- i l A. TOiOTtIXf ., . iiarlutte. X. C, day la ta y r. ; rMJEPHONMi V if No. ;ostng Utnh r:r.."Nr 3 rutting Hon... ......-.ii'1 On aThrpa '.'WW Year Me . , " " .-fi Ml. fclMl4ftV... ? ! complaint tfcWtvif delivery pru . - . . tin arrtaire. - VI 4 p auwvv . ...TBirmn' A WKOtTN CEMEXT. Advertising rate. will be furnished oomnunlUou espousing the cause r."t7 - t. areaem tenttoa. permit bat It 1 to Mu.t communication '!toirA thta la pot 1;r w gfre the sarve the towf "they nrTdamanded. T; nW "e- turn ,M1,1?JSl5 the wrtteV aanled by the rael nm tMCRSDAY. MAKCH , Itll. AX ABMY FOR THE FRONTIER. . ' 'The United States government is moving Its legions toward the Mx lean border, giving assurances, at the - .. tlm. that It does not miena ' to loose them agalnat any one nhom 1 soever. Certainly the Mexican gov ernment can contemplate the move- frenaiy homily to the farmers In otn Meat with little alarm. It 1 now. r parts 0f its county to cstch step t . i .Inra the Dial ' I.V .k.l. V..l.n Tkl, Llnt e.f ai t oaa wwn . - regime began, on excellent terms r .... . .M,.vnm.nt It Ttn tnS Vf SaniHSl-UW Stands for complete protection to the American investor, mining man, com- nierclal agent or railroad employe In ' - Mexico: and, the consistent tnione- ttl lt neighbor counties. Good iom ' ment of this protection la responsible muniffaUona, although acarcely so for a. Urge part of the revolutlonlut aentiment now aiFpiayea. nn,i ' interests In Mi1c are m lnrge'thnt aerions menace to them would deal the whole country' business s very ' perceptible blow. Mexican stability aader maa .nas aervea w . .. States wtl. Oovernment by revoln - tloo and counter-revolution- would ..destroy this condition, evtn thoiign In the turmoil no special hostility to- ' ' Vd jthe. foreigner shoul be shown, DISS Is an autocrat. PUl onn ui um , receiiuy uy ono wno nn me ciin TOoat benevolent and enlightened of ted States and who resided In ('hur ' vhoni history bears record. It Is lotto ror some years. The statement is . hardly for Americans to aid in sub-j true' of the entire piedmont region, ' stltutlngi for his rule a chaos by , especially when the salubrity and - wfcfeh enormous losses would be vial'- healthfulness of the region are con ed fipon their citizens and all progress sldered In connection with Its acres ' ' would be delayed. ' nihility to so many of the great cities Whatever the Washington govern- of the North. fnent's precise motives, Hmong which I published report (hat the British government has threatened to In tervene should the United States not take step for sffordlng foreign Inter est protection In ease of need, the maneuvers will have practical re sults. The government slates that 'simple maneuvering for practice Is tba chief objoct In view, and unques tionably no army ever needed such practice more than our army does nt tht time. The assembling of :0.000 troops along the Mexico border means that tiny units which hsve never . learned to art together wilt be drawn from too-numerous army posts all over the country and place;! under general officers who have had no op portunity to command them hitherto. Four armored crulners and 2,000 rn lines complete the array. Tt la s pro gram which compares for Importance .and" dramatic finality with Prosldenl Roosevelt's mu h-ciitlclsed byt abun dantly vindicated plan of sending the battleship squadron mound th" worM. XOISI. AT XNiUT. The lumbor;on HoliHiniuii utters a most polite complaint regarding the blowing of whiHtl'K on freight tratlna passing through l.umbei ton ln-tn-cn midnight and dawn It think thav thl Practice l not confined to the ftaoosaary xtatlon and danger signals , vat inciuuea a mowing "unnecessarily faud and long." Without desiring to i provoke any reopening of the vexed oottoa-mill whlU queatlvn, e be- J - ,;ar..la a position to render a real grvfc to the nervous portion of the ' goaxmuaitie through which they run br endeavoring to limit the noise as much a possible. Tbe resulting ben-1 flg It WOUlO .accrue aut larltr la mm a.d nt.ii.i-a. u'i.ii& 'tWi . i. J . . .. i w v iiki to ru-r to tne ' tnatlon of helpless and half-asham- ad IrrlUtlOB nrodaced in tha f th light-sleeping citU.n when his . rest 1 broken about S a. m. by the t fuwk at a' paasteg aatomobii. a klagl warnmc blast la aot cktcutataA ' ti bnak big rent areatlr. bat whan V ' " "r - the f oa U ontiaii4 for th better tt to a sleeo-kiile. . tV.'Wch "H for. but 'it mi loss M ptobaWi gtriotly Umlte