' News HERALD. " ' - ' tfc. 11 " III. ... - ' The News-Herald IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Piedmont Section. Job Printing TO The News-Herald Office. First-Class Work at Lowest Prices. T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BURKE COVWTY WEWB.lo ... 2, THE MOR.CANTON HEKAlJ;JCnoU I901 Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance vol. xvm. MORG-ANTON, N. 0.. OCTOBER 30 1902. No. 32. Constipation your licau r ruii ' o r j back CI vour cyts r Jtau VOUI mouth? It's vour liver! Aver s i-ills are liver pui:;- j- They curs consti- cliQy dyspepsia. Wunt your nmiista. "r ivv.-n or f-h black. nr or 'ueard a beautiful BUCKINGHAM'S BYEfefclSlSr. Iir, j hen v.se pc-.-V-lfTS. OR R. P. Hll ft H.SfcU., w. r.. fire insurance;. We write Fire Insurance poli cies on all kinds of property iu tlic largest borne and .for eign companies Every ios sustained on property ji,Mireil iu ibis agency, established fifteen years ago, has beeu prompt ly ami Vatisractorily settled. . We ;jre agents for the Sort I: Carolina Home, Aetna of Hartford, Ii- ni bury Bremen, H iit foul, of Hartford, Con. Insurance Company of ?orth America, . Niagara of New York, Home, of New York and (ieimaii American. Policies placed ou oar books are promptly renewed before expira- at!oii. We write risks from $i00 to 1100,000, on property in town or. couutry, at lowest rates. AVEEY & EEVIN, Agtg. Post-office Building. Watch Repairing Is our business and we give it our pexinstaking and careful attention We give special attention to repairing the better grades of Watches, the kind that need ex tra careful adjustment. We try to have our work give satisfaction, such as will win the confidence of all who leave their watch repairing with us. We want you to feel that when you leave your watch with us for repair, the work will be done to the best of our ability and in a competent manner. Jas. B. Swindell Jeweler Morga.nton UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, THE HEAD Of the State's Educational System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Oue hundred and eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to minis ters" sons. Iioans for the needy. 563 Students. 54 Instructors. Ntw Dormitories. Water Works, Cen tral Heating System. Fail term begins September 8, 1902. Address, F. P. Venable, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. BO YEARS' SIPI EXPERIENCE U Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an inrentinn is pronnblv patentable. Commnnica tionsstrictiy fnriflderitial. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aeency for securing patents. Patents taken throneo- Mann A Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in tho Scientific jfmericaitv A handsomely Illustrated weekly.' I.areest Cir culation of any scientiflc Journal. Terms, $3 a rear; fmir months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.36,B'Mdwa"-New York Branch Office, && V St, WashiDKton, D. C EASILY, QUICKLY, PER MANENTLY RESTORED Hynipn dr. jean, chaeea's, ""UllU (Paris) great trench TONIC AND VITALIZES, is sold with written guarantee to cure Nervous De bility, Lost Vitality, Failing- Memory, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, . Stops ".-all Drains on the Nervous System Caused by Bad Habits of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium, Liquors, or "Living the Pace that Kills" Ii wards off In sanity, Consumption and Death. It clears the Blood and Brain, Builds up Ka CZ1 i - ' tt i , - 1 1 n the Shattered Nerves, Restores the Fire of Youth, and Brings the Pink Glow to Pale Cheeks, and Makes You Young and Strong again. 50c., 12 Boxes $5. By Mail to AnyAddress. John Tull, Druggist, Sole Agent, Morganton. Farm foi Sale. The Davis Alexander farm, which I now own. I will sell for cash or part cash and 5 per cent, interest on balance for a term of five years. There re about 310 acres in said tract. A first class frame dwelling house and all nec essary outbuildings. A. Nor 1, corn "will, which will pay the interest on-the value of the place. This is a 'first-class investment. The surrounding neigh borhood is composed of as good people as the county - affords, -free school within half nile of farm. My reason ivr selling is, that l QO not m 1.. . .. dthe place. Title retained till purchase W4.JW!.