't' News HlERALD. The News-Herald IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE Piedmont Section. Job Printing TO iu i ( ' ; i .-.-Wo.vtcK Offices Therscws 1 First-Class Work at Lowest I Prices. f T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BURKE COVNTY NEWS,) Consolidated Nov. 29. 1901. THE MO R.GANTON HERAtD,wonsouo Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance VOL. XIX MORGANTON, N. C, OCTOBER 8, 1903. No- 27. x&e J I d m luS Cot Ipation - - vo-t head ache ? Pain 3k' If "your eyes?. Bad ia your niuuiur a onr liver! Ayer's Pills are " .11. nation, i Theycure consti- adache, dyspepsia. : A:l dregjjists. w.ik: '" vn t'1 .us-acho or Dep.ra a Dttt&umiu . "n lil;u-k? Then use bIkIKGHAM'S DYEwhST&rs UU " ..,. r R. P- Co.. NMHU.. N.M. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. As Told by 'the Papers in the Neighboring Counties. IV, . itii in AMnif HKb INOUivuxup. We w'li e l"lie lusurauce P0,i cies on iiH ki,,ds of PrPerty iu the largest borne and lor- veiv loss sustained ou property ' i :.. . .iirnnr-v- pstuhlishpd U-iUIVll ill -"-..' Ul .. .......I,. ....- la,t Sill. SlaClUl iij fctutu, . - . .. I, iitiyii 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 e ait -- North Carolina noiue, etua olllaruoru, 'll.iuilmrj,' Bremen, il.irttoul, of Hartford, Con. jltisuraace Company of North Auie.ica, Niapira of New York, - Home, of New York and ""- Gei man American. PoTTeies 'placed on our books are ,,mtlv renewed beiore expira- !illl .... i We'wnte risks from $i00 to mi nun on property in town or ouutiy, at iowi-m line?. JVVEK H.KV1.H, AglS. p,,st-otu.e Buildiuji- McDOWELL. Marion Democrat. Oct. 2nd. Sheriff Mashbnrn brought one Loma Webb from Morsranton Tuesday on a charge of breaking into George Gibson's house at Nebo. ood's M FOR FALL SOWING. Farmers and Gardeners who de sire the latest and fullest informa tion about Vegetable and Farm Seeds should write for Wood's New Fall Catalogue. It tells all about the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab- bage ana omer icscwuis which are proving bo profitable to southern growers. Also about Crimsoa Clover, Vetches, Grasses and Clovers, Seed Oats, Wheat, Rye, Barley, etc V.'ood's New Fall Catalogue mailed five on request. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. OUTHREN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Luce to All Points TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. CATAWBA Newton Enterprise, Oct. 2nd. With cotton at 9 cents many of our farmers will hold their crops for better prices. The many friends in Catawba countv of Hon. J. F. Iteinhardt The damage done by the fire in will deeply sympathize with him the Nichols residence was ad- in the loss of his most etimable justed, Wednesday, at the agency wife on September 21st or fequire u. r. l,rair. and w iiaf fn prompiy paid by the iraders In- Geo w, Lowe ia agaj able tobe surance eompanj-, of Chicago, about in his vard. Mr.Lowehas The amount was $100. i..rpiv snffered from a third stroke Carrie, daughter of D'-. and of paralysis, which though a Mrs. B. A. Cheek, who is at the very slight one has left its mark Biltmore hospital, is rapidly im- upon him. Last March Mr. Lowe proving and expects to return reached his eighty-eighth birth home to Marion within the next day. week. Mrs. B. A. Cheek, her Xhe Seventh Adventists in mother, still remains with her. Salisbury practiced social equali- An inseresting wedding took ty in fiue style last week when place Sunday morning, at th they baptised three white and residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. five colored persons at the same Morgan, when their neice, Miss time. The Adventist woman Hattie Whitesides, of Rutherford wiped the water from white and county, was united in marriage black faces alike with the same to B. M. Noland, of Asheville. towel as the parties came up out The ceremony was perfomed of the water of Town creek by Kev. vv.fc. Wilson, pastor on in another colum we give the Presbyterian church. statement of the Newton Board The members of the new couu- of Tradecommitteeoneducation- ty board of education met Tues- al facilities, showing what might