Mil ifi , , ..-I ' t - ...'! :u ..n;. .tis:-: iH.: ikT, l,.ij...;l - ! BRING YOUR Job Printing TO BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ------- ;The News-Herald Office. T. G. COBB, Publisher. "i -i rM!5i Mt ihin .:V U Oil THE BURKE COVNTY NEWS,) Consolidated Nov 29 1901 THE MO R.G ANTON HERALDJConSOI1ltea Wov' Z9, "0I: Subscription Price,' $ f Per Year1 111 Advance First-Class Work at Lowest Prices. in r I: ! Piedmoit Section 1 VOL. XIX MORG-ANTON, N. C, OCTOBER 29, 1903. ,1 1 Hi U 3sro,3Q. i ... 7 II JLL JUL A- NiW V V jj. JJiJi. r ' - ...v.,., : - . I 1 . t : : : i :: TT i ' ' i I i , I : 1 ' i ' ' -! i .! I X -- - l ncs3 . liver p- stipation ana Gently laxative. . 3 . fiOme- r bllious- .1 a good Pills are cure con iiousness. 25c All druggists. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. As Told by te Papers in the Neighboring Counties. to r-s. c , , .. . "" h black ' lie or beard a beautiful Then use for the Whiskers Hum, N. H. flfcfc INSURANCE We wri.e Fire luminance poli ce i.H of property iii i be largest nome ana ior e:1ru companies 0S -USUtUieU UU i , ,, i ii w .'hiu'v estahlished UIU'r(l 1" i""- r fifteen e.irs ago, has beeu proinpt- v .ml .-iit.siacToniy seiueu. We are agmts for the Noriu Carolina Home, 'Aetna o 1 Hartford, U.tuiburi Bieineu, H trctOid, of HarttordjOon. InMiraace Company ot .North America, iafrara of 2Jew York, Howe, of New York and German American. Policies placed on our books are ..i.. rUiiaiciiH Iwl'nrn cinir;i. prom pi o - atiou. . We write iisks irotn $iuu to iiimiiiil) ou property in town or conn n at lowest rates. A VERY & EETIN, Agts. SALE UF LAiND. tu- virtue of an otder of the Clerk of the I cutered in a certain special proceeding mere i in pcmling entitled M. A Hnffman against i Iax Hurtman aim umcia, i v ni, I missinncr. expose to sa;r. at yuunt auiuuu, j the ninest nuiuer, iorcasn, til. mc .unri Houc dour in tne town ui mursauiuu. 11 IC on Alontiu, tt u u uai v. . , D. 1 1 0 :i . tietwern the legal hours of sale, the f llinvinii i;ecribcii tracts or parcels ot laml. to wit: ana Deing in tnt county ui "fnr-c and ?tate ot .urtn .aionoa, aa i'.ini:,s the ian. s ot Wsley vYalker, Newber rv Pruett i now T. A. Carswell) and others, b'mndt'l as lollows, viz: First Trsct. Be- linintr on a whuc-oak ana inns sonin ou L'o:e? t J a statue, lii' 11 wi-i- pwa hickrv in t e e-if;e ot tne uottom; tnen imth 4-0 poles to a post-oaK on a nage; then west on poles, crossing tne creeK, to a stake; tne" north 110 poles to a hickory; then east with vaid (Cars well) line, crossing said ereek to tiie beginning. Second Tract. L vine on the waters of Roper's Mill creek. Beginning on a hie orv on a steep nui-siae. I and runs eat so poles to a hickory near a Isinall branch; ilien south l'"0 poles to a pine n a hill side near a branch; then west HO Doles to a stake; then north 1O0 poles to the bcuinnine. Third Tract Beeinninis on a white-oak, ami rims east 30 poles to two oak hushes in iWishy) Walker's line; then outh loo poles with Wa ter s line to his hesa-j: c-rn.-r; then west 30 poles to a sta;e 111 irs 11 one: tnen nortn ltiupoiesio I the beg. lining. 0 - a t aininic (in the three tracts) lone huuilr.d and ni .ctetti il!9) acres, more i 01 less. sahl land s id lor i artitloa iiraong the I teiian - in common This the Is- dav of October, A. D. 1903. J I Bl'MGARNER, r.oramissioner. Avery & Ervis. Attornevs. SOUTHREN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD RAILWAY WATAUGA. Boone Democrat. Oct 22nd. Chestnuts? Yes, quite a good manv. seur. $2400. The consideration was Mcdowell. Cleveland. Marion News. Oct. 22nd. Shelby Star. Oct. 21st, Sam Proctor met with quite a Capt. C. G Love has sold his senous accident at Murray's Mill fine 40 acre plantation below at Eberman one day last week, j Shelby to Capt. Walter Ratn- rie came near cutting his foot off at the ankle with a broad axe. ! The leaders and arteries were servered and he will doubtless be a cripple for life. John Bailey, of McBee, S. C, was called home last week to at tend the funeral of his sister Miss Sallie Bailey, who died at the State Hospital on last Friday. She was buried at Oak Grove Cemetery. Miss Bailey had been an inmate of the Hospital for several years. Mr. J. M. Houck liecame dan