; COAIILOTTE BAILY 0r3"IXVEH, FIUDAY, ItOVTiiBEIi 10, 19IL ,'jrt cms 03 jrEcato scnoou , ot Itdrd Ward, At a Joint nieetlni of the botldlnf and grounds eommltteee t the ,0rt or school commissioners, which": M held in the clthaH yesterday. It was announced that a, colored school wUl be rQt4 -i -Tall-view," Instead of upon 'a Third ward site. M was orlgi inally intended." This action was taken as the result of. a suggestion by Mr. X.' J. Williams at a recent , meeting t the board of tchoql com missioners, a motion being made ty Mr, Jar Hlrihlnger that these com mittees be appointed to set upon this matter. , , ' The school In Fslrvlew will be ' placed upon a lot which is shortly to ' be purchased by the city trom Mr. Fred Oliver, and will cost between - tS.vOv and tt.000. A saving of soma 12,10 is expected upon this structure, which waa originally Intended to con I8.OD0. The 2,S00 which will he de rived from this source will go to Inake up the needed $10,000, which re quired for the erection of a school la Elisatbeth Heights. . T4e shifting of the stte of the col ored school to the northern portion I of the city was the Joint outcome of Objections which have been form- T . oti i a coming from ciusens or tne 1 nira V" " . ward eoneernlng the erection of such ed with the exception of a dress, ' a bufldlng within their midst, and j which sh had burned in order to - of the impossibility of securing a .allay suspicion. , suitable' site In that section of the I While calm and self-possessed dur rtty, The school to be placed In ng her period of queatlonlng In the FsJrvlew le expected to accommo- c of the chief of police, the girl i-V: AT C.,,I ,m ripeen- was moat penitent for her deed. She ' vlllei Dulstown. Biddlevllle. and other claims Greensboro as her home, hav , oolorod settlemsnt. in the northern ng come to this city with high rec mVhmi f Pharlotte The remain- ommendatlons from prominent faml ffof the rwhlrtuTth. "-!" th Oat. City. Mr. Wearn 'disposal of the board for colored edu- st,ated tn" h'r cn hfd be eatfoMl onrpoaes will be devoted to,ove reproach durlnr the time that Improvements upon the mein school improvement- u , n In the Second ward. The small col ered schools In the First ward and Upon North Graham street wUl be , torn down and the lumber used In the construction of the new building In Fairview. Yviin IOB Bl imiiu, it " a o ordered by the board that instructions be Issued to Mr. Frank R. McNInch to ' draw up the deed for the site in . Elisabeth Heights, which was prof fered by tne park and tree commls- sion at tne last meeunn oi me ooru. This site is situated at tne intersec tion of Travis avenue and East Firth street extension, and comprises an ' acre of the choicest land In Inde- penoencs pam. muuci whth ' tencea are at hand awsttmg the ereo- tlon Of the building, and it Is said that the property would command a a ua of ISO oer front loot, ir piacea Upon the market. , Much conaternatlon was occaslon- ed, both among the school board and the citlsena of Elisabeth Heights, when It was disco vorod that there wag but $7,600 available for the con struction of a school in this section of the city, and the subsequent Im- - possibility of securing it without the guarantee that the structure should V be erected at a cost or not' less than $10,000. The consent of many mem bers of the park and tree commla- Ston a to the deeding of the acre for ,.i , .'school purposes had Deen -,,r.,ir.. Amruv t.v th aaMta. ! " ' j .-.- tors nt tn movement, and t was ;v!" TJZJZ: within th. eourse of j tim hnwever it la 'nardly to be expected that any mem i Z .v.. ,di v,av r w. " .. - 'viated from his acquiescence before the deed can be delivered into the bands of the city attorney. RIGHT TO RETAIN PAYMENTS. Credit Store Exonerated on Embezzle ment Charge. V Roeorder Smith yesterday decided that doubtful point of credit trade did not constitute embesslement, ac cording to the North Carolina view point of such offenses. This decision eamsK aooui at me conciumoii ui win ease which had been brought against f P.! Garner, an employe of the Far ley at Aakin Co., who was found not guilty ef the charge which had been preferred by a colored patron of the clothing establishment. ' The negress h"d purchased a dress Upon- the credit system maintained by the- Farley & Askin Co., whereby ww wj " ........ "'" ""- number or years, Mr, Powell being a down each week until a Certain total ;naUva Briton. Mr. Walker's claims IS reached, when the desired garment to wrestling honors are slight, but IS neatly wrapped in a mortgage and,no has Rtod backlnK aiid many bet tendered to the fortunate one. Thenre b.lnB piaCed on him aa the wln patron had reached the coveted mark , ner for tne B0fl rea,on that he was Of $, and with visions of glad ratts irr , trprrelltown where thev not Ska Millmk aA p n 1 r a srn a 11 n -r riunf I galore called for the drs which!,,,,, rr r t waterm-lons and bad been laid aside for her at the outset Of her payments. The coveted article had meantime been hqH to some eashequipped customer, and the husband of the dWitruntled pa tron refused to allow her to continue payments longer; request demtindlmr a return of the payments which had been made. This the company refus ed to accede to, and was subsequent ly called bef re the court. ,The Judgment of the recorder leav es the Farley & A skin Co. In posses sion of the "lady's" $3: the loser, i however, still having the r ght to con- iArge Exhibition Planned From Jan tinue her weekly remittance nnd se- 1 ,mry 15.20 Auditorium lU-quowted ' 1, -uici,.i.rU under tne auspices or tne Charlotte Wearing apparel. Poultry AsHociatlon, there will be ' For the theft or $75 from Isidore 1 hid ( a fw ni0nths the largest RrAlnaon, Charles Jolin.-..n. colored, poultry exhibit which the city has was held for the hlxher court under 1 hitherto seen. Mr. Edgar B. Moore, "a bond which was sufficient to secure or,e of the committee upon arrange rs remaining at a guest of the conn- Iments which was appointed from the ty Bttl the next term of superior I organization, appeared before the rourt. The evidence shoved that j executive board of the city at its last .1 JAHn inn fia A WRfiAri1 Intn tliA i4n.nl. I .. .... . . l it 1 . . 1 Cll Of 'the Robmsrn woman, and hd MnllM th roll c f Tntilnrn trnm nn der her pillow, the same helm? done ! 1 B-20 of the coming year, without ceremony r.r explanation. The board took the matter under The prisoner wj.l be tried upon aadvlsement and stated to the petition second larceny charge this rmrnlne. 'er that an answer would be returned It being alleged that he Is personally i at an Pary dnte It )g practically responsible for the mysterious dls- assured that the newly-acquired sappearance of a pair of overshoes, . municipal property will be allowed the propertv of Dr. J. T Williams. I to the assoc atlon for the purpose of wrr ttmwi vn iAeq wun a . fine Or io ana tne costs upon charge ff cruelty to animals. 4;.)? .'..' . p winiiii ) ' -...i.. . ' "ACCTION SMjK MOXT).T. MecWenbnrr Farms Comrany's Kale to Be Conducted on tle IVonorty. '. Another rhange wes made yester day to. the plans of the Mecklenburg Farms Company, which resulted in the postponement of its auction sale of land tmtil Monday morning at tt r" clock-;: when it will be conducted nn the" belt road near the property vhlch Is to e placed on sale. Elab orate; preparations bad been made fr the eale to occur yesterday morn Ing on the 1 grounds, The Inclement weather made this an.'easlble and It was decided to nave the event at' the court t-house. ' It was evident. however, S that large number of v otiia-be purcnasers naa not seen , had the property nd ? tnese expressed denira to have .. that privilege before fcidSing.i .Fofi thatwreason the ec end .change was snad.e.y.-" Mecklenburg". Park is the ; winning title in-the mpetttlB for the Prtre to swarded tov the ona suggest iny 'the best name for the new sub tu b. Miss Polly ghannonhowse i te nt and ss this waa one of the eon 4iv mtJ.j The name , t. . hio.f nr Ktek.i i t t treichts - Mias . Maudel r t. bnt M ixs Smoot was not pres. J j gX3tVAJTT OONCTBSSEaT TITXTT. , :" .. .- ' ' i II , V';':. ...... . ' Negrvee Admit Thee She Ransacked . iiomo or ait. Anhur wears, y ' The mystery of the ransacking of tn noma of city .Treasurer Arthur VVearn during hU absence from the city, , was 'made clear, yesterday by the confession of Settle' Moreheaa. colored, that the burglary night bo laid at her door. The negress is but n years or age and was a trusted servant at the homo of the city of ficial, being placed 10 charge of in Keys to the house during tne absence) of Mr. and Mrs. Wearn, who were in New York at the time that their residence was ransacked. Mr. Wearn atated yesterday that he would not posecute the girl. The confession came about through questions which were asked the ser vant by Mrs. Wearn. who had ar rived at the conclusion that the ransacking of the house was her work. This suspicion was strength ened by the mysterious reappearance each day of articles wnlch had been stolen at the time of the theft. The girl had evidently become frightened at her crime and was endeavoring to have the matter hushed by means of restoring the missing property to Its rightful owners. The negress repeated her statement to Chief Chrlstenbury