The News-Herald j IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM job Printing TO e News -Herald Office. T. G. COBB, Publisher. THfc BURKE COUNTY NEWS.! Consolidated Nov. 29. iOOL THE MO KG AN TON HERALD. J Subscription Price, Slider Year In Advance i5 s'y, IN THE Piedmont Section. st.Cl'ss Work at Lowest r ' Trices. vol. xvm. MORGANTON, N. C, SEPTEMBER 25, 1902. No- 27. ' 1 tii - j 9.. , - ffe'fr' ' '; i -! doses cure sivcr isn't acting u;ic from biiious-crif-xticn. Ayer's if cctly on the liver. Family Pill. 5C. All druggists. l , or )o.arii a beautiful I ' TMi'ii nse m DYE Whiskers ; a P H'.L CO . N5HIA, N. H, m We w i cies iMi in tli'' I,1- El- . th ii.iii n, insurance:. U- Fire Insurance poli al! kinds of property l.iruest home and for- :. ir.ies .i:ieil on property 'uer, tv-.tabli.shed : Ai '; ?:a beci; prompt : r;!y i-ettkd. 'it.- '0! th'.' .. Home, sufortl, a.i. Bremen, i'od, of Hartford, Con In-;:-;;;iee Company ot North Nmgara of New York, li n e, of New York and German American. IVlif.ii' pi.iired on our books are ,ii in:ti renewed before expira- iilniii. We writ? risKS irom $iuu to siiiO.'WO. on property in town or f ' ' - , -. l-uiiutTy, lowesr. rates. AVERY 1.RVIS, Agts. Post-otke Building. Watch Repairing Is our business and we give it our painstaking nnd careful atlention AW Rive special attention to repairing the better grades of Watches! the kind that need ex tra careful adjustment. try to have our work give Mtis-faction, such as will win the ivrindtiice of all who leave their watch repairing with us. We wan t you to feel that when you leave your watch with us for repair, the work will be done to the best of our ability and in a competent manner. . Jas. B. Swindell Jeweler Morga.nton NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS As Told by the Papers in the Neighboring Counties. GASTON. CALDWELL. Mcdowell. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, THE HEAD Oi the State's Educational System. f Oh t'T-' iomic Department, Lav;, Medicine, Pharmacy. hundred and eight scholarships, tuition to teachers and to minis-r.n-;. Loans for the needy. Instructors. Fine Apples from Burke County VaL ue of Spraying in Grape Culture Death from Smallpox. Gastonia Gazette. Sept. 19th. A protacted meeting- will begin Sunday at the Metho dist church and will continue throughout the week follow ing-. The preaching will be done by Presiding Elder J. EL Weaver. Monday night at the city pest house, Mrs. Smith, an aged lady died of smallpox. She was taken to tbe pest house in a precarious condi tion a week previous. She lived at the Old Mill with her son-in-law, Mr. J. S. Price. Fine apples are coming in from the mountains on wagons. Two loads recently arrived from Burke count'. Mr. J. M. Carswell came in yester day in a covered wagon with a fine lot of Howards and Yellow Pippins from the South Moun tains in Burke county. He says the corn crop there is good but the apple crop is rery short. He sold his ap ples trom the wagon at 75 cents a bushel. Mr. Catswell says this is the first time he has been to Gastonia in about 21 years, and that he wouldn't have known the town. Twenty one years ago he visited Gas tonia, Lowell, and McAden ville ".vagoning" as he is now. ;he value or spraying -in grape culture is strikingly de monstrated by Dr. J.CGallo wav. He has a collection of varieties that would make glad the heart of any grape fancier Helaid on our desk yesterday some specimen bunches oi white grape, the equal in form, size, and flavor of any we ever saw. I hey ripen in August, and have been hanging on the vines ever since. Dr. Gallo- Avay says they are in good shape to hang on until the first of October. Last year the grapes on' the same vine rotted and fell off in Ausrust the crop being practically failure. This difference, he savs, is attributable to the sprayings he gave the vines this year. The spray used was Bofdeaux mixture, ;vhich was applied at three different intervals during the season Lenoir's Great Celebration A Cottage at Blowing Rock Destroyed by Fire. Lenoir News. Sep. 19th. Dr. Houk will move his fami ly to the Lenoir Inn in a short timej and will later open it as a sauitorium. , Judge W. B. Councill passed through Lenoir Monday on his way to Aeheville, where he is holding a six .weeks term of court. . . Railroad