gerously ill on last Wednesday, having, as he supposes, been poisoned through eating fish. He felt :he bad effects of it for sever- .al days put is up and out. If he had not called in a physician at once he says he would not have recovered. Mr. T). L. Davis, who carries the mail from Marion to Dysarts ville told us of a remarkable vield of watermelons that had come under his observation. Mr. J.D. Hogan, who lives near Dysarts ville, had a volunteer vine to come up in his garden that produced seven melons that weighed 151 pounds. Mr. Hogan's neighbors might do well to obtain some of the seed. The congregation of Zoar church will erect a handsome new church at Zoar next spring. It will be 40x60 and cost about $800. - Shelbv will have a street fair and carnival for one week in No vember, beginning on the 9th the first day of court. It is ex pected that a great crowd will attend. There will be ten shows or attractions and amusement is promised for everybody. The price of cotton has ad vanced perciptibly within the past ten days. It has been bring ing 9 and 9 cents on the Shel by market for nearly a week. and the tendency has been up ward. The crop is undoubtedly short, and the price ought to ad vance still more Mrs. Festus Blanton, who lived near Mooresboro died on Oct. 13th, after a brief illness, and was buried at Sandy Run church, Rev. A. C. Irvin conducting the funeral services. Deceased was 25 years of age and leaves a grief-stricken husband and many friends to mourn her untimely death. Her child died with her. On last Sunday, Dr. WTillIam Ferry, son of Mr. Jack Ferry, of Mooresboro, and Miss Lizzie Warren, the fascinating young daughter of Mr. Lakotts Warren, were happily married just over the line, Rev Mullinax officiating. A bountiful supper was served at the groom's father's to a 1 m 1 . 1 arge crowd ot relatives ana CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise, Oct. 23rd. Magistrate Fleming is about as busy a man as there is in town these days. His court is open several times every day. There was a big frost Monday morning, it was sumcient to kill all tender vegitation; but not severe enough to injure imma ture cotton bolls. There is but one opinion in Newton about the acquittal of Haywood and Tillman. Both North Carolina and South Caro lina are disgraced. The Southern Railroad has adopted a- new syatem of paying their employes. Instead of send ing each one a check, a pay train is run over the road and every employe is required to meet the train at some station. The first pay train went up the road Mon day. A warrant was sworn out last Friday for Mr. A. A. Yoder, charg ing him with manslaughter in killing Archie SimniSj as describ ed in these columns last week. He was taken before Mayor Gaither, and through his attorn ey, Mr. W. C. Feimster, waived examination and gave a $300 bond for his appearance. Mr. Seth Sherrill, son of Mr. James Sherrill of .Catawba, died last Saturday morning of ty phoid fever. He was about .20 years old, and was noted for. his strong constitution and good health. He was a student at Ca tawba College a few years ago, and afterwards served a short time in the United States army. Then he obtained the position of fireman on the Southern railroad and was thus engaged when he was taken sick with fever. ' but it is believed that the haid- ware store was set ou fire by parties who were robbing the store. TWO FIRES AT MABI0. - CALDWELL. Lenoir Topic, Oct. 21st. The Davenport College girls have adopted the uniform rule. Miss Mattie Mae Ballew re turned Monday from a visit to Morsranton. We know of two marriages to ta ke place next month, but we have not the liberty to divulge names. The city authorities will erect a wirq fence with iron gates around the cemetery in the north ern portion of town. Sheriff M. E. Estes returned last Wednesday from his tax rounds and took his bed with fever. He is quite ill but is not thought to be seriously so. Uncle Billy Sudderth, the fa ther of the Topic's motive pawer, died last Wednesday. He was of that class rapidly becoming ex tinct of the oid slave time darkey. He was about 80 years of age. Mr. C. A. Teague and Miss Net tie Payne will be married to night at 3:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's father at Granite Falls. Mr. Teague is a brother of Mr. Fritz Tea uge, the efficient clerk at Kent's drug store. Miss Payne is a popular voung lady of Granite Falls. SAILING ON THE CATAWBA. it i i VI in GLEN ALPIII NEWS. -OF THE SOUTH The Dikect Like to All Points TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND' - PORTO RICO. Strictly first claea equipment on all -hrough and Local Trains , Pullman Paiace Sleeping Cars on all Night -rains: Fast and Safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are 'usured a Safe, Comfortable and Expe-litious.Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time tables. Rates and general information address H. L. Vernon. f. R. Dabby. T. P. A.. C. P. A T. A.. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville. N. C. S. H. Hard wick, G. P. A., WASHINGTON D. C. Mr. John Edmisten.of Blowing Rock, continues ver' sick. 1 he four scarlet fever patients in the family of Marion Story, of I friends of the bride and groom. Morramnn rt 1111 ltnTirovinir i I I c T 1 XT.-,!! V,r,c 1.rus,H lvii. ijiiitt jx. liuu una irancu the Shelbv Htel from Solicitor ames L. Webb for five years and he assumed control to-day. Mrs. Hull, who is a most charm- ing laay, win arrive aaruraay rom Connelly fepnngs, where she has been spending a few weeks since leaving Blowing Rock. The hotel will be remod elled and renovat-id and every thing kept in strictly first class condition. Mr. Hull will contiL- ue to travel his territory in this State and South Carolina with headquarters here. Mrs. Mahulda Eddings, who lives 3 miles above Shelby, has just returned from a visit to Mr. W. S. .Newton, of Casar. When she returned home and unlocked the door to her room one of her hens ran out of the house. Mrs. Eddings had been away from home 31 days and this hen had remained in her room for all this time without food or water. The hen was very poor, but was otherwise all right and is doing well now, Mrs. Eddings did not .know the hen was in the house when she left and it is supposed that she was under the bed. k KQR1H WESTERS BT. TIME C&.T. Effective June 7, 1903. Mixed Tnes. Thurs Sat Passenger Mixed 1 k SORTHBOCKD Kx SOU DnilT Lv Chester 9 00 am 8 00 pm I Lv McConnells 9 28 am 8 48 om I i-v Guthries 9 33 am 8 57 nm . orkville 9 49 am 8 19 om i-v Clover 10 12 am lO 00 nm l.v i,astonia 10 38 am 1 2 30 am 1-v Dallas 11 00 am 12 45 am 1-v H Sho.-Is 1120 am 110 am i-v Lincolnton 1143 am 2 OO am .Mdiaen 12 10 pm 2 30 am r t:ton 1 2 28 pm .v Hickory 12 50 pm -v.nns 123 pm 4 40 am i-v Granite Falls 136 pm 4 57 am ArUnoir 2 05 nm ft .'It nm PaHsenger Mixed 9 7ft SoiTHBot-ND i Sun I Jail V Lv Lenoir 2 30 pm 8 00 pm Lv Granite Falls 2 58 pm 8 43 pm 3 08 pm 9 30 pm 3 20 pm 9 50 pm i 4o pm 11 45 pm 11 20 am U3 pm 12 is am 12 lO pm 4 30 pm 1 50 am 12 45 pm 4 52 pm 5 12 pm 5 30 pm 5 57 pm 6 23 pm b 40 pm 6 45 pm 6 57 pm 7 17 pm are all These are all the cases in 1 1 ec un ty, so far as we have heard. Mrs. E. S. Coffey left for Balti more Tuesday, with her little daughter Ruth. The little girl at one time had a paralytic stroke that left one of her ankles in a weekened condition, and Mrs. Coffey goes to have a brace fitted to it, They were accom pained by Mr. Coffey as far as Greensboro. The meeting conducted by Revs. Fox, Crisp and others at Howard's Creek church came to a close on last Sunday evening. We are told that the meeting was a very great success, many con versions, and that large crowds were in attendance at the, ser vices. The good people of that community had dinner on the grounds, and it is estimated that 500 people were present. On last Sunday evening little William, the third son of Judge Council!, happened to quite painful accident. Mrs. Councill returned from a drive, alighted from the sufry, and and the lit tle fellow stopped between the wheels: the team started and he was thrown to the ground, caught under the rearwheelrand when it was lifted from him by his uncle, l. t. Coney, it was found that tbe hip and knee joints of one leg were both dis located. Physicians were called at once, the joints put back, and the little sufferer has been getting on nicely ever since, It is Impossible for One Correspond; ent to Get All the lews, So A. Jfi-' Tries His Hand. Correspondence of The News-Herald. There