. . . CHARLOTTE PAIIiroBSERVm , SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25,, 191 t : y V . ... . 1 I alrT i' iiiin-" 'nP ii'iTi Jr" TT" M l v .'. i -s,i.vsv ai m mm m w; ''W U vt V O : cwMj tar r DURHAM. $ Durham, '(. 2"! - Friday after noon Mfs Helen Cribble enterta ned at her homo on Hollowny .street at luncheon in honor of Miss Ann Branson of Concord and Mrs. T. JJ. Pierce of Weldon. The llv.ng room where tho guests were received was beautiful with dahlias and chrysanthemums Following the lun-heon each guest waa presented w.lli a box which opened revealed a sutallo gift for each. Tho last op' -n-! "a that of Mies Oribble. and d ,('lsi fl n Kewpiw bride bearing tho annininri'ment of her eomlntr mnrriaeo to Ir Foy Eoberon of this rlty. The wedding Will be 'n the near future. M1m Cnl'Mp Is thf rider daughter of Mr. C. A. Orii.hle Doctor Iioberson l a rhyiilr!.n of thu city. The annual inltiatinn ceremony Of the Ekol Kornrlty nf Trinity Col let was held Wednenday evening in th TTomiintf huild nir. five younif la.dg beinir initiatid with the m'8 tri8 of th'.s nociety The hall was decorated In th orotity color, green and white, a number of red roues adding their baautjv The fve young ladle w-ero Itlltateil according to rule and cu toma nd then all Joined in a dinner. Friday evening at the Country Club the fr'onda of Mr. Walaee Tie man gave him a stag dinner His bachelor frendu took th! oppor tunity to drink toasts to him before llie wedding. Mra. lister Tditler wsn hostess JFrldav afternoon to the members of the Auction Hr dge Club. t hr home on Pettlgrew street. Tables for the playe'ra were plumed In the hall and living room At th con ehisjon of tho playing dainty re freahments were nerved. The home of Mr and Mrs J M W Gregory on Queen wtreet wn tho ncene of a beaut ful wedding Thurs day mnrn'ng when Miv Kl'zaheth Head Karksdale of H hmonil. the Jster of Mrs Gregory, became the. bride of Rev. Ciles li'ifknor l'almer of Woodstock, Va The onlv nttendantA were the nieces of the bride. M Mary H. SUld Pr"clln Gregorv, as rllition besr ers Thev wore a nty white frocks. The bride, cowned in white crcpe-de-chine with veil end currying a bower of llllcK-of-the-vnlley and ferns. rnm in fin the nrin of her brother, Mr .T M. M i'ln't"irv Th'-y m'ero met by the groom wth bis bent man. Rev Charles T nslcy Warner, rector of Mount St. Augustine Churqh The ceremony was per formed by Rev. CMes I'.iiMer Cook of the Ep'scnpn Church, nn unol of th" bridegroom. The home was benut ful with palms, pink nnrt white romo An Informal reception was he'd after the wedding. In the 1 brary punch Waa. served iind 'n the dln'tig room Ices were perved nil r,f which car ried out the j n k :md white lib n. The lm'lc find groum le't irntne A'fttely sf'rr Use rer-eiitlnn for the r home In WoooHtnck. At the home of Rev. R C Crnvpn Thursdav nV'ln at K-SO, Miss N'na Booth and Mr. John T'zrU were married. Mr Craven performing the ceremony. liny .11 llw in I'ur ham. Wednesday tin llnbynn Cluh met With Mra W II Wa nnamnker The Ubject Of Die J 1 1 ITl c.i ,11 V.IVM "lll- roines of Ite., i.:f.-. nn.! was 'n tereftlng Tb- '"M '.ill nn awered with I'mmtnctit Wu'eri of the l'reperit W ir " ti cli was fol lowed by the minute "f the previous meeting and a nIcm inisineiw inert tog Th club was f'.rlunntn in bnv ng present Mrs M. Kinir. who met i with them fop the n,-Nt tune in ! monthf, ho riif Trit (he t roe abroad and being ict:ilci, there by the War. H'w. cs i n verv inte test , ng talk of her exper encen j The club b.i'i mh ' m Mrs ' P. H. f J 'j r n ;i n if K:iti I'ortn nico. i The T'p-to -1 t . I. ciinv .-,,1. ,t-4 the guests ' I . . 'li.ii.iin I went on Th-.r-da-. i:.,n.ide ' the home of Mr- W !. W.il1 in Hillsboro In the 1 v np i 1 ' 'ri I,. , the meeting was held !,. r- : it filled Willi bet.H' r ,1 -.. ,r n thernums a r, d i.-.t ! a t, i. . The pubjeo- be M' ., i , . I i,s ve.i i Is " Worn n " 'I' 1 1 f pera on the h .1' " t the books w ' re i v ' were asl'ed ' t" i where a dt l i'.'iu nfl 'ill ffH'ii ; .,t I t .!. I I,. ! . . t II . '1 !:." I , i .C l.i v IS A beautiful " ( c v : - tun - laed '.n Hi. I'h !,;. !.. - . :.., . Wednesday -vet .r.g ., k ),., k. when M:ss Nat'ev T .. . , r t n i.. came lh br rie , :u w.( !i . See man. The churi h w- i . . it was sitnp'c but In- t ilv ' The whole church ,.,vi,,.,i ,, pure white, en toimdi d t.y . pnijiiig vines arid palms Before the icrcmoi.v ,i nmscul program was recd r-i .-. Mrs .1 M. Mann ng play in nutnn mid MISS Mftlgaret n Mi. vi.ln Mlaa Mary Louise Muni, in n.