j-. r-ry-WSfc The NEWs-riiiRALD. T. G. C0B3, Publisher THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1903. THE G HADED SCHOOL. Superintendent Logan Patton and his tine corps -of assistants, Mrs. Marbut, Misses Mary Dick son, Carrie Carter, Janie Pearson, Josie Laxton and Sudie Hudson, Lad the pleasure on Monday, Sept. 21st, of hearing 357 child drcu answer to the roll call. We ha ve seen all kinds of pro cessions in Morgan ton. but never one so inspiring as that of the many of the trusts as miles, where the cynide reduction method .has already made its advent, and is to-day producing the yellow metal witli large pro fits to the investor. SAM JONES EIGHTS. He Calls a Man a Dirty Bog and Backs It With His Muscle- Cartersville, Ga., Dispatch 14th. Postmaster Walker Akerman, whom Kev. tsam Jones, trie Methodist evangelist who has . nreaehed all over the United Qfafna ronnimrW1 from his Hill' j. 4. tf,, s crrnw-r,ul",)uv' l meuuuwiiui, uuo.o - I i . t ,.n: ........ nf pil UlSl ll-gll- 1UI sciJiug 1 . 111 J-l--. rtnotmnofait ' 4 1 1 f t XT .J W thp dog," this morning met the mm as uuc mou, i . . . i leaven is doing its work. Ine . I o Kqwo firrhr frllrWPrl in Wlllf'll I l-h. m in .ooi.'a ins nrprp rnr finfl n J, narfw hPMHRP. l" " "f" - .L: . t,- t,' f nf the posmaster s eye was blacked, it is known in his heart ot. i ' : ......:.-,11,. rt in nis sermon xur. d ones uecmitu nparrs lit: la uiii i nui v t,v The most reliable -sources nf information snow, without daubt, that the resen ment towards trusts is gi ing. The progress may 350 odd children as they marched on the opening (lay. It was a revelation to many of us. The greatest thing Morgan ton ever did was to vote for a graded school. We are proud, and justly proud of the State Hospital and the D. & D. School, but so far as the real value to the thev now exist. The "stand pat ters" may well be alarmed if hp democrats declare the right sort of platform and em body it in the right man Raleigh Times. A Chinaman wants to know why it is that Americans community is concerned, they do spend so much and send so not measure up to the graded man' missionaries to his school. It ia one of. the highest country, to persuade the fhristniri as well as civic duties Chinese to ro to heaven, and to see not only that our own at the same time deny them children but those of our neigh- admissiontotheUnited States that the postmaster was using his office to sell wine, calling it dope, and that people of Carters ville prefer for the president, to come the "Indianola game" on them and give them a .decent nesro for a postmaster than to give them such a "dirty dog." Mr. .Akerman is known as a sensitive man and a courageous one, and the fight was only what Rollins Notes. fcurrespondence of The News-Herald. Miss Bettie Poteet, who has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Cora A. Epley, has returned to her borne in Marion. The last few cold nights have hurried the farmers up to get in the fodder and to bacco. There has been no frost yet and no fear of any now that the temperature is rising. . . Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolch, of Newton, with their son Luther, and their aunt Mrs. Anna Heiman, also of Newton, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Denton and other friends. and Mrs. Thomas L. . . Young Old Women. You sometimes see awoman whose old age is as; exquisite as was the perfec bloom of her youth. You wonder how this has come about. You wonder how it is her life has been a long and happy one. Here are some of the reasons: She knew how to forget dis agreeable things. fihf mastered the art ot saying pleasant things. She made whatever work came to her congenial. ' She retained her illusions and did not believe all the world wicked and unkind. HIS LIFE SAVED BY CHAM - BERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. "B. T. Ever, a well known cooper of this town, says he Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved his life last summer, ne had been sick for a month' with what the doctors call bilious dysentary, and could get noth ing to do him any good unxn he tried this remedy, it gave him immediate relief," says B. T. Little, merchant, Han cock, Md.- For sale by W. A. Leslie. Mrs. STOMACH TROUBLE. "I have been troubled with mv stomach for the past four years," says u. n. .oeacii, 01 nver JNooK Jj arm. urreenueiu m a It K i!A . r3 n -- raA T TTTO a Epley are spendinsrafew days . TtixStCUm- with Mrs. Epley s mother, hArlain's Stomach and Liver TVTr ATnrv M. Pnteet. at Ma- Tahlets. I have taken part o ...