dlAULOTXE DAILY OE3ERVEE, jUIDAY, 'irOVEHDEIl 10, 1011. I -r ' ssf M W . ' " X W' 1 V S ('"4 t: "V, - 1 ,f 1 i t j - , jTOvr .tfORj stock Wbkjet, I Tfrk,?Noy,;W?ai tree'v view of the. acceptance py the court of the - American, ' Tobacco t reorganisation la registered .eniphetlcally today 'In th took market' Securities wre purchased iv "" extensively In every Quarter of the mar. J kaVWhU. the" American Tobacco stocks ' aad bonds vara U-on their movement! war not eg 'pronounced a these of more I' -aotiTa issues; United States Steal : we th conspicuous feature, rlng mot than Ova points to Hi, ; Transactions' In this took fo the day totalled Ut,0uo shares! The stock ;m partloulerly sensitive to 4 the Tobacco .decision on account of tb dlssoluttea suit Instituted against I'wt United States Steel Corporation and the aenand for the: shares seemed to be' elnoet liaklee.- jQatna ','ware general , throughout the list Palo Peine rose t - "3V sain of nearly a points. Lehigh - Valley, American Smelting and Interna- tloaal 'Harvester rose points or more, Reading and Amalgamated CODnef Tore X - nhan l and other active shares ; trom.l I'M s twtinra... - , i .. ,-; .. . ,v u.;t 1 j- ,Tha Aaaerloan Tobacco common 1 stock f ; roes points, the preferred itf. the per ? dvs iw ana me a a. potn ., : v la important factor in the day tra i tag i wm abort covering. The etldden , .rush upward of prices resulted in, the ' complete rout of tha- bears. As atooks were carried steadLly forward, without a reeottoa ef consequence during the day, the abort Interest became ' alarmed, and toward the close there was a stamped to over which sent up the market with renewed vigor Uiv. The adoption of the Tobaooo reorgani sation plan was atyled in the Street as of high Importance, as viewed In Its ltrAajta aanArtta TO, vutaBihllltw Of V decree of dissolution aaralnst ths United States Steel Corporation, was less 41 eoneertteg t holders of aXeel stocks aad bond. This influence extended to other corporations, wiUch, it has been thought, aught be made defendants in antitrust suits. It waa felt that aettlement of the eae. might point the way toward an and f . th uncertainty concerning the con duct of corporations. " Reports of mach greater activity la th steel trade oontlaaed to com In. A umber of 'contracts for eteet rails ars under negotiation, H was said. Declara tion, ef extra dividend on National Biscuit waa followed by the rise of the took to a new high record. Trading In the bond market waa on a fanch larger eoale. Bonds generally bowed pronounoed strength. With f sub stantial gains In soma ot the higher priced lasnes. . Total sales vex palue ps,m,. VntHf Hates bonds were unchanged on call. ' Total Bales for the day 1B,S00 shares, laeludtngr: Amalgamated Copper 34,100; T'li;Jfta.Tttfr .Tl Tt L, N. ,800; X. WlOO; Reading 1 - 900: Sloas Sheffield Steel and Iron S00; Southern, Paciflo 2S.JO0; Southern Railway 31.009; Southern RaUway preferred SI.000; Union Paciflo 1SS.600; United States Steel 4S.M0; Vlrgtniav-Carouna Chemical 1.SQ0; Lehigh .Valley K.C0S, DAILT STUCK LUT. All Is-Chal mere pfd ... ..i 1H4 a 1ZH 63 23-36 lt4 S5 71 101 117H Amalgamated Tiopper American Agricultural . American Beet Sugar American Can - Anerlcan Ctr a foundry .... ., Atnerloan Cotton Oil , American Ride ft Leather pfd .... American Ice Securitlea American Linseed American Locoeootlve American Smelting. Refining...., American Smelting Refining pfd. American Steel Foundriee .... ... American Sugar Refining .... ... American Tel A Tel.... .... American Tobaooo pfd . . .... l .... X .... m m .... 