(.' cnAnLOTTn daily obsekvfX Friday, November 10,1011. flL'rBryCleanifig Process is Better because it is performed by experts, in a plant that 1 ; is modern In "efveiy appointment. s'.TiyiiSi';" ' i s ' r r ' t , " v .f , 1 ,s k f , ki , Charlotte Cicom Laundry Good Looking Clothes That Stov Good Lodii: .A1 , ' ia Honor , of Mlsg Mary King a Doz party tu pvn tni . AoaamT , of , Mutlo Uit uxht -whn - ,,Th Country Bor" wu prwnud. U-tf,--! ueeta iaoludedi Miaseg Mar? ''Vvf,-lIMMbtli:'Kliic-'BW Baxter, Dorothy . ; Brletenbuoher, . Mary " ? McCausland ' t svoiUvWUUM na IdeSST w, . Wallace, Jr.. W. I McDonald. Piatt ua-fMit wniiM tnd Rev. Dr. and Hri, Charles B, King. .'i1'. . jTv ir,,, 4 .1 . ......vt-Un r ' Mrs. -Leroy " ft' Davidson ' returned HiW' yesterday morninr to faor homo .'.in .Ww Camden. B, O.s.-r Vuttnor .-for's"--; i;.-.week .the; guest of .Mr. Davidson's .... , umr, jura, w, t w:z-; rauw . ;. Jie Tth avenue home. ' ' Mm 1. 'O. Fegram will leave to- .- day -for Atlanta to spend several weeks a the guest of her son, Mr. v S. A, Pegram. ' -.-w,. P'-Pr'.' Mrs. ' Thomas Wv Kenartck - will leave Tuesday morning for Cooleemee v to spaed tan days with : bar- sister. ; Mr A. '.XX Walters. Her mothar, . Mr Charlea Kluappalbarr, ha bq tnara for thraa wetki and will r turn with Mm Handrlak. ' Mm J. C Wadawortkr want to Ballsbonr yastorday to apand tha day with har atatar, Miaa Celasta Henkal of rnolr, who la 111 with ty phoid farar In Whltahaad-Stokaa aanatorlum. ' :' Mlaa Rnth Llllard will antartaln Monday aftaraoon at 1:80 o'clock at har' homa on - North Flna atraat- in honor of har gu"t, Mlaa loulsa Fin lay of North Wllkesboro and Mm J. I MoClmtock. . k Mm Thomas C Quthrio haa aa a jruost at har homa on Sooth Boule vard in XHlworth, Mm George W. Danslffer of Naw Tork, who will ba here soma time. - f Mm Ben J. Smith will entertain this afternoon at t:l o'olock at her home on North Ilar atraat at euchre In honor of Miss Martha How ' ell. who will be married ta Mr. Thomas Fuller on Wednesday even Ids; of next weak at the First Pres byterian chorch. Tha guests will be: Misses Martha Howell, Mary Neat Mellon, Camilla Durham, Btnart Jonas, Nina Howell, Mean or AJex- , ander, Flora Bryan and Meadames W. K. Taliaferro, Jr., H. A.. Morson, Cameron Morrison, C. C. Coddlnfton and Gilbert White. In honor of Miss Martha Howell Mm Jl Morris MoDonaid will enter tain at a luncheon at her homa oa South Tryon street tomorrow after noon at 1 o'olook. " Miss Mary Bllaabath Kin-, who Is to be married next Tuesday avenlnir to Mr. Wilson Wallace, la to a tha guest of honor at a party given this aftaraoon by Miss Mary McCaual&nd. Tomorrow evening a dinner will ba rtvan by Miss King at her home on tha campus of Xllsabr'h College, tha members of the bridal party being tha guest Monday night after the re hearsal the groom will entertain at supper at the Belwyn. The wedding ceremony Tuesday night will ba per formed by Rev, R. X Patterson, D.D.. pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church, at which tha marriage will occur at 7.3ft o'clock. Mr. H. J. Zehm will preside at the onran. Mm J. T Mc Cllntock will ba dame of honor. Miss Elate Baxter of Baltimore, maid of honor. Mr. Piatt Wallace, brother of tha groom, beat man, Mlas Dorothv Breltenhurher of Atlanta, Oa., Miss Kenhth Wallace and Mlas Mary Mo Canaland, hTldesmaJda Messrs. Ger ard Kin. Jack Wallace, James Tor rance. Stanley Davis and FJ. aibaon . will be groomsmen. little Mls.i Clara Klrrr. rtster of tha ' bride, - will be flower girt After the ceremony Dr. and Mm King will give a reception to the bridal party and the members of the two famine . An Interesting meeting of Charlotte Chapter, Daughters of tha American