4 The News-Herald. Telephone No. 26. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902. ARRIVAL OF PASSENGER ' TRAINS AT MORGANTON. (EASTERN TIME.) No. 36, east-bound (vestibule), 9:01a.m. No 12, east-bound, - - - S :00 p.m. No. 35, west-bound (vestibule), 10:54 p. m. No 11, west-bound, - - - 10:55a.m. No. 62, east-bound (local fi eight carrying-passengers), - 12:50 p.m. No. 61, west-bound (local freight carrying passengers), - 1:44 p.m. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Velsie Webb is visiting-friends in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lazarus returned yesterday from Bal timore. Max Payne left Tuesday morn ing for Greensboro, where he has procured employment. Mr. Tom Hallyburton, who is now located in New York City, spent Monday night with his par ents here. There was a runaway marriage of a Catawba county couple Mr. Henry Flowers and Miss Lizzie Bolcti at the Court House here Tuesday morning. Rev. L. J. Ehrlichperformed the ceremony. The ladies of the Methodist church are making an effort to induce Bob Taylor of Tennessee to come to Morganton and de liver one of his famous lectures at an earlv date for the benefit of the new church. Mr. G. W. Battle and his son-in- law Mr. A. F. Hart have moved their families to Hickory, where they will make their home, for awhile at least. Mr. Hart hasi a contract on the C. & N. W. R. R for changing the gauge. Mr. C. W. Tucker was showing on the streets a few days ago two of the largest hen eggs we ever saw. Thev were laid by two of his hens of a plvmouth rock and brown leghorn cross. The two eggs weighed half a pound Mr. C. B. Kincaid, of Linville, soent Saturday nijrht here. He came down to buv some lumber from theM. M. &T. Co. for the new roller mill at Bridge water, which is nearing completion and which will be mit in operation at an early date. Mrs. Mamie Gillam's Sunday schoM ilass gave a candy pulling at lire. Gillam e residence last Thursday evening. The occasion was much enjoyed by the little folks, and -the proceeds a mounted to 12.50, which goes tothenew Methodist church. Last Friday an old colored woman caught a carp weig- ing nearly 10 pounds ina small pool m a bottom near the Ua tawba river bridge on the Le noir road. It is supposed the fish was left there when the waters receded during- the re cent freshet. The old darkey feasted on fish for several days. Mr. V. T. McGalliard, who has been sick at Pueblo, Colorado, for several months, has returned to his home at Connelly Springs, in the hope of being benefited bv the chanjre. His sister Miss Sal- lie McGalliard, came home with him. Mr. McGalliard and his sister were employed in the in sane asylum at Pueblo as attend ants for several years. Mr. Ben Cox, a son of Mr. Jule Cox, and Miss Mattie Jaynes, a daughter of Mr. J. W. Jaynes, all of Upper Creek township, were married on Wednesday of last week, at. the home of the bride's father, bv Rev. Mr. Mock, pastor of the Table Rock circuit. The happy pair left Friday night for Eatelline, Texas, where they will make their home. The verv best wishes of all their friends follow them. Mr. Jno. W. Martin, who was appointed to a position in the Government printing of fice, at Washington, and who left here Wednesday of last week to enter upon his duties, writes us that he went to work Saturday morning and that he is much pleased with his position. He says his work is in a building where there are over 4,000 men em ployed. TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c, You will hardly feel right on Easter Sunday unless you are well dressed. My lines in Clothes and Gents' Furnishings are ready. B. F. Davis, the Clothier. E3 Wanted. A good milch cow. Arjolv at The iews-Herald office. Quiteanumber of Morganton ! people have attended the Pear son meeting- in Hickorv. Rev. W. K. Houk attended the Pearson meeting in Hick ory Sunda' and Monday. Mrs. Hicks' millinery open ing-, next Tuesday and - Wed nesday, bee announcement. Judge Averv and Mr. S. J. Ervin have been attending court at Bakersville this week. Mr. I. T. Avery is attend ing the State Sunday School Convention in Payetteville this week. Solictor Spainhour is at home from Rutherford court. He will attend courtat Columbus, Polk county, next week. Next week's News-Herald will contain