News Valuable Dogs Found Dead With Their Throats Cut- Death of Mr. John M- Hemphill. Marion Democrat, Sept. 19th. The Marion graded school now has an enrollment of 203 pupils and the attendance is daily in creasing. E. H. Dysart is mayor pro tern in the place of Mayor Eaves, who is engaged in his candidacy for the solicito'rship. A Sketch of the Life and Character of Rev. Noah H. Eaylor. BY O. W. IVBV. Liev. Noah It. Kayler was boru in Iredell county, N. O., June 25ih, 1819, and departed this life in Caldwell county, Jane 9th, 1899. Dro. Kavlor united with tbe M. E. Church in August, 1846. He join ed the church a seeker ot relig ion, which was a vry common custom at that time. But joiuiug the church at that time as a ''seeker of religion'' meant hOine- thing just what the term indica ted; hence in the year following wonderfully convened Miss Lizzie Perkins and Miss Addie Erwin, of - Morgan ton, who attended the Celebration vesterdav. staid over for the 1 dance last night, It a mil JonuM. nempmii, one ot tne Arter mnch anxion thought and mature deliberation he made np old landmarks of McDowell coun ty, died at his home, in Dysart ville, Tuesday at noon, after a brief illness. The immediate cause of death was heart failure. mL. '. ,.t At- xne summer roiiate w iui. A ..ii.i u;A .1., K J, . , , , m i-k I i aT. tUlUUUlC UU U UUj: U,lViillib Ashtley at Blowing Rock was de- to w w Cooper was found stroyed by culental fire Sun- dead in fmnt of Ya ,g store day night, Mr. Ashtley is from Tn , v mnrilin Theanimal's Brooklyn, and spends his t, . i, f tha summers at the Rock. He and ,,, f-k nis wne nau uimcuiry in escap- Mind tfae Q hou(je Another tlli8 raarriage, eight children were mg nom rue uurumg animal was foun(1 in a gimUar bo condition near the depot. and lost all their personal effects, including about $500 worth of ewelrv and diamonds. Yesterday was a gala da' in its broadest sense, for Lenoir. The crowd of visitors was sim ply immense. We heard it esti mated as high as 8,000 butthmk ,000 would be nearer the cor rect figure. The exercises were carried out promptly and orderly except the tournament which was postponed from 10 a. m. to 3-p. in., owing to the fact that many of the horses ridden. in the liarleson Mica company, states tournament had to be used ih that he is reliably informed that the procession. The Trades the work of the grading of right Display and Industrial Exhibit of way and laying of rails on the his mind and fixed his choice, and from that choice he neither fal tered nor deviated. In the year 1848 tie was appoint ed class leader, in 1850 was liceused to preach. In 1855 Bro. Kay lor was ordained deacon by Bishop Early at. Maiiou. S. C. lie was ordained elder by Bishop Pierce in 18G3. He vat married to Mis Mary Duckworth, of Morganton. June ll, 1846. As tbe result of born, six ot whom are living, two having preceded ulin to tne better land. His marriage was a happy Lieut. J, R. Musgrave, of Mor- one and doubtless contributed ganton, was in Marion from Fri- largely to his religions cuaracter. dav uti. Monda,. On Friday SJJ.S.'S Thomas J. Taylor, of Davie conn- pchaps no cmple was ver more ty, Arthur E. Elliott and Edgar devoid to each other than this B. Mitchell, both of Marion, were oueT They seemed to bo assimi- enlisted into the U. S. artillery la ted. The iuterestef one was the service bv Lieut. Musgrave for coast service and left for Fortress Monroe, Va., to enter upon their duties. L. J. P. Cutlar, of the J. E. interest of the other. "Walkiqg in all the commandments and or dinances of the Lord, blameless.' Bro. Kay lor was no ordiuary man, and in. some respects he was a remarkable oue. His education al advantages were quire limited, and yet by reading he bad acquired the use of goad language. He was employed by Mia clerk of the Federal Court, of N. O , which Jfbr BILL ARP'S LETTER. Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. What a commotion. The public schools have opened the winter session. Hundreds of children are goirg to and fro and every family is excited for : their own. , The book 8 have been hunted up, tbe faces washed and their hair brushed. Tbe boys have a new suit and the girls new school dresses, and it looks like every thing and everybody is working for their children. Merchants, mechanics, doctors, lawyers, preachers, aud farmers seem to be busy iu their trades and profes sions, but behind them all is tbe welfare and happiness of their children. We have but one scbol ar now a sweet grandchild, who ban risen to a higher grade aud has to strain her young mind to solve the mazes mysteries of Latin and algebra, but .she will do it. Our schools have good, teachers, and with help at home tbe willing pupil will keep up with the fore most. Yes help at borne. I wih that every chdd had it. Iu a grade of thirty or forty pupils it is impos sible for tbe teacher to give more than a lew minutes to eacn one, but 1 sometimes give an hour to our little girl at night. That is what an old grandpa is good for bui it is hard for even me to fall into line with new books and mas ter them. The first Latin book read was a simple little one called "Historiae Sacra," and the first line was 41Deas;reavit. caelem et terrain intra sex dies," God created tbe heavens and the earth A 8mrt-;jBoy My Mke 4 Tin Can LoootThttlve and MatcnDOX car. The lodowing is instruction for makhfgain can locomotive, which b verjumde:-- ' Tne. poller or xne locomoirve js a baking powder can, the rear wheels are covers pi the same, the cab is an oblong jbs: box; pe smokestack is a BpooLafine 'forward wheel fa aft- otheri'BpdqL Cut along the lower edge tia hox only and turn up the h for three-fourths of an inch imal!): Tight angles to the plana of the bo Bore two holes in the sideal'oijjtne cab for the t knitting needle, aj if. Bore a hole in the cen ter oi' ;h wheels, slip the axle through the fcoles in the cat), slide the wbe($3 over the ends of this and . rr ' O - manner nnn nri mnt flmi n lio P?ihe t0raivllp(,t; duty of every well-wisher of his Fasten'- wo,piece9 oi cardboard to f v j d f the lorwaTdf part of the boiler and . , . . . bore a noV through the lower ends Sant' mO"P teT"al of Li Plug theloles of the spool v r QTn' to-be'us as the front wheels with th n Den, Ex CTm; ''nlib vn ..rn trlCt- J . 11. UlLES, Vff LJUtVV If W " WVU A-J V . strips' and stick ordinary pins through, the heles in the strips and in the center of 'the plugs for axles. fr . ' 51! .1.1 1 L i xne .neaougnt is supporter on SPEAZDIfi. Hon. E. Yates Webb, the 9th District Democratic candidate for Congress will address the cit izeas of Burke county at th fol lowing places and dates: Morganton, Monday, Septem ber 29 th, 11 a. m. Bridgewater, Tuesday ,Septem bar 30, at 12 o'clock. Glen Alpine, Tuesday, Septem ber 30th, at night. Enola, Wednesday, Oct. 1st, 11 a. m. Connelly Springs, Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 11 a. m. Hon. Webb is an interesting and entertaining speaker, and it is hoped that his friends and iel low citizens of Burke will come out in force and give him a hear ing. Me will discuss the issues of Ch'm'n Co. Dera. Ex. Com. To the People of Burke County. voice that was wonderful music; it was a drawing was magnificent for a town the new road (Southern and West- many years met in Morganton. He size of Lenoir, and would have ern) which is to run across done credit to a city of 2o,000 Mitchell county to Lmcolnton, people. All of the floats were ap- will be rapidly pushed forward propria te and attractive, and to completion. A change ot tne manvof them unique worksof art. grade on this side of the Blue The procession under 'the direc- Ridge will be made to give a 1 tion of the marshals was led per cent grade, lhe beaboara through the principal streets and Air Line is in full control of the to the speakers stand in ''Kent- road and f resident John bhelton Williams, of the S. A. L., is act ing in the same official capacity for the new road. wood" south of Davenport Col- lego. Ma3ror Jones made a short address of welcome to the crowd, after which adjournment was had for dinner. Mr. V. A. mm- Other McDowell Items. kins, of Charlotte, arrived on the Mari0n New., sept. ism. 1.3atrain from the South, and Misg pinkie Tate ha8 sufficjet- was driven dr.-ect to the grounds , lwovemi from her accident to where he delivered the address of return tQ hel. home .lt Brldge the day. His address was full of warer good, sound practical sense on the industrial development of Mr. E. L. Greenlee was attack- thispart of the country. The ed by a vicious cow last week and speaker congratulated us upon quite seriously wounded. - Dr. G. the arrival ofthe' Broad. Gauge, P. Ried was called iu and found and dwelt at length upon its im- it necessary to take several portance to Lenoir and this sec- stitches in the wound, but at doubtedlv have achieved wonder nau a for its voice, and if be were to speak in your bearing you would be sure to lbten. 