108 lVi io: w 7S ..... ia .... 13 2 ,...270-293 J... 744 .... J3-30 ..... 1 .... S8H American woolen Atchison .... .... Atchison pfd .. Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore a Ohio Bethlehem Steal Brooklyn Rapid Transit ., Canadian Paciflo Central . Leather .... .... Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey ... Chesapeake tc Ohio - Chicago a Alton .... .... Chicago Great Western ... Chicago Great Western pfd r Chicago A North Western . Chicago, Mil. A St Paul . C C C. a St. Loula .. Colorado at Southern .... Consolidated Oas " Corn Product .Ww.. .... Delaware Hudson .... Denver A Rio Grande .... penrer A Rio Grande pfd Distillers' Securities - Brie ' .... ..... 1U ..... S3 w7i .... 14114 .... 11 .... 33 ro M .... 44 ....163 ....,127 Krie 1st pfd rle rnd pfd General Electric . . Great Northern pfd ...... ..... Great Northern' Ora.ctfs ntnots Central .'... .. Interbotough-Met , ... Interborough-Hot. pfd .... inter Harvester , aaa 3 . W0H l&H .... 109 inter-Marine pfd ... International Paper ...... 16V - !? I Internationa) Pump .... .... S5 Iowa Central ..... .... .... 1 Oty Soutbern .... .... ev City Southern pfd .t.. H s Laclede Gas .... ...... VX, " - LoulsvUle Nashville'.... .........160 . Minneapolis A 45t., Coiils .... .... .... W Mink., St P, ' Sault Ste. M...... lffift . Missouri, . Kansas A Texas .... .... St . - Missouri Xanias A Texaa pfd ........ i i" Uh.,.i PaMA. - a. i1U f. National Biscuit, .... 13 51 rK.V National Rys. of Mexico tnd pfd.... ,t at rV.J . a. "a ...... . , Ml,... .,! . . . ... .... .... 83 .... JVI' ' Siw- TWt Ontario Western.... - 40 . -,'..- tn ;. WWa aa . a a a j '"iFBT TAPr a 'an wwoj -.v..vt , ttw.ww W..'i., ...... North a American , 1 v Paoiflo uatt .... .... ' tlH pennstrtTania ... .. .... .... .... ixt ' ' ''7 8 " ' 1 ' '" 1 1 V-.- ajSBBBJBBBBBBMBBJSSaaaaj mm-mtmmHl f-. , .;r. Vith; Automatic Feeder,? , .i'l Good Gondition, ; e ; f jPrice Right j Pittsburg, C. d. 8t Louis...; '.i.;, M . PltUbUrg Coal v , ... ...,. 1 Praased 8teel Car ..... .... S24 Pullman Palace Car...,., .", .... 1M Hallway '.Steel Spring ....m W Heading ',.,!.... kM.i 14914 Hepublle steel :i,4-..'i AT RepubUo Bteel pfd ; W Rock lUnd CO.... ... ...i m Rock Island Co. 'pfd , 61H Bt. Louis ds San Fran, tod'pfdi... i BV Louis Southwestern .... ... tl 6tt Loula Bout b western pfd ;-,(: ,. 7V Sloes ..Sheffield Steel .and Iron,..,,.' 40 Southern Pacific ,s.... . ...... 113 Southern Railway .w.,mi - U t Southern ; Railway pfd ; 7H Tspneeaee Copper i.T Texas at : Paciflo ,... .. J,t )tt Toledo, .fit Louis aj Wsst Toledo, st, Louis eV-Weat pfd Union Pacific.,..;: J, 173' m Union Pacific pfd uniHd nuooer ,- United . States , Steel ..... ...... United SUtes Steel pfd i .. Utah, Copper .... ., . Virginia-Carolina Chemical .... Wabaah .... .. ........ Wabash -pfd .... .... .... .... .... Western Maryland ".. ,. Wastlngbouse Electric ., , Western Union .... .............. Wheeling Lake Erie .... Lehigh Valley .... m 6fl 14 17314 Chlcaco Grain . and . ProvMona. :"!: Chicago, Nov." i .