W. Nowthlr.ln7:4Em;'7 " Prolato a ; to hi ta-e Vwrtdar. fca.a th'TTsOpl fth SlAUl, ad thl .11, " ' " . i W A. X a rt of a block r rtiarkabl Oeiaer, t -luostlonad-laltta abAtit h. -it.. . i r -btva n wtnua vm aoswrar-tsMieng, i violent aba of such praetlo la ; "r to reader fit abuser ridiculous. t n u)tat5tial pleasur 1 derived Judgment Were tbr no Just--i vanlenly eratlng a auisaaea, wsU-dead loaf an a iha h.at,. i f 't ! thit li attt tsn t ihu . . I , mW!J "i" " tbW v. t "' I wad beyond i U tv result of lack f ' good xcvr mow xooroi -Taa Carthag Biad recently mad trip of inspection through th aaat ern paction of Moor county and ft report of what wa a M Inspiring;. Th iy-totaiT and ehraJe; od of fow yaar ?ab ro Wln don ay with.- It doolar, -and now ordor of tUact bo oomo.'. A ororroMtvo apirtt hM UM '- flm wnp po f ejoii ad tht y ftro roojwinf qoto ivpmont undraaroed of ft fov yoft ago. Thf old method of farming, irhen tho tiller planted en the moon and trttaV od ProvMeooe alone to fcrlnf the harvest, haa given place to modern and eclenUflo agricultura. Old di lapidated buildings, unfit for human habitation In many Instances, have been succeeded by modem, eomfort sbie and attractive homes, nicely painted. The evidences of a careloee and Indifferent life on the farms are fast disappearing and one sees on every hand the unmistakable signs of thrift a-nd Intelligent labor." It Is to be noticed that The Blade kinds that where scientific agriculture has been Introduced there has promptly followed a betterment Of home conditions. The old dwelling houses mentioned ss disappearing were not only vastly less sight ly than those which have taken their place but contained fewer com forts and conveniences. When a farming population falls to make progress in the art of farming It rapidly becomes dulled as to the physical comfort of Its surroundings, Converstsly, when farming la being im..rnvei ch season th farm- k,.... ...loiriv vtii.iu the atlmu- lua received. The situation in Moore i could be duplicated to a greaUr or I less extent in every other county in the State In which agriculture haa ben modernised- There is another side to the picture which gives Just as much encourage ment as the improvement of living conditions. The BlaJe uses the sentences Quoted aa a text for a ihi men withiic. iv.i.u " advance is happily contagioui. One A 1 I . . . 1, M. n I . . . . . , t lUWllflnip l'nnoi limnn enun, wiuiwui arousing the Interest of adjoining townships: every county which makfx nola,e etrldea stands aa an examplw agile In their spread as evil, do nonn the less manage to soak their way thiouxh community after community. If their path could be traced, the re sult of a single example of this kind would surprise even those who arc In close touch with its beginning. ' CHARLOTTE'S BEST ASSET. i " hariutte's main agwet is ner cii- 'matn. Roues till Christmas and violets all the year." ,Thla remark wbh made Northern people are becoming In creasingly , sensitive to cold. The movement of population southward Ig assuming nation-wide proportion Tho piedmont region Is so situated as to receive vast benefit from this movement. On may leave Cliarlotti at nlaht. take early breakfast m Washington and be in ew Tork at noon. In a few years there win lie "a mile a minute" schedule all the way, bringing fhsrlotte within ten hours of Philadelphia and twelve hours of New Tork City, one can then condurt one's business In the North and make one's home In Char lotte. The fact Is. a month In a Florida hotel no longer satisfies the city strained man who has found out that frpsh air and sunshine are things not o he tHkrn In homeopathic doses not to bp lived on, twelve months In Ok- year. Visionary T Well, wait and sne. M'-anwhlle. level-headed business men In I'harlotte. In all piedmont and ln New Tork c'Hy are moving forward wi.h development plans which can have no other meaning. The pied mont region Is surcharged with the elements that go to make up health ful, wholesome, happy kxIsi-ii- Our neighbors in the North are jindlnx It out, With th county commissioners, the im.trd of education, the agricultural , association, the good roads folks and ' he farmers' union all meeting In Oxford on the same day, Granville' rounty aat mut have had a severe test or Its capacity for hospitality. From all accounts It nobly sustained aa anient and enviable reputation. ! One more our only living ex-Presl- tnt has assumed the burden r.r demonstrating verba Mv th t mandments. the iWLraimt. r tj. t . ' ....