Revolution, was hold yesterday after, noon a$ tha home of Mm H. 8. Dodenhoff on Fox street. Mm Laura Brown led a discussion of the Stamp Act which disclosed new phases of this subject. She narrated the Soon duct of Governor Tryon on thfs occa sion and expressed surprise that one of- Charlotte's principal streets should be named for one, who showed him self go , unfriendly to the cause of liberty. An able paper by Miss Made. Una Orr on "Patrick Henry" was read. It dealt with his life and cast aide lights on his career which aided In forming an appraisal of his eharactcr and abilities. A significant feature of his life was the frequency with which ha was elected to the governorship of Virginia, The chapter decided to meet hereafter In an office hy the Realty building, which has been found- available for this purpose. Hitherto t It haa been entertained successively (. by its members. . : . -! MinAiCDV Ball will entertain the - Pleasant Hour dab this afternoon at her home on Kingston avenue In Dil worth in honor of Mies Mabel Latham - af Washington, who arrived last night o ba tha auast of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. jjLathsuh at (heir homa on East Boule- : Mra M. R. Klrabren to spending ' this week 1 In Oastonla as the truest of ralaJBrap,:;,, " Mrl 'ft M. Short a'tm'g'oni' Charlea McCoy,' Jr.r are vlsi tlnr Mra. . Short's mother, Mrs. C.' E.? Kerley. -', near this city. Mr. Short la attending 1 tha . Methodist Conference at States. . villa. ; He has served four yaars aa , paetor at Salisbury, this being ne i ' longest term permitted, t ; la not known yet where ha will be sent next 7 year, j ( tXf" ' ' V Misses Daisy and Beutahi Wallace entertained 'charmingly yesterday af ' tarnooa at their horns on North Pop lar. Jeet ; In honor of M1m Mary - King.' Tha residence was prettily dec i orated There were- four tables of hearts, Mra. J- H. McCllntock winning tha prise,' and three tables of bridge . Vt which i Miss Maujer Moseley won Tha prise In each Instance was a pair of silk hose. Miss King was given a picture and Miss .Martha Howell - a large ; bunch 'of yellow chrysan themums. The color schema was yal- low and white. ; A two-eours lunch was t--gerrad.V- f Tha'?-Ies were in the form of yellow chrysanthemOms, with angeWood cake? and yellow mints. The fuestn werer Mlas Klna- and (ruests. Miss Elsie Baxter of Baltimore and -Miss--Dorothy- Breltenbuchcr of t'nta and Misses ladellne and Ada. IsdS. Crc aiij C'jeE AdalaUJe forur ',; -V.V-.'i.-v.r w t-J- TT fr IT . T7 (CV- "Mi II II till II I .W 1.' 4 vv 1 aw: iMjj,l,. x of Baltimore. Nina and Martha How ell, Maujer Moselay, JCrnaellna Oral than, Mary and ' Margaret : Morris, Louisa Millar; Blanche Simmons, Mary ' MoCaualand, Flora' JaOries, Mary Thtot of Birmlngnanv Aia Lalla McGinn, Cora StanciU, Bva Cov ington, and Meadames . Robert -W. Stokes, J.' 7 .Flowers, B, V. Irwin, Q, I' Watt D. G.. Calder,' Brtea Mo Laughlln, J.' R, Renfrow and I B. NowelLVr;"- r ; Mrs. J. W.' Ffaser entertained at dinner last evening at her homa on North Church street la honor of Mm B. A. Adams of Now Kochell N, T who la the guest of Mm W. 8. Lea at bar, home on East Morabead atraat. v Mr Dean a houle and sons left uiuk ivr nuwiv,, , , mi where they, will join Mr. House and live In the future. Mr. House baa a position with the Halna agar Com- f aHaBHawS The friends of Miss Anna Twelve trees, who has been indisposed for ten days, will - learn with pleasure that sns rs ati to be out , Dr, and Mrs. Baxter & Moore and Mm A. J, Draper left yesterday morn ing for Atlanta. They had purposed making tha trip in Dr. Moore's auto mobile, but owing to the weather It was decided to abandon trii trip. The aay friends of Km Lbnie King or