. f 1 . s : vCTIAHLOTTE DAILY OTiSFTT TIIURSDAY, JULY 7, 1911. V -. ...J j:;TE3UEiAN; EDITION rrrra urea-water ' jiaiuk. . rMltlon of Tha Obewrver Con tiUnrd .00 Inchca of Classified Ad' v Ttbta.' Mora Than WW Carried i .... k B Any Worth Carolina Xewspars-ta SUe On Han trmi ma : wm iJnapproncned m nrih Carolina and th Amoturt 0f ' r.Ni r Trade Advertising .Dm ;k Ba E1WI BT Anr South ' mi OhMil-VU Splendid Adver- !tlsefnen: Thto SecUo-tt v pera's ObwrrrW rrodacMon ! Irons Start to JJlnteh. 3" v " ? . Uhexeinpled n th history of North Carolina. Journalism , and. with , , but "on exception, unnPproached la' that of th entire Southern States, th In 5 terurbaa JCdltlon of The Observer yi - terday morning far surpassed the ex pectation of most of thoe whoe oniy .Information nea neen iwu ""'"'" ' conservative advance notices whlcn '.had bean published rrom time to time. The pevlous flood-tld of Tar Heel Journalism .was The Observer' 64 paff Christmas edition of 107. , Issued at the psycologlcai moiwnt An a -great constructive era of- Indus j trial achievement which augure un- realised rlchea for this section in the ensuing decades, the paper was quick is appreciated by the public. Thli was evidenced even before tt had soen the light of day b the thousands of orders which poured In through the mail. Soma ordered hundreds of copies ' for the benefit of particular townj. Thoussnas ior nvnurui " i K.in. ant throuchout the Nortn i land Northwest and to all parte of the world. It was In anticipation of this v fact and th further probability that an even larger demand would make 1 ..w u )m ihn mialltv of the ' ps per waa aeen, that provision was , mad for the printing of extra copies. m.1. .lr.a 11 nnaalhl Kill 1 tO All orders for conies to be mailed at ten cents a piece. ' , Many people expressed amazement 1 that a newspaper office In a city of hardly exceeding 40,000 people could .publish of Its own rsources an edi tion of 100 pages and send these to Its Subscribers with the current news Of the-day on the regular iruin w , " ,... 1 1 .. - ihm vhn had not had mu'h mi 7 m i : ; t H H' .vwv opportunity In the past to compare the Charlotte morning paper wltn those published In cities of from 60,-. 008 30 50,000 Inhabitants, with s lew to ascertaining whether or not tha Queen City was abreast of, or In ta ieaa Ol, many oi mono wim ta Its newa service.. . MADE IN THE SHOP. Mostynotewcrthy is the fact that ' every single one of the more than f 100 cuta tor the illustrations In this : issue waa mue m m" Tb elaborate cover page, depicting , tha water falls, the power house, and th transmission lines radiating to u l the town along the route, was no ex ceptton. This was the work of Mr. C O. Schauck, who haa charge of tfca nhato.anaravlna Dlant of the pa- ' par.1 . , . Tha Observer yesterday carried aaa In r haa of dlaDlny advertising, more than aver appeared before In the columns of a North Carolina news paper. The amount of bpard of trade a avertlstng was far ahead of the larg est amount ever previously carried In single Issue or any Boumem p ical, Thla fact illustrates the progres 1 elvenae of the town and cities of this action. They realize that they have o ... gotta u m""" . . outside world shall know about It also. nflltfbJ.r than tnOSfl of other sections to learn the lesson that municipal sdvertlslng pay" divi dends just aa certainly as does that for private enterprises. , Tha net result will be that piedmont North and Boutn carouna win o batter advertised within the next few Jm horotnfnra In their ' history. The manner In which thi towns along ina ruimniiwinu h.j spirit of the undertaking demonstrated ' that they are alive In every sense of th wore, ana Will ennsi ineir emm . mWnrtn tit iMnn tha fill last nOSsIble Industrial develooment. avamng tnem selves of the exceptional means wnicirj"reei in wooaiawn engaged the at are te , be available. And all of this cannot hut bear fruit. - The atteiff tolon af tha entire country will of ne cessity be attratcted. especially thata : neraona who are contemplating ' aiMr. V. B. I)orr enang oc location and are seexmg a , delightful clime ln which to dwll, Bh4 W aailsa mrH a iitU lirnf a Ar rirnfl t . . able, enterprises In which to invest their fortunes snd their talent. Both In the lines and bet wean the line the most capual peruser could read tha tnte!l!geqr:e, the civic conn dene and enthusiasm which la per- meeting thla entire sctton, a confi dence born of achievements of know!