b NEW fnhone INO. W. tiHRALD. A Justice Furches and wife t ..vtmi's. !.,t Lr. n p Ddlinger, of Uierry- ,e county convention Satur promifles to be lively. . frank Clinnrd, of Hickory, tliis wnftk. i . (J .JOIN" iruii j.- lv afternoon from Asheville. r n,.wm11 snpnt several Jr. lv- ' . . ti i e.;ro Attorney W. A. Self, of Hickory' is attending- our court. - Attorneys Bird and Wood, of.Marion, have been here this week, attending court. Mrs. Scales and her three child ren, of Salisbury, are visiting at Mrs. T. M. Webb's. State Treasurer Lacy, Ex State Treasurer Worth and Attornev P. H. Busbee were here this week court. BTJItXE SUPEEIOS COURT. attending -. i ... . ,., and r-ntU'.V lien - iioir- in . F. Davis re afternoon from was here on busi- Attorneys Newland and Wake field, of Lenoir, have been attend ing Burke court this week. They defended S. B. Pearson in hi.s cases in this court. Mr. J. E. Coulter, who was voted for in the primaries last Saturday tor county commis sioner, asks us to thank these friends and to sav that he was not a candidate for the office. tori iiiay from Hickory in the court. hMiiocrat spent yesieruay .1 ' 4. , noon in tne cu. Mr. t't Aiexaiiut-i, ui vuuiw, 'if. mi.. riM t spvprsil dnvs th his parents and menus uere fiis week. Mr. Walton T Infer, of Lincoln ' i,m -ocrm'r1av ntid last, hn, "- iic.i-y - - ----- ,rht returning io xjiiicohi iuu ,is niornmg. m got tne lime 0.1 the Criminal Docket, Only Jail Cases Tried Civil Docket Reached Yesterday Afternoon. Burke Superior Court con vened Monday at 11 a.m.,, Judge W. A. Hoke, of Lincolnton, pre siding. Judge Hoke STATE HOSPITA". NOTE?. PROGRAMME P Ticnal lllention and Items of News by Our Regular Hospital Reporter. Mr. Taz Rumgardner, of Stau- ton. Ya., who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Murphy, has re-j turned to his home. is so well known to our people as a fair Mr. and Mrs. H. B.Woodward, and able judge that anything we of Statesville, have. returned to inight sav in his favor is unnec- their home from a visit to Mr. 2 3 Mr. E. A. Green, clerk store of Fornev & Co Ill " l.wiu I &. 1 , ,, TT. , in his eves about two weeks Editor HolhrooK ot tnemcKo- i nJ in congequence has be?n aj great sufferer. He is still unable for duty in the store, although the condition of his eyes is much improved. About twelve or fifteen old soldiers of A very-McDowell camp left here the first of the week for the Confederate veterans' re union at Greensboro. Young Gordon Tate, of Morgan ton, was chnRiTi nml wfitit, Hlnnc to jlr. Walter Brem, theinsurance carrv the color8 for the deIega- n-nt, 1ms a new ad. in tnis pa- tJon r if you want reliaDie msur- ...iT .... i.5t Mr. W. B. Senreson. of Fhila- delphia, arrived last week and Mra. Andrew Kistler, who has wiU g d severai week8 jn this lrt-nsit.lv vin t section, lie and Mr. A., a. ton- f weeks, is, we are glad to learn, nel, o Morganton, left Tues- etting along nicely. jav on a tramp" to Blowing Miss nnie and Master Bertsie R:k, Linville City, Cold bprings iv...u ,.u:i,ii f r- w W ana otner points in tne moun- llt' HUH, Liinuicii ui VVuult, of Asheville, are visit- laiuu. The long hoped for rain came this atternoon. it was a very heavy one and was' ac companied by thunder and lightning. Lightning struck a tpnpmpnt house near the lail. Some of the nnest peacues doing some damage to the arketed here this season have DroDertv. The occupants of the house were severely shaken up but not seriously hurt. essary. On the criminal docket only jail casese were tried at this term. These occupied the court until Wednesday at noon, Solicitor J. F. Spainhour prosecuting with his usual tact and ability. These cases were disposed of as fol lows: Hat tie Houston, col., murder of child; guilty in second degree, 15 years in penitentiary. Thomas Finley, abandonment; guilty, 0 months on roads of Gaston county. Hicks Kizer, assault with deadly weapon; not