1 never beard many voices that were .of greater com pass and that fell more pleasantly upon tbe ear. He was wonderful ly gifted in exhortation. I have often been at camp-meetings where onr most talented ministers would preach able sermons with but little seeming effect; when Bro. Kaylor would close . with an exhorta tion and iu a few minutes would have tbe vast con gregation competely under bis con trol: when ho would invite peni tents they would come In crowds, and often there would ba many con verts. His gifts in prayer were of the highest order. When be prayed you felt jnst like be was with God, "face to face"' as it were, and he was always in the spirit of prayer, lie never seemed to grow weary iu revival work and bis voice never failed. If he bad frit called to evangelistic work he would un t : 1 r n .i . square oi cardboard fastened to the I for Register of Deeds, I desire to say I boile. , Carefully fasten a piece of am not a politician. I am going to run elastic in . position as follows: Tie before the people of Burke county. I x ' 3 - i k am an old soldier, and if all the good one .end,aroundthe center of . the ' their votes and axle ihBlae. the Cab. iaSS the lOOSe elect me it will do me much food. I in six days '' I kuow the whole ena tnro,ugn . xne long, narrow. open- nave oeen voting tne democratic uckct chapter now, bat that book is out ing h thgow part of the cab and ZlrZ inVS'a of print and 1 don't know tbe new fasten ltwith plenty of sealing wax young maDf and he u a ne man) ones. Just so with algebra. Old to the front end of the boiler, lhe i have nothing against him, but I Jeremiah Day is dead aud now elastic should be as long as from think he can wait a few years. What there is a new book and new rales, the froitj;of the' boiler to the axle. I do I must do at once or I will be out and they are harder to me. How we old men do love to talk over the good old years ago. Captain Calhoun was telling yes teiday how old Beman mauled knowledge mto the brain through tbe shanks and posteriors of re bellions boja. I haven't forgotten hands one vote at am piacecr at tne will not act dirty -i.ii.r2 1-.CJ! j i i I of date, and he is comparatively a au ejABuq cuv m vw v u youn maQ and can wait another turn, end or a-number oi small elastio I Hmr it ;a itu th ivni and i ways of ulty or s xty bands ned, together will answer aa- I humbly ask at your i nriratlyj : To set the locomotive in I the ballot box. I s llmnnvas t.llinn i. lx- 4-r. VoV I bottom Ot the list. I 11IUUUU VU1U W "UWS WV.J- I . i . . i V ,1 !,. ward unul quite a lot of the elastic I me and do me you wU1 and i wiu is wound up on the axle; then, hold- I be satisfied. You all, or many of you, inr tha. Wheels flrmlv. Set the loco- I know I was an old soldier and am un- and see if you think I deserve anything at your hands. If so, vote for me. You all know I am a Democrat. If 40 years services for the party is not suf ficient to convince you, if one was to her tfi Oav Changes. 001116 Irom tne aeau yu wuia 1101 DC IrL i. i xi. at. "eve him. Ajongiraae, you Know. ia uio ui- tance afaand the earth from east to motive onUhft floor, when it will some of the lickings that good old travej a cdstance of twenty-fiye John Norton gave me, for I was feet or0ra. ' .Cars are made of frill rf mianltiiif Pr-fQorvi KAiia'n T LINCOLN. f(3 Students. 54 1 rvrinitorie3. Water Works, Cen tral Ile.tting System. . ii! t rm Lt-gins September 8, 1903. F. P. Venable, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Marriage of Mr. Bartlett Shipp and Miss Crouse, and Mr. Brown and Miss Barkley Short Cotton Crops. Lincolnton journal, Sept. 19th. Lincoln county was the first ton of thp StatP. In thertourna- this writing Mr. Greenlee is said ment Mr. Willis Shell won first, to be doit.g well, though not yet the fine bridle, and Mr. Steel out of danger. 1 1 .i t . i ir. i . ureer tne nrst crown, lruo,.f v;il0.rt..rPnfM,dpnnP- P. Henkel second crown. In the t, m n. 'OI1(, llJ(1 , I - 1 1 . AJ. A. itlf UIIU 1.'