good Men to the 'Ctty In the' Future s Fenrin ' to Stimulate Xew Interest, - : ti. t :ood lip ta this cltr this oeason "on nes In investigation f of the and vlth the ttromia, of securing seme, Jniu ry to'be. It was a d that or the teat men of the , eoun?r fciCur "qulry to be - It Was said that matches to the near future. Interest is - sure to continue under development . Joe Turner is tiring to arrange now to bring Charles Hackenschmidt, who. claims the belt for the heavyweight title, tor a handicap0 engagement with, him hr, . t - . . sehmidt as everybod knows that keep. un with the wrestlins tame, .tends rltht at the top la rank ana has distinguished . himself on the mat Doth ip this and la European countries. - , ( .It l, expected that John prske will be given a chance to win back his laurels lost here to Mas lluller some weeks ago and the fans would not want to see a tetter match tban a return engsie- , meat between Turner and Lynch of Balti. more, who wrestled with such brilliancy here a few nights ago. . The 'wrestling proposition Is pretty good and if properly and soundly managed. It has a future before It here. The patron age win stand for nothing but a dean and - manly demonstration of this sort, and something could be added to the interest already displayed by having com netent referee at all the mstclies. and by cutting out a lot of this amateurish luff that has been thrown out some what indiscriminately here of late, hold ing the crowd back to a late hour for the big meet. The crowd wants to see the men wrestle who are advertised to wrentle and tlie amateur osagement Should be sandwiched between the falls if. they are bound to be put on. VfB OF LKAOIB MEETIXt'iS. ' Onb Ownrrn of Three LregucH 10 Hohl V'ortli In Now Vork ThU WeU tw Kki't Offiwm, ami Mi t" Iluni Tor tlK Coming Kcuwin. S'ew Vork. IJcc. II. Tills will b" basclmll veek In New York. WUhin lUe next four days the club owncrd of the hrg loagucn two of thorn mi(J'' will nitct heri in annual convoii lion, uIko )ltlwrs. il'ucutw amen I mcnts f rules and map oiit then plans tor the season of Isll. , Two of the leagues tho Natloiiul and the Eastern will cltt prew dt-nt. In tho American "Han" Jol.n fion. fttjH has l yeara to servo of a ;0-year tirm at $25,000 a year. Thus far; there ha been lUtlc talk of any opposition to "Tom"' U'n-h, prt-Hlde-it of th National but Hi iriends of K1 ward 0. Harrow of Toronto, vlu managcil the Montreal team )iu:t vumi' at'l pui him forward against ' fin' Powers of the Kastern Lcakuc. Burrow la said to have the olctK of five lubs Toronto. Montreal, BuT falo, Ublllmore and Nowark whiUt )l si understood that Hochostcr, Jie City and Providence will upirl Powers. The result will be known : morrow nfter the anntial mOn of the Kastcn league. Last y-ar It '' reportei! that Powers had promiscl rot t- lur. again but it la known that rtron pressure has vn brought t'; hear on htm to allow his name to be presented again. In any event, hlu friends wish to name his Kurcpnr and will oppose Barrow. The National League will meet rn Tuesday and the American on Wd nesday. Roullieru Field Trials Pfwiponed. Montgomery, AJa., Dec. 1J. Be cause of the continuance of the Held trials at Waynesboro, Oa.. for anoth er week 1 he second annual Iritis of the Southern Field Trials Club at lygohfttchle have been postponed un tM December 1. With the exception of the American field futurity and possibly the United States llukl trial club, the purms offered by the Koutli ern club are about the rlcht In tho country. In the derby and all-age takes over 1750 will be distributed - In prises. Ooulon and Cvnlcjr KJgit Artlih-s. New Orleani, Dec. 11. Johnny fViulon plnlmant of tho bnntH.ni. welrht championship of tho world, ! today' signed articles of agreement for ft fight with Frrnkle Conley before the 'West Side Athletic Club hero on Sunday. January