-,eg ,i Nadine Face Powder (In Grtun Bourn Only) Makes The Complexion Beautiful JVoducJne that soft, velvety freab AMO OO much admired. Money fafiiBded If not entirely pleased. Nadine la pure and harmleea and adhere antil washed oft Blenda ontbiatnlahea; prevents sunburn and latum of lUscoloratlona. A million delihte4 asrt endorse the delicate tints, Flesh, Pink, Brunette, White. , ' Br TtiUt Cmntf 0t Mall, SOt. Warts I Tail Cernyw, farU, Tm. I polo. Master Paul Taylor also sang Just before the bridal party came in. Firm, Mefmrn. Rneed Baaser, Joa Al bright, Joe Renn and Nat Rwan came to the altar, foil wed by MIkbs Julia Albright and Kthel Matlicwa of Norfolk, Va. Two groomsmen, Mewirn. Alex Worth and Jamea .Man ning, were next, tihen M ses MarV hastier and Kathleen Bherwood of Ha eigh. Mpsbth Rruce Mason and Jamen Lockhardt preceding the maid of honor, Minn Dorothy Renn, ho wore pink chiffon and carried pink rosea. The dame of honor, gowned In pink chiffon and carry ng Kll larney ronea, came In Juat before the bride and hr father. Mr. J. H. Renn. She wa beautlfu y gowned in Duchem natln veil and carried a shower of Bride rose and lilles-of-tho-valley. She waj met at the foot of the chancel by the bride groom and hie best man. Mr Henry Seeman. Jr. The Rov. Sidney S. Rout performed the impreaalve ser vice of the Episcopal Church. Immediately after the ceremony an Informal reception wan g ven at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. J. R. Renn. at Lakeood IJark. Mr. and Mrs. fleeman left that night for their honeymoon, the trip being made entirely by automobile. Tis Round About Club held a business meeting Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. A. H. Stokes. Mrs. John CurUngham entertained tho membere of the Senior Hrldge Club and a few outnide guests, at her home on Parrlah Place, Tuesday morning. The living room and ball, where the card tables were set. Were beau tiful with Autumn leaves nnrt gol denrod. Auction waa played and fthe guests filled five tables. In honor of Miss Marie Curts of Richmond, Va.. Mrs. Otis Hmnot gave a delightful party Wednesday afternoon. Eleven tables were filled with guests. The Alpha Delta PI Sorority nf Trinity College gave a reception Monday evening. It wm held in the pitrlora of the Wnmsjts building. Progressive sweet hearts was the game of the evening at which Mr. Real Slier won the prlie. Miss Kathleen Turrenttno delight fully entertained the Rr dgltes in honor of Miss Nancy Renn at 4 o clock Wednesday afternoon. Mlns floph! Irfiwrenoe entertained a. few friends in honor of her guest. Miss Florence Jones of Creedmore. Games wore played. At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W D Young. Thursday after norm. Miss Willie Rosel e Young he came the bride of Mr. Curl M. War 1'ck. The home was very prettily deco rated for the wedding and the ''ere rnony was performed by Uev. Q C I'iivIk. The bride la a pretty young woman, a graduate of Trinity Col lege also the Conservatory of Muse The groom Is a yoiinjr business man of Macon. Ga Immediately after the Wedding they pfi for a trp in the western part of the Slate before going to Macon. The N'nrth Cnrn'lna State Confer ence of the Daughters of the Revo lution will hold their annual con ference In th's city on November 3 and Many prom'nent vlsltorn will be i,, the city and preparation Is being made for a Hplendld meet ing. Many enterta. nmonts will bo given them 0000-004 NEWTON $ New inn, Oct ST -Mrs J. H Yount wms hostess Thursday of lsst week to :i fel'ghtful meeting of tho Km brirdery Club. 1 lie cosy parlors, iidorneil With beaut 'ful cut roses, nnd warmed by open fires, made an attractive picture, ns well ns a com-fi.rt.i- one Mrs Yount. assisted I.. Mii .1. IV Yount. served a de. Melons three-couise luncheon Hcv ciut Kiirntfi were present In addition to the culi Iiiemlieis. i R-v nnd Mrs It I. Slroup have returned from n niert'ng of the Lutheran Hynod In ' rginla at Mount ,1;m lison They motored through the Shct rindoah ViilleV. visiting l.u i.iv i'.ie and other points. frv and Mrs It. id of Baltimore. p:itci!s of Mrs George Khlpp. have lie-, e;lient of llnctnf ntlrl M l' 1 Sb'.i Mr. Re ,1 returned to Haiti- I mure Inst week wh'le Mrs Red ' ';i remain hte for some time. Mr r P. It. .we of .In. Ksonvtlle. j Fl.i . was t.e t"icM this week of Mr .'ltd Mrs '"yde Howe . Mrs Norwood and little son. Billy. ! i . . J rs L"nk. of I lenil Tsonvllle. ' w I, ' hle hten glleKtS for Motile tittle ! "f Mr arid Mis. L F Iong. expect ' to renin hotrie this week ' Thuisilav. Mrf, .1 P. Yount charm Iru'l ,- rere vm t lie Rook Club at her handsdrne colnn.nl home The north V'tlMf and dlnltu' room Weie beau t I i Iv .1. crated with jdnk rosea and ' itli pat lr and r ot ion hull vi'ti lovely bowls of other ftoers 'lie nt ud v for the afternoon was l-'i ..' I:iii. nnd Instruct ve extr.