!h, . u - r , Ml North Carolina Society News ! 4 " ' ll' X HIGH POINT a. : it mttttmttttJ CNC-C-eeee High Point, Oct 24 --S. v er:il small and informal part "... of th- week were riven, in honor- of Mr.- A 'i 1r-y Ramseur Hoover of ' "ni ""l teen the joint guc-t Mi Shooter CaMwf.l, arid Mt Freeze. Will) has A I. r. l J ;. a r 1 Th W. O. T. i'!ut. was nlertninod Tuesdav afternoon by Al.- Helen Bracket! Aft. r Co .change of books, wok w.i? pl.'Vi ' litre tables. Th.- n.v.i.l aid 1 r:..s om port, (riven as pr: . waj. ws''nt.-d Miss I Irvir I'm' lor Mr- Aubrey Hoover of Concord, and Mn Alex ander Albert Mer.'b-r: ' land, r;!;o ... . ' ..I.- .." the club, were .) . present. Ma ten l- rio :n '- r t. wn p n -s : - One of the l.irgeit re . ol.oo- of the week -asW'oli:'fl.. .."err n. w: Mrs J. T I'.urnih ai d Mr- Id l-reee ave a Urge At i f . in ' ' the resl dence of Mrs I'r " L street. Rl'-h colored !!..!. that ried In 'he A' t t:t?. I eol-r- an'l .haded lights lonihiri'd to make a pretty decoration fur Ho- .- ' r 1 roomii Minn Mary Ale iii.b-r r-ccived at the head of the -!.-;i- lead ".; to the veranda. The roiio-h h"l aiiaoir ed on the south por. h w . pr. .Lei over by Mesdames a r M -fin : an I Alfred Caldwell M- -dam.-- .1 I: riemmrnl and liar, ov 1'a'. I r I ! In the receptu n h.ll .1 I ! Ad 'iiC and Uwfi'ii Ij- nnm..ti-. .-ViaiiM, directed the nay t.. th.- d-meg loom. where Mrs. Archibald Sherr.-d i Ii'- ed The nouth hall was ,r' -i'b-d over by Mm Claude It. ,tz I and Mr.-' Civ Duncan There ;u a Urge .-mam : caller. Over-The-Tea-Cup - Club wan enie-. taine-d Thursday nfii rnin.ii by Mi- 1 Prockett Auit.im v.. jlavd Mrir I). M. I'olock won the ml', ei -capped hair pin, u' '" " ; 1 1 priz-. and the vlBdoru' pilze, a .-il..r hat pin. van presented t.. Miy Ab xand.i Albert Mendex Mcdann 'Jiore Matton. Itohert Itioekntt. I. I. ..m monn, Atlanta; Jlonkln- 1 . v uti u. and Misses rrnw charp : ..mi II. l.-n Brockett wne the injioi;- pi-a-iit. A marringe. which was a gie.it nr prise to the friends of the con' 1 act 'tig parties, occurred in Winston Siturd iv. when MIsb Angellpe Powell b. ami. the bride of Mr I 1 r r-l I Pills Mr Pitts left Saturday pi " u ma b! v for M lanta to attend the Southern Mental College and Mi-- Pow.i; left f.r Ballsbury to vi.-it fi.ends p.,- ;i pr. r.rranged plan the n,. 1 in Hall-bur', and went over n. U in-'on wb le. Ihe were married p-ai mi- num. d' itelv for , Atlanta, when- the moom w ii ion tlnue his s'udies The voumt brld" Is known by many a- tin inry pret tiest girl In town While -lill In h-r . young leeiiB she grnduateii 1 year ago , at the city h'gh school nod bad plans to enter cidlece this I'all V" . H th.. daughfer of Mrs M .S Powell, who 'nme to High I'oln- several van ago from t'nion Hall. 'irgnl 1 Mr Ptis 1 the oldest son of Mi M C Pitts, a splendid old Cu.Hord C. untv fam ily. 1 Miss Margaret I-ona Palvor of Ssvannah, c,., , .p, ,,i th.- wek-end with her aunt Xlls 1 r. n J'l .p.r. , returning Monday 1.. Sibn, 1 'o,.g.., , where ;ibe a nimbi-) Mrs. C A. li.irb.... and Mrs Mr.. raoock won the h . t- b . .,te pi ize- i the meeting of the la.ir,. N'.,.,. 1 i held Thursday nfl.-i n-.--o -.i ih Mr aharlen 1'iai 11 fit) hand-pMin'e, ad p'at"B 1 nrri" cards and the r reception renin I. The :"l - .Tit b-..- d.-l n tl, tb UI !! 0 ri al ih.- Mr. Thomas I : . r, " w 1 to the Pi is. Ilia 1 ' a i, ! , , noon at her pi.i'i uo. . 1 Ilroad strpp' '1 h. ? -ip , ., , , distributed Ly the b. ): ! 'lb tet of Hip home Man- !:i.',. ry. and hei j.reiiv . . mg . Pitts. Hook n ,0. p , vpd ; b were handsop,,. .i,(. . or 1 ,i Mrs, C A H:,i .., a. r ,,f , tess. served th. 1 , . , . 1 d 1 uvb 1. 1 I ,-r 'i All e p'z'-' a br o '1- I,-.. The same af-. n. ... Walker and .1 .-. nave an n n ihmih . 0 . henor of then i ett Ft-rn- r.nd i .1 ., lias were in m- , . 1 parlor where m.- 1 ... assisted by tin- p. , . . , cards we'e h.'.-.i 1 11 , The fav irs li'i't.' 11 hottejuets of .is.,: p, Bride rose tinder v, .; heart hearing ib. Picked. Jj-eembo, ' I Ib. w ho e..y, Ida Uaeltas a Tonic-Banish DandruffStop Falling Hair and Scalp Itch. Parisian Sage i u aellghn j and invigorating hair ta. t , ,ti, , v pesMtfatM into th,- i.. ,,ip K. . ,, roots of the hair. r. rm,-. , o.iialr.iff ad supplies the hull with b,.