H. Conley is expect ed to sign the articles In Chicago to morrow. The artlolescall for a 20 round bout, both men to weigh n; three and a half hours before the fight. FLOODH KlIiMKIUiK SPAIN. Berere Cjrclono Works Ncrlous Dam ge Numerous Villages Fare a (tlsts. -Madrid, Dec. 11. Spain has been visited by a second cyclone, even tnoe severe than that which swept over tha western portion of the coun try. few day. ago. Many people ! havs been killed or Injured and the . j ft j it.A , low-lying district are flooded every where. The lower port of Serin, ! submerged and It is feared that the amire city will be tinder water short ly. A railroad bridge at Alcala hi lieeh,detroyed and numerous villages In that region are irNa critical situa tion. Railroads have been washed away at Caceres, Afanjuex. Castillo, Castll leja and Malaga. Two trains were derelUd today at Palencia and several bodle have been observed floating down tha river aV Vallsdolld. Tele graph communication with the pro vince Is almost entirely, suspnded , Report havt reached her of ship, wreck along the coast. Italy Sulfcrs lom flood. Rom. Dec, 11, The lulian rlviera has suffered greatly from the rocent tatorras and tha weather threatens vn mora loss. Miles of cultivate iidwh hov u. t d. ean Hemo of tlie .re'ldenU compelled during from windows by , their houses being surrounded Willi water. Several persons have oeen (Jrowned. The railway between Berdlghera and the French frontier hs been Interrupted on account of wsh-auta. AH tha rivers in th north are at tha flood point. Tha Tiber also is ruing fast. A bill on 1U bank on yU pr. stands is outage rapidly undermined and If collapse i threatened. fi u rn iTuni imvhik'TH. flow aa appaijlng calamity in his fam ily was prevented Is told by A, D. Me- Vo. S. "Ur llltar l4 nniffllim 1 1 o k. wrSUs 'sha wss very thin and pale; JT no appetite a,nd seemed t4 grow weaker very - day, as all itmedUs failed, tilt l flooded and Riaiiv ""'""" "!'. iraiurej the night to Means VW"J,,T"" "" I. .nTm"7 means of ron lad- rUTln lne PW'e.a to tne flnun- v.. vir.. v.-, r. ...nnrir ipion) nronertv. That ir;,,,T;r;h:u'" asthma. ero.ip, hemorrhage, aft bronchial trou v;ji. ,Jt has no quaT,'SOc,' tI-U. " Trial bottle fre.. guarantees fey Woodall s troubl with a cough TlisT IVb I mite eo "not! n.PBiJi? ' th test medlcins over miMkmrl ii hava nothing of For coughs, aolds. Isgripp asthma. iTi M L"ffl..? CHIEF JUSTICE Contlnn4 prom Pu One) ' in, one of the Insurgents. The presence- at Senator Cummins of low. Senator ' Borah of Idaho, and other leaders of the insurgent wing of the party at the White House, cawed a greet deal of comment at the time. The President,,' however, felt that, he could not draw either party, or fac I MA.. lit none of the senatorial . conference was for. the" purpose 'of deciding' on the final slate. , Through them the President was seeglng Information as to .certain -nvsn -strongly -urged Many jof these nantes soon were eliminated I from consideration. . S J"1 : on. the interstate merce Commission in place of Chal. man Knapp and ex-Senator s M. Cockv rejl of Srf&souri, who reUres on the thirty first. It was reported tonight that the President will name B. H. jMeyer of Wia- iconsin ana c. C. McChord or Kentucky. duucg rv dub was siruugij urj?ea uopn the President of the promotion In fact just as the President was leaving the summer capital at Beverly . it became known that he was serlouely considered the appointment of Justice White Chief Justice. The fact wa sent out In despatches at the time. When he was again In Washington, the Hughes jentl raent seemed to grow strong again and all other candidates - practically were eliminated from consideration. ' President Taft has the highest regard for Justice White both as s man and as a Jurist. The backing that Juetlce Whl received is said to have been most Im