day and organized by electing D. easily be done towards a good E. Hudgius chairman. The graded school in our town if our board then proceeded to theselec- peoplf would be willing to pay a tion of county superintendent local tax. Few towns of thesize and by unanimous vote elected of JNewton are without agraded Professer E. E. Sams to succeed school and it would certainly be Attorney W. F. Wood. The a good step forward in the right county board proposes to direction. We have always inaugurate some needed reforms favored a graded school in oui n ......... nnH vvhpp unanimous in flip mnr- midst and now is certainly the tpr of ronsolidntion of the dis- time to start the movement to ti-iots so as to $-et better school wards one houses and State assistance. Other Catawba Items. Newton News, Sept. 30th. The Crusaders still attract CLEVELAND. CALDWELL. Shelby Star, Sept. 30th. I Lenoir News, Oct. 2nd. , Mr. Andrew Hoyle, of Delight, Cabbage brought $1.30 cash on has one of the smallest dogs on the streets here Wednesday, an record. It is seven months old unsually high figure for this sea- and only seven inches high and son. weighs just nine pounds. Miss E Ki h 5a at tending Davenport College, re- during the past week and it is ceived the sad intelligence of the only 9 1-4 cents on the Shelby death of her father at Forest City market, which is some - higher last Sunday. She was nearly than at larger towns in this sec- prostrated with grief .but left at tion. The price .ought, and we once via Morganton and Marion believe will be higher. to attend the burial. Dr. Weaver Uncle Peter Lucas, who was 85 accompanied her. years old last May and who has The nineteenth annual session goods laid up for many more of the Caldwell Baptist Associa- An-how it keeps a feiier posted 'Dout who's days, plowed and hoed a crop of tion, which was held last week, I That mtie country paper from his .ju.it.i.vi . ....J ii u: ala -j-vj i.iv luvi.'. Home he has made a good crop, plenty satisfactory session ever held THE LITTLE COUITORY PAPER- When the evenin' shade is fallin' attheendin' o' the day. An' a feller rests from labor smoking at his pipe o' clay, There's nothin' does him so much Rood, be fortune up or down, As the little country paper from his or Home Town It ain't a thing o' beauty an' its print ain't al ways clean, But it straightens out his temper when a feller's feelin' mean. It takes the wrinkles off his face an brushes off the frown. That little country paper from his or Home Town. It tells of all the parties an' the balls of Pumpkin Row, 'Bout who spent Sunday with who's girl an how th' crops'!! grow, MR. DEWEY WRITES A LETTER. Dosen't Disclose His Whereabouts But is Evidently in North Carolina. The editor of the ltaleigh News and Observer Wednesday of last week received the following letter from T. W. Dewey, .defaulting cashier of the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank of New Berne: My Dear Sir: There have in- cideuully fallen into my bands some of the reports published in both Raleigh aud Charlotte papers concernm? my delaic uions, etc, which 1 denounce as 'malicious lies one in particular, two columns long, with heaicely a semblance of truth from the ljcgii.uin: to tbe end. Ttie facts are grave enough, but I will swear by all past associa tions ai d by my hope of forgive-1 THE OLD RELIABLE Town. to do him and his wife by his own The attendance was large during Now i like to read the dames an- the story n Tinners, too. labor. That he has made more the en tire session, many visiting An at times the yaiier ncveis an- some other nn,1 Kaf4nn.n..t, l.n untr .if VlW I TnomViDfo KiiniY T-Tlc;Cin f- All tl1U I trash don't yOU? CX11V1 WV- IH-I V.U1 II I 11U11 llll I VS1 "w I IIICUIUCIO WtH-Ij ill.O.Ul six tenants ana renters. Mrs. E. V. Watterson, of near King's Mountain, exhibited a quilt at the Star office Monday which is 70 years old. Mrs. Watterson bought the calico from Messrs. Albert Homesly, A. W. Quinn and Ancil Hardin, the first stores that were put up in All the! churches in the association were well represented and reported improvements along all lines. Many questions of interest were ably discussed, and