- i p,nd,,nc hnA ther recondite docu-1 . In hi contlnent-wlde swing 1 totnA th ,H will he Interesting 10 BWhp flrn week of last , F"mh y fcara,, r.y I- .. """ 1 . "''-- . Si,-,-1 : T" Mw '""t legislation myj g .g ta, . . I .... - it. a . IT, C" "":,",,n flu",! . " f9 the'Btal de- aire. --W think , that Trntoa,',isr. sH tri eat was greatiw laktna in ThlMM ..i it ..j 1 fk plwy that It had to run vr b of Horth Carell' most useful jpukll men la th pro of Itepr-1 TWOIXD EJS GQOX ' Taking1 notice of movement to eliminate pre faulty "from, theatrical productions. The Baltimore. Sua je cails that there have been a number of similar attamptf la the past, none Of . which, has accomplished .material results, and expresses - the ' earnest hope, that the present agitation will not share thi end Jt take the poslJ Uon ' thai nrofanitv lends ' neither ale - trajrc or force to tho Uoea ia which1? for the, doctor to m to case ft occurs, that it is esseotlaliy repul siva and that its loss would mean the theater-going public' gain, v , There can be e uetlon of the soundness of this, position. Unfortunately, tbet matter ia somewhat difficult to han- die, The objectionable pbrase ia promptly forgotten by the majority of. the audlenoo ia the rush of the play action. Wep-iatentloaad pl wrlghta, managers and actors can do much ia the direction of this reflning etep, but to be effective It must be supported by the public A tew vig orous complaints coming from pa-' Irons and properly directed would do a world of good. . While they are about the. matter of eliminating profanity there is an other blemish which might well be banished st the same time. Very J much too frequently especially in productions designed chiefly to elicit J laughter an otherwise clean scene Is marred by the introduction of a sentence or phrase which has most objectionable references. We are not , speaking of the frankJy obscene en- i trtalnmenta which masquerade stuaiea in realism, ine one remeoy for that evil is to force It from the I boards by the starvation route--a consummation apparently vnv dls tant at thla lime. But in plays of ... good tone and attractive construction It Is not unusual for vulgarity to be dragged In by the hair, as It were. To remedy the defect will require more than the pointing out of the fact that th. habit is inimical to ! art. Along with the profanity Just mentioned we should be rejoiced to ate It banished from the stage. THE TRIBUNE AMD THE HAWK. ' The Concord Tribune possesses the ' respect of the entire State press as a ' live, aggressive, fearless organ of public opinion. How sad It la under the circumstances to iearn that this contemporary's entire force from devil to editor is now in a state of abject submission to a fear which is more real than haunting. Judging from ite own confession, The Tribune's plant must be filled with wide-eyed men who demean themselves as if . ready to articulate "prisms , and j prunes" most carefully at the v first i I request. Thlft jlJnth. flfcrition, 4 j , (lescrtocd in language wnicn may be ; have It appears that In tho oid daye The Concord Standard possessed a chicken hawk and rejoiced in the Possession. A friend recalling this fact recently presented The Tribune with a specimen of that bird. And now The Tribune is loudly calling for aid In the management of its pet. There Is rtot a man-jack In tht office who can come within range of beak or claw and escape unsaddened. Un less relief he quickly found, we re Kpectfully request General Ilnster to mobilize a sufficient militia force to rescue our esteemed contemporary from the clutche of its redoubtable pet. A Kentucky publicist proposes the prohibition of hip pockets as the best means to conserve human life in face of the great slaughter going on ,. """go nong tno numerous oriuiant laeaa Which won t work nobody ever propounded this one before. The mass-meeting at which the col ored people considered ways and I means for doing their part in the j progress of Charlotte Is not surprls- i Ing, but is highly gratifying, all the : j The lirltish Secretary of War has Indulged l a panegyric upon Amerl- can i,..f th. ,i.h li u ' can beef. The Irish kickers could secure as many affidavits in rebuttal ' as they Hnt. from the average Amer- 1 lean boardlng-hoUKe. i Virginia, with ten Democratic Rep i esentath vu, bldp fair to land three chairmanships, while North Carolina, also with ten of the former, gets but one of the latter. Set the weather signals for o.ualJs. There are leS members of the girls' poultry clubs In Buncombe county. Those mountain people are getting ready to eat fried chicken and baked custard. And now Bpokan. Wash., has. gr- r''"t0(, ,wo mn wno wre ""plrln to assassinate TafU Were they going use wireless to accomplish their "iooay endsT , 11 our obervtlon that the coun- r h for some tlm d. " to b rW ? th ' BalliPter eon. poveray" on almost any ttrmi. i. , -Jgg y '"' ' """" V-'r?,. f ''Wonder, did Senator Bailey ;,loa"iwo hundred andVilfty page of ad- - . ... a.. . . .... ..aav...' . . 