- . of present resources and potential!- J'tn' addition to all theae considera f on, the facts and Illustration show ing forth the merits of the different lawns were in inemseives vin dltattoa of the merits and ound Judgment of the backers of mg nres where the water supply is the' Southern Power Company 'n so low, so It Is nectary to keen the electing this as a field for the lm--res In the steamers going all the mens traction development which is time, ss there Is no prophesying the , projected. For not only1 doe the 'moment they may be presied into . 4 A mmm w m I. . ..U . an)PAlH..IMriiril Th firemen . -. ar11 nnmimA easily feaalble and assured of success i nowever, ana resourceful In making 1 under wis management, but the ef-iuse of all expedient known to the fort of the resident In the past craft. Prospective fires stand little decades, aided by other agencies, have I show In Charlotte. The .Bremen as .been sufficient In developing theit.soon as notified pounce upon them resource to a great extent. In Chan-.like furfes and speedily squelch their lotta the interurban will find a mod- em, well-equipped, progressive city ::.-ivt ivm wywm to tne tront Chase many years and Is admirably adapted to be the pivotal center cf the nW4 system.- Th towns'" which dot tha rout are already sufficiently large and husky In population ana ; commercial asset to prove feeders of no mean vaiu to ns passenger ana . freight traffic of the electric railroad; They and the environing country have already reached: the stage at whttlt only th electric stimulus la necessary to- causa them to blossom forth lnt highly enhanced productive power. ' The preparation of the 190 page of th mterurbaa edition by trained writ er connected with The Observer Com pany, the printing of these "and th mailing of toe monster edition, th latter being- ena of the nost formid able ' of all th tanks . in connection ! 1th it, wa a composite task of u(Tl '' fixe to Interest Tha Observer' f : i aU " departments, . Vet - th v '.c was 'don with such system r.nd v , I such "personal prid in It i on tb i rt nf each man who had a par. In t " !:iilr that tt wag accmpnh4 i:ti comparative ease, ,' .Sever befor - have ' Tb' Observer reader captured such bargta. 4 The j ri-e received from purchaser wojld r t berin i to pay . tna pneo w t white paper alone jo vhllh th "on was printed, to say nothing 1 a coet of composition, prena work ; r ! i-nriidt!on of th articles - by a... .m ua. - aa , t f t" Wc,?i"sday fa Chn r w at t ,nkfxtuit fartr 'anil ........ .... .,..,. ..-ifl Iij. r i , i A'. i-ia a o'clotkv ,6iar.pErEwsB ix paws cAsc Khol W1U Cniaholm While Ifta Life i i Waa todanffeed-Irlnr Pis- . ' " . . . . aM. t m a a JM charged ClotlUng Thief Hold " Vov Hnperlor Court Cinwlt lined aori . Brutal Assault. , 1 f ; Tomb DeylSy the nef ro who waa ap prehended in Winston ,veral days ago on 'a charge of a.aaa61t In thla city, waa freed hy Recoraer - pmno yesterday. Purina last .Marcfc" the prisoner engaged in an affray: with WlH Chlsholm, and Jn tha nwlee, shot hi opponent through the hip. Ac cording to the custonl of hla" see, not mattering whether he was right or wrong in hla actlow, Davis took to tha tall nnd uncut," emd waa only caotured several days . ago. From the evidence of numerous eye-wit nesses ot. me atrair, javis na n entirely In aelf-defense, and at the time oi the snooiing, waa inre" with perloua tajar frorn a the hand of Chlafav1ra., 1 Upon - ths " v""' - It v! ' ' testimony or tne wiwesea ioe recoruer i allowed the ovrjoyeo Miegrc n emerge frord the conflnaa o the court room with great pleasure and alacrity. If Tom had only atopped to deliberate 7ZrZZit tha law mQ :i"Jj!Jf1!Zlf& Upon the pro and cona or tna mat ter, and reflected that tha law might have cast a merciful optic upon-hlm, .;a . .k- rir;aVanoM T tha dty m ! hJTn r.