concerning her breach of trust, and stated that aha I na rna.nea nous or me stolen prop- ArtV uaMtnlntr hsvins K Mlim "f "u , """ eimoy, .a extremely surprised at the turn which the affair had taken. It was upon his return from New York several weeks past, that the city treasurer found his home in great disorder from the visit of an un invited guest. Clothea were plied in hopeless confusion upon the floors of the various rooms, and there were evidences upon the dining-room table that the visitor had eaten a leisurely and hearty meal. Whlla many draw ers had been opened during the search, the thief had refrained from any attempts to open a receptacle which was found locked. A largo amount of Jewelry was in this man ner saved from th clutches of th Intruder. An open window tended to show that the thief had used this form of entrance, and it was upon this supposition that the local police department worked for some time. Suspicion was finally directed against the trusted servant, however, and she has been under surveillance for some time. THE 8HRINER8' CARNIVAU Many Awards W1U Be Made In Pop-I ulartty t)onest This Month. The Shrinere' carnival, which la to I be held in the auditorium during the i week beginning; November 27. prom- , lses to be one of the most elaborate an 1 unique functions which tnese en- thuelaatlc anj erergetlo fellows In ' i ,t . -A TV.- mi i The interior of ti- "" r' "'i1 iaud. orlum wilt bear much strnlln.,- v I to Ttbe rnidwr.- at the fairs, w n -ho addition of many more diversified ; amusements than ever abounded at . these events. A number of handsome awards will K . i .... . ..w.i, dohwi among the Shrtners, one of these be ing an initiation fee to the Scottish Rites which amounts to $126.50. An- other will be membership fees Into the Shrine, this amounting- to $20, and another will be a handsome Knight Templar uniform costing Tb. The clothing firm of W. W. Gha.n & Co. has offered a choice of a $40 suit of clothes and Mr. Charles Pal ton will donate a ton of guano. These represent some of the larger prizes that wl, be glven out durlnK the 00. caslon. The program of events is interest ing and full of highly entertaining fun-making feats. Quite a lot of speculation la being Indulged over the staging of the wrestling match be tween Ram Powell and Jim Walker, it having developed that the former held ths undisputed title for welter weight champion of England for a - .... 'unteloupea, but great men as well. in addition to the strongth which comes to him through this claim, twenty years of residence In Char lotte has given him the range of many friendships and he has an abundance of money at his command to slake any amount on the outcome of this big battle. Other sporting events will be staged each night ! ur IriK the week. POt'lTRY SHOW IN I'ROSPEtT. ineeunn ana requesiea iw use or ins audltorlum for the event, which Is i . i . . . i - 9 - hu dins: Its monster xhlbitlon. which Is expected to attract entries from throughout the entire-State. In addition to the number of poul try fanciers who are behind the pro posed show, a number of the city's largest consumers of chickens and eggs are Interested In the coming event. II waa stated by Mr. Moore In his short talk before the board, that only a very small percentage of v nariotte a cnicaens and egga were obtainable upon the local market It is the purpose of the coming exhibi tion to stimulate interest In this community upon the subject of rale- I fllft- lhSfk nroriurta wrtllnlt jkimMan,! I - . " --. .V1IHH..1I, a ready sale at all times of ths year. Many thousands of dollars annually nno ineir way rrom tne uueen City to poultry markets of the other uc Ulons ct the Stats an country, which .'could be. easily retained In Mecklen- burg county wun tne evincing of a local desire to raise poultry for the Queen City market. In the absence of Rev. W. O. Goods, pastor of Brevard Street Methodist church, at conference, in Statesvllle, his pulpit will be occupied Sunday by Bsv. John F. Kirk ef Mount Airy. TO BE9KUUE APPETTTK Take IforHford'a. Arid PhosDhat f' Its tise is espeoially recommended for restoration of appstlta, i trengtk Greater Charlotte Club to Entertain in r . -,. , Honor of Drummers, v, ' . Tomorrow night at ; 1 0 o'clock It the time and. the aerw?a note! Jg the plaoe for that traveling men's smoker. It is 'In recognition -of the faot'that ths traveling tuZh are one of thn ttyi most valuable boosting assets. To a man they talk Charlotte mornh; noon and night, wherever they go. and It helps, v A rood time and a large attendance Is . expected. . -V.;. .