-ExtrMnlr cold weather In the Canadian 'Northwest tended today to hoist the price of wheat. Temnerat uree ware 8 below se ro at some points, with considerable snow and there were fears that th quality of much grain would be damaged and that receipt would be delayed. Scarcity of pit offerings had also a bullish effect; The opening was a shade lower to 7 up, December started . at 9M to . un changed to l-i higher and advanced to .Another swell duo to eorveiing by- a prominent short sent Wheat still higheu. The close waa steady with Peoember 1 to l l-s net higher at 9f to Corn seemed at first Inclined to be weak on the theory that the govern ment report would generally be regarded as against the bears but commission buy ing brought about.. a rally. December opened 1-1 to U. dowa at 23 to 63 and then rose to O 1-8. . - Corn continued firm In bymapthy with wheat. The close was steady at 34 for May, a net gain of l-i la the oats crowd trader wre gov araed by the course of wheat Accord ingly the pit as a rule favored the buy ing side and caused prices to rule Arm. December started 1-J higher 'at . touched H and advanced to Wl. Strength . in the hog market brought an Improvement In quotations for . "VVXi.r aU " "In under, the total for the preceding seven days. Initial sales were Zi to 12Vi up with May deliveries 16.30 to W.3TH for pork, .ti for lard and 8.37HQ8.0 to 8.40 for rfbs. , WHEAT Open." High. Low.' dose. Dec .. .. .. KSi Mtt 93 W May S8V, 100H, 88 Vi l.oVt July 85 94 94 CORST-- Deo .. .. ..'! 3tt 2 3 May ... ... .. Hi 64N, ei 64 July 4e m 4 M OATS Deo 46 46 46 4 May 9h 49 49 49 July .. ,. .. 45 46 46 44 PORK- Jan 16.ttt 15.92H W.li May 14.30 1.7H 16.30 16.50 LARD Jan 9.17H 9.S2H 117 .S2 May 1-35 .62ft 1.36 9.50 RIBS- . iah .. '.. .. S.25 1.40 S.ffi 8.40 lay .. .. .. 8.37 K S.37 -52 ctucaao inula. Chicago, Nov. 9. Cattle, receipts es timated at 6.600; market steady for best others weak. Beves .. .. 4.C $9.10 Texas steers .. .. .. .. .. too 9 6.85 Western steers i .. '4.35 a 7.25 Stockers and feeder '3.00 ff 5.89 Cows and heifers t,00 6.60 Calves 5.50 fi 8.50 Hogs, receipts estimated at 24,000; mar ket slow, steady to shade higher. Liffht .. .. ... .. too o 80 Mixed 5.80 6.40 Heavy .. 680 & 6.40 Rough .. 6.80 0 6.0) Good to choice heavy .. .. .. 6.00 tp 6.40 Pigs ' .. 3.66 & 6.26 Bulk of sales .. 6.10 .0 6.35 Sheep, receipts estimated at 25,000; mar ket slow, weak. . NaUve Westsrn .. .'. .. Yearlings '.. .. . Lambs, native ., 160 & ITS S.70 & S.7S , 3-76 3.86 185 4.40 6.86 5.80 iLambs, Western . Money Market. Now .'fork, Nov. . Prima mercantile paper VA to 4H per cent. Sterling y exchange firm with actual business in bankers' bills at 14.83.75 for i aiJ. fcj ouia miu oi ft.ov.vo iwr ueuwuu j. iiim ...... d. a ... j l . Commercial bUla I4.W, ,. ;. , Bar suver WA. ; . Mexican: dollars 464. . , OoVernment bonda steady, Railroad bonds strong. :. h Money on call ateady ft4 to 2V4 per cant; ruling rate SH; closing bid 14: of fered at t. .. - 4':iiif yTimo loans easier; 0 dayi to 3i per cent) ninety days 8 to ; six months SV6 -to 1, --tx --:5;r-' -ftv-. ' z" '. ." ' " Charlotte) Grain. (Corrected daily by Cochrano-McLauchUn , - Company x , Rjra .... w oats-.. ,. , ,st corn . a a's "". : eLeWV ' 'Baltimore ProAnna. Baltimore, Nov. .'-Wheat ateadyj spot contract v t Corn firmer! spot contract (new) 694. ; ' Oata Armor; No. X ' white al to 41. Rye easy; No, t . Western domestlo 106(t.O4 to LOS. r 1 Cm I 1 1 j J.' Kitson, breaker, lapper and preparer with carrier v t trunk, firsti breaker au tatemecliate&perv , Splendid? (nditionrwAttractive .figure. . ' GREENSBORO SUPPIY (OilPM COTIOfl f,iIllif.IACIIINERY TAUNTON, MASS. SOUTHERN OiTICE, CnAALOTTB, If. Ot JED WIN BOWAJUI. Acta. i ' ' Southern: Audit Co., Inc. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AMD AUDITORS OlOS BceUty Bite, t Vham I10S. Of aOOTH. CHARLOTTE. N. 0.. THE CHARLOTTE AUDIT COMPANY STATE UCBNSED AUMTORS ArfD ACCOCTNTAXTS . G. G. Soott, Proprietor. 