la ws-H 1 i BRING YOUlt job Printing io The News-Herald -7IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE ke News-Herald Office T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BURKE COUNTY NEWS.l Consolidated Nov 29 1901 THE MO ICG AN TON HERALDJConSoU,""1 Wov" 29' 19QU Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance First-Class Work at Lowest est J Prices. Piedmont Section. VOL. XIX No- 29. MORG-ANT ON, N. C, OCTOBER 22, 1903. i NE ERALDo frn VC liver isn't acting f-'T Vou suffer from bilious ly'. r.nctHt;r.i. Aver's iiiis r:i directly en. the liver. ,r eo'vears they have been s Standard Family Pill, 'foall closes cure, ah druggists. NEIGHBORHOO NEWS, As Told by the Papers in the Neighboring Counties. irhe or beard a beautiful : ? Then use OKSNGHAM'S DYE whirrs e wri e lV.e iterance poli- i, i. . . .1.1 f nrAiiurtff u. I.irjif ?t uome auu- lor- -u.-t.tuietl ou property 1 . . 1 B ,,,,-a m iii. etaUliuea , , m- u a-.-, Has oeeu prouipt- ... .i... ;l!t A A' 1118 U 1 1 ,.;ua 0 1 llarttord, II .iiitmi-il B.emen, ii, l tlutiord, Cmi. iiMii t.ict- iupauj tSui ili Auk. km, Niiiri.ira 't Ntff York, Ilmne, of New York ami (it-1 m m Ameilcau. tii.icfd ou our oooks .rc CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise, Oct. 15th. The South Fork Baptist As sociation will meet in the Maiden church next Thursday, October Messrs. Self & Whitener have started suit against the town of Taylor sville for Dr. HarveTavlor for $2500 damages for iniuries caused by a fall on the streets of that town. The Reformed people at Star- town are building a new church. A new Itefoi med church is also building t Witherspoon's school house. Mr. Miles Siirman of Newton has the contract. .1 luh-uiI llullir't. fVlllf,. hUlp.l.N - "t joti $iOU town f writs nK uum ft: i null nil inopeiiy 1U is, .it loss tt rates. ' .WEUY & EUVIN. Agts ft rilllHllllV to or SALE OF LAND . i.i.i ,i'ilcr of the Clerk r "..nrt ,,: Burke county rnade and in certain :s eiim.c-l M A vir. :n,,i utheis rir i-Xi" to sa'e at puuui; auLiiuu, SiisW imltier. tor cash, at the Court ,!" -r i.i ifci- to wn of Morganton. N I !i-r.-k.v. the -nil dav ot November, i n,;.. !-i twee : tile legal hours of sale, ;;",..! i.' 'e-cri'.ie.l tracts or parcels ot t,. ,i;t l. itiii ami lieins in the county i , i of North Caiolioa, ad- "t t;tt !aii..s of Wisley A alker, Newber--I'u'tmow r. A. Carsweil) and others, .Ali as i..i'0-.v, viz: First Trict. Be 4:ni: on a whtu-oak and inns south 60 j t" a staKc: t'-i n west 40 poles to a g, rv in t ;c e,!se of the bottom; then 4 i 1, ::.- t a post-oak on a ridge; 4 wot ."' :'!. or sinK the rreek. to a e: tf c- north 110 poles to a hickory; i ,a.; ,vi ';i ' arsvvell) line, crossing j ,Tu, k t , tile Ir.'jpninir. Second . ract. is ku I'M waters i f Ho:,er's Mill creek. n c orv on a steep oiii-siue. -o p ,;cs to a hickorv near a :-.n s-.nth. loo poles to a pine icn: tnen west o The eastbund passenger train Saturday night was rocked just below Claremont. The rock throwers missed the passenger cars but broke in the windows of the baggage and express cars. Nobodv can yet tell how the cotton crop in Catawba will turn out, as compared with other years. There is a good deal of late cotton yet to open and all Hoffman against (epenfjs on the date of the first , I v ill. as com- l killing trost. the . ccial proceeding there Mr. .1. C. Abernethy, a Newton boy, has become editor of the Charlotte Chronicle. Mr. Aber- nathy has been risit g very rapid ly in the newspaper business, and his Newton friends are very much gratified at his promotion. t! !r;T!L'. Last Saturday morning the dwelling house of Mr. 1 elix Mc Lean, the depot agent in Lincoln- ton, was burned. It was abru-k liH-i: i mo poies to the house and stood just east of the r.i Tract Hcainrina on a . , .. , . ,, r r. s eat so p .ies to'two Odd Fellows hall, ltwasaverv windy dav, and fears were enter tained that the tire would spread, CLEVELAND. Shelby Star, Oct. 14th. - The cotton crop in Cleveland county will not average oer half a crop. Mr. E. A. Wellmon will leave November 1st for Morganton to assume control of the D. & D. School farm.' He will make a tine manager. Mr. George Hamrick and Miss Gertrude Putnam, of Lattimore, were happily married last Wed nesday afternoon, Rev. A. C. Irvin performing the ceremony. CALDWELL. Lenoir News, Oct. 16th. Miss Majrgse McDowell, of Burke, visited Mrs. L. M. New land this week. Walk-rs line: the A'a t-er's line to his west .".0 poles to en ninth lOOpolesto i!ta'in:ig in the tnree tracts) ; i.i .eten 111! ttcres, more i e v. 1 1 it iu r; t Hen v 1: Lilts. ; t ar.itua ;mons the s the Is, u.i v ul" (Jct.