The NEvs-h hrald. G. COBB, - Publisher rHURSDAY, "AUG. 20, 1903. THE LAWYERS RESPONSIBLE- rhey Delay and Defeat the Ends of JusticaTtirotigb. Technicalitiea and Bring the Courts Into Disrespect. Charity and Children- The lawyers, who often boast that thev are the conservators of peace and good order, are re sponsible to a greater degree than an7 other class for the reign ol mob law and contempt of the ignorant and unthinking for the co:;rts. So long as justice is de- hived, and often outraged, by the tedious delays' and parleying and technical tricks by attorneys who have in mind only the fee which their clients may be able to pay, we may expect to see the exasperated and hot-headad of the community taking things in their own hands and meeting out summary vengeance upon punnosod criminals. We are told that our s stein is worse than that oi any other country under the sun. Elsewhere speedy trials are obtained, and the shysters Bhare the spoil with the criminals they shield from the punishment they deserved, are not allowed the privilege aud the power they abuse in the courts of this coun try. The Review of Reviews for August, on this subject, makes the following clear and vigorous statement: : "There is no such delay in the ordinary administration of jus tice in any other country as in our own. This is largely a fault of a system which the lawyers as a professional guild have de veloped, and which the judges as members tf that guild do not seem able to remedy, from the limitations of their professional training. Among remedies to be sought must therefore be included a scientific improvement of the machinery of justice." How this scientihc improve ment of the machine! v is to be brought about , we are not in formed, but upon the shoulders of the lawyers who make it their business to defeat rather than secure justice the blame for the deplorable'reigVof mob law must fall. The be3t thing we can think of as an initial reiorm movement in this matter is for the next North "Carolina Bar As sociation to invite Judge Shaw to make an address on the sub- iect. Rollins Items. Correspondence of Thk Nbws-Hkrald. Farmeis are busy now that wheat is threshed carrying ties and wood to the Morganton market. The members of the United States Geological Survey have been through hen and Rollins finds itself 1322 feet above the L nxativn fromo ftumme Cares a Cold in One Day, Crip it :l Eays Xry every COL Sf?Zrf!nr fx. 25c ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. sea. J. Edward Scott ia building a new barn and several days ago twelve of his neighbors gathered and assisted him in puttingitnp. Mrs. Gertrude Stewart, of Ten nessee, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.Scott. Everybody wants cood roads mi V ' and therefore everybody should help tq make good roads. When ever I go over a road 1 try throw at least one stone or er obstruction out to one aide, so as to make travel easier. It everyone who walks over the roads would do li k,'YV ' one would be surprised at the re sults. Tiy it and see. Mrs. MinaPoteet and lit tie boy, of Glenwood (Nealsville,) aud Bruce Poteet, of Marion, have been visiting their sister Mrs. Cora Epley, wife of Thomas L. Epley. Yours truly, Optimist. Having- qualified as administrator of M. D. Brittain, deceased, late of Burke county, North Carolina, this is to notify all per9onshavin;.r:laimsagainsit the said dee'd. to exhibit them to the undersitrned