guilty. Hicks Ivizer, carrving con cealed weapon: guilty; praver for judgment continued till Oct ober term. S. B. Pearson, larcenv; not guilty. As to the old judgments stand ing against rearson and tne threats which, it has been shown, were made by Pearson against certain citizens of Morganton the judge still has these matters under consideration, not yet mving disposed of them. Haywood Swink, found guilty of exposing his person, was sen tenced to 60 davs on the roads in Gaston county. The errand iurv was com- and Mrs. John F. Woodward. Miss Sue Tate, of Morganton, visited Mrs. Dr. Murphy here this week. Misses Celia Mull and Alice Walker spent Saturday in States ville and were guests of their friend, Miss Sarah (Jowan while there. by w. F. President, and song. Miss Clara Clark friends in Lenoir. is visiting (rat ('apt. Bristol s. Mr. Will G ruber and Miss Lacy Simmons spent Sunday at Bridge- ivater, driving up in the morning Lj returning in the afternoon. the finest tome from the Waldensian colo ur, eight miles east of Morgan- jton. Jolm Wilson returned to Mr. jGreenshoro Sunday evening. Mrs. hVilson will remain in Morgan- ton, at her mother's, Mrs. Coll- ett's, several weeks. Mr. J. F. Cannon, who has been filling the position of depot agent at Morganton for the past three months, goes back to Swannanoa to take .the agencv there, the position he held before Mr. J. if . ... . -f..n ,.1,.. fT CirrA- i jj.j r l, As. I '-""""h 8011 nuve HUUtl a iren menu vie- . , , , , , , U. IJCl IIJ , ixkj nan. uccu nartment to their grocery store. They put in a handsome new re- j frifrerator this week. Rev. W. C. Brown, of Iredell county, will assist the pastor of Quaker Meadows Presbyterian church during a series of services to begin the 24th of August. Miss Delia Edmonson, who has been nick for a week or two at the home of her brother Mr. Charles Edmonson, is able to be out again, we are glad to note. The personal effects of the late R. J. Hennessee were sold at auction at the Hennessee home stead, two miles east of town, last Fridav. A fairly good num bcr attended the sale. Mr. S. M. Asbury spent several days last week in Catawba and Lincoln counties on a visit.and at tended Rock Springs campmeet in: while away. He reports good crops in these counties. Messrs. James and Ed. Gibbs, brothers, of Bridgewater, will leave the first of next week for California, to engage in the lum ber business. These are deserv ing young men and we wish them much success. Mr. Joseph L. Mull, of Camp Creek, raised this vear on 5 acres 10'5 bushels of wheat. Mr. W. S. Hoyle, who resides in the same section, challenges the county to beat him on corn where no fertilizer was used. Lr. I. P. Jeter will leave to morrow on a tour of inspection ot Mate institutions as a mem ler of the State board of exami ners. He will nrobablv be out about three months. Dr. Keech will have charge of Dr. Jeter's dental office here d uring this time. As Messrs. W. S. Hoyle and N. L. Chapman, of Lower Fork, were coming into town Monday morning the mule they were driving became frightened and Q .y, Miss May Mills has returned to her home from a visit to Miss Mae Murphy. For the IT. S. Senate Robert B. Glenn, of Winston against the field Herein borrowing the ad monition of Kipling lest we for get, lest we forget, Lord of hosts, lest we forget our Henry of Navarre. Mr. C. J. Williams, of Macon, Ga., spent Sunday here with his kinsman Dr. Murphy. Dr. H. T. Bahnson and family, of Salem are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Murphy here this week. Dr. Bahnson was at one time one of the valued -and useful directors of this Hospital. Misses Jean Evans and Mae Murphy left Wednesday for Klnlh Aanuitl Alerting of the Burke Coanly JT. 8. Convention (Inter Deno. luinational,) Kotlirford College, Sept. S 6 "! 7. 1902, Commencing Friday Evening at 8:30. FRIDAY EVENING 8:30. 