.' j UUtA Bigsrerstaff were ..married Sep- V 50 YEARS' rniintv in the Staff fn sfnrl fn the State Auditor the abstract ail(1 loudl.Y applauded tug of war, Lenoir township won against Lower Creek, and Patterson township won against Yadkin Valley. Many of the runners in the bag race made good records. These sports were intensely interesting The day t.-;S 5- J E--'3 of listed taxable property the vear 19C2. for fi&A-m?3& Trade Marks fc'&&r Designs rfi. Copyrights Ac Anwe smling a sketrh and description my inkkly ascertain oar opinion free whether u invention ii p-.bablv patenUtble. Communica ti'.iiB strict ij-confidential. Handbook oa Patents B.(it free, i M-lest agency for securing patents. Patents taker, through Munn it Co. reeetve tj r Lai notice, without charge. In the Scientific timericatt A hl'-.m-tj- i! lest rated weekly. Largest etr cu::i;i.)ii of ar,c scie'ititlo lonrnal. Terms. $3 s rar: four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broadwa- New York' liraricn Oltice. 63f v St, WashinKtoo. I. C. fir le leu u Miss Eunice Barkley, as sistant post-mistress and eld est daughter of Fostmasterl1 . A. Barkley, was married at Dallas Tuesday morning to Mr. A. JM. Drown, tne post master at Crouse. ' The farmers in ; the county say that the cotton crop will be very short this year, and that the, yield will be much smaller than was supposed several months ago. The cot ton is suffering in some sec- passed without an accident or unpleasant incident to mar tne occasion, and every body seemed to enjoy it to the fullest extent. tember 3rd. bv Pev, B. B. Har ris. Miss C'orrihna Cowen, of the State Hospital at Morgan- ton, is at home oia vacation. Mr. Frank 0. Daves is substi tuting at Morganton in the Hos pital. Messrs. Ab. Dale and W. F. Kirksey, of Chambers, were at W. F. Kirksey's mill last week on business. WATAUGA. Killing Frost "Found Dead in Bed- Married--A Lady rails and Breaks Her Arm. Boone Democrat. Sept 1 8th. The mother of Dr. John L. Cottrell. at Deerfield, had the misfortune to full from a box on which she was standing gist. and break her arm. of r Butler, Henry X.Shattuck of Shells -burgi Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with which he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and liver tablets. - He had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians without relief. For sale by W. A. Leslie, drug- Mr. Stallings, Time Cribbing. Xtrhof ia WHod timft crihhinsr' ia tions with rust. Because ot Tenn., ana miss Diraie, aaugn- common practice in English fac the drv weather, the oickincr ter of Mr. T, A. Critcher, of tories. It consists in rimnintt the ful results, lie was a model local preacher. This is the twelfth year that I have been his-pastor. He understood the relation that he sustained to the church, which he bad volun tarily assumed, and in which he was perfectly satisfied. I always found him ready aud willing to co--operate with his pastor in special meetings, and to do any work as signed him. If Bro. Kaylor was not at Quarterly Meeting yon might take it for grauted that be bail a good reason for his absence. If he ever did or said anything to damage the influence of his pastor, 1 never heard of it. The truth is, he was too "rood and ereat to do such a thing. His example is worthy of imitation. He did a vast amount of wot k. Lie bad bis regular appoint meuts and was conscientious in filling them. He spent considerable time in visiting the sick. He also bnried great many persoun, often those who be longed to other churehes. He married a gn at many persons. We shall greatly uiixs him. The church on tbe Lenoir circuit has not yet realized what a great loss we have sustained. His last illness waa brief. He worked on the day before bis death. He was bane! at Little full of mischief. Johuston is here now on a visit. He taught bete many years and most all these yonng married men carry bis marks, for be is a Scotch man and has a Scotchman's faith in Solomon and the tod. In 1861 he joined tbe confederate army, and when tbe war was over re sumed bis school aud has now been teaching over fifty years. He is a fit successor to Beman aud Isham and Tonchie, but has gentled down a good deal and loves to pet hi grandchildren. I was rnmiuating about these school books and their cost. It took $1 to bur