.nivp. VOTTR. ws-fi ews-Herald i i Job printing "ES THE TO BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE :TheNeNVSHeraId Office.. T. G. COBB, Publisher. Pint-Class Work at Lowest THE BURKE COUNTY NEWS THEMOR.GANTON HERALD J Consolidated ICov. 29. 1901. Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance V i Prices. VOL. XX. tedr.oit Section. MORG-ANTON, N. C, JULY 14, 1904. No. 15. Ne TP ICS A 1 9 1 D.C 'bs, , lieu '"".in ZrfJfl', SOW' and 40 Fatt: YDALE S TONIC THE NEWS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. . t .:..nt;fii' Discovery i New iji-i-"-M for the and NERVES. . i.t.a.-I hv eliminatinp' the iT..ia T it: UW"U O It Fur . anj other impurities and by '"r the germs or microbes that blood, u builds up the blood ist'st trUOtiii and multiplