, CIIAIILOTTE DAILY 01.3 Eft VEE, TI IU KSDAY, NOVEMBER , 3911. : 3 brciSlOljfll B BAKll ; LinUv Board Beeerve Anno ce ment . tlnul Today CoMCtnUnf' IU . Finding to to IUht Ti OMiHottrf rower Commit jr to Lcvr Minimum , CJiarse of t Per Month V Eleo ; trie Uchtlutf 8enfcorlt Iu-Di-aed : : Akeanrfer Cane . . narrowly OrdtpMl ffcon ." , " rnmnt-r-eeild Watement of Comjway's Lighting Expw"a o Be ; Submitted by Mr. W. 9. Lee This Moraine. "' It wee a we. and bedraggled. rutive board which wended Us way .homeward last night after an even- ' . in .'hurini nf fha much- dlscusaed rate cabs again the Char lotto Power Company. At the ooncln- J . v... .a. Iim at mMnlarht no decision had been reached In the mat ter and an opinion will hardly he 'forthcoming before this afternoon. .' Whn Mr W 3. Lee, Chief engineer for the Southern Power Company. win h.v. ...hmitted an array of eleo - A-t ,h. imnantinn at the i & I 'rri .w .... .. ...i.. ... Hrdt'duce before you any number of . .v" . f,m - ?Z "T... " 7 k ., . rrZn, far I rhtina dotmV k .k ,.i h. nt LTd In wheo tho IndlvlJual has not used an A f ,r2?2!iT h. been the catL This ,,on .na" J'm(llhei nhlact of mur.ioipal debate in many , cities of the country and of mnch dlscuMiion In ths city since .,wprVr r """""I ' fc.j;.wlll call It off at once." 1 The tSree times postponed hearing; Th aMiB,on of :cams within a nhade of receiving a aw,,ted wlth much lnterMt by thoe . 'fourth assignment Into the dim citizens o? the city who have watched 'hire, when It a dt'eovered upon tne progTeig of tBe controversy wince ,th convening cf the executive board lu orlgtn ,om, 0m, pat- Jt wlll be ,'that Mr. T. J. Davis w out of the watched with especial interest by the city. Mayor Binna naa aireaay o-i . xiou need the 'ourth postponement, which he stated as being done at the , i suggestion of the city attorney, who J 'held that the rules of that body pro Tided that such a hearing should V ;tske' place before a full membership f rhe board. "But Mr. Mayor." protested Mr. Alexander, "the rule which provides f"1- for a full attendance Is not a fitate law nor even city ordinance. It is implr an Individual rule of this body; which ran he et aside and reinstated ' without difficulty. I have been to considerable du'ieulty In securing th attendance of niv wttne'ves tonight, and If possible I request that the bearing tske nlnce this evening. .: ALI' WFRE READY. Upon being interrogated by Mr. Brnler as to his position In the matter. Mr. Norman Co-ka. attorney for the defense, aid that the defend ants were prepared to set forth their side of the controversy but were will- tng to accede to the wlnhes of the 1 board In the matter. The 'our mem-1 :s bars of the corr mlttee who were pre- - ent announced that an Immediate I - trial was suitable to their tale and the reading of the complaint which " iff. rata oeen niea 07 nr. Ainsnnrr, iu- ' gather with answer which had bean J returned by the power company, ' wore read aloua by City Treasurer Wears. The document prepared by the '. comuiaim sei iorin nni mm charges that the defendant had plac ' ,w 7 . , u v I originally from Faurbury. III., where month for electric lighting, which I he has a number of relatives. The v - Included la a contract whereby each tdy was turned over to the Shu - a aaer of the company's power bound f0rd Undertaking Parlor where It , himself for a period of a year to , wn be prepared for burial. No use tho light of that corporation ex-1 preparatlr na for the funeral will be cluslvely.' It was upon the minimum made until ths arrival of the unforto- charge clause, however, tnat the pnn- dpal stake hinged. The complainant asked that the (ompany be called be- fore the board (or the purpose of demonstrating that such a charge was not'x'ortttant and without the . ',rhounds of reastn. ine answer 01 toe oeienuani nm J ed. that tbe ewee which had been, -Wi4 UPon each property owner hav 1o 44he convenience of electric llght wngj wa : withcut gain to the com-,.