-ictn fr. in Rtnddard's lectures on that country were rend by Mesdsmea W ' I e iiiftcr and C. W. Thurmon M's M. S kes gae (l humorous 1 1 ( It a' on. HcslileB the club members, others ettertaru-d Were Milaiiics Jenn1 l'..Ht Margaret Stewart. W. A. Ithvrie, Westermnn of Wilmington, Be le Wilfong, cionlngor, Miss Marie Host and Mrs. H. O Carpenter. Mr and Mrs J. II Mccip)illnd and Miss Mary Yotint went to Hal e'gh this week to attend the Stat Fair. M ax Yount W'U visit In sev. era) other cities before returning home. 1 Mra. Belle Wllfonir, who spent thn Bummer in Henderaonvtlle, and Mlaa Hal'! Try, who wee In Saluda for several weeka, returned homo tact ' eek. ' t STATESVILLE Rtatewvllle. Oct. 23. The most Im portant nodal event of the week was the brilliant wedding reception held . ... . r-. a , ! at me nome ot .v r una "tf I H-ierri i wednesdav ninht immediately ' - aeitartmeni nas aiso enienainen ine following the marriage of Miss Mlp- oPneral Club at a social meeting at nle Sherrlll and Mi UeRoy Cussing the Elks Home wit'i Mrs. T. W Lin of Tryon The numerous guests who 1 gl of Davidson, State chairman of , . t . . t .social service, as honor giieM. Mrs. attended were welcomed at the front . ft hplpful fcn(, door by Miss Mary Austin Glover and terestlng address. MeHT Fred and Karl Sherrlll. Re- j Tho literature department reported ceiving in the haU were M.Um.. W. ZnT'J The T. Klncald, W. E. Weob, II. Li. Pos- p,, wa neld t the ,.hftrrnan'g ton. and J U Sloan. Misses Margaret nome an(, eonB,stft(, of a orture hy HloAn. Virginia iimiksi rk"""', Hrawiey sno ivainer.)iie jvintoiu ed the callers to the cloak rooms. Mrs. L W. MacKesson and Mrs Z. V. L,on(f presented them to the receiving line, which was composed of t"e bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. t. a. Sherrlll, Miss Marie Fewell of Rock of Mrs s j RraBh Mrf w a. Doug Hill, H. C., Rev P. C. Morgan of Ma- : laM Chicago. Mrs F. R. Myers, Mil con. C,a. uev and Mrs. C E. Ra- Waukee, Wis., and Mis8 Pollock of nal. Dr. and Mrs. N. O. Moore and Chicago Those assisting In the hon Mr and Mrs. J. K. Bherrill ot Mtoores- i org were Mesdames T. J. Gold, o K. vllle and Miss Mary Ramsey of Balla-, Kearn. Charles Ragan W G prad bury. From the receiving line Misses ; nRW w Tl Ragan S 'h Toml'nPon Carrie Hoffman ejid Altie Corpenlng R w Morrow n ponock V G ushered to the library, where Mrs. T , Burnett. A. Sherrnd, R A Rrackett, O. Fawcette of Mount Airy and Mrs. i w t. Parker Arthur I.yon E. R. Rankin of Tryon Served punch, j ' Miss Kara Cowles and Mrs. VI N. The Sorosis Club met Thursday af Lawrence conducted the guests to the tofnon wltn Mrs T j Tngram dining room, where Mrs. C V. Hcnkel. Mrs K. L. Miller and Mr. A. V. j T))r T'ristc-illa Cluh met Friday af Ptcele received. Serving the refresh- (ernoon Wth Mrs Herbert Feild ' ments were Misses Mary Ioret Cowles. Francis Pressly, Rride Alex-; The oamma Stea Club met Friday ander. Annie Iardner Moore or afternoon with Mlsg Kathr n Tate, Moorcsville. Eugenia Miller. Gladys f tne president " Bherrill, I.oulse Sloan and .Marrnrei Rrawley In the gift room the pre-! enta were shown by Mrs. P. A. Rry ant, MVs Mac R. Long. Mr F. V. Steele and Mls Loulne f-sherrlll. Misses Charlve Tomlln and Elizabeth Hrawiey presided over the wedding dent. Rook was played and a salad register. The bride wore her wedding course served hy Mrs. Charles Long dress of white crepe meteor and ,., t!lf Misses Alexander. Chantilly lace trimmed with orange hlossoms Her veil, whl' h was cap At the pretty rook party given Wed style, wild held In place with orange nesday afternoon hv Ming Mar.lorln blossoms and fell the entire lentli of Cottam in honor of her attractive her court train. guest. MIr Alice Taylor of Murling- ton. Vt . the lovelv hand-made tinnd- Mrs J L. Sloan entertained this afternoon In honor of her guests, Mrs Lucln Parks Stephens of Con- cord rind Miss Mario Few'ell of Rook Hill, 8. C. . Mrs. J. Paul Leonard gave "m'scellaneoiis shower" for Mis' Sarah Ramsey, a bride of the week. Monday afternoon. The guests were amusing themselves with game., nf rook and hearts nice wnen little Mar tha Leonard entered the room with a Inrgo pink basket filled with the arti cles composing the shower and Pre sented It to M1ss Ramrey. Later the quests were Invited Into the dining room, where the refreshments were served The dining room ws very beautifully decorated In pink and white ind the color scheme Wtin car ried out In the refreshments Kach guct received a larrce pink rose bud B a favor nnd Mis Rnmsey was rrlven an appropriate picture for a bride, as a gueyt of honor prlre At a party given In her honor hv Mrs. Carl C. Axley. Mis Ramsey was surprised with a "kitchen shower" Toward the close of tho afternoon the door bell rnng nnd when the hostess opened the ,oor Master Gordon park Inson of line West S C renresent in I n post man. entered and asked for M- Hosklns and Miss iVirr-.