-.. : The following notice is oeing eenv out to the members of the ureater Charlotte Club: . Everyone wno is postea Knows jnmv a traveling man is a gooa maiaa. - That is whv we are Inviting njs tribe to Join our tribe In a good old pipe around our own camp fire. we propose to smoke tne pipe oi friendship and co-operation, so tnaa we may know one another better and get together and pull together in this great work of developing a City. lt every member of the Greator Charlotte Club show himself to be just as good an Indian as the next one and all come out ana iwien m i .age counsel of such chiefs as Hemp hill. Buck, Peasley, Watt and Dorr. Let us endeavor In this way to make better boosters out of onlr loyal knlRhts of the grip and how them we appreciate then. Your faithful Indian, C. O. KUBSTEIt. The following Invitation has been sent to the traveling men: , On Saturday night 'Tis our dellBht And pleasure don't yon see! To call together The Traveling Men. And show them a little glee. We propose to make this an an nual event and we especially want his the first one. to be a hummer In point of attendance. We must get together. Plenty of booster cigars will pro vide an ample smudge to keep off all files and mosquitoes. The Greater Charlotte Club wants you and cordially Invites you and you should want to be there. Yours truly, THE WHOLE GREATER CHAR LOTTE CLUB. CHARGED W II It FORGERY. John Smith Arrested For This Of- fence in Greenville, 8. -C. Notice was received by Chief of Police T. M, Chrtetenbury yesterday concerning the capture of John Smith in Greenville, S. C. He is a white man who Is wanted In this city on tne cnarge or rorsrery. omim u- Verted a wife of four weeks in this city at an early date In September, He immediately proceeded to Beltpn, 8. C. and there It Is alleged "by means of forging his deserted better half-it signature to several slips of paper, drew to the extent of $325 upon the account which ahe matn- tained In the FTst National bank or this city. In addition to the Belton forgeries, Smith la said to have con .tlnued his operations upon his wife's account wnne m oeorgia. The prisoner denied The prisoner denied his identity to the Greenville officers wno maae the arrest, and refuaed to return to the Old North State without the taking out of extradition papers. A photograph of the man was tnen forwarded to this city, and was posi tively Identified by Mrs. Smith as the faithless husband and forger. It has not yet been decided under the laws of which Btate Bmitn win ne prosecuted, although It Is probable ithat South Carolina, the scene of the alleged crime, will aiso sutsre nia u-iai on the serious charge which faces him. His Injured wife has announc ed her Intention of pushing the prose cution to the utmost limit of the law; all marital feelings having been lot MANY WOMEN RUN DOWN Mrs. Ewtou Tells Her Story, And Hopes Other Sufferers Will Do As Well. Pme Bluff, Ark. "For nearly nine veara." says Mrs. M. E. Ewton. of this city, "I had been almost down with womanly troubles, and at times I could scarcely be about at all or do anything. "F took different kinds of medi cines without any benefit. "I had a pain In my aide that it seemed Impossible to relieve. "I used six bottles of Cerjhfc, and now I feel llko a different person. I am getting along fine. I can do any kind of work! "Cardul was the only thing that helped me. It la the best remedy I know for run down women. I hope other sufferers will take Cardul and be benefited as I have." Do you suffer from some of the disagreeable symptoms of womanly trouble? Let Cardul help you back to health and strength, as It did Mrs. Ewton. Cardul has a record of over 50 years successful use to recommend It. Composed of strictly vegetable In gredients, imported especially from Kurope for use In this remedy, Car dul does good that stays good, with out any 111 effects. As a remedy for women's Ills, those who havs tried Cardul say It has no equal. Have you tried ltf It may be lust what you need. Ask your druggist N. B. Write to: ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medietas Co., Chattanooga, Tann., for Special Instructions, and ft page book, "Home Treatsient for Wo sisn." sent In plain wrapper, on request "Bloody's Got It." Phone 184 or 186. For articles of satis faction. Moody's Drug Store . Opposite rostoffloa, - 'i ." .'i-'-'!V.1r''K r, ; f i -v Si ? t snsr s -e" nm'vAn .'