-ber, A. D. 1903. J P. DI M GARNER. Commissioner. ;:ky .V Ekvin. Attorneys. OTHREN RAILWAY. IHE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. iz. Direct Lixe to All Points TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. rictly fiist clae equipment on all PI'.L'n and Local Trains . Pullman i.e Sieeping Cars on all Night us: Fast and Safe Scht-dules. tdvel by tun Southern and you are pred a Safe. Comfortable and Expe- us Journev. but by haid work it was gotten under control. Fertilizer dealers are having the smallest trade this fall they have had since Adam Hagan in troduced the stuff 35 vears ago. A wagon loaded with fertilizer is a rare thing. Farmers nextyear will have one consolation. If they have to buy their bread they will not have big fertilizer bills also to pay. They have both to do this vfar. Mr. W. C. Kenyon and Mr. J. A- Yoder of Newton and about tif. teen citizens of Hickory have sub scribed the capital and completed the orgonization of a new bank at Hickorv. It will be a state bank, and will do business under thestvleof "Hickory Trust and Savings Bank." The bank will start with a capitol of $35,000 with privilege of increasing to $75,000. Last riday afternoon about half a mile south of Claremont a small tenement house on the farm of Mr. Bruce Frazier, which was occupied by Mr. John Shook was burned. The family were Mr. Charles Abernethv, of No. 1 tovvnshin. died recentlv of Bright's disease and was buried at Camp's Creek church. He was 47 vears old and leaves a wife and several children. Rev. Dr. W. D. Hubbard, assis ted bv Pastor Rich, of Newbern, will begin a series of revival ser vices in theShelby Baptist church Sunday. Both are goon preach ers and a hne meeting is expec ted. Mr. Lawrence M. Wolf and Miss Mary Etta Lackey were united in holy wedlock last Wed nesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. P. Lacke', in No. 5 town ship, this county. Dr. L. A. Bikle, of King's Mountain, offi ciated". There was a general fight among the negroes at a colored meeting in No. 2 township Satur day. Nearlv all of the negroes engaged in the tight were South Carolina negroes and thev fled to theii homes at once, before they could be arrested. No one was fatally hurt. Mrs. J no. B Ham, of King's Mountain, died on October 4th, as a reiult of the injuries sus tained on the proceding Sunday, while returning from the Associa tion at Pleasant hill. The horse becomefrightened and she jumped from the buggy, seriously affect ing her spinal column. Mr. Lem. J. Wiggins got his left leg broken just above the ankle last Friday evening at Mr. A. H. Davis' saw mill, near De Pew. He was canying lumber away from the mill and in cross ing the carriage track, his foot got caught and he fell, the car riage striking his leg and break ing it, as stated above. Dr. L. V. Lee attended him and re-set the broken limb and he is doing well. Mr. J. R. Widby has, in his garden, a June apple tree with several well developed apples on in the second crop. Mr. Avery M. Powell showed us a fine field of corn a few days ago. -The stalks have from one to five well developed ears on them and he told us a party stood in one place and touched fifty earn with a stick not over two and a half feet long. Two of Lenoir's well known and worthy colored men died last Tuesday night. Uncle. Billy Sudderth, one of the old-time ne groes, died after an illness of some ten days, and Robert Hood, a popular hotel waiter, died of an attack of fever. These were both polite and law abiding colored men, who will be much missed in Lenoir. Their remains were buried in the town ceme tery. Rev. C. A. Munroe, after a pas torate of nearly 19 years at this place, has tender jd his resigna tion and if the P'-esbytery will re lease him he will move to Alaba ma and take work. He has re ceived a number of inviting calls to the new field and not until very recently did he decideto raakethe change. He will locate in the southern part of Alabama, near Geneva. He and his family will be much missed by the people of UNCLE SAM'S BUSY HENS. that wns foiirrht- on th issn of n dnr.v on prrrrn? Its Value Greater than the World's Thonft,,itranri nr.rJntD Output of Gold and Silver Last Year ,f tua U-S a. YQna -Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand f KUn,tel btale 8 ln . 