-irrt Hicks. Mi"s R.iiusi v From lib mall bng the George Walker and MIsb Julia Itar little postman .levrre,l to tlie bride- row Tlcnrv PssehAl nnrt MUa Annie elect various articles of kitchen war given nv the nicnN to the pSrtT. Preceding the "shower" the guests pi.ivcd rook Mrs J Paul Tnnnrd nnd Miss Morea Jordnn making the htgji ncores. The Thursday Afternoon I'.ooU Club Was entertained hv Mrs W M Bar- ringer Afler ii discussion of current , events and limitations from fllr Wal ter Rnleigh. Mrs. Clem Tmwd. Mrs H TI. Adams and Mrs Henry Hall read very Interesting nnd en;ertalnlng papers. Miss Ada Hell Barringer ns s'sted the hostess In serving a salad course. Probnhlv ir.f) guests nttended an afternoon ten given by Mrs J. A. Rco't. Mrs .. V T,on nnd Miss Mary Scott Frl.lny afternoon at the home ,,f Mrs Tiong The rallers were met nt the door by Miss Altle Corpen lnr and their curds wer taken hv Master Zeli V.-mce Long. Mrs. L White Introduced to the recelvlnr line, which was composed of Mrs. FPcott Mrs Lonir. Mrs C R. Ravnnl. Miss Minnie Sherrlll Mrs P. A Rryanf, Miss Hell Wnddell Mrs. John Cullev nnd Mis Pcott From the receiving line Mrs F . Ptecle inhered to the reception ball w'n-re Mrs R P T.ong .iii.l Mrs C V He, .Lei received M s. 1. W'.tt 1 .. i I. t. . ' . ,!,,..,, , ,, '"j . lie .lllllllrf I "Mill, W lll'll' .IIS I. I, Piiwrette of Mount Airy re eivnd Ten wi poured I,v Mr n If Adninsnnd ccff.-e liv Mrs A P Hfeele. The hot b.v.rnge, were fiered with sarid ui.hes. cheese straws und stntTed ihites hv Misses Ruth Fads Mary Thonma, Filer,, Terry, and Virginia S'enip. From the dln'ng room Mrs. V F Hall and MVs, W R McTllnnd conducted the guets through the rear ball to the pun. h room where Mr w Webb rece'vd and Mrs T, W MacKesson nnd Miss O.ir-i,, HofTmnnn nssls'ed by Mlasea Sarah nnd Kiit ' erlne N"or. served Th house v.-,s attractively deenrntod t hrom;hoi,t Mr V R Punch was hotc to fhe San Soiicl Ci,,, Tuesday nfternoon. i OOO-OO 04 HIGH POINT t t40O0OOOO0O4ss0OH000t High Point, Oct IS Mis Bessie Pitts, one of the most popular mem bers of the younger set, prettily hon ored Mrs Krwln Coflleld formerly Miss Mildred Harmon. Monday after noon by giving a Japanese beauty siowcr following a rook party, in a nook, under an Immena Japanese parasol lighted with Jap lanterns, the bride was lad blindfolded to a seat of Jap pillows and two little Japanae maiden. Alloa Leslie Pitta and Mary Elltiabeth Perry, presented tho teu. ty howar whloh mm1U4 of tolUt and boudoir avrtloUa. v . . Tho ollowlar card woro laued tho Drat at tho weak: Mr, fcnd Mra. Honry Cloy Xoorno roouoat tho honor of your prooenco at tho marrlago of their daughter Nan to Mr. Jamaa Allen Austin Wednesday evening, October tho twenty-eighth at eight o'clock Waahlngton Street Methodist Church High Point, North Carolina,. The Woman's Club, one of the strongest clubs In the State, has open ed the club year with renewed vigor. increased membership and a determi nation to accomplish more than ever before. At the first general meeting held Wednesday afternoon the social ser vice department reported 14 children clothed, and 12 children fitted out with school books; th hospital ex- penses paid for one woman and one baby cared for. This department in coniunctlon with the oivlr departmont raised $400 on contribution day. The . . . .v. . Mrs. Vance, followed by an Informal reception at which the officers re ceived One of the largest receptions of the week wag Thursday afternoon when fr V T'" Prpflitmnra riitt.iit trt Hrttinw Mrs. J J. Farrisa won the club prize and Mrs. Kdwurd Hutchison the visitors prize Tuesday afternoon at the meeting of the W o T. Club held Wtn Mi yTilTy Alexander, the presl kerchief given as high score prize, was capture by Miss Nan Kerns . Mrs W. C. Boarons wn hostess Thursday afternoon to th- Kntro Nous Cluh. Rook was piaved. Mrs a'j j. Farrisa winning the satin shoe trees given as club prize, and Mrs. Guerney Reams the visitors pr'so. Mrs Claude Reitjiel, Mrs Will