--.. j , 4. Il tnem anu ieei a. great uow uo li ter." If you have any trouble A l . M f rion. bors are given a chance to learn. North Carolina's greatest treasure cousists. not in her forests or mines or minerals or water powers, but in her army of children, the future fathers He asks if those who are good enough for heaven are not good enouo-h for America. Wins- o ton Sentinel. was expected. Mr. Jones, al- sey, is spending a tew days though a minister, has a fighting with her grandmother, Mrs record himself, as he once gave a Rebecca Epley, of Rollins. . i m t i m - -. I tnorougu tnrasning to a xexas A chld of Leyi Denton and i -i i j I mayor who enaeavorea to cane alsQ a chnd q Crayton Poteet him tor some remarks concern-. , Miss Mary Epley, of Kirk- with your stomach try a box o these raDieis- ion arts uei tain to be oleased with the re suit. -Price 25 cents. For sale by W. A. Lethe, Druggist. ing his official acts Mr. Jones at that time stated that he wanted no protection because ! his remarks were made in the pulpit, that he was always ready to protect himself. Chapion Buff, son of J. H. Buff, has left his father's home and at last accounts was headed for Gastona. Last Sunday was baptismal Sunday, and one convert was According to carefully pre and mothers of the State and pared statistics, Uncle Sam's the controllers of its destinies, income for a single day aver- The Central Carolina Fair at Greens- baptized at Mt. Olivet and one now liupuriaui mat lucv uc ages 04,U4U,ooo. xiis -expeu-1 Doro- trained for the duties and re- ditures now average $1,630,000 correspondence of the news-herm-d, . . i sponsibihties that await them. per day. The old gentleman Education is enlightenment, ig- js laying by something. norance is darkness. ine uesi leacuers umuiauu Our New Possessions are there are none better, have 0fficiaiiy refered to as our fVio rrea rt rrnu floil cnlnool Wft n . . i. : l " i,uui6v.ui uivjj.uuv. .. "nonconxiguous veriiiuiy. know that this school is a centre Before iong- we may speak of of hght and refinement and tnat Yankees, Southerners, West- its influence will radiate theentire erners and Noncontigs. county. Let all the people give at the Missionary church. I take it that the people of Mor- During Thomas L. Jipley s gauton and all readers of The absence in Marion Charles L. News-Herald, at least in Burke county, will be interested to know that the Greensboro Fair called the Centrial Carolina Fair and patronized by several counties, will this year be the biggest of them all. The fair commences Tuesday, October 13, and the re uniou of old Tar Ueels will also be on that day. The fact that the re union ocenrs'the same week of the Epley FOR CHEAP RATES TO TEXAS. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY, CALirOXSlA, COLORADO, UTAH, "WYOMING, OREGON, MONTANA, WASHINGMlON, and UtHer Jfolnt est, Boithwest and Southwest, Write or call n J. O. HOIXINBBCK. Dietriot PaMwnger AgMt, Louisville and Nashville R. R. No. 1 Nori Pryor St., Opposite Union AMI LAZARUS BROS. WATCHES! Good values in the Neat Pat-, tern Kind. Every one fully- guaranteed. SEE THEM TO-DAY. WANTED. For U. S. Army Ablebodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United fatates, of erood character and temper' ate habits, who can speak, read' and write English. For information ap ply to Recruiting Officer, First Na tional Bank building, Charlotte; South era Loan and Trust building, Greens boro, or 40Patton ave., Asheville, N. C Depot, at, 6. i i i it tneir earnest, loyat-support. California has a "pest of . v.. , ,, whjle woum makeg occasi()n especially meueHtuuu uigSL iiiBLiLutiuu .elcome the .little rain m Jiurke. is lookino- after the store here. r 1 i r Notice c.v,r. & It is ordered by the Board of Comniia- hereabouts IS the scarcity OI sionera cf Morganton that Ordinance StOCK. Very lew iarmers enforced. and that all owners of does have more than one or two within the corporate limits of the town i i i .ll j he required to pay the annual tax- - COWS,,and even then they do i .5Q on males and 83 00 on females notgetthebestresults,asthey SSfcto haye no gooa pastures tencea undersigned. . Mortgage Sale of Iand . By virtue of a morteaee deed executed to tne undersigned, by M. U. Carson and wite Lucy Carson, on the 22nd ot March, 1902, registered in the Reeister's office of Burke connty, in Book N No. 2, page 466, and de fault naring oeen made in tne payment of the debt secured by said mortgage deed, I will sell tor casn at tne court House door in Morcranton. N. C on Monday, the 4th day of October. 