on or before Jnly 13, W04, or this notice will be Cied in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. W. E. "Walton ) Administra R. B. Brittain tors.. This July 13, 19C3. Sale of Land for Taxes, t OTICKOF LANS SALK. Bt ririnf of an order of S'n rior Court of Burke count ir tht .1 A. V. Somers Admr. of vntoh l.imsaruer, I.iz:c bum raraer and otl.eis. i vu c:J ut i.iiIic auc tion, at lie Cor. Hi, ;e d or, in the town nf Miir" oh the ii st Monday i-i Sep tember, the i:uiJs hiuvvii as the Alberta vliitifinf li'.-ii-'' formerly o 'JU'-a bv It. A. Kerrv. ttlmuc one in;!e south of Linville store, cf w; ;ch ' alcli I umr v. -or did seizei 1 -.ttiin.ii.t; a Itfuck oak Tn.vih !W. ";!'" .-iir'.i-r. ai'll Vil.lS .' ith his . i line 50 -.1. t. a ti.ack o-.v . t w. oe west lO i 4,0 ehnii ..- 1 whie oaS ; tiu-:ei sotith . : a!ut tit. c'-i.iirs to a;r - pine; Olll- : sotii-e..:-t : a mult)- rrt tr : I. -e same ' co.t.-se to ,-t .' ii.ii. .su-i'ai.; me. i.e :.i:.c nui. tr the ir.n- of .'o 1; the: ce wit"; s-id !:i,c ' si-ith to the dofiwoort corf erol tV same. icond :ra-.-t -5 a .vnof lot No. li. be- gimticK ui i-'t in:-- -.C'-u-n ot the i.iticoing i tract -r do war I-: . Mil. the line of No. 1; tiv '.if': sou .li to t; Ui.' wood cornt'r of lot ..,..-. : No. 1- tt .:.; 'Jt chums to a st.tKc; t Cl " 1 . :.,.i t-i . uvrto rine. corner of the Bv virtue of levies made by me for default in payment of State and county taxes for the years 1901 and 1902, I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C, on Monday, Sept. jth igoj, the various lots and parcels of land herein named. The whole of each tract or contigu ous body of land belonging to the de linquents will be set up for sale at the same time and the bid will be struck off to him who will pay the amount of taxes, with all expenses, for the smallest part of said land. The pur chaser will pay the amount due on the spot or the land will be immediately icsold. Each tract will be sold in the order named below, and the sale will contin ue from day to day until all is dis posed of. Woods, G H 43 Michaux, Elisha 15 Perkins, Alphonza 35 Barrier, J H 100 Burgess, ED SO Brown W M 109 Gibbs Eliza 47 Lingerfelt W L. 55 Pearcy J W 1 Smith J P 25 Turner 100 1902 1901 80 54 338 1 34 5 03 1 18 146 4 05 2 75 3 45 333 F in Quaker Meadow Township. Acres. Am't. Tfenfi1d J W 118 1901-2 $ 5 33 Kincaid & Edmonson 120 1902 Kincaid W P 71 Lareent Elizabeth 82 McDowell S M 118 Puett SF 99 Terry J C 2 63 Avery Andy 15 Caldwell Albert 39 Carter Peter 86 Erwin Mary 60 1901-2 1902 5 40 540 488 10 58 10 17 5 13 90 3 84 1 SO 1 35 Lower Creek Township. FINAL Morganton Township. Acres, 1 lot, .. ?r li a-- :tl the dower line to crat.'lxiriM'irff nn a whit-; oaS in l.or.ii'-liv's i c - pules west of A. C xneu jng's corner nortii w. -h Council."' litie SS poles to a hiti. rv corner: tiieiK'e west with said lire Uo p i:is to a pine; theiiee north 120 ols to a soaiiisU-o ik; thc:c- t-.