18?9 ex" Chickns in the United States-Esti- cf f value the wheat crop mate that 1.290.000,000 Dozens of .f twenty-eight States and Ter- Eggs were Produced. ritones. There were produced Brooklyn 3agie, on the farms of this country in -1 ocr -i rkr rvrw rs j Washington, October 3.-The i?' - TVUA lllft Lula H.IUUUIILB to tOiUW EVIL WORK OF BTJSYB0DEES. value of the annual egg product of the United Stales exceeds that of the combined gold and silver output ot thecountry. Thepoul try and eggs raised and eaten in the United States last vear were worth more than all the gold or the silver produced in the world in the same year. These are a few of the interesting facts about the poultry business that have been unearthed by one of Secre tary Wilson's experts in the de partment of agriculture. From KPPn That Ttif T"W"mii Ittv inrlnotpr something worth taking into aer TSn 19 consideration in calculating the whinR 99.00J.000 dozens, reeources and riches of the coun- worth over $10,000,000 Ohio trr SWrPtrv Wilm Lp1W came second as to amount, with that made t ens along knows of a number of instances crates of 30 dozen each. An or dinary refrigerator car, which has an average length of aoout 41 feet, holds 400 crates. All this means that a train of those cars sufficient to carry the pro ducts of 1899 would be 868 miles long, or long enough to reach from Chicago to Washington and have several miles of cars to spare. More eggs are eaten in the United States every year than in apt to kuow tlie estimate that the world an.i bis trends ua e ot bun: and if uis tiiend be real frieuds and his enemies ft ir enemies tbey win not let bun lemain long in lg- noran"e of anv critwism tiitft may involve niinciwle or character. Pretended Friends Who Tell You All the Unkind Things Said About You. Idle Comment in Charlotte Observer. "Deliver me," said the observant resident, "fiom those terrible peo pie who, acting antler a pretence of friendliness, make a practice of repeatmg unpleasant remarks have beeu made. It is safe to say that every living man or woman is talked about harshly at one time or another; tnat everybod's mo tives are sometimes miscouatrnct- ed, and that uo person who amonntfi to anything at all or does anything w orth while escapes open censure We know (hit this is a part of the scheme ot living. It embodies envy f t5 snccessfnl, weak sneeisat strength, and covert attacks on the n: t'ortuu re; and uo man can hope to escape such petty (l.unun-ition. rj.ioh man is THE OLD RELIABLE i Cll).Itf? the foregoing it will be ny other country in the world, t the poultry industry is Iowa ls V"5 banner State in the Secretary Wilson believes ,fn. lo V ill T large profits are yet to be 91,000,000 dozens, and although ncce iui ui uuio lav v. i, kjk . , . . a I . i l .. 4.... i I' I ' I t- 1 rt minnti I tT . it r-. n nils-. - It - I M I I Ml L I II I f)T I II I II I I II I V V I ' I PUIMII I f I I 1 I T I T i I -1 l bv those who will take un .u,a 4""7 "-u "Z V. Facn- ne. s t lie widest ho l,nsiPS of r,mrl.,n,-nr r-hi.-t. Ine prouucr oi iowa, it was "J ' . " . i broadest and thelongest u i.aTaN.u.-a. uuuv.a.B.jkK viiV I ,1 1 . . 1 ' 1 1CI 11. Ill " t J I I I i II II I, HVUMIMi 2X1 .;UMf,f! rofiio TiQrvw,lumIC'ildV,,,gullJirtl vai" hittUn,..fK i j t i,u i r, t f on eartn, extending trom iev iorK is ue of $10,299,000. Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Texas a "Whopper." Exchange. A Texan while visiting in an other state was asked to tell in a speech what he knew about And in waiter where actiou seems Texas, and he resnonded: rv, either to correct a I "TWns is a whnnnpr- Slip's n and the countrv east to tin 1 a f.iend and :he mivil.