. v;. Ituutttn SUSSED ABE THEY THAT MOBBS. :; it wau am' ,"tm. -: . - -. Ob! deem not tbey are blest alone, f Whose lives a pecsefnl tenor keep i '.' v" The Power who pities mau baa bow ; A blvaaiof for the eyes that weep. ' 1 " tb light of smites sbaH fill again . The lida ftat 6ti flaw h taira;. "Anil weary houra ofweVaad pain , ; Ara promisea.of jiappy Tara.V ,- TbereiadayofwnBjfreat ; ' For every daik and troub'.ed.night! ' ; A lid grief may bide an evening guest, ': But joy shall ernfla with early light. 'V Andthoo, wh'to'Wttiy friends low bier "T - : Sheddesttba bitter drops like rain. Dope that a brighter, bappier. sphere Will glte him to Jbyarn? again. ' ,'1! , Sor 1st the good man's troat depart, Thoogh life ita common gifta deny. Though pierced and broken be bit heart, And spurned of wen, be goee to die. lor God baa marked each' sorrowing day, m And numbered every secret tear; -And Beaven's long agetif blisa aball pay For all ita children anffer here. "-.....- 'N(l . . . . COMPTstOLLElMI REPORT. . KPORT OF T2i! . COMPTRQJtlER PUBLIC AC CODN'fS. FOR TOli FISCAL YEAR. KNDIJJG SSP TSMBEft 8i. Mi? " 'v i . SraTBHES ti , MhUtinf ti ttvtral source from ahJeiirt.'fT i.n.f iiotwe ;I'j't,,itS7.. " - - !aS Feb. iteeeivcd daring this iriotitS-M8t . Sraons, for tfonds of iheWWof S. , rolina, bearing farereataat ihe-rare of a per cent par anuum, authorised -.- br an Act of the General Aeeoib.ly of . K. C , ratified Dec Win, tsea, emitted An Act to pn.vide Ways and Means for supplying ths Treasury," aa AA ommissinners of Sink'g FatuLofJK. C , AeaA.SGw--' T. J. P. Sinallwobd. 8,W B. W. Alexander, - J. il. Smith, . .. . illvn Kiu,. Executor, U. 8. Burrmger, K S. Marsh, J A. C. Mclntosb, J.M.PowellK .:, . J. W. Newsom, W.H. Peele, W. H. Lee, Adrn'r J. B, Griffin, J. P. Johnson, J. J. King, Ag't f r J. 3. Davis, Kx'r, Jane Faucett, B. B. Walker, E. J . Veal, Do. Guardian Vt, B. llill, . . John E. Maget, ' W F.Leak, . . II. A-. Barcea, Jaa 'Nicbola, ' J. J. Gudger, It. A. Barnes. 1). A. DiiTis. Cashier, rathaiine Kenduli, Received during this monlh of anndr perfoniin N.Cs, Treasmy Notes f r lnn:d of the State, bearing interest at the rate or B per cent per annum, authorised br au act of the General Aarembly f N- '., rati6ed Dec. vOth, lMil, entitled "An Act to provide Ways and Means for supplying the Treasury," aa follows : Jaa. McKimuion, W. J. Bare, T.'ung, Wris'.on A Orr, Brown. Tate A Co., Keade A Norwood, TLns. J. Smal'irood, 3. R- Iluoter, . Eobert W. Taylor, W. R. Richardaun k C., B. F. Moure, 0. A.Carlton, J. A. Grar, Cooper A Williams, A. Creech, ,eto MO 1,0-0 S.OuO 4,UvO ,(00 i.iOO x.W-O 2, (00 1,5c 0 I,' 00 1,000 7.1KO i,WQ ,lK-0 e,ooo 7.0 0 3, 00 03 3.01 0 1,f00 i.twv 1,000 t.ooo ai,',W 1.M f,0o0 1,C0 a,ftW. 00 too i.vO 7.0. JO a,0u0 - a,ooo 8,000 ,soo ,wjo Rooo a,oto we s.toj 1.1. (W &O0 ,Ci0 S.OC9 a,uM George Little, . P. Henneberrr, ' A. B. Lougee, W J. Lougee, . 3. C Johu&ton, - . W W. Piirker, Thos. SuSofd, S. A. Locr, M. McMabuB, B. U. Lindsvy, . J. A- Boaboro, G W. Coiliei, 1. T. Carrawur, W. U. Oliver. tatdrj B-iuks, As, of N. C, temporary - ; loans to meet State liabilities, i fol lows: D O F.:wle,Tiustea, C. Pin-kins, . G F. w'o, ' B.tk of North-rarolina, JJai.k of Clarendon, iu l ' at sundry times duilng this "- month in Treasury Notes of the fol lowing denominations, authorised lo be issued under an act of the General Asstmbly of N. C, at lullovr t Ketts of (29 each, " . 6 I'rtrr Adorn,' tax on "act to inaorpc late Adam's Hill Miaiug Company," Bank of Nortu-Carolina, tor one Begia ttred Bond of Coniederate Statea, sold to raid Bank on account of Wilming ton A Weldou Railroad Bonds, Sundry persona, aa acciued interest oa - , 7.055 ,S00 19,S it 1.MT l(,0f 4,CU U.H4 t,roi u 1,117 4 Iter. , i . aim b per cent Bonds or H. C. . X CBImo-e Treasurer ot Confederate .'i States, amount collected for Coupons .' -on Confederate Bonds, Sundry persona, on account of ind:gent patwnts in Inaane Atylum of S. C,, .. fromttair respective, counties, a foU :-, lows: ? A. Uobarta, Tnu Cumberland Co., Alrx. Hargrave, for . Davidson ". " ' - A. T. Surumey, Trua. Buncomba " , ' T B. Cherrv, " Pitt i W. N. Shepherd, Dep. iSh'ff Onslow " - tlonuly Trustee Ilalitsx " " Bledsoe, Sh'ar Alleghany W. J. Bi.kert amount due tba State oa s, aettla'neut of bia accounts, Capt. T. D. 11 -gg, for WateThousa k Bowes, part of s,OtO advanced bv tba State for the completion ol tba row -'der Mills, - Buadry ' persona, premium on State stocks, - Beceivtd during tbismooth of snndry persona, for bunds of the State of N. C, bearing interest at the rate cf I percent per annam, authorised by an . Ordinance of the convention of H, C . pssstd Februaay, 182, entitled " An . Ordinsnce to provide for funding the : Treasury Notes of NoMh-Carolina, v "(kfoi,Mrerp,LrP0'" . Jno. G. Williams A Ca..' ... Jeaae Walker, .r-W, S. Battle, Caleb Winslow, . Wm. E. White, Jaa. W. Stockton, O.H.White, P. Ben'nt berry and ethers. J no. Kirkland. W. R. BicbardaoB A Co.. iW.Vaaa.. ' -. Than. Branch k font, . Aottia, NotCeet & L', ' . V. J. Cohen,, ank of Wilniigttn, -Jeata BV Lindsay, Caahleiy ? Cha StcveDton, -.. ; 'Baaeived during this monlh of sundrr - "P0"' U of the .Bute ir . :rth-Carolto,' bearing iateresa at -. . ' wa ria 0f per oent. per ninniB, etuUonied- by a act of the General a V' SB, of C, ratified December ;i8rMitled "An act to pro - dayajid meana for supplying . ' k.lfcel,Sw.?rT' Mown : -v ' Ml tt fa so IIS m s 75 80 1 tu tr 1.M7 7 4,000 f0 00 too too. 1,0.' 1,004 i,tao (00 too ion H.000 600 1,000 ,m A ,t!0" An. W.S.awhall... . 0011! i during thismrtlkc-guMrT- " "fl1",11""' Wring iBterrt at ''??-i'f Percent, narannnm. " byoneof .fbe General .-iW Baeembev ; l nr;a',!'-atlrf',AB top- - "V'V. ;.?b-a .- 1.1 0 40m .4 ,SoV - ftdj i.O 0 ' 4,ft0 It.OVW V. ."'" 1,500 .-, . .W. H.Lee,Adm'rofJ B-lOr-ffln, Jaa J. Phillips - - 800 V H.0B0 . t.00(rt S 1J500-. so . - ' ; i,(o -.' " aUKI ' ' StO- r- , SHOW" liooo - BOO 8,000 . ' ; 600 l.soo : 800 .. 1n,(K 0 ' . lo.OtiO ' -: 7.0i0 ' S.00K 1,000 ' 600 - " '. : '- 8,000 - 1.0"0 -i.oor . I.eoO : w. d. MniicK. m ; , ; - : , , ' Austin, Sataeet A Cai " . .- : ;, " , , 0. 8. Baldwiu,-. !'' -' - .Jcsae B.. Whartiw,-.. -;'- 1ra. Mary Hankin, . ; 4-J.hMB9irar,; .a..v E. L." Harding y ' " . C. ft, Gates. ; .v.; ? :v , fcA ... lima. r. twvareax, . . . ; : Wcl 8. Patton, Caahitf, .;.-.. ; " . W. WGriffin, .-v . : -ii : - ; - W. 8. Battle, . , - R-P.Dickv - , v-fe , D. P. Wier, Treasurer, '' D A. Davis, Cashier, O. H. Bmgden. . .'.