1903, the lollowingr described land, to-wit: Lying: and being in Burke county, N. C; beginning at Jones Erwin's corner and runs north 64 degrees east 8 poles to a stake in Her. ry Avery's line; thence south si degrees east no poles to a stake in Jones W Have riniioTit. from one of the best manufacturers nf umbrellas in Baltimore about 300 umbrellas. The c oth is slisrhtlv imperfect. Having- bought them at 50c. on the dol- Viry"; line-henc with his line 8 poles to har, tnev will be put on sale at just half their real value. stake, Jones Erwin's corner; thence with his I ' J J and so have to stake out the thus increasing thieves" in any quantity. This is a case of matter out of place. MUCH GOLD IB THE EAST. The gold fields of the East are now attracting more attention Dr. Louis Haupt is authority from miners than ever before, and for the statement that there we confidently expect ere long to is a baby born in New York see great strides made in the de- citv every fifteen minutes. velopment of the mines of this No race suicide there. section. At the American Mining Dead wood. Congress held . at Is is all right to write about !i.i interesting. The reunion is on milcu uvvs, but two days, while the fair runs work and getting poorer re- until the night of the 16th. suits. OPTIMIST. This year the races ar goiug to be exceptionally fine, the eutries TjjB GENUINE VS. COUN- for the speed ring being greater TERFEITS. than ever before and the muses 1 larr. Rnt racing will not be all. The genuine is always better m. --, , :n ..:.u than a counterfeit, but the lueagricuuuia. uit.i win w.iu- , f cfaWlOTll. ?aT10,r in itseit De worm me price 01 aa- more f orcibly realized or more admission and to this the live thoroughly appreciated than stock exhibit, the horticultural ball, machinery ball and the HAMILTON ERWIN, Town Tax-Collector. Sept. 10, 1903. Sale of Land for Taxes. South Dakota, week before last deporting the negroes but they woman's department will form a subsdtuterthat Charles L. Dignowity, a promin- j0 come n handy when there ent and successful miner of Boul- a rf rrmre to do I - w - ---- der, Colo., read a paper on "Gold fields of the East." He said, in Much Money to BfJ put PubUc part: School Houses. "Some Of the mOSt eminent Raleigh News and Observer. geologists and mineralogists at The State Board of Education Washington, D. C, and of the grauted loans to twenty two coun- East will support me in my ties for building and improving claim, that abundance of gold in school houses. The total amount its various forms, is known to exist along the eastern slope of the Atlantic cost, making its greatest deposits in North Caro lina. "Of late years my attentions and labors have been called to the southern gold fields, and I shall try to present their condi tions as found. of the loan was $18,025. The total amount to be expended for build .l. : - : - oia m I ,ug .u lu.c WuuU . vv,,vo. electric raiiways m li i. . i I " ine lotai uumuer oi uistriccs to which loans are made is 64. In 27 of these districts there are no houses at all; and in IS districts that hare houses the valuation is $25 or less. In 10 districts the show that any man or woman can with profit take time and expense to see. For the children and the old folk who love amusement there will be all kinds of outdoor free exhibitions, and it ia hoped that Morgauton will send a large dele gation of Burke county people. The hotel facilities in Qreens boro are ample to take care of all who come. The fair grounds are now reached by both steam and and trains rnn every tew minutes. ine lair grounds have been improved since the last exhibition and the track is ir. apple pie order. Greensboro will extend the gUd hand of wel- when you compare the genuine herein named. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve with the many counterfeits and are By virtue of levies made by me for default in payment of taxes to town of Morg-anton for the years 1901 and 1902, I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C, on Monday, Oct. jth, igoj. the various lots and parcels of land on the market. W. S. Ledbet- ter, of Shreveport, La says: ''After using numerous other remedies without benefit, one box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me." For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing piles no remedy is equal to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by all Druggists. The whole of each tract or contigu ous body of land belonging to the de linquent will be set up for sale at the same time and the bid win De strucK off to him who will pay the amount of taxes, with all expenses, tor the smallest part of said land. The pur chaser