v. - -' ? 'i aO . .- . ...... jj,. ;i , TERMS OF I! . . . awir-ar. - .- . . - -- , f . i mm, ,t. 'Svertlsfnlrn will be.inWtea ia SlMier W"fri", ... i -t-Jl In. ithF tl r',irsxnlnalua.lT'aiw i"i V" T PTV!?".." .' Terms AwvertielB Wertftr!MWHK5 ireewULfor 5 AeO,et iaarti;.A iar? BymnItri wtber.f!WWrg W arked o tee vwtiiwmaot it Sa ioseHed i Mooevseni as oj am p y.i j A jgp jjTe sbP W tha pJwsur of Uy wsorj our readters &MtftMZt tewe, th aJtend intertel- ifig!Iecfr rftl Hi WHlikur GrSrt -oeT,V -i-siK-VHtotfc OontenrtoiiIq onPQsitiru the Test )at 'iRmftse.''''W lo PWiabi f - ' , mi vish them.t f CMa- tnayr r-t" . ...... ,vi ; n.vti!.-From'the Fayettcknli Obr W- we leari'lbat Hon. Warren tftnalctrJiM -. -LifMxab ' ------ .r- . r - . hear that Sr.. health -eMty- tapre4. Toe ser state;tbat -i. has i rcjifeted bj- r .erf'geoilemf to; propose thfrliaBje oTIWilliam M L MiiKa-JUa. i s hi& aucttssor, WHe iCuni- lorla'nd' and. Haroett hava many al4fl; Mv Wnmiintent ii fill the sm if Sr. i,. it- 'Atk'i..i.ki tkai-A nn fitter nul fur iKi bst tlUan Sir, UcKa, and none perhaps (ir whm , the iwople of ft parties wouU mora reWy rote- u.. iiiiJ rulIiiljR sun "f die old Mrth State ;.-- -i JiLiiii' .ii,i-:r? a .T r4?tJSS tTt'H 4My ai p, Cou.rTA-w- h te; pwttre ff ,n? Cot z!;fiVamcc, on VVedncs lawVttia :Ber tnaXlng afr-winehts'lbr'suppl es fof"w Irfeunent fTht. Colorm wh ir7 'eU. '1 iMung u " cheerful atftr,j .. . tccuANOi--The ConfedcrMS atbrHis)iaT prpo-itly exchanged 240 Yatikee prisoner) "afRicli ?" troond ni the 240 of the Batterts prisooerl felwaed by Lincoibfc Our prisoners were released jop prle upon condition that the -Confederate' go-4eniaent 'J4- -Sease similar number of Yankee pkaonera. Vbndiog rnk. V lfi$ I , t i A ... 7 . tTEBCEXSST. Tb "Bladen Rie Cm . fTM riextN. C. treopB, MUnejrkdgo jheir 1st Lieutenant, D. fL MeXiir, be re . lot of clothing for said company fr m tbe adiea of ;BIden County.. . , ': -y. r i , .. ' : ijr. PicKBHS. The Richmond Eifftlrtr at tieav of -an experienced picki,. guards kfa :gturatid. iti"y phiiritupua ,ya:ianMaae.ii ,jBegsnaan ar tarreu I. ' i- i i . ffi't I 9 hitcifo thaijlasi ,r:; li j-'f rfjf''U r A (..'tfiis. sVf n 4ta ! tbi Utl.11 2 KEELS iies have btfUoii4ii.w lotsS cent, ti.mewefsjfW B Stt& prit rag.pJatSejr, ' Lit Fayt'tUvilto t fi Tnuoted at9 ruWaJsra Jlai sar our plant ; ir. Raderai that in ttefsbb&W the flls it war v -i'lotca at 10-cenu. -v w mjimaioa pai oer ar ,' h hypers at jJiffBf poiaU who bay f 'it up at these kw rates,; to' be clandestinely convey ed to die-Yankees and sold at btgjk prices; If there be ahy-t?uib in the intiinationsitbe parties ought . u .e dwcpreij)j.jn4 :hu'ng uj) by Ihej'. heebi,! : CoiiEiprein,AKT.Tle.ldies oi Petersbjirg gae - t.t year.iiiimetrtotia4tbHi!C. reKeaent,X7oL Hnrkee on the M i&tf Ibey had a fln tii WkA'rr?6"" nratatied f r0"""01"? wisngian-i over ke on &$$k;Xbq Wift an all W readily mai aodi m ,-, .: , jnjyrDeepRiveivha u.g, .please tbpalaf.j fiHAialiiiant. Ah althduelfc i i .- 4Zi& --V-i--. , iaeWmeaasar . .. ...... ,: . . .. :''. . ...... .tot a-'-.-' r. il J 1 . i's;JaLy'oaeoj4; treeownt t'ttoe 4r-' vt uaaMM" C4:i;5,aod invited thta,to efcatg?6paavlliBf !tcs provided. tor ibn, . i i .-i..ji: ;-N7.:a..t . - Col, Clarke responded n eloquent arid happy e ms, and bia .rsmarks ,vera reoeivad wlth.-tke. yiegi approval JJ all wha listened la him ,L rUT , rt confidontt, tie repast was such as to remold w gallant aokliers of their New Year's dinners 4t aje, and we are confideBl too that tb kind ladies vjo so-freery provided for Ibwa, rsceitetl the hjglK t weare of praise and thanks from be heatof 4ebilo partook; ol the $w$?t&nis: luBer.UK' -YIIOfiaBrb the modiOsa f w truce v chu KUnt. -a cottriBicUos P h njts:;eiily an bnMtwt !TlioletkMrV:Vn ai.d raiui bribe aid Federal "eri military affiufs 3 kljowed --IthrWorflYe-ealts &i!aar m!w vPua.BttwiBsi; tH wmHtyM roe iiiAi. j i :5Sf ..( t!r No- .frtlRA "iirr- ;t WrJ Wat Prom mm. ' " " "; iqHiiSous war began, netj mbtth ihpWeoV seine new phase in the war oro- iFtit j';$prai. Now, they wertf about to Igummi'. cjtn--then another and another, 3d South'era courage" ndUin COCMSWe-t this day hbat they intend to undertake iWtfjntjt ioifi wtai they design to do it for! . JPr'rV? inJsdvance movement at farioUS jojfrts sem i.htab; ;but the mere rallying oft far troofato mee them has suddetily changed bw progrtewtne, fend: conjecture failed , to point out Wlrtjfcaa; -be jrttted next " No certain reliance oarif tfrekn ; be pjxtk either upon the information fa.iiyag or from the pubnc onaaw ot V rtj to theui dements.