Albemarle will be delighted to know that she la oonvaleeeeat after the sarloue operation aha underwent at tha 'Pree- byterlan hoepital several weeks ago.' Mm King haa left the hospital and Is the guest of her cousin. Mm X Lowe, on West Seventh street A wedding of Interest will be that of Mlaa Goldla Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mm 3. A. Walker, and Vr. Richard Em- rant Dean, whlob takes place November II, at t:K o'clock In Wostnlaster Pres byterian church. Rev. F. Dudley Jones, pastor of the church, will perform tha ceremony. Mlasea Battle Hatcher, Beulah King and Gertrude Dootoy will be brides maids. - Maaam Offle Womraaok, a Ike Howell and Joah Araat will be grooaM men. Mlas Clam Wants will be maid of honor. Mr. Benton Dean, brother of tha groom, will be best man, Meeam George Howell. Vaughn Bailee. Lee Neely and James Tan die will serve as uaham Tha little ring bearer win be little Mlaa Tulle Crumley, oourain of the bride. The bride will enter on the rm of her brother, Mr. Carl F. Walker, who will give her away, a reception to the bridal party will take plaoa at tha home of the bride's parents, No. 10 West Bland street. Im mediately after the ceremony. Later Mr. and Mrs. Dean will leave on a bridal trip North. After their return they will be at heme with the bride's parent a Mm A. C. Hutchison and daugh ter. Miss Annie Louise Hutchison. have returned from New Tork where they spent two weeks with Mr: An drew C. Hutchison, Jr. Misses Madeline and Adelaide Orr have as their guest at their home on West Seventh street, Misg Adelaide Porter of Baltimore. Mrs. J. Arthur Taylor is spending the week with MT. and Mm R, R. Ray In McAdenvllle. INSTITUTB " ENDS TONIGHT. An Interesting Program For Conclud ing Day of Fine Event. Those parents and teachers who are attending the Sunday school in stitute being conducted by the Epis copalians of the city -at the T. M. C. A. hall are regretfully looking to the close of tha work tonight. Tester day the announced program was fully carried out Mrs. Maud C Smith discussed "TTaw r OaIaa an4 Tall SArlu n 11. i..-. .w. t . ' session, and "Questioning and Use of, Manual Helps" at the afternoon ses sion. At the evening meeting, after the devotional exercises - conducted by Rev. W. J. Smith, a short address was made"by Mr. Harlot Clarkaon, who Is not only warden of St Peter's parish vestry, but also an active Sunday school worker as superintendent ot St Andre w' Sunday school In 8ev ersvlUe. Then Rev. Homer W, Starr of Chapel Hill spoke on "Tha Sun day School and tha Child." In his re marks he stressed the thought, that the parents, and leaders must realise that tha church of the future abso lutely depends upon the efficiency of the Sunday 'school as that efficiency Is worked out by the -co-operation of the parent and teachers. This morning Mrs. , Maud C. Smith of New Tork City will deliver her last lecture at 10: to o'clock. This afternoon there will be no lecture at the t. M. C. A. hall, but the teachers of all -the- Episcopal Sunday schools of Charlotte will meet at the home of Mrs, Ralph vanLahdlngham to meet Mrs. Smith socially and to hear an informal summing up of her nine val uable lecture , . Tonight at S o'clock tha final meet Ing ot the Institute will be held at the T. M. C A, ' halt The purpose of this meeting will be to take some stsps - to perpetuate tha i lnfluenoe of the work which haa . been dona dur ing the weak and organize soma plan w smwi'lsnrai.rawat!Mc LUMBER AT FAIR GROUNDS SOLD Various Structures Upon the Grounds Brought Total of 4T. - ' At an auction sale tf tha lumber In the holdings of the Mecklenburg Fair Aa'ocatlofr at the local grounds In pilworth on Wednesday the total realisation to