22I N. Try on. Street, Bocks and Accounts Audited, planatal Statemanta certified. Operating aad coat Statement accurately prepared. Modern systems of Accounting devised and 2eaaalaaaaaaaaaaBia JOEL HUNTER CKRTZFTI PTTBIIO ACCOCBHrAITTS. Cotton afUl Aadlta, teventlgatlona, . TJnnk rvswirnHt.aa Ull-SO-ai Eznplm Bldg.. Atlanta. GL CORRESPONPJB.V C11 sOUCXTsm TEXTILE HEWS MiD GOSSIP Charlotte Cotton. These figures represent prices paid to wagons, Thursday,. Nov. . Cotton, bow crop t DAIV- tXXITOX MAKHLET. New Tork. Nov. . The apparent fall, are of yesterday's ginning figures to cause any immediate weakening of South ern spot holders, or to create any gen eral selling 1 movement was considered largely responsible for the development of a steadier tone in today's cotton mar ket, while In addition to scattered , cov ering by recent sellers there was also considerable demand In the ahape of for . alga trade, buying, and support, from 1 some ot last season' bull leaders. -Of- werlngs ware heavy on the advanee in the late trading, but the market closed with a galn)f from to 13 polnU. The opening waa steady at a decline of ; 9 to S points In response to lower Liver pool cables than expected, but the market soon steadied on covering by some of yesterday's .sellers who appeared to be disappointed that the bearish Interpreta tion of the oenaus report on cotton gin hed to November 1 had not caused more weakness abroad or in the Soutbern mar kets late yesterday. At first, business was iulet and during the early trading or ders ' were very well divided but there was considerable buying here by houses with foreign connections supposedly for account of continental spinners and dur ing the afternoon there appeared to be rather active support from old bull brok ers, accompanied by rumors that some of the larger Interests were taking the long side of the market for a turn, owing to the continued steadiness of tha South em spot situation ana on an iqo nat the recent wet weater in tne , ooun would ba followed by a falling off In the movement and possibly in ginning roiurns tor. wis penu 14. Strength in the stock market may hai-a helnad the advance but as ths market worked higher, there Seemed to he increased selling for Bouthern account and after showing a net gain of about to l Mints, oricea reacted sngnuy ww the close from I to 4 points Off from the best. . Private. cablea .received . aera from i.wemool said that continental spin tiers were buying futures freely against their forward requiremenis, out nwn 4..f. .air' that nraoticallv the OnlT rdetnand in tha South at the moment la on old business and attribute ina sieaoiness of c ths spot situation around , present price largely to holding movement among tho growera. -w . ' " Recelpta today 66,418 bales against 61.571 last week and 61,m laat year .Today's raoelnu at " New Orleans 13.MS ..bales against 17.2W last year, and at Houston 15.061, balsa aamst,858 laat(r-W'A, ; ) NEW OBXEAJS txreiva, Ka nrtaana. Nov. t,-Cotton futures opened steady. 