1 Conventional Song, "On to Victory." Prayer by Prof. Reynolds. Address of Welcome, by Rev. D, P. lioode. Address in response, Hallyburtori; Annual Address by Close with prayer SATURDAY. Song Service led by President. How shall we define the S. S? By Rev. W. H. Reddish. How can the State Association be made a source of benefit to the County Association and through it extended to the individual schools? By Hamilton Brown. How to arouse enthusiasm in the S. S. W. F. Hallyburton, Rev, Kelly Houk, J. Ernest Erwin. How to encourage the memorizing of the Scriptures. Rev. J. W. Jones, Prof. Reynolds. How to teach last Sabbath's les son. By a lady teacher from Erwin's Chapel. How to teach the Review. By Prof. Weaver. The necessity of knowing how. By S. M Asbury. How to teach the primary depart ment. By a lady teacher from Rutherford College S. S. SUNDAY. Sunday School, composed of all persons present. Intermission for 30 minutes. S. S. Conference, conducted by the President, to consist of short talks on the work, its method and needs. Close with prayer and song. Lost Hair " My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and it stopped the bair from com ing out and restored the color.!' Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. 4 There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, a longer, softer, and more i glossy. And you feel so fj secure in using such an old and reliable prepara- tlOn. M t bottle. All drereigta. H If your drnggist cannot supply yon, g send us one dollar and we will express 3 you a bottle. Be enre and give the name '& of your nearest express oiiire. Address, K J. C. A YES CO., IxrveU. Mans. 0 8 IEEPING REDUCTION SALE of Men's, Boys', and Childrens' Clothing. 2 3 Miss Velsle Webb is visit ingf friends in Asheville. Capt. G. F. Bason, Char lotte, is here looking- after the Southern Raiiway's inter ests in the court. Miss Vir ginia Shober is the stenogra pher in the railroad cases. Our lines of Men's Suits that sold at $10 and $12 50 have been, reduced to $7.50 and they are creating a sensation -and deserved ly so. Modern merchandising fails to re veal a reduction so decisive a saving of equal attractiveness for this is, without doubt, the greatest legitimate reduction ever recorded. Every material is liberally rep resented in this attractive showing. The styles include all the fashionable cuts. Ev ery garment superbly tailored to fit faultless- y. Actual value $ 1 2.50, while they last at our low sweeping reduction sale, price $7.50 summer resort. Dr. Murphy went Charlotte, Saturday visit for a day. down to last 011 a agent at Marshall for the past several years, succeeds Mr. Can non as agent here. Mr. S. T. Pearson, of Char- otte, was taken suddenly ill last Saturday night, and for awhile his condition caused much anx ietv amonc his many friends Mr. W. H. Pearson left here Sun dav afternoon for the bedside o his brother." The following from to-day s Charlotte Observer is encouraging: "The condition of Mr. S. T. Pearson, who is ill at St. Peter's Hospital, continues to improve and he expects to be able to resume hi.s work in a few days." The excursion from Statesville' to Asheville vesterdav, run by 0. B. Mull & Co., of Morganton, was a hmar.cial success. There were seven cars, all well filled. However, the train did not reach Asheville on schedule time 11 a. m. Soon after starting from Statesville the eiirine broke down and the excursion tram remained on a siding until an other engine could te sent from Salisbury, causing a delay of four or live hours. The excursion reached Asheville about four p. m. and returning left there at nine p. m., passing Morganton about 2 o clock this morning. posed of the following- gentle- Wavnesville to spend a while at men: . vv. . vvnisenant, that exhilerating and popular lviiKe wnisenant, j. j. csnoup, W. M. Powell, J. W. Led better, R. A. Harbison, S. J. Piercy, John McNeely, D. M. Hoyle, J. C. Hicks, Joe