-, should have been ved Conaider- able expense In ita searcn tor and he would have been aaved much dlfflcultv in avoiding thla search nine cases out of ten, a negro who becomes engaged in sn affair of this character, will leave town at tha first opportunity rather than remain and staad trial before a fair court The plea of self-defense means but llttlo to them. The avenging aide of the tribunal la all that they behold. Paul Pragan, colored, was arrested In Winston at the same time with Davis, but did not fare so wen hi i the hands of the recorder as did his ent hy ,ulnn,onlng a local minister when a negative answer was return-feUow-prlsoner. Pragan was charg-, tn nl -m. a friend of his father a, rt i ,i,t. w nrAMrmA i .w. ed with the larceny of a quantity of clothing from August Wiegand, and wns bound over to the next term or superior court under a 100 bond. The evidence was strong against the , defonditnt from the start, and hie de- lense was not wnat migm ne caneu Impregnable by any means. I ( I- Tralrna wa phnrarad with .in . .. - - j asaault upon a small colored youth by ! the name of James Aller. The as- J sault took place on North Tryon NIL I ' I street, immediately in front or tne Casino moving picture how. picture Hhow. Tne foreigner struck the small boy wlh his clenched list several times, and cauaed his, nose to bleed vigorously Recorder Smith was of the opinion aylng that he had made a misiiiae. mencwl upon the case of D. B. 8war that the aaanult smacked of brutality, etc., and that the check should nave lner Veraua O. W. Smith, supervisor anrl nlocoil flnA nf 11A anrf tha upon the Greek. When arrested shortly sfter the occurrence by Officer McKnlght. Trakaa made quite a! scene, protesting In broken English ' Vl L. V wn..1A nsv . k. at.Hnh ! ...... , . . rw 1. 1 m ..v. ii . i r: n,o . i house. It was the original purpose or the officer to only summon him to appear In court, but when rebellion appeared on the horlson, the Oreek wa hastened to headquarters wftn scant ceremony, nor did he tarry upon the manner of his going. Will Neal, colored, wtt fined 2B and the costs for a large ami greatly enjoyed drunk, In which he was chief and foremost nartlclnant several nights ago. The unusual fine waa due I to the fact that Will ullowed his load to so far overcome hla customary Ohesterfleldlan demeanor, that he be came disorderly and a nulaance. Mr. j. A. Lockwood was fined $10 snd the costs for' exceeding the aneel iimn or tne city on Tuesday. This r case was,, clvH.ct.onln keeping with! . . . me ruie recently instituted In the i recordor court for the recovery of greater portion of the revenue de- rived from the recorder's court for the city. By meana of a civil action, the entire damages awnrded by the recorder go to the municipality, while In a criminal rctlon. only a small per. j rentage nnaa its way Into the coffers of City Treasurer Wearn. SMAU, AFTKRXOOV FIKE. For First Time In Msny Years Fire Alarm Ulno With Wafer Connec tion Off o Damage Result. Burning trah in the rear of tho residence at No. 00!) Vst' trnnrih IPflMon fit (h. fvn .n. ... . a . terday afternoon at 3:10 o'clock. Tli I tenant who had recently occuolei tho home, which la the property of lives next door. had moved out, and left the trash near the fence In the rear. It became Ignited. Those living nearby fought it 'ptll there waa no waUir available and telephoned in an ularm to the Klfth atreet station. The firemen turned In hoi 36, response being made from lioth uptown atations. The ate was extinguished by the use offf5,10 twtlfy In behalf of the youth, lemlcals. The water wi, cut off I ,,u.t W!!B not ?.bl to SRy anything ch when the alarm was rung, but the liquid wan turned on, 'though it was nut requisitioned. The sounding of the th ,i)nrm Ju.st at this time causea mmr t heart to beat faster, especially th.