-" Bank of Nonh-Carolina, Raleigh A Gaston Railroad Co , Areta ElKe, - ' - W. n. Oliver, - Geo W Collier, . Thoe. White. Tuns. J. Pugb, ! . IJ G. WUUitnt Cu-, J. Kcyle, : Uintnn A Dnnn, . " John Dunbar, J. 8. Cannon, S. C. Christian ..eJ, tax for char ter of N. C. Cbriatian AJit prt tug and pitbliahing Compaav. ' Isued during tbia m tth in Treasury notei of $5 eacb.autlioriied byanact .f the General Assembly, Tatified De cember 2tb, 1362, ' Issued during (Ais month in Treasury note of tba following denominations, authorised by an ael of tba General - Assembly, lAy-'l, as follows: Votes of lt cents each, April Sundry peranns, accrued interest oa Stats stock, - Jos. Cobb, Sheriff Edgecombe county, Balance due ea account of Insane ' Asylum tax. Col. Wm. Uouck, na account of money advanced him for the purchase of arms. B,0J 9 7M 1.S7 . 60 17,ll 7i :i Bit 4.949 7 T Uaj. John Dererenx, A. Q K., oa ae- " r . --- count falcs of Quarltrmaeeer stores ; and hordes, Cpt. B.a!ick, Psymsaferi on ae- cuuni of military appropriation, - S. J. Person, amount due the State " jj-. on settlement f his accounts as As v 'i ": s-Atamt Quartermaster General, : 4. filasingaud, on account vf funda Wvaced him fur the purrhaso ot --norsee-. ' Mi Jno. Devereui, A Q M , money received of Confederate States of America on acc iunt of adranced p jmeotsby the Stale for military lurposea. Sundry persons, for I per cent SUta cunpoh bunds, as fuiiuws: Jas. a). Il.iyt, J. T. Greer, K. M. Holt, J. D. Willial Prea'k, E. L. Harding, W. L. Smith, A. Williams, Kxum Elliott, W. Turner, Thos. J7 Mitcbell. " John G- Williams A Co , .Lewis Thoiuna, T. S. Lutterloh, - ' -'9- Thomas Bufliu, . ' E. S. .Moms, "" II. II. IlsmmsuskoM, 11. L. Writim, -. J. W. Mehaffer, a 11. A E. J. Lilly. " Received during thi month of sundry persons, for bonds uf the State of N. bearing luterest at tbc rate of l per cent, por suniini, snthorixed by n act of lbs General Assemb y of N. C, ratified Dec. 'Alii.- l'tte, eatitleJ " An act to provide Wayaaud Means for supplying the Treasury," as follows: t Commissioners of Sinking Fund of S C, 3. A. Guion, Cashier, Prea'l and Directors of Literarr Fand. 111,00 J . 701 8,04.4 4,0t - 1 Ot 04 l,.oa l,ttJ a.0 too ' H too sou I.l 0 K0 BOO - tit) foe fi 6u8 P,00 I?,0t0 lw.ou lJ,0ut) T. JSavane, Cashier, Beceived duriag this month of sundry persons in N. C. Treasury notes tor bonds of the Stale, bearing interest at tlie late of K per cent, per annum, authorised by an act of the General Assembly of N. C ratified Dee loth, lti, entitled " An act to provide Ways and Means tor supplying the Tre3ry,"aa t'olluws: W. R. UicWdjon A Co., Jno. II Beckwith, O S Ba.dwin, E. L. Harding, Noah mitlieruua, B. G. Worlb, N. B. Wb.tS.rd, R. U. Beardi-n, K M .Slonn, Jr., W. W. Wharton, McUeo A Wiliiaius, BrggsADodJ, E M. Ilj't, Kxum Elliott, Jonathan Worth, V. It. lb. mas, John Kirkiaud, Uichaid VVashingtua, Lewis Thompson; T. S Lnlierlob, C. W. i'urca.1 A Ca., W. B.PO..I, Cliaa. GoudaitL, C. A. Carllou, R.H. KoUDtiee. i, V Savage, Cashier, -Issued during this month Slats Treasu ry notes, u foiiows : Soles of lo. cents each, . ' so " M $1 ' M 4f slay Sundry persons, accrued inlsrssi em State Bonds, Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford iUilraad Co, interest on Bonds ef said companr, held by the State, . . P. W. lavi,, pjes't. N. C. Powder Man ured tiring ComHiny, iataroat ob loan by said Company, Capt. T. T. liogg, C. S., money remain tlijC'in his hands, Win A. Walsh, A. Q U , balance dna tre State ou aettlemont of bia aec'ta , W. K. Delanay, balance due onaocount of money advanced for purchase of arm for Ol. Singleiary'n Keg't,, Capt. C. W. Garrett, former A. Q U , balance due The' Stats on tits settle- - mcnt of his accounts, -- J. H. Gooch, former Sheriff of Granville -county, additional taxes due the State , . ' fortbeyeariHoi, . "Sundry person for . per eeat Slsls - - Coupon Bonds, as follows ; . C. J. IJammauskold,. , M L Holmes, . Geo. W. N'irwood. - Pren't and Directots of Lit. Fund, -B.H. Shield, Joo. G. Willisms k Co., ' C. N. MoAdoo, , - , a, ' . ,,' Received of snndry persons during this ' ' , month, for Bonds of the Stats of N. '' C, bearing interest at the rate of -pef cent per annum, authorised by aw et of Ibe General Assembly of N.O,:. ratified Deo. iOth, mi, eot itled " A Act to provide Wsys snd Means for ' ' supplying the Treasury," as follows i f. O. Broadfoiit, Caab'er, . -, Bank ni Clarendon.. 1 . " - ." MO 3,000 1,600 1.0) I.0-0 k.000 tM 1,000 10-) l.uov to t4 600" l, a 0 M0 610 At 00 t,f00 l,ott roe bOQ 1,((W 3,V0 1,967 70 6,5 4,500 : 8,454 17 14t0 00 H.0M 8 51 1.711 tO 01 K 10 1,000 540 1,0-0 1,000 . too M.CtO IsO.OoO Stf.Om M),ao . Kinking Fnnd of V. C, . Hank of Nortb-rarol ca, Iteeeivet of sundry pets ma dnring this mon'h'ln N. C. Treasury notes for ' Bonds of the Stats, beariug i.iterest -. at s per cent, per annum, aoiborissJ by an act of the General Aaaembly of i,. C.. ratifisd December iiOtb, entitled " An act to provide wsysBd means for supplying'. lbs Traasory," a follows: - . ' -. - C. C. Gates, 'v : , A. Mclean, Agent, - .. ; W. W. Parksr, . ' . ; a c. cobb, ' - -. 'MM': Hammanrko'd, . Job-Wooster, - r? : Literary Fund of S. 0 , ' - J. t. ltaaeoe, . . . . . ION V'oO 1.(0 ltt i,.'0 " i - l,oo - . eta o - joo v .:." sw -, f . 00 ' 1,W 4,0 ItA), J.0M Thjs. BtsflUd. . Thi D. Uartisr ' t'. lioi.knixui, Treaaatar, W.J.Jones, P. A. Biriiea, B. A. Voglar, 8. T. Pf.l, ' A. 11. Mrnh, ' ' , iv John H. Bymae, . . Ja.E. Weeks. . . Jto bs eovrrs I rff?i"?i1f,M1E?w 0il OTiiKKs irno wish R .T INVEST t:0'FEIt;UATE KOSWy-I srillaaik a nnbl, miction on the pren.iKix on Friday, tbalgtiv daa Becem. w nextaAT ,Unb ,. plant alloc ii'i Davifl eoonly, - C, t.e wi".lo below Clzr'vi;la P. .ti ,(emi; Uutobmaa. trek, out. nung twh-jired acres, one huniinwl of which is Valuable 'torn land. All porsona wiahing to examine prenuaw ci, 1 va inc at lwisvnie. Is Bs'ileS est of )jn, bn t siu llow Ford Koad, ti miles eaaiof btlloer :v Ifdispoaea 0f pj-i, before -af of MBotiei wlll'U -. Wi " TW 1 P. Rnwllvnod. ! PROCEEDING OF THE LEGISLATfXBB. ,.ir.. .ri pi ;.;.,.:.-..;:.. gESATB. . '''.' ::r,,: ?,V-V."-; ? TmtisftaT, Hot. 80, 18W Tiki innate met' at M o'clock. Prayer by Uet Ik Atkinson .The Jonnalif Saturday1 was read. , -i : TbajKpeAer annnuhced Messrs. Ay cock and Wooley as the aisirse n enrolled bills for the present week. . Mr. Grutmoi. from s select committee, reported a bill in relation to h aafaries of public officers-: Allows tbe v Judge of the different courts tS.oQO per notim, Public ,v ' Tieaaurer A.600, Owfef "Cterlr f 1,000, Asaistani 100, Sec- ; retary of State' Jl tW and double fees. Comptroller 12,000 Hnpt vof Common Schools 12,00'.', Private Secretary to ; Governor (3oo sad dan hfe fees. Solicitors . and Attorney '; Oenentl $4 for each Court, tba several Clerks of Courts "dntibfe fees. Chief Clerk o! the A uditor of Accounts tit ,000, ,' IJUrarlRli -itt0i Ileparter of Supreme Court, A joo. Clerk f $(o snd doubls fees ' . . ' A message was received jrpm tne aonee transmitting a communication from the Commissioners of . Appraisement in regard to equalizing the prices of .provisions, & r fhroughiiut the State. Ordered to be printed and re- A m3ige propossiag to appoint a Jotns select committee i thai cart "of the Governor's , message :in reference ti i 4o sheep .