-ist 21"-J poles to a white oak in thf fork of a u-am-li; then south 15U poles to a yopiar, te corner of his other surv ey; thence vest with his line 150 poles to the lieKtnniiif. The first tract will be sold subject to the dower of Mrs. Lizzie Buragarner. Terms of sale, one half cash, balance hm six and twelve months, with interest form date oi sale. Thi Auk. 6, 1903. A. F. SOjIERS, Admr. Caleb Buragarner. By J. T. Perkins, Atty. 1902, 1901-2, 1902, 1901-2, 1902, 1901-2, Stop the Cougb and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets core a cold a one day. No Care, no ray. race ?ac. Marion Negro Killed by a Train in Virginia. Fredericksburg;, Va Special to Baltimore Sua. Ferry Shade, colored, of Marion, N. C, was found by the side or the Southern Railway track, near Orange Coort House, with his skull crushed, and died from the effects of the wound. He had been em ployed on the doable tracking work near there and is supposed to have been struck by a passing train while intoxicated. DEWITT IS THE NAME. When yon so to buy Witch Hazel Salve look for the name DeWitt on every box. The puie, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best salve in the woald for cuts, burns, bruises. boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of De Witt's Witch Hazel baive, due to its many cures, nas caused numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears the name of E C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago Sold by all dealers. DEAFXKSS CANNOT BE CUBED Viv local applications. a9 thev cannot reach xh.e diseased portion of the ear. There is only cne way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Dea ness is caused hynn inflamed condition of themucous lining in the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inr.amea vou nave ti rambling sound or ira lwrfeet hearing. and when it is entirelv closed deafness is the result, and unlesss the inflam- ation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyea torever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which is rothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for anv case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not he cured ty Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send rciiculars,-free. We carry in stock, alone with scores of other pills, the celebrated Ramon's Liver Pills & Tonic Pellets -in fact we are headquarters for pills of all kinds nut we want you to try Kamon s. The manufacturers claim them to be the best--our customers, who use them, sav they find them to be the best, and NOTICE! we believe they are the best, dealers. 25c. All State of North Carolina, Burke County. John Williams enters and locates five thousand acres of land in Upper Creee township, Burke county, North Carolina, adjoining- M. B. Wilkinson Lumber Company s lands, known as the Cheever lands and others, bounced as follows: Besrinningr on a white oak in the gap between Table Rock and Hawk's bill, the south-east corner of grant No. 6616 granted to J. C. Tate by the State and runs north with said line 0.20 poles to a stake, the north-east corner of said gTant, and in the line of R. W'il- liami entry; thence north-west witn the Wilkinson Lumber Company's line to a stake in the Hoke and Chiles line, ehen with their line ane R. William's line with various courses and distances to a strke in G. A. Loven'sline thence with said line east to his south-east corner; thence north with his line, various courses and dis tances, crcssinir Upper creek to his corner on Park mountain; thence north wardly with the line of Carpenters, Kellys, . uihoeraon, to a stake in Barrier's; thence eastwardly with the Hue oi olucr deuced lands to a stake in L. A. Bristol, Receiver'slands thence variouses courses and distances south-east with said land, to a stake in R. F. Hoke's lint; thence west with his line to his North-west corner ; thence south with his line and