Wall, D. H. Lafevers, T. C. Mc Gimsev, C. A. Edmonson, John Harrison, N. P. Gollo wav, W. A. Harbison, J. L. Hartly. Mr. C. A-Edmonson was made foreman. lhe grand jury finished their busi ness yesterday and were dis charged. The first case on the civil dock- et was .Lacy vs. Webb, krvin and Pearson, in which judgment was rendered against the de fendants. About $6,000 was involved in this suit, on which amount a credit of $2,500 was allowed. The case of J. L.Curtis against the Southern Railway was taken up yesterday afternoon and re sulted in a verdict this (Thurs day) afternoon in favor of the j plaintiff, Curtis, for $o0.00. Cifrtis claimed damage for wound? received from being hit by a train near Glen Alpine. Orphans' Concert. A concert by the singing class of the Oxford Orphan Asylum will be given, under the anspices of Catawba Galley Lodge, No. 217, A. F. &. A. M., m Morgan ton Wednesday evening, August 27th. More than 250 orphan chil dren, who would otherwise be without the necessary comforts of life, are now being cared for by this institution. Moremoney is" raised by these" annual concert tours than could be raised any other way, without financial strain upon any person or com munity. The Oxford Orpan Asylum was established by the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina in the vear 1872. During the thirty years of its existence over 2000 children have received its train ing. It is now doing a greater work than ever before. Help it to continue its mission of useful ness. The concert is worth the price of admission. Attend. It will help you and . your presence will help the children. Mis Sarah Cowan has returned to the Hospital from a visit at her home in Statesville of sever al weeks. Dr. I. M. Taylor went up to Asheville Monday, and returned the day followiner. Mis. Frank Coxe of Asheville, visited here for a short while Tuesday. The many friends of Miss Ida Moore, who for many years past was a kind and efficient member of the school of trained nurses here, very much regret the sever ence of her connection with the Hospital to return to her home in Hayesville, where she left for last week. Mrs. Alferd H. Marsh and chil dren, who have been visiting' Mrs. C. A. Marsh, for some time past, returned Monday to their home in Jacksonville, Florida. C. Aug. 21st, 1902. THE COMPANY'S FLAG. Written for The News Herald by an old Union soldier. - , The legions of honor our country still loves In Greensboro met, old and gray, A sunburst of glory encircles our flag, Oft brilliant in battle's array. Though torn and much faded that tattered old rag, So oft led to glory before, Again unfolded and swings to the breeze As it did amid carnage and gore. When mighty hosts mingled in conflict so dread, That a world often paused to behold. While blood streamed and noble men died, Our flag 6eemed encircled in gold. While high over head "its precious folds streamed, As it led mid the thick of the fray, Though blacked with powder and stained with our blood, War honored we great it to-day. Stops the Coogta and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets care a cold in one day. ro Care, No Pay. Price 25c. A Valuable Find. The recent flqd of Chryeotile, one of the most valuable forms of Magne8iam Silicate, jast discover ed in the edge of Burke and Caldwell Couuties, a specimen of which has been presented to tbe News Hebald, is already at tracting tbe attention of northern capital, as upon expert examina tion it is found to contain the following: . Silica (S i O.) 44.J. ) Magnesium (31 g O) 43.0 5- 100 Water (H.O) 12.9) Tbi being of far more commer cial value than tne Canadian pro duct, mined at Tnetford, Province of Quebec. . Further particalar may be had upon application to this office. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a power of sale ccm- tained in a certain trust deed executed to me by Nancy Deviney on the 8th day of April, 1902, to secure a debt of $20 to Avery & Ervin, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Morganton, N. C, on Monday, the 8th day of September, A. D. 1902, the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Burke county and State of North Carolina, adjoining tne lands ot Kutus Hardy, S. McEl rath, Betty Mace, Dolph Byers and other 8, bounded as follows, to wit: Be ing the tract bought by the said Nancy . ueviney irom John taiiott and wife. containing one ana tnree-tourtn acres, and being the land whereon the said Nancy Deviney now lives, designated and described as follows: Beginning on a hickory, and runs west 7 poles to a stake; then south 37 poles to a pine, near a spring; then 7 east to a pine then north 37 poles to the beginning, Said sale made by reason of default in the payment of the said debt secured by the said trust deed. This the 7th day of August, A. D 1902. manly Mcdowell, Trustee, TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY There is a great demand for Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU l?8ll"": "'""Vr, i, on ecS I house in Morcranton and we box. 25c, Reunion of Veterans- The survivors of tbe 55th N. C. Regiment are going to have a grand reunion tbe 18th of Sept. at Fallscon, in Cleveland county, uoi. J. K.- Connelly, Chas M. Cooke, OaDt a i n a Mall, Randall and Dickson. Lients. W. N Holt, B. H. Winston and Whitley, some of onr former gallant leaders, will be there, also Maj. W. F. SchencK, Capts. Grigg, Hoyle, Hoey and other officers of the legiment are expected. The dinner table will be under the management of the ladies. Every one is requested to hrinsr laree well filled baskets of The Morganton Library. Tbe following, being tbe cream of this spring's productions, have been added to the library: Dorothy Vernon of Hudson Hall. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Parch. The Virginian. Mississippi Bubble. Lady Parainonut. Hearts Courageous. " Leopard Spots. Miss Petticoats. Houud of the Baskervilles. Valley of Decision. Bylow Hill. Dorothy South. Capt. Gray Horse Troop. Kate Bonnett. Methods ot Lady Waldenhurst. Mile Toucbette. : Ra'nson's Folly. The Spenders. Suitors of Yvonne. The fighting Bishops. Geoffrey Strong. Mrs. Tree. Eve Triuuiphiant. Heroine of the Strait. The Battle Ground. Capt. Jinks Hero Naughty Man. Graastark. Aodrey. Subscribers are req nested to I preserve the lists as they are pub lished in The News Herald from time to time for reference in mak ing selections. I desire to staie that the rules as to dues, fines and doubt if there is now a vacant house in the town. There are a number of families who would come to Morganton if they could care of books will heraafter.be finrl hnnsPH. If those who are muremiimij able would build more houses for rent thev would find it a paying I investment. Mrs. J. H. Wilson and three of her daughters left this morning tor Newton on a week's visit to relatives. enforced. The new books will be ready for circulation Saturday. The library days are Wednesdays and Saturdays from 4:30 till 6:30. M. SILVER, Librarian. Miss Elsie tnorniu&r tor hacked the buggy off a high em- substantial eatables. oankment just beyond Hunting Creek, throwing the occupants out and severely bruising thera. It was a narrow escape from se rious injury for Messrs. Hoyle md Chapman. Strange to say, although the buggy turned over, it was not damaged, nor the mule hurt. WHAT A TALE IT TELLS. A NECESSARY PRECATJ-TIONr Don't neglect a cold. It is worse than unpleasant. It is dangerous. By using One Minute Uough (Jure you can pure it at once. Allays in flammation, clears the head, soothes and strengthens the mucous membrane- Cures coughs croup,' th Walker left this a week's visit to friends in Newton. Mrs F. A. Burffin and son. of Charlotte, are visiting at Mr. W A. Ross SsaTC. T. Morrison's second ex cursion from Claremont to Ashe ville will make special arrange- jsiderably in