- "IfWr, sjewiwttot to bavHrabat ;1& ? ?.n ilne'r disappointments or de feat!. It , arhapi), letter than it has been at any perioii: -Mortal :.'tat$jto the Southern people has been increased bhlr failures, and jrevengo even ?i??l4i9n nd the stealing of South riiiln'jiaBil jrRerJ appear to engross and in : thOiJiorAern vkes. The flame' is rendered IhaTiior intense bv fee falsehood and invective of '.'PM'lhat villainous, sheet, the ' iow Jorij Merqldi kjrejmost, if possible, in clamor - ,lng foroutbem blojifi and Southern property. It a hetetoMro aoarktd etit sundry programmes for Wcbae ended in smoke; and re PS"8 to eak with some confidence of ;tUVt nwet;wbicb might give the South some ancerir; If tbere rereiatty probability of its being lmVeted. As soon as dtrtain arrangements are coni- ted, it'.My tht thc expeditions of Sherman, 2ler and Bumskie. tiB advance at the South from Pensaoota. to the mouth of the Mississippi, and rss .inland -that; McClcllan will then move for and siiiiultanenu-sly the a0';ibfl4i..Keqtoieky and at Cairo will ad- reen ; York- attacked fr from Fortress ill take Winchester, Ort Royal will assail aad capture fort PulaskUnd Savannah. This looks IbrmMabto toHi sire, but fortunately for the South, 6or troops '" reijdylb'r 'theni at those points, and the advance cann be hiadc without defeat and dis- Let noAa-felwrsecwity or reliance upon other than Pjrldemaourjiwn arms, lull the South to repose.' ftc preparation of the North are upon a vast scale, to tSect oar ruii J Nothing, we believe, will be omitted -to aacorikplah' tlic diabolical purpose. From the flrit,:-we-havat anticipated notliing but a most Woody andbarrassing war ; hence, we labored to put off the evil Jjf not to defeat entirely the ballisb parpoM Nor has the war yet reached its ialmtfWtrTeirllwnnncreaso in manifold bitter aieaa and malipiif jlj barbarity and cruelty. Yet the "result is not doirJrtfuL however damaging it may be to the South. " She" was never more convinced man now, of the justice of Ker cause, the strength qf her arms, artd the certainty of ultimate triumph. t We mar jnect f'iLh somo Worses glooai may come over our prospers for a wfcila poverty may pinch us and our fields b drenebu in blood, but we can nev er Ofi conquered.'' Yet tie crisis calls for unwonted f: and patriotism orselvcs the aban- aims of all person- r .v Ire surrender of our the altar cf huinafc louthern cause. Let o meet the foe. Iro iKO Cqau e efvi an article to day from tbfl EfMnood pipaipi showing Uie importance of r - ;tw wticlE to tits irealth of a nation, and the t ranee, and possession ol rHP.'1 . 3' waJ. Uur cotemporary ajeaktr' raaoafOts'of Virginia, Tennessee and ort.AliaWraf ore; arid of the abundance of .nthracfoi Virginia, Jba, but wtfjOl'lttioiHlf )eep River region, &icb sboanda'ul the lk if n(, ores the world can J1!m,if6pn, As yet anthracite Ml has not beefi discovered In that section we be- ' ljareV but it abounds 3f-t4uitnuou.s coal, which is ji ajjead uaed extensirely Jgr blasting, and when re- dieeel Camke, answers wen tor smelting purposes. has beeiitinwa arairf demonstrated, that no bn of this countrt possesses in ereater quantatr !t Bwnae foe, iron area oil better quality than e Se:Jnrer nsgioa, nmy species or ma- ity rfimplemctitvery deinandofour nnmer- ni tkoawi, ryerj oanu waicn iron may balW.foftarnuj, caonon 4& for military purpo and perhaps better met. l.o(PeepRiverhan,juny where else on irhdujlt "this fact has been jgMnMityciraoqs explorations, ex- hiade, the Confed- meMBeahit afjwars.'es nothing to devel- iMjrgBWQKB' e prints of other rTf 1 1 Ifc " -"tiMnnfiiinfil f ATI iroc. 4araS obtfties itteuMib iroft' Our forges are now aron toltJchbloaduse of the Cpnfed rsittVWS'T &r Bjountisi region doubtless, T. toll tqh aoA coal, hih-4some future day bsotebed, When i It WerIy intersected lrka' R(rKcx';AHtbrciU ol of an excellent tUyVCupd in abundance. aRockingham and ri potbing utbe tardiness of isW peoplat. la tt B?' tbllg has prevented :Wuw tt nsio4e,!th More ijreThB irf acP er, and the an- .M7laii .IrhnaVfr. ailpiaya6dvi' ioaections mpa .thjotj sA adbeWajcjut on bis way. to jMfaond, V kiartH for tin f'fm -of obtaining wtheGjertimenttbe tair the right to ir'tbmertajn sequMRjanson Dcp Riv- W af thatifanlOOoerate in the South. toacmka.--W arWeaad.1o Bay toatwe ,roViflij,,,'iIjlU' i Orange, v-aSTaar,P. patent ofittce has ta of varu its IEI-jII' ' C.. ; WEDNES -j I- -. ' i .;. (Special Despatch to (be Richmond Enquirer, j -.- -J Surrender of aiasoa and Slidell. v i'Ckstkevill, Dec. 80, 1861. - You may state it, as coming fronts reliable Source, that Seward has surrendered Messrs. Mason and LfJJi " "Tr" ' 7? .tB?