eight pages. Pour pages will be devoted to Charleston and the Exposi tion Capt. Theo. Gordon, who has been in very feeble health for several months, has gone to the University Hopital," in Philadelphia, for treatment. Rev. T. E. Wagg filled Rev. C. G. Little's appointment as pre siding elder at the quarterly con ference of the Methodist church here last Sunday and Monday, owing to Mr. Little's continued illness. Mr. J. L. Anderson is here from Salisbury. It is under stood that he has sold his business here, which has been conducted by Mr. W. A. Ross, to Messrs. R. L. McConaug hey and R. F. Goodson. Mr. W. R. Kincaid, who is here on a visit, has shown us Colorado newspapers giving accounts of severe snow storms and snow-slides near his home in the Rocky Moun tains recently. A number of lives have been lost. A meeting of the Burke County Democratic Excutive Committee has been called for Saturday next at the Court House. A full attendance of the committee is earnestly de sired, as there are "important matters to look after. Mr. Jno. M. Mull has been receiving this week the con gratulations of his friends on his nomination by the Presi dent as postmaster at Mor ganton. That the nomination will be confirmed by the Sen ate in a few davs there is no doubt. A Mrs. Kimbro, of Rock ingham county, who was be ing brought to the State Hos pital here for treatment, died on the train to-day at Connel ly Springs. The body was brought to Morganton and prepared by Mr. E. B. Clay well for shipment to deceas ed's home. Mr. J. H. Walker received the unwelcome news one day this week that his father is stricken with paralysis at the age of 78. He Jives in the in terior of Watauga county, and the journey is a long and hard one, which can only be made by private convej'ance. Mr. Walker will leave for Wa tauga Saturday morning. He Wanted the Lord's Signature to It. Uncle Dave Jirancn urougn a load ol stove wood to town a i few days ago and while looking for a buver he ran across ,m in- surance agent. The agent began to talk life insurance to Uncle Dave, who took it that the agent meant that a policy in his compa ny was ajrnarantee of long life. Uncle Dave "broke it off" in the agent when he told him he would have him fill out a policy right then and there if he (the agent) would get the Lord to sign it. STRIKES A RICH FIND. 'I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., "No remedy helped me un til I began using Electric Bit ters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bit ters are just splendid for fe male troubles ; that they are a grand tonic . and invigorator for weak, run down women No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar anteed by John Tull. "For Sale. Two splendid hors s 8 years old. Good saddlers, fine driv ers and will work anywhere. Terms cash, or on time for g-ood paper. L. M. Hull, Connelly Springs, N. C. J&ET Wanted. To buy, a second-hand one-horse wagon. Apply to W. K. Houk, State Hospital. Edmonson-Henderson,. Mr. C. A. Edmonson and Miss Hannie C. Henderson were married yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon at "Cherry Fields," on Upper creek, the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W. C. Hender son. Rev. Walter Hughson, rector of Grace Episcopal church, Morganton, per formed the ceremony that blended the lives of these pop ular young people. The wed ding was quiet, only a few friends outside of the imme diate family being present. The happy pair will make their home at the Edmonson homestead, on the" Catawba river. The News-Herald, in common with a host of other friends, extends con gratulations and very best wishes. A Handsome Donation. As has been stated in these columns, theladies' aid society of the Morganton Methodist church will furnish the seats for the handsome new church now in courseof erection here. The fund for this purpose will be raised in various ways, and it goes without saying that these ladies will have- tne money for the seats when the edifice is ready for them. Al ready the fund is begining to grow. Mrs. T. G. Cobb, a member of the society, re ceived last Saturday a-New York draft for $25.00 from Mr. W. J. KincaH, of Griffin, Ga., to be added to this fund. This donation is highly ap preciated, not only by these ladies but by the whole