some very helpful and instructive sermons w ere preached during the meet- Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE be a candidate for tbe Guberna torial nomination For some time counterfeit Shelby. She had come to town money has been floating around to buy herahat,andthere wasn't in Watauga county, N. C, and any, so she bought the calico at Johnson county, Tenn. Mr. 30c per yard. The quilt is well Jont H. Brown was down from Tq th& Peopic 0f the State preserved. The State Saturday permitted the domestication of theCarolina Monazite Company, which was ucss uy me ure.u juuge oi Here' An Idea to Attract People to neans, mat im true fuonage win Church, not and cannot be made by honest special to the Philadelphia men to aggregate one-half of Record from Chicago has this iu- amounts published. teresting intelligence: "Kev. Dr. 1 have not as yet attempted any j0hr, Boyd, of the First Presby- defense, and if I ever do thcie will terian church, of Evanston, has be a lew shattered panes iu the solved, or thiuks he has solyed, glass bouses oi some ot tnose tue problem of rilling the churches 'prominent familiesof New Berne' Sunday evenings. Hearguestbat who seem to have "swallowed a u0t beef sandwitch is better their consciences' (it they uaa than much preaching; if beautiful any to swallow) aud are now so WOnien and spledid singing will eageily aud harshly sitting in not attract to the serrices, only judgement against me; aud while I one thiug will and that is a hearty Sav this. I have not a WOrd Of re- I mnnl nnniinntlir a. now nlin sent out by R B. Glenn, who will prf)ach fof any OLe wbo u tr.ng wm This wU be to do me justice, whatever the programme at tbe church to mor- penalty of that justice may be. row evening: This I consider the unpardonable Hot roast beef sandwich; Hymn sin to speak malLionsly or dis- No. 3S8, four stauzas; hot coffey, paringly of human souls, hunger- chocolate, hot tea; brief talk by el- ing tor hope. NY hen tno man der; lobster salid; patriotic hymn; without brains does it, he can be chafing dish indigestible, prepared But when I want some readin' that'll brush away a frown I want that little paper from my or Home Town. Denver Post. R. B. GLENN WILL RUN. Sends Out an Open Letter to People of the State. The following letter to the peo ple of North Carolina has been chartered in New Jersey, but Watauga yesterday and told us Unable to answer all letters re- that a number of the men en- ceived. 1 take this method of au.- gaged in the business had been uouncing to my friends through captured among, them Dick Ar- out the State, that I will be a can nold and a man named 'Hall diuate De,ore tDe nexc democratic pardoned for knowing no better, by beautiful girls; olives, pickles, i i I... at n weie lu 11:111 wilii ii iwl 01 s jui- i wuitu uuvv unuuuotiiiuiuiwu - liOVemor. ; l, ,t,A.,IJ Ua. o, ..imol f Irtnb- rrv r i i ; 4. i iii 1" i 1 " 1 11 ur nniiii 11 im fliiiiiiuicu ui 1 mjj 1 1 1 1 rvii vn ur vt i iiiim i i iiim itami iii ious com ana tne machinery co . , . , i j" - - ,oi-Q;r Ki. n0on onH fnhn . . " ' . uiB Know iDuiuuiu uu9jH. 1 L i oi tue oecoua irresoy terian cnurcu "'" 11. . urn iiuowu uwvi vi... .i, wfota trtr InranttT.DiT roars : 1 .1. ... . . . . m. . ... ,. , . . . ., , . .u& uv, ,vu,j igasm ien nines ufeper uicu luau oi uuanotte. ine vJuariotte ioiks u.ua lUv. ,, ..Jfa, lue peopie snow me, so 1 win open pivinff a st0iie to those who ask mav hP tl.unkfnl thPv wafa rid nf 1 1 i il. I .... " I " Dounaoveriocourrinuiesumoi no headquarters ana enter into no for bread, or giving poision to him before he turned crank. $1,500 each. There are a good scramble for the nomination. I tuose who ask for a cup of cold Statesville Landmark.! ....... ! . I I many others thought to beimph- can campaign ior my party ana wacer. My heart has never been I 1 1. r a . : j : a. i I catedand the officers are after ueS voies ,or y menus, out u, is mtentionally evil; nor am 1 the HE LEARNED A GREAT olina corporation with head, quarters at Shelby, the capital stock being $50,000 and Sidney Wreen and others, of Philadel phia, being the stockholders. The company is domesticated un der chapter 7GG, acts 