-raising' was eoncurrea in. ana aieasrs, i ourg 'itchftrd, srd Vatrick apporated "lUe Senate branch ul ' said comraittee. ,:. '' " '' : ' . The foltowing engrossed bills were received from the . House and read the first Jittie. A bill in relation to toe Institution for the Deaf, Dumb . and finnd. Appropriates t"S5,00t,for its maintenance . A bill in, relation to trading with slaves. , I ' A resolution in regard to comparing tbe polls for mem " ber of Congress to the 10th Distriet. . ' A resolution in favor of tbe Sheriff of Duplitr. A bill to amend tbe law in relation to depositions. Al lows the depositions ol Presidents of Colleges to be takes : as evidence J . . . - '. A resolution in regard to printing additional copies ( I ' tbe Treasurer's report. .' A bill to amend the charter uf the town of Statesville Passed its several readings nudraeuspenaion of the rules . Mr. Outlaw, a resolution, instructing the finance com- ; mittee to enquire into tbe expediency of taxing slaves uniformly tbn.-uchout the State. Adopted. Mr. Hall, a bill to incorporate the fl. C. Volunteer !fa company. Beferred. - .' The bill in relation to frauds and fraudulent eonveyereee being reported against by the judiciary committee, foiled to pass its Sd reading. ',""' i. - Abill relieving those who have employed substitutes In the Confederate army from duty iu the borne gnato was, on motion of Mr. ilattbew raid on tbe table. . Mr Bar;ey nominated several persons for justices or th -pe.ee for Pasquolank e-iunty. Concurred in aud sent t. the House. " - 41 r. Sharpe. a bill to release Absalom end Elisa Troup man from ihe bond of mairimony Bejected Mr. Gra . ham briucing 'l o the notice of Ihe Senate that the pas sage of the bill -wou.'d be a direct violation of the Cooati tu'ion ' - - Mr. Murril!, a rei!ution proposing thst the Legistatun a'j urn tint dian Monday, tbe 7th of December. Lie. over. - - On motion of Mr. Taylor, of Chatham, ihe Senate ad jr.urueU to Tuesday, 1 0 c'v'uck. -. HOUSE OF. COMMONS. The Dcnre wan railed to oi der at if. o'clock, A.M. Prayei br Rev. J. il. Atkinson, of the Presbyterian Church. . The journal of Saturday was read and approved. Mr. McCormick, from the committee on the Asylum f. the Deaf and Duuibaiid the Bind, rcportcoV bill con cerning the XorMi Carolina Inati'utiou for tbe Deaf and Dumb and the Blind." On motion of Mr. McConnict; tbe rules were suspended aud tbe bill put on its second and thiid readings. On noiio.-i of Mr. Person, the bill was rat nded so aa I. . fix the annual Slate appropriation for tbe support of tbr As lum ut ih rty five ihi.tumnd dolars. - s The bill then pawd its several readings. M r. Costner introduced a resolution requnating the com mitiep on internal impnivements to inquire into 'he lega'i- ; ty and justico of railroad companies torming out their re rpective mais to Express eumiianiee. deriving indirec lt ; therefrom greater profits thnu they are allud by then charters lo make, und thus doing meniteat iriaiy to the ' .ublic tn'eresta. Adopted.. ... t Mr. Koy introduced a resolution to instruct onr Senaturr ; end Representative in Cwogreaa lo propose certain emend meuts to ihe tnhiug law. Beferred to ihe committee on l t! e iudiciarr. Mr. Harris, of Chatham, a bill for tbe regulation of alarr labor whin impresii lo woik on, tbe public deiencea. Ke'ened to tbe cmnnttee on finance. Mr. K-tie . a hi. I to amend aa act to proh:bit the ditil- lation of spirituous I'qaura Beferred to the comuiitiee on proRuaitiuus and grievances. Mr. McKay, a bill lo incorporate tbe PeKigrew Monu ment Associati-A. Psaacd ila several readiuga uuder t ' suspension of the ru'ea : The special order being tbe bill reported from tbe select 1 eoaimitite, entitled "a bill lo amend an act in relation t j tbe militia and a guard ftir borne detence," was puaam ita aeeond reading- f Mr. herw.oJ moved to amend tbe first section so as to ; require dr lis at)t-.nce every itiree months, iustead ol , montblv drilla. I Mr. Harris, of Chatham, mored to amend tbe amend ment by striking cut" three," aid insertir.g "two," but subsequently withdrew tbe moii.-u. The question recur ring, - Messrs. Ci bl and Carter opp'ed the amendment. The latitr Itj. ugin tli.-.t twelve drills a year were barely suffi cient to p-r suits the hoiuo nrgiuiiSMion. and this was all tbe bill priased At furthest but twelve days were de manded uf ibe citixc'i for the purpoae uf drill. This re qunenient was no hardship and wou'd not interfere mate rially with agricultural or mechanical pursuits On motion of Mr. Cowiea, a division vf the question was ordered. On motion of Mr Sherwood, the yeas and nays were or dared. . The House refuted to strike out yeas 14, nays i0 Mr Bn-.wu moved to auiond br striking out tbo proviso at ihe close of tbe id section which prohibits tbc use of the home guards in arresting' deserters and recusant con j scripts bevond tbe limits of their respective conn lies. He t proposed anuuiling this proviso beeauso all the deserters ( inigbt gather to one county aud defy the taw with impu . Mr McKav opposed the nmendmenL He thought if il were adapted tn farming iniereata would be injurious') atfecled. He endatstond that a force would be rgensed br ibe Confedtfrate government in tbe several State for the arrest of rec.iaAnt ooaacripti and dsaertars which wtuld doubtless be adequate to these purposes. -. . Mr I'eraon urged Ihe adoption uf the amendment. Be said that ample power should be given Ihe Governor to rsforcK the law and to prevent the escape of conscripts and skulkers fr..m one County to another. The amendment , eor.fcrred this power, and be for one was willing to trust him with its exercise He cou'd not think that the Gov ernor would abuse or pervert it. Tbe question recurring, the amendment was adopted -yeas 48, nava 32. . . ",.- Mr. Waddell moved to amend the Id section. IMn line. 6t striking nut the words "of tbe counties in which they ... "reside " f Tbe effect of tbi amendment would be to li into service ibe pi raoue exompled from home guard duty whenever the State is invaded J . . ' . . Mr Carter opposed the amendment on the ground that its adoption w.nld render all the exemptione i.ugatijrT.-. , The State was already invaded, and tbe invasion waa Itself to be a permanent one.