are some parts of Glen Alpine bevond the "jurisdiction"' of "U No Hoo" and we thought we would give you some "news for your valuable paper Miss Lola Roper, of the Hos pital, spent Saturday and Sun- dav at home. Mr. John Pitts is visiting re! atives at Glen Alpine Rev. J. 1). Carpenter will preach ai the Metnouist cnurcn next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Benfield visited Jriends at Oak Hill last week. Mr Benfield, accompan ied by Messrs. Joe and Erwm McConnaughey and James Har bison, went chestnut hunting. Mr. Edgar Puett was in Mor- There was a pretty consider- gjmton Saturday. Some very able wreck of a freight train on pretty young ladies were there, fha Pap-l?riii Xr Nurt h.tFMi! prn I Vr ,1.. if "TTVIiq" aarv railroad about half way between them? Maiden and Lincolnton Monday afternoon. The eastbound freight was crossing the Summerrow trestle at more than ordinary speed, and just behind the engine was a heavily loaded coal-car. " 7 It 4- t-k a -v 1 x c wm imrt nit t tin curve iust bevond .the trestle, it . - - ' I T T f ll .P tU kpnt straight ahead and tore nn Mr. Karaon uowe.oiineoouiu- tVio tin ft.- aa it wpnt TIip fivpnr ern. sueiit Sunday at Mr. J. M. six following cars piled on top of Brinkley s. Last Siturday afternoon the Carolina & -North-western had packed cars from Lenoir to New ton. The "overplus" consisted of the defendants from Caldwell, Watauga and Ashe counties booked to answer roll call Mon day morning in Statesville Fed eral court. While waiting in Newton for the Southern train thev learned that Statesville had become a dry town since the last term of court. This was shock ing news. A federal court in a dry town! It was a new pn 'po-I sition to the mountaineers. One of them rushed to the telephone office and ordered a gallon from Morganton. Restaurant and Warehouse, Worth $6,000, Burned, and an $800 Blaze at McCall & Conley's Store. Marion Special, 22nd, to Charlotte Observer. About 4 o'clock this morning fire broke oat in a negro restaurant, ran by Frank Morehead, the build ing belonging to J. G. Neal, snr rouDded by warehouses aod sheds in tbe rear of brick stores on Main street. Thii building, being old and a regular fire trap, barued very rapidly for an bout or two before they got it nuder control. Some (bar or five ware houses were burned and one dwelling. Mrs. Marguerite McCurry lost a large warehouse occupied by J. G Led better. J. P. Noiton was tbe Leaviest loser on buildings. Thom as & Price, hardware dealers, lost heaviest on stock, as they bad just gotten in & car load of wheat drills, besides other farming implements, etc., tbeir loss being about $1,000 above insurance. J. D. Blanton's large warehouse, rilled with bay, grain, heavy groceries, etc., quite near Thomas & Price's sheds came near burning. At one time tie roof was ail ablaze, but by heroic efforts it was saved. J. E Home's tin suop was burned; loss about $500, with no insurance. There was no wind this morning or the fire would have been harder to control, as we have no fire com pan v or anything to fight fire with, except by tbe old way everybody earn ing water witb backets. Tbe estimated loss is about 86,000 or $8,000, with about $1,500 insurance. The jail was fire proof, or it would have been destroyed. Several prisoners were in jail for drunken ness. Tbey weie taken out. When one asked, "Where shall I gof 8 me one tol him to go to tbe d . He walked off. Fire here shortly before noon to-day damaged tbe store of Mc Call & Couley to the extent of $800 to $1,000. The loss is covered by insurance. Smoke was first noticed coming oat of an upstairs window, and tbe alarm was given and the fkoies soon extinguished. The fire started i" some cotton batting, either from a lighted cigarette being thrown down or from spontaneous com bust iou. Mr. 0. M. McCall was prostrated by smoke and beat, but is nw coming around all right. For Over Sixty Tears Mrs. Winslov's Soothing Syrup has been ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic. and is the best reined j for uiarrnoea. it will relieve the poor little snfierer imme diately. Sold bv Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-hve cents a Dottle, be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. FOUE SUCCESSFUL