-t kind Of nourlshniimt it ti, . .j make It grow abundantly Parisian Sage lur- hJ an :,,.., sals', and here are the reamim 1, It. If Dot injurious to the hair or scalp. It removes dandruff w-ii one npp, .' cation. h It StOPS falling hair and It ( the ocalp. It cleanses, cools and invigorates the scalp. It makes hair that is thin, dull , matted or stringy. ,ft, abundant and radiant With life. It not only saves ; tb4 hair but gives it that incomparu V, W floss and beauty you denire. ' ' Parisian Sage in delicately perfumed ' not Micky or greasy and comes in fifty osnt bottle at druggists or toilet cowntsra Get a bottls from R. H. Jordan ,- Ca, nowat once. Rub a little into tb scalp you will b surprissd with ' tho rssult Delighted usvrs pronounce Parisian Bags tho best, most plsasant and Invigorating hair tonic mads, x-. 3JO suro yo fet Parisian Sage. vnim haip urn IUUI1 linill MLLUl) 1 UAUIvlAM vApT IrilllOIHIl OnuL; li.nchcon w,is scrvi-d. The hostesses' i r.si-iii ... ihv honoree w in a wn:t ;.tin brides hook, upon which was a'J shower bouoiict if Hrlde riiW". The a t. ri.le-pl. i t th (ho eldem daughter of Mr. uml Mrs Frances Pickett She is graduate of Ihe city schools anJ Woman cilei-e. Richmond. For h.vci.iI ;. eais .-he w.ih mi efficient n-iiclitT in it v h hoots and is organist it tli.' I'lrn! Hnpri.st Church Mi i termini in-tni Hears, the groom ie t. ih a native VirK man. and has a : rom:iu nt pot:"n with the Tom-lii.f-on ('hair Cotnpany. Covers were laid at the luncheon for 16. "ne of the week's mont deliht'iil iillairx was l'r'da evetiintr. when Mr and Mik All in I'ark. r na w n Hiimll 'it hi.lii' r'.ok 'alii Mr and Mrs At'.'iar I.Jon received at the door and Mi ..nil Mik I'.nker v i'i itneil th" v i -i in the library where pink and u'.i'e ro.-.K -:i v.. .i nr.rtv floral touch ih.r.. r,...L- a . ,.1 .,,.! Th. Koe.-ls wiip the ( T ''luh mem-' b. i- i' ith 'heit Iiu-ban.b' and friend". I id th" memb. -rx of the ruir'v at' Mr and Mrn fdrker'n weddinir. which v . o.iiai ii.7i'i durlni; the I'all sea '"ii veils ,'ci. A hot supper wa. j -i i i d i t GASTONIA X ! i i I. I I - -Mr T Wl- '' i ne I a number of her Thu: -d.tv afternoon at her n I'luiklui avenue. fompl!- o Mrs I! F . .- i' in? h.-r sin! all of She'hv r. .'.In V.'al'.r Abo 1 : a in ii r Allot proKre.it r f t cm mont.4 w-ue n-ned. i v e game Mis Cnrii Armstrong ent-rt lined a number of lu r friends Tuesday af teinoon u her borne i-n York street, in honor of he,- house guest Miss Made'y Cutchm of IMchrnond 'a l'r..greslve games and refr. shments were sen ed . the hostess. M.sh Nell Mil, can was mstes to the mt'lrlbelN "f be Allilion liridge 'lub Friday aft rnoon f'"in .'I to at her home on South I'.road s( reet. fn-r the iMino a Falnl courso wa-' .Tl I'd 1 j Mrs S' .1 Miirham entert a ined thej IT' ' ' 1 'lub a ml a few of her I rletids ' VVedn. vday afiernoon from .i '.K) to fil at her boim- on 1'hird aienue The afternoon wa- ..pent In the study of Literary Knglaud and (he following program wa- rendered "Fngland's Cn.it I'niver. i o.K oxford and Cam bridge." by M.ss Mary Kagan; "The P.ird of vot" by Ml-s Kirdle Muff. The KM, ihcthan Age ' ,v Mrs J W TiiiiIh r'ake reading, "The Merchant of Venn-. ' n the . lub The r. 1-call v.ls an-iv.-reii itii ipiot a t i. .ns Mrs l: K guests I dxon 11 .IS ii lr I, the jr it ei Mr1' .1 Hollsnd Morrow enter, tallied the I'rieiidly Matrons Thurs day arteriiooii Iran ;: .. r, at her b'.me on Ma in av. inn Progre-aivn trail Was enjoyed. ItefreslltneritS 111 riinrm'H Were sen id by (he hostess. A number of Indies from the First -soci iteil la f.-rni I'renbyterlan 1 church of ' lastonl 1 left for l!o. k Hill : Tuemliv .. ittend the bfth annual' 1 .11 vent Ion ,,f the Woman's Mission- i "i.v I nion of th. l-'lrst l'resbj rv. Miss ll.illi. T.uren'e returned ( Tuesdin I i I !u iriiugh.'itn, Ala i where flu- in nt some time ago on a ilsit to her tiien.l and Muss-mate, Miss Man PaiMlf Al tin- weddlm: f Miss Patllii and Mr c,,x ., ',., n.sday evi-ning which was a brilhanl '"..'lal 1 ye nt Ml-s Toir.-tni was one o tb brab-.-inaids. Miss l-laia P itrp k .and Mra P M : Sunmi.-y of Mull. is b it Thurxd'i) af 'iii. ...11 on a isit in Miss Sarah Hoff man of .New York Ci'y and Miss Pat io k cousin. Mis l(. M I 'a 1 1 u k, oi W.lHllillgloll C -. J LENOIR M-li'. 1, '1. Ill I o ,,. I .111" I II U-lo 'ei 1' I . Mr A Mr A. Hmscll .emui ami M i-s Tcy.. 11. 1 i . 1 1 k 1 1 1 ' r ol Mr. and M 1 Ma i ,,l I lloiion, of Vl'a.s Wa ll, re ilia 11 n il Wed ne . 1 1 '0,1- i'i.-i). Hapt,st 1 b 11 1 eh 11 lla most at lati I tor the occasion I '.I' l . ..11,1 ', 1 III o I II 1 lu ll I I 1 !i. Th, a. I : , el v ,p. ".I tlo bii.lal party a p proa'-hed (be 'mi '" Ho Minmw of Mi nUelMMolin's ."ii;ng lir.