will pay the amount due on the spot or the land will be immediately esold. Each tract will be sold in the order named below, and the sale will contin ue from day to day until all is dis posed of. p.omp to all who innrnpv thia wac "The records of compiled min- loans are made for the purpose of and th railroads wUl ive low rates. So it is np to the readers ing testimony at Washington, D. repairing or making additions to j C, Virginia, North and South old buildings, and in two districts 1 Carolina and Georgia are access- the loans are made for the purpose iDie to any one aesinng miorma- ot buying private academies. As tion upon those subjects. Those an indication of the imDrovement states will gladly send compiled in school house building 52 dis mineral datta, which reports tricts have adopted the architect's ! 11 I, -. . -- 4- 1C - jl j w. i snuw us giea i, n nui greater, p,ans gpnt out from fche pfficfl Qf goiu uepusit , 1 1 uie same area, the State Saperintendenr. of Public r:,rr;r":Lr instruction. as is iuuiiu in me vvfcsr, a iacu not realized bv the maioritv of , . . r I Stops the Coogh the western mining fraternity, and Worksffthe coia. 3 a . . -r l :. z i-' I twiu vji lueir lUVCSl lga- LaxatiyeBromo-Qainine Tablets cure a cold tinn in one day. No Cure. No Pay. Price 25c JJJj 1 IM-iK IHAN .ALli'OKMA. PrisArsr TV TVa Bt !!-, I - w--. jwu A A vruu uu AiJLVJL JLU. "Kecent geological researches Mitchell County of The News-Herald to nut on their best store clothes and come to see us. II. E. G. Gret-nsboro, N. C, Sept. 23, 1903. The Wheel of Fortune Revolves for all at some time in their career. We have attractive pamphlets that tell of opportnni ties for placing capital in the gas and oil regions of Missouri, Kansas and Indian Territory. Write for them, euclosing two cent stamp for postage. -Address "Geobge Moeton, G.P. & T. A , M., K. & T. E'y., Suit D, St. Louis, Mo. FEARFUL ODDS AGAINST HIM. Bedridden, alone and desti tute. Such in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name ot J. J . Havens, Versail lies, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctoi s nor medi cines gave mm reliet. At E-The Bridgewater mill ing o. oirer tne oest pro ducts ot the latest and most improved macninerv and a thorough knowledge of the milling business. Our flour and meal make the most nutu tious bread that is also pleas ing to the eve and taste. A. W. Trexler, v Miller, B-When you buy a suit of tell us that in the southern states Manon special, 19th, to chariottecnironicie. j iength he tried Electric Bit- 8 sure and get the m the schists formation is not less News reaches here from Mitchell than 2,000 feet deep. Within county to the effect that Eliza this mass of rock must exist pre- Sparks, the woman charged with cions metal, which cannot be ,nfanticide, has been released bv a exhausted for ages, and it is the crowd of men while edronte Q most important gold deposit B.WiUe in charge of an officer. not epted I ' 11 8eems that the officer who "Could one-half of the idlemilla h"e Thnrsda with the in of the West be transported to cbarge' fonnd that he conld not the southern field, along that reach Bakersville that night, and broad gold belt, there would be 8t0PPei a Mark Wiseman's. While a transformation in gold pro- there a crod of men, friends of ductions of such a vast magni- tbe woman, came and took her tude that the most skeptical away. The officer made no resist- ' 'Doubting Thomas' would stand ance owing to the number of men amazed. in the crdwd , "There are no custom mills or samplers to treat or purchase these southern ores, which naturally retard the mining in dustry tor that country A PUEGATIVE PLEASURE. If you ever took D'e Witt's Little Early Risers for bilious - "There is abundance of capital neOT constipation you know in the eastern and middle states 0 f oP S i JTi P?s i6 1Sl waiting and willing to go into WfSSS an one without producing un bhow theraan investment that pleasant effects. They do not will yield a moderate profit, and gripe, sicken or weaken, but the money will be available. give tone and strength to the JNotinng could be safer than tissues and oigans involved, the vast low crrade ores of tliR W.H.Howell, of Houston. Te.. - southern mineral zone, especially I g,ays better pill can be used in North-Carolina, with its min eral area of over 20,000 square than Little Early Risers for constipation, sick headache. etc. ooia oy an Druggists, ters- It put him on his feet in short order and now he testi fies: "I'm on the road to com plete recovery." Best on earth tor Liver and Kidnev troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c