1 I" ""' BBW pUPBaiB 1 TJta"oUr bf Hcator MinmonA' To the Kdtloratjrb Observer! ' ; ',,,,.; Critlfilani nr tijtnatnra in iiflin td Indulged in unnecsartly7-A n-. ator Is supposed to hve a right to hi Opinion, and w would joe r pwt for him if b did not hava Sen ator Simmons voted with th majority or n . nenata ana vowa mi -anij. mehU, W should someumes want to 'plan ourselves in Ma, position nd f th unjust. erlil'-'sm ra tn of. DAILY 'PilTIl CHATS '. ': i THE 1IVRRT Q&XJU Too writer was J ' medlct ( friend's office the other day when a S yoong . man 1 rushei ' n nrtth ft- hurry of attempted sufcld. .,.1'aroman'had 'tried t pplsdn herself, and her hus band 4iad dispatched! the youaf mad for a doctor. -But tho excited men aenger, when questioned, eould give ao clue as to' the nature of the nolsom and; the doctor was1 handicapped. For In such -eases, tleje is the olemeat. and, inasmuch a tho abvslclan .can not carry tb 'antidot to every poison In hla satchev, the chances are that after; reaching the victim much time must be lost In getting suitable anti dotes from the drug store. . a ; Here a life was Jeopardised by the thoughtleaenew of those sending , in tho emergency -call. Fortunately,' la tnie instance; tbe pbyaiolaa nappenea to carry along tho requisite antidote, and was able to prevent death by the carbolic acid route,, by the free vsa of diluted alcohol. Had the poison have been strychnine, however, the woman's life would . probably have been lost, for the doctor did not hav any tannic acid In his grip, and no drug store was near. In nine cases out of ten the box or bottle from which the poison has been taken may be found and the identity of the poison revealed. Ja i -il w - - tn0 po,aon conV6yea to the physician along with the summon for nl presence on the scene. Ih caso or bottle cannot be found nt th. commonA- naM. which every tUUg ell W WC MMSft IBH" tea V 9 J IUVVH Intelligent nerson should know. Co?' boUo add. for example, leaves white marks uoon the tonaue. Una etc: ' aaaantn .nA iflAtan tnllA ng fl jkga ana vomiting: opium or morphine Is ' r . " wvca w uivmi, uww w evidenced by lethargy, perspiration and contraction of the pupils. Strych nine brings on twitching and spasms of the muscles, together with flashes of light before the eyes. But not alone In poison cases is 1' to aii the doctor with In- lifiiimiruu; iui ni iitn.i.. v v " nature of the trouble In any emer gency, be It hemorrhage, concussion or what not, may enable' the man of i m.Hirtn time and Ufa as medlcine to sAve time and lire ax When hurriedly called the physician is always keen to get some informa- tlo eoncernlns Vhe eaae before leav- Ina- his office. The writer anowa, a vouna medico whose first call was hurry call. A bullet-headed darkey rushed Into the office and Implored the young doctor, to come at once to his dying brother. Snatching up ha,t and satchel the physician Inquired as to the nature of the trouble. "He any he got pneumonia," was the reply, "but he alnt got no more pneu monia than I is. It's dem chltterllns what he ct. The grocery man told him dey wasn't right fresh, but he say he don't cafe, he gwlne to eat 'em. anyhow. THE BIXJj XTE VtMt, Contributions Continue; to Come la "t"r"j T .i. 4-i,A,i.' rr.ftd - ftoWal of the schools repotted their Bill Nye day collections yeStef day and as a result the JB1U Nye memorial fund received considerable Impetus. It Is confidently believed, from the present outlook, that the committee wa not disappointed In pinning its faith to the appeal to the public schools. Following are yes- terday's contributions Prevloualy acknowledged 783.54 Moore county 5.80 Hobewon county 6.67 Wake a 8j lancoln county (Trinity) . . . , Plnctown school . (Beaufort county) , Chatham county Atkinson high scliool White Oak Academy .40 I .75 .71 3.75 a.eo 7.68 2.11 Htitherfortl