-h Tim vows that uni ted tlo h.ippl Voling collide Were Hpo ' en by l'..-i . .1 . II. IT.irthlng. The i b s , d ingbli-r of ) I-' Horton ! ' Hie ii. oi-! . lii-lantUI farmeis i W a 'a a-.i i d i. ii. .mil 1- a young ' ol; of m i- b i allure and lellueinent ' U ' " ' rladuilte of MlUtlUI WilSil ; ,io "mi ' o,,.,;.- Mr slol. a., iinil has I r"' ' nilv b. en engaged In teaching In 'I l.at,.. . oulity The grooill Is Hlo pop'. Jul- ..ill. i I on It'll il Koiite N,i Z ' ' ' o. I j. , -i i ;, -1 Is a v -. ' 1 1 1 1' h iim n efts o ..n "I ii... i' Ii sb i in. ... . -Mid nromlse I i'". -i i . at loom in I rmir after ' ' i. toln-l Tio Wis. and ' ulu-rw Irte I'.ubhad lor Us hostess a i ihe la.t meeting. 1 I- bun. at In r palallal b..iio- on Noitli ,Mk ,.iii.-,. Tho sub ) t on this occasion wai music, and Ihe f. llow i, it fiioliitlon wan an Intro duction io the program: "There's music in all things. If men had 'm This arlh l but an echo of the upheres " Then followed many 'pb rid,. I u lot. ii loris on music and sn eral intr re, una iti-mn shout huiioin muMli inns wa n- p yen. A rending on " hop i. was gien by Mrs. C. T Hbiiren. ami a duet from this it inoijs c,, n. pi, i i-r was rendered by Mm. A U. Knurl arid Miss I.ina Ivey Aft er the con, pb t Ion of the program, tne giiiutis wen inll.d Into the din ng rioiri, w hen i ream, cake and minis Were served. "The Hnow Worm," a drama, and "'Ihe link ii, the Hiorm," a comedy, were presented a) the opera house Friday even ng t., u large audleno by Miss Hadle Uownum and Prof. T. W. Iiirmlnghum of Uavenporl Collegs. These two plays were presented for ths bnoflt of the first Baptist Church, and quite a mum wu realized. The concert glvtn by the orphans at the neiormed Chur:h Monday eve ning, under the direction of Mm. J. W. Bell, wan mom entertaining and enjoyable. Miss Pearl Mlnlsh U spending a fortnight wuh relative! in Walnut Cava, i r ASHEVILLE ; oeaaea. Ashevillo. Oct. 24 -During the past week many rartite from AshevlIIe have made th '.rip to Iv&meralda, where the VitaRrnph moving picture actors and ac I tivsses ar tti.l busy making the most ivonrli'iful ,ii.'ti:res ever made In thin vi cinity. T'n- luninariy, which consists of 1; members, will remain two weeks long er anil will then return to New York. Mr. and Mrs W. M Clarke of I'li-nch Broad avenue aiiiiaimce the euKanement of their daughter. loute, to Mi Kventt W'yelie W ilson of Panama. Mls Clarke Ih a young uhl of a larue circle of frl.-mU I WtlO Will . greatly interteil In tho ap- pn.achluti iveilihim' Although Mr. W'll son ha spent the greater .art of reient yearn in s'w Vo. k. he Ih a North Caro linian, of AHhevllle He is now ifetieral Hliperllll' lid. -Ill of the It W. Iehiiud Cimipani of .i w York and I'anaiiia MNs M Corbet t the principal, and the (acuity of the Adiei'.lie School for Clrls entertained recently iilth a reception for .... ,.,,..,., , ...,. in.- i.iuii th" school and the parents of the i.uudn. If f rer.li!:.! i. ts n of th. H'-b'H.l f.. tertaliiinent pro. e m i . o,l bv the M'lllors th.- hit i..n Th.- cu ll a v, . a t suci-es.s. Miss Haiti I.. hi of ( )f..rd. who is the !' the I'hllatheas. has late ire(-.'!i ht i been a it nest of Miss h'-ana Hodges a', In r homo on .M.nitfoid annue. Miss I HiMlges and Mi. ss I. yon rcci-iv.! the Phl- lathcax ui MihH Ifodxis.' home, ai Miss I.;, on wished to b.s . i n . ln-tter in ipi, tint ed with the .. o.e In th.s part of the State. The girls of th. Institute eeli brati at K"i.ll'.v.ii th i.'i'i was esp. i la II y ell j 2M leitiliers and fp .Ileal Tla ,:,. Normal and 4'olleglatn d I heir iinnu.il holiday idly Mountain liuy'' ii .-d this sea.son by the p'M.lls .ren. in at (ti ll a.- -I'l-nt In out-of- n'iu " , .-. i '' , . ' 'i Master Jrmoph l"aili Cirlst (on loft), tho one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. It. i. ;rlsl of .re inl,.. s C , and Master John Archie Cashion (on rlKht), the 27-moiitlis-nld son o f Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cashion of North Wl.kfhboro. looiH jdcasuii-M II,.' li'llSt Who! ail ri-ereat ioiih and not' - .-ill V. lis the a n i val ' of tin- ivKKon. loaih-l with liidlv dual lUllihes prepared sern-llv bv the flic-1 1 ) y. All returned 10 Hi. N'-amal aboul 3 o , look lii the after. Mrs ..luilon (' ntls khih,; a kciIps of bridge parti, s at h.-r bom.- on Chest nut meet The tn i m;i- kIv.-ii In honor or h.-i Hister, Mrs IValion l.uthor of ' Irr.'i die, SC. who o. ti . 