Jones and Miss Clara Steele assisted fie hns- toss in serving the salad course. J LOUISBURQ. t Loulsburg. Oct. 23. Mrs. T. W. Watson entertained Saturday evening In honor of the young men boarders In her home. Rook nnd other gam s were played. The following couples were present: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Harvey. R. jr. GlnflS and Miss Betilah Tucker. H. A. Carlton and Miss Sallle T. Williams. O. W. Cobb and Miss Alba Allen, J. .1. Clark and Miss Lynne Hall, v. A. Hicks nnd Miss Fleanor Cooke. W. ,v ., , " ,. , '"H't-ii, i . . If atnuii "IIU ill " I U Monger. Quite n unique and most enjoyabb snclnl function was given to th ladles of Louishurg Wednesday noon by Mrs. Arthur Hyncs Flemmlng, on her lawn op Church street In the nature of an old -fashioned barbecue. Not a man Was present. The following ladles were the guests: Mesdames C. K. Cooke, J L Palmer, L. J. Joy- Her F B. McKinne, R. T. Holding, J. J. Harrow. J. W. King, Ivev Allen. W. II. Yarborough, S. P. Boddle, J. A. Turner, T. W. Watson TV A. RenviH. J. P Williams Julia Scott. A. M. Hall. W. H. Ferguson, W. H Ruflln. Mnlcolm McKinne. . B. Cllf tor. W. H. Macon. R. C. Beck. R. C. Allen. George Cralle, M . K. Ohnnnon of Washington. D. C. W R. White. S T. Hnliling Dora Jackson. K- R Hill, D !. McKinne. J. A. Hodges. H. G Hicks. M. C. Pleasants Georgia Huddle. W. W. noddle, R. 7.. Rgerton. .1 W. Holling-sworth. A. F. Johnson, J. M. Allen, H. 8. Mendows K. L. Best. S. J. Parham Wlngate 1'nder hlll, W 11 F.7.0II. J. It. Yarhnrongh. W. H Morton. M. F. Houck nnd Miss Snllle T Williams. Miss Margaret Hicks who attend ed the Royal-Adams Wedding nt Four Onks las' week, has returned home. Miss Cora Monger of Newbern who also attended this wi tiding, accom panied Miss Hicks homo. Miss Mon ger hns visited Loulsbtirg before, and was the recipient of many social cour tesies. Miss Daisy Allen, who Is connected with the Stat. Health Department In Rnleigh Is spending her mon'h's vacation In this city with her mother, Mrs. Rmma C. Allen. Misses Mary Belle Maeon and Miss Lucy Smlthwlok recently left for Wil son penr which city th"y will tench this Winter. Mrs. Raton Winston of Rlon Col lege, a recent bride Is visiting; her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Macon Miss Hettle S:alllns of Cedar Rock Is the crnrmlng guest of Miss Rleanor Cooke, nt h'r euburban home, Lone oak. WWI Rej-mmiimrlod. Th wife of n wealthy manufactur er, according to The Chicago News, bad occasion to call in the help of a new floor polisher, "Do you understand your business thoroughly?" "All I ask, madam, la that you shall Inquire for yourself at my last situation. On the flrsnr of th large drawing room alone flv neranns broke their limbs during last Winter and a lady e'lpped down tho grand staircase, Tt waa I who polished tho floor and the atalra-" I X WINSTON-SALEM to I Winston-B&lem, Oct. O. BrllUant and beautiful wao the marriage on Wednta day evening of Mlaat Bthel Follln and Dr. J. Carroll Wiggins, which was sol. emnlied at the home of tho brlde'a pa rent. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. follln, at T o'clock. A lofty Gothlo arch and altar had been erected wltjj'a background of ami lax, Bride ros and cathedral candles. A beautiful musical program preceded the service. Following two exquisitely rendered piano solos by Mrs. R. S. Gal- loway, Mlaa Antionette Glenn of Char-i j lotte sang Rubensteln's "Thou'rt Like' i Unto a Flower." I j As the strains of the "Bridal Chorus" i from ''Lohengrin" were heard, sung by I a quartet composed of Mrs. Thomas , Mastin, Miss Emma Lelnbach, Messrs. Philip Williams and Brooks BynUm, thai bridesmaids descended the stairway hold-I ing broad white satin ribbons, which marked the bridal pathway. The brides maids. Miss, s May Follin, Virginia and. Mary Wiggins. Krma Bailey, Senah Crlta j and Mrs. V. R. Cooke of Ashevllle, were charmingly attired In accordlan-pleated j chiffon over pale plrlk satin. They were met at the altar by the ushers, Meesra. Paul Montague, W. P. Hill. Jr., Murphy, Mc.N'air and Norman Btockton. The at tractive maid of honor, Miss Eleanor! Follln, entered next. She was beautifully1 gowned In pink satin, veiled In net and girdled In silver, and she carried an I armful of pink bridesmaid roses, tied; with broad chiffon ribbons. The groom was attended by Dr. Wil liam S. Gibson of Suffolk. Va. The bride entered on the arm of her father, she was radiantly beautiful in her bridal robe ot Ivory satin with court train. Ht filmy tulle veil was becom ing arranged In cap fashion and she carried an exquisite