1 point off to t point up. Tha close waa stsaoy at a tw uvh of to It point,; Tha market waa dull owing to tha lack of Information from the Liverpool cotton exchange, sables being bat Of operation owing to a storm. The weather was again unfavorabta and after ' the call caused moderate buying for both accounts. Thar waa uttis op position., to oe gggrsssivoB annsswa of tha market. t , Tha' market developed a very gooo tons around the' mldla of tha ) morning. Cable aaeaaaees from. Liverpool - stated that ths beet Information to be had waa to tha affect that cancellation of orders for cloth by dhines importer were i inI niflcant. Thi resulted tn oonstdorabl baying for long" aeoount Scalper gen erally took th long elds, ; Offering war small and th market gradually rosa aa til v at noon the trading month were I to u point over yesterday's close. ' In tne afternoon esslonv tha. market was dull ' but very steady.. Short con tinued to-cover. Spot cotton steady, unchanged mid. Mine Worits & COMPANY dling ; sales on the spot 750 bales; to arrive 1,850. ,.. Cotton futures close- ateady. Closing bids: November 9.10; December ft-U; Jan uary 9.16; March 9.25; May 9.K; July 9.47. Dally Cotton Market, New York, Nov. l.-Galveston, tone steady; . middling : net receipts 19,177; gross receipts 19,177 s sar. 4(51; stock 294,- 687; coast wfto 4,530. " New Orleans, tone steady; middling ',! net receipts 13,642; gross receipts 12.678; sales 1,600; stock 044.619; continent 6,601. Mobile, ton steady; middling 1-16; net receipts 1376; gross .receipts 2,176; salea 7S; stock 50,88; Qt. Britain 7,331; ooast- wlse 131. Savannah, tone steady; middling tc; net recelpta-11.697; groe reoelpt U,tt7; sale 1,688; etock 281,; continent 10,941. . Charleaton, tone steady; middling to; net receipts 6,936; gross receipts 6,238; stock 68.622. Wilmington,, ton ateady; middling t; net receipt j,jw; gross receipt ,iw; stock 39.183; coastwise 200. Norfolk, tone steady; middling 9 1-16; net recelpta 6,031; gross receipts 6.031; sales 1,386; stock 46,906; coastwise 5,815. Baltimore, tone nominal; middling ft; stock s,n. ; New York, tone dull f middling 9.45; gross recelpta 4,372; stock 94,109; Ot. Bri tain 4.476; continent 687; eoastwlse I,t9i. Boston, tone quiet; middling t.46; net receipts 628; gross receipts 439; stock 22, 611; continent 10, Philadelphia, ton quiet; middling 9.7o; gross receipt 834; stoeh 170. . Brunswtok, stock 6,269. Texas City, not raoslpt 1.67; grass re ceipts 1,047; stock 62.210; Ot Britain 4.038, '.Port Towns en 4, net receipts 24w; gross receipt 8,600; japan 1,600. Total today, at ail porta, net 66,416: Ot. Brhaln 16,846; continent 26,440; Japan 2,- too; stock 1,041,60. , Consolidated, at all ports, net M4,t88; Ot Britain 62.46B; Fraao 19,v7; conti nent 1(0,112; Japan 2,841 . Total since. September L at ail porta, net 1,699,641; Qt. BrlUln l.U6.l04; Trance 833, SS0; continent U6.36 Japan J6.091; Mexico 1,760. -' INTERIOR MOVEMSNT. ' Houston, tone steady; middling Vii; net receipU 16,0M; gres receipts 15,062; Ship- menu 14.136; Jss 3. Hz; stock iu.m. v Augusta, ton steady; salddllng Wr, not receipt M6 gross reoedpt tvt40; ahln. moots LTttt al llflt atoek LM . Memphis, ton steady; adddUng ti bat receipts 4.647; gross racetpu l.iai ship menu 4,889; salea 1600; atock W,l ' ' St. Louis, ton quiet; middling ti act receipU LiTS; gross rooalpta M; ship ments.tt62; atock ltfll Cincinnati, ton quiet; net receipt LOtl; gross recelpta 1,046; thtpmenU 1,294; stock 10,641. ' :.'-:if--''':R...r'y ilittlt Rook, ton tady ariddling Hi not rsoelpt lit; gross receipts l,4it; shlpmenU 2,111; stock Kltt ' V , Loulsvm. ten Drai; middling Total today, net receipts 26, 401 1 groa recstpu 22,561; ehtpmenU D,4tt aale Mi stock 60141, .. , Rnboartl Bros. A Co. Cotton Letter. Special t Tb Observsr. , ; , ' . New Tork. Nor. tKarly 1a. the day the interruption of cable aervioe between Europe and , America inter-. ferd, with buslnss,ao ther-were but few: transaction or fluctuauon. In the afternoon a lfg demand ap peered from wan street houses. oraed on the Improvement In th stock mar ket and upon the steadlne Of th market around t cent. Thl demand carried : the market taoma Boitttal over laat evening and waa supplied toy elilng order from th South, v It waa thought the first of the demand waa ! to oovev wutstandlns; aecouflt but the last buying waa ascribsd to an op- that ttat demand at the price would (ontlnp to .be very large. Uvsrpool sht uia . aavaapg I to point inori; tow, , f Pirrni' ",' 'i' rS -: .