ments to take the Morganton jaeent to these places people. Would nave Deen giaa to have taken all tnat wanteato A severe storm passed over Winston and Greensboro last Friday evening, doing consider able damage to electric light, telephone and telegraph wires and poles, etc. One building at Greensboro was unroofed and the Btreets flooded. At Winston W. F. Miller's house was struck by lightning and considerably damaged. A child was shocked but no1 one seriously injured. Timber and crops suffered con- the territory ad- New Subscribers and Renewals. The following have been booked ince lust report: R. B.Anderson, Fort Mill, S. C; Robert Patton, J. T. Patterson, Charlotte; P. L. Hen nessee, Caroled ; M. B. Hojle, Camp Creek; J. E. Wilson, Ruth erford College; U. C. Clark, Hart land; Timothy La'l, Mull Grove; Amos HnffHian, Pearson, P. A. Hoke, Burkmont; VV. B. Hud son, Wortman; A. J. White, Hii derbrand; J. S. Parsons, State Hosp t-A': C. E. DeVault, Linvil e Sion ; T. E. Gla.ss, Enola; J. S. Cnrtis, Glen Alpine; S. M. Parks, Hamp Tate, Thomas Walton, J C. Patton, J. fl. Wilson, Rufus Avery, A. T. Willis, A. II. Wilson, Morganton. Her One Sctm. In the civil war time a western wo man who had lost her bnsband In the field and who hoped to win a livelihood for herself and her littlo ones by writ ing sent to Harper's Magazine a story Which had no special distinction and was returned. In the desperate mood that followed this rejection she sat down with pen aflame and told "why I wrote It." md her story nnder that ti tle was accepted and published, win ning a sympathetic response from all Its readers. But this production, the echo of a vital moment, was her one story In the magazine. Oliver Wendell Holmes Bald that anybody could write one interesting novel If he could truly tell tne story of his own life. Harper's Magazine. Obeyed OrAera. ' "Whn was the cause of that awful fackjat and disturbance' In your o&ce Just before you camel" asked one of the tenants on the third floor. Xou know that yocng cowboy that tame yesterday to begin the study, of law with me8" said the other. "Well, I thought be mlgbt as well be gin at the bottom, and I told him that When be came down this morning the first thing for bim to do would be to Clean oat th office. He found half a dozen fellowa, there waiting for me, but be did4t, afl right" Chicago Trib une. MORTGAGE SALK OF LAND. By virtue of a power of sal con tained in a certain trust deed executed tome by Manuel Avery on the 8th dav cf April, 1902, to secure a debt of S20 to Avery & Ervin, I will sell at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Morganton, N. C, on Monday the 8th day of September, A. D. 1902. that certain tract or parcel of land intr and being in Burke county . and State of North Carolina, adjoining- the lands of the late S. McD. Tate, Milas Tanner, Mrs. Neill Ray and others, bounded as follows, to-wit, Contain' ing eight acres, more or less, and be ing the land bought from S. McD. Tate by said Manuel Avery, and on which the said Manuel Avery now resides, as by reference to bond for title now in the possession of S. J? Ervin, Atfy, for a complete description of said land v.-itl more fully appear. Said sale made by reason of default i;i the payment of the said debt se cured by the said trust deed. This the 7th dav of August, A. D. 1902. manly Mcdowell, Trustee. $5.00 Men's Pants at 3.50 Men's Pants at 3.00 Men's Pants at 2.50 Men's Pants at $3.75 2.50 2.25 1.95 Men's Straw Hats at one-half their original price. $5.00 Boy's Suits are going at - $3.50 7.50 Boys' Suits are going at 5.00 12.20 " " " " g.00 Boys' two-piece units were $2.00, reduced to 1.50 Boys' two-piece Suits in plain and fancy colors, these were ft.i.50 and $4.00 (sizes 8 to lGj reduced to $2.75 Imported Madras Wash Ties, sold up tof 15c each, 2 for 5c. m ros A BIG DOLLAR' SWORTH OF SHIRTS THOMAS EOWDERMILK PHONE 87. We have got the biggest