church, and the town in general, and is proof that Mr. Kincaid is not unmindful of the home of his youth and young-manhood and that his heart is with the people of his native town in their efforts for good. A Fire Alarm Yesterday Morning. An alarm of fire was given yesterday morning about half past nine o'clock and there was much . excitement on the streets for a little while in consequence. Fire was dis covered in the garret of the residence of Mr. T. L. Hertp hill, on West Union street, and for awhile it seemed that a destructive conflagration was inevitable. The fire bad gained considerable headway, but by quick, hard work was extinguished. Not much damage was done beyond I the burning of a good-sized role in the roof. Many of ;the contents of the house were removed to the street during the excitement. There are several frame buildings near the Hemphill home which would have been in great (dan ger had this dwelling burned. The cause of the fire is' un known, but it is supposed to have originated from a spark from the chimney. The dwell ing is owned by Mr. F. M.' Scroggs. GLEN ALPINE NOTES. Local Items and Personal Mention by Our Hustling Glen Alpine Reporter. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Mr. Flowers, of Hilderbrand, has rented and moved into Mr. Henry Brinkley's house just below the house Mr. Brinkley formerly occupied as a residence. Mr, Flowers has accepted a position with Mr. J, D. Pitts. "A delightful german" in the Calvin Academy last Friday night. Quite a number were out from Morganton. and Calvin, Glen Alpine, Bufkmont, Cham bers and Hennessey were represented. Mr. J. H. Dale and Miss Coleman cha peroned the crowd. As '"the queen of the night" threw her silvery rays over their pathway they repaired o the schoolbouse and there "tipped the light fautafctic toe" tiir.heaven'es star spangled dome deepened and the wee 6ma' hours were not far off. We have had educational rallies. Suaday school picnic-, fishing and Ta ble Kock excursions, prayer, league, class. Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran meetings, but never a "Quaker meeting" till several Sundays ago. Mrs. M. C. Sigrnon, of Nebo, is down to see her 3ick daughter, Pearl. Messrs. Harbison and Pattern closed the public school here last Friday after noon. There has been a large attend ance about 70. We are convinced that it is best to consolidate schools where it is anyways convenient. Mr. Orders and Miss Nannie Dale, of Chambers, spent several days last week visiting their uncle, John Dale, in Cal vin. M. N. Hennessee is attending a "quilting" up on Silver Creek to day, Thursday. We suppose the Squire will thread needles for the ladies. March 20. 1902. U No Hoo. WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY. There's no rest for those tire less little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing torpid liver, jaundice, billiousness, fever and ague.-. They banish sick headache, drive out ma laria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c at John Tull's. - JSST'Subscribe News-Herald. fox- The STATE HOSPITAL NOTES. Penonal Mention and Items of News by Our Regular Hospital Eeportor. Miss Iva Aloore spent a Tlay or two at Rulherforil College Jast week. Misses Lila and Earl Carpenter, of Worth, visited Mr. anl Mrs, M. 11. Rbyue last week. Mr. S. Hail, ol Halifax county, peut a uay uere last week visit iuT. Mrs. JN. l . Jiu8nmeli was quite unwell lor several daj s hist week. Mrs. Laura Cole, who has been vi.-itiug her home in Davie county for several months prist, relumed to the Hospital last week to re sunie her duties as nurse. Mr. A. H. VVacaster luts been in the thr, es ot the grip lor several daj s past. Miss Sue Tate visited the Hos pital last vie k. Mr. Chai'.es Ferree is spending h few dajs this week iu Morgan- tou, having about recovered from iiis recent illness. Miss Nora Crowder, of Hender sou couuty, visited here this and last week,and whs a guest of Mi. and Mrs. W. E VValrou. Fn-m Monday noou till dawu 0! Tuesday morning the mercury came tumbling down the hill from i0 10 z) ana me dear in u iroggies iigain had window paues in their windows to. peep through. Mrs. D. (J. Grail v is said to be in very delic ite health. Mr. Giad is thiuKiiig: ot tHKing her to the SaliUmiv IlospiUl for