-' 'lNV',-'fflTfri"i "V""" " .'i,fJlilHH '-5 Shr' n v. pC.l . ? t,n' " ; ; wiawnAW?; ' ' COMBKK8 ' mail saw, - Tal msilslsa ' ' l- , - .' ' . - .. '( ... ' . ' ' . i i . . New York, Nov. I.-Flour waa fairll' acthrs and ataadtar with wheat. Rr flour steady. Buckwheat flour quiet. em teal ateady. Ry quiet. Barley ateady) maltlhc U to . d f. Baffalo. Wheat flr;aNa t, red tTH elevator domeetia basis to arrive and N f.o.b. afloat. Optlona aloaed H to o net higher. Pecetnbar mi; May i.cs. Cora aulet: export No. X, 60 nominal old f.o.b. afloat. Optlona nominal. Oata ateady. Optlona nominal. Pork. beef, tallow, petroleum and mo lasses, steady. Lard and rice, firm. Wool, resin and turpentine, quiet. Sugar, raw easy; refined easy. Coffee, futures 'dosed weak at a net loss of 10 to XI points. Spot coffee quiet; Rjo No. T, K; Santoa No. 4, Mild coffee qult;Cordova 1H to It nominal. Butter flrm; creamery specials ItH to M; extras M. Cheese aad egg", firm. Potatoes steady; Irish lift. Cabbage steady, unchanged. Freights to Liverpool steady; grain by steam to London aad Liverpool Id. Cottonseed Oil and Produot. LOCAL MARKET. (Corrected dally by tha Southern Cotton OU Company.) parfeota feed meal, par ton . Prime eottonaeed uiaal. per sack.. 1.4J Prime cottonseed meal, per ton.. tT.SO Cottonseed, par bushsl...-. X) Cottonseed hull, loose, per ton.... . Cottonseed holla, Sacked., per ton W.oO Cottonseed hull, Backed, per sack .51 Bovetn cow feed, per sack l. Scocotoa horse feed, per ton ts.60 New Tork, Nov. The cottonseed OU market was easier 'early on a slow de mand and reports of reselling by export ers but prices rallied on the firmness in lard, closing at 4 points lower for spots and 1 to I petata higher for futures. November .. -0 1.7 Peoember .. 5.67 O 6 6 January .. 6.57 9 66 February Ml 9 March I.T Prime erud -40 Prime summer yellow 6,T Prime winter yellow 6.00 Prime summer white 610 O If 0 l9 4.47 I.T7 Liverpool ottos Liverpool, Nov, 9, Closing cotton; Spot, good business dene; prices 6 polnU lower. American middling fair - 6.65 Good middling 6. Middling 6.. 18 Low middling 6.03 Good ordinary tt9 Ordinary The aale of the day were 16,000 bale, of which 2,000 were for speculation and export and included 9,100 American, Re ceipU 69.000 bales. Including 26,200 Ameri can. Future opened quiet and steady and closed steady. November w 8 4.90ft 4 2 t93ft 4.tea Novem ber-December December-January .. January-February .. February-March .. . March-April April-May May-June .. June-July July-August August-September .. September-October .. October-November .. 4.9TO 4.9 too it 4.9t 4.96 .. ... ee Charlotte Prodnc. (Corrected by J. L Blakely.) Kens, per pound U tJlJH Chicken, spring U 14 Buttsr , M 9 Bggs Ducks, each TT .. .. y OS) Guineas New Tork Cotton, New Tork, . Nor. .-Cottn spot eloted dull 10 points higher; middling up land .; middling gulf .T0t no sales. Futures olosed very steady. Open High Lew Close 9.04-06 t.S-l 14-U 19-tl t.4-tt t.tt-a t.tO-11 Jan fsh Mar Apr May lone 'ui Sept Oct Nov Deo 8.89 S.H 199 t.O t.tt 8.89 !tt .. ... I.0 .17 9.06 t.ll 17 6 84 t.Uofd .... 