county panJc,a hooi (Wncoln) . . . cullowhee, Mate Normal and Industrial Woodstock school (Hanson- vllle) Orange county school .. Total ' PUT BY THE VhVrd. Gertrude Bartlett, In Metropolitan Maga- 0h( Love, put by the flute! Too slight the tender, liquid, strain W hard W the April rain Of wild white blooms, to voice the spell Whereof our Hps ars muu. Let organ diapasons tell The music of the waves which roll From that unfatbotned sea; the Soul. o, Love, put by th nuts. Tha flute, oh, Lore, put by! , For we unto the Wonder-strand Are come from out tbe valley land, . Upon the Great Adventure bound. Here river reed notes die Within the larger pulse of sound. Lest, llst'nlng for the luring call, We lo a. vaster rhythm's fall, Tbe ftuU, dear bo'v, put by. Put by the flute, on. Love! And yet, so piercing keen the tone Onc hear, in yon far vale, wind blown Down that bright stream, whose brim wa.iwia,' ' iW,.i . a ,;. ..-.it. With laughter leaned above,. ,.J The Joy thereof do we retain . Among our mighty chords, that se How sweet M youth an en may know.' Put by ,lhe fiute, oh, Level ' v - " . T Pending a Report.' Greensboro Telegram, ., , V . . Th magaaln postage rate wilt hot. be Increased this. year. '' Instead ha matter will be referred to a postal commission for Investigation and , Its findings will be reported to Congress next Umbr. Ro the publlo, for- a whll at least. Will Je abltf to get Its nrty page or reaaing matter ana ba.Mla mm aHMMthl r " n takaai aa M t M a.'T' . '- 7; r- lv' "rrrvmt. , Meevlg I he fattea'AltMfi.- fQreenahdro Tlraxvjf.4?i , jne narem sairt 1 tne jatest -ana It 1 being abused from- one eneV X the country to th other by the mat population. The t harem: eklrt,7 how ever, Is no worse than the most of th clothes womeft wear at th be hest of those who fix the fashion. , ' Oh! r.rt On, i ' . ifsrahvlll Our Home. - The Gypsies : will p!ae ' remember that "In I'nlon there I strength and move OH.. .1 , .; (',, ,,M ' 1 , Agreeing With) U.' Open . opposition ' to commission government .is not likely to manifest Itself when that fight for it begins. But there Is ttkeiy to be much under, hand opposition' to ft, requiring con etant . watchfulness to defeat. w4 EiChanga, WlUi jVlr1nuvK ' Nowbarn Sun, , '.. 1 i The Vnrfotk Waters rommfnalon hag asked tho WtsiattiVVof North Carolina to pass an eaabung act, to allow Norfolk to get tta water1 supply from the Chowan mer ia uus ettae li looks like; these two: States mlgnt let each other have nquids on, an ex; change' basis! ! ' Will Bo Vexed problem. v Spartanburg Journal ... One thousand year 'hence learned men, political historians and students of nsyoholosrr will stiU be writing books la support of differing theories as to why Coleman U Bleasft was in A.' r. It 10, elected Governor of South Carolina, v A Booaflsful Failure. . , Spartahburg Herald, ' " Spartanburg has made a failure of her effart to have a smallpox eql- t mir vm,tK 4vWkKVlv n. in thm fact that the health authorlUes took hold ot the situation vigorously and the public Informed an to the danger , co-operated with tbe board. Oreatcat Of AIL Greensboro Record. , We talk about the great discovery of tne telephone, wtreiosa telegraphy. atrshloa and the rest, hut another 1m- - - . g . portant discovery is that from (0 iAfl ktiahla a aawk mo aVWart 200 bushels of corn can be grown on an acre ot lan a. A tlV like this 10 or SO years ago would have been hooted at, but it is as much of a fact as these other discoveries. Ono City On th Job. Asheville Oaaette-News. Now Is the time to nip the typrold filly which is to say the common house fly in the first atage of his career. Cleanliness and sound aanl- premlge, contribute most thla ond.-Charlotto Observer. ana Asneviuo nas an omciai - pip Pfr"5 C-Ur .em?1 'rtnfi pal business is to attend to the de- struction of muses, domestics. Tho Corset Qaeatton. Roanoke Time a Five hundred women In Kalama soo attempted on Monday to lynch a corset manufacturer, pehaps It would be a good thing for the sex men would lynch every corset m.nu- fnot.ir tn th. world and an cnt off k .i Z or aroaratua o7 whaSv.? It may be i called. We suppose with the women i and corseu It ia like men and liquors. J As lonr as anv or tnem. are maae ln" the same serlou trouble with thi the iUata-wld prohlbUton laws. In tho large cities a Alabama 1 having.. It UKalao evident that oany sincere pro hibitionists of Tennessee watching tho collapse of their theories after they have