treatment. March IU, 1U02. C Statk of Ohio, City of Toledo ) Lucas County, lss- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senoir partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing" business in the City of Tolodo,- County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum ot liVNDKVU DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of Hall's Cattarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day or Dec ember, A. D. 1886. ( - , A. W. GLEASON, seal Notary Public. . t -, - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drug-gists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mrs. R. C. Cunningham ad vertises her millinery ooening for next Tuesday, 25th. Stops the Cough and Works of the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinrne Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No fay. .Price Jjoc. Rutherford College Notes. Correspondence of The News-Herald. The debate given by the Platonic Literary Society in their hall on Fri day evening last was a success. The question was ably discussed in a lively, entertaining and instructive manner and the judges decided that the nega tive side had proved that civil ' offices should be controlled by political creed rather than by competitive examina tions. Many visitors were present, We return especial thanks to the Mor ganton young ladies, who graced the occasion and added much tojthe social life of our little village with their gen ial presence. We cordially invite them to return again. Mrs. J. H. Weaver has been visit- iting her son, Dr. Chas. C. Weaver, since Friday last. She will spend several days in the village, much to the pleasure of those who are fortunate enough to know this good woman. Prof, and Mrs. Arthur T. Abernethy spent Sunday here with relatives. They were on their way from Philadelphia to the South. Kev. w. tr. JVlallonee preachea a strong sermon in the college chapel on Sunday evening last. He is busily eng-agred soliciting: funds for the new building. Several new students have entered school this week. The total enrollment is now over one hundred and fifty. That our village is making progress is-shown by . the fact that two new stores have been opened since Christ mas. The fact that all the four busi ness houses are grocery stores tells the tale that Rutherford iColleere students have good appetites. ; Ruth R. Ford. Rutherford College, March 19. COULD NOT BREATHE. Uousrhs. colds, croup, grip bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cur by One Minute; Cough Cur One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liquifies the mu cous, draws out the inflanma tion and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros by, Miss., "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." Leslie's drug store. Oliver's railroad works near Connelly Spings have been shutdown for several days for repairs to the steam shovel. A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK "Of larere sores on my little daughter's head developed in to a case of scald head," writes C. D. Isbill of Morganton, Tenn.. but Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for ec zema. tetter, salt rheum, pim ples, sores, ulcers and piles. Only 25c at John Tulrs. DHE NEWS FROM F0NTAvFL0RA. Candidates Not Stirring Much Yet xoung Mr. Rhyne Talks in Eis Sleep Mr. McGimsey Offers a Dog for the Best Joke Notes on other Mat tersPersonal Mention- Correspondence of The News- Herald. Mr. Burke McGimsey has had a se vere attack of la grippe but is improv ing. Mr. Fletch Dobson has another boy at his house. ' Mr. Caleb Kincaid. with Mrs. Kin caid and the baby, visited Mr. Kipp Giles last week. I he kids are beerinninsr to rob the hen nests for Easter. Rev. M. D. Giles, son of Mr. C. D. Giles, will be here on a visit and will preach at Linville church the fifth Sun day in March. We hope everybody will come out to hear him. as he al ways has something good to say. On last Sunday morniner Noblitt. at Fonta Flora, while walking along the puouc nignway, lound a three-cent, silver coin, which he thinks, from the date and other marks it contains, may be valuable to some one, and says he will give it to the owner if he can find him. Rev. Mr. Mock visited in this vicinifv last week. Mr. John Parks has lately cauebt two large chicken hawks in his noul- try yard. Mr. J. T. McGimsey offers a doe- to the man that tells the best joke between now ana J une the first. We think the contest for the dog, so far, lies between Commissioner Berry and Mr. Haney. yne nignt last week Mr. Urel Rhyne, wuiic in Dea asieep, kept saying want Parks," and his brother How ard Rhyne asked him which Parks. TT ! .1 in T! r . xxc odiu, ivliss lizzie." inis was talk m his sleep but we believe he was in earnest. Last Tuesday . Mr. Joe Morrison caught three raccoons and gave the fourth one a chase. Mr. Bill Gowen has moved from viilsus to ivr. i. Asueys iarm on M- 1 a. T -.t . 