0.17 0.17 ISO .9.01 .... .It I.M t.17 J6-88 .- t.rr-t .U-14 t.M-lt U t.ll Hnval StMs Savannah, Oa., Nov. . Turpentine drat 4$ to SU: Ml SHi receipt INi shlp awnt M; stock 89,14. r : Seats flrw$ sale -j receipt Mot; hlp menta 4,t; stock to,0o. Quote; B d.otDlSUi D .loJU' B 4i60i7tts r -vmvjk; a mi k I I20i K .a4i at a-w; w a; w tlOi WW 7.60. Dry Goods Market., ... veer Tork. Now .--The ootton; good siarksta ar ulet. sergee In dress goods ars IS aetIV ealt Some few large con tract have reeently been placed an ot ton yarn for deliveries running Into next AaharvUlo Want Children's Park. ;.' Correepondenoe of The Observsr, Ashevllle, Nov.,!, A. movement I on foot to maice men arransemeau with the beard of county eommJa- toners that a part ef the ground of tha Children' Kern near Grace be turned over tor th city ; to i be converted Into a park for the us of all of the children of . th elty. A petition 1c now belnr elrculatod and. wSl orobabiy , be presented to the board at - tha- next meeting asking (hat negQUatlorrg be Btarted with the city nuthorttte ta , carry at the Uhera tlan . Never before In th history ef thla section ha such a splendid offer been made In a ae'f-pronounclng. Ulua irtuol. s&4 hAbdionxcly bound Hlhls, , t -xiiiOizrccii Aiiii caitAuxoi; LAND LIME . t Now Is the Time to Apply It 0. P. PREP ABED. LAND L11IE B. E. PREPARED LAND TiTT.TT contain more unit value per ton than any similar, materials. . We also, offer Ground Limestone. Shipped in 100-pound cloth sacks, for convenience and economy in handling. . r Large stocks at Wilmington and Charleston. Write for prices delivered your station. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. COARLESTXX, g. a ' K HIGH FOTJfT ITEMS. Prospect Bright For New Railway tjivkj improvement worn uoea un Observer Bureau, Home Bank Building, High Point, Nov. 8. It now look aa if the promoter of th Randolph ft Cumberland Rail way Company would meet with uo- oea. Mr. A. e. Tata or tnis city, who ha worked hard for the build ing of thl road, appeared before the county commissioners at Greensboro the other daj asking that an election be permitted to determine the la suanoe of bond. Mr. Tate repre sented a number of petition from cttiaena of High Point, Greensboro and the adjacent townehipa of Gull- ford county through which thla road will pane, it l stated tnat tne coun tle of Moore, Chatham, Randolph. Forsyth and Tadkin through which this line will gOjWlll also order elec tions to be held on the 11th Inst., and that all along the line the peo ple are enthusiastic over the project. The election authorised will call for a vote on 160.000 In bonds each from the townships of Gilmer and More head. Also 1100,000 from High Point and 115,000 each front some of the other townships which will b mostly benefited by th road. It la proposed that the road trt from aom point on the Seaboard In Moore county, possibly from Cameron to Winston-Salem via ' 'Carthage, Asheboro and High Point, passing through a fine farming section which la ranidlv daveloDlna. It la also. pro- poeed to run a branch terminus to Greenaboro. . " . - y Thl road when built would have conneoUon with the four leading system that enter the State, the At- lanUo Coast Line at Fayettevllle; . seaboard Air Line at a point south of Sanford; th Southern at Ashe- boro, Hlghpolnt, Winston-Salem and Elkln; and the Norfolk A Western at Wlnston-Selem. The Friend church, which haa Just completed Its handsome annex for Sunday school and other Institu tional work, l