-. .lands. the above be correct then has Lincoln's eov- ernment done' what ,we feared it would, o-"'0" minioosly humbled itself before England, : Where now is the declaration Of Secretary Welles that Commodore Wilkes was forbearing in not holding the English steamer as a prize f . Where is the back bone of the Lincoln. Senate and House, which thanked W ilkes for his exploit J Where the exul tations of the presses and the people of Yankeedom over" the seizure of our Envoys ? The English lion baa roared, and the Yankee crane pipes for peace. :. Appearances indicate that Lincoln has complied witb all the English demands ; that Messrs. Mason and Slidell are to be placed on board a British vessel, and an ample apology offered to England for the insult to her flag. - The degraded Yankee government sacrifices its last claim to honor and to the respect of civilized nations, in order the more fully to glut its vengeance on the South. It first plays the bully, and then the coward, sneaking off from a contest with a government which it has insulted, and con gratulating itself on the mattneu with which it has avoided the impending wrath of England. But the South will gain by even this. The Yan kee government must henceforth incur the con tempt, to a greater or less extent, of all the great powers of Europe; and the Confederate States, having already obtained the sympathy of Ibt peopU of England, whose flag has been insulted on account of their Envoys, will at onco occupy a higher po sition in the eyes of the world, .The recognition of the Confederate States by England and France is not far distant. This will open the courts of Europe to our Ministers, who can propose and make terms for us which will aid us in our struggle; and after the experience which Lincoln has had in seizing our Envoys, and after his humble apology for the act, he will not be apt to Uy his hands again on a Con federate Minister, under the British or French flag on the high seas. Oh for twenty first class ships of war, with force to man them! If the South had only these, she would soon break the blockade at important points, and her own flag would protect her Envoys on the ocean. Cotton Fabrics. Before the war spun cotton was selling at from 90 cents to $1 10 per bunch, and ordinary cotton cloth at 8 to 10 cents per yard. Now the former is $1 75 to il 90 per bunch, and the latter 20 to 25 cents. We are glad that the factories are still able to turn out these fabrics, and we know that all the materials they use, except cotton, are much higher than formerly ; but then cotton can be obtained at 7 to 8 cents per pound, and labor is cheaper than heretofore. Under these circumstances, it seems to us that thirty to forty per cent on former prices would be a fair profit for the manufacturers ; as it is, more than 100 per cent is paid by the people for these fabrics before they reach them through the merchant We do not know which of these classes the manufacturer or the merchant is realizing the greatest profit, but we do know that those who need and must have these fabrics are paying enormous prices for them. We again urge our readers to start the cards, spinning-wheels, and looms, and manufacture their own cloth. We know cards are scarce, but let them all be gathered up and used. The spinning-wheels and looms can be made at home. Cotton is cheap. Spin it, and then weave it into cloth. We can well remember the day when the hum of the wheel and the trcddlcs of the loom were heard in almost every dwelling. Wc must also have more wool and more flax. Let no more sheep be butchered, but save them all for their fleeces ; and let considerable crops of flax be put in next spring, for the staple will be needed for cloth, and tho seed for oil. ' W. G. Bkowslow. This deluded man, wh has done more to fan the flame of discontent and hostil- ' ity to the Southern Confederacy in East Tennessee than any one else, was recently arrested by tht civil authorities of Knoxvillo, Tenn., and put in prison on a charge of treason. Since his imprisonment the rumor went abroad that he refused to eat any thing, desiring to starve himself to death. This he denies in a letter to the Nashville Patriot, asserting that he has no idea of committing suicide ; that his health is good except a cold, and that he eats three full meals a day, sent him by his family. In the same letter, however, he attempts to cast reproach upon the Confederate authorities by insinuating thai they hare been guilty of a breach of faith towards him, by inducing him t3 return to Knoxville under a pledge of protection and a safe passport beyond the Confederate lines, and then suffering him to be ar rested by a civil process. The facts are briefly these: Believing that it would be better to get rid of Bro wnlo w and 6end bim North, than to alio v him to remain, and not aware that it was the intention of any one to arrest him by civil ' process, the government proposed to Brownlow to deliver himself up at Knoxville, and that he would be protected and furnished witb the