-pawy . Ths document, asserted that os4 toast such, an amount was month & lyexpended by the' company In each ."tsdlvtduaJ ease, for the oonvenl r )mnb ef having the power at hand ,"-3warlag the entire 24 hours. It was a'rttfled- thai ench an amount was unk in the cost of placing wires, of maintaining a force of meter read 1 ers, of purcha-ing transformers and of the many other electrical Instru v. menta which are required for the In Ktallatlon of each addition It was ' said that If the property owner not so much as uvd a light during the (" month, that th cost to the company ' for the maintaining of service would ba at least tl for the St days. WITNESSES PRESENT. Mr. Alexander placed several wlt ; Dessei be lore the board, among whom - were Dr. J. E. 8. Davidson and Meter. Gresham, Hagood and Porter, all of ' Srhom testified to personal knovrl- edge of the existence of a $1 ' minimum rate. After examining these witnesses in the capacity of an attor - ney, Mr. Alexander then went through a chrysalis stage and became a wit ; ness himself. His statement was prao- tically the same as had been set forth la his official complaint, with the addi tion of several letters which he had received from a number o: cities con . . corning the minimum rate which was maintained In the various places AH of this evidence was ruled out by Mr. Breniser. when an objection whs forthcoming from the defendants, :,, At tho announcement of the plaln tiff that the case was closed in so far i .-,-as he waa. concerned, Mr. Cocke re ' quested that the case be drooued. T fcK"fIntr.oun that Mr A1!"n1r I . i J-eUl'taUMfj to daunntialtrsitaa that I minimum rate of fl per month was w . 1 - oxorniiant. Tnis was denied by Mr. - .-Breniser. who stand that the plaintiff .nad at least made out a prima lacie , aaTiK re. :itia fv best bo placed before the board. " POWER company hjeard. ".i.h remaining boar was consumed ' I Vvtor'sKf kf "l y Taywr, president of the Chr- Motto Power Company and former t- ; torney at tat, and Mr. Alexander for h. the plaiatlir. Mr. Cocke read a deel- , alon which had ben handed Oown from the New york Bute bench upon u matter very similar in character to th one which was under dlaouaston In ; this citv. Tht. iM.-m.nt .ma.a h. the corporaUon was within Its rights In the placing of a minimum rate of n sura gii;, 11 a a uaci- stons from other SUtcs pf tho Union Vera eleo produced by ths attorney for tbe power company, Mr, Taylor confined himself to a " A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD Sois heavier when he has a weak back am A bMa4, MUklAr:tfMil nu.hM all carrier at Atchison, Kan., ayt "I have been bouieres with kMaoy ana bladder trouble and had a severe pain aarosa my back. - Whenever I carried a heavy load f wall,- aay JtMaty trouble Increased. pom timo ago, ,1 started UklM relay KlJnejr PlUs and ino. taking them I l av gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and aw as sound saw as ver." fi.y Kidney Pills are tonle In action. rd quick in results. , Try Peaa-B, K. dicuBlo .'of the problem from ' "business many point of view, Wl pointed put -the disastrous .results which might accrue to any company through , taking away; ct the tight to fit a minimum hte upon tJe;us ct ita Dowr.'..' , .v---iy;. "!'