-oe of anv west ana also trom north 10 industry on a small capital and by pan'ng careful attention to the work have made compara tively large fortunes. The state ment of the amount of money in volved in the industry of suffici ent proof of the'-opportunities it affords for yieldiug good returns on investments. In order to furnish more defin- Lenoir and vicinity. Hiscongre- ;te information about, th noul- gation did a nice Jthing by him. try business Secretary Wilson re in accepting his resignation they centlv directed one of his men to passed some fitting resolutions, get together all the facts avail ana among tnem onecontinuein-r his salery here until the end of the vear. where men have srone into the surPassed by haI i a dozen States riuhr . minded iierson to go to the south. She could put Rhode Is- in the matter of egg and poultry man coueerued and apprise him ot land in her vest pocket production, ihe value ot tne me nnrt tna; is ueug uoue to ais poultry raised in New York in reputation. 1900 was $6,161,000 and the val- . "But there are nameroas busy- ue of the eezs produced there in bod,,es wbo repeat htt,e ev"'1 words ue oi uie e,gs prouueeu inere in , . nhiWf. errtPnt toe.anse the same year was $8,630,000. miaerv. Thev tell vou thines that Despite the enormity of the will make vou wince, but do not poultry business in this country, Cidl for action. You are informed we annually buv b th chickens that this or that construction is and eggs from foreign countries, placed upoi your motives; that ouuio unti aaiu uu were cijr vuiu, or your clothes were awry or u- becoming; that you bad made a silly speech on such and such an Ten or fifteen vears ago the val ue of the imports of eggs was considerable, amounting to $2,- 500,000 m 1890, but since then occasion; that your capacity is She could swallow three or four states like Maryland and Ver mont and wash 'em down by drinking the Mississippi river dry, and could digest 'em with out even having the colic. Texas is the empire state of the union without any Kaiser Bill for an emperor. She's the chiefest among ten thousand and alto gether livelv, wild and reckless. She's THE pebble on the beach. She's one of the old blue hen's nhle rrqr,iti,r the snbWt rfi the total has been steadily cut limited; that somebody dislikes chickens. She's the cock of the auie iecll U1I1J, Uie SUUjeCt. llie j o mol-on r vnn op that, snmn nnn IipIiptph von w.iU- n,l riamnnnof hn Other Caldwell Items- Lenoir Topic. Oct. 14th. The .VlHjnr'd court has been doing a thriving business for the nasi week. The persimmon crop is bouniifal this year, which, according to un o'd saii g, indicates a severe win tei. Ou: graded school building is going to be a handsome structure and work is being pushed on it rap idly. Married. Oct 11th, at the resi dence ot J A. Raby, the officiat ing: inaKstriit hi Kings Creek result of this mauirv nresent AWL some surprising facts. The fig ures are largely based on the census returns for 1900, but are supplemented by 'some investiga tions made by the department of agriculture statisticians. Accord ing to latest available tables, the value of all fowls on farms is $85,794,000. About $15,000, 000 is deducted from this sum to represent the fowls under the age of three months, so that the balance embraces the stock that is kept for breeding and laying. The estimated number of chick ens in the country is 250,000, 000, proceeding for market in one vear poultry worth SI 36,000.- down, as our farmers awaken to you, or that some one belieres you the possibilities of the industry. a,re making a mistake in a matter l act roor Ln- fm fV that you kuow is un i iu port au t. J . n n The world is full of prattlers who eign countries, principally Can- tuIpa " hlLnA ahnnt ada, 384,000 dozen of eggs, pay- otier kiuds of critlcism that breeds ing for them $37,400. ill feeliue in its repetition. This The exports of eggs and poul- is a jarring lack of tact; and it is try are getting larger eyervyear, and the foreign field is constantly broadening. The great majori ty of the fowls of this country are found in comparatively small walk and the Democrat of the world. She's a wolf and it is her day to howl. Texas