the directors ' was ThU " Includes 1 -the - huge fence, the stalls - and SUbles, tha bandstand and temporary grandstand, and a quantity of piping:. For the old grandstand and ' a small portion of ths fence Mr. E. XX: Latta received a total of tllT.. , i . Tha stand In which had sat the Judges of tha many races which , had been, staged at the ten fairs ' which have transpired in this city was sold for 18.60.. The Independent horse stalls, equipped with aa iron roof, brought the highest price of the day, which , was $77. On account of the inclemency of the weather the bid ders Were not so numerous as was expected, . but . the competition was brisk throughout and each Item brought opposition : among those who had braved the wet and mud which are Incidental to a trip to the grounds when 'Jupiter Pluvlua is lachrlmose. Immediately with ths clajr: away , Vhonee 444 and 446V ' - Hie- "Criterion" For Your Town 0 IE M 'S 'r '. see rr " . MAT IT ALWAYS BE SUMMER FOR THE ACTCMN BRISX! Is our sincere wish. We have a spaalal regard far her which we show by Oka extm attention we give to orders for BRIDE'S BOUQUETS AND WEDDING FLOWERS. . , If there la to ha a wadding at your house, Juat leave tha floral arrangements ta u Well ses that benauat table decorabons ' and everything else sxe supplied m abnradanoa and perfect taste. v J. VAN LENDLY NTTR. 00. GREENSBORO, N. O. HawVoy's Pharmacy, City Agrsita. of tha purchased lumber Mr. Z. .D. Latta, from whom tha grounds were leased by the fair association, will commence upon the laying out of one of the most modern and complete Suburbs to be found In the neghbor hood of the dry. Tha lease which ths fair director held upon the prop em was In reality valid until April, hut upon the request of Mr. Latta. the sale transpired and the work of re moving the lumber will commence at once. A TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT. The State Comes to the Front in Com batting Dlphiherl (Bulletin SUte Board of Health.) . The, announcement has last been made by the director of the State laboratory of hygiene, under the oontrol ot the State Board of Health, that diphtheria antitoxin will now be furnished to all legal residents ot North Carolina at the following prices: 1,000 units $0.60 M00 unlfs 1.88 J.000 unite . . . . 1.95 Formerly dlpththerla antitoxin seemed to be under the. control of a few manufacturers who were more Interested In , accumulating fortunes of their own than they were In the publio health, and 'hence the public was obliged to pay pjflcea from J 00 to 400 peroent higher than those above quoted. Arrangements have just been made whereby diphtheria antitoxin Is now distributed from over a hun dred different places throughout the State, and other distributing agencies are constantly being added. At pres ent, fresh antitoxin may be secured by your family physician at the above prices, as he has already bean provid ed with a list of the distributing agen cies, Aooordtng to Osier and other med ical authoiitias, no deaths occur from diphtheria when antitoxin Is used In the early stages of the disease. In other oasea the use ot antitoxin re , mortality rate to one-sixth or oae-etahtb of the rate where no antl toxin la used. It therefore appears that to secure the best results, anti toxin should ' be , administered when the dleeaee Is first apparent 4 Severe sore throat should b- regarded with strong suspicion, particularly if not Improved after 14 to 0 hours. , Antitoxin la now given in what Js called Immunising or preventive doses when a person has been, or . is liable to , be exposed to diphtheria, and In ourative doses when tha disease has become established. The immunising or preventive dose may be compared to a man