-v,-i! ipjEE:fcn money is paid. This offer wilSJ hold good for twenty days. Parties jwish "ng to buy and mean business can get U information about the place from Mr. Alexander or myself about the con Uitions of sale. - ." s. m. Mcdowell. , Aug. 10, 190i Morganton N.C NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS As Told by the Papers in the Neighboring Counties. CLEVELAND. Hew Presbytery Died Married A i rmtful Meeting Fine Corn Crop. Shelby Star, Oct. 23rd rhe campaign is progressing: most satisfactorily in Cleveland, Democratic speakers are preach ing Democracy with great power and they are being heard by good crowds.. ; Mr. Spurgeon Jackson, the pop ular young son of Mr. William Jackson, and MissOlIieEskridge, the accomplished daughter of Mr. Jno. G. Eskridge,. of Double Shoals, were happily married on last Sunday morning, J. M. Wil son, Esq., officiating. Miss Daisy Hartsell, a daugh ter of the late Rev. J. 0. Hartsell, who died in Shelby a few years ago, died at the home of her brother in Winston-Salem last week. She was a noble young woman and true Christian, whose beautiful character made her a favorite among her ac quaintances. Mr. A. H. Cline, of Buffalo, has a fine farm and he is making an unprecedently large crop of corn this year. He will make at least 2000 bushels. One of bis tenants, Henry McDowell, calored, raised some exceedingly fine corn. Fifty ear8 "of. it makes considerably over a bushel and weighs 71 pounds. Some of the ears meas ure 15 inches. Rev. N. G. Bethea and Rev. E A. Plyler have just closed a most .fruitful Meeting at Bessemer Citv There were 65 conversions and reclamations, and 20 accessions to the Methodist Protestant church. It was a great meeting:. Uev. N. G. Bethea closed a good meeting at Caroleen two weeks ago. There were 32 conversions and 11 accessions to his church, making a total of over 50 new members for his church this vear. e News was received here Satur day of the death of Mrs. G. W. J,ogan at her home in Chimney Rock .Iriday. afternoon after a lingering illness of several weeks. An operation was performed, and because of her age and weakened condition, she did not survive the shock. Mrs. Logan was 72 years of age and leaves six children to mourn their loss. She was for merly a Aliss Uauaniss and re sided in Shelby, where she had many friends and relatives. At the meeting of the Mecklen burg Presbyter v in Albemarle last week it was decided to ask the Synod which meets in Wins ton-Salem this week to create another, Presbvtery in this sec tion to be known as the King's Mountain Presby tery a n d ' to be composed of the counties of Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, Rutherford and Polk 'counties. This plan was heartily favored by Kev. W. ti. Minter, who is one of the strongest young ministers in the Synod. It is expected that this Presbytery will be created. CALDWELL. Death of Mrs. Clippard Corn Crop Turning Out Well-Other News- Lenoir Newa Oct. 24th. ' Poultry and eggs are scarce and high on this market. We hear that the corn crop is tui ning out better than, expected in some parts of the county. Miss Susie . Perkins", 'of Burke, spent a few days with Misses Beal this week, "leaving for her home Wednesday. Thv farmers are getting pret ty well through with wheat seed ing for this year -and - a" fairly good sized .crop has been sown. An interesting revival is in progress at Alt. Zion church, SIX I 1 T i 1 i -r T or eight miles noutheast of Le noir. The pastor, Mr. Stover, is assisted by Rev. Mr. McKmney. . Mrs. Reese CI ipp'ard died of typhoid fever at her home, a few miles- southeast of Lenoir, last Friday. She left a four months old iufaiiL Mrs. Clippard was only mnteen or " twenty years old and her "remains were buried at Lower Creek church Saturday. WHAT'S r YOUR' FACE ' : WORTH!