BBOTHEES. There was a large crowd in attendance at. the meeting of the Epworth League Sunday night. Mr. Ernest Harbison conducted League services. Miss Mertha Pitts will lead the services next one another as they came. By the time the caooose. in which nrnrQ o Tnr tiq ouon tram reached the wreckaire, the force had about been spent, and it es caped damage. Lars were smasned to pieces and furniture, coal and other Ireigbt were scat-1 tered around promiscuously. Mr. Ralph Simpson was as home Sunday. Mr. Don Hunter got his foot crushed by a log last week and Nelson Epley got a gash cut in his head. The accidents were of a painful nature, but were not very serious. We would be verv triad if the Nobody was hurt. - Bob Dellin- uer. colored, was stealing a ride parents would sendtheirchildren on one of the wrecked cars, and to school, as there is talkofstop- The great annual re-union of crawied out of the debris with a nimr the school if the attendance r 1 a l 1 ' u . vxu iterate veterans oi thieve- hroad smile on his Face. .For two is not larger. i j l.-i.i li.ii... I . . 1 " anu county was iiem iu oueiu; days all trams were run by way R Wvncoop filled his- pul ltiat Thnrsitnv nnH nn immpnHA I .trti i14.. ii..t I " 7 .r . f j . I OI LllnllUlLc Ll VjclcLUlllu.. kQ net Snnrlav innrllinp- ,.r, ,1 1-Mt UC1C O LUlJtouifsu oi i iyj ini. ci oi- 11 1 uivu i i - . here to do honor to the dav and Newton had the worst fire in ver lare crowu vvas uu.1 the occasion. A vast number of her history between mid-night If this is not consigned to the I ..mill soldiers attended from Cleveland and day last Monday. TheRhvne waste basket we shall probably and surrounding counties and all & Co. and Newton HardwareCo. wrije again of them were repaid for attend- stores on the north east corner l-v Cliffs Lv Hickory Lv Newton Lv Maiden J-v Lincolnton J-v H shoals Lv D ,llas J-v Gastonia Lv Clovrr Lv York-ill Lv GuthH-u Lv McConnells v uowrvs Ar Chester 6 00 bm 6 20 am 7 02 am 8 OO am 9 20 am 2 55 am lO 00 am 4 00 am 2 OO pm 3 10 pm 3 45 pm 5 20 pm Mixed 63 7 OO am 8 05 am 9 15 am 9 35 am 2 22 am 2 55 am 4 25 am 5 lO am 6 OO am 6 50 am 7 00 am 7 23 am 8 00 am 8 23 pm 3 25 pm 3 65 pm Mon Wed Fri CONNECTIONS. V4toni -Southern Railw f-'nc ilnton S i TrV;.OIV""1 Hirkorv Southern Railway inI?- XVf - 70 "d Tl carrv Pullman Sle wo'" "etween Chester and Lenoir E F. Reid. G. P. A.. Chester S. C eep- u R DO GOOD IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed that, "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are woi thless. Act kindly and gently, show sym pathy and lend a helping hand. You cannot possibly lose by-it. Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help- There are persons in this community who might truthfully say: "My good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine It always cures. 1 know it for it has helped me out many a time." Sold by W. A. Leslie. Druggist. . t ng. rne court nouse waspacKeo to overflowing when Maj. H. F. Schenck called the meeting to or der. Not over one-third of the people could get in the court house. In a charming short speech, Capt. L. J. Hoyle intro duced the orator of the day. Hon. Chas. M. Stedman, of Greensboro, who spoke for half Siiberman Bros. Largest Fur House In America. Branches All Over Europe. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of raw furs. Hold your shipment nntil you get our price list. WriU J-r zt to-day. We mail it free. "-EERMAN BROS., 12 to 128 Michigan St.. Chlcago.lll. JLosT. Between Morgunton and G. W. Hilderbrand's mill, on the 10th insL between 2 and 6 o'clock, a leather pocket-book containing' 3 pockets for chan ire and a place for bills. The pocket-book contained $40 two ten dollar bills and four five dollar bills, The book had been worn a great deal The finder will receive five dollars on returning' the same to the postmaster at Morganton, K. W. Carswell, at .knola, or W. H. York, at Wortman- J. Z, Martin, Hayseed, N. C, loser. of the square and the tower of Mrs. Shipps residence were burned. And it is the wonder of everj'body that the firewasstop ped before the whole block was destroyed. 