four little books for tbe new grade aud I kuow it is too mnch, and I rejoice to see that a company has v been formed to publish southern school books fn a xoutbern city aud keep our money at home. 1 rejoice that Dr. I. William Jones has published a school history of tbe United States that is acceptable to our people. He is a grand old gen tieman without lea r and I will give you a statement from my old captain. See what he has to say. Kemember I am in the race to stay to the end. J. F. BATTLE TcSQtriTEE, Clay county, N. C, ) Aup. 20th, 1902. f To whom it way concern: This ia to certify that James P. Bat tle was a member of my company,that he enlisted July Sth, 1862, at Fort Hem ; bree, Clay county, N. C, and served west,' and hy .common consent this distance 'is reckoned from- the ob servatory at Greenwich, England. The : whole circumference of the earth . is A reckoned, as 860 degrees, the one hundred and eightieth de gree, half- way arovrnd, being ex actly on" .the -opposite side from Greenwichl - Bo t-hat when we speak of a place as being 75 degrees east we mean To degreed east from I with honor and distinctiner to his com Greenwich.' and ?5 decrees west is I rades and many friends in the State in 75 degrees west of Greenwich. which h was a,d 'eared " 'O 7" j , clse of the war, and Was detached from company F to Col. G. N. Folk, Ar Experiment With Electricity wri0 wa3 commanding the 6th North A thin' sheet of paper, if rubbed Carolina cav.; subsequently I believe with a brash or the palm of the to Gen- Gion sta.ff- and that het was i i i s' - .i r . a gallant soldier in every respect and hand in dry -weather, wjll become hhMy respected by ail his comrades, charged with electricity in a Bhort w. P. MOORE, Captain, while and" will adhere to the hand or Commanding Co. F. 6th N. C. Cav. to tho clothing. A thick piece of naper. such as a postal card, if elec trified 1n the manner described, will I have read the above statement of Cant. W. P. Moore and I know the attract light things, snch as small I same to be correct. THUS. UULMV UK l rl. 5 t . CASTOR I A, Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of without repioach, and has done more to preserve our good rjieces'of corfe "eto. uame and onr lecoid than any I Balance' a walkinsr cane on the other man. His biography of back of a chair and offer to bet that. Jeffersou Davis and of Kobert . Lee should be in every household. Even Teddy, who claims to be a historian, ongbt to read that of Mr. Davis and repeat aud retract and appoligize before he is set dowu as an aicb calumniator ot a true patriot and a uoble man. This lemlnds me of that brave gill, Laura Balbeit Gait, who refused to sing "Marching Through Geoi gi" in tbe Louisville public school. BleMsiug on her; she ought to be adopted as tbe successor to Win nie Davis, the Daughter of the Confederacy. My good friend, Joe Brown', has written a parody on that song, and the last line to every verse is: ' J - "As we went thieving through Georgia.'' I bave lost some of my tespeut for. tha eity of Louisville as a southern city since that infamous song is allowed to be sung in their public schools. - . . rf. ... I trnn nrttl onoo f h PATtfl to fall With- I . r a....t . with tetters oi inquiry aooui inrJw7",r ... "7 lZt Zt. cents an eiieusiou oi uuai ickuiu ' l TIPPING ZE8 CASH. Annnft.1 Encampment Grand Army of Bepablic, Washington, D.-.C., Oct. 6-11, 1902. On account of the above occa sion tbe Southern railway will sell round trip tickets to. Washington, D. at very low rates.' Hound trip rate from Morganton, N. C, $10.00. Approximately low rates from other points. Tickets ou sale Oct. 3rd, 4th, 5th aud fob, with final limit Oct. 15th, l'Jtfj. By depositing tickets with joint agent at Washington, D. G., not later than ooou ol Oct. I5tb, aud upon payment of fee of fifty EASILY, QUICKLY, PER-1 MA.NENTLY RESTORED HlNRIPfl DS- THE 0'HAREA'S, "mu"u (Paris) GREAT FRENCH TONIC AND VITALIZES is sold with wriitcn guarantee to cure Nervous De bility. Lont Vitality, Failing Memory, r'its. Dizziness, Hysteria, Stops all Dniins ,-.n the Nervous System Caused 'y it.iil Habits or Excessive Use of J'ob.icco, (pium, Liquors, or. "Living tiie lace that Kills" Ii wards off In finity, Consumption and Death. It clear, the Blood and Brain, Builds up the Shattered Nerves, Restores the Fire M iouth, and Brings the Pink Glow to Pale Cheeks, and Makes You Young m.l Strong again. 