Guaranteed by John Tull and W. A. Leslie Druggi sts sured kind, for sale at Lazarus Bros. Clothing Store. In the District Court op thk United States For the Western Disl rict of North Carolina, Statcsville Division. In the matter of T. A. Town- send and Frank Townsend bankrupts. In Bankruptcy A Very Special Request. I most respectfully and earnestly request all who were pupih of Dr. Biaxton Craven to send me at once on a postal card their name and post office address. I fell snre that all former pupils will do this much for the sake of their gteat I foresaid meeting. ana revered preceptor. i Eesnectfullv. T. N. IVEY, Editor lialeigh Chi is ii-pi .avocdte, Raleigh, N,C. To the creditors of the above named parties ..of Hildebran in said county of Bnrke and t ui-iutk luumiuu, uanKrapis; Notice is hereby Riven that on the 15th aay Sept., 1903, the said parties were dulv abjudicated bankrupts, and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at the otnee oi Armneid He Turner in statcsville, N C, on the 3rd day of October, 1903, at 12 o ciock noon at wmcn time tne said credit ors may attend, prove their claims, annoinl a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans act such business as may properly come be W S. PEARSON. Referee in Bankruptcy NORTH CAROLINA. Bukkb County, i Superior Court W. A. Branch, Annie Lee Branch and Elvira E. Branch vs. Herbert M Branch, James C. Branch and Maggie E. Branch. NOTICE. The defendant Herbert M. Branch, above named, will take notice that action entitlorl as above has been commenced in the Superior BUCKLEN'S ARNICA ! SALVE. Has world-wide fame for mar velous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, oint- f5?Jj f?".2C0J?!,tl0.r gle f a certain ment Or balm IOr UutS. Corns, smton. State and county aforesaid: and the T.r.i.r.a "Rr;i, 0.-. Tni " aid defendant will further take notice tkat Ulcers. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin' Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at John Tull and W. A. Leslie, druggists. nc is requirea to appear at tne next term i the Superior court of said countv. in Mor. ganton. N. C, to be held on October 12th and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the conn ior tne rcuei aemanaed in said com This 19th day of September. 1903. L. A. BRISTOL Aver & Avery, Clerk Superior Court' rmtuuus a u ys. . .1 it Avery, Jones, Sr. Austin, Sim, Avery, Jason Sam Berry, Rebecca Brown, Rebecca Boyd, Mary, Brittain, F. Jo. Bridgers, H. R. Caldwell, Daniel Jerry " James Carson, M. C. Coffey, W. E. Curtis, Joseph " Denton, D. F. Eastman, " Erwin, Miss M. M " Elliott, H. F. " Erwin, Jas. P. " Jones, Frisard, E. " Gardner, Jerry, Harbison, Mance, " Lou 1 lot, John " Medlock, John . " Moffett, Mrs. E. B. McGalliard, Lark, " McElrath, Ed Michaux, Jane Pearson Miss Bettie O. " " S. M. Setzer W A " Snipes Robert L " Smith H B " Walton Lucindy " Hiram " T Geo " " James " Wilson Henry " " Sophronia " " JWJr 1 lot, 1901-02, $1.95 " 1902, .63 " " 1.59 3.88 " 1.68 " ' " 1.26 ' .84 1901-02, 13.19 1902, 5.25 1901-02, 1902 1901-2 3 76 .25 571 4.12 3.87 .17 5.14 3.34 7.50 .84 3.76 1.71 17.70 3.69 7.10 .84 3.34 2.96 .96 334 1 17 .84 " 5 42 " 42 " 4 40 " 83 " , 3 92 " 84 " 3 76 " 6 67 " 63 " 126 3 34 1901-2 8 35 1901 HAMILTON ERWIN, Town Tax Collector, Sept. 5th. -s;&451;'-S FALL WASH WAISTINGS FOE LADIES. TheWaisting materials this Fall are ex tremely pretty and make up yery attract ive, comfortable'and stylish waists. The weaves, coloring, the combinations, are all in the high novelty-class and repre sent the brightest ideas .of the season. White for Shirt Waists will again predominate, and justly so. The demand, unquestionably, will equal that of this Spring and Summer. The new Indian, Basket and Matte weaves will be much in favor, for they are appealingly exquisite. Mercerized Waistingfs in colored embroidered effects, 8; Mercerized Oxford Waistings in the new Matte Aeave and Jacquand figures, Heavy Mercerized Waistings in white, white ground v with stripped, dot and Jacquand effects, Heavy Oxford Waistings in white. 50c. 2c 15c. A Big Snap in Umbrellas. line'to the beginning, containing- one acre, more or less. JOHN A. PERKINS. - Mortgagee. Notice of Publication of Summons. To A. B. Gibbs. defendant: It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that A. B. Gibbs, the defendant in the Deiow en tit lea action, is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, and cannot after due dilieence be found therein, and that a cause of action exist-Un favor of the plain tiffs in the said action in respect to certain real propertv situated in the said State of Nort n Carolina. it is ordered and adjudged that service of summons be made and had on said defend ant A. B. Gibbs by the publication of the fol lowing summons as required by law in The news-Herald, a newspaper published in Burke county, once a week for six weeks. NORTH CAROLINA. 