been put Into pratelce, have lost faith ia the proposition that an un popular laws overturning the habit and customs of a people, can bo suc cessfully forced on thoee people by a Legislative enacment. Tennessee learning the lesson that Alabama has learned. It is learning that local op PN Uon ia the tru solution of the issue of regulating the sale of intoxicant and of promoting temperance, Merely Dldia't Take Colonel Bryan's Order. Fort Mill Times. In The Charlotte Observer Bun day ws note that Congressman A. F. Lever of The Columbia district Is referred to "aa a Democrat of Demo crats." The last national platform of the Democratic party, adopted at Denver less than three years ago, de clared that lumber should be on the free Mat Mr. T.nvae did Ant- think an 4-25iand when the lumber schedule In the Payne-Aldrlch tariff bill ' wa voted j20 upon ln Congress M, Lever was on ia 45, of tn few Democrats who re fused to be governed by the party, platform. In th Demccratlc primary 6830.13 ' last August a number of paper in Mr. Lever' a is trie t svored him heavily for what they termed his be trayed Of the interest of his con stituent and the party creed by vot ing for a duty on f umber and there are not a few who will wonder haw The Observer manager to gauge Mr. Lever "a a Democrat of Democrats." Not So Bad After All. Maxton Schottlsh Chief. When some of th numerous news papers ot Koberson want to' spank us and look about for an instrument of torture they usually fall back upon the awful, truth that the editor off the Scottish Chief did not have th privilege ef first opening his eyes to earthly scene upon the delights of this a-reat county and state. Well. from their point bf view, it Is to b regretted, though really we never ! could . exactly feel the destructive 1 hforc of th uggetlon, a much we are in love with our surroundings; And at the worst, we couldn's help It, not being In command of th sit uation though 'a party to it, Howevwr, we- did not begin sni lecture to com oiain of our - nretnern ror maxing uch 'a, grav charge, ut to say tha;: thl not havlngVbeea born in mobesott , ha. not becom crime In th o ouf legislator. Judging by the x- flathanomce Iat M.i.-.Aaa M-u. Mi''kiliM -haatK and pastures green for th Saxon and the 'Oreek.vAud ?wj.-lgin .to beltev our mlsfortun niay, Hll be .jbertolcaK XZ boraVi.v; 1 -,i;':To-t.: La'leramor.t;'-'i'X New York Tl9iV''jS..1.'M)t.j '. Jacob A. RII ha written thla letter to C. H. ,Rixg. pf the. Bristol Conn. Pre, denouncing ;4ha-'tbriUog of president . Roosevelt? :V'vffe uMf. VCear Sir -I regret that ther ar so ma"hy-unlhtlllgent . people. In tht country of oura How nw one can re gard th resnlt'ot tM rlaotloiis; when, half the country rose tip and "struck, out for the very principles for, whloli Mr. Roosevelt is contending, a - a Medicine that aid nature Ire always mat. successful.: Chamberlain's Coiiifh, Remedy acta on this pla4 It loosens tbe L lot - mountain buckwheat in bulk. t rn cetiKh, relieves the lunxa, ; opens i the! Vial - bargain In canned apples, t l. "r-.'"" sua am nature In restorin'-: can t So each. They are nice and (rood. restoring ! 1 1 Aa' ; adertisaaaaav-;' la-". V7 ia. thla eolnaa at A, lata H tm eeata a Ca of r etc words, a ad sake f o V less thaa aeata caah " It " -iTYour ad will finr3 the xiglii ? people) .becaiwtho right people are looting over tiiese coluiims for 'job artisfi'rieiit 7out stoir; Win betolri 'tovff000 readers if H is tiete. i i'" F WAHTKfa' WANTKBTon to aaaw w will do Tear W" aiini a ur vxesps shummw, v, O. ; Jarreif liahtoaOa, rTX h WANTOB-W aiea to 49 year old at wiao, xor eieevto rauwav notormn ana ovnauctors; w to kjob a month; no ax perienoa neubssarr: ait atrikai writs ha. BMdiately far application blank. Add) ess aiiectno,- care oasarrer, wanted -Toang man for newspaper wars collector, solicitor, etc., must be live, enerxetio and wlUInx to toxin on anaat salary. Aooreee in own nana writing, "Mewspaper." . . . . WANTED At once, Inside wlreman. Few weeks work, union ' scales. Anslr Boutnern cotton OU Co. , WANTED i connection with pro fres- alve Old Line" Insurance oompaay. 