1903, and not under the Craig act, which them- The spurious money was Other McDowell Items. Marion News, Oct. 1st. The Marion Lyceum Club re- crowds on Sunday from Newton organized Monday night and will About 30 went to Hickory Sun give another series of entertain- day and Sunday night to hear ments this winter. them. Mr. Alex Shuford of Hickory was married Monday night to Miss Maud Ferguson of Waynes- ville. The ceremony took place at Spartanburg wher? Miss Fer- ti r o n i n r i guson was at school. Pastor C. S. Cashwell of the Marion Baptist church, has under The C. & A. W. Ky. continue consideration notice of unani- to improve their line. 1 hey are working now on a steel bridge which will cross Maiden creek Isaac T. Avery Esq., of Morj ganton, was in town Friday. Hp delivered an able address be fore the Anti-Saloon League on Friday night. Strictly fust class equipment on all niOUS calls to the Baptist church nrongh and Local Iraina , Fullman J1T -pj n nml nlso Ure. raius; Fast and Safe Schedules. Vai'd, JN . C u .1... o .1 j iiaci uy iu ouumerii nuu vuu ure i ,, . ... viU j .. : r. i tt. 1 i IllllliO die lii-iwiiiil ix. mm. itious Joumev. Warmed up over the election Apply to Ticket Agents for Time R0th sides are hard at work and abies. Rates and general information ' i t i i :., the Sunreme Court has declared Iimue u goiu-pmun invalid. Raleigh cor. Charlotte Ubserver. The series of meetings at the a new role to electioneer for my- recipient of auy ill gotton gains. 1 self, sol will- submit myself into realize to the fullest capabilities of TRUTH. Tl ...' -1! T-V TTT 1 the Deonle's bands, asking them to nri PnKfir, r.atni (far 11 .1S feaiu OI. onn wesiey ILiat 11V Other Caldwell News. Lenoir Topic, Sept. 30th. Mr. S. J. Ervin, Esq., of Mor Shelby Methodist church con- ganton was a visitor court week ducted by Rev. E. C, Glenn, the well-known evangelist, have re sulted in much good and aroused deep interest. Pastor Sherrill and the other ministers of the town have joined in the meetings and the Christian people of the town have been active in the Mr. Tillman Kincaid and fami ly have moved from Morganton to Lenoir. Court convenes again Novem- 1 cases only. The crowd at Sunday's Asso that those desiring to aid me can do so, by seeing that I get in the primaries all the votes to which I may be entitled. To be Governor of North Caro lina, is a high and laudable am bition, and I most earnestly desire services and large crowds have ciation was a very large one. All attended regularly from day to the town churches werecrowded. day. All this week business Mr. L. M. Parks last week fin houses of the town have closod ished the telephone line between during the hours of services aud Lenoir and Wilkesboro. It is the people of the town have now "Hello, Wilkesboro!" let my candidacy be known, so tbe pa,i has bung hourly before my Lesley : " Why do vou tell eyes,) tne turpituae ana lasting that child the same thing over shame (iu their every phase) of and over again!" "John my errors, and remorse must be Wesley, because once telling is my eternal portion in this life. I not enough." It is for this u rer . rtb idea KT'thTcmtf than that of returning voluntarily, lain,s Cough Remedy cures if not otherwise, when I Mt that colds and grip; that it counter - to attain this high office, as both a i bad the strength and courage to acts any tendency of these dis- toKen of the people's esteem and a d0 so for Wv present sufferings eases to result in pneumonia. ber 30th for the trial of civil proof of their confidence iu me. are far greater than the law of and t,nat , 1S pleasant and safe If uominated, I will canvass the man can inflict. 