locking the door of his house to'prevent the entrance ot a burglar; while the ourative dosa Wfesta the to several men arresting the intruder after he has 'once gained admittance. The Immunising dose merely locks the doors of entrance of the body against the disease for a few weeks, while tha ourative doea nBtej';tht disease before It can accomplish Iti results'. No more harm la done to the body in either aase than la Jlona to the house, and the damage. If any, done by the burglar, aiPBep!Iin: tltoxln la as harmless to the body as locking the door is to tha house. " This notion on ths part of the State leaves but one thing mora t: ba de arred in combatting diphtheria. Since thU disease la : readily, communicable since the eost-oT wtitoxlnand the services of a P01",? mora, likely that t? will be the greaiei w'w' ' -; Mfflclent funds for such worklt now in nnt stio to the front and provide S. aWantltoxln for all, or at last tor their needy Poor. (. - For Dcadachco. fiera lint Any EaagacBS Cta4l ,:. Ilt Boas Tat lYorS UZa , . h rives quick allej trora BaaJachai el n kuds,- including - Sick at Marvoui Ileadachet. cad- Iaadichas pnsed - fron teat,, eof 1, rHp. w stomadi tronblsa. - ferula Is also ths bast tad tpddu temtsy tot attacks ot Qtdi or Gtis a toon ..eva tha aching and iMrbknta and raftore normal condiUoos - Is JquiJ ea-ty in J piaans r tsV tsve--acti tinmedijteJy . aa ' Jwe Dyers and Dry Cieanen. l T Give it to the children on bread. Simply delicious. GIBBS' BULL HEAD BRAND ABSOLUTELY PURE APPLE JELLY. 10c per tumbler. All grocers. A Blind Man's Smart Dos. Lexington Dispatch. There was a Mind peddler In town Friday. He Tin 1 ted a number of homes with his pack and sold some merchan dise. A number of people bousht small I articles from him and many gave him money. He carried - his goods in aa old trunk strapped to his back. Hla dog, a small brown and black dog of tha oollle family, was about the brightest thing in the way of a dog that has ever hit this town. As the blind man came up Main street he was saying to the dog: "D-r-u-g S-t-o-r-e, Drug Store," repeating the same thing over and ever. The dog stopped directly In front of the Lexing ton Drug Company's store. Te man was not satisfied and ordered the dog to move on. The dog went on after muoh urging, his master repeating hla "formula" over and 6ver. Just in front of the court house the little dog stopped, whirled around so quickly that he almost wrap, ped his chain around the man, and bead ed back for the drug store, pulling hard. This tine he planted hlmaelf In front of the door and refused, to budge. He knew that ha had reached a drus) store.. "I-a, In," spelled his master and the Tittle dog scratched on the door. OThe blind man said that the dog had been trained at Raleigh to lead blind folka Mnrsnvllle's New Bank. Marshvllle Homa. Workls now In progress on ths new building for the Carolina Bank. Mr. P. P. W. Plyler, the eaahler, is here and has opened temporary quarters In the Harsh villa Furniture Company's store. Mr. W. C. Crowell, an experienced banker who Is employed by Mr. W. S. Blakeney, presi dent of the Carolina Bank, as auditor of the six banks of whlob Mr. Blakeney la president, la also here and will assist Mr. Plyler in getting things In good working order. Misses' School Shoes, the Good Kind "Triumph,- VM Kid, button,- tvica "Electrlo," ; Oun MataJ . Calf. button, ,?"1f i ' . ' ','.'1 ; Z ?'i . niga ecnmi, uruu niiai vsku. - oui- ton. Prloe......... .... , ... $3.o0' All sixes from tots to crowing alrls. The best shoes for ths best people on earth. . That .na '. fiilmrfoore Co. A. cXed's -rreahr Pullsr and Layer Figs, In boxes and by tha pound. v Fresh Nuts of all kinds. - j . . , ' ::Layai