necessary pass ports beyond pur lines. This was done. The time appointed for bis departure was fixed and an escort provided; after which, the civil process was served on him without the knowledge of the military au thority, who offered no resistance to the civil pro cess, but delivered him up. On the 27th Dec the case was. brought before J udge Reynolds of the Con federate Court, when the District Attorney laid be fore the Court a letter from Mr. Benjamin, Secretary 'of War, explanatory of the design' and purpose of the Government to act in good faith ,to Mr. Brown low Judge Reynolds immediately dismissed the case and ordered his release. It is understood that he will be conveyed across the lines by the military in a short time. Bis release caused great excite ment and discontent among the soldiers stationed at Knoxville. - 1 '' "' v Srat they" Come. We are under many obliga tions to a friend in Gaston- County for a list of tan subscribers; to a friend at Durham's Station for list of eleven, and to a friend at Beaufort for a list of twelve subscribers, with a promise of more from 'feich.' Who tie'xt : will imitate these excellent ex- amplest- Send themjonjjtiend and run up our JSpdry u snppJrWiOaf' ana inK large, WarwftbalT the ri?ftT UK 1 V7 iili 1 . 1 I I DAY;: JANUABY 8. 1802; . The Press.. . -. : . i None can be more jealous of the liberty of the press than we are, yet, at a time like this, the ut- most prudence is demanded on the part of the South, era press. There can be no doubt that, in the anx--;, iety to gratify the public taste for news, most, if not all the Southern presses may have erred, ; but in ' some points the daily press has been egregiously at . fault The publication of arrival of vessels in Con- federate porta with munitions of war, a, and the escape of individuals from the North, often times giving the names of the parties, their .mode of es cape, &c, cannot, we think,' be condemned too high ly. From all we can learn, at any rate, it is , posk tively affirmed by intelligent parties from the North, that Lincoln has his emissaries all through the Souh that every important fact is communicated North in a few days, arid that nothing scarcely s capes their vigilance. Under such circumstances, how important it is that the press carefully avoid publications which must certainly enure to the ben efit of the enemy. Can it be true that Lincoln has, at this late day, emissaries in the South f If so, let them be ferretted out and punished. Death vbom Intemperance. Simeon Marshall, who resided a few miles west of Raleigh, was taken up on Thursday last and put in the guard house in a very drunken condition. In a few hours thereafter he was found dead. A jury of inquest was sum moned by Mr. Coroner Bevcrs, on Friday morning, who found that Marshall came to his death by the intemperate use of ardent spirits. Intemperance in the Army. The Richmond Enquirer has the following just and sensible observations on this subject It is a " bitter mockery " to punish a drunken private, and at the same time to tolerate a drunken officer. The Enquirer says: "One of the duties which will devolve upon Gov ernment, during tho winter suspension of hostilities, and which may best be attended to at that time, will be an enquiry into the habits of the officers of the army, as to sobriety, with a stern dismissal of those whose vicious indulgences disqualify them for their posts. We are sorry to say there is too much necessity for instituting this enquiry. It is a bitter mockery to arrest a drunken private, whose fault is confined to himself, and leave unreproved the iraudlin officer, whose fault involves the use fulness, and the comfort, and even the lives' of his command. The bawlings of the besotted soldier in the guard house are far less discreditable to the service, and far less ominous of evil, than the revel ries of the General in his cc mfortable quarters. Drunkenness is a vice to which many good and brave and gifted men fall victims ; bat when they do, how ever, the necessity is to be regretted, nothing re mains but to get rid of them, The dead timber must be cleared away. If a drunkard of any use in the world, except as the trial of men s patience, and woman's too, it is yet to be found out But the last place for him is that whioh puts him in command of others. How can he take care of a multitude, when he is unable to control even himself? Imagine an officer called upon to issue orders at a time when he sees goblins in the air, and snakes and rats crawl ing over his couch! Imaging hiui scanning a field when his eyes are red and swimming, and covered with mists ! Hear him issning the word of com mand when his tongus doubles ami his senses reel ! To such victims of such a vice we would appeal by all their pride, ambition, love of country, regard for their soldiers, to set a worthier example. Such as are wedded to their ways, should either see, or be shown, the necessity of giving place to sober men." For tbc Standard. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION OE THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Gentlemen : The right of instruction being a prin ciple of free government, and it having been found ed in good faith in the original letter of our State Constitution, we, a portion of the people of Wilson County, assuming to exercise that right with refer ence to the disturbed condition' of our financial af fairs, caused by the maladministration of the federal government, do, therefore, appeal to your honorable body, in the name of our State, setting forth, in brief, what wc conceive may be provided as a rem edy for us in common with our fellow-citizens of North Carolina, against the present as well as future troubles which may arise from a protracted stale of war. We would therefore suggest and recommend for your favorable consideration, that the Convention establish a uniform system of hanking in the name of the people of North Carolina, basing it upon the real and personal property owned by the State and people ; that the property thus pledged and fixed as a basis of capital stock, shall be deemed and held in bank as an equivalent to gold and silver coin ; that the principal or mother bank under this system, shall be located in the City of Raleigh, N. C, and shall be chartered with the right to establish a branch in each and every county in the State. The principal bank shall be allowed to issue and circulate notes ranging from five dollars to one hun dred in denomination, the circulation not to exceed the sum required to meet the State's liabilities du ring each year the war shall continue, the notes to bear six per cent interest payablo to the State or people, as the case may be. Let it be further provided, that the capital stock of the branches located in each county of the State, shall be according to thero rata of taxes paid by tie people of the counties, to the S'ate government in which they are established, with the privilege of circulating notes to the value of four times the amount of their capital, ranging in denomination from twenty-five cents to fifty dollars. Let it be further provided, that every tax payer in each and erery county in the State, shall, upon presenting a gjod bond, borrow four times, if he desires, the amount of his or,her taxes; the bond thus discounted shall bear six per cent interest payable semi-annually, and one-fourtb of the principal of the note made payable annually, until the whole debt is cancelled. Let it be further provided, that the notes of the principal and branches of said banking system, shall be made a lawful tender during the continuance of the war, and shall be taken as gold and silver in payment of debts, taxes, the purchase of goods, waTes and merchandize ; also, salt pork, beef, ba con, lard, corn, wheat flour, in fact all prime neces sities. Further, providing such restrictions as will secure the faithful performance, and honest admin istration of the system by the officers employed to superintend the same. - This system, in place of making the State a borrow er from individual banks, or corporations, in and out - of her own limits, incuring a heavy interest debt for the people to pay after the war, would afford the State a means to meet her liabilities, and her people to pay their debts and taxis; and instead of paying this enormous interest debt to individual institu tions, would pay it to the State in the name of the people themselves, the interest thus paid falling into the State Treasury as a sinking fund to lessen in the end the principal or State debt incured by a short or protracted war with the Lincoln government- Hoping you may consider, when you resume yonr deliberations again in January, our suggestions, and provide a means for our meeting ours as well ss the State's liabilities without distress of property, we submit our prayers. MANY CITIZENS. Wilson,' N. C.v Dec. 18, 1861. ' 7 ! The Delia says that the Banks of New Orleans have agreed to lend the State of Louisiana $4,000,000, at the rate of eight per cent interest to enable it to pay tho Confederate tax and meet its own heavy obligations. 1 A-rtVW Aa BC1 Whole jfo.ER 1397. .c :').. .. i.i..