1 wish to live State, using every eflbrt to insure onj for the innocent ones de Democratic success, which means pendent upon me. There is noth- the State's safety and prosperity. jnfir we cannot live down, and rise If elected, knowing no man or class above and overcome. I would of men in the discharge of my duty, rather learn sympathy and noble- I will strive to advance all tbe ne8S 0f heart through siu than interests of the State,e ndeavoring Dever learn it at all. to take. For sale by W. A. Leslie, Druggist. f HE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA somebody is going to be fooled. The "wets" victory and the "drys" are just as confident. r . address E. L. Vekxox, F. R. Dabby, T. P. A.. C. P. & T. A.. Charlotte. N. C. Asheville. N. C. S. Ii. IIakdwick. G. P. A., WASHINGTON D. C. The meeting of the Anti-Saloon CH I NnRIH-WFSTFRH RY. League Friday night was well ...... . HVIIIII IlkVI Lllll III! I , .. . , . attended ana it is reporieu iu have been the best meeting that has been held. The addresses de livered by I. T. Avery, Esq., of Morganton, and Rev. W. S. Wil son were exceptionally fine and produced a good effect. This road has made more im provements in the past twoyears than anv other in the State. The meeting at the Baptist church is being well attended. i . r .i Tr lioo-nn RnnrlflV r.ip-hr. and Will areconnuent oi me " "-- continue through the week. Un account of this meeting Rev. and Mrs. John Welch will not begin their meeting until next week. manifested much interest in the meeting. There have been very many conversions and a general awakening of Christain people and church members. . The Star chronicles herewith the death of three of Cleveland countv's oldest and most highly respected citizens. The first is Mr. J. Smith Hopper, who died at his home in Earl station Wed nesday after an illness of several days with a tumor of the stoni a eh . Decea sed w a s 89 v ea rs a n d six months old. He was a con- to procure "the greatest good to all, without detriment or injury to any." Having faith iu the people I believe 1 will be nominated. If, TIME CA-IRD. Effective June 7, 1903. Mixed I'asst-tiser Mixed 10 70 NoKTiniot-.ND Ex San lnilv Lv Chester 9 (Ml nm S Of! nm Tries. V Lo.VTVS ' I 1 M am & OG m .v MeComiclls U 28 am 8 48 Dm Thnrs l.v Guchnts 9 33 .am 8 57 cm !-' 1 urk :11c 9 4!lam It) nm JSaT Lv Clover 10 12 am lfl 0(1 nm j-vyastonia 10 3S am 12 30 am 6 00 am i-v I'allas 11 00 am 12 4-5 am 6 20 am M H .-h.).is 11 20 am 1 1(1 a m 7 o2 nm Lv l.msMlnton 1 1 3 am 2 OO am 8 OO am j - Mai.k-n 12 1D pm 2 30 am 9 20 am j-vi.n:.s 1 23 pm 4.40 am 3 10 pm Soi.TiuiorsD 4 57 am 2 05 pm 6 ;'0 am J'assenger Mixed 71 Ex Sun Daily 2 30 pm 8 OO pm Mixed 63 'Tidnnc r-alls 2 58 pm 8 43 pm 8 05 am - L.n 3 s pm 9 30 pm 9 15 am Hickory 3 20 nm ft 5(1 nm ft 35 am 3 20 pm 9 50 pm 9 35 am 3 45 pm 11 45 pm 11 20 am 4 (13 pm 12 15 am 12 lO pm 4 30 pm 1 50 am 12 45 pm 4 52 pm 2 22 am 2 23 pm 5 12 pm 2 55 am 3 25 pm 5 3o pm 4 25 am 3 55 pm 5 57 urn 5 lO am 5 23 pm 6 00 a-.n Lv M . , " " pm -1 5U am -Newton Lv Maiden Lv Lineulnton Lv H Shoals Lv I) , lias Lv Oanonia J-v Clover Lv Yorkville !-v Outhrirj Chester-Southern Rv. pm 7 OO am f 57 pm 7 23 am 7 17 pm 8 00 am CONNECTIONS. Mon Wed Fri Lmc,iton- s. A. L. 'w .ton and Hirkorv .irains Xo. 7.i r. - S. A. L. and L. & C. Railway. 1:1S XO. Til T". CM cars between Chester and Lenoir. K F. Kkid. G. P. A., Chester. S. C. tun -1 r 2k Largest Fur House in America, j tranches All Over Europe. Highest cash price paid for all kinds '-f raw furs. Hold your shipment ! until you get our price list. Write Jor it to-dnv. Wa mail it free. CIS r-jmwau nAA T- 122tol28MichiganSu. Chicago, III. I Starvation in Porto Eico- New York Dispatch to Charlotte Chronicle 'The people of Porto Rico are practically m a starviug condi tion," said George Robinson, of St. Louis, who returned from that island to-day. "Despite the re ports that have been circulated by Governor Hunt and Northwrn Republican papers regarding the alleged prosperity oi Porto Rico, the people in the interior of the island would be iu a starving con dition. It is a fact that many families do not taste bread once a week. - . 