'Progressive.'' care Observer.. WANTCD Tounx men and ladles te learn teleKraphy. We are reeelvlnx more calls for our graduates than we can suDDiy. cnarioue xe errannv Mnooi. Charlotte, N. C. WANTED Position as harness-maker. Pher lust out of business collese. Ad dress care Obsberver. WANTBD Position aa harness maker. IS years' experience, bv sober and ra. liable man. Address "Harness," care Observer. WANTED Table boarders. Xxcsfieat fare. Also couple for front room. Close In. Phone tin. WANTEI For Immediate delivery, 1,000 yards of creek sand. George Stephens, American Trust Co. WANTED Position by man, age twenty seven, married, of sober habits and sev eral year experience m book-keeping. Necessary reference. W. M., care Ob server. W!lTf7Tfev J, th2 am . r- "eourtty twenty-five .thousand dol- "are worth uptown business property, J - - WANTEr,At 0BCa; tw0 faJ m ,. l South Carolina, " None but eXpeifTeneea men need apply. State age, experienca. apd reference. Ahren Bros Wholesale Druggi8tf.-.,WJllngten JI.-C- .- ? " - won Mls. FOR 8ALB Underwpod typewriter, praa-. tlcatly new. Prlcf $56 caah. G. D. Bradshaw, Buford hotel. FOR SALE Office furniture. Including Small Iron- safe, Oliver typewriter and table, shelves and other articles, all In flrst-clasa condition. Call at No. 14 Realty building. - FO RSALE Twenty SOO-pound steer. Been fed ninety days. In fine shape. Come se them, or make an offer. Riverside Farm, X. A. Harris Brow Proprietors, Fort MIU. 8. C. FOR SALB-tWO acre beavy hardwood Umber near railroad, $10 per acre for quick sale. H. W. Dysart, Marion, N. C. FOR SALE-JO to 60 bushels elay mixed , blow at htm hag always been a pusxl to me. " "About the result In. New Tora there ia Jut thla to ay, that bt for Roosevelt going, in where h kaowd feat was coming tno majority against the Republican tiekats' would, hava been like tbe old Cleveland majorltle 300,000 to 100,000, and It would have been a th OS.OOtt wa now, a rebuke to the gang that .apposed Hughe and traded In vote a in cattl. th very gang which Mr. Roosevelt mahd, "I was abroad! during tho campaign and knew nothing? of hi ?atemperat language,' but 1 read the newspaper, and the lying they did waaenoa; to provoke an honest man to worn thing , than language, - howgygr strong The lie were paid for, :i Of coure, 'by the moneyed lntereta, ' hy Wall Street. The atarted th 'drun ken' li,,)too, aa I happen, to. know, for old General Howard hot long bo rer his death wrote to mo that ;two Wall IbVeet acquaintance had assur- ken' ed him that ,'th. nremaent tKooae- ,velt) ;iva drunk vry , night fU UIS nia) Tf vau can nut ma on ,1.-. ..i, e anvftna hvulatln these atorla voa will b rendering a! er vice, to vour day. Th devila! - "Roosevelt drink Just about as much a Lyman Abbott, and th Lord ha roared him the. grief .th .ylla slanderer hunt in his family, circle. r7" .t a'nv - '!,. Mtntl across with fLfJaK fjlaftTi Tf .JUdga., i ?''!- M -yfM- NEW 4 AND . NICK. 1UPB ,TOMATOr:3, squash, green peppers, green cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, green onions. :l( 41 f : J- 'iV.'..;. -; ' I I 1' :- tivrt ' " ' "CSS stf ' tha (eiepbona juTfewtorr yoa caa teJephoaa itoa. want a4 19 aa4 a 3 arCl ! amOed aft?4 ha j 1 1 ,, ' I " easteet. i 1 1 U ft J pea Srffj M "bushel soeckled at UN f o.bW. I Whetstone, North, a. C. ;ftMt RErnf, l FOR RENT trge toon t wita board. Phone , Mfct, tK -) v - -, , M , V , ', ,.;,, ..I,,. ,Mi,a.;,t.,.ia,.i FOR RE NT Fu rnisk d apartment at Ne. S Camegia Court. Apply to George Ster phens. Aaerlcaa buildings ; s , 'J 51 SCKIXATTEOUa. COTTON and Fruit lanOalOl acres wtU . grdsr oottoa, pea oh; H mile from good town: 10 per acre. UO aorea fine land for oottoa, fruit or general . farming,' l , mile from station, gtt per aero. g,Q0t aares on railroad, fine oottoa and peach land, tu per acre. S.00 ftcren, excellent oottoa land on reJlroady In the peach settles ef Moore county. X per acra C. X. Smith, Aber deen, K. C 'i'. SHIP typewriter all make for repair by factory expert eat iafaetion guaran-teed-JONKIJ-The TypAwrlter Nan. Chart letta K. C - . . DO TOTJ WISH, TO OO ABROAD r "The Ubby Tours" are uneqoalled, Our claim based on unassailable faots. Our eo-operatlve systeat gives more at lower coat thaa any other. Every comfort pro vided, educational feature ' l tressed, membership limited.-- European tours IS to tHS. . everything ineiuaea, wientai trip, starts Jun Includes Spain, Italy, Oreeea. Egypt, Palestine. Turkey, and the Balkan countries, $737. ' Extension, the continent and British Isles, t). Around the world, ttll Decidedly to your Interest to make our acquaintance before Joining any party. Send at once for literature. Prof arthur S- Llbby, Spartaaburg, 8. 