- -.The Stat: Law. The talk which prevailed in the State some time ago in regard to the Stay Law, seems to have subsided in a great measure. This is not owing to any change in public sentiment in re gard to it,, we judge but because of the readiness with which our honest and law-abiding people sub mit to law, even when it pinches. ' There is evi-. dently a diversity of opinion upon the subject, yet we have, thought the majority of our people are op posed to the present law. - What the Convention will do, we af e not prepared to say.: An intelligent correspondent, in one of the western counties, who has been engaged in mercantile business over forty years, remarks in a letter to us, that money is more plentiful in his neighborhood than it has been in five years, and that he is satisfied that there would be little or no pressure if the Stay Law was repeal ed. He says, "the late Stay Law has put down the credit system. The poor in my county are violent ly opposed to it, and even good livers say they can not make their crops without the credit system. The rich are also opposed to it because they cannot collect money with which to pay their taxes." . This state of things creates dissatisfaction, and proves in jurious to the cause of the South in carrying on the war. Confederate. States. The announcement of Mr. Secretary Memminger that he is ready to pay the interest on the Confederate funded debt in gold and silver, must be very gratifying to every friend of the Confederacy. This fact places the credit of the government in a high position, and gives to the Treasury Notes and other obligations of the Confed eracy, a passport throughout the South. There is, perhaps, not on record an instance, in which a young government like ours, born without a cent plung ing in debt as soon as it began to breathe, harrassed and crippled by a bloody war, with its ports block aded and cut off from the commerce of the world. which in less than one year pays off the interest of its debt in gold and silver. Long live the Southern Confederacy ! Plenty of Powder. Contrary to general expec tation, we are glad to "learn that the Confederate government has been able to make ample arrange ments for a full supply of powder for the war. Maj. Rains who has charge of the manufacture of powder for the government, and who is superintending the erection of pnwder mills at Augusta, Ga., says that the government has an ample supply of sulphur for that purpose for years. AVAR NEWS. This article which is so gratifying to the publi taste at this time is exceedinelv scarce. Kentucky. A dispatch from Nashville on the 80th ult, gives the following items : A special dis patch to the Louisville Courier from Hopkinsville States that Col. Forrest's rjivalrv ahnnt Snf ttrnm, and the Federal cavalry, with about the same num ber, met at Sacramento, on Green river, on Satur day last, when a skirmish ensued. About fifty Fed erals were killed, wnnnried inH tnlon TfA i;anorc Uur loss was Capt ii. Clay Merriwether. of Louis- vine, aim one private Kiuea, ana one private wound ed. The eneinv fled in great cnnfiisirin A gentleman who hsui inst. arrivm! tin ttnA wltst left Louisville on Christmas day, says that pilots cannot be obtained for the Federal gun-boats which were destined to go down the Mississippi river. They say that they are afraid of the submarine bat- . l I . j:cp . ... . . .. . Minca pmccu ni umereni points in tne river. It is reported here that the Louisville Journal has announced that there will be no forward movement on liowlintr Irrpnn nr flrtirt rivA nnii! T C. O - a,.. U.J bit .u.utAF-.l, O position on the slavery question is satisfactorily de- UUCUi New Orleans. Private dismtfoW f RiVfcmnnA state that on the 30th ult, 22 Federal vessels were landing troops at Ship Island on Sunday and Mon dav. Another dispatch was received on 31st staling that the Federals had landed troops at Balize : and 11 was oenevea mat f ederal troops bad also been landed at MississiDoi Citv. onnosite tn Shin MnnH The people on the islands in that section were much excited, and are not provided with suitable means to resist the Federal invarfera. Balizu is about 100 miles from Mobile, and 85 from New Orleans. Soctu-Cauolisa. The Charleston Mercury of the 31st says: "Although matters are getting quite brisk along the neighboring coast there does not seem to be that imminence of battle, which was believed a few days ago, to exist On Saturday Maj. Gen. Lee and staff visted Brig. Genl. Evans' military district and spent the entire day with the hero of the " Stone Bridge" and of Leesburg, making observations in that quarter. The enemy's gun boats are still in sight off White Point but it is believed that this point of the inland communication has been occu pied by the enemy for the purpose of more effectu ally blockading us. The Yankees believe that our Commissioners and many valuable cargoes have found exit in this direction. One of their amuse ments consists in shelling the residence of planters, on both sides of the stream, and if their practice was even tolerable, much property would thus be destroyed. But