shower bouquet of Krlde roses, valley lilies and orchids. The Impressive rlria; ceremony was used ; by Uev. Father Vincent Taylor, O. S. B., j of Greensboro. i Following the ceremony a brilliant re ception was held, i Ir. and Mrs. Wiggins left for a bridal tour North, after which they will reside here. Mrs. Vames L. Dunn entertained at a1 lovely Autumn bridge party on Wednes-, day afternoon In honor of MiSB Lucy Lyhrook. whose marriage to Mr. J. Por- ter Rtedman will take place early In No vember, j Miss Lybrook received a lovely Bllverj cologne bottle, the gift of her hostess. ' Concluding the afternoon Mrs. Dunn, assisted by Mrs. R. S. Btedman and Mrs. Iv W. O'Hanlon. served a tempting course of refreshments. Mr and Mrs Gustavos A. Follln an- . tcrtiiined the bridal party following the j rehearsal on Tuenday evening for the I Follin-Wiggins marriage. I In cutting tho bride's cake Miss May Follin cut the ring. The lucky bluebird i fell to Miss Virginia Wiggins, the Coin ; to Mr Brooks Rynurrt, thn thimble to ; Miss Senah fritz, the bodkin to Miss Kmorie Harber and the coin to Dr. Wil- ; l.am Gibson. Mrs. J. C. rsuxton and Miss Anna Bux ton were at home to a large company of I heir friends at tea on Monday after noon, in charming compliment to their, kinswoman, M.ss Louise Bahnson, who is to be married shoitly to Mr. Holt! Haywood of New York. Mrs. Buxton and Miss Buxton were as. Hinted In receiving by Mrs. H. T. Bahn son. Miss Bahnson, Mra. Brantley Finch, Mra. Mary I'attcrson, Mrs. H. L. Ed wards of Dallas, Texas. Miss Lucy Ly-1 brook and Miss Elizabeth Hill. Mrs. II. E. Fries und Mrs. J. L. Lud-; low dispensed tea and coffee. Mrs. Robert S. Galloway entertained at anexqiiiaitcly appointed rose luncheon on Monday with Miss Ethel Follln as her attractive honor guest. The central adornment on the bride's tahle in the dining room was a lovely silver vase of rare Klllarney buda and fei n. Gu each place card a single long stemmed bud rested with a dainty pink Matin box of bonbons. . The honor guest nnd other brides-elect present were pre sented with lovely crrpe. de chine hand kerchiefs tied with ribbons and rose buds. Misses Elizabeth Hill and Louise Bahn son were the charming honor guesta at a, beautiful dinner party on Thursday even-j Ing given by Mr. arid Mrs. B. S. Worn-, hi... Kach appointment of this lovely! affair was suggestive of the approaohlntf j Hallowe'en mason. The table bore as lta: decora Uon lovely Autumn-tinted dahlias j nnd woodland leaves, and many gro tesque jaek-o-lanterns. The place oarfla consisted of hand-painted Autumn leaves. The guests of honor reoelved as gifts from their host and hostess lovely oen- j terpleces of rnro lnce, while Miss Lucy ( Lybrook. another bride-to-be present, was presented with a lovely hand-1 wrought pln-cuthlon In dainty design. I Mrs. Charles Taylor was hotes to I tho current Events Club thla week. The! meeting proved to be an altogether de-! lightful and Instructive one. I Miss Ruth Crltz was the charming hostesa to tho Young Ladles' Auction Bridge Club on Friday afternoon at her home on Spring street. Mrs. W. A. Wilkinson entertained Vefy delightfully Thursday afternoon In honor uf Mlaa Delia Johnson, whose marriage to Mr. Pierre Walker of Wlllon will be a leading event of early November. Miss Lillian Hitchcock entertained at a Iom I v sewing party on Friday afternoon i in honor of Mias Maude Bohannon, whosa j marriage to Mr. John Cecil Trotmnn of K. nly occurs early in November. An eleunnt luncheon concluded this most delightful affair. t LAURINBURQ I toOO4 0 Tnurlnburg, Oct. 28. Mlse Mat Mo Kachtn was hostens to the Flliubeth Browning Book Club last week, and the nfternoon spent with her waa one or the plcasantest. Only current topic were read, by Miss Rva Coving ton, and the fun of the afternoon be gan. Progressive bunco was the game nd wn thoroughly enjoyed bv all. Misses Anna McKlnnon and Emma; Gill cut for the prlie, the former be ing th.- winner, received a handsome cut glass dish. A delicious salad course with coffee followed by mlnta was aorved. On last week Mra. W. D. Jamea, Jr., entertained a few frlenda In formally. Games ware played and a most delightful evening passed. Mra. Jamea aerved tea, sandwiches and mlnta. Mra. M. U John waa a delightful hostess to the Lad lea Thursday After noon Hook Club on last week. Bad weather seemed to plot agalnat Mra. John, but that failed to Induce the ladles to forego the delights of her hospitality and quite a number were present. The program waa complete and very much enjoyed. Mra. John aerved Ice cream and coko- uTVTinTVa ' WITH each' order wa present with V JUXJJJXVt X , our eompiimente, a handsome card TfJTTTrn a nTrrtYJCl receiver made from tba plate your 111 VllAllUDO engraved announcement or wedding Invitation la printed from. Write for our big wedding sample book of latest styles and prloea. If 8 filled with suggestions for Engraved Wedding Stationery and Cards, send today. .