- - ' Sometimes a fortune but never, if you have a aundiced look, a sallow complexiOn.moth "patches and blotches on the skin, all sierns of liver trou ble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills srive-clear skin, rich com nlexion. Only 25 cents ; at i TulHs- drug store. CATAWBA. Stolen Milluwy Found A Promi nent Citizen Arraigned on a Grave Charge Funniest Joke of the Cam paign Cottonl Turning Out Well Other News. Newton Enterprise, Oct. 24th. The Southern railroad is put- tang in a side track tor the Ca tawba Cotton Mills. Mrs. G. W. Jones, after spend ing some time with relatives in Newton, returned with herfamily to her home at Kutherford Col lege Monday. x ne meeting ar rue impiisi cnurcn cioseciauesaav nignr. ix ..I il -l im i i. t.I was a very successful meeting. Seven converts were baptised Monday night. ' . . . Married, by Rev. R. A. Yoder, on the evening of October 16th, at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bost, near Maiden, Miss Laura Bost to Mr. W. A. Fulhvobd, ;f Lenoir. Mr. F. E. Bost says .he never I kne w cotton to'turn out so well from a given amount of seed as It does ' this year. From 1388 pounds ot seed cotton he got a bale of 533 pounds. He Rays if he had sold the seed, as well as the lint, he would have realized about 4 cents a pound for his seed cotton. The funniest joke of . the cam paign in this county so far, is the claim of the fusion papers that Prof. Brit t got the best of Gus Self in a debate last Friday night; and the next funniest one is the claim that his speeches in Cataw ba will considerably increase the majority for the "Citizens ticket." There was a preliminary trial before squire J. M. Brown in the court hou se Tuesday on - the charge against Mr. T. C. Mehaf- fey, a prominent citizen of this county, for attempting an as- sault upon the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr, James Setzer. He was bound over to theSuper- ini- ff.nrt in tbp sum of $200. - I Several weeks ago a number of articles were missea irom tne .1 1 millinery store of Shu ford & Les ter. A certain ladv in town was at once suspected. But no action was taken until yesterday. The sheriff and two assistants went to the houee with a search war rant and found about $30.00 worth of goods that were readily recognized. It is presumed that the store was entered with a key tha t fit the lock. The goods were stolen on Sunday night after the opening the latter part of last month. Mrs. J. S. Allen and daughter Cora are the parties in the case. The trial is set for next Monday. WATAUGA. A Letter from Rev. Blalock Bearing r Sad "News -One Thousand Bushels of Apples Gathered on One Farm A Drop in the Price of Cabbage Boone Democrat, Oct 23rd. Apple gathering and 'tater diggin' and corn pullin' continue. Rev. David Greene and others have been conducting -a meeting at Brushy Fork for a week or more. - . " . - V There were near oihT thousand bushels of marketable apples gathered on the farm of Uncle Milton Brown, at Deerneld. - Mr. James D. Councill and Miss Emma Witkler will he married in the Methodist church in Boone at 7:30 p. m., next Wednesday. The price of cabbage at Lenoir has dropped as low as 25 cents per hundred, but t he rush of mar ket wagons continues all tfie same. '- . ' '' , " - - At the close of his sermon at the Baptist church on Sunday night, the Rev. Jones lead a let ter from Missionary Blalock, who is in China, bearing tha sad hews to his churches here that he had buried his only child in that benighted country last May THE .WORST FORM Multitudes are singing the praises pf Kodol, the iiewais covery which is .making so many sick people well"; and weals people-strong by digest ing what they eat. -by cleans ing and sweetening the. stom ach and by transforming their food- into the kind of pure.ricn, red blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Cranfill.of number of years I was troubled with indigestion ana dyspepsia which errew into the .worst form. Finally I was induced Tr ' J 1 - Pt cnn. four bottles ' I lj uoy uuuw.kuu uiw. "-'-"t. am entirely cured. I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from in digestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals it digests what -you eat.' Leslie's drijg store. - ; - ' - B-Subscribe News-Herald. for- the. .The Mcdowell. Sam Jones Lecture New Livery Stable An American Eagle aaa a Six-Legged Calf. Marion Democrat. Oct. 24th. Miss Lydia Wilson was the guest of friends in Monro n ton during the week. A ,very large American eagle and a six-legged calf were on ex hibition in Marion during the week. A nw livery stable was opened in town during the .week: , Glass AAbernethv.ofConnellv Soriners. are the Dronrietors 1 