'The people of Porto Rico are in a most pitiable condition. They are most loyal iu tbeir attachment to the United States and have made no protest against the Amerr can rule lest their action in this rowarH should le considered as disloyalty to this country. We are sorrow to chronicle the secrated member of Buffalo Bap death of Mrs. J. F. Reinhardt, tist church and his body waslaid wife of Senator Reinhardt of this to rest there last Thursday, Rev- District. Mrs. Reiuhardt was a T. Dixon conducting the funeral most estimable women and had services. "Uncle" Billy McCall, many friends among the people of Cleveland Mills, whose serious of all classes iu her neighoorhood. illness was noted in a previous Wv. V.. R. Stewart is back issue' died September 22nd, and I n l..?nfl lfic.4- AA7tkrl rc-J .1 ir of" from Blowinsr Rock. She has . . i f i the .Lucas graveyard, imjv. j. v iad a very successful season at luc ' - her hotel, "The Sky land Inn, tluaspnKnn. Blowinp Rock has iij.u v... . - C3 I . Ill .11-1 . . . n ii ol age pronaDiy tne oiaesr, man koan frill tf O VPP ti O V1 no" all 811111- I O I I . 4 1.. ...... .i 4-.- 1 1 . I I . . I. 1 1 nrn niPr and all the hotels have had lllc "-y, uu all they could do to accomodate the guests. Dr. Moore is "proseading" with his medicine business in North Carolina we oresume. He however, any of my worthy corn- has "nroseaded" out of Lenoir Ptors selected by the conven- , 1 tion, I will cheerfully abide its decision auucuuuuuB iu lueiuiure, Mr. S. L. Patterson has so far as in the past.' doing all I can to recovered his health as to be able promote Democracy, as my party's to return to Raleirrh Monday to snccess is to be valued more than - resume his duties as commis sioner of agriculture. Truthfully, T. W. Dewey. my personal ambition. I regret Tbe letter dosen't reveal Dewey's whereabouts but it is postmarked on the railway mail route between Greensboro and Goldsboro and is, the News aud Observer safs, directed in a lady's hand. The letter, however, is written in Dewey's hand. It was mailed at 11:35 September 30 and received that I cannot meet the people face Raleigh at 4:30 p. m. the same to face and discuss with them the great issues before ns, but this seeMing impracticable, I leave all to them iu convention assembled. Respeclully. R. B. Glenn. Winston-Salem, N. C, Sept. 22, '03. f axative f22 02S Cures aCoM in One Day, Gr.? . i Day$ Devenny conducting the funeral services. Deceased was 95 years sistant Christian life. He was a prominent citizen and at one time served as county commis sioner and magistrate, and held DO GOOD IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed other positions of trust and hon that, "Good deeds are better OI.. Dr. J. E. Osborne, one of the than real estate aeeos-some , , d -d , known of the latter.are woithless. Act . . - tindlv and zentlv. Show sym- pnysicians in ieveiuu atunn, . , ,"- il l- 1 Tl..- - - , . m. pathy and lenda neiping nana, died Wednesday night, alter an You cannot possioiyjose Dy ii. iUness of m months, at his MnRt men aDDreciate a kind I . . word and encouragement more oxne in iNo. iu township, ur. than substantial help- There Osborne was 81 years old and a are persons in this community .irJan of vast experiences and large rlosps of Chamberlain's Coush cessful physician and in the days "Romprlv will vid vou of vour of his vigorous manhood he cold, and there is no danger went night and day and admin whatever from pneumonia istered to the needs of a large when you use tnax meaicine number of patients. It always cures. 1 know it tor it has helped me out many a t&avery time." Sola by W. a. ljesae. jrsytrZ 25o 1 Druggist. FOLEYSIIOIuMAR Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia WATAUGA. Boone Democrat. Oct. 1st. No more court until next spring, but it promises to be a humming term. Chestnuts are beginning to op en but the Crop promises tO be Cures Rheumatism and Catarrh Medicine ieht. -.I aenu no money simpiy wrue The market wagons are be- and try Botanic Blood Balm at inninn- to run nvularlv now onr exPense- Botauic Blood Balm .inning to run retinal i now R . .. destroys the and produce is, we hear, bring- uoisoo in the blood which causes ing a c-ood price at Lenoir. the awful aches iu back and should- er uiatien, Huiuiug iius, unuunj Seven sheep, great numbers of in moving fingers, toes or legs, aves and quantities of cider bone pain, swollen muscles and constituted the feast spread by Lteat. Lawking, spitting, drop- Mr. Liuney on the "Tater Hill" ning in throat, bad hearing, specks last Sntnrdav. and vftt themulti- fiying before the eyes all played- I IMIL IVVIIUI v v tude was not filled, ueither were i00d Balm has cured hundreds of there anv fragments taken up. cases of 39 or 40 years standing - I . ... j i. .. : t . I alter uociors, uul einiiis auu The little daughter of G. W. ent mediciues bad all failed. Most Tirnicn n'lii.livpa on thp Jonps of these cured patients bad taken ' lr)1n.n,lT).l.nnaikl.