1 he money loss was about as follows: The IMewton Hardware stock $7,000, insur ance $5,000. The stock was en tirely destroyed. Rhyne & Co s. Mr. Marshall Brinkley is going to Morganton to-morrow. A crowd of young people went to Mr. Wise's corn shucking Monday- - A. Mi. Glen Alpine, N. C, Qct. 26,1903. They Manage a Number of Mills, of Which Mr. W- A. Erwin is Presi dent. Charlotte Observer, 25th. Mr. W. A. Erwin, of Durham, was in towu yesterday on bis re turn from a business trip to Atlan ta, Ga. Mr. Erwin is the oldest of four brothers, all of whom are now taking a prominent part in the in dustrial life of this State. Mr. Er. win himself is president of the Er win Cotton Mill, at Durham, of the Cooleemee Cotton Mill, the Dur ham Cotton Manufacturing Com- pany and the Pearl Cotton Mill, at Durham, the Oxford Cotton Mill, at Oxford, and tbe Alpine Cotton Mill, at Morganton. Mr. J. Locke Erwin is secretary and treasurer of the Oxford Cotton mill; Mr. J. Harper Erwin is secre tary and treasurer of the Durham and Pearl Mills, and Mr. J. Ernest Erwin secretary of tbe Aloiue Mill, at Morganton. All of the mills, with tbe exception of the Oxford Mill, which has only recently come into tbe hands of the brothers, are spleodid paying properties. That plitnt was doing no good. "What do you need!" asked Mr. W. A Erwin. "PM't-.v thmmanrl rti.llnrs " was the reply. "You shall have it,'' said Mr. Erwin, and then be raised the money in a day and sent for his brother, Locke, to come over and manage the mill. The directors of the mill are B. N. Dnke, W. A. Erwin, J. Locke Erwin, E. T. White and J. G. Hall. Tbe capi tal stock has been increased from $125,000 to $175,000. Congressman Webb's' : ' 'Scheme ',' 1 to Make the Biver Navigable'' Arouses Enthusiasm A Picture of ' Future Nautical Life for Inland People I "Why Haven't We a Eight to Our Own Ships?" Charlotte Observer. "After the Catawba river is made navigable by Cotigressm in E. Yates Webb and after the 4C'8 exteid their electric railway to the Catawba,' remarked the op timistic resident, ''there will be nothing to retard tbe growth of Chariot tf. It cannor ihen be re garded as an inland towu, and will grow to be one of the most prosierou3 among the largest Southern cities. "Just imagine riding out to the river and taki g a trip up as far as tlie Biirke county lin, or be vond, on a steamboat. Thnt is in cluded in Congressman Webb's scheme. His idea is to first get half a million or something like that and make the river navigable from Mt. llollv up to some point in Catawba county, bat it is quiet ly known that Mr. Webb will proset-ute his m i'urtlier and fin ally secure sufficient appropria tions to make navigation possible between Morganton and Fort Mill, S. C. Say, won't, we have stirring fines then! The papers will an nounce lhat the little steamer A. P. IJiiyne, or the little sailing ves sel Bol lieinhardt, or the schooner Willie Phiier will clear the docks iu the morning, on the upward trip, or that the staunch little ves sel J. IT. Loug had been sighted off Catawba station. How scared everybody will oe when ic is wired in that the big tug boat Pink Hol ler, is on tbe reef at Catfish and is a-battlin for her life. And what larKs aud picnics we'll have on the pleasure crafts Mayor Brown and Henderson Weddington! "Sailin on the Catawba! Man' there won't be anything like it. And what a fine port Charlotte will make, to be sure. People in. the up couotry and even tbe Dutch in Catawba, who dou'1 even know the virtue of a cat boat, will learn to sail seas and to talk the seali r ing vernacular. What glorious opportunities there will be for out ings! A sail up to Burke will theu be prescribed instead of a trip to tbe mountains, and weary invalids will rest and recreation in stand ing in the lee scuppers of the ves sel and trolling for catfish and na tive suckers. "Oongressmau Webb deserves tbe warmest support and encour agement from the residents of this county. His promise to make the Catawba bavagible has aioused more interest than any other pub lic project that has been mentioned in many fears. There is no reason why we shouldu't pass and repass and entertain and be entertained on our own particular river. By the great born spoon, we have as much right to nnfurl our baby jibs and lower our main topails as anybody, and I don't see why ships that pass in the night can't pass Bozzell's