Dr. I. P. Jeter, of Morganton; W- P. Patton, of Asheville, and Col." Wood, of Tarboro, the com missioners to examine state in stitutions, were in the city Mon day. They left for Mitchell coun ty, Tuesday, to examine iuto the condition of the convict camps there. Sam Jones spoke to what wan probably the largest audience that ever greeted a public speaker in Marion. Everv foot of seat ing space was occupied, so that the first event of the Lyceum course was an immense success so far "as attendance .was con cerned. Mr. Jones was intro duced by Attorney J. W. Pleas. Mr. Jones' subject was "A Med ley of Facte, . Philosophy and Fun," mostly the latter. Wa cannot say that we greatly ad mire Mr. JoneV style, many of of his jokes and sallies of wit be ing made at the expense of ser ious things. We think tha t if his language was a. little more chaste his teaching wound be more ef fective. -7 While -he said, many good things, the words "devil' and "hell" occur so often in ' his vocabulary that people think his object is "fun" instead of serious impression. ' The intent and pur- pose of his address was, we be- lieve, to warn against the evils of intemperance, eanibliner. evil associations and all other bad .u..-... ' i'i .1.. . . , wv. I ..f a v,; , ,:n un W1 uc f7m"6 ,,c oai" " " Other McDowell Items. Marion New a, Oct. 23rd. Mrs. M. B. Kibler, of Morgan- ton, is visiting her father Rev. T. E. Wairg. Albert Ga rven, who was crush ed between two cars at Old Fort. died at the Mission Hospital at Asheville Monday. The Southern has a pile driver at work this week putting down piles in the big fill east of Marion, preparatory . to building a larger : culvert through the fill. Mr. A. W. Curtis, a native of McDowell county, who has been away about 35 years, is here now on a visit, Mr. Curtis is at present a prosperous business man of Chicago. A TYPICAL SOUTH AFRI CAN STORE. O. R.Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to an an chor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station and. about twenty-five miles from the nearest town.. Mr. Larson says; "I am favored with the custom of farmers . .within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I - have supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to their value in a house hold where a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these within the past twelve months, no less than, fourteen i i a . T a nave oeen aDsoiuteiy cured oy Chamberlain's Cougn Remedy. This must surely be a record.' For sale by W. A, Leslie, drug gist. The Past and tha Praeent. In days gone by When she and 1 - . Would drive through leafy laasm, I begged my JaM, . But all ta rain. To let me hold the rets Twas long ago; Now. to my woe. My vigor slowly wanes, For Jane, you see - f Twlxt you and me). Btill firmly holds the reins. . 8mart flafc A FIENDISH ATTACK. An attack was lately made on CLF. Collier, of Cherokee, Ia., that nearly proved fataL It came through his kidney s. His back got soelame he could hot- stoop without great pam, no: Sit in a Chair eXCent nronellea i , , Va.a.j- VTNTwywl i u j vjucuivuo. icmcuj - ts- mm uniii lie ineu uiecirie Jit' ters which effected such a won derf ul cure that he writes he feels like a, new man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble. TnrifAs thA hlood -and- builds up your health. Only(dt)o at i J ohn Tuirs drug store. A LESSON FROU A CIRCUS. Toe general staff of the French army we all present at the scene of the battle of Sedan recently for the purpose of receiving an object lesson in American organization in moving, - housing and feeding an army of people. The first of the four big trains of Barnum & Bai ley's circus arrived at 5 o'clock, and by 9 a hot and elaborate breakfast for 700 was served at tables. Mean while every tent "had been erected and every seat mounted. Costumes had been unpacked and hundreds of horses stabled, curried and fed. The staff declared that even the crack artillery regiments could not eoual the performance, and the Thirty-sixth field artillery regi ment was ordered out from barracks to entrain and detrain. Various faults ven pointed out by Mr. Bailey and his superintendent. A stenographer took down Ihe sugges tions, which will later be embocued in- a report to the minister of war. The staff