fotttmUkW thi--v-- bad that as many m . at a large house bol less expensive garni - ; . range rifles, and thl "; 4 - . an armed party to ii On Sunday momi "i approached White I) Gen. Evans' pickets; ... . . v. ,. . , . . - The Latest News - We receive but little news from our last mails, or from dispatches. All quite still on the Potomac. . Dispatches received at Richmond from the Po tomac re-affirm the rumor that Mason and Slidell have been surrendered. The Baltimore Sun of the 30th December publishes Seward's dispatch to Lord Lyons, releasing Mason and Slidell, "yielding them to claims intrinsically just, and in conformity with American doctrines." Contemptible I Why did they not discover it before they roused John Boll ? The Richmond Theatre was burnt early on Thurs day morning. A saddlery was also burned, and the Marshall House injured. A dispatch from Mobile says that on 1st inst, a Confederate steamer going to the Pensacola Navy Yard was fired upon by Fort Pickens. Bragg s batteries replied and the firing continued at last ac counts... : . Large shipments of arms and munitions of war had arrived at New York from Europe for Lincoln's army, , Hudson river was frozen over from Hudson to New York. The new Federal tariff on coffee and sugar, excites commotion among buyers. The Northern people are represented as tired of the war, except army contractors. . vWbstern Virginia. Intelligence from Western Virginia represents that many of the beat citizens of Raleigh and Fayette counties have had to aban don their homes and seek refuge in Monroe, in con sequence of the outrages perpetrated by invading parties of'Yankces. Some, having been captured by the foe, refused to take the degrading oath of allegiance, and were sent to Columbus, Ohio. Tho people of our Western counties are in a high state of excitement, and are urging the Government to send more troops for their protection. JiW.nwmi DitpdtcK. ' .77 -; - . ' miwniini.aiunrraK. it cy wasvnoBi oruuam. For tho t luu um won u a tbere was a contort!) stream :' .. . m gentlemen- ana laches entering antf retirfrjo, ; lb ; t ; Gownor of Virginia, theSecretaiyofthwTraswy, ;;; m Mrs. and Ass Metmmnser, the Secretary of 4m& Navy and-Mrs. MaUorr.. ttw aetia SecretarV 4 - btate-and Mrs. Bftvne, the Secretary of War; At President Tyler, and, Hons, W. C. Re and W. & Mai r, ! 1 .... a . , - among tnose present, ja us uoweuy : the accomplished sister of Mrs. Davis assisted by , Mrs. Joseph R. Davis, and Mrs; General Jones, iV ' ceived the guests in the place f Mrs. BaTiav who- . ' was not present on account of indisyosition. i inond Enquirer. . - .-, ,.r.f . ,! .McClbllas and this Lincoln CoNfiess.-R. ik " currently reported that a movement iaewteotiw - -the Washington Congress to supersede Gem II C . , Clellan by the Massachusetts lawyer, NathawfoV.P. Banks. They complain that McCleUan is too stew,. : and they want a commander who will respond! to v : the popular clamor for an onward movement Th ' Yankees have been eight months engaged in the work of subjugating the South, but are still , as tar . from accomplishing their purpose, as they wen at ' the outset' We do not wonder, therefore, at their -impatience. Rick. Ditpatch. ;.. 7.J " Tub Right Man is tub Right Place." Among the appointments of the North Carolina Conference (which we publish in another eolumn) it will be seen . that the Rev. C. P. Jones has been appointed to Portsmouth, Ocracoke and Cape Hatteras. Mr. " Jones has command of an Artillery Company, and inasmuch as part of his territory is in possession of : the Lincolnites, it is to be presumed that he will use the Gospel in connection with powder and lead, The latter will certainly have the most effect on the mean souls of the Yankees. Wetter Democrat. Geoeoia. The General assembly of Georgia has passed an act authorizing all vctitnteers and other troops in the service from that State to vote at all elections, without reference to the place where they may be in service at the time of such elections. Disappointment. The New York Timet says : . " There has been considerable disappointment felt that the landing of Yankee troops on the coast of North and South Carolina has not produced that diversion of the Confederate troops before Washing' ton which was anticipated. The expected rash . homeward of the Carolina Confederates to defend their own States has not taken place; and conse-, quently, McCleUan has as strong an enemy in front " now to fight as he had before the Yankees landed! ;' twenty thousand men at Hatteras and Port Royal.'1' GENERAL NEWS. Dividends. The following Banks of this State have declared the following dividends: The Bank of Fayetteville, a semi-annual dividend of 4 fit ceftt The Bank of Clarendon, 5 per cent The Bank of