1- bouse fcuest. Mrs Ci-i-lerii-k n'unt was hostess for Hie ThuiBil.iy Motion lirolge Club this, we.-k Mrs Tliiiinhall of C). v. land and' Mr (lily I'arbton wen- kui18 of the club. j Mis Kd-.vyn Spears ivas I'rliliiy Hrldge Club la.'-t home on I ( a v iv oi I i-1 is .1 Lots of th" club mre pr. host...... t the wei-K at her All the mem- Mi and Mis ."rank lb-will have left f.U Vil'l i 1 ! 1.1 . Hh'e HieV (,) nHcml HlC weil-llng of Ma-.. Kit I .a iu; honi... who Is a. near relatln- of Mr Hewitt. Mlm) I ,a in: hoi ne. who I. vv .-11 knoun in Ashe- lill". Vih.'l.' She ,an fPilentlV V I S t ed , v. lit b mill real VVedtn ,-nbi y, IK-b.biT 2-. to In- Cbaibs 1 1 allien of H.ii cion. vi Mi" John H Aiiilerson was hostess to tie 1 1 1. tin y Club at lua home on Pear son ih ii- and W.ilauit.i at i ..a Many of lb. no tub. is litli'liib-,1 th. meeting, ll hs'h w as l l'i V lllteci-ldlllg on-'. lii- I'oiiualli I'ox., who I n- been trav . ''up .ilitoad wilh hei i in .) In c. Is expeet- '"' '' II I'l li e soon 111 Anliel'llle where she will lie the eii..Mt of hpr aunt. Mm Itleh- mond Pearson of Klchmnnd Hill It Is expei-ted Hint manv Hiwlal cntertaln iiipiiIb will be cIvpii In honor of Mrr. Com' upon her arrival Mrs 'boiiro faek was the hn-toHS of a tea nt her home on Merrlmnn avenue, given In honor of her grand daughter, Mlsn C.lodys McNalry of Cleveland. Ohio. Miss Hortense .Ione has gone to At lanta, where (die will be the h rifles msbl at the wedding of Mbs Aimdla Klurgeson and Doctor Klk'n Later Mts Jones will j go to Charlottesvlll. Ya., where she will atleiid Hie Fall fluncpB and the football game between Vnnderhllt and the tTnl verslty of Virginia. a t HICKORY t a0.4 f Hickory, net 24 -The P.ound Dozen Hook c uh held the llrst nnet Ing for the Pall Inst Wednesday with the president, Mrs C H Oeltner, when Mrs Hegnas of Chicago, was a wulcorae visitor. After bright extracts from the bonks and orltldirfrMi. ths hostess told of her book and the au thor. "The Rood of Living Men." bj Wilt Lsvlngton Comfort. Bhe also ravs a delightful chapter from "JuAt Hoy " A profusion of Immense dahlia decorated hull, parlor and dlnln room. At the daintily appointed tab's ths place-cards bore dahlias tied wlt,h whit ribbons. An elaborate luncheon In courses waa ssnsd. TUa aaxt I meet'ing is October 29. with Mrs. J. F. I A lion The- Do A lxu Please Club met October 16, with Mrs Emma Bonner, when fancy work was tho order of the evening. Dainty refreshments were served. Thursday, October 16. Miss Oeltner was hostess or the Travelers' Club. The topics, "Petrarch," and the "Ren aissance," were given by Mrs. J L.. Murphy and Miss Oeltner The read ings and selctlons from "Petrarch," "K Librls. and "Petrarch's Orave," were given by Mrs. J 11. Shuford. Mrs Roy Ahernethy (rave a beauti fiii reception last Thursday afternoon, in honor of Mists Mattle Alxrnethy The quests were met at the door by Mrs. Joe Ahernethy and presented to the receiving line Punch was served by Miss I,enore Sourbeer. while Misses' Mary Ahernethy. Helols De Orange nnd Gertrude Finger presided in the dining room, where the color scheme was yellow Friday afternoon, Miss Pinkie For ney entertained. In compliment to Miss Mattie Ahernethy Hearts dice was played. M'ss Ruth Abernethy winning the prize. Miss Mattie Aher nethy was presented with a box of stationery A ..... dainty salad course i Saturday morning. October IS. Miss I Kuth Ahernethy gave a delightful j party for Miss Mattie Abernethy Hearts was played, a prize being given : nt each t.ib'e. The guest of honor was given a handsome cut glass dish. A salad column was eerved. Miss Margaret McComb entertained. ' in v,,,,,- ,.r vri. t ...... ii v,. ". ... mo uiauu- iitlu y. wi h a hosiery shower Baturday after- r oon Fach guest wrote n wish for the fair bride-to-be and she respond-, lowe en. and "showered the piiest of 1 honor lies.sie. The hostess, assisted by Miss McComb. served a salad n.urse Frank Henderson entertained with rook Monday af'.ernoon at her 1 cautlfu' new home. "Duncan." com plimentary to Tuesday's bride, Mlsa Mattie Abernethy, when the prize was won by M:hm Crac'e Smith of Monroe. The guest prize was a cut glass dish. A salad cour.se was served Mij n . i. . Timmpson-Ahernethy bridal party with hearts dico Monday evening. The pne fell to Mr Kd Bollck. nnd a book wa given to the guest of honor, i "Clnff." cakes and mints were served. After this the party repaired to the bride s home ,her th. hrld'. cake home where the bride's cake. of art. was cut. Miss Stella r of Linco nton, cut