is bounded on the east by the alligators of Louisana and the buckelberry thickets of Arkansas. She is bounded on my observation that people who the north by the tomahawk and the war whoop of the lied Men. are habitually tactless are too often inspired by malice. I pray to be spared trom association with these people who are continually .com ing to you with brutal little sec- numbers on a very large number ond handed stab., declaring tha', of farms where they gather their own subsistence and practically no care. Ihe conse quence is that the eggs are pro duced atjlittlecost. Thedevelop ment ot tins inaustrv to an ex- tonhip, Mr. Ira. Baruett, of 000 and eggs worth $144,000,- Kmgs Creek, to Miss Louia Hart- Q0O, a total valueof about$280, ley, of Lenoir. 000.000. This represents an in- Tbe negro woman evangelist come of 400 per cent on a similar tbey feel it is their duty to tell you what thev have beard. No man of the right kiud cares to hear an other man's opiniou of him if such opinioD be cruel or too critical, or if it concerns a matter whereiu no remcdv is to be fonnd. The con tent incredibly larger than it is ceit that is in a man or any false don't you never doubt it at the present time is among the estimate of himself will be re easy possibility. When this is moved in time if it can be re- moveu at au dv rougu. uonest She is bounded on the west by the chile con carne of New Mexico and the hot tamoles of Old Mexi co. She is bounded on the south by the gulf of Mexico; and if it wasn't for that measley body of salty water she would extend beyond the south pole. As I said in the beginning, Texas is a whopper; she's a Jim Dandy and. who has been holding forth i "Scratch" ti as the instigation of 13 converts being baptized iu the little branch in the western part of the towu on Suuday moruing. The Adventists closed their meeting of conference hvld in the church in the Valley on Sunday. There was a large crowd at the cloiii2 services and a good and forcible sermon was preached by liev. George Sherrill. investment. This is not a matter of much astonishment to one who is fa miliar with poultry raising and has reckoned on the possiblies of the American hen. Inseekingfor the causes of this situation one must not overlook the great amount of work done bv the me- done there will be a big surplus which must find an outside mar ket. The export of eggs in 1900 was the largest in the history of this industry, amounting to o,900,- 000 dozens, valued at $983,000. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT I'ply to Ticket Agents for Time w. Rates and general information picking cotton and the fire Start daress L. Verxox, F. R. Dabby. C. P. & T. A rwue. N.C. Asheville. N. C. o- u. IIardwick. G. P. A., WASHINGTON D. C. iSUil 4 108IH-KSHM Bl. JIMS Effective June 7, 1903. Mixed 70 Daily 8 00 pm Mixed 62 Tues. Thurs Sat lliiTs l'assnnger 10 Kx Still ntster 9 0() am 9 IU am 8 28 pm ,rn,,ul! am s 4-3 om uurits 1)33 am 8 57 pm -"rtville i 4;) am 8 19 pm "i ii am 10 ou pm i-tuma 10 3X am 1 2 30 am 6 00 am h - . i:u iu am 4 am V-ncointon 1 1 43 am 2 OO am 8 OO am gulden 12 in nm o an a vt.jn 1 1 ys urn nr a tt tr um 1 2'! Tim A. am Q 1 n fanite Falls 1 ;W um 4 57 am 3 45 pm '""r 'J 0;j pm 6 :iO am 5 20 pm 1'itssenger Slixed Mixd TiiB.)i;xn Kx Sun Iaily 'J'.r ,. ..- :io P" 8 OO pm 7 OO am i io ---"'-'- pm Kpm U5 am " ' Mi oo pm io 'ira -') pm 9 50 pm 9 35 am J o pm 1 1 45 Tim 1 1 20 am J'.i pm 12 15 am 12 IO pm pm " 1 2 pm S 3d pm 7 pm ' 23 pm 0 pm '5 4-5 pm 2 ' ' pm " 1 7 pm CONNECTIONS Ster c, .... luincrn Ut (SAT A T o- - ..nton-s lnAerKway. fton nnil IJj.. i,;. " .. .. in, v,. ." K,JIy Doutncrn Kauwav Mrsiu-r . . . carrv Fullman Sleep v-ucstcrann Renoir. b v- Ikid. G. P. a.. Chester S. C ed from the coals left in th" fire place. All the household effects 1 of Mr. Shook were burned and about 400 pounds of seed cotton belonging to Mr. Tom Frazier. Married, October 3rd, Mr. Shaping Brittain to Miss Annie Flowers. October 11th, Mr. Lawrence Bollinger to Miss Lovella Holler. October. 11, Mr. W. Lee Huitt to Miss Eula Bandv. Monday afternoon, Rev. R. A. Yoder, D. D., united in mar- . m . i .f T A. ,! nap-e Mr. ueo. m. xouul aim Miss Minerva Herman. Thecere- P 1 4. 