M. B. Wilkiiv son Lumber Company's line, crossing- Steels creek ank Bandr Cove branch to a locust and maple, Wilkinson Lum ber Company's corner on north side of a hill; theuce west with his line and various courses and distances and all the above various courses and dis tances and runs so as to include vacant lands, to the beginning-. Entered July 21, 190o. JOHN WILLIAMS Any person 'or persona, claiming the above entry or any part thereof will file the protest against the issue of warrant for thes-taie in Jintry-Taker's othce, aud it suit protest is not tiled within thirty Lays iro.a this notice I shall issue a v. iui cMti jr same as the law directs. This July 21st, 1903. J. F. L.a ttlk, Entry Taker. Bridges, H. R Brittain, Robt. J., 53 Butler, John, 1, liallew, C. F., 60, ttrndshaw, Alex, 12, r.rittain, Ansjeline, 4, ' J. E., 55, J. A., -45, Cline, R. L., 35, Crawley, W. P., 35, Davis & Wiley, 2 lots, I-:al. Nancy, 75, Buiiivant, S. D., 2 lot, Garrison. I. D., 175, Wm., .199, L. C, 12, " ( ar i-ison & Bristol, 173, ' Ourrison. J W 23 Moore, E. P., 670, 1902 lucGalliard, W W, 1 lot, 1901-2, " estate, L V, 1 lot, Martin, J P, 1 lot, Moifett, E B, 1 lot, 99, Mooney, John, 69, McNeely, Samuel, SO, Mcintosh, J B S, 1 lot, Mitchell, C C, 64, Mull. Peter, 40, A L, 100, Michaux, R V, ad, 1 lot, Marshal, Raleigh, 70, Mitchell, Jackson, 80, Pearson, Henderson, 8, D C, agt, 3 lot, W S, 41, S T, 1 lot, B O, 1 lot, Rudicill, L P, 1 lot, J W, 130 Roper, Lucette, 1 lot, Small, L-E, 1 lot, Silver, M, 1 lot, Turner, W G, " 12, Tull, John, zo, Ward, P W, 30, Williams, J P, 38 Mary E, 1 lot Wall, John. 60 Walker, Ben 162 J F 13 ' Joseph, 53 Austin, Sim, 1 lot, Avery, Joe, 1 lot, " Lucy A, 1 lot, Peggie, 3 Bowman, C, 1 lot Boyce, Mary, 1 lot, Bradshaw, Jane, i Burdin, Cary, 1 lot, Caldwell, Jerry, 1 lot, " Sam, 1 lot, Neil, 8 41 James. 1 lot, Carson, M C, 1 lot, Corpening, Monroe, 1 lot Erwin, Will, 1 lot, Fleming, Isaac 3 Garden, Jerry 1 lot Giles, F F 1 lot Gaston, C 1 lot Greenlee, Laura 20 Harbison, M, 1 lot Happoldt, Geo. 1 lot Kincaid, W Milt 1 lot Lynch, Alf 1 lot McElrath, Ed 1 lot Moore, Eliza 1 lot McKesson, Jim 2 McGalliard, L 1 lot Smyre, Robt 1 lot Tate, Mar i ah 4 Williams,- Henry, 8 Wilson, Henry 1 lot Wilson, Anderson 1 lot Walton, Hiram 1 lot Walton, Mary 5 Avery, Wash 1 lot Avery, Jetry x lot Erwin, Harvey 5 1902, 1901-2, 1902. 1901-2, 1902, 1901, 1901-2 1901-2 1902 At 1901-2 1902 1901-2 ' 1902 1901-2 1902 1901-2 44 1902 1901-2 1902 1901-2 1901 1901-2 44 1901-2 1902 4 1901-2 1902 44 1901-2 F. J. CHENEY,& CO., Sold by Trugidsts, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Toledo, O. Bad Eoads Take Kore Taxes Than' Good Dues- Senator F. M . Sinfmonf", at Winston-Salem i am toia thai tue general con tention is that the cost of bad roaas to tue larmersoi tats coun try annually amounts to $600,000,- 000. Bad roads: cost more than good ones do. Not only the farm er is concerned about good roads, bat tbe city man the banker, the clerks, and a II, have to contribute to the loss of the farmer. Another statement is that it costs three times as much to haul a ton on a bad road as on a good one. These are tbe conclusions reached bv men who have studied the ques tion in all Its details. L3 Hi Si (m. I I tm. ASHE VI I Am't. 9.48 1.63 2.92 .54 .22 .36 5.40 2.25 5.01 1.27 4.50 1.36 10.80 2.70 9.14 8.32 4.46 10 40 27.45 14.97 7.65 2.25 .99 9.20 1.35 .46 5.54 .36 .90 6.93 1.80 $216 2 79 52 34 7 20 36 00 11 70 90 12 73 1 08 2 25 17 37 10 17 55 88 1 80 565 1 80 11 52 5 31 90 58 68 3 24 45 v 54 68 90 3 15 3 38 3 11 1 62 3 71 7 35 8 83 45 1 35 5 07 7 72 1 80 1 35 1 80 3. 