the ring; ,p fn . r.ni,. vt- . work I lelllnger the dime fell to Mr. Ed walker cut the wish bone Mr. George Klrkpiitrick. the button Mr. Orin Sigmon, the thimble. and The Kmbroidery Club met with Mrs Hen Caddy. October 16. with 10 member;-i present. The visitors were: Misses Mattie Abernethy. Pinkey Tor r:ey and Nannie Phillips. Mrs Joe Abernethy gave the reading for the afternoon, w hile the others were busy j with fancy work At the conclusion of a delightful meeting, the hostess served refreshments. The next meet ing will hp with Mrs. A. A. Whltener, October ilO. WADESBORO t Wadeshoro. Oct. 34. Mrs. L J fn- gram whs "at home" to the Wades horo Honk Club Thursday October L'3 nt 4 o'clock. An Interesting pro gram was rendered and the occasion was a pleasant one. Wednesday afternoon, Miss Lin Lockhart entertained the Bridge Club, Miss Johnsle Dunlap has returned from n nleasant Northern trio. -While away she attended the meeting Of the National Bankers' Association. Miss Lila Little of Littles Mills and Miss Fan Little of Wadesboro spent the week-end In Charlotte. Mrs William 0. Bennett of Maxton Is the guest of her brother. Mr 3 Frnnk Bennett, and Mra U C. Ben nett. Mrs. B. A. Home and Ben, Jr are guests of Mr. and Mra C. M. Burn this week. Mrs. W E. Brock loft October 11 for Baltimore, whers tho will enter Johns Hopkins Hospital for treat- ment. By Strengthening the Srttcm you can Better WlLhstand the Heat OBOVEB TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood and builds up ths whole system, and tt will wonderfully strengthen and fortify you to with stand ths depressing effect of tho hot sumnisr. tOc ; ; Thomasville, Oct 24. The Thomas ville members of the Davidson County University Alumni Association enter tained the association at the resi dence of Dr. ana Mra J W. Pea cock last Friday night at a banquet. The hostess art the occasion, Mrs. Pea cock, prepared an elaborate feast and the evening was spent most joyfully, while the members of the association, their wives, or sweethearts, as the case may have been, and a number of guests, sat around the festive board and Indulged In reminiscences of old college days at Chapel HI. I. The speaker of the occasion was Prof M. C. 8. Noble of the chair of Peda- Ko&y in the faculty of the University I In hU pleasing style Professor Noble entertained those present with a gen eral survey of what the University is doing. A delightful and appetizing menu had been prepared and was served in courses The banquet board was presided over by Mr. Zeb VValser president of the association, as toast master. The banquet lasted until near midnight. I Tuesday evening, the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the Baptist Church . entertained the membership of tho I Church, the teachers of the Orphan age and the graded school facuKy. The reception was held at "Rosneth." . the beautiful and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs Archibald Johnson on ! Mkiles Heights. Beautiful seasonal ! flowers were arranged and together ' with the pott- d plants, andded to the at:ractlvene.sa of the home. A pleas , ' t. ;e".ot "? nome- pieas- lu"i pi uKi am w a-s renuer- ing, out snort program was render- j j .. . , . . , . mH?i " vo5?L 'fl".'. " 1. " , " ..." " ' ."V . A w',"" iT I .,.. k 1 .. i name the reception was given. An unusually interesting meeting of the Chautauqua Circle was held Saturday afternoon. Miss Lillian Yow being the hostess. Beauti ul roses added the festive touch as the simple decorations. The lesson from Ma haffy's "Rambles anj Studies in Oreece" was ably conducted by Mrss. Cm. Marshall Hoover, she being assisted by other members of the circle. It was the great pleasure of the memb rs to have an their guest of honor. Miss Mamie L. Thomas of Winston-Salem. In a most interesting manner Miss Thomas told of her recent trip abroad, dwelling especially on her stay In Greece. as this interesting country is the basis of the Chau tauqua work for the present year. The talk was illustrated by post cards, maps and booklets. It waa a source of deep regret to each member to know that Mrs II. L Gotham would meet with the circle no more, as she left Saturday night for New York her future home. As a token of love and esteem, the members presented to her a handsomely bound booklet entitled "For True Friendship s Sa e" Unlovable instrumental solos were rendered by Mesdames T E Jennings, H. I, Gotham and a duet by Mrs. Jennings and Miss 1,1'lian Yow Lit tle M rs Elizabeth Yow assisted the h osteins in serving a frozen course. The Thomasville Grays, the Juunior chanter of the V D. C. was dcllht 'ullv entertained bv Miss Ruth Parker Saturday afternoon. The Philathea class of the Method 'st Protectant Church entertain the members of the Baraca class Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs F s Lambeth. Mr nnd Mrs Charles F Lambeth Mi3 PM'a Lambeth, and Mesdames John R Myers. R 1. Lambeth Misses Caro- v-!"n Lambeth, Suste Mvers and Mr C.'l: "1.""", iriaay from A .. . . Z "'LL .uv 7 mev attended hp Imbeth-McAulay wedding, Tk. n,i . . . 