4 1 . mony was penormeu at me home of the bride's stepmother near Claremont. litKorv I1 f ' Shoals r-lovcr P'-rkville I'Uthrics p-owrvs f-hestcr 1 J DO GOOD IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed that, "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are woi thless. Act kindly and gently, show sym nathv and lend a helping hand. Opm 150 am 12 45 pm Vaii nnnt nossi hi V lose bv it. 2 22am 2 23 pm vy"""v"''w .J . i"!- , 2 55 am 3 25 om Most men arjDi'eciate a Kina word and encouragement more than substantial help- There arft oersons mthis community .... . 1 M i who miffhttrutniunv say: - iuy o-ood friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rpmedv will rid you ot your cold, and there is no aanger whatever from pneumonia wbfin von use that medicine It alwavs cures. I know it for it. has haloed me out many time." Sold by W. A. Leslie. Druggist. Have vou Rheumatism? Stiff -Tninth? Sore MuscletT An oia 4- 25 am 5 10 am 6 00 am 6 50 am 7 00 am 7 23 am 8 OO am 3 55 pm Mon Wed Fri I largest Fur House in America, branches Ail Over Europe. ' 5 uJ'Z 'Urs- Ho!'1. yj,5.r shiprunt Li - r't t-i-da-j. We mail it free. m' 10 -"ictugan St.. Chicago, Jil. sore, a burn, oruise or au.v ucau wound? Kaymon's Nerve & Boue Oil cures such nfflictions. Kemem hr the tame UaYMON'S; 2m All dealers. WATAUGA. Boone Democrat. Oct. 15th. Capt. Lovill raised this year 85 bushels of buckwheat from four bushels sowing. Dr. Cottrell tells us that he has two typical cases of scarlet fever in the home of Mr. Smith Norris at Sands. Married in the parlor of the Blackburn Hotel at 2:30 Tues day, Mr. Julius Norman to Miss Fa v Campbell, both of Elk Park, N.C. The Rev. B. F. Hargett performed the ceremony, after which the bride and groom left for Elk Park, where they will make their future home. Two years ago last June two colonies of bees took up their abode between the ceiling and weatherboardinjr of Mr. C. V. Calawav's mil) at Shulls Mills; entering through a knot hide. he bees have never put off a swarm, and Mr. Gala way tells us that durinsr the two seasons the lees have done valiant work and he has nevev robbed them of a pound of honev. He thinks there is a vast amount of honey stored away there but thinks too much of the bees to molest them. H. A. Davis, one of the Confed erate veterans, before leaving town last week, presented us with a long, white feather, on which was beautifully printed these words: "The Tar Heel s Brag Feather. First at Bethel, Farthest at GettysburgandLnic amauga, andLast at Appomat tox." This downy present highly prized by us, both for the donor and the bit of true history it teaches, but we do most seri ously obiect to its color, as we -j , have vet to learn of a company of "Tar Heels" that ever "showed the white feather" when their services were needed, from Bethel to Appomattox. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to ;.,K..f-.. .u:u : 4. cure, c w. proves signature is on eacn cimiuiui uituuiUDi, wuii. ii 10 iiui 1 box only as successful as the hen, but does its work ou a large scale. The use of the incubator has made it the duty of the hen to Rev. J. E. Thompson, presiding elder of the Statesville District, nn-aclifil his last, sermon here Sun dav night, as according to the devote her whole time to the pro- Metbodist rule only four years are duction of eggs. allowed at auy one point. Our How well the hens performed people will regret to give him up. tni-s (utv may oe o-athered from the statement that in the last j year for which statistics are avail- McDOWELL. Marion Democrat, Oct. 15th. Tillman Acqnitted Verdict Heceived With Shout. Lexington, S, C Dispatch, 15th. After being out 20 hours, the jury in the case of James H. Tillman, charged with the murder of N. G. Gonzales, in Columbia on the 15th of Jan uary last, rendered a verdict blows that come straight from tbe shoulder. But the kind hearted tale tellers who always 'mean well' are the chiefest enemies of every body's peace, and they ought to be muzzled by law. It is true that tbey are known for their worth and are therefore branded as dis turbers of social peace, but such punishment is not commensurate with the barm they do. They