pressive. A a member of the Supreme Court It has fallen to Justice White's lot to par ticipate In some of the most famous cases In the history of the tribunal. Although a i;onrenrrste soime- anil a imocrat, Justice 'White Is said to hold probably the most cteartv' merked ideaa f Feder alism of any of the Supreme Court Jus tice. He was with tne government in all the e-ral1ed insular cases. Involving the Philippine and other Ineular pos Kesglon. II rendered a minority opin ion against the government's contentions In the Northern ne-mrltles cae. anfl, al"o Wii with the minority of the court In votlnir to sustain the constitutionality of the income tax law. UOCK'NfHAM tJOKS FORWARD. Tt'n I;'vc '-Iv'i' Ortr'iitlinH Mwwl n C'hn,",,r of Cotnmprw With Mr. W. C. Leek aa Iresdcnt Pl "s t)lM'nwv' For I lie Huslm-s Welfare of the Town. SnoclaJ to- Tlie Obimrvor. Rockingham. De. U. JreT; ; an enthuBlastic mooting of represent. atlvo Rockingham cltlzcnx held in te court houso lust night, .'it which '!mo the "Pusli Rocklnghvn Korwfid Club" and the board of trilt. were consolidated. The np.v nrganly.'Mion tlvencHH of the town, tho I'ldiue merits It hus to offer homerc-kcrn. and the opportunities 11 fa paw lor profitable Investment here and In the county. The meeting was presided vr a'il addressed by Col. H, C. ixekery, trie versatile editor of The Uoe'Klnghum poBt, up-to-date farmer and t'"od roads enthusiast, colonel Dockery has the knack of making a ro of everything he touches, as wlt e.s the Charlotte-to-Wilmington hwh wji y, and In a vigorous and animated In Ik m to dc Known as tne i.ovu 1 w.mm KHlllr(iJty evening h,. Kave the girls an Chamber of Commerce and will have r,lrw,t,I1,f talk Kon n aa Its aim the material lovelopmciil ., , ., . 1 H , n , ,,. and industrial UpbJld.n f torn n Amlr ?hVo !era n Immediate steps will be 'men to j.ul (f , c.ndu. tcii the mornina i d outltned the policy and work of ihoisifern School was begun Monflay, De organlzatlon. j camber 5. with a piano recital by Mr. A movement, already started, will Oswald Hauer of L.cipfic, Germany, be vigorously prosecuted looking to. director of music at Winthrop Cor n appropriation by the next Con- lege. Mr. Haucr ranks with the great gress for a government DulKiing. 11 Is known thnt congressman Page and! '.enator overman are heartily In ia vor of it, and have expressed them selves as ready to puh the bill. The ferry over the Pee Dee river is to be out In hm-Class shape. New : cables will be put up, the old ferry 1 l.irgunge, nil these expressed through Hat will be repaired or a new me th,. medium of a technic that knows built, and the approaches to the forryj w difficulties, are understood. The will be g-uded down conalderably end presence of these qualities wan soon very much widened. Several hund-, recognized by the aud ence, which be rcri dollars will be spent, Insuring a came more enthusiastic as the gr. at imii mm ei"y t " 1 n,H Will be nr. tne route or tne Chiirlotte-to-WtlmiiiKton hlghwaj Plans were discussed for converting the opera houses building, with the excoptton of the opea house prop.-r, Into a municipal building. Mr. stern, of the firm of Wheeler & 8'ern ot Charlotte wan here this week to look the building over and will submit ! pluns at an early date. There was talk of th extennlon of the Aberdeen & Ashehoro Railroad from Kllerbe to Rwklngham, a dls tsnce of 10 mllei, by the Puses, and. this may he confidently looked for in the near future. Th will give the: town three railroads. , Officers for the new organization' for the coming year were elected as follows:, W. C. Leak, president; J. L. 1 Everett." vloe president; B. F. Rey-f , . 