was served with supper in the circus tent, and then the whole circus melted away toward the next town in three hours. Sehefa Prompt Reply. Frits Scheel, director of the Phil adelphia orchestra, has a fondness for American slang and colloquial isms that is far in excess of his apt ness in ' acquiring the exact words and ' senaa. When he first came to Philadelphia'in tha summer of 1899, ne was - struck by the expresskm I 'out of skshf sate an Vith fine neartlnoss to Inojeat pleasure and satistactlon with ta general order f " things. Scheel -determined to make twe of ft at -th first oppor tunity ana to that fend repeated it over and over to himself, always keepiag in -mind the' circumstance under which. H should be uttered, iff. Elias met the musician ene aft- ' ernoon when the' latter was- playin at Woodside park and cheerily icaUed out: x TIow are you, Fritz r Mxou;dorrt sea me r was Scheel 8' prompt and amazing reply --Phila delphia Times. b Now 4oray's Leech Induetry. "Hirudo day" is an anniversary m New Jersey that is sever heard of elsewhere. It is the day on which the men who gather leeches for metucai use go to town 10 coueci -l - , 1 , . 1 tbeir pay, leaving it till this partic- ular day. Leech buying ia not the work ior a novice. The question of price i not at all involved in the game, as the leech catchers have tha only trust permitted on New Jersey soil, and they fix the price per dozen at which-they will eelL Their prices rangt from $1.80 to $3.80 per dos es this year, according, to the age of the leech. A leech under the age of eighteen months is not a medici nal leech. His suctorial proboscis is not fully developed until he passes seventeen months, although he ac quires a "full set of semicircular teeth in his jaws at the age of one year. . How RuamII 8a ge Is Guarded. Mr. Sage's office is in the building occupied by the National Bank or Commerce, in Nassau street In an anteroom sits his faithful guardian and confidential man, Mr. Menzies, through whom the", aged financier must loe reached. Mr.-Menzies is Erotected by a partition having a itticed wire top with iron spikes reaching to the ceiling. It would be impossible for a man to climb over these spikes or to throw a bomb between them. Mr. Sage is not always accompanied in the street or in traveling "between bis home and office by a bodyguard or detective. Frequently he goes about entirely alone and seemingly .Is without fear except when in Lis of fice. New York Press. A Singular Com petition. A singular contest has just taken plaoe near Birmingham. - Stones were placed a yard apart for a hun dred yards, and a local butcher had undertaken to pick each one up sep arately and return it to a basket at the end of the line. 'The time al lowed : Ho accomplish this perform ance was nfty-fira sninutes, and the batcher tneaeeM to fiWahing in forty-eight winatee. The task is not to simple aa k 4rst appears, for When in tae aerentiea he was run ning wetnethiBg like 150 yards for ach atone, which was increased, to 00 at the finish.. Ia this way be covered a eeoatiderablf distance it ta estimated between nve ana six toilea.--Lendon Standard. . ' W Our Meat Exports. The total annual export value of United States meat, of which beef forms the principal item, is in round figures $100,000,000. If we add to this the distributive sales of the va rious packing establishments in the United States for theiJAmestic mar ket as well, we fmdljtreaches the enormous total l JfefOOO car loads, valued at $2,Ml0VX0. Add ed to this is the value of the many byproducts of -the packing house, which amount to many Bullions moro.LeaUV Monthly. 100 Reward, $100. The nidm of this nawr will be o leased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis- cue that science has been able to core In- all itaatacee and that ia Catarrh.