.. ' h &lrs.Alexander ' eeme ' back with ,a decision which . hid : M "Md down? Chlf .JuaUce Welter Clara of the North Caroline Supremo Court, This was given forth In the ease eealnst the Goldsboro? Water Com- pan?, under conditions very similar to tho minimum charge proposition of the local P0wer company. In which It was decided that such a chart was not legal. DECISION DEFERRED. At th conclusion tf M. Alexan der speech, there' wme a second motion .rom the defense that the af- (air should he dropped upon the grounds of insufficient evidence. It : wa. a t thta itir f hat CI tv Attornav Breniser suggested that time might be saved by an executive session, in which the board could discuss the evfc denoe which had been submitted by. the plaintiff, and If finding this sum clent cause for further Investigation mai me evwence 01 ine aa.enuani , might then be submitted. This plan 1 met with approval on both sides, and I the council chamber was cleared. "We are conndent that w can oro- prominent lighting experts." said Mr. Tay.or before departing, "but we ask rl Mr. Alexander to PBt n indemnity bond, in order to J . , r.-c .,. m ca'V tKat th affair "V d dded in our favor." . A . . financial Usue between Mr. Duke and mylpf- returned the attorney, "I officials of the Charlotte Power Com- pany, to whom It means a large sum of money. It Is estimated that this company now has contracts for the lighting of some 1. 000 homes and of fices In the city. With a minimum tax of $1 per month, a total of 131 000 for the year Is Involved. While many of these patrons use an amount ef "Juice" In excess of the fl limit, and are consequently not disburse upon the minimum charge clause, the number which use an amount of light. ing under the minimum charge are of such proportions as to Involve a con Iderable amount of finances In the year's total. SALESMAN DROPS DEAD. RprrentatJve of International liar veater Company Dies Suddenly. Hpecial to The Observer. Hickory, Nov. i. Mr. F. A. Gor dan, traveling representative of the International Harvester Company, fell dead In tha city this morning while preparing an exhibit of his company's goods for the street fair which Is now In progress here. Mr. Gordon was engagvd In putting to gether a harvesting machine when he suddenly fell backward and was dead before byateuiders could reach him. Drs. Manilas and Blackburn reaponded to a ofl for physicians but Hfe was extinct before they reached him. Mr. Gordon cam hare with his wife three months ago and took rooms with J. H. Matcher where tna- naa since resided. He was nate man's father and brother from Falrbury. They will probably reach this city tomorrow morning. Mr. Oordcn was said to have been one of the best salesmen with tho In- ternatlo'nal company. Ills death throws a gloom over a large number of friends whom he and his Interesting wife had made during their short residence here. Boattie Takxn to Penitentiary. Richmond, Va., Nov. S. Henry Clay Beattle, Jt., condemned to die November 24 for the murder of his young wife, was removed early today from the city 111 to the penitentiary to await his execution. The Supremo Court, with which Beattle'e appeal from tbe verdict of the Chesterfield Jury was filed last Saturday, convened this morning. Should the Supreme Court decline to grant an appeal, Beattle's only hope lies with Governor Mann to whom a strong plea foT executive clemency will be made. I-Aghts For Ralctgh Country Club. Special to The Ouserver. Raleigh. Nov. . The Raleigh Country Club enjoyed electric lights tn'ght for the first time, the line Just being completed from the city out there. The street cars wlll be running to the club statkn very oon now. The first car Is to carry the Judges and the Raleigh bar associa tion to the club grounds Saturday for a big barbecue. It may be two week before the cars are making regular schedules. It is the duty oi every expectant mother o prepare her system for the coming oi her tie one ; to avoid as tar tu poMibltt Jhm Buffering ol such 1 . nrrasiAM mv . ,MiuewA s a thro- h .he crisis with hef health an itrenetli unim aired. Taia he may do though the use of Moor's 1?" 