15 9 02 56 68 90 4 50 6 32 360 90 1 80 2 59 1 35 5 40 1 55 23 6 40 2 70 90 Brig-htWA 52' 1902 Bradshaw J S 30 " Coffey J H 20 " H ally burton 96 1901-2 Hallyburton Hugh 1 1902 Hood J G 61 " Hood W A 75 Johnson Saphronia 142 " Johnson P T 30 1901-2 McCall R H 50 1901-2 Perkins T J 40 1902 Rader J G 62 Rader Mrs M 62 Baker Henry 20 Corpening Enoch 20 " Corpening Jacob 12 " Corpening C A 2 " Dula W M 2 " Jones Dan 1 " Johnson Mack 1 ' Perkins Hariet heirs 50 Brazwell R A 67 1901 Corpening Molton 3 ' Corpening C S 2 Corpening Jacob 12 ' Jones Dan 1 ' Smith S A 4 JLOVELADY TOWNSHIP. Vails. Mrs. M. E.. 1 lot 1902 Mier.John, 1 lot Flow. Mn. L., 62 " Laughridge, T. IOO " Am't. 4 70 45 630 16 35 2 90 1 30 2 89 6 70 1 73 3 60 36 3 42 228 329 1 16 1 81 2 77 2 77 9 2 29 45 5 67 2 76 1 02 2 81 9 1 69 $ 3 60 16 70 1 13 S 11 Summer Clearance Sale! sOOOOOs This being the end of the season, we must empty our shelves for the coming new Fall Goods. To do this rapidly and effectively, requires heroic measures, which we have never hesitated to take. Therefore, our final clearing sale wl!i take. Therefore, our Final Clearing Sale will tako place flonday and Tuesday, Aug. sveii, i 1 SMOKY CREEK TOWNSHIP. Benfield, A. (?.. Agt 90 Bean, W. W., heirs 40 Burns, C H.. 92 " M. E., 26 Moore. R. L.. 26 McCall, Sidney. 70 Moore. R. B., SO " R. P.. 90 Small, Keaiah. 2 Lambert, Aaburr. 17 Small, Rachael, 98 1901-3 1901-2 ICARD TOWNSHIP. Morgan, R. L . 67 1902 . 9 Blackburn. Hariet, 60 Lo wman, Andy 42 UPPER FORK TOWNSHIP. Cloud. Jamei, 50 1902 Pruett, E. M., 60 " Johna. J. H. & Erwin, 60 " BiaV & Graham, 160 " Smith, A. E.. 70 LOWER FORK TOWNSHIP. M., Chapman, P. Butler, Wm.. 50 29 1902 1901-2 1 68 90 9 33 2 29 1 SO 2 19 7 03 5 97 23 32 1 34 5 88 57 76 23 90 04, 1 44 35 3 55 6 20 manly Mcdowell, Sheriff Burke County. Aug. 6th, 1902. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havintt qualified aa administrators of the estate of the late H. C. Tate of Burke, notice ia hereby given all creditors of said estate to r resent their claims to us for payment on or before the 27th day oi June, 1904, otherwise this notice will De pieaaea in Dar 01 any re covery thereon. Notice i also hereby given all persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment of sucn indebtedness to us anc thereby aave coata. This June 26th, 1903. S. P. TATE. S. T. EKVIN. M. P. TATE, Att'y. Admra of H. C. Tate. tJJf you wantfineturnips, buy your seed at Leslie's Drug Store. All our Wash Goods, in Lawns, Dimities, Ginghams and Sham brey, that sold up to 15c. per yd. Clearing- sale price, All our fine Lawns, Dimities, Mer cerized Shambrey and Mercer-, cenzed White Stripe Lawns that sold up to 25c. Clearingsaleprice All our Wash Summer Shirt Waists tii.'it Cleniv sale ;-()ii lip to 1 iUl c Clear :itr sule p r je, 10c. rus that sold We must clear our tables of present stock in order to room for our Fall Clothing. LI S v, make stock of immense We are determined to dispose of every garment in our clothing department so that we may start the coming sea son with an entirely new stock. is I PROFITS WILL BE OUR LEAST ffiMMTI. stars Men's Straw Hats that Sold up to 50c. Sale price, 17c. LAZARU 5 We will pay highest mar ket prices for VALUABLE Silver Creek Township. r4 "THE LAND WEDNESDAY, THE Dill j TRAIN LEAVES 7:41 A. M. 7;S2 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8:OS A. M. 8:15 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 8:40 A. M. Arrive at Aabeville 10:30 A. M. AUGUST 26, 1903. 