- f Mr. Waddefl willjdrew the amendment. i Mr. Peill offered an umi ntlm-nt anlhoriimg tbe Govern l rr, in his discretion, to call out theclaa-es exempted in case i.f invasion or insurrection. Not agreed to. a - Mr Harris, of t'ab trruit, movea to amend by adding to r the list of exemptions in section 15, tbe word shoemakers J . Not apreed lo. . . ' u- r'-. ;.. .......i tn .mmiiI k inflArtiniv afler tba word ' Oil. ufn ll."M. . ' w wi wj f. a "acadeajiea" the words cbairutan of eoniuioa schools tor each county.1' Not agreed in. " . " . Mr. Russ moved to amend by exempting persons having substitutes hi the army over fifty years of age. Not agreed " , . i ' Mr. Henry, oi nendoraon, moved to amend by exempt, ing "all regular tanners," and modified the amendment by adding, at Mr. McKay's suggestion, the words " tan ning fortlie poblio." Tbe ameuflmentv was rejected. Mr MoCormick moved to amesd by exempting "War dens of the poor." - Not agreed to. - -.- Mr. Wallen iu.ived to a-nend by exempting "one salt Commissioner for each county." Not agreed to. , Air. Keener moved to amend by exempting "wheel wrighte.". Not agreed to .. Mr. Cowles moved to smend by providing that exemp tions made in tbe third section shall be in addition to and exalnaive uf tbe exemptions made in tbe existing law. Ad.pte.1. . " Mr., Watson moved to amend by adPng after tbe word - emplcy e'js," in the third section, tbe words " who are not already enrolled in tbe Confederate service." . Kot agreed . tO- .- : " ... -. . . " .'.". Mr. Shoher moved to amend by addin)ra proviso au thorising farther exemptione in tbe disci t ion of .tbe Gov--ernor. Adopted. - . ', ... ", . Mr. Love moved to amend byrnreitiog an additional proviso, to will that members of the Legislature nnder forty five years of age shall not be exempt. Not agreed Mr. Petwm moved to amend tbe flrat section by adding after the words " renel invasion and suppress insurrection, the words or te extcute the laws of the State." Adopt ed "-- -.. "- . .- Mr. Carter iceved to amend ti section by exempting a public gtoler in each county. Not agreed lo. Mr. Stnecell moved to amend by striking out in 1st sec tion all after ihe enacting clause in 2d section all after the word " deserters,'rand the whole of sections I and 5. 'Nut agreed to. ; . - , .r ' ' ,.- " .. Mr Giisaom moved that the House adjourn. Sat -.ajrecd'to.-:"--'-.-' " V . r-r '' - ' . '-- Mr. Person ved to amend bv aiding, at the. elose of section 4, the , words "and ahall be under the roles and ;srtisles ofwar of the Conftderate States." Kot agreed to. Tbe bill then passed itsaeqond readiug- A message was-teee'ved ftom the Beoate, aikingoneue i ranee in rertain nominations of justices of tbe peace for . Pasquotank ennoty. The Hou concurred.: - . ,' The Speaker laid before the House "a statement of the enoditlun of the bank or Chart., tie," which was sent to the Senate with a proposition to print.-' - v. Mr. Carter moved that the House sdjourn nutil to-mor tow morning II o'clock. " ' ' " Mri Stanford njnred to amend by substituting. 7 o'clock tc-ntght.Hnt agreed to. .". ' ' ' Tbe question reenrring on If r. Carter's motion, the BTenss was adjoarued.aceordiogiy. '" r. . bbnatr - -' V'.. v.: . j ToMBiT, D. l,lWs - Panste met at 1ft o'clock. Journal read. , . tteeeral .,mmitca made reports. J. The bill in relatmn to the Daf, Utah and Blind. Asy- I. noasajl Terl retdliiM. : . '-'.' . .. j nn. r. nose, "Pj-, senator elect iromuaiawsauiamai, Bret-en ted bis. credeotiaJaiavjimlAfie nod taok-bis aeat.. nr. iwiuisay, irom tne committee on roe inaane aaj-; Inm, presented a rerxirt. eriih sr bill annroDiiatiGir an ad- dtluinajMgi of $870o for the support uf lbs Insiituiion, , . rapeemmrcverai reaOings.. . .- -f.- f r-sfi:r---- : 1 -.-.v. The raaolntion requesting our Reprasentatires in Con gress to urge tha inereass of lbs nay our aoMievapaaa.ed ita' thiid. an.) kt M.lin ". . . - 1 . The bill to mcreaar tbe saUriee pubite ofi3csrs : aaen up. - t... :.- i----. ; . Mr. Graham moved to amend by Unwing the Clerk to tbe Comotrofler nnr ananm. and the PobUs Printer. fify per ceot'uia aoyitional.to rates now allowed. - Adip ted.' ;. .' ' r. -, Air. (fi-Ti ifo ahtend.byTtllowmg keepers nMef; Ifjftojtouble. rates. . Rejettfedy - 'J: :- nea an ,.Mr. W'uwpt.givipg Judges 4,500 and ewr- u ,Jt UUCrCUlK r v ; .-r-. .,T.-. ' Uf, Outlaw -Biored to strike ont AS.500 and insert H.- 000.4 Agreed to -J. . ' . - ; - " -. . After ebort debate, tbe amendment, asameoded, wis ; . trjectea, leas lif, nays x4.-- i ' ' .. Mr fillisntoved toatnke oattSJiOO to the bill and in-- , eeri eJecied-vR ' - w v. - Mr. Graham uwired to inaert f S-.aOO. Bejected. - r , u -qi.,.i... jT- .... .raui ... Rjwf wuniiui i.i ifto vjiib iiie hwij-w v proposed in the bill as tbe' salary of the pertotendent . oi t-ommon solioots. AeHiptetf.. k :---" v yr'.rf 'Mr. Graham moved W insert as tbe Salary of the keeper of theCupitol,.si,a ,'Areed4o. i- - - ,"" '' The bill as amended then nsssed its sreond reading, -A message waaveceived feia ihe House trananiluilg a. statement of the condition eftira Bank ot Ohaiiotte.-"1 , ' . . A resolution to regard- to- tbe arrest of G li Swanner, a eitixen of Beaulbrt. county, was taken up m in aeeond reading." v - - . . " . . "' t -. Mr. Hall moved to strike ont tbe preamble eonsfsting of o allegatioaof tbe illegal-arraat of the part v.' -- Mr. Warren made a statement stowing that lbs prison er was. arrested wtihiKrV dne process of law, end contended l bat it was done in defiance of both State end Confederate law Thacm hjainir K famtM kj.-4hMIUrht tha-MSaohs for demanding hia dehvery to tbe- civil tribunals should be , eaprcssea w tee resolutions. j Mr Hall argued that tbe resolution of itself was amply . . sufficient to carry eot tbe intention of the Senator frjom - - BeauforV iboujjhi that ska..aUagaiioBa ef'thf preamble : kad ot been proven . -j . . . Ut. Sharpe opposed tba striking wot, holding the same opinions in regard to tbe preamble as Mr 'Warren. Tbe amtndiMct ef Mr.' Mall was rejected. - Teas 14, : nsvs 2. . ' "' . -' Mr. Outlaw movrd to amend tbe preamble by striking out tbe preamble-and rBsertrog aootber. staimg tnefeiy , - that tbe LasiialuMiro bed been informed of tbe ttiegat ar rest of Mr. ftwanner, Ac. Kejeeted. Yeas 18, nay I 2A-T- The resolution was tbns adopted. '' ? ills. -icto., rtasr eeadiko. Mr. Matthews, bill to incorporate ibe Salem abd Plank road eoutpany. Mr. Grham, a biH to fr&uUfe the ofSce boors of. the offirera oi 4be titate. . - -" " " ' 1 "-: M Neal, a bil I concerning the BuiUorford Aesdemjr , Rend ;three limes and passed. " " ' ' ' . , Mr. Adanw, ifGu.h..ri, a bill to amend' Ibe Chatter . f the Hk CbrnMnin A tvxaU ;Joiot Stock Company. t'aaaed its several readings. . - - - - . HOUSE OF CfJMUONS ' Tbe Rcnse was called tu order at it o'clock,' A.M. ' Tbe iuui-nul of "yesterday was read and approved.' - Mr.iltcry, ol-(Jcndera, preasnted a uiemorisl' from snndry citiseusof Traasylvama county, aakiug the appoint ment of ceitam persona as juaiijes ot the