50c., 12 Boxes $5. 'y Mail to Any Address. JOHN TULL, iriijut, Sole Agent, Morganton. Farm foi Sale. ; The Davis Alexander farm, which I : mow own. I will sell for cash or part 'ish and 5 per cent, interest on balance . ''T a term of five years. There re ;wjut 310 acres in said tract. A first clas frame dwelling house and all nec essary outbuildings.' A No. 1 corn . "nil, which will pay the interest on the value of the place. This is a first-class uivi-stirient. The surrounding neigh- ''orhood is composed of as good people , m tha county affords". Free school the legal time limit An tfSflpector preaching there, aud had been for make aDa , about Judge Walter w rfJ-JW- Bare chance to visit Washington, remarks that "five minutes cribbed many years. So ha tana died in ciark'a books . and how to get All joy will nave to dO la to Ory t l jjew ork and other eastern cities .TATin'a ntinpnlk tt t(H AAnnii Ann V VMU a - t Willi ICLLCIB Ul IUUU I V iUUU bUV I - . ... ... . I 1WUbO OU At,UOivu V season will end much earlier Deerfield, were married on machinery several minutes beyond day, which was his regular day for roaer tuat Georgia is gomg to out toncJavng it, without blowing at j ,imit to jjot 3rd may be obtained - - I . a . . . W-fc jT TT . I 1 IX..- Jk a?T.-.4A I An a h t vt t9 fl- liAVA l l lian HaA T IAP I I than usual. Some sav that all 1 the 7th, the Kev. ivir. nar- the cotton will be picked by I gett performing: the ceremony. the first of November. n i?;rc hae , . 1 XIX X O AW 'viw w A marriap-e of surorise to ceived the sad intelligence their many friends was that that her eldest brother, Mr. of. Mr. Bartlett Shipp and R. W. Jurney, of Weisner, Miss Prue Crouse. The event Iredell county, was found took place Wednesday after- dead in his bed on last Sun- noon shortly after hve o clock day morning". . at tne episcopal rtectory. - A frnm The marriage was a surprise, but because no one thought that the event would take place so soon. Not even the relatives knew of the marriage until a few hours before the ceremony was performed. WATER CUBE FOR CHRON IC CONSTIPATION. survey Boone to Valle Crucis has been completed from Boone to B. J. Councill s on .Brushy Pork, and we are told that the grade will compare favor ably with that of the turnpike trom tJoone to blowing rcocK. On last Sunday morning there was a killing frost, and Take two cups of hot water much damage to late corn. half, an hour before eacn meal and iust before eroinff to bed, also a drink of water, not or cold, about two hours after each at each starring and stopping time amount to a total oi fourteen aays of ten hours per annum, and this amount is practically stolen from those workers who are-paid weekly wage9.w The fine for violating the law is so small ($2) that the factory owners laugh at it. A Grewaome 8ouvenlr. Curious are the manifestations of the souvenir microbe. A business man of New York wears on his watch chain a locket in which are a common button and two slivers of wood. The wood was cut from the floor on which President McKinley stood when he was shot, and the button was cut from the waistcoat of one of the men who helped over- .- mi.:. 1 JJ power tne assassin. iniH womu seem to be the limit in souvenir col- tbe harness. The large komber of people who attended his funeral showed the high estimate iu which be was held by the people of this country. The faueral arvien were conducted by hw pastor ana Bro. U. M. TuttU, of the North Carolina Conference. - '-Serrant of God. wall dona. Rest Irom thy loved em ploy." A NIGHT OF TERROR. them. Here is a from Hon. P. T Tumley, mayor of the city of Highland Park, Ills.' Ha is 81 vear s old, bot does not look it in bis handsome - photo graph. He was bom aud reared in Tennessee and graduated at West Point in 1845. Stouewall Jackson was bis roommate; Gen erals D. Ii. Jones and William Montgomery Gardner bis - class mates. That is getting pretty close to us, for D. Ii. Jones was onr brigadier , for a - while, and Gardner was our colonel - Mr. Tnrnley waufs those books and I wish to say here that the . books must be ordered from M. O. Sher rill. state librarian, Raleigh N. C. beautiful letter postal Card over. a ugnt to run i at gmali I Tit MTMMwn il m inn, n n ll went cm youx emvo. nwu w yon got the card near the en of the cane it will follow the card as a nee Ma fnllnwa tha macrnet until tne balance ia iosL so that the cane w$l falltol one. the Mr. New York Trib- For further Information call 09 your nearest depot agent or write S. .H. Haedwick, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. R. L. YEUMON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. O. meal. Take lots of outdoor exercise wark. i ride, - drive. within half mile of farm. My. reason Make a regular habit Of this rlllv3. 