make hatred rise hot in an ami able heart and overcast beautiful day with utter gloominess these mouthing busy bodies who go from man to man and delight iu inflicting reasonless pain able l,2i0,00(),000 dozen of eggs of acquittal at 10:50 this morn ing. the announcement made of tbe lee ture by Gen. Gordon on the 2Gtb inst. is recalled, owing to a coufbet iu dates. Unless a different ar rangement is made the Lyceum Club will not give the proposed course-this wiuter as aunouueed heretofore U e are authorized to state that were produced in the United . , . . I ... . I mi . i r j i States. Tins a ows for the con- -Lne announcement or me sumption of 203 eggs by every finding of the ; jury was the sig- man, woman, and child in the" nai ior snouung on tne partoi country during that vear. and Tillman's friends, despitethat makes the value of the eggs per previous to readingtheverdict canita SI 80 the court had admonished the Except for the vear 1000 the spectators against any demon K.E.Morris of Myrtle, Buther- egg prouuer. oi tne unireu estates -"" '-""- foid eonntv. has inoed to Marion nas exceeaeu in vaiue tnat oi tne tr, unrri rro ln tliA iirunfieA of law. I fnmlnntul o'idrl sinfl silvpr nntnnt v to . . I O 1 rum KlimimutUm anil enturrli Miillrln He has only recently obtained ins t)r the countrv for every vear k-. license, having passed the exami- :n 1S50 The same statement a.i mnr.,m,,ir Brito Balm at Blood Balm destroys the poison iu the blood which causes tbe awful aches iu back and should er blades, shifting pains, difficulty in moving fingers, toes or legs, bone pains, swolleu muscles and joints of rheumatism, or the foul breath, hawking, spitting, drop-, ping in throat, bad bearing, specks flying before ibe eyes, all played out feeling of catarrh. Botanic Blood Balm has cured uuudredsof cases of 30 or 40 years standiug after doctors, hot springs aud pat Knew His Position All the Time. Charlotte Chronicle, Judge Peebles told the jury in the Haywood case, after they rend erea a verdict ot acquittal, tnat had he been one of them he would have done likewise. This infor mation was doubtless no surprise to the jury or the public. Letter to F. E. Kaylor. Dear Sir: Let's talk it right out before folks; there's nothiug to hide in your business or oars; if there is, we'd better hide our-" selves. We are in trade to make money; so are yoa. We make it by saviug our customer's money; so do you. Our object, in trade, is to save your customers' wood from rotting and iron and steel and tin from rusting; yonrs the same, We work for thousands of pro perty owners; you for a few. We can do some things that yon can't do; we have the facilities. Yoa can do some things that we can't; you are there. Let us work to gether; be faithful to one-another. We can serve oar customers bet ber by working together and being together and being faithful to one another. Your dollar, put Into oar paint, will paint more feet than iu any other way; and the paint will last longer. This saves foa money, and savis your customers money. That's all there is iu our whole business. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. nahiiii Itutnrj. rli. SnnrpmM f ImirT. I ... . I i,: :a7i-H r " true ot tIie poultry product, an d try Botanic Blood TV. . i "" i " u 7 ? n T,i save for t he years 1899 and 1900. our expense. Botanic ,.,.ii Mnrri. Rr The su rprise occasioned bv these (B. B. B.) kills or Morris Mr. J. L. Biddix, one of our pro miuent aud rising young business men, led to the alter Miss Maud Hopson, daughter of Mrs. E. E. Hopson and sister-in-law of Mr. E L Gaston, on yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. -Tbe ceremony was per formed at the resi deuce of t he bride on Morgan St., aud was a quiet affair, in fact it was so quiet that very few of their friends were aware of it. Tbe happy pair left on the morning tram enroute to Baltimore, New York and other points North to speud the honeymoon. figures is still further heightened when it is known that the poul try and eggs together produced in a single vear are worth more than either the gold or the silver production of the world for any year since the beginning of re cords, except the two years of 1898 