peace. Lead oq the table v .. ,:' . ; -'T- - Mr. Carter from tbe committee on tbe ind;cfary. report ed back tbe bill regulating tbe fees of Sheriff and Cleiks in the county of Gutifi4-d, reconiroending ita passage Mr Allison, from the eommittee on propontioos and grievances, reported back the bill to amei4 aa act lit pro-. h.bit ibe distillation of epiritoons liquors, with rccouv meudation that it do not pass. ' ' Mr. h'bt-r frane-rhe committee on education, reported back tbe bill lowtabiieb gradif) scbmda in North Carolina and for olbtr purposes, rrcoiiuDepdmi iu passage. . Mr Manning fnnn tbe same commilfte. rrportad bill . further to detine the duties; of ibeTreasurer of the literary fund, and hr other purouses" Pasaed first readiiur Mr. Peebles, f.om a select committee, reported aa a sub atitute for the bills referred "a bill to limit the production ot cattnn and tobacco- in the yor !8'i4 " (Prvliibita the cultivation of more than one acre In' cotton to the hand and inure tuau one-fourth ef aa acre to Ibe band in to baccal. '" . Mr. Person tn'roducrd a.resolntion for the relief of Jos. Cobb, Sheriff or t Jgecoai)e county. KefrrreJ lo Ihe om mitlee on propositions and grievances Mr. Craig, a resolution lo favor ot sick snd wounded soldiers. Kelerred to tho same committee. u . Mr. Puweil, a resolution of inquiry concerning tbe dis tribution of coiton and wool eardi. Adopted. Mr Wed.! ell, a bill to inc-rporste the Lockville Mining andilaniifacturing Company. Referred to tbe comm.tlee un corporal ions. kfr. McCi rmiek, n bill to emend thetel authorising Ibe employment of slave labor on foriiBcnlHNt ate. Kelerred to ihe committee on propositions and gri-vances r Mr. Brown, a bill to amend ad act eutitled Revenue " Proposes to lax Express Corapaniea omi in each county iu which l her receive and deliver packages.) Maferred 40 tbe haauce ooiuiuiuee. a.. Mr. Bnrgin, abill to amend section 9th, chapter K'l, Revised l do. Referred to tbe cnmniiltee on proposition! HH(in:riinca Mr Manning, a bill to enforce the criminal Isweofthe' State. Kalerrcd to Ibe es.mniiltee on the judiciary. Mr. Nisseu, a bill to prelect tbe personal liberty of fre white nieu, and better to secure tbe benefits of the writ of kabrtu corpus- Kalerred to tbe committee oa the judi ciary, -s- Mr. Foy, a bili to provide for restoring tbe Spring Term of ihe Superior and Supreme Courta. Beferred to the aatue committee " " , . , t, " Mr. Mann, of Pasqilotaiik, a resolution that a message be sent to the Senate proposing to raise a joint select cotu tnittee lo consider the propriety of reimbursing ibe Stale Primer for tosses being justaincd- by btoi in doing the public printing. Adopted. A message from tbe Oovernor in snswer to sundrr res olutions of inquiry was sent to .the Senate with a proposi tion lo print. ," ., ,. . . ' Leave of ubaencr, for a few days, -was granted. Mr. Cowlas, ou motion pf Mr. McKay. - . , . A message wag received fiom'the Senate Iranamil ting a number of engrossed bills, which passed first reading and were placed on the calendar. m. -. v The bill to amend aa act in relation to the militia and guard for Home Defence was nut ou its third reading. .- " Mr. McKav moved to amend ill? third section by addiajf to Ihe list of exemptione coriaiu employees ot railroad . Companies. Nut agried to. : ........ . Mr. George movrd to strike out Ihe 5th section and seb stiluto a provision auihurisiug Ihe Gdveruor to appoint a , phjaician tu each count r to examine applicants for exemp tion on tbs gronod Of physical or menial disability. Set agreed lo.- -: Mr. Kirby inoved to amend the tb section by adding at ita clt ae the words' ''and shall be snbjeot tit lbs rules ami article of war of I he Confederate Staiea." Adopted. Mr. Koy moved to amend by inrticg an additional section, HijibiiWsing three justim in any oxunty to cad . oitt the Uma Gu.ird to suppress, dialu.baoces, disperse nnlnwfol iitrmblies, afrmt ranaaraya. Ac. Kvjcctcd , Mr llairK of CaburrHa. moved toainond by iueerting aftenbe wind "blackatnitha,' in the section, the word " Kltoeiiwlters." Not agreed to. . . .: ; On tmnlon of.Mr. lVebte4,Uie wori." Utters was itrtekrn from tho iliirdsration. i. ,'-,,...,. . . ' Mr. Wulaer moved to amend tba 4tb seeile-a by provid ing tliut the Home Guard. sh,ai be emplmed iu thearieat ol diMertris, Ao , only in their owe anj ad)aceot counties, and aitiu-hiug e penalty 1 their rofuaai, wbitn cal.ed ou;, to perforin their duty4,R''j"d-, ,-! i,- - - Mr ilawcs moved to amend ect ion, 84 hf sttbstttotinj for the woida pJiyJiciaasot fi.eeara patoiioa'' ibe words "praotiomg pnysictau. , aotgr 'praotioinir Dbjsictau. . Hot agreed to.. , nr. i eeoioa murea to iinie out m uie sru section ins ' words " two pbyy-e-ans," and insert tba woaibt "Joiiephy sfelan." ' Sot sa-reed to. " " -,--.jl .- . i . . . Mr. McCormiek. moved to. amend oy the addition tif a ssction. requiring ihiii the rules and. articles uf wec.of the Confederate Stales be printed ariib the bill, JtotOgreed to. -Ou motion of Mr. Carter-the House reconsidered the vote by which was rejected the ameodoient in sealien 4, proposed by Mr. Walser, and the question rocuning on thai, smondinent it was adopted. - -.- cv.afeiii.'iV Mr. Ingram moved to amend the 5th section bjirequiriog the appointment of soAar eiamiiitng physicioaex ' :. Mi. Amis opposed the amendment,- lfofiated in earnest it was a refieeuou on tbe G.ivcrnar ad ihe present exam-, ining b If offered iu jeet it was an ill-umed pleaaaur try. - -, ' ' , .- -. ; -i Mr. Crisaom said that if by this amendment was intend ed any imputation on him as a member. of one. of (he. examining boards or upon those associated with him la that capacity he denounced, ita auibor as a liar, aeoUBdrot and poltroon. And if sucb imputation was mads at the suggestion of others the m-ver was ibe more despicable froid allowing himself to be made the lool ol cowards. . . Mr, Iugraoi disclaimed tbe aiightest'totention to reflect on tbo gentleman from Granvil'e. ... - . Mr. Unaaooi, I am giaat to bear B Th! question recurring the amendment was rejected -' Tbeiiill then passed, its third reading, and. oa motion of Mr. Maoo, of Parquotunk, Ike Uuuao adjourned. ? .jut .. ' : . BSSATB1. - "- - V .- Wsdwbat, Dee. i, 14s. Tbe Senate met at 10 o'eloek. Joarnal read. Mr. Wiggins, from the fieanoe. e.miuittee, reported s . resolution instrueting the Public Trea-urer to lasueriupli cute bonds ia lieu of tbtse-Stolea by the enemy at Rocky . lit., i eoomiuinding its reference to tbe commit lee on claim a. . Ou motion of Mr Outlaw it was referred to the j udiciary committee . ' ; . " ; - Mr. Lassiter, from tba committee on propositions and -grievance', reported back the memorial of John Manning, . (late of the U. 3. Navy,) asking to be disoooeged from its' further consideration! -? : - ... '.