7 7n M aa T IT ' t. "r. nd Mrs Franklin Sim- """oe.n request tne pleasure r MP "J1 uS-nfT' ven'nK' Tm d TJit 1 vr"" LL: 11 "dock to meet Mr. and Mrs William Arnn'd Lambeth. Mr. ani Mrs Jamr Frwin Iambeth " t t WILMINGTON f A Wilmington, Oct 24. Miss Reha Mvers aravn a delightful da np cri.i... evening last in the ball room at tho woolvln building complimentary to her dancing class Many ou'slde guests were present, and the evening proved to be most delightful lasting until midnight. Friends of Mrs. Duncan Williams are glad to welcome her back to her home after an absence of two months spent In Hampton. Va., where she was the guest of relatives. One of the most deligh'ful house parties of the season has been In prog ress during1 the past week at the Wac enmaw Country Club, at Lake Wac camaw. This club Is comnoed large lv of Wilmington tans, s nd ts one of he most attractive and best equ'pped clubs in this section. Quite a number of Wltmlnrton's promlnen young so cletv p'ople hsye been enjoying this delightful outlnc during the psst week. Miss Waldo of Atlanta, who is well known In this city, was also a guest. Misses Kate fltvron and . Grace Logan entertained a a camp fire sup per at Sunset Pa"fc Friday even'n last, when a delle-h'ful evening was spent by those oresent Ovsters, coffee hscon on sticks and other ramp fire delicacies were STved. and ths esmn fire on the hanks of the river added to the attractiveness of the scene. All branches of Forosls have taken un their activities this fall and from present indications this year will mark many strides) In ths commend able obfeots taken up by ths mem bers of the organisation At present Interest centers In the "Better Babies Contest." which will be held in this city next month under the ausPlcea of Porosis, and the mothers of Wil mington are showing great interest in the conteet.- The flret meeting of the Pall sea ion of tho Cap F4T CbaJtUt . Ulft. United Daughters of the Confederacy was held Tuesday afternoon last at the W. I I. Armory, when a large number of the members were in at tendance. Matters of Importance were discussed, and plans for the work during the ensuing year were formed. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moore Beery returned to their home Sunday last, after a honeymoon of several weeks, spent In Washington, New York and other Northern cities. Mrs. E. C. Holt returned to her home Thursday last, after spending the Summer months in Spar.anburg. S. C, where she was the guest of relatives. A meeting of L Agile Cotillion Club was held Friday last, when matters of .mportance were discussed, and offi cers for the ensuing year were elected. The club will give its first dance of the season early In Novem ber. Mrs. Devreaux LJppitt, who has been visiting relatives In this city, and who has been to see her son, at the Tome School, at Por. Deposit, Md., sailed during the past week for her homo in Bremen, Germany. LINCOLNTON Lincolnton, Oc' 11 -Delightful in its every phase was the lovely 'at home" given Tuesday evening by Mrs. U A. Crowell, from 4:30 to 6, in hon or of her visiting guesta Mrs. R. K. Costner met the callers at the front ,joor ushering them Into th? draw- . .v. -,0il i inn luiim. nucic -Vila. . ... 1 charming manner, introduced them to her visitors Mrs W. L. Hill 'aines- ville. Fla; Mrs. J. M. Mack, Mrs. W H. Jennings and Mra Z. J Thompson of Shelby; Mrs Spratt and Mrs. A, J. Crowell of Charlotte. Mrs. Wright ushered the guests into the library where punch was served by Mrs Weldner and Mrs. Grlgg From there they were shown by the Misses Lan- ders into the dining room. whero Misses Corine and Inez CroweM andi Miss Kathleen Rogers nerved ice! cream, cakes and mints. Mm. Hill oM Shelby and Mts. Clyde (jmckcl pre sided in this room beautiful in its decorations of red. In the center ot the table was a large glass bowl of red dahlias, and on the corners red candles In cut glass stands