0 . FARE FOR ROUND TRIP. HILDEBRAN CONNELLY SPRINGS VALDESE DREXEL MORGANTON GLEN ALPINB BRIDGEWATER $1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Lave Asheville 7:00 P. M. -0- EIQHT HOURS IN ASEVILLE. EAT ALL YOU WANT. Persons troubled with indi gestion or Dyspepsia can eat all they want if they will take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy prepares the stomach for the reception, retention, digestion and assimilation of all the; wholesome food that may be eaten, and enables the digestive organs to transform the same into the kind of blood that gives health and strength Sold by 4ill druggists. -0- The World's Fair 1904. Is of eppecial -interest to every one. To give an idea of the build ioga aa they will appear when completed, we have published a Bird's Bye View, 31x42, which will be mailed on receipt of 10 cents (silver or stamps) to prepay postage. Address, GEOT.GE MO ETON, M., K. & T. Ry., Box 911. St. Louis, Mo. if If you horsea know of a horse with poor old stifled barbed-wire wound, unnatural growths. Stilt loll) tH or swollen limlm j around, We can cure him with few applicationa of Ramon's Nerve & Bone 4, Oil, 25 cents. All deal. Grand 'opportunity to visit Biltmora and see Vanderbilt's wonder ful mansion and the most magnificent estate in America, Lookout Mountain, Bingham Heights, Richmond Hill and many other places of interest in and aronnd the Mountain City, on tbe Swannatioa and French Broad rivers. Tbe view from tbe cars in crossing the Bine Ridge and in passing through numerous tunnels, Roun i Knob, with the highest natural fountain in the world, Royal Gorge, etc., it is said, is the finest scenery in tbe world. Electric Street Cars will meet tbe train in Asheville and carry you an where in tbe city lor 5 cents. The entire train will be under police regulation and no drinking al lowed. Special cars for ladies and their escorts, aud uo crowding in any of the cars. Acres. Am't. Arney, J, E., 39, 1902, 2.57 Bailey, J. M., 100, 1901-2,. 5.34 Biggerstaff, T. Y., 62, 1902, .70 Bowman, R. L., 123, " 7.83 Bovd. F. W., 300, 1901-2, 12.70 Branch. "Wm. M., 34, 1902, 1.25 Clontz. T. E., 31, " 1.17 Curtis, Einily, 10, " .71 Cow-an, Wm., 150, " 4.05 Epicv, Wm. E., 70. ' 5.67 Julmsoii, Dean, 100, 1901-2, 4.50 Morgan, T. P., 50, " 4.27 New Haven M. Co., 666, ' 4.15 Pattern, J. M., - 95, 1901-2, 3.38 Patton, R. E., 40, ' 1902, 2.11 Pitts, Critty, 49, " 1.35 Kich, Logan, 31, ! " .31 Taylor. L. A., 200, " 4.43 United M. L. Co., 1460, " 10.84 " Min. Co., 56, " 4.50 Wilson, Joseph, 10, " .32 Caldwell, Geo., 4, ' " 2.88 Hardy, Jacob, 30, .72 O'Neil, Clinton, 45, " 1.79 Harriett, 15, 1901-2 .54 Jason, 23, 1902, 3.39 Cowan, J. R 118, 1901, 4.86 Dale, J. H., 100, " 1.96 McCarthy Hodge, 142, " 4.50 Moore, Mira, 3, " .18 Peeler & Lyerly, 29, " 10.29 Pearson Henderson 59, 3.24 Rutherford, Felix, 22, " .20 Rich, Logan, 46, " .42 Smith, Josie, 15, 1901-2, .28 Settlemyre, 100, 1901, 4.32 Sisk, Alex., 50, . 