installing the Majestlo heating service spit em. Dr. D. A. Stanton and J. T. Burma hav gone to Philadelphia to at tend the International Surgical Con vention which opened In that city yesterday. The ladle who will have charge of the flower show which will he held on the th and 10th In the Pickett warehouse, have spared ho pain to make thi annual event a big suc cess. The place has been beautifully festooned and decorated, and the mernlfleant array of chrysanthe mums and ether flower ar really a great attraction. The anaaufao turera aad business men of High Point generally have offered large list of premium, consisting of cash and other prises. Many of th fur nlture manufacture re have offered some of their produote aa prise for th different clan collection or flow ers. rMla Henrietta White ef the ninth grade 'ha received the prise, a fine picture of "Tha Gleaner," from the elvo department ot the Woman'a Clu-b, for writing th beat essay on thl fln work of art of which Mis da Plain, th teacher, had the pu pil to make a cloas atndy. ' The el vie Improvement work which already ha mad High . Point of Statawfd Importance aa an object !eon.ia drawing people to see how and what thst town in doing along thee lines. ',''. Today ' Meesr. Marlon Smithy. ' 3. H. Ryland, C. U Palmer and W. T. Peeolea of Lawrencevllle. Vau are vllUng High Point aa a committee from their soma town to- make in vestigation with a view of making aimyar Improwamant; ' . Moonshine Bualnen Active. Aahevtlle. .Nov. Th report of Rerenna Agent Sams for the month of October hag Just - been completed and ahowa that durtnsj that month forty-eeven Illicit distilleries were seis ed m t this i dlstrtot, which, Includes the wester part; at thl State, th southwestern part . 4f Virginia, and eaatarn Tenneaaev , There war twenty-nine leisures in this Stat and eighteen lsL''V.Ylrgayfc.iInjr 'were twenty -eri prosecutions- recommended. f',.-"V "I i-V - Death of Dr, J. lWonee, .- Winston-Salem, Nov. tv-Dr James B. Jones, for It years president of William Wood College at Fulton. Mo. died here tonight at the home of hi mother. Dn Jones was 61 years old and came here In search of health. The body will ht budad harv , e ... , . ' i 'V. t'i miff- Our Capital id SapJs -$WC0I).C3 "j Our Total Assets Over S3evea Million Dollnre We Know Yon and Ton ' . Know Ua And our disposition and ahlBty te serve you when In need of bank lng facllltle la addition to those furnished yen by your loeal bank. FIRST NATIONAL BAO RICHMOND, VIRGINIA JNO. B. TVnCELL, " Preatdent. , ?, jico. m. iollexl 1st V. P. aad Gubtot. FREDERICK K. HOLTLVO, -.-v. ..... Snd Vic President HTJBBARb BR03. rxmrjii KsstOiAirrs ' Saaovet Doanre, I- It ' MSMBfeBJ V'Zfi ' New Tork Oottw tSsenant. jNew!cr. leaae Ootton Bsobaase. New Torlt fvo-r duoe Kxcbanaa, asaoclat .mssbeie tav ernool Gotten Assectocioa.- ''i.-Mi Order- eollcttee tor tee purchase. . sale of Cotton and CettonedPU fer-fu-. . tore deftvery. J?. Speelal Attentien ad ItVer teneeT aivea, for consignments ef spot weitaa'. for delivery. - , CorresDoadeaoe hvrltad- - ' Cotton Yarns CUMaJUNMJkNTS IKlUCrrKD. ' ' Phllsklelphln. 1 and tad Ctwetavt Su noaieav IIS t . JA1IE3E. inTClIIILL CO. We solicit orders , ; tot Maryetc.:;r ' , to handle 6c!d, iia.: Ccttc-i,: .Yccd, Sfci Co. MANTELS .I you,caiir.ot rk't c catalog :,; . - J.ILVK! AVL the -new t Tt Ctrrrt 't tl r. Saea-aaaaBasaaaaayaaaaMii la ),,-, ,i V.''.- tteddcnbnrg Iron Vorlis Charlotte, 11,0. -V ' v I I 1 I I IB I ! II:

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