and 1899. Pursuing the comparisons further, it is found that the poultry and eggs of 1900 out-valued the total exports of ent mediciues had all failed. Most animal-? and animal products of these cured patients had takeu rinnny a the vears down to and tsioou rsaim as a last resort. is FOLEYSHQIiFTAR tops tlxm cougb and heals luns It is especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases. Impossible for anyone to suffer the agonies or symptoms o! rheumatism or catarrh while or after taking Blood Balm. It makes tbe blood pure and rich, including 1900. It seems rather strange that EANA TEN PENNY NAIL fne valurf .the wol produced THROUGH HIS HAND. m:,e" V"" 13 11 ...u concern in the commercial world While opening a pox, J . 'U. an(i over which many a- political thereby giving a . healthy blood Mount, of Three Mile Hay, N. hattle has hpn foiio-hr is onlv supply. Cures are permanent and Y., ran a ten penny nail , t onetnirrt- that of thfl ,,., not a patching up. Sold at drug through the fles&y -part ot ms l , , tt,fAOlw stores, 1 per large bottle. Sample hand. "1 thought at once ot r . ; 7" . of Blood Balm sent free and pre all the pain and soreness this uerflu ol a r.iuenuai election paid als0 ppeciai medical advice wnnlrl pause me." he says, - ' I by describing your trouble and 'and immediately applied - For Onr Sixty Tears Chamberlain's Pain Balm and Mrs. Winslov's Soothing Svruo has : .fi.,nr,.i! TVk f used for over 60 years bv millions of moth OtICa&lUUailJ, oiuciwamo. -7" ere for their children while teething, with V mV SUrPriSe It remOVeU ail PUIU periecx success, it sootnw trie cnna. soltens J , j . T -,, ,3 the gums, nil ays all pain; cures wind colic. and SOreneSS and the injured and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It -t ., ccrr honlpd " For wil1 relieve the poor little sufferer imme- partS Were SOOn neaiea. -COr diatey. SoId bv Druggists in every part of Sale bV W. A. Leslie. DrUg- the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be eaio uv t . &" sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing glSt, - Syrup," and take no other kind. writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, "i a 1 : .1 c t 1 1 been I peieouai luoi ui diuuii Balm is better than a thousand printed testimonials, so write at once. The News-Herald Job Work. office for GLORIOUS .-TO THE... MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA THE WESTERN A CUEE FOE DYSPEPSIA. I had Dyspepsia in its worst form-and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I used Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me. Mrs. w . W. Savior, Millard, Pa. JNo appetite, loss of strength, ner- aiS ,i SOUTHERN RAILWAY stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of KodoJ. Kodol represents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. It cleanses, purifies and sweet ens the stomach- Sold by all Druggists. invites the attention of all Health or rieasuie seekers. THE TOURIST SEASON NEW MEAT MARKET. I have opened a fresh meat market at the stand formerly occupied by G. W. Jones, just above TulPs drug store, and will keep on hand at all times fresh Beef. Mutton, Pork and opened June 1, 1903. and on that date Low-Rate Summer Excursion Tickets went on sale from principal points in the South and Southeast, to the noted resorts located on and reached by Southern Railway. Tickets on sale . np to and including September 30, 1903; limited to October 31, 1903, for return. "THE LAND OF THE SKY" AND "SAPPHIRE COUNTRY." l.h.vlll. -V f dh,I ltnt Vnrln.a "V C ail Kinds oi vxmiiny j. iouuc. offer e attraction to the Summer 1 will not kill oia poor cows or oxen nothing but the choicest to be found. I now have a choice lot of young cattle from Mitchell county. My prices are as low as any other, and I will appreciate a share of the patronage of the public. Highest prices paid for Chickens, Butter, Eggs, and other country produce. J. W. GARRISON. Traveler or Invalid. The East Tennessee and Virginia Resorts also offer many inducements for Health and Pleasure. Ask any Southern Bail way Aent for Summer Homes Folder, discrip tive of the many Delightful Resorts reached by South ern Railway, I n 1 1 ii I i ! if I i II