dollar's worth of shirt we know anything about. We were determined to have it, and we've got it. Our Men's dollar negligee shirts Fresh Fish, Melons, Fruits and Vegetc Kind Friends:-- If you wish something- nice in the Fruit or Vegetable line, .call men up., I keep on hand at all times Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Peaches, Cantaloupes and Watermelons. You will find my prices as low as any, and you nave only to try me to De convinced. Remember, I appreciate your trade, and orders will be filled with only first-class goods. Prices on Watermelons 20 to 40 cts., Canteloupes 5 to 15 cts., Bananas 20 to 2a cts. per doz., $1.00 to per bunch. My staples are always complete. Ice cold drinks at all hours. My bananas are fine and nice, I also keep my watermelons on ice, My apples and peaches are the best, Just try them once, you'll ten the rest. Just call me up at 87, I'm on hand from 6 to 11. If you wish anything1 nice, Either in fruits or on ice, You have only to let me know. And the things will surely go. THOMAS LOWDERMILK are made of best Madras and Percales de tached cuffs, no scrimping of material making sleeves to fit. or Patterns - New and Latest we If you want to pay $1.00 for a shirt, can do business when you come in. Don't know where else you can get shirts like ours for one dollar. F.Davis Clothier, Hatter and Men's irnisher. A Clew Cmt Warning. Toans ladj&" said an absentmlnd- ed teacher of Latin to bis class to Vlr gll, "I understand that you count upon my calling on yon In alphabetical order and prepare yonc lessons accordingly. I am surprised and disappointed at such conduct. Hereafter I warn yon I shall begin at the other end of the aV- phabetr The best physic Chamber - Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleas ant in effect. For sale by W. A. Leslie. If that mirror of yours shows a wretonorl callMi, a aundiftPd IoaV th tmIp.Iiar like it. Leslie's dru store. and hlnf Vim , rO-T, i -o I .muIV;UCO LUC SMU, 111 O liver trouble; but Dr. King's 1 ew Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give f-Iear skin, rosy cheeks, rich OTplexion. Only 25c at John . i I i. 0 on JU1V zotn, out as vuu roat and lung ,H was tolU. . Will J. rUl A Unlnfnln Baft till 111 O UT-UIOO UVW HHUU Acts immediately. Children tions Sept. 13th. $1.45 round Trip. ' j. i. iuunniww. ISTC. T. Morrison will run an excursion from Claremont . to AsWillR Sent. 13th. Fare for round trio from Morganton $1.45. 8Vanted. 500 bushels of peach -seeds. Highest market price. J. A. SPEXCEU K LO., Morganton, N. C. Henry L. Shattuck of Shells -burg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with which he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians withont relief. For sale by W. A. Leslie. bsbThe News-Herald Office for .lob Work. frMi8sDicksons Select School opens ept. &t, iyuz. laim tansrht lbv Hev. Thos. D. John stone a morning recitation. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as adminintrator on the estate of R. I. Hennessee. deceased, notice is hereby e ven to all oarties indebted to said estate to make immediate paiment, and all t-arties havinir clnims against said estate to oresent the same duly verifu d to the nnder- sitrned on or before the 1st day of Jnly.1903, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. This 1st Cay oidtiiy, lwi P. L. HENNESSEE. W. H. GARRISON, Adm'TS of R.J. Hennessee, dee'd, SGiHlOOL MORGANTON, N. C. Principal: Jacob C. Patton, A. B., Harvard, i . 2'. 3- 4- 5-6. Fall term of five months begins Aug. 4, 1902. Open to pupils of bdth sexes above primary grade. Constant drill in free school studies and thorough preparation for college. Tuition from $2 to $3 per month; fee iocts. Board about $8 to $10 per month. Rooms at $1 per month near the Academy for boys wishing' to board themselves'. Address the Principal. uu's drug store.

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