19' that I clo not need the and in manv cases chronic con is P'ets off?;. wSrss stipon may fbe cusi!i' ' ixri 1 vvHnr u riare Karrtas wian. 1 viiw v mi j w - 1 . - 1 ''k to buy and mean buainess can get JVhen a purgative is. required and Monday nights were not ,;' '--.vrnjation ahnnt thn nlnnn from 1 fo rc cnmnthmnrmi H and (rant A I t r hMv lint? vUttiuucuam a uiuiuau 0 , .. . i -fSt OI11JHI.-I 1UC 1U1 . buckwheat, etc.," ts reported lecting. New York Prcs?. from manv parts of the coun- . 1. v t a- a, f a i rv rn-T ty, while in other sections A orlUL'ii.IJNlT liAuAMii i they, had no trost. r armers Latel befell a railroad la- have been, putting in full time , wr;tA Dr. A. TTpIIaM. I her." This marvellous medi .. . . . . . . rr .i I ' ' I . . i . j a. ll of Williford, Ark. "His foot erne is guarauieea w cure aa was badly crushed, but Buck- throat, chest and lung diseases, len's Arnica Salve quickly Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bot - cured him. It's simply won-,' ties iree at Jonn iuu s amg "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham, of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia be fore moraine:." writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her Seud $5 and tbey will lie sent by that fearful night, but she express, but not prej aid. '- 'And begged for Dr. King's New here is a letter from G. W. Nich Discovery, which had more ol, or Jesnp, Ga., who also sends than once saved her life, and b's interesting book. ' A Sol cured her of Consumption, dier'a Story ol the Lawton Gordon After takine-.she sleDt all nie-ht. Evana Brigade.", Thai's right. Ii Further use entirely cured Willie's Trouble. What's tha trouble. Willie r said Mrs. Brown to he? Bmall son, who warf crying.' ' ' nfyl lfcite won fly," soboea Wil lie, Tud I "made it out of .fly papey too. iThe Crove anauaa. Crows taye no t&ret than twenty seven difwrent cries, each distinctly reeraV to a different actioa. . this .week cutting oil their com, and saving what they can of the damaged wheat buck- The, frost on Sunday Ait-lrinr!' r.r- mi.oJf nKn iitioiN of H,aie, s. m. Mcdowell, and Liver Tablets. For sale by Morganton n.c J W. A. Leslie, drnggist. The News-Herald. derf ul for burns, boils, piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer. Cure guaranteed. 25c. Sold by John Toll. store. Selz Shoes. 1. 1. DaVm & Son. A SAD DISAPPOINTMENT " Ineffective liver medicine is a disappointment, but you don't want to rmrere. strain and we can find one man out of every break the glands of the stom regiment who will write its history aca ail(j Towels. De Witt's we win aoou get our rosier sianeu T:rfhv,Ear v Risers never dlS- anooiiit. Thev cleanse the sys tem of all poison and putrid matter and do it so gently that one enioys the pleasant effects. For a bad taste in the mouth They are a tonic to the liver. take Chamberlain's Stomach Cure biliousness, torpid nver and Ijivpr tablets. For sale bv I and prevent fever. Leslie's i W. A. Leslie, druggist. . I Drug Store on a North Carolina basis. . But I am not well aud must for bear for this time. WOOD'S "TRADE MARK FARM SEEDS are the best that can be obtained free from weed seeds and impur . ities and of strong germinating qualities. It is very important if yon desire to secure good stands and good crops to purchase the highest grade Seeds obtainable. This you can always do by pur chasing .Wood' "Trade Hark Brand " of Farm Seeds. Wood's Fall Catalogue tells all about Vegetable and Farm . Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed Wheat, Oat, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc Write for Fall Catalogue and prices of any Seeds desired. ' T.W.WOOD 4 SONS Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.