- : ', Mr. Warren, from tbe Judiciary, committee, reported s bill prohibiting trading with Blaves for salt. v. . Mr. Ramsay, fro-.rt ibe ftHnrnittee n claim, reported bill in Isvor of J. W, HinamsherilTof Duplin, recommend- ing its passage. JVssed its several veadings. ' .. " - A message was received from the House transmitting the following engrossed bills, Aw- v- -j:,--i. t. A bill to incorporate the PetUgrew Moouneat Associa "tien. Passed its several reading ai ...m;.;! i-v .v.. .; i A proposition tu appoint t joint committee, to enquire into the propriety of raimDttraitig the Poblio Printer f..r expenses incurred to printing at present rates.. Concurred in-. ' " -;-' .-',"' -v .' A report of different. oSeers of the 8tte.of tke steamer A'hautt, Ao , proposing to print- ? - ' --' - Mr.-Graham objected; toprimt-nf Soy tQing to regard to tne Atiidt.H, . Tbe papers were reed and like propoalUoa'te print laid on the table, vi nettwi f Mr. Teref-. 4; : 3;-; ; " A Mr. Wiggins, from the finance oommittea, reported a bill toretatioa tv4meraa3ea,aasieel:a b disc barged from ifilharoonsiderati. ' r; r Jv,-. 3 y - -- Ur,awJlll m lJiWfviaHifftiniiirnoratiaai rawart iid n bnl-'iatocoqioraa a bill K jBCorporajtc jua PS,VA1 utnnieer sts-vj reoomiaena 'tolt tnsitpinrisW - : . - iie. youtig, tnim tne eoimiritiM on tbe growth of woof, reported a foil to imou tbejaising of eheep aa4 tbe growth ef Woolreeonimeodingitspaiisage. Prohibiutbe exporOMion of sheep for aiaaratr, and reetrigte tb peraen buutiona of docs to their maater'a ownJan1iWiosi-;-fr -t 'Ou motion of Mr. Ootlaw. leave of abjeaee watgrsnied lfcr.Coodejsd.;; "r- -; i-.i.-j - slr. tfandera, a Biu to tneresse we pay oi toe sax coiiev (ur fur Johnston county. Passed fts several readings. " Kngroed.rewlutkn In fovsr oorphtbb.'.,Beriff of ikig eabuibe county, wee Jead nd referred totne eouuaittee -cwcieiBii.-:. "" ' '" --V:'' :'::' , - NgiAatssitef.ablll to authorise tbe Gereniovtoefcploy slave labor on. CrtiQaatirma for ihirtV dars. Bkferred. Tfiettif in-relation to tbe aalsries"bf Stoto ottScere was ' Mr, Ramsay noytd to insert tx,OQ0 as tbe sal err of -toe enperfbfesame(: C6mmoo Schools in place cX l,6 -t-.AjKeetekijeVa-." ; w: -. ilr. Hoke moved to insert 12,600 aa the aalar of the ndges. isefecfed. r" - r-c"-'- . a Mr jOittlswjtofiTed an ameadment that the JadgetbaH reeeive their actual expenses on tjieir cireajte i addition to ehe1rreimValaryi Rejected. ' ! Mr-Slaughter, a. provision that the Jadges shall hold courts or attempt to bold courts in all conuiieepracueable. kejoetaw: -'- ".y .-.--- r f Tbr bH.1 then passed iU third reading by a vote of to M-tbe Speaker voting in tbe affirmative-. A meMage- was - vecet vee? front 'tbe Bonse proposing ' to appotot e joint se Iscf eommipeeoB tkssuyecti4'imprese nients. Concurred in. .. . . . , . s-str.Bbavpo, from' tbe Judiciary 'committee, reporljd the resolution lb regard to relief of Tnee Aa, osktoa; lo be discharged from ita further consideration. . - A 4tfl eJtowing' tlie depositione -of PresHentsi-Ao'.'of Col leges to be taken as.evidenac. . f asaad ita several read nga. ir.A wnototioa la regard .to sine &U adjoiiixai nt eras laid cn Um tabev-: -- , , K-' Va motion of Me. Leitch. tbe SaU adjoumaff -lo aytvserock. ,7-.:- . . ' ' : J ; HOUSE OK pOMMOlfSL ' frbi Itowi'fiiirt lbti'jL'iL-' " ". : The joureol of vesterdsr we read and abnroved . Knndty btllaatud :reaolutlons were reiiuiied back from Staaaing commiiiees lou ot tueir piaoe an toe calendar. .i-A veeoliKlou is favor of Joseph Cobb, sher iU of Kdge combe eeoBtv. retorted from the. COninjiltfeOn nrntMi. lions and grievances, passed its several' readings under a saapeoaioaof therulea.' ;'; : '' ' , Mr Amis, frjm the Snanae ernnmntee, reported a bill authorising certain banks to reeeive State bonds in par aiobtef teajporar toaus nude to the Bute. .Passed nrtt reading. - . t , . ' Mr. lIcKay, fr.-m a selest commitfee.'repcrted a bill lo amend nsct for tbe relief of ibe wive, and families o soldiers;" wuicb paased its first read ng and was m .flo the einaWTial ansvlait ISaea ai ma-ks-vvttar I A i'l. 1V s."j-"- w-s iwi w uiwiiwif X a V ViiVBa - ; AirkGobe introduced a resolution is kvw of Wm xr Wiikioson. ' Refelred to the comaiillee on. Dropoeitions Jlr. Avers, a resohktion to send a message to tbe Sena'e proposing to .raise a joint select coiumutee on tbe subject of impressmetfl of prwisions by Confederate authority. Adnpied.1 i- - - .. Mr. Me A den, a bill ar.thnrixiog the Treaanrer to pay ont outstanding warrants a-ainst tfce Literary Fund in Coo fodeeatecuireocy.': Referred lo tbe" finance cowtrattteev Me.. Carpenter, a b.l! lo incorporate ibe Cahota mining cotrtpauy.- Referied to tbecommittee on internal improve- Mr. Waddell, a bill to anthorite tbe Governor to invest surplus moneys in the Tteasury in cotton. Refemd lo tbe cotomiliee on liaance. Mr. Hurion, a bi I lo authorise A.J McBride, Sheriff of Watauga county, ia coilcct arrears of taxes Passed its seveual readings undar a sospansuu of tbe roies. Br. Shober, a bill 'o a.u.-ud section io, chapter St, Ra viaed Code. : Refemd lo the committer on tbe judieiary A messagi was rrCBivieJ from the Senate trausmiiting sundry engroeaed bills and resolutions. . . The engrossed resolution requesting our Senators and Repieaenutivea in Cougnsai to uiye aa iucrease of the pay ul so diers was adopted. Au engrossed ieoluiion from tbe Senate in' relation to tbearreatoud imprisonment of li Hwancifcr, a eitixen d" Bssufort couniy, on a charge of disloyalty-was read first time. A iillionsa tbe Governor to de'iuandalbhe Confed erate anthurities Lis letuin to Ibis State forfrial Mr Flemmingoppostd tbe resolution cn theground'That the Uouse had no evidence before it, aside from the action ot tlie Seuata; lo aubsiaoiiatetbe allegation made in the preamble, as to the illegality of the arrest and the lovaliry of Ihe prisoner. Tbe prisoner, tf f routed. bad h.a renicdv in the wiil of iairos CJtftt, wbicb he could sue out in Richmond, where be ia now detained. He saw no reason now for interference bvlbe Legxlatar,and woo'd snggest at least a lefeieace ef ihe resolutuia t a commitlee. Mr Carter had n- person U kaowied of the fasts of the ease. The statement contatoed to the preaaib e, bow ever, had been endorsed on ihe fl-wr of the Senate ty tbe Senator from Beaufort Tne prison l. yaltr was more over at testc-t by auoic of the b-st eitixeaa f the conntT--H e had in his p H.oa a htuer rroaa haghly raspecta ble cilit-o of ttat euttntr, ae'Uag fuatb the destitute eun d.eioa nfibeiNiSuner's law ly. aud tharaoicnaing bis ar- rest as il etfsl nis imprtoooteot as cruel. The prisoner, confined at tirst in Salisbury, had bee reooved irein ihe State, nod ia now said to-be in prison to UAciry of Bach: send. Ilia Tvaoval carried him nut anlv beyond the joy risdietion of ibe CoirU uf thia Stale, bat Vvond the eog mstce Ql the judicial auikoritiea .of the' OoafederaU States ihetaaelTes, the Uistrit Conrt of Nonb-Carolioa ahe basing power to try him. t - - Ou motion of Mr. Ouisr, the Hoase resnlred itself into a conimitte? of tbe whole, and tbe Speaker called Mr. Jjtive ta tbe chair. -. . - Mr. Carter addressed the committee at. -leagsh, owing th passage of the reaolntioa. .. . Mr. P:eaiiiur then n-plied, opposing its adoption.'