- Hall'a "Ca- I knows to the medical fraternity. Catarrh I being a constttntic conititntional -disease, reqelres a eoBstitational .treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core ia taken internally, acting directly np oa the blood and mucous snrfacea of the sys tem; thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building op the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. ' The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any jnVlXn7ttnot followed by constipation as case that it fails to care. Send for Hat of testimonials. , . ' Address, , " F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo. O. 8old by druggists, 75c. HaU's Family PiUs are the best, . CONDENSED STORIES."" Geef4 PitHufh Lte't LMt Cent ' That Was Presented to Mrs. Gibbon. Major General John. Gibbon thus describes his meeting with General Fitz-Hugh Lee at the ' McLean house, Appomattox county, Va, in April, 1865, at the time oi the Con federate, surrender: "Going to. the door, I found ' General Fitz Leo seated on his horse and looking, as I " thought, somewhat UDeasy. lie had been a cadet under me at West Point, and I had not seen him -for years. As I looked at him a vision of tho past came up before me, and I could tliink only of a little rollick ing . fellow dressed in cadet gray, whose jolly songs and gay spirits were the life of his class. My salu tation of Helk), Fitz! Get off and come in seemed to put him at his ease at once and brought him to his feet. He came into the' house and told me -his story.- Before leaving, with a grim humor, he took from his pocket a five dollar Confederate note, and, writing across its face, For Mrs. Gibbon, with the compli ments of Fitz Lee,' he said. Send that to your wife and tell her it's the last cent I have in the world.' " - A Wily Boer Commandant. A South African correspondent tells how cleverly the Boer Com mandant Kntzlnger made use of his knowledge of English in the recent war. On one occasion he galloped up to a blockhouse and declared that he was In command of a couple of squadrons of Marshall's hone and "I THINK WE HAVE KBITZrKGKB CORNERED NOW. was beintr hotlv nursued hv Krit- ringer himself. So Well did he tell - 0 w r j his story that the blockhouses ac tually held up the advance of the pursuing column of English with a heavy fire. Hiding up one evening to a blookhouse, dressed in an Eng lish captain's costume and attended by two orderlies, he announced that the column to which he was at tached would pass through at mid night on a night march and they were on no account to fire on it. He selected the spot at which he would cross and insisted on absolute si lence being observed. ."I think we have Kritzinger cornered now," he remarked cheerily, "and so 'elp me,' said tne crestfallen noncommis sioned officer next morning when he found out his mistake, "if I didn't salute 'im and the men give 'im a cheer aa e rode off. A Famous Huckster. At; the opening performance of '"Beancaire" its author, Booth Tark- ington, was pointed out to a certain lady of Malaprop tendencies as the "Why Hoosier?" she asked. "Thafs what they call, a gentle man from Indiana, was the reply. A few evenings later on being in troduced to Mr. Tarkington at'a re- cention this Mrs. MalanroD enthusi- astically exclaimed In an effort to be genial, "So you are the famous huckster r: flew York Times. : - He Knew His Faro. In the preface to a new transla tion in English of Telstoi's "Sevas topol" an amusing story is told of the way in which a uerman transla tor handled the inscription to An- na xvarenina. V engeance is mine; I will repay. That inscription was written by Tolstoi in" the ecclesias tical Slavonic used by the ' Russian church, and the translator rendered ft t "Revenge fa sweet; I will play the ace - Where Water Was 8carce. Frederic Villiere, the well known war artist and correspondent, de clares he saw the following sign in a prominent hotel in an Australian town where water was - scarce: Tlease don't use soap when wash ing, as the water is required for tea." Record In Brlckmaklng. A record in- brickmaking was made in a Bango (Me.) brickyard recently. -The crew, consisting of ten men and using a horsepower ma chine such as has been used there for the last twenty-five years, un dertook to see how many bricks they could make in ten hours. The re sult was 46,000. -: , - : Get a free sample of Cham berlain's' Stomach and Liver Tablets at W. A Leslie's drue: store. They are easier to take than pills. Then-their use is is oiten tne , case ; witn pins. m. t 1 11 Regular size, 25c- per box. When too want underwear dif? ferfntf.om the common sort, come here. B. F. DAVis, - Clothier & Famisher. FOR THE LITTlle ONES. ' A Ufa Saving Elephant Who Caught