-iot ro.rf It io farm. Rich Mountain, was badly PBniaUv advised for chronic. scalded Sunday morning by over- deep seated cases. Impossible lor tnminirp nnn r.f lu.l'liticr Wfltpp BUT Olie tO SUder the agOUieS Or t Will w - V w - I - , , . , .r mi i- i Uvmptomsot rheumatism or catarrh on herself. The skin nearly nil hilnrftft-P ri001i R.im. I TVUaiVfVA -a-v r - slipped off of one thigh, and the It makes the blood pure aud rich, burn is a most painful one. ereoy giving a supply. Cures are permanent aud Hon. R. Z. Liuney came down not a patching up. Sold at drug , i . (irr stores, $1 per large bottle. Sample from his home on the ' Tater of Blo'0J im gent free and pre Hill" Sunday, appealed in the pajd, also special medical advice rTpnsson poiinterffit rase on Mon- by describiug your trouble and , , . .. writing Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, utlj, .cdw.. Ga A per-onal trial of BIood lor his home in Taylorsville. As Balm is better than a thousand he had with him his favorite primed testimonials, so write at pets, three beagle hounds, we take it that he has vacated his home on the mountain until the roses come again. day. It has recently been claimed that Dewey Is in biding in North Carolina and this letter may mean that this is true. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and .eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 STUDENTS. 66 INSTRUCTORS. New Dormitories, Water Works, Cen tral Heating System, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and professional departments, begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address F. P. VENABLE, President, CHAPEL HILL, N. O. TO CIKE A COll) IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All riruirirists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W. Grove's signature is on each box once. FOLEYSHOluirTAR Stops til GOOglk and laals loatf s GLORIOUS .-TO TDE... MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN Mother of 62 Children. Union Republican A petition signed some time ago by 3,000 persons has been present. ed to the Italian government ask ing for a pension or$360 per annum to be conferred on a woman named Maddaliua Garunetta, who. has given birth to sixty-two children fifty-uiue boys and three girls, during her married life. In niue yeaisshe presented her husband eleven sets of triple's, three groups of quadruplets, one group of six, and the other eleven came singly. NORTH CAROLINA THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY invites the attention of all Health or Pleasure seekers. THE TOURIST SEASON opened June 1, 1903, and on that date Low-Rate Summer Excursion Tickets went on sale from principal points ia the South and Southeast, to the noted resorts located on and reached br of work. limited to October 31, 1903, for return. A CUBE FOR DYSPEPSIA. I had Dyspepsia in. its worst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I used Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure which has "THE LAND OF THE SKY" AND Southern Railway. Tir.fef.fa nn onln tin She is 57 years old and iucapable toand includinz Seotember. 30. 1903: "SAPPHIRE COUNTRY." Asheville, N. C, and Hot Springs, N. C., - completely cured me Mrs. W. offer every attraction to the Summer W. Baylor, Hillard, Pa. JSo appetite, loss of strength, ner vousness, headache, constipa tion, bad breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol. Kodol represents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic Astany Southern Railway Agent for ana reconstructive properties. It cleanses, purifies and sweet ens the stomach- Sold by all Druggists. Traveler or Invalid. The East Tennessee and Vkginia Resorts idso offer many inducements for r , Health and Pleasure. Summer Homes Folder, discrin- tive of the many Delightful Resorts reached by South rn Railway, ) i i i . If i : i I n ;r n ii ii K f