all on beautiful lace pieces The drawing room was dainty in its decorations of pink roseR, banked on mantel, tables and stands, the punch room yellow and green. Over 100 ladles availed themselves of Mrs. Cro well's invita tions to meet the honored guerts Miss Annabel! Haynes of Texerkana Texas, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. T. McLean. Miss Bessie Davidson of Chester, S C., who has been spending some time here with her sister. Mrs. J. B. John ston, returned to her home Tuesday. Mrs H. E. Reid informally enter tained Friday night In a game of bridge in honor of the Fasslfern teachers. Miss Miriam Johnsone graciously entertained Friday night to a number of friends, in a game of auction bridge. ARavisbiDg Valeska Suratt By Valeska Suratt A FEW days ago- I received a letter from one of my readers, stating that she had been using two of my form ulas which I had published in these col umns. One was for removing wrinkles and the other for beautifying the face and arms, she said she had received no benefit. Further alonjf In the letter she made the remark that she had been "us ing the formulas faithfully for a week or ten days!" Imagine, a week or ten days! Onoe In awhile a letter of this kind re ceived makes me feel as though some people need guardians. Bat happily I am not beset with very many exhibitions of such lack of good judgment. The formulas I give I have almost been impelled to call little miracle workers, not In the sense that they produce their results In a week or ten days, for that would be rld'culous, but in their positive -ness of aotion. Faithful use of these formulas for a reasonable length of time will never fail to make you wonder at their power. a act Much of my mall contains requests for my sure wrinkle ersdlcator for wrinkles little, wrinkles deep, wrinkles few. wrln- kles by the thousand, crow's feet, deep Hnes and sagging cheeks. For all these, the following formula Is fhwlutely un- h? a an . ,1-' th.PKr. If w. , . .?ef S Tihbi tifs wn water over a slow firs. To this add two ouncee of eptol. Stir until It Is dissolved and starts to cream. Then remove from ths Are, slowly add two tablespoonfuls of glycerine, and continue to tlr until it la cold. Eptol may be obtained for no more than fifty cents at any good drug store. Thto cream should be applied very 1 ber ally and thoroughly rubbed Into the skin until It has disappeared. Ths cream will not grow hair on the face Keep the cream In an air-tight jar or bottls. OBSTINATE Your muddy, freckly. spouy sain win cissr wonaeraauy aj u- ing this mixture: Let half a pint of water corns almost to a bou. Add two tablsspoonruis of glyoertna Keep stir- rins? while adding one ounce of sintons. uncs oi Simons, Until il is ui ausoavea. Then let It oool. If the cream ts too thick to pour easily from a bottle, thin It down a little with more hot water. Ths oreem will be white and satiny. Hold a wst, hot towel to the face several times for several minutes, Rub this cream on the entire face. Then wipe off with a soft, dry cloth. Than ap- ply again and let it dry on ths face Rs- peat tb's again at night. Any good drug- ii win ir rim nstrs ainione lor twui : V '. K-.':--ee A SM Ii NEWTON Newton, Oct 24. The Sana Soucl Club held its first open meeting at the cozy home of Mrs. Ralph Little, and was attended by all the members of the club and their husbands. Whist was the game of the evening, the highest score being made by Mrs Clyde Rowe who thus carried off the price, a handsome deck of cards Near the close of the evening the hos tess served refreshments. The Just for Fun Club met last Fri day afternoon with Misses Nancy and Willie Rhyne, and for several hours spent a delightful time at the card table. The prize, a box of monogram paper, was won by Miss Sarah Wil liams. Most enjoyable refreshments were served by the young hostesses. Every meeting of the Thursday Book Club seems to bid fair to outdo the other enjoyment, but there have been none that can surpass that held at the beautiful home of Mrs John P. Yount last Thursday. 