80 f OM, and Sccomplished 0 much goou, hat t .8 .a no sense an 'esperitiuBw ut a prepermtioa -vhlch f1 Vnct Ttt. It la ior ixemal nr 1 iatl a mA tin Z ? ,2"' itt U re -s to thoroughJy 1 ihrlcate every ttiscle, terve .nlten- don involved Cnrlng tie period before baby comer. It Jds jeturt bv ex. nandimr the i1tl ,.xi...l "! fSJr9-- l,!fa tenderneatr ina -oretieaa. and nertertW Ppsre th .ystem for tatural and safe xnotherhood. Mother's Friend baa been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its nse will prove a comfort and benefit to any woman in need el such a remedy. is sold at drag stores. Write for free book for fTT I DrfW expectant moth- .f 1 1 Lll i 1J ers which con- -tains much valuable information. MADFIODMKUUm CO, Ailsas,a tava-ai .thousand people hae at ready . secured ttksv Webetar's Stand ard Plctlonarlas now being distribuu ed by The Observer, Another thou- eaaa is ready. (TUp eoupeaa, voaau, craacers : are more nutritive than any other Uneeda Biscuit are the perfect soda crackers. Therefore, Uneeda Biscuit Five cents spent for a package of Uneeda Biscuit is an invest-ment-an invest ment in nourish ment, in health, in good eating. Though the cost is but five cents, Uneeda Biscuit are too good, too nour ishing, too crisp, to be bought merely as an economy. Buy them because of their freshness buy them because of their crispness buy them because of their goodness buy them because of their nourishment. Always 5 c6nts. Al ways fresh and crisp in the moisture proof package Never sold in bulk NATIONAL DISCUIT COMPANY The Observer Bible Coupon "lYTTCRNATIONAI SELF-PRONOUNCING ILLUSTRATED BlBIdB ) NOV. 9, 1911, 'bi, coneeourJve Ounpunr Constitute tltsti'-'Tp .--'-. " 1 " l READ TBB koLLOVINQ TERIU Cut out this coapon wtth five others pf consecutive dates and pre. sent them at tho ofBce of this paper with the bonus eost set op ' posKo the style of Btbtt selected. ; ; j Style A international Bible, self-pronouncing. Illustrated, bound In French Seal Leather, divinity circuit, . overlapping sides, red under sold edges, title printed In fold en side and back, wtth naps and helps. Bonus ooat. ,.S0o . j - , - Style BlBternatioaal Bible, same as Style A with the addition Of the patent thumb laden a desirable feature. Bonus . i ost sua Outf.Town Orders ltas AddS8 Cents Pot racking and Carriage. fa 1 ) ' i M t t flour food. r " v! Improved TUiT v ' -CARDS, , ( LAP ' ' WIXDERS. ' r ( l RAWING , FRAMES. ' ; ... -V. w . , ETENIOI - PRAWINO ! . nUMaavSA U; fiLTTBBF3 r'- ROVIHO A. H. WASHBURN, Southern Agent Seaboard Air Line JAMES KERR. Jr.. T. T. Hotel. Charlotte. N. C. J. B. WYLIE. : T. A.. Selwyn Seryn Hotel. Charlotte. N. C TRAINS LEAVE;. CHARLOTTE EF EFFECT1VB JULY . la 9-4.-00 a. m. tnroairh tamin for Wll mlnrtorf with parlor car attached, tonnecta at ' Hamlet with Na M for Portemoeth and Norfolk. No. 66 for Raletch. Washington. Balti more. Philadelphia and New Tork. Dlnln car service and veMlbule coaches to Washlnetoti. Pullman slenplns; ears to Jerser City. 47: a. m. for Wonro. connecting to al points aouth. l-:55 a. m.Lcal for Llncolnton. Shelhr and Rntherfordton. 41 4MB n m. For T-lncolnton. Shel br. Rutherfordton and nclnts wt. 44 S o- m. For WUmldgten and all NO. NO. Na NO. local station NO. 1E-T: p. m. -Handle local eleener for Portm',. VorfolV- conn-t" at Monroe with Vo. 41 for At'snta anf South wt arltn tnrrmcri mn er to Rlnv'nehsm: at M"pr with No Si. fant train wtH elnr to Port-mouth and Korfoiv and Jr- ev Cltv. rnnnect Hamia-f wttn No. S4 wttti tnrotiirh vc-finuii rnorh-a to W"Ptnrtnn Dln'ne cr p)rhir.onrt t V Vork. Pullman i IcP'r to Vw Tork. TR AIN'S ARRIVE AT fl RT.OTTE: i NO. TSS :B0 a. m. from thf east. NO. 4- S8 a m. from the weet. ' NO. 45-1:01 p. m. from wllmlnirton and II loon I itatlons. NO. 1.1? 