VRaisln. - -Soma extra flna Pineapples. '. Wo have ' fresh goods coming' In each day.. Wajteh our ada. , , , 4 Phonca SSzS-sess. - S"MJ K. Tryoa. NORRXS CANDIES . Have More Style and Mora , QUALITY Than Any Other Candy f , Rces2 fi'Mexander , Drogalsts. Corner Fourth and Tryon Sta. Is the' Easiest Schloss Baltimore Cloth es If you sver wors "Schloss" hand tailored Butt ar Overooat you know that the above description fits to a "T" but If yon have never had fortune to wear the good "Sohloes" olothes, and are a "Doubt ing Thomas," we want you to try them this Fall at our risk. Come In now pick out the model you prefer (every kind from the ex treme to the plain Ameri can styles, to seleot from) wear It as long as you think necessary and if we do not prove our claims tha little Schloss label in the pocket, which is backed by a third of a century of suc cessful olothes making, will bring you your purchase ' price without a quibble. BEL1 i "Get Is a Hawley'a,' We Cover All Your Needs ' In drug store goods of every kind we cover your needs. Supplies for home, bath, nursery and sick room are all found here in great profusion. Deliveries made promptly and prices are as low as is consistent with quality. Hawley's Pharmacy Tryoa and Fifth Streeta. 'Phones 11 and 14. Academy Advance Sale. nut aim Hotel : and Cafe, np-toniate dining t a aft eouaied in south. : Coavealenuv local South Tryoa street Strictly Buropeaa. USTSN--OLISO LABOB FTNB OLIVES to bs sold at sOo par quart This la also , the . day for our fresh :' frankfartars, goose liver wurst fresh salomi, thiek bologna, cooked eoraad . beef, boiled tongue, smoked tragus, a barrel af Oar naa graut and one of dill piokles. MIL. LER-VAN NESS CO. SEE THAT THE WORD BUN BEAM i Is on ths label of your next order for 1 canned goods. ? There is nothing liner - packed In the can gooda Una than are sold and used under the label ."Sua Beam," See that It appeara on your next order for peas, asparagus, peaches, corn, lima .beans, suoootash. okra, to , siatoas : and okra - and In fact every knowa vegetable and fruit, meat and all kinds of sea foods are packed un der it New lot of buckwheat both , prepared and mountain, new shipment of cranberries, celery sad lettuce. Call . early, 'phonea 0-t iNCv W. SaUTH. Special fMcos WRITING NECE88ITIES-WB HAVE A oomplets line of aQ kinds of stationery, the kind that yon are looking for. and variety of pens, pencils, inks, etc If you want tha best be sure to get It bar. JAS. P. STOWS A CO. - 'Phones and M : ... . ... V. ?. Yay ; to Describe , Fall and Winter , , ..; , . .' .' f!fc.-L.vU,-?- vajf- V- : .. "X J . .. i..,.'.-4.'ivr', ' . - - J i A ' I f I H-'Wri .; I ;-'ivl v- Mi?' 1 u I r ' ti l1 Hi' U 8CHLOSS BROS. Ca . If If I f fj VlivJ n-aou. : J ty I U BaMmore ami New Yarn v ,. V BROTHERS Handsome Library Tables We have a Una of especially handsome Mission Library Tables from M.I0 to- f sq.t. swv-A'; Our beautiful Colonial Mahogany tables from , till to -110.00 would adorn any library. Wa have also a flna variety of -pretty parlor tables In polished oak and mahogany from It.tO totll.00. Wa osrtalnly have a Una of tables for your Inspection. W. T. M'COy SSL COMTA.1V Southeastern Lime Works at CBIABXESTOW. fj. C Klagsporv Tana. ' SeDlag Tha Cement ' at Quality and Eoonomy. If yea want the beat, write ua tot price and agency ' CBUILESTON. , a'" .'iv'S -v -Did You Mi . - Watch our east window Monday, Tuesday nr 1 Wednesday r and you will see the much-talked- " Royal & Borden guaranteed Felt in process of ir.r -.ufacture. . ; ' v v ' Try . one sixty nights and if not entirely r fled, return and get your money. Oar : Hea ..r'j,. ' 'j'is ' I Cement Company 'S.SH bbls. DaCF Capacity Areata. See A Real Gccd