-se of In- surance ni(4i Whone eonioanlas carrv heavy risks. It la of course Im possible to secure prpusure In fight- aspirations WCI Khow That WlnNton-Salem Be- servea Million-Dollar PoU)fne. Special to Th Observer. Winston-Salen.. July 2. To show that Winston-Salem deaervoi a million-dollar postofflce, will be the In tention of th committee of promi nent clttsen which will leave her Thursday o attend a meeting with the postofflce authorities in Wash ington Friday In regard to the new building, for Which an appropriation of I J 50,000 waa mad ml th last Congr. Senator Overman and Simmon: and Representatives Sted man. Pag and Small have promised to de whataver .possible te have th authorities, see the absolute needs of an adequate government bulMing nere, wnuin is on or tne largest rev enue payer that Uncle Bam ha, are met. . Fiends Onllty to Msnalaughter and ,, , ut rowr Months. Special to Th Observtr. W Inston-Salsm, July :. Four months on the county roads waa tha sentence 'meted out to Dave Allen, a negro, who killed his brother-in-law. Arthur Harvey, on June 4 last, th pie, or niBiwutugnvnr owing accepted in the superior court her, " Judge Council presiding. It was shown that Allen remonstrated with Harvey for abusing 1 hi wife, who was ' Allen' sister, and tnat Harvey attacked him. whereupon h mat death by s, pistol wound. ' 1 w I. . 9iSk v mitmw wai. mnmmA Ih. knl month order .The Observer gent te t I MILLS SENT OFF TO ,JAILjjj 1 I CHECK FLASHER BENTKNCED Recorder SmlUt Ordains That Young . f urho. Afflcnl Ills ' Hiamature to Many Worthier Check Daring Hle BHef Buy to Oltjr, ShaU Spend . SO Day; as an Inmate of Coonty ' !JalI Expootcd Funds, WltliWhloh Make) Ctood 4 "Hla, Niuneroua, nika Ont EDlanaUon oc e- Cr i' VM, ; .-(',.":,'' ' vaj'.j puuta, wijujinoci v c ; .Robert L,wnn. membor. of , JB . ,clare why; they 'should dominant family In flaorfla, "0 'V. 1 i 'i . ; entancad by Recorder Smith V'M .. "- " , ' ' Tv ,;' ' : -. . . ' ' sraaV to a term of daya ?' fU Aw-aa A prominent sen terd county Jail. The -charge against tna young man waa .that of .;',; .paaalng worthies check upon vanoua , jwn- j cerns of the city. Miu wnTw ;; w jti,e city several week part, and inc . .ha local HI. arrival' haa flooded - - - - , oanas nn smaii bikbm "- name. The attempts or Mill a "con" man were really pitiful. In atead of nalmlnr off a Check for a 'arge amoint and ahaklng the duat o'h-trlotte from hla feat, tha young : would stick someone witre a. remain In .tha city - attemot at concealment. largest amount upon any check ThT uZ aL uist which. was given 10 m ventrai i board bill. Upon the discovery that the bit ' of ' paper which bora , the name of yesterday' defendant and called for the sum of IIS. wa with out value, the hotel officials gave, tn young man notice that a certain length of time would be allowed him to make the money good, and that unlesg th'a was done immediately, he . . .. . . knt.i rnv i m would be prosecuted. Mine trlcated himself from this pradlca i ho ,ook up lhe check. Another Cas whlch ha- probaD,y consumed check for $ j Wtts given to Mr. Charloa muTh time B any civil action Kltch of the Buford pool room. This wMcn ,wa( J,,r tr)e)1 ,n Meckion. check wa, made out upon a tlankJburg county. xt - la understood that! of the Union National bank, butln mM of tna jury were n avor of whtn Mr. Ritch dlncvered that Ml" returning some damages to the' hR(J no account in tnei innuunvn, . think Ina nosslblv he naa maae , .i. tn.nriari tn All It out Upon m.c nut. 1 1. .v".... i i 4 tne charlotte National, he carrlea n there but was llkewlaelnformed that .h. name of Mills