3.15 Terry, Thomas, 50, " .45 West, D. D., 50, " 3.40 Layel, A. D., 160, " 10.60 BXrlEP il ii ) i t Land for EEW" T Apples, J Huckleberries and Blackberries. GIVE US A TRIAL M. B. Kibler & Co., School Books Adopted by the State of North Carolina TO BE VSED IN The Public Schools. SOLD FOE CASH ONLY AT FOLLOWING PRICES: Linville Township. -0- FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY -o- TAKE A DAY OFF TIME WITH US. AND HAVE A. GOOD We do Rain or Shine. 0 Lunches is Rcfreahmet Car at moderate prices. Cheapest Excursion that will run season.- . - "REnETlBER THE DATE, AUGUST 36TH, 1903 W The Hanting Creek Strln Band wUl furnish music on the trip. this HUFFMAN, MULL & SLTZER. Curps Constipation. Indigestion Blood, Kidney and Liver Dispanes. 1 Mufactured the Dr. Chas. T. Sitk At ail druKtisis rox. VV rite Chemical Co., 10c, 25c. 50c. per for free samples. Asheville, N. C. Acres. Am't. Cuthbertson J H 20 1902 3 23 Dobson W M 145 " 148 Dellinger J H 125 " 690 Franklin J G 147 " 188 Gibbs MM 220 1901-2 11 47 Hilliard R M admr 165 " 6 89 Kirkpatrich S J 1238 1902 9 00 Ledford LP 25 " 45 Conly Wilson 50 1901-2 7 63 Conly Richard 22 1902 1 13 Corpening- Mint 1 38 " 3 29 Cuthbertson Lula 15 " 32 Fulwood Geo 10 1901-2 36 Hemphill Alex . 140 1902 1 59 Hunter Sherman 37 1901-2 5 57 Brown Frank 21 1901 45 Culberson Sam heirs 37 " 72 Hardy Thomas 13 " 2 97 Janes AM 43 " 3 64 Shell P.J 11 " 3 57 Upper Creek Township. - Acres. Am't. Barrier, Eddie, 290 1901-2 f 9 56 Barrier, Rosalie 50 - 1902 95 Barrier, Samuel 25 1902 6 41 Barrier, Avery 12 1902 11 Barrier, Susan 12 1901-2 36 Buchanan, James 10 1901-2 18 Beck, WW 362 1902 4 95 Childers, B A 125 " 3 91 Clark, E B - 34 " 58 Delling-er HT 200 " . 2 23 Henson, Elmina 80 ' " 72 Miller, Manuel 100 " 45 Page, Lewis 480 " 13 03 Philips, WJ 16 " 23 Pearcy, M J 100 1901-2 1 53 Pearcy, M J, heirs 16 1902 21 Scott, Eliza 70 .' 13 50 Scott, James M 66 " 7 90 Shell, Nora 130 " 1 08 Shell, LC 100 1901-2 5 86 Holme's 1st Reader, , . . . .Price, 2nd " " ' 3rd 44 -44 44 4th 44 44 5th 44 44 Maury's Primary Geography, 44 Manual 44 44 Physical 44 , 44 Hyde., Book I, .' 44 Buehler's Grammar, " 44 ' Overton Primary Physiology, 44 Steel's 44 44 Hansell School History, 44 Higher History U. S 44 Colaw & Ell wood Primary Arithmetic, 44 44 Advanced . 44 44 Harrington Spelling Book, complete, 44 Webster Handy Dictionary, 44 ". .Primary 44 44 44 Common School Dictionary, 44 Academic 44 44 Johnson Physical Culture, 44 Milne Mental Arithmetic, . . 44 Smithdeal Copy Books. Nos. 1 to 6, each, 44 Heath's 44 ' 44 44 1 to 8, 44 44 Normal Course in Drawing, Nos. 1, 2, 3,.' 44 " ' . " 44 4 to 9 44 13c. 18c. 24c. 30c. 35c. 40c. 88c. 90c. 22c. 50c. 25c. 45c. 40c. 70c. 24c. 46c. 15c. 15c. 48c. 72c. $1.50 25c. 25c. 5c. 6c. 8c. 15c. The Shuping I idtJi tiie; oiaic have been lots of one acre now fGr sale, of these lots located for lots. This 3 n O ana. The rrr : are wg! residence property is , One Mile from lopton on a beautiful elevation. In addition to the above we carry in stock all the books used in the Morganton Graded sscnoois ana a complete line of School Sup plies, Stationery and Blank Books. Remember all School Books are. sold for CASH ONLY. Gaither's Book Store, Morganton, N. C. Parties desiring a home near town, where taxes are not so. high, will do well to investigate before the most desirable build ing sites are sold A MAP OF THE PROPERTIES Can Be Found at Shuping-Davis Company's Grocery Store. AISO PRICES AND TEEMS Op'sALK. These lots in a few years will be worth double the presnt price. Do not de lay buying too In g. r

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