- .,, ,-. VIRGINIA STATIONERY CO., Inc. East. Main Street Richmond, Va. RALEIGH t Raleigh. Oct. 2 S. Although the State Fair thla year had no chief marshal and aides under whose aus pices to hold the annual State fair ball, the ball was held quite success fully on Friday evening with a large attendance of ladies and gentlemen from every section ot the State and the ball room section of the city au ditorium where the affair was held, was thronged with a brilliant com pany of dancers and spectators from 10:30 to 2:30 o'clock. There was also a special fair dano in the Auditorium on Wednesday night that was most enjoyable and wag attended by many visitors as well as the Raleigh dancing set. Rev. Hlght C. Moore and Mrs. Moore spent several days the past week at Murfreesboro where they vis ited the Baptist College for Women there. Mrs Moore is a graduate of that ' institution. Both were guesta of the college and both addressed the student body and were delighted with the work and program of the institu tion. Miss Serena Dalton of Winston-Salem and Miss Laura McQtll Cannon weer guests of Mies Julia Manning for the State fair week. Mr. and Mrs Watkins Robarda spent the week here with Mrs. Ro bard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Root, on Hlllsboro street. Mrs. W H. Rogers Is at home again after a visit to Birmingham, Ala., and to Charlotte. Mrs. John J. Whitehead of Tonkers. N. Y.. is here spending a while with her father. Col. John Niohols. on Daw son street. Mrs. Marshall Williams of Faison and Mrs. I. W. Faison of Charlotte, who were the guests of Mrs. William J. Andrews the past week, have re turned to their homes. Mrs. K. R Moffttt has returned to Rh'Timond after spending more than a week here. She ws.pi h guest In t'e home of Air James H. Pou. After spending a week here guests In the home of Mrs. George P Pell, Mrs. Berry of Wilmington and Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. Johnson of Is lington, have returned to their homes Mrs. Charles Leo Smith had as her guests the pat week Mrs Eugene Little, Wadesboro; Mrs. W. M. Creasy, Wilmington; Mrs. Hunter Smith, Fay etteville; Mrs. Barberry, Clinton The annual State fair hall by the Capital Club was given Thursday night and was well up to the high standard of these events In past years, being graced by great numbers of visi tors from every section of the State The ball room was lovely in special decoratlons and the dancing continued from 10 to 1 o'clock. Miss Adelaide "Van Noppen of Greensboro spent tho week here the ' gueet of Mise Florence 8tone. I Mrs. Marlon Cohb and children have arrived from Wilson to Join Mr. Cobb and they have taken apartments here. Miss Nina. Masten Is here from Winston-Salem the vuest of Mrs. Phelpa for fair week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Andrews, Jr. spent the past week in Atlanta with friends. I Rev and Mrs. A. R. Hunter are be- ! ing heartily welcomed back home af- : ter their European trip in which thev i were marooned for some time in the war zone without their friends in this country being able to ascertain their whereabouts. They made rhelrwnv Into Italy as nVckly a they could af- . ter the declaration of war. ! Saturday afternoon the Raleigh College Women's Club had as their guests a number of the members of the Durham chapter of the Southern Association for a special meeting held st St. Mary's School. Tho" were M!1sea Kate Johnron. Sallle Beavers, Mellle I'mstead. Mollle Speed Xellio McClees. Lllla Markham. Martllda Michealai Sadie Whltmor, Irene Hicks, Florence Baxter, Lillian White, Leliah Hampton. Lldla Ba-ncroft, Mar garet Wertz. Gussle Michaels. Susie Michaels and Madames J. C. Blvlnn and W. H. Galssnn. Miss Rleanor vaaa wag hostea for the Kcntness Book Club Tuesday af ternoon. Tho first dance for the State fsjr week was that by the Country Cluh on Tuesdny night, the affair proving one of special enjoyment with Mr. Charlea K Johnson, Jr.. chairman of the house committee of th.t club. In charge. There were a great numher of young people and many visitor!' to the city participating The Raleigh Woman's SufTrnge League has elected Mrs. Palmer Ger- mn .nd Mrs. Russell Langdon as del egates to the