1 durki Countt.J In Superior Court. The State of North Caiolinal Ex Rel. Attorney General: The! State of North Carolina, Ex. Summons Kel., Richard Williams, and for Relief. Richard Williams, Against A. B. Gibbs. State op North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Burke county Grretin?: You are hereby commanded to summon A. B. Gibbs, the 4efeadirt above named, if he De iouna witmn vour countv. to be and ap pear before the Judge of onr Superior court at a court to be held for the csanty of Burke at the court house in Morganton, on the sna Monoavm October and answer the com plaint which will be deposited in the office of tne cierx 01 tne superior court of said countv within the first three davs of the term, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the saidcomoloint. within the time required Dy law. tne plaintiffs will ap ply to thecourtfor the relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not. and of this summons make one return. Given under mv hand and seal of said court xms it 1st cay of August, 1903. L.. A. BRISTOL. Clerk Superior Court Burke county. Attorney General, Avery Be Ervin, Avery & Avery. M. Silver. Attys for Plaintiffs. 150 Ladies' and Gent's fast Gloria Cloth, steel rod; handsome assortment of handles; real value $1.25, sale price, 02c. 150 Ladies' Taffetta Silk with tape edge, Paragon frame; a large assortment of handles; real value $2.50, sale price, $1.25 Lazarvis Bros. VALUABLE Land for Sale! NEW TOWN. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrators of the estate of the late H. C Tate of Bnrke, notice is hereby given all creditors of said estate to present tneir claims to us for oavment on or before the 27th day of June. 1904, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of any re covery thereon. Notice i- also hereby given all persons indebted to said eotate to make immediate payment of such indebtedness to us a.u-. lucrcuv save costs. This June 26th, 1903. S. P. TATE. S. J. Ervin. m. F. TATE. Att'y. Admrs of H C. Tate. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina l J In the Superior Court. Burke County. ) Maggie England vs. Thomas England. The defendant above named will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Burke county to obtain a divorce from defendant, and the said defendant will further take no- tice that he is required to appear at the Oc- Tooerterm oi tne superior court for said county to be held on the 6th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1903, at the v-ourx ciouse in jviorganron, N. .. and an swer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will aDolv to 'he court for relief demanded in said complaint. loia ioiu usj oi AUgusi, iwo. L. A. BRISTOL. Clerk Superior Court. oa. silver. Attorney ior irln. The Shuping lands naer the State Hospital have been cut up into lots of one acre, and are now for sale. The most . 1 SI 11 ot -tnese lots are wen located for residence lots. This property is JL JL sf One Mile from " Morganton on a beautiful elevation. MAKE YOUR FARM PROFITABLE. Parties desiring a home near town, where taxes are not so" high, will do well to investigate' before the most desirable build ing sites are sold.... Sow grass and clover. Improve your land, and put mon ey in your pocket. W e have a great variety of Grass and Clover Seeds. The best that money will buy. You will make no mistake if you decide to put in some Grass and Clover this fall. , Crimson clover, (new crop), Red clover, Alfalfa, Orchard r i m . r- grass, jxeaxop or ieaas Urass, Kentuckey Blue Grass, Tall Meadow Oats Grass, Meadow Fescue, Perennial Rye Grass, Italian Rye Grass, Timo'.hy, Dwarf Essex Rape Seed, Evergreen Hawn Mixture. : ' All the above varieties are now in, stock. If there anything else you want, we will order it for you. LESLIE'S DRUG STORE. A II OF THE PROPERTIES Can Be Found at Shuping-Davis Company's Grocery Store. ALSO PRICES AND TERMS OF SALE. These lots in a few years will be worth double the presnt price. Do not de lay buying too long. is Cures Constipation, Indi ps-1 Blood, Kidney and Liver Dis: as At all druggists. 10c, 25c, o0c, V W Wit fr free safflp1" Manufactured only by the Dr. Chas. T. Sisk Cbemieal Co'. Asheville, N- &

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