Charlotte, also a dividend 6ft per cent The bank of Washington 3 1-2 per cent Mrs. Jackson, the wife of the martyr, mufcfeitd by Ellsworth's Zouaves, while defending the flag of his country in Alexandria, is now a resident of Cbarlottsville. Death by Fire. The FayetteviUe Olemer, states that Miss Sarah E. Goodman, daughter of Mr, Goodman of that place, aged 18, was shockingly burncil on Christmas morning and died the same night She was dressed to go to Church, and was standing before the fire, when her clothes caught The Legislature of Texas, now in session, has un der consideration a proposition to make it a suffi cient cause of divorce if the husband belongs to the Coast TJefexpes. Tlio rQcT.;ntAM hi .v muiiiMH 4IOWIW mentions the arrival there of Gen. Branch, who "is very busily engaged in attending to the interests of this part of his brigade." . A line of telegraph is to be laid from Washinfton to Fortress Monroe,, and possibly from that point to Hatteras, Port Royal, and points further Sotth. The gas-works of Mr. Fries of Salem, caught on fire on Saturday the 21st ult, and one ol the houses was destroyed. It is reported in New York that a sovere engage ment had taken place between the United States steamer Iroquois and the Confederate steamer Sum ter. One of them, it could not be ascertained which, had put into Martinique to repair damages. . Capt Asa George of Charlotte, has Invented a cannon, which it is said three men can load and fire 75 limes a minute I The inventor is a poor man and unable to have the gun thoroogbly tested. We shall need just such instruments to fight the Yan kees with, when we get our pluck fully up. Let it be tried. - General Wool has written to his Government at Washington, demanding tbat some immediate steps be taken with regard to Jhe negroes now at Old Point He represents that he sees a great deal of trouble with them, and states tbat they are contin ually wrangling-and fighting with his men. We see it stated in the papers that a Halifax (Nova Scotia) paper or some one else, asserts posi , tively that Messrs. R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, ; . ' -6-1 vkj, roil uuti inace ,1 in a iiriusa steamer, Having been appointed Envoys V. . uic uumuau -uuiueueracy 10 Angiaiia enu c raoce, in place of Messrs. Mason and SlidelL We do not believe it - . : . . We learn from the Louisville Courier that there are ten thousand Abolition Yankee soldiers sick and now in the hospitals at Louisville, and also large numbers in camp between Louisville and Nolin. The sickness is of a fatal character, and they are dying ty hundreds. Such is the just fate of these who have attempted to enslave a free and happy people like those of Kentucky .. Y General Stuart's official report of the battle' of Drainsville states that be lost 43 killed, 143 wottod- eil and ft miccii-in- ' D- ,. , . ... .',....-,.,, Homicides have become an everv dav in n in Washington City, - Hardly a day pastft.'ai , two or uiree muraers oo not take place. s-.'t. aiTliTi!',' JL '' that? enough, .. The intrepid Valtondiiihaiiv of the Lrncott gress, tried to make the friends of Lincoln jr" "Sr " the capture of Mason and Slide.! after the netr Jv cngtand arrived, by the adoption of atrontr VIUUB, UIM WBJF HCHU, ami rMBlTCCI mem oar.Z JS-. mittee to sleep. YaUandigbatn wants to JfM . unrighteous war, and he thought the quickcJ-a." was to embroil Lincoln with .England..' f;r.ir The English papers riaieuietne oraggsca rw&?f& rarely, on account of the inac ' ttv!0: the- Yankees severe! the 'Grand Ann y" around Washington fo : months. - They higgle at the idea of calling XT fiti lan a second Napoleon. ' ' prfc?&44k The notorious Bennett of the New York JtfY' who was ready to fight England at first, now . lition journals in thinking it best to compQH "j & me oemano oi xingiaoo now, ana seme uie jp, wr a with her after they whip the South. 'V'!"; The withdrawal of our troops from WWtJ'.;- ginia, leaves tbat section much exposed to J?T' - 7 V depredation. Several persons beyond StaunteipV ' have lost much stock, &c, recently by the Jg? 0 ; thieves. A portion of our. troops will kfiJa4-sOi Alleghanies and about btaunton. . Gen. Floyd has left with a. portion of hfcCXky mind to tuin lien. Jonnston s line in KeMaw ' . T.i ms command is sara to oe one oi toe most and well organized body of troops in tho i Hoa Francis E. Rives, of Petersburg, Vi in that city on tho 86th. - - :- V Rb-bnustmbnt or: Taoops. We feel perfectly justified in saying, from information in our portff : sion, that fully seven-eighths of the Virginia treat now in service will re-enlist when ,their present terms expire. Richmond piyatcK ; .j X Xk.J I S5t V - 1 1 1 ! W -A Ltv. - v-'.&

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