5cif " ?f?,.T . v ' v vi uiivvhvii w mm pviuvvvu vwsst- posed of 2 1 of the most progressive , .and wlde-nwnke business men or thi town. A largo membership wa en rolled at the meeting, and in the course of the next week it Is expected that every business man in tho town , will Join as a result of the member ship campaign to be Instituted. T1.MJ- FOR OPEN IIOOKM. RccTctary Mai Vcagh Say All Con. oerns Fnragd In Public nnsincss Kliould Take Public Into Their CXm Iidcncc. Washington, Dec. U, The time na prrived, In the opinion of 8er. tary of the Treasury MacVesgh, when all concern encaged In puhllc husl ness should take the public Into their '"nndencs t ihe extent of den''n na f'ry "tocmiow. L?":J!1 n h,r f flnanclai d physical conditions. The sevre- "Anything that will promote the conndence of the Investing public Is a good thing for business Institu tions," declared Kcrietary MacVeagh "1 know of no other one thing which would lend more In -this direction than , for the corporations to deal "1 f4 fairly, with, their stock nomers oy revealing their sctual financial and physical condltionf. Shareholders hnv an unquestioned, riant to know how the company In which, thelrmoney Is Invested, I ). Ing conductJTrnh-siojgthe business stands," r- 1 Thr ws a tlms. not Ions airr - t"? - ti?ued. mt- MacVeagh. hi ovfpanauiretor8 of eorporaiJons iwc-.wM -'"'-ininjiiu almost urn d - now the deir.arid.is m toy following this policy, ind tih. nh: H. woi;ld - soon.. UecomaJjsaryf jo4 rw . money in enterprises of that city were OT presmr-ni annual mesH"g to; ctti sounones 01 me country. WITHlCABOtip C0IEGj i,! (Continued from ,paw .Eighth ;4 court has been constructed and the Interest iff the sport Is greater than ever- before. The .first regular game 'wW'S probably be ; played , . with Wilmington in the local armory. Of last year team Cadets "Cooper, Mc Fall, Venable and McNeill are in school. Professor- McFall Is coach ing tne team. f Work la progressing' ranidlv noon tna tiAtw , tannts ' thnrt hVU t. v lng built by contract south of the school .barracks. . : The,? court will be constructed of clay and cinder and will have wire netting back atop. . ; s .'- K, Friday afternoon Colonel ? Keed. Malor VIcVlMt rantaln novi ni about twentvTilve of thl 17. .t. tended the splendid cenpert given In the La Fay el to opera house by Sousa'a band. 1,. ' 'OAK RIDGE INSTTrCTE. Correspondence of The Observer. i Osk Ridge. Dec. lfltThia. is between seasoni at this school., The mind of tho average boy here is running riot in antic ipation of Christmas" Joys. And although all the classes have definite tasks to accomplish, and everybody is very busy, still, the glad season is near 'at hand, and there is no difficulty In reaching it, as though" it were painted on the brow. Time draga Its weary length along, and one by one the less ambltioua. or weaker, succumo, ana buy tickets for home. The spring session begins" Oft Tuesday, ;. January J, and. the prospects now are that It will be a record-breaker In nolnt of attendance. The business colleae de partment has a large number of men registered for the Spring session already. and the upper claasee are large, and the school eplrlt wa never better. The base ball team has a large number of a-ames scheduled, and the muslo class will give several concerts during the session. rroi. Ji. 11. moil returned . Turadav night from the Semi-annual meeting of the board of directors of the -North Car- j "Una Hchool Tor the Deaf at MOrganton. I He reports the school In excellent eondl- j Uon. and that many ImDrovemenU are' l oped for In' the near' future. There will (.robablj,- be three hundred pupils there I completed and turned over to the author roxl year. The semi-annual report will j ules for operation by the 20th of De soto press next week. I e.mher. Thn. h-. hu HM., , The Institute closes Its work next week Thursday, for the holiday. The literary noddles expect to hold their annual ban- '" Th,ur8!J,a' nlf ht- Uember 16. Mrs. Martin H. Holt, accompanied by her grand-daughter, Mary Eldridge Holt. I TJZfiHT' Th!df"1fh'' 