convention of the North Carolina Woman's Suffrage League in 1 Charlotte. November 9 and 10. Tha: was the first meeting of the Raleigh League lnce organisation a couple, of months ago Mrs. Jamea H. Pou Is I president of the local league. Miss Resale House haa, returned from Klnston where she attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mra. J. N. Rouse. Arch Deacon N C Tlitrhea and Mra Hughes and daughter MIsa Caro- MARRIAGE INVITATIONS Reception and Visiting Cards CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED INO FOR SAMPUM AND MICK J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Forty-seven Whitehall Street Atlanta, Georgia line, went to Weldon thla week to attend the marriage of Rev. Mr. llughea' eon. Mr. N. Collin Hughes. Jr., and- Mlaa Jessie Green, which took place Wedneaday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Page of Prin cess Anne County, Md., spent the week here guests in the homo of Dr. Hubert Royster. Mra. Claudtua Dockery of Troy spent the week here with friends. Friends here and throughout the State have reoelved invitations from Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Hldney Lanier of Birmingham, Ala., to th marriage of their daughter. Miss Mary Banister, and Mr. James O. Munds of Wilming ton, the marriage to take place No vember 7 at St. Mary'a on the High lands, Birmingham. Mr. Munds lg a son of Mr. J. C. Munds for many years especially prominent in North Carolina Masonry. On Friday evening at the Gover nor's Mansion, Mrs. Looke Craig was a moBt charming hostess for a com pany of intimate friends, most of them visitors in connection with the convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy. It was a dinner Party and the guests were Mrs. Marshall Williams of Faison; Mrs Fannie Ran som Williams of Newton; Mrs. 14. H. Griffin, Mra 'Nathan O'Berry, Qolds boro; Mrs. Thomas Craig, Gastonia; MYs. Jamea A. Oudger, Asheville and Mrs. Victor Bryant, Durham. t ELKIN t o o-o-t- Elkln, Oct. 23. The Home Missionary Society met At the home of Mrs. G. T. IJoth Monday afternoon. Tho object of th meeting was to arrange clothing for two little children who will be sent from here to Children's Home, Winston-Sa-l'im, at an early date. Miss Xell Gwynn Is visiting friends In Durham and Raleigh tlda month. Miss Mary Armfleld of teteevllle is the attractive guest of her brothers family on Church street. Mesdames Alex Chatham. Jr.. and B. K. McXeer motored to Htatmvillc and Charlotte this week to attend the the ater. Miss Louise Roth, a student at Salem College. sjent the week-md here and re turned Monday. Mrs. Oscar Billings and baby have re turned after a month's stay with hor parents at Danville, Va, Pr. and Mrs. J. W. Ring have returned from a pleasant visit to their dausrhtT. Mrs Joseph p. Parker, who lives at Rich Rqtiare. Where A iium Fall. A farmer was recently arguing with n Fren'h chauffeur who had slackened up at an Inn regarding the merits of the horse and the. motor car, says The Sacrod Heart Review. "Give me a 'orse," remarked the farmer; "them traveling o.l-shops is ton uncertain fer my llkin." "Ket is prejudice, my friend." tho chauffeur replied, "you Rngleeph are behind ze times; you will think deefairent some day." "Behind the times be blowed!" came the retort; "p'r'aps nox' time thn Proosians are around Paris ana you have to git your dinner off a steak from the ind wheel of a motor car, you Freiu'hmpn'Il wish vou wasn't so bloomin' well up-to-date!" Corn Comes Off as Easy as You Please! "Gets-It" Being Used byMilliont It la the first time that a real, sure-as-fate corn cure has ever been dls--Covered. "GETS-IT" ia the new corn. i Find tHe Lady Wka Uses the World's Greatest Corm-Cura, "GETS-IT." ender, based on an entirely new prin ciple. It s a new. different formula, never successfully Imitated. It makes corns shrivel and then vaniah. Two drops do the work. You don't bun dle up your toe any more with sticky tape and plasters that prew down on the poor corn no more flesh-eating salves that don't "stay put." no more hacking at corns with knivea or ra aora, no more bleeding or danger of blood poison; No more limping around for day with sore corns, no more corn pains. ' GETS-IT" la now tho bigaeat-eell-ing corn cure In the world. Uae It on any hard or soft oorn, wart, oallua or bunion. Tontght'e the night. "GET8-IT" is sold by druggists ev erywhere, 25 cents a botUe, or sent di rect b IS. Lawrence A Co., Chioago. It' an easy matter to rent a room or two or make a business of pro viding for roomera it the "Wanta are used. ) " f i ' t 1 , ; '. . t '. '