80 popular is the fair hostess that not a single absent mark was registered against a member on this occasion and the quotations and current event items proved of special Interest. The study of the afternoon was Timrod, and of the many excel lent papers prepared during the year, the sketch of Timrod, prepared by Mrs. W. M. Biles, ranks at the very top. Mra J. H. McLelland then read his poem "Katie," which was followed by his Ode to tho Confederate Dead" given by Mrs. Long, while the reading of "A Year's Courtship" by Mra West closed the literary program for the afternoon. The hostess then serve an elaborate collection In four courses, and seated at the beautiful table, with Its handsome accessories, the guests passed away a deltgtful hour. Most heartily did ths Thursday 1 Book Club obey the call of their pres- ident, Mrs. C. M. McCorkle. when she oaae mem Monaay nignt 10 gatner at her home, and at the same time told them that the presence of their nusDands were most especially de- sired. No second bidding was needed and at the appointed hour all were seated within the cozy parlor. The guests were warmly greeted at the door by the host and hostess and Misses Charles and Annabel, the young daughters of the house, relieved the ladies of their wraps, while Mr Cyril Long performed the same ofBce for the gentlemen. The guests were then escorted to the punch bowl, where Miss Josephine McCorkle pre sided. Mrs. McCorkle had prepared a most enjoyable program for the eve ning, whi' h was opened by several beautiful piano selections by Mrs W. M. Slkes. Mrs. George H. West read "Samante's Valentine" and was follow ed by a fine performance on ths violin by Mr Cycil Long. Mrs. W. M. Bikes then gave two recitations A guessing contest followed causing great amuse ment. At its close, Mra J. H. Tount and Mrs. W. C. Kenyon were found to have tied in their answers, and in tho draw the former proved the winner. The gentlemen'n prize fell to Mr W. B. Qalther.. Seated around small tables the guests then enjoyed the two-course refreshments. The busy nouaewife finds help by resorting to the want columns. Beaofy?lr6a Gai? Be One Most BMattfnl ActaMS Ores Has On CMgiaml SnMi By Which She HisllfliiJ HswaMasaMnslKisiMasslsWssw LUCRETIA For any light or heavy superfluous hair, this will never fall and it U unsurpassed. Oet one ounce of sam ple sulfo solution. This you can get at the drug store for one dollar. Apply It with the finger tips to the superfluous hair, keep ing the hair moist with it for two or three minutes un til It has been dissolved. Then wipe It off with a damp cloth and wash the skin. MRS. L. T. A.-You will admit that a formula which will develop the bust su perbly even In canes of those who have been mothers of several children and who have lost almost all their development, must be a very remarkable product. This the formula try It: In a half pint of cold water, dissolve two ounces ruetone and half a cup of sugar, all well mixed together, ur thla, take two teaapoontuls three or four times a day tn a wine-glass of water, after your meals. The ruetone will coat you one dollar at the drug store. SUSAN-NA M. O.-Your hair will abso lutely stop falling and begin to grow most luxuriously if you will use this: Mix half a pint of alcohol wltn hait a pint of water. To this add one ounce of beta-milnol. Shake thoroughly, and then it will be ready to use. If you prefer, you can use imported bay rum Instead of the water and alcohol. The beta-qui-nol you can get at almost any drug store for not mors than fifty cents. Thla form ula should os applied very freely to the scalp after burshlng it generously for, a f minutes all over. Rub the tonlo thoroughly Into ths scalp with the finger tips. D 0 Q A 8harnpoo , exceedingly Important, 00 n0t " V ' hair. Eggol. WhlCB Cfcn et 00d druggist , i. ...mriiin. b, n- action In rlddlns the scalD of every oar- tide of scurf and foreign matter, which nothing else, not svo scrubbing can do. 0 0 o CONSTANCE. -The blackheads around ths mouth and chin or on any part of the face can be quickly, eradicated. First, wash tho faca with hot water and soap. Then sprinkle some neroxln generously upon a sponge made wet with hot wa ter. Then rub well for a few minutes on ths parts -of ths skin which are affected with blackhead You should be abls to . th ..--in jniMtat'a Im- V noroMn " nJr aruists a- " ' DOC I Ths ol PIMPLY FACE-Ths plmplee you have will vanish and do mora will aoneae. will vanish and do more Dissolve twelve ounces of granulated su- gar in one-half pint of water, add one ounce of sarsene, and mix the whole to- gether thoroughly, then add more water to make a pint, sarsens Is a liquid whioh you can get at the. drug store by the ounce. Oet k In - tne original package, Taks one or two tsaspoonrul of this) ' mixture three or four states a day, with a mas war ii assirssk MnrUeement. -,. r ;- ;. ,- .... ,;1

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