- " Tbe e-imatittce then rosu and -reported nmgreas. Mr. Person offered a substitute fir the pieairibie, which wae rejected, lie then moved to strike out tbe preamble. Mot agreed to. The question reea'rring, the yeas and nays were ordered sad ff.e resolution was adopted by the following vote: Those ho voted in ibe affirmative were' Messrs. Allison, Albritton," Alford. Amia. A vera, Barahardt, Bsrringer. Beall, Berry. Best, Bond,Brysn, Burin, Burna, Carpenter, Canton, Carter, .'rag, Urawf .rd, Duke, Dunn, FKnt. Fraatws, F.at, Fby, Gentry, Olenne, Greene, Hampton, tiai na, of Cbai bam, Uarrisun, lleadereon. Henry of Bertie, Henry of Benderaon,- llollingxwurth, Howard, fforton, Ingram, Jenkins, Joyner. Judains. Keener. Kerner. Kirbv. Laws, Lfgntf, Lyle, Mcno of H.. Mann cf PoMjaoTank, MeAoeo, MoComuek, Mi-Kay, Xeitlr McRae. Kissen, Parka, Pearea. Perkins. Persod. Powell. Remolda. Rn. ardson, Riddick, Rives, Bobbins. . Ritter, Kugera, Rasa, Ruisell of Craven, Sherwood, Sbober, Smith of -Guilford," Smith of Washington, Stanford, Waddell, W alien, Walser, Watsfov Wellborn, Wood.dl, V-tng of Iredell, Tcuajf of Tancey. j "-.: - 5 Those who voted in the uoxttire were M.-srs Col.h Davenport, Fleming, Geo'-ae. Gilliam, G'-ier, Harris ,'t Cabarrus, Sawea, ttodge Ma-micg, i-e!,!es, Ri.bioaon, I Stancell, Vano."- " I On Alotion of Mr. Amis tlie .fi iti'roduceJ by hitn thia j moiuiojf, authorising certnin b.mks to leseive Slate'Uondi i in payment of lenrp-.rary liana made tmho !iato, was taken from the tabie, and puaaed-iliaevi-ral teadiuga uuuer a Empeusiou 01 me rules. ILLS 01 T'l rkhih.-vh. The bill to arc end thee th Section Stth ehsnrpr Rr.r-ge, Codi. patisetl xnj reading ; alsj a roMiiiiUon u-j'.horix nr toe sitlu of certain bands in the toiuilr-.; of Clay, Cherwkee, Macon and Jackson. A bill for the relief of Jno. Manning, oq Snd reading, .was leferred Whe committee on claims." A b.ll.lo iBOoipurate the Lockville- "Mtoing-aieil M3ao ! factoring Company, on rd readings. waa relertedv to' tbe comtitinee on the judiciary. v . . .--) Tbe House tbeu adjourned aotil T o'clock, p. m. " ' " 1 v-:h'--.-."v.;,-- " - ' ' "'". -s.;H , j.?" 'itt-i mom ntstm.'-? ''?-'.:-" -r.? -1 The House met at 7 o'clock, P; 'ML, pursuant fo odjonrn. ment. '" -i-se - ' . ..---'!r-.-" - An eogniacd bill from tbe Senate. to repeal tbe Xd section of an eot entitled an act to divide tbe State into tea Coo- gressional Districts, passed its 2d and 3d readings. This, bill provides for the holding of future Congressional eleo tijnaen the first Tbursdty of August - - -- An engrossed resolution to increase the pay and pr Hea rt tbe members of tbe Legislature for the present aesainn was put on ita-second reading Increases tbe per dins. to$iandg'anl8 2t)CJnuiper mile . . "On motion Of Mr. Carter, tbe resolution was amended' bv tnoreae'ng, in the same rates, ihe pay of the Principal: and Aesia tee Clerks of tha twHoosn, and that of tbe' Etigrossing pierks . .'- .;.".....-.- The tospjauan tben-posssd its 2d and Id readings node r a susjiension of the rules - - , . ... ..... An engrossed till from the Senate, to amend and explain sectiSti eUaoter 107. Revised ode. was referred on d t- reading tuuihe committee on the judiciary. - ' - an ecgrusreu oiueainira -a. out concerning Bntherford Aeademy," pasid its several reidingt under a aspeosien of tbe rules. .V.. ; ' ., . . . , ' A Isii air engrossed ttitf to amend.tbe charter of the North Carolina): christian. AJtvcjU joint- stock publisbing com P""' '-'V : ''-':" ' - Mr. McKay totrodueed tbefotlowing resolutions: WazHtAS, Armed bands of men, sent out sa ihej al- IciTC, for the'nurrjuseof arrestimreonseridiaBniLdraorterA in certain counties 0 finis State, instead of lawtul ! cbarging (he-doties imposed oATthem,nd. to v'io'atiott ofj, tne Dili 01 uignts, wnicbssys, triatnomen hi n ur prived of nis property -boi by ba ,bw of the land, bav burnt down' bouses id destroyed property, no one being presefit but' defenceless wpmeu and h'idren. Therefore, be' it-"- - - ; -',1''i.," lUtalttJ,: By Ihe . General Assembly Tin w . in session, Hhmi thd OuTurnnr nt this Stale ia herebv directed and in. slrno'edythal whilst he should affird every foeilitf io oc- e-jrdance witnlaw, to arrest aiiwosanf erKiscrrpt sad deserters, to nnrfect the private property Of ciliseM of thtsS?ato from wanton and lawless dcstrnclion, and ha is -hereby. authorised, if necessary to urvnt .tbe same, to eail otatry portion of the military force of tbia Slate. : - Mr.UcKsy Urged tbe passage of the rtBolution, JThe frequency of these lawless sets demanded iippffatively me action by this teg-aJatnre lor their suppression. The pnierty of a poor, defence less woman, as he wee in-form-d by respecUWe citixtns io the county -of Harnelt, bad ben barned te tbe ground, by so armed band wbieh bad gode there in n'nest of ber husband, who aisled that auiessehe. pointed but where he wan. Aa whole of her A Mr, Waddell was glad that this-reaolrtion had' bean to 1 .KwXd;.1timiiaT outrages bod beatt committed to i oooty of Chatham, M9lKMxm. - . xr- - on Mr. Lobb was opposed to hasty le:.v, '! -rjP"ud to vote on a question of B, l-iid he desire to Sadd: ?ilTfr."i mu: imnn'. ibility. ' oli itTOiVWSS? committee. i woulrf l. " sit.sr Li??!' "S??",. PPoed a reference, a.. -. ,p...aq id. n.Hiae was nrenart u. Wt. .rruLH.m.pPWth"e-. carters and recusant e.wtl? eomZ'4? m "wiefB kii were .... t iinii seat to arrest tbe in. The Ci' The ra7.. " brthZ." b,V surf, and teamed to ensohrtig, m aol , apon pnvae prHperty, etc. Ma?rtehj j d' onnecj - "Ir" '"ougui luerewutions r """tin, ontraae. and to pa8!sb tb.pSCor: Y ,,l""M.d MeCorm.ck urg-dTh.rj.ld tion of tbe resolution . . .8 ,lle "naiedi,, Tbe motion'to refer the r..t...: '. . V wssrciecUd. - .- to ISrerlewrSuapended.ndtl...... . Been- o area, tbe. resolution passed Tt. . .M " lui tbrnterinc- ot : auone wn.t vninrf in ,t . g-, Brown, Bumpass: Co'bb.T" LS"-. ng"p 8prui..,,.fo?dand'us, Rives, The reso ut or. tt. j .. " . . . 