was not upon It hooks Mills, hearing tnat Mr. Intended to proecute him ior mo worthless check, managed to secure the requisite, face value of the pa- per. and hurried to t pool room. kn.. ma An nnnn the CharlOtlB nit tlonal. The few pointed remark which his mendacity brought fourth, are best left unsaid. After stinging the pool room feature of the hotel, Will. Dtt.mnt. t O hSVC a CheCK 1 1 'n i... cashed In the office of the Burora ior 1 1 hut wa refused. Finding tne check business rather dull, shortly before his arrest, me young ! most negot tlated ,anoiner o" I the J. Ruf us aiitngiora s1"",- , procured a oiana oi ' rrr,in irleirrDh Company, and n tina mi t a mpnna.are addressed to himaelf, to the effect that hla aunt had died and was to burled In Jck- aonvllle Fta., on. the morrow, n carried the fake to a second mmiater of the gospel of his acquaintance in this city, and aSked for a loan In order to attend the funeral. The minir was on the verge of sup- VW tne.wner!-. r"'V.".ii; waa i . . i k.M 1. nn. ntirrAfl Tth mm lliut u v ,r-hahia nlace for the fun M.d d".aed. An in :.";.," - ,,d with tl vstlgatlon followed, with the result that the duplicity of Mills was ox posed. Shortly after his incarcera tion In the station house, the father of the youth was communicated with in Oeorgia. but a mesage waa TffVct that he declined to partlcl fmm th aaed minister w no. in ih nffHlr and that tne law could take Its course. It Is under stood that the young man's family have aided him aeveral time In the past under similar condition. and have given up his reformation aa hopeless. HE EXPECTED MONEY. When arrigned In the city court. Mills admitted that he had never had a cent to his credit In any Char- !mt !'ank11Ilg ln,tlttutl1?- Ply offer ing tne aeiepce tnat ne was ex pecting mqney from a brother In Atlanta, Ga., and also from The .Greenville Piedmont, upon which Publication he formerly occupied the portion of circulation manager. It 1 wae with these expected funds that . Mills claims he Intended to redeem I the worthless checks whloh he had I written. Several local ministers of the A. R. P. Church, were Introduc- extremely complimentary to hla char acter, other than he wan possessed Of a self-sacrificing and consecrated fa ther, who had devoted hi life to hla ministerial labors. Recorder Smith . " Plarnny . at a loss ror some "". "KC'uu puntn- me, rnAnt frtr Mill hilt flnalltr AfiAoA that the attitude of the defendant had been so extremely bold and de fiant, that only a Jail sentence would satisfy the demands of the law. It was accordingly decreed that Mills Khould spend the coming 30 days of his existence as an Inmate of tha Mecklenburg county Jail. The youth who ran amuck of tha law in this city. Is originally from Oeorgia, but was for several year u resident of Due West. 8. C, where his father occupied the pulpit in the A. R. p, church of that place, while In Due West, Mills attended Erskin'e College, being dismissed In hi Jun ior year. He la a boy of peculiarly attractive personam- and address,, and had made many acquaintances In the city during his oner stay. Sensation of the Season Don't fall to gee Happy" Jack Taylor, th most daring 1 tuat-artist . ' in tb country. Jn hi fiery diving per formance. A, mas of 'flam h d- oends a chut 0 tat Into tho" burn ing lake and come out alive unles he (houldhav a mlhp.' ;v o'; tha noted Diavato on better. Courts death at every performancf. Th most spectacular stunt -over performed in North. Carolina., ' -,Jt v Don't look at It unless you have a food nerva,' 1 . . - Performance at :0 O'clock In the temoon and :So o'clock at night ilLUIIIilfUUUI Ul I 7 TTaggrrr.,. i Ji . Jil C v : ; ; You" can hear thQ , .merchant acts on his good judgment and buys his .verjssnoes. inemseives roreman . Wholesale Distributors of the Pnllman and A fun; DeUberatlngr V For,' Some 4& .Hoars, Jury Announce That No i Agreemmtt Can Be Reached Caae of Mr. vl'arka Klrkpatfick Veraus aty of Chartotte Begun Yeatcrday Plaintiff Take Stand. At the opening- of tha morning ... i .. " . .... Baiuu w v aupenor court yesieraays the jury which had been out on the case of 8. WT Alley versus the Char- lotta Pin a rniiHHn rM . . . ' v. day announced through Its foreman that It waa absolutely unable to agree upon a verdict. Judge Adam the customary question aa to whether I there waa not some hope that an agreement might" he reached, and! piaintiff, but the twelfth was strong the Rock of aihraitnr and de clined to agree to so much as ar penny fof Alley. Many hours were spent by the remainder of the jury in an attempt to persuade the dis senting Juror to enter Into their way of thinking but to no avail. Immediately after the announoe- mrnt hv tlia foreman hari hn mada , th 1 .... th. -n,, nnm. of roada The affair waa baaed upon ap injury austalned by a mule be longing to the plaintiff which suf fered a broken leg while crossing a bridge In the county. The plaintiff claimed that the Injury to the ani mal was due to the negligence of the defendant, in that In his official capacity of supervisor of roads, he dd not eee tp ,t that the bridge waa kept In proper repair. The Jury re turned a verdict in f or of the de fendant, and of course no daYnages were awarded to the plaintiff. "Tie much discussed caae of Mr. Parks Klrkpatrlck versus the City of Charlotte was taken up at the af ternoon' session. In this case tha plaintiff sues the municipality for the sum of 110,000, which he claims la the amount of damage which a tract of land belonging tp him, suffered from the city sewerage system drain ing Into Phlfer'g creek. The plaintiff Is represented by Mr. Cameron Mor rison and Col. Leroy Klrkpatrlck; the city by the firm of Maxwell and Keerans. , Numerous character witnesses were sent to the stand by the at tornevg for the plaintiff, ln.ordervto testify to the excellent character borne by Mr. Klrkpatrlck. At the conclusion of the favorable evidence of the witnesses, Mr. Klrkpatrlck himself took the standf and testified to the condition of hla property, be fore and after the present sewerage conditions. On the cross examination of the attorneys for the plaintiff, nearly every question propounded for the wltnesa brought forth a choru of objections from the defense so much so that Judge Adams was kept extremely busy sustaining and over ruling objections. Mr. Klrkpatrlck To Be Supreme And On Top In any department, of human , efforl one must produce some thing, better than has been produced before. :-A This plains th supremacy "of Tho 4 Old Reliable' Stleft Plano, Qualitr and purity of , ton nav mnda It tha king of all pianos. This coupled with th ", fact that It It aold dnrect from the Wker ! to thaj Individual homo, make It Imperative that 1, if yoti consult, 0 CIIAS; r.l. STIEFf before buying piano. -Manufacturer of that Piano . : r , - 1 . f " SOTJTtrERSf - WARKBOOMS k , ? i t 4, , 5 Yest Trad3 Street, ' Charlotte, II. 0., ; c. ii: v7it.::oth, iv?. I UiC ill sound of his increasing dollars woxua cry-oux u we aaa noi wuuiu tJt ivui u, yuki iuu uui rjJt;a.n.1 auji tut;xii tvuv w, '.i; " be hafldlel by every shoe store in theCarblinas. : ' , " ; ?i 4 C7. y ' . , " , . .''i '''J '' Vnj: J , . , .J f , ' i'r ' K aa' ' f l-11Jw-a aAAMfy1 - onoe waa followed by Mr. John Hall, who also .nroved to ha an "Imnnnunt wit. nas 'for tha plarttlff, substantiating the testimony of Mr. ' ? Klrkpatrlck, At the conclusion of the crosa , ex amination of Mr. Hall, the couVt ad. ;ournd untn this morlnng. From the present outlook, It seems that thla ease, will be a rival of the Alley case In point of time consum ed. It la hardlv nrobable that tha I facte will eb turned over to the Jury 'or deliberation before Saturday, and 1 most, probable that tha lengtnri evidence and the speeches for the plaintiff and defendant will continue J until next week. " , j FOR SALE Six 1-foot and two -foot ' Showcasear wlth Countera . Oak. plat glass, mahogany finish, suitable for jewelry afore, wm also sell complete outfit Jewelry, Ring and Watch Trays, oak finish. Can be seen In our new store. GARIBALDI, BRUNS I DIXON Watches. Diamonds Jewelry. aad Ha Is Hot Weather Calls For Lots of Better come in and let ,.. . .iY'.,.::,.'.V.'...!..- Us fit you out. We 's.are showing the prettiest lines this summer we have ever shown, : The biggest hit of the season is the new silk and . t, : , . - 1 -I- f ,i ' ien mixtures, with the soft turn up cuffs. ! . . Several, .new patterns with two5 collars to match the shirt. V Straws ,Hatsaref. still mgat,halfprwer.I;;?r j '.'H, f, ii" . f. ift ' ? v, - I -4' h 'f . ask. . ' 1 eiufown ' . - i. 1 ' ' r S" " 10. f v The Home of Good Clothes. SflhUS . II J! O' lUIl when the progressive shoes - in Charlotte. The epeaic lor.tnem ana ae- uomDanv Other Brands. STYLISH LIVERY Our Landaua Surrey, Trap and Bugglea tc are atwaya In Vat-class condition, and ran bl aaaot neat of Bone w na - . are canfaliy se lected. I . " ' -.v Our Llvey is the largest and beat equipped lb th State, aad wa have every kind of vehicle that Is neces sary for a city livery - Send Tour Livery Order to fje Reid Livery Company 'Phone Voa. SS70 and tain. got-lt Went Foartb Street. ' r rat an excellent time to consider the purchase ' of an up-to-date tlm and money saving t FILING We understand the science of modern filing equipment suffi ciently to . explain Its uses ' -without Incurring the risk ot over-systematlxlng.' Let us show you how we usa tt tn our own businesSy. . POUND & MOORE CO ft Office Outfitter 200-20" South Tryon St Thone S7 and) 10. The Observer seven daya the week devoted to the upbuilding of the Caro llnaa with leased wire service, a large corps of special correspondents gets all the news, that is . fit to read. Bent to your address anywhere three month for $1. .All th news, that' Is At to -print SYSTEM Does yQuditi rririi SeirdcevCourit With Im ? 5 Season In anil season out you will always , find , a strictly High-Olass Stock of Clothing,; Hats, Fur- -nishinff Goods and-Shbes on our counters. ..Ws'be Jieve in giving, tbe host taluesV possible to every customer of our store, no matter how small, or how large his purchase rnay be k . Our motto1 is to iro the best service poss'Ve and: ;"V--"A .utt 'i-.'i V ;Vy ". the same treatment to every one.- If you're not al- j-,,f- i.'.v'i ,'tvl v.; (;; ready a customer of ours.make.'it" &, point td visit us i , , " ' ? t 'J' ' ' ' i"" f,i 1 when you are again, in . need of anything that an "up- to-date mans store carries. ; . ; ' , V ,w "( Ed.- Rldlon '. .ii?flny Tea Cct Afcay; Get II ct LlzUci's i 1 NERVOUS .' ; v IIEADACIIfS Q'ickly" nslleved " WTfa a P.a af ' - y , t una a,i a uve at n Wocfell js ShcpparGs 1 . 1 (Formerly -Allan's) - HEADACHE CURE: ns Dollars to You - While auditing tha aooonata t an: old and reliable firnr In on of tha neighboring town recently w cam across an Item of KtS.OO tba had bean credited to a customer th sec .. - . i. . . . ond time. The account had ' pean olosed for some months bat wag par fectly good, and collection of thla amount waa made at one. ''.V' xnis nrm never realty ocuevea tn auditing or having any, particular yatem b'efora. .but we are assured of their work from now on, v K Hasn't the same thing happened In your bfflceT Let us find out I . "'!: The System Department - Observer Printing House Box IM, CUARLOTTm n. ol BLAKE'S DRUG SHOP On the Square., rrnacrtndons Filled Oaf . and Night. QUICK ' SERVICE in the drugx business. That's what you' get here. Every order, large or small, is rushed to you. .' Registered prescrip tionists only are enV ployed. t John S. Blake DrogCo. pron. tl and SO. , Registered NurscV Directory. The, Observer seven days to f the week devoted to the upbuilding, of the piedmont section. Sent to any ad- dreaajor $ tne year. System i Mea f r 1 re J f, you telepnon th balance of this wk. t p.