. w tn m mrrnn . if re jntrtt ' J rtV , tfeirrf- - Foremaii through the desertion and subseqaent attack npon her bank account. Smith Is a resident of the Chad- wick-Hosklns village, and is Well known to a number of citlsena or this city. The outcome of the trial will be watched with interest Machinery For Street Work Arrives. As an Indication that w.ork Is really to commence upon the permanent Im provement districts of the otty la the presence of a ear In local freight yards containing" the machinery of the West Construction Company, the concern -which secursd the contract for the laying ct Charlotte streets. The force and machinery which will be engaged upon street work In this city oomes drect from Greenville, S. C, where the company has recently completed a most successful contract for the city fathers of that place. SPECIAL SALE ON D We did not anticipate 8 1-2-cent cotton when we placed our order for Self-Player Pianos. The stock on hand must be sold before December 31st, and in order to dispose of them will make special terms. See this stock while it is complete or write for particulars, CHAS. M. STIfff Stleff Self-Flayer and the Bhaw Self-Player Pianos. Southern Wareroom, 5 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. 0. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr, (Mention this paper) Manufacture of the Artlsdo Go after one of the Webster's dictionaries. avoir u Hjii 1 Pianos The Tate-Brown Comp'y. SHOE SHOE WISDOM comes from experi ence. Outside appearances -may be all right, but they donrt guarantee inside comfort Look at and examine the in side more particularly when you buy. The finest and softest lo may pinch" and injure-the ;. foot; v WalK into our Shoe Department forfalfit and youll walk but pleased with t he comfort it gives. MS- French, Sfcracg The TateiBwvm Save ii hy Buying SKoe WBOtJSSAJJB DI8TUBl7TUKaa 39 Cent Candy Can Chocolates at I to par lb. be good really flrst-laeeT Well, come and set a pound tomorrow, take them home, and If you do not And them equal to any 60o or to choco lates you have ever tasted, yon oaa get your money back. Tomorrow is SPECIAL CANDY DAY. Doosens of different kinds of nice candles from 25c to 80c the pound as much or as little as you want. W00DAIU SHEPPARD DRUGGISTS Telephones and 160. STYLISH LIVERY Our Landana, Surreys, Traps and Buggies, etc, are always in first -class condition, and the big; assortment or Horses we have are carefully se lected. Our Liverv Is the largest and best equipped In the State, and we have every kind of vehicle that is neces sary for a city livery. Send Your livery Orders to us Reid Livery Company 'Phone Nos. 2J.TO and,22Tl. 209-11 West Fourth Street Several thousand people have al ready secured the Webster's Stand ard Dictionaries now emg aistnmn sd by The Observer. Another thou' sand Is ready. Clip coupons. f "Tim famous ' 'swtSPjibn 1 Corns ta and get eneittwia ett . A Birtn Drair Btora, y I DEPARTMENT Clotms rj J i Se!e Of i Rogers' Quadruple Silver 26 Pieces. Namely j Six knives, six forks, six table spoons, six tea spoons, sugar shell and butter knife.1) Packed in handsome oak case. Worth $15.00, sale price $6.98. This is our seventh sale of -silver. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Robinson's Book Store West Trad St CHARTOTTK. W . O. We just received a large shipment of that popular pound paper KARA LINEN in two sizes at 25 Cents per pound. Envelope to match 10c per package. e I POUND & MOORE CO. I 0 'Phones ST and 40. H 1 205 07 S. Tryon St. I LOVE FOR (ftD-, Mm Jm; m ARE SHOWING an Extra Line of &0yESWtMwani;Y6ung Men I inst ths color or azauty that you desire. ?PriceWanJ 'Ca0iWSie: Them ujiVMMj$wjiZ22. in. 10 oze inem ED. MEEIIGN Tou Caa Always IIATB JO? SEE fuOHITOS HADIAT0.1' i'-rA Vf. t,Vv-'-Vt "' ..w. . 'vThr gtov;lth flva radlatlnc lluer i: : ?t the greatest ; lm -. provetnent In gtovea glnoe the ' .' ; isvenUon ot the' base . bursar. ;. : Vaonamleal la fuel. gqperlatlTa' In beaUng. ' tat us' shew, jrou , .thia weaderfnl gtova..'.,:.-v s J.ttHcCciui!andSCi f. sV,,Wyo ',t. BI6 ASSORHlEMr HORSES and filULEaS STABLES When You Purchase a Diamond yon will find It to your Interest t get ear prloes, .We oaa how you ta asortment ot all slse stonss and mount them In .our own shop, any style de alrad. la either rinn breoohea. Wa personally ex amine ovary Diamond wa buy and guarantea them ss repre sented, GARIBALDI MS & DIXON BLAXSTS DltVQ SHOP Ob the Sqnaro. Prescriptions Filled Day and Nlsht. Dolly Madison Home-Made Candy At last we have it. We have been ap pointed local agents for Washington's most famous candy. The finest ever, and the price is only 50c a pound. John S.Blake Dm? Co Phones 41 and S00. Registered Nurses' Directory. Several thousand people have al- ready secured the Webster's Bum, ard Dietipnarles now being distribut ed by Tbe Observer. Another thou sand is ready. Clip coupons. V -GOMPANY Get It at MeUon's," ic was diaiUaHPn. , f viiamy. . ry w