1.1 spend f. hrtBtmas. They will visit her 1 dainhter, Mrs. Myrtle Holt Bennett, and fHmlly. at that place. They should reach San Diego Tuesday next. LBE$tARLfl NORMAL. Correspondence of Tho Observer. Albotnarle, Dec. 10. The Albe marle. Normal and industrial institute had a rare treat In having Rev. M. !. Hardin, H.D.. of the Third Presby terian church of Chicago, 111., with It on Saturday and Kundav laid The liiBtitutlon contidcrs it good to, always lie prepared before hand and has been most fortunate in securing Rev. Jamen 1. Vmice, D.D., of Nash ville, 'Tcnn., to pre ch tho annual sermon next May, while another prominent speaker will deliver the annual address. Fasslfern School. Correspondono of The Q";erve.r. Lincoln ton, Dec. 10. The series of artlHts' concerts to be given at Fas- artists of the present day and the reautiful j.rogram of well-known t f lassies nppe iled to muMc lovera as n-eil na to miniclans. In speaking of artte-tH, perfietion of tone grada- lon, mnsr-hinly Interpretation, tem- nerament that makes music a. livinB variety 01 neautlfui compositions wa BiVnn. until Mr r.Hiier wm tnme tn respond to the demand for an encore At the close of the recital an 1m promptu reception wan hid In the parlors. KLKIV VF.WS ITHMS. I'jthlan Meet Officer Irp, Pro gress on Orndlng of New llallrond. Bpecial to The Observer. Klkln. Dec. H.-Pledmont Idge Xo. 98, KnlKhts of Pithlas, at their meeting laat n!ght elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing term: O. C. Cocksrham. C. C: H. It, Barker, V. C; R. B. Iewls, prelate; Luther Collins, M. of W., W. W. Cockerham. M.-at A.; II. J. Uwellen, M of F.; J. S. Bell, M. ot You Can Work any iu 7iL-Mi 1hl .mm font burnt steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler cap, put la like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This heater has A cool handle and damper top. ' -The Perfection Oil Heater has an automatic-locking tlame spreader which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is etsy to remove and drop back, so the wick can.be Quicklv cleaned.' The burner bodv or eallerv wuiot become u-edged and can ' rewlckTmrr-JThe Perfection Oil nickel, is strong, durable, Ull light and ornamental. ' Bvtrmhe, If mat M ?J Standard Oil Comply (I 1 V. sssMSsrtsslssBiaasM B.j J. P. Hendren, K. R.-S-5 E- E, Heath. U ai'V. c. Coekerhem. Q. Q.,,vi The lodge . has been very lucceasf ul during the past year sod quite a number of new members have Joined the ranks. Rev. C. w. Kobiason, past grand prelate, was a visitor 'at- the ..last meeting and mane a very Interesting and- instructive lecture to the lodge, which was greatly appreciated tor those who heard it.' v " The; merchants here nave put-on sale large stock of holiday goods and sev eral stores look si if 8anta.Claua had ieft his entire outfit in the wlhddws. The store of J. D. Holcomb k Co., and the "" " nt store fronts are beautiful tml would be a credit to any' city. The "corations are as good as can be found ' f1 . r! nd htT lrance of I ' and designs of an experienced i "l1 - .: ' , f : . I j '" u waiernouse 01 eiaiesviue ! rtaIt n oer sister, Mrs. A. 0. Click. at her home on North Main street, West Eikln. j ..' - - .- v- The convict force which is grading' the Elkln r Alleghany Railroad Is now working inaide the corporation line. A portion of the work in the town Will' be very heavy., A cut will have to be made through an almost solid rock for a dis tance of nearly a thousand yards. It will require a very large quantity of powder and dynamite and it will require several month yet to get through and make connection with the Southern. XKW RAILROAD COMPLETED. Elizabcthtown at Lost Connected With the Outside World. . Special- to. The i Observer. 