Cold and Died. a) A few years ago two children were bathing in tho- sea at a little town on the coast of France when sud denly for some reason or other they were carried out o their depth. In a few moments their cries as they struggled in the deep water aroused attention, but before any one could reach them they were rescued in an altogether unexpected manner. An immense elephant belonging to a traveling circus happened to have been led down to the sea Jhat morning to bathe, and as he was en joying nis bath close at hand he heard the cries of the children. Plunging through the water toward them, he lifted them very gently, one at a time, and carried them to a place of safety. , This elephant, whose name was Gua, recently died at Hereford from the effects of a severe cold. He had reached -a great age and was said to be 150 years old. Chatterbox. How to Tell the Time. I've Jus' learned bow to tell the time; My mother teaehed me to. An' ef you think you'd like to learn I guess rrnlght teach you. - At first. .though. It's as hard as tun An makes you twist an' turn. An' mother says that they is folks Big folks what never learn. " i You Btand before the clock, Jus' so. An' start right at the too; . That s twelve o'clock, an when you reach The little hand you stop. Now, that's the hour, but you've got To watch what yowre about. Because the hardest part Is to come. To find the minutes out. . You go rtght back again .to where You started from an' see Bow far the minute hand's away. Lik. thla you re watcbln me 7 An' when you've found the minute hand You multiply by five. then you've got the time of day. As sure as you're alive. They's folks, I know, what says that they Don t have to count that way, That they can teU by Jus a glance , At any time of day. But I don't b'lieve no fibs like that, . Because ef that was true My ma would know It, but she showed He like I m Bhowln you. W. W. Whitelock In Leslie's Monthly. Nip. One morning I found my terrier flip sitting outside the store cup board. He always liked to be near when it was opened, because he hoped to get something to eat, bo I took no notice of him;' but he jumped up at me and then at the door, asking as plainly as he could that it might be opened. I scolded him for being, so greedy, but he would not move. Later in the day cook wanted something; . from the cupboard and remarked that flip had been sitting j - . . .... there ever since breakfast, lie seemed very excited and pleased when he found the door was really going to be opened, and when cook threw back the door we knew why. Pussy, who is a great friend of his, walked out. Nip had been trying to tell us she was there all the morn ing, only we were too stupid to un derstand. Philadelphia Ledger. The Boy Was Right. Schoolteacher, examining - the class, lights on the youngest and is 6o .struck with his intelligent as pect that he questions him forth with: "flow, my little man, what do v turu u iuuci x lie utuc uiic ic- mamed silent. "Well, suppose were to give you five rabbits today and two more tomorrow, how many rabbits . would vou have then V "Eight t" promptly answered the ju venile. "Eight I Why, how do you make that out?" "'Cause I've got one to home already. Interesting Experiments. ' Fix a - needle in each end of broomstick, rest the needles on two glasses placed, on-chairs, with the needles alone in contact with the classes. If vou strike the broom stick violently with another stick, the former will be broken, but the glasses will remain intact." The im pulse given by the blow has not time to, pass on through the par ticles in the glass. The particles of the broomstick separate before the movement can be transmitted to the glasses. . ' , Vain Miss Hipp.. - " The sun was very, very hot, and so was - vain Miss Hippo 'When on a day In summer time she came - to take her dip, ohr ' TOT DAINTY DABXXNO. Tb glad I brought my parasol,'' she. "If a some protection. I shouldn't like to freckle, for that spoils a good complexion. CASTOR I A - For Infants and Children.' ; KIsJ Y03 H2T8 AlwajS BOSgu Signatareof I ' ' JEPor Sale. My house and lot on East Union street, at a bargain. . For price and terms apply to ' - V R.P. Gillam. ; COST " OF OCEAN SPEEDING". Much has been said of late re garding the speed of the German Atlantic