7: n tn. from the wt VO. 4 T:?S n. m. from th" "t. NO. S 10:50 n m. tr tha Met C. B RTAN H. P A. Portsmouth, Va. JAMES K" T P A.. Onrtotte. X C. H 8. LEATtrt n P. A.. R-lcleh. V C. Southern Ra'lwav N. B. The following schedule fttrure oubllBhed nnlv aa Information, and are not ruarantced: ! f:S0 a. in. No. flatlr. Flrmlnenam i eprclal for Atlanta and Blrmtnirham ; Pullman drawlne room sleolne care, "b- j nervation earn and dav coachee to Bir ipttis'hnin. Dlnlnn rar prvlc. i:IW a m No. . dally local 'or T)an vtllc. Richmond and all Intermediate point. 5:10 a. m. No. SI dally, th Smithem'a Smithpaatern Limited for Columbia. Sa vannah. Alkcn. Aumsta sn1 T'-konvUle. Pullman rtrnwlns; room "lecplne i-ara for Aiken. Aumeta and .Iackonv111e. TMy r ones to Jacksonville. Dining car ser vice. . a. m No. 44. dallr. local for Wash Inrton. T. C- . ' :40 a. m No. M. dalW loral train for Columbia an witarmartiate points. 7-60 a. m. No. 1. dftllv. axrent Hundar. local for Statesvlllc and Ta-lorsvtlle. con Bctln at Moora.vflta for wintop-sqm lo-lt . m Ko. rt. rte'lv. Nw Tork At. Tanta and New rrlena T.lmltd Pnllman drawlne room p1tI nc cars and ohrv tlon cara New Tork to Nw Orleans. Atlanta and Macon. Dining car service 5MM Pullman train, a m No A'a'tv. Untd 5tts fat mall, for Wa-hlnrfon and points Noth. Pullman drewtne ronm sleeping cara. New Or1an and Blrmlnirham to Nw Tork. ra coachea to Washington, riininr car srv1ce. le-tO s m No. r rtaflv. fo' Wlneton Salm. RoanoV and local points. 11-10 a. m No 11 da'W loral for At lanta and Intermedia t oolnts j n m Vo 4. flail". loai for Qrcens boro ' and 'lot.-miat "olnt 4-J5 p. m.-No. IT. dafv lnal for Co tumMa and Intermedia- points n m No 41- "all. eTcfi J iiili,. , QaMaa n-d intermediate points i n mSn 1 t" eorR'chmond and Vorfolk! 'fTandlefi Pullmae ears. Char lotte to Bir.m0nv rhzin yw Yorv and PaKahn-e- n VorfoTk local foT Moorosvllle. Stateavllle and T";T- r.. for Atlanta. t. .V9 da". Nw Vork. At fslta U- Ortiena Limited for W shlnrtU " Tr":'r room .leanlna- eanu Observation car. jo v-w Tork Pining car service. Solid Pullman train. - .. . . a n n m -Na H. daflv, TTr,lt.d Rtatej fa at f-n'1 for t'nta. R'-m'orham and v.w Orleans. Wn11man drawlnr room limine ear New ork o Nw Or- Wa-incton to New Orleans. Dining car d-a rlnr room Tork T eoches to Washington. Dln n Walets art. Pav eoaehe WaaVlr.enn "" CiUsi lw waspletoT, and v. York P,.lt,.n drawl"- .oomei-.n'ne rare rh-ar'-atlo- car- to rv, Vvt rarhe. o W.lo Tt"1r cae awei-lce. All Vw TorV ant-r? " wav will arHve and dc-j-t from the ntag .eon v.-t-" o t'",J?'"" arlvanla paiw.d , afpth: " W1rtitV airea. and wll W rom'o"d of mnjen. ale-trie MVhted. steel eoawrnete Poll rTtevT Wit:; ear eceommM'--; ,d dtrad forttpn ; bte1ned at ticket efflce. No- It South , Tryon trRttt. DeBTTTTH. . " ' ' fharlotte.,?. R. K. VKRVON. T P A . . ," .' ..,. .. fTharlotte, NT. C. n. r. cart, a .a. w c H- 50ArAN W..Ph.nn.Tb. NORFOLK WVSTFRV FAtLWAT- ' ' Schedule in effect June IL im liJ tin Lv Oharlotte, 0. B, 'Ar P f 05 pm Lv Winston.1. N. W. Ar J:oS pm iM pm LV.. Martinsville. Lv lt:psm :2S pm Ar Roanoke. Lv : am Tbrotigh coach; rharlotj to Roanoke. Additional train Jeeves Winston 1: a. "conneeYat Roanoke with treles Fast and West Pullman sleepers, d'nlng cars. If you are thinking of taking a trip you want quotatlona. - Choancst rates, re liable ' and correct - Information as to routes, train schedules, the most oom fnrtablt and quickest way. Write nd the Information Is yours for the asking With en of our romr'ete aisp folders. , M. JC. BRAOa Trav. Pas, Arnt. ; w: B. BETHJU 3en'. Pasa. Aaant, K m Orders or Cotton Mill T.ty rARTS ARB EXACT DCPUO ' M -if reproved Rovtaa; VrMbee' OFT1CK8 800-aoe REALTY RUTLSING. Baosimcss Cards Milburn, Heiste & Co., ARCHITECTS Washinf?ton. D. O, HOOK ti ROGERS ARCHITFCTB AOS Trol RwOdlac. CRARlxnTB. IV. O, HUNTER & GORDON ARCHITECTS 701 Realty BniJding, Charlotte, N. 0. . I j TICKER & LAXTOIV CONTRACTftro ENGINEERS 900 Realty BnUdinc. Power Plants. Waterworks, Filters. Dams and Concrete Work. ELIZABETH COLLEGE nVD CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC CHARLOTTE, If . O. A hlgh-gTade Institution (or Women, with an established reputation for thorouga work and rood health. FACTLTY t Twenty experienced teachers, gradoatee of the best American and European universities and conservatories. EQUIPMENT: SZto.600 plank The buildings safe aad modern, la every respect. 10-acra park campus In fine residence suburb. Collece dairy. Coileae laundry. Extensive athletlo crviftda. OytnoajaUni la "harare of experienced director. . EPf VTRONTMTENT : Enjoys aH the educational and social advantages of a progressive and cultured etty. pervaded by e cultured. hoQiaUke Christian atmosphere. For catalogue apply to REV. CHAS. a KINO. t. D, Preeldeee. King s Graduates are above par in the business world because of their thorough t retains and superior qualifications We do not tolerate lax methods. Incompetent teachera or ehort. superficial courses of study. Success la oar aim aad motto. U you want the beat business and stenographic training that ex perience, money and brains can provide, write for our handsome catar logue. No vacation. Enter any time. CHARLOTTE, N. C. OR COAL! COAL! STANDARD ICE & FUEL CO. FOB RENT. . ' -room dwelling. t07 Liberty tt.1.U,.,.1-. . .'....'..' I.f.et I.TtAiim fnttaam lift of .RraviM St : wttM Trull lie.. lF mnntli.. IK AS .Room Cottage. 113 N. Davidson SC water, rer month .'..',4..... le.OS -Room Cottage. S04 E. FlftM 8t per jnonth., ...... T.0 - - l.Rnom ' Tottaae Sll Wallaeai lana nae week i.,: 10a r ' Store Room, corner. Sit E. Second S t.,j per vreekT .. .. .. t. ...... t.S ' ..' - v' ". r. .-FOR SAIjEI, " - r , f . Lot Sox.I feet on Clement Ave., in . Oakburst, -roora frame dwelling. v Lot Ssxlts feet. N. pine t-roora rame dwelling, new, dtstrabls. ' ' Lot I0xl0 feet, Jt. Wortbiogton AvO I -room frame 'dwelling and store r room..' ' i ; ", . - Lot 2xl.? feet.'W. Fourth St., t-roe m frame dwelling, alectrle ilffhta r y Vrleee aad tefms at ofllca. Call and see ua If none of above suits yeu . wr have other places and wilt be sla d to teif you about them. ' - 1 . B.IC,CJOCHRAWB . ' " . ' tt V. Trvnw fit. -. ' " "" -mau1 " ,, ' C ' , m'J Machinery ATHS V fNTERNKDIATB ROVUQ ... ., .. . -it ; ..." ran Boytsa, JACK Rdvnr4 FRAHES. !T , V- ; t f BWNlVIJffi :m " SjrOOLCRJL ' RKftX, " ' ' tl,1! CATAtOGfTfCS,:' OW AFFUCATIOir. s V i" fV,Vf V v 3' . Charlotte N. C. Wheeler & Stern ARCHITECTS ; Realty RelUthitV ' CHARL4TTTB. . W.' a ITew Tork Breacsv Brent S. Drjjiift. Engineer Asaoctate . Mrmhrv AmerVa , feetety of civil Rsmwra. tnrveys ef all kinder fixawttnatleml and ReneHa Dealrne and Katlmatea. Superintendence of Construction. Dame and Reoervatra Water Sup. nry and Power Dovelopmon. Hewers - - w . , nu.u, una RatlroaAa Real Fvtate fmprovemeat. Concrete Rrldfre and Strueterea Avanehle for Consultation . ra Pp-nteh-Amencafi Conntrleei IllR ReialtV Rial HlarlMa. w 1 B. PARKS RTTCKER Connwniwe Fimneee -CH ARIXJTTE. M. X ' Flc'-trtea! Mechanical Hydro atle Destrn and BapervWo. of Consti.a. Uon of llshtlac aad power ptaaaa. a "piHialtT. RALEIGH. N. 0. COAL! Order Now "Standard Coal" The Best On The Market .... - : V " 1 1 11 'Phones 19 and 72. . , ' - ; fnione aft t 1 " " " ' lis . All goods ar guaranteed against x u.iwi 114 nrviKnuuianip ana meiens-i. ' We will esteem It a favor If you j wlll report to us any. sue'd" defects. : . We carry a full tine of supplies and t accessories, apparel, toola end hard .. ware. ;v Every thins; aeceasary to the ?, automobile. ' - - We-are ageuti for Pullman and Krtt automoblleo. 1 We are' agents for '-Pufonaa and Krlt AutomobUoa fneddenliaA'IfoCo. 14 South Church 6b fixate 4d 1 i. ' 7 I ' .7,. ,.''.'

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