4 Canoe Creek. Messrs. Robert and Avery McGimsey are employed on the Western R. R. Mr. Pink Branch is at home from the railroad making; arrang-ements to work on the farm. Mr. L. C. Parks is employed as fire man on the steam shovel on the R. R. near Connelly Springs. The farmers in the surrounding; vi cinity lost no time last week sowing oats, planting potatoes and gardening. uur candidates for Linville township are not out much yet. They are not going to make a long run of it, but we hope they will make a sure one. Some of them say they are too fat to run much ana otners say it is too muddy, so we are unable yet to say much about what they will do. Respectfully, Fonta Flora Reporter. March 18, 1902. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , ' Signature of uaKT-CUct4 Nice Building Lots for Sale. Having decided to 6ell my beautiful farm home in East Morgbnton, I have divided same into lota of from one to 20 acres to suit purchasers, Streets laid off to suit same. These lots will be sold at public or private sale. Any information desired regarding these lots can be had on application to the undersigned. Terms reasonable. Would be glad to correspond with anyone wishing to purchase a nice cheap home on easy terms. Don t fail to grasp this opportunity early. J. W. CAMPBELL, Morganton, N. C. MY SPRING STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS has just arrived and will b opened MARCH 25th. Everybody is cordially invited to call and examine my lines. 1 will actually save you zU per cent. Co tne and see. Mrs. R. C. Cunningham. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK AfiD BROWN LEGHORN EGGS. Ihoroughbred Barred Cockerel from Mass. that cost 6.35, and Thoroughbred Leghorn of finest strain ' ' Hens of Both Strains Thoroughbred. Eggs per Sitting (13) $1.00. All egi?s carefully packed for shipping P. W. PATTON, - Morganton, IN. W. J. Watson, Contractor and Builder, flORGANTON, N. C. Plans and specifications fur nished for all kinds of building and job work. Estimates made on all work free of charge. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRINB. All I ask is a trial to prove that I can save you money in the building line. I solicit a portion of the work, guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully yours, and W.J.WATSON. Office and Shop old Herald Building. ed csi&SSSI SPRING MILLINERY OPENING! TUESDAY AND MARCH 25th AND 26th. THE VERY LATEST STYLES IN Hata, Bonnets, Shapes, Flowers Ribbons, Embroideries, Silks, Trimmings, White Goods, Notions, Etc. NO OLD GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Don't forget the date of the Opening Tuesday and Wednesday, March 25th and 26th. RESPECTFULLY, Mrs. A. E. Hicks. Tip Top Going to getjone of those Big Value Watches AT See our desirable line of $3, $3.50, $4.50, $6,00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 Watches. EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED. tmao Kodak And Kodak Supplies We Haye the Agency Here for the Above Goods. All Supplies are Carried in Stock And Sold at Catalogue Prices. Mail Orders from tomers Receive Brownie Kodaks No. No. No. 2 Flexo. Kodaks 2. Bull's Eye Kodaks i Folding - ' . Ask for a Kodak Book de scribing all the different in struments. You will be in structed. This is best place in the world to use a Kodak the"scenery is at yonr door. EASTER EGG DYES We have just received a shipment of ail that is new in Egg Dyes 1 2 brilliant colors. LESLIE'S DRUG STORE We Sell "BURPEE'S" Seeds That Crow. WEDNESDAY, - - E VERYTH I NG Tlmere BRING US YOUR WATCH WORK. Out of Town Cus- Prompt Attention. $1.50 and $2.00. $5.00. $8.00. Pocket " $ 1 o 00.