ferry, Catawba junction and the Lowdermi:k fish net up in Burke. Do you!" THE OLD RELIABLE ii i", iiii '55E55?v' I. 1. I' i. i ; i. " ' ' ' Absolutely Puro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TO CTJKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W. Grove's signature is on each box Eollins Notes. Correspondence of Thb Nbws-Hebu.d. W. C. Ervin, Esq., and J. Arthur Wain wright were in Marion a few dajs last week looking up a suita able water supply for Marion. Wheat planting is now engaging tbe attention of. farmers aud get ting fertilizer is quite a question. As soon as a supply is heard of farmers drop everythingand rush to obtain a supply. Sorghum making is now in full blast and evidence points to a fair supply to help sweeten tbe dark ness of winter. Last Wednesday J. L. Reepand Lawson Waters wei t to Asheville to see Mr. Beep's son Thomas N. Beep, who was reported very badly hurt. Thomas was engaged in digging in a bank to prepare a foundation for a blacksmith shop when the bank caved in on him, crushing him, breaking the pelvic bone and injuring his intestines and bladder. He was taken at once to the Mercy Hospital and an operation was performed, from the shock of whiGh the young man re covered well and at last accounts he was doing well and has a fair cbance of recovery. Messrs. Waters and Beep returned home Thusrday very hopeful of good re sults. If Thomas recovers he will not have any permanent injury. To show what Mr. T. L. Duck worth has to overcome in going from his store to Morganton by the Kutbeifordton road, 1 give tbe elevation above the sea of the TJ. S. Geological Survey. Starting at T. L Duckworth's store with an elevation of 1165 feet, tbe next is Gilboa school bouse, 1207; Bidge be'ow Williams 1084; Britain's store, 1241; Salem church, 1231; Robert Bailey's Hill, 1237; Wm. Bailee's Hill, 1193; Gaston Hill, 1247, Pbifer's Hill, 1194; Avery Wilson's Hill, I2I8; apposite the D.&D. School, 11G7; dry bridge over the Southern 11. 11, 1159. These figures Bhow the actual condition of the Rutberfordton road aud prove that that is one of tbe very worst for tbe farmers and others who have hauling to do. Aa one man said either were walk ing up hill or putting on tbe brake all tbe time. The proposed new highway will obviate this op and down bill to a large extent. Yours truly, Optimist. Bollinp, N. C, Oct. 20, 1903. Cures Rheumatism and Catarrh Medicine sent Free. Seud no money simply write and try Botanic Blood Balm at our expense. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) kills or destroys the poison in the blood which causes five an hour with surpassing eloqu- stock of goods was recently in ence and made a speech charac- ventoried at $H,UUU and was tenzed by lofty sentiment, ele- insured for $4,000. Mrs. hfupp s gant diction and breathing the damage to house and contents true smrit of devotion and adora- was about SSUU. 1 he nouse was tion for the Lost Cause beloved Southland. and our 1 RAN A TEN PENNY NAIL THROUGH HIS HAND. While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail throuerh the fleshy Dart ot his hand. "I thoueht at once of insured but not the contents. Mr. George MeCorckle's damage to office and library was perhaps $200. The two "brick houses. completely destroyed, wen- worth S,000. 1 he corner build ing and a half interest in theoth- er belonged to Grace Reformed church m Newton, having been bequeathed to the church by the all the pain and soreness this late Maj. S. M. Finger. The A rtonaa ma " lia care. I 1 t. ;A :nnnnnn would cause me." he says, and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise itTemoved all pain and soreness and the injured carts were soon healed." For sale by W. A. Leslie, Drug gist, church carried no insurance on its property. The other half in terest in the hardware store be longed to Mrs Philo Hall of Hickory. There was $600 in surance on this. The total loss was about $18,000 or $20,000 The origin of the fire is not known, Letter to J. A. Dickson. Detr Sir: There are these wavs of badness in paint: (I) 8tnffed ont- with cha.k, or something like that. (2) b:.ryte, better than ehaiK, but no covering to it; nooony knows it' there. (3)benziue in the oil, or water, or other sncb stuffing. (4) too thin too much liquid, whatever it is, for tbe solid. (5) fchot t measure. JS'ow will you buy by the price per "gallon!" W famish oar agents with a state chemist's certificate of analy. sis that tells what's in Devoe. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. A CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. I had Dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after 1 used Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me. Mrs. W. W. Say lor, Hillard, Pa. No appetite, loss of strength, ner vousness, headache, constipa tion, bad breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol. Kodol represents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. It cleanses, purifies and sweet ens the stomach- Sold by all Druggists. Later News. Thomas N. Reep is making very satisfactory progress towards recovery, although it will be a long time before he will be out. He is receiving the best of careat the awful aches iu back aud should- the Mission Hospital at Ashe er blades, shifting pains, difficulty vjjje IU uiuiu iiucib, lues ui ica, bone pains, swollen muscles and joints of rheumatism, or the foul breath, hawking, spitting, drop ping in throat, bad hearing, specks flying before tbe eyes, all played out feeling of catarrh. Botanic Blood Balm has cured hundreds of cases of 30 or 40 years standing after doctors, hot springs aod pat ent mediciues bad all failed. Most of these cured patients bad taken Blood Balm as a last resort. It is especially- advised for chronic, deep seated cases. Impossible for anyone to sutler the agonies or symptoms o! rheumatism or catarrh while or after taking Blood Balm. It makes tbe blood pure and rich, thereby giving a healthy blood supply. Cares are permanent and uot a patching up. Sold at drug stores, $1 per large bottle. Sample of Blood Balm sent free aud pre paid, alao special medical advice by describing your trouble and writing Blood Bilm Co, Atlanta, Ga. A personal tri..l of Blood Balm is better than a thousand printed testimonials, so write at once. NEW MEAT MARKET. I have opened a fresh meat Tvioi-lrot. at. tbft st.fl.nrl fnrmftrlv occupied by G. W. Jones, just covery as to no otner meaicine above Tull's drug store, and will keep on hand at all times J. L. Davis and T: L. Rudicil, with their families, will move this week to Morganton. Pierce Buff has rented T. L. Epley's farm about one mile from here and will move onto it this week. Mrs. Margaret C. Grant started for her home in the North Mon day. She has been visiting her daughter Margaret" G. Grant at the Glen Alpine Springs school. The funeral of Batch Hemphill was held at Dj-?artsville Sunday. Yours truly, Optimist. Oct. 27, 1903. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whoop- 1 11 ing cougn ana oroncnitis, writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery, Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also .used this wonderful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's JNew Dis- Have voa Kheumatismt. Stiff .TnuitN? Sore Muscled An oia 1 sore, a burn, bruise or any 'flesh wound! Tiaymon'8 JNerve oc Done Oil cures such Hfflictions. Remem ber the name RAYHON'd; Zoc. All dealers. Judge Peebles told the-jury in the Haywood case, after they rend ereda verdict of acquittal, that had be been one of them be woold have done likewise. This infor mation was doubtless no surprise to the jury or the public. BrBi Wanted. Afresh milch cow. Apply to Loyd E.Webb, Morganton. .. fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork and all kinds of Country Produce. I will not kill old poor cows or oxen nothing but the choicest to be found. I now have a choice lot of young cattle from Mitchell county. My prices are as low as any other, and I will appreciate a share of the patronage of the public. Highest prices paid for Chickens, Butter, Eggs, and other country produce. J.W. GARRISON. on eartn. lniainoie ior Coughs and Colds, 50c and $100 bottles guaranteed by JohnTull and W. A. Leslie. Trial bottles free. Our fertilizer has just arrived and now is the time to avail your self of LOWEST PRICES. It is always to your interest to buy your fertilizer at tbe lowest possible prices. We are selling only for CASH, and consequently oar prices are tbe LOWEST. FORNEY & CO. 1 1.