greyhounds. Not enough, . perhaps, has been said regarding tha cost of this speed. The latest crea tion of the North German Lloyd, JCaiser Wilhelm II., is designed to. do twenty-four knots an hour at an -expenditure of 40,000 indicated horsepower. Our White Star, liner Cedric, the largest 6hip in the world, will go seventeen knots with 14,000 Horsepower, liut, says the Smnninff World, the . Kaiser Wilhelm will burn 750 tons of coal per day, which ia 190 per cent more than the Go- dric, ,and she will need 256 moro hands to work her. Curiouslv nough, of -her crew of COO only for ty-five will be ordinary sailors, the remainder being mechanics of vari ous orders. London Telegraph. . Hie Downfall. Gentleman How did you get in such a battered condition ? Tramp Me downfall was brought about by liquor, sir. Gentleman And you have "the ace to tell me that P Tramrj .Twa'n't mv fault, sir: I stumbled over a derouahn. For Over Sixty Tears. Mrs. Winslov's Soothing Syrnp has been used for over 60 years bv millions ot" moth ers for their children while teeth inc. with. ' perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tha soma, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. lt will relieve the poor little sufferer imme- lately, sold Dv Druggists in every cart of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. To the People of Burke CouAty. In announcing- myself a candidate for Register of Deeds, I desire to say I am not a politician, l am going to run before the people f Burke county. I am an old soldier, and it all the good people wUl give me their votes and elect me it will do me much good. I have been voting- thqf Democratic ticket - 40 years and never have held an office. The man I have to run against is a young man, and he is a nice man, and ' nave nothing- against him, but I think he can wait a few years. What do 1 must do at once or 1 will be out of date, and he is comparatively" a young man and can wait another turn. . Now, it is with the people, and I ' humbly ask at your hands one vote at the ballot box. I am placed at the bottom of the list. I will not act dirty in order to get votes. . You all know me, and do me as you will and I will be satisfied. You all, or many of you, know I was an old soldier and am un able to do hard work. Take me up and see if you think I deserve anything,. at your hands. If so, vote for me; You all know I am a Democrat; If 40 -years services for the party is not suf ficient to convince you, if one was to come from the dead you would not be lieve him. , I will give you a statement from my old captain. See what he has to say. Kemember'I am in the race to stay to the end. J. F. BATTLE TuSQUiTEE, Clay county, N. C, . Aug. 20th, 1902. 1 1 To whom it may concern: - - This is to certify that James F. Bat tle was a member of my company, that he enlisted July 5th, 1862, at Fort Hem- bree, Clay county, JN. C, ana served with honor and distincting to his com rades and many friends in the State in - which he was born and reared to the close of the war, and was detached from company F to Col. 6. N. Folk, who was commanding the otn JMortn Carolina cav.; subsequently- I believe to Gen. Gion's staff, and that he was a gallant soldier in . every respect and highlyfrespected by 'all his comrades. W. f. jyiuuKJi;, captain, Commanding Co. F. oth N. C. Cav. ' I have read the above statement of Capt. W. P. Moore and I know the same to be correct. , THOS. DUCKWORTH. . Subscribe IIeeald : for The News- WOOD'S " TRADE MARK" FARM SEEDS' are the best that can be obtained free from weed seeds and im pur ifies and of strong germinating qualities. It is vt-ry important if you desire to secure good stands and good crops to purchase the highest grade Seeds obtainable. This you can always do by pur chasing Wood's "Trade flark Brand ". of Farm Seeds. ' - - Wood's Fall Catalogue tells all about Vegetable and Farm Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Orass . and Clover Seeds, etc , "Write for Fall Catdogue and prices of any Seeds desired. T.W.WOOD & SONS Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Announcement. - - ---- I hereby announce myself an Inde pendent candidate for the office of. Treasurer of Burke county, and solicit the support of all lt pan soeVer, - -E. S. WABLICK. AZ1 i