'B'?waiWawaanaBaaaa- " VIUCJ. ANR fill ii ii ii i V iy Wtyenbscri bought in Wrtheville, Va 0rt tltB9- be wV Gracy is bleck color, 18 vear, old ..t.v. nniin1 a, aaaare .u l a . m l nv.,aus sniiHi m, , orougnt tnim Farmville V. Z. , u' ' '"J'11 " 'uai we can get them. "".eoeiit 3. S. RAY, S. O. ALLEN, Jamestown, U.c O-eWoi Kov. 17, lt. PERQUIMANS COUNTY rnr-iTT s Pletia and Quarter rtssT,", rJ?' J PRT OP Sanilford.Davis. Kd-nond D.Vu iikA .1. on. th. .Hiz.:rZZ"?..z:;r -rir" w aosepn J ,c!cs .n and wife Mariwret ' ing to tbe Court that Join .J TU 1 -' icaf.j istdered that r r.t k .... . u dvrdfariix ivoets, fh. ,he gaijj, Uar.ce.t appear athc nexM ' Ti3.C.R'0n . a . H answer, or otnerwiae nefc.t tnir in,""", . 1! ?n1 V-i, Court will , fbeeed IVillStlV a ? "I" it It. ""ddetennioeiii iogs, or thi emseej; pule. WAtnef.' J5mc? C" Skinner. Clerk of the Conrt of Pl. at the Courl TlioiKlJC' 1' 1 t i... . - Z """i "'." "ovember.i I.. 1808, Pov. 84, 19S3. S-w6t. lVOSTW,L.L a'fOLD OJT A C B EDIT i-wi Or A IS K morUi. t k i... .-j Pearcefoe'd , near DunnVo.a nVcTin f3 on SATURDAY . ibe s.iih ,l.nt It LL. . TV" Negrnea-uonsistinaritf meu. iri.mpn .nl ! snd security will be required before the title is cbnnpS, U. M COOLKV, " Adm'r and Commissiomr Hov,.z9. mi. . - .. ...... 4S w4tpd. MPOttTANf SALE-.IIAVING SOLO My tsria ia Wnke countv. twelve miles north of iulij, and four miles from Foret'.villc Depi.t on tbe Raleijlund GasUiu Railroad. I will soil to the highest bidder onTne day, l.Vh leeember, istt-iimycropofilorn. Fodder, ShaAi HayWheat, Kw, OaU and Peaa, forty or tifly lareefd ttog. post ana vzs inirty nea ol FUeep, Uorses, Mala fine blooded Milcb Cows, one line Dt.ihuoi Bull Calf. sink. teen months old; farming ntensils. coi.sting of Wo-rnm, Dump Carts, Ox Carl. Pltmghs, etc ; household and kiicba furniture, one good Piano, oue Singer's Sewing Mac'oint, Beds. elc. Also, at ihe same time and nlace will ha sold fi TA ar lit iiaesy jonng neeroes. Aiao, about tweuty-five gallons of good Apple Brandy. Terms, six m mths credit, or cash if preferred. ii. V. LltiU. Nov. S4, 1S6J. 45-a-otpd. ISPOIITAHT- OAXir. or-TJASD AND -LAVSS-On Toesduv the SS;h day of licctaiber. C3,tbe enderrgned, as executors of James Weallien deceased, wt. seil at public auction the laud and siaresof tbeesute. Toe lan-i couiains abl-ut I00 acres within Hi miles of Raleigh, and is very valuable, containing a lum r j , , .T-i. , . - 3 r 411111117 in auuiauir. inesves ia m numoer. arem-jst-If Tuna? and l.kelv. The sale will lake nlace at the Cuuit- bsase'rcBa eijh AI.at the same time and place will beiU Bhtcksaiitha to-iis, a tine braEdy still itf'eood order; aim seas, oeuaiiig, c- jtuB nr.ATHbtis, r , : CL II. WKaTxIERS. f"1 -.Sov,. 1S43. r. :: . 43-wfdpd. 'AK CITV HOUSE. OPEN FOB THE Benson. BAR and TABLE an milled aa nana!. Freah OrSTKBS received daily. Baieigb or. 8e-v 94-Sw. to JfTOTICE TO CONFEDERATE TAX. IAV. Lvi KRS. I will attend ni the following places and Har tocol'act tbe Confederaie Tax in Randotpb county, vis: Capt. R. It. Branson', Monday, Strth November. leo W. Doreett's, Tuesdav, 1st December. - J. Cheeks, Wednesday, 2d - " lr. T. L. Winslow's Thursday, Sd " Franklitrsville, Fridav-,4;h ' Burgess's Mill, Hatnrdiv, 6th w McSwahi'a, Monday, 7vh ' " 2few rtalem, Tuesday, h . Saw Marked Wednesday, lib . - ' Bash Hill, Thorsdav, 1 ib -. ' " .. Wm. CwtcMeld's,'Fnday lllh f: . Sin'evehBush's,Saturdar IS, ,- -- . Calvto Bu'ia's Monday 14th " -- A.-hboro' Tnesday 1Mb - -GrT'a X Hoads. Wednesday IStk " -. Morgan's. Thorsday i7tU -. ' - ' -' Ctawfurd'a, Pridav lStk.'-t'"1 LassiUr's Mills, itiu-iay :tj:e.' 1 ) ;hn D.'fjox's, M-mdjr ' Wm 'aaad.tv'.. Tuead :, rations ffi't'? M:.!.. Wf2 O. C. SilerV a-hcivt, ..tver, r.i'.ii"-" Vf l.ibartr,S.tijdaf i'itfi . M "' Tu Assessors for ilia confltv willstte d with -no ' 4 appoiclmei.ta to a&sesit ths Tithes tnd Seat JV.t j and Mules. - . I--- - Any persons faittns toa'ter.d find nav their T::i. l r' cent will be sdedto the -s starlit, aa Ui iw n .un I will be' tlie-spp'rinioM-nisby lOo'cluek A. ai.c-r.pl the i-e.iple wi:i aiiaad by ibat. time. ' j: B. TH-V. ' CoPeetAr for Itandolp'u C "ict yoV. .ViaW..V. ...... H-niu tTXOBIM ITTEB.-TAtTKM T? s ten rill. J taittMl to the jaii of Sorry Cotiuty, Norlh-'arolini,n tH uciuoer, isiw, negro boy, who ssrs n uatAe is ttS, and says he belongs te Joshna Rous?, of nuir.Connty, Korih-Carqlinia, Said boy ia about Tori years old; about five feet S or 10 todies high, dark. TU owner is hereby mitified to fiw forward, prove propeity, and pay charges an take said boy awav, or he will be d with as tbe btw directs.' WM. HAi'MOKE, Bh'ff of Surry County. Nov. 1SQS. s 1. ., 4.1 orfim. s. - Xim.u ;.; - - V REWARD. -I WILL GIYE TH JJCFv above reward-for tbe apprebensidn, of m bjy thai absconded from E.iaS Aibright, Alamance Co ty, N. C on or about tbe alh of Xovember, I86i. : tioidjbtiy is 81 years old. and named JOE, is5W' nhe.htgh. weighs 1J0 ponnds, has a trxe on bis tit' .swart on the eje-tid. has thick tipa and ia very blacr ' address is Company Shops, N, C. -1 - '.-v:":.;- ' JOBS P. A GUT, Administrator of Albngbt Aog., 1J. 3jwa Joseph Ays vcqpXr wr"Gs adcoc and othera. Vex-- Col,rt of f aud Quarter Session Augnst Term, !.-. .. ' It appearing to" ailsf:,l'rn Conrt; that Tn Gee nd wifer7 "," Adcock are nou-reSffleiiw' tbe Slate; u motion.. it ia'otdvied that pnblicaiii'"1" made in ,he Raleigh St-infard, for six weeks, infunt'1 of the fill ns of this petition, aud unless they spf. . . h Opirt Iprm -.ti Ih'.m r..kW fha same11 oe taken pro cuhfum and berd trpart as to them Wilne. R. C Cotten, nerk Of said Court, at nffiM.p ritUborongh. the 2d Monday of Annsl, ' '" " ;.- R. U COTTKS, t!. c a .. uet. as, man. i - -. 44-w6tpi, f onoAir Wobble, coiiMissiojr mm CUANT, UAHlifc.l t' STKKKl, KAlitlW". " ur.ll .: 11 : -11 t- nf CO'V produce or other good.-. I flatter myself with aawr Hence of morn than thirty, yearn to business, tbat riva sattirfintion. SnMtal attention riven to the 54 if 11. meivvaau act on cuih-iiibbh.ii - Flonr. Consignments solicited., f . ntf M AMDS FOR SAIB -THE aPBSCl2 JAA will sen rr i-.K ..n?im for wtill secured bis tract of land in teaoirCobnty, lying on 1 Uttg'j, ,b snd sb.ul five miles north of f JTtwcntv-'' tract about macros, about twd uudred wd isingof Of whU Is cleared. ' It is well L adapted to 1 be eornieoMnn, Ac. with an sbuudance of ar TeDieDtV lb beituality for feKUinn purposes, and eo located in the farm. - ' r v Haw'boorn, Kin,t' : Forfenherparneulars, address L. J-"'" i.nds-,,,-K. C, or apply to him and be will fi&Kt l&V- I Keh l, lltt . "t. xrapenpon, uavis. Duke Dim. nl "wCosT Oeutry, George-fllenn. Green!' ft ' Pi-T'". Fn d0. rison.'Hawe.ffltan.U derson, H.gea, Holiine;woi,h'n'' 8trt'. Henry ,lS Jovner, Judains. Keeifer K-l Pl.n' ,D8ra'i Hvde. Mann of pi "i ernel'. tra. LtI.' uN MnXeill, MeRao, Niese; VJl. Trm.. Bobbins, Buss. RS of P,rki,,8 Smi .5 Guilford I ft? L f'?' S'woed & '& Ien, Walser. W..Vellborn T""- Wa, -.'y-'-.fr:'. t.':-

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