1 Eilsabethtown, Dec. -Tonight when the golden Hun has gone to sleep behind the forest of Bladen, the oldest Inhabl-. tants of EUzabethtown will have realized the dream of their youth, and Elizabeth town will be connected with the outer world by a railroad. The tbwn has almost been depopulated for the past two days, with the curious crowds of old and young going out to ho ih ,..1 roii. . .iu-j t With a large force of hands at work on the streets, cleanim? uP-the town will soon be ready for a celebration of the completion of the new road Tie date win rr, r.,.Mt It is Ttnripriatnn1 thn rullina1 will ha I hi nnur rnn1 in tit Doulu oau if la -v ceptlonal tine road for a new bed, and runnlns;. as it does throuel. a line aec- Ulln of th country, will no doubt do a n,rt m vi.,nir, h n. 1 Z ArkanMWi Representativo Will Oppo WaNliington, Dec. II. Representa tive Macon of Arkansas threatens trouble for Captain Robert B. Peary, the Arctic explorer, whun the ques tion of honoring him conus up on the floor of the House. Mr. Macon la member of tho naval affairs commit tee, which has liefore it a bill to make Peary a rear admiral in the navy. Mr. Macon contends that there Is no more proof that Peary discov ered the polo than Dr. Cook had to prove his assertions, an-1 thnt If the committee reTports the measure he will tight it to the last ditch. Twin City Making Pre pa rations Celebration Thursday. for aneclal to The Observer. Winston-Salem. Dei1. 11. Six hundred and tlilrty-iftie members of the Wlnston Salem board of trade Is the total today. The OoO-mark which was set In a cam paign recently was passed In a jiffy and the spirit of progress and co-operation that Is possessing all goud citizens is leading to new memberships dally. Tho Southbound jubilee next Thursday, the 15th, Is the event now upon whteh prac tically the entire efforts of the organiza tion are centered. Arrangements have been perfected that Insure the right sort of welcome to the thousands who are expected to participate in the celebration. Member of Georgia Moh Dies of Gun shot Wound. Columbus, Oa., Dec. 11. Irvln Kent, ugod 22, a cotton mill opera tive, alleged to have been. a member of the mob which last night stormed the Muskogee county Jail to jvet Henry Taylor, a negro prisoner charged with assaulting a young white woman one night last week, died today from a wound ri'nelved 'n the attack. More than a hundred shots were fired, Seven arrests were made today. Jailer Phelps was ae rlously Injured but will recover. DISEASE People of open mind having Bright's Disease or having friends who have, can hear 0!' soineth ng to their advantage If they will call at our store. Helpful diet list free. WoodaJI Si Sheppard. Near a Window BRIGHT'S in winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved to part of a room, or to any room uvuov nubu yvm iiavw a 9MOKPE.I.E9S Ahsolottly gmoktku and cdorUti you do not have to work close' to the stove, which is usually far from, the, window. You can work wh.ere you wish, and be warm. You can Vork on dull winter days in the full light Hear the window, without being chilled to the bone. The Perfection OH Hearer quickly civet beat, and with one fillinff of the be unscrewed in an Instaflt for Heater is fin!hed In (unan or - made, built for service, and yet ' ; . ; mm. aetfae Jtmriubt ttrtuLr IS i1 - , ...... . . , , , ' - ', , - - ' ,. s 3dfc--V .. - . ' , V ' ' JUL ' i ' ' ' " . r - ' ' K . , , I ? - ' By Archibald Henderson, M. I , In tliis brilliant work, published simultaneously in -England America, the author discusses such great figures' in contemporary literaturV as Henrik Ibsen, George Meredith, Maurice Maeterlinck, Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde. A scholarly student, a critic whose essays in European v - ... . ; ' ' and American magazines have received wide recognition, a writer possessed . of refined taste and a graceful style, the author is peculiarly fitted for writing such a work. His book is especially notable in that he considers certain notable contemporary literary geniuses, not as practitioners of some specialized form of art, but as interpreters of life, and of that modern spirit which voices the meaning and purpose of the .age, Mitchell 2 When Old North vOLD NORTH STATE PURE OLD CORN WHISKEY t0lNWO0O-" Tiow Rates 'For the Christmas Holl days. For tho Christmas holiday travel 'tne Soutnern Runway win en round- Tickets will be sold December 15, 18, 17. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31. , with llnal return limit January 8, 1911. Tor detallrd Information as to rates end schedules, call on your ticket agent, or communicate with the undersigned. R. II. DeMJTTS. Traveling Passenger Agent. Charlotte, N. C. Christmas IloUday Kates TUi Sca ooard Air Lino Railway. The Seaboard announce Christ holldaf rates from, ail point to all points on Its Una, on sals Decem ber IS, .MS, 1'., 21, 22, 23 24, 26, 31 and January 1, good to return until January S, 1911, inclurive. For-further Information call on your nearest agent, or adfress the undersigned. - s ' JAMES KER. JH., ' ' T. P. A., Charlotte,' N. C. " II. S. tEART, D. P. A., Balelgh, N. C. t Why ba 'Satisfied with . something not as good, .when you can read the best pspdr In the state for; 17 cents a week? UUX1AA1 rUtTU, President, Sal Pi 3 IHE ffllCAS IllSIffJIKG 120 Jt T P0BTEE" So"11 KeniUvo, tQ9 RhoM BuUtUng, Marlmg Slroet. ATLA1TTA (JA. 1 .. - ... . ,1 . y.i-- r University of North Carolina Kennedy, Publisher East 29th Street, New V There is Xo Delay You Order From This House We are the closest distributors to all North ! and South, Carolina points and can serve you much qulck'er'. All pf ouf WHISKEY, WINE, BRANDT, GIN, ETC., Is the finest that can be produced and our. prices are al ways reasonable. Order any of the foHowlhg'or write for complete list. CORN WHISKEY 1 gal 3 gal S gal igal ' Danville Special w f T $2.10 Dew Drop W or Y I.JS Middle Valley 100 Proif 2.M 13-70 4.20 4.TO 4 qts State Corn Whisker 12. Old Dan Valley Corn Whiskey 3 25 Old Baltimore Rve , l.uO , Plmllco Club Hye . 4.O0 Monticello Our Own B ttllng Rye 4.00 Overholt Rye ,. 4.00 Sherwood Rye ... 4.00 Cascade Rye 5.00 Mumms Extra Rye 5,00 Echo Springs Rye 6.00 Monticello Dlstllery B ittled Rye B.00 Mt. Vernon Rye J.00 Canadian Club .00 Three Feathers ....."-7.00 Union Pacific Bottled In Bond ,........, 4.00 Black Green Bottle 1 in Bond ......,.,..... 4.09 Mellwood Bottled in B-nd 4.60 Overholt Bottled In Bond ; .vM.&o Gree River Bottled In Bond .00 , We prepay express on all the ahova. Remit P.'O. or Express M. O. or Registered Letter. Address Danviiie Distilling Company Danville, Virginia. , . A CHR IS T MAS GIFT That will serve as a plStsant reminder of Christ -mas all the year round; that. will prove useful every. 'day, and one that will benefit the entire ; familya - year's subscription to ' v f , . J; .. ; t; THE CHARlont DAILY, and SUNDAY- OWR - I Only eight dollars. Think it oyer.and telephone; 18.;, We are ready to make you decorate your, home for Weddings Hoses. Carnations and Violets. Call SCilOLIZ. toe N. Tryoa St. ALBERT HOPKINS .' MARSH Publlo Aocoununt gnd'Andltor - AUGUSTA, GtOKGIA. v . Cotton and Cotton MHl ; ' Accounts Specialty. -4HAJI , - Franklin Street,- BcctcnVrll PKM.) Iqf'the .1? .V'Vi; Yorh 5.25 fl.n 6.00 8.70 .7o .7$ I Qtn 12 ots 14.75 18.83 6.20 f.0) 5.75 IV 7.50 lfloO 7.60 10.5O 7.50 10. 7.60 W.7J 9.25 12.73 9.25 12.75 9.25 117$ I. 23 1175 II. 00 11.00 11.00 11.00 13.00 1150 7.50 W.M 7.50 10.50 8.00 11.00 8.75 12.0 9.00 U.50 CORHWHISKt. ayts OM fisshto 52 eoiK wood SOTIUISMSlWSMrl' DAIIUti 1 m mBCIkMA. shower Bouqoetror Hound onqueta," or Socials. 'W,' have also fine at 308 OU DAN VAU.I Ml North TryoiC ' ' ' ' A( jet-;.- tv W the florist CHARLOTTE, KrC 1' Correapoadcncr- ' Solicited. K . VOHlXii, Vfctvl-to. and Vwrm COWIV issrrr 1 1