0. UNITED STATES Postofllce and Court house. Charlotte, N.'C, Offlos ef tjue todlan. March 8, 191L Sealed proposals will be received at this building until a o'clock p. ra., March JO, 1SU, for furnish ing fuel, lights, water, Ice, miscellaneous supplies, washing towels and hauling ashes, for this building during the fiscal year ending Juno M, 1913. or such por tion of the year as atay be deemed ad visable. The riarht to reject any and at bids Is reserved by the Treasury De partment. J. B. Spence, Custodian. - I7S.00O Town pf Thomasvnis, N. O, Bond i - - .a . sm. rn ..4. of .th .ttwxunt, TJioanjMtTft'JSr,.' iBO.na Issued by, the eald town for -waterworks and-jraaMf: head twit usi on rhonsand Ar.la dauuntni. and tie beAr dkM orAPrtM; TW-afi t ma for thirty , year from issue gnd t bear iaterest at- flva preentut Vpaxvaar. auia,'. interest payabla-cthr first -dajj , of Jun and December of each year Bldg to be accompanied by a deposit of 1 pee cent to be returned if Md ia vat accepted and to be applied pn prlca If accepted, Bonds to be coupon bonds. Bids to b filed with the sayor of the town and will be opened by 'the board .of alder aten, at th mayor's office ln said tow v on the 15th day ef March, Kit. at 10 o'clock. .The right to reject any or 4 bids 1 reserved. . Bid may be for whole or any part ef Issue. A' H. Regan, CTefk; w. O. Borgtn. Mayor, Tbomaavine, AGNT8 WANTED. WANTED Liv man or woman for work at hone paying to M per day, wtjh opportunity to advance. Spare tlm can be need. ' Work aot difficult and require ho experience. Universal House, 1013 Area) ktrast, PhJladalphia, T oheeao fresh. - Call earty. JNO. flMlTH. Phones VSS and H30 . THTB GEM HOTEL AKli CAtJF-TOV data dining room, seating 1M persona, Lunch counter uncquald -- n Bputh. , Conveniently-located en Sotk Tryea treat, btrictly ,Buropy; U , rn - t,T-.DlljWORTH HOMB. is: t ta.. It inth a mum. mndarn. tl n: earner and Cedar,' nor JB. th, rooms, p, n ' Clarkaon, 5; Dilworth oottag. li to lit W; Palmer street. It to M N. tJol lego, tt; house for eoloTed people, tn very! -Mt la tha olty. ILJIto U pet week-f of the Jufnjahed. gad are first '-Iaa--iHt - Il- ffiBBaJUWH. , a Trrea at. , rnone M4. - ..-t ' i, OR BALE-wRBBHHI -fTONR IKf lse uitablef for aU gvade concrete. J-ork. Will fluote you delivered JPcee v, r wagon ef care oa application. TRED , OUVS8. Chartotta H. C- rt?;. . - Lt- " .aa iiiJii.a.d.iaafaa.aakaaaaVi . wbdnb-Dat- ,wl - skli. laro Is cans tomatoes at o. I lb. best : she ri.eo. g large aana evaporated adlk Se. I aaa krant a. ,l lb, can syrup psaobM tt. lb. aaagHo. Good SPECIAL KICB1 LOT BWEBT, JUICT . ' Florida oranges -H-peolal low prlca S , -. Nice crap fruit, four for Hc, W'K keep no bpoks hire no collector, los nothing la bad account 4 a 10-fear-old , ' boy ha ns enough to see that we . - caa sell lower thaa credit stores. W '? - stand . between th peoplor and hi ' ; -price. BRUGES I OOV m Wm ' f .iTad.; -ft- HiiBC'P'- l- ry j ANOTHKB ' SHlKktENT OF 8HOKEB A Flnnoa haddlesv the finest fish on th aiarlret for creamingv. ! Also a fresh lot v r r of smoked Halibut. Another hlpment '' , f ' Frankfurter a goos liver .aauaasa, Bologna, to- fresh thl n aseralng. , , . MILLKR-YAN KEHS CO... f i : iNVEsnaATiovr-civru wbim inal . 4 and oommeroiai ease aandled wnn se ' orecy and . dispatch. :- Correspondence tlnvlteA -.BRANCH'S ; DSTBCTiVal T AGBNCT, First National Bank build- ing. Charlotte, X. a Phona tug, . ' BTATIfiXinRTi OS" rrr t r .TW--irii.mW i . vnu vriti vstt want til best stationery that can ba hd and -vott can and just th kind that - wiU please you at our Store, . Look Xh assortment ever sad . you'll be suia to buy. JAfl, P. 6T0WB j CO., Phone IT knd tit. - - - , BACKACHE. 7 RHEUMATISM,. BLKJP- , y;VVtBSWWI ..,', 1' ,' Result from ' fl isordered kidneys, Tolay I v Kidney Fill bav belped-tbarAthy Will , help you. Mm. J. B. Miller, jnaousa. i N. T-, says. "For a mg tlm . urf.rTl'' d with kidney troubl a rbeumatlarn. . ' ad severe bac names ana lew SUl plsy. ..-t ed out.- Alter ta King two nottit or Jo-' ly Ut'.nr Tin mr baekacb I g-e and where I used to ' Ilk awake witj rheums lo pains I BOW Slee Is eomfort" . : Foley Kidney- rills sre-reliable remedy f ,r barhacbe, rheumatism and urtnxry Irn-T uiarltiea They sre teal In act- 1, (liiick In results end afford a pre--t 1 ' I .''f-J ft.HT -t 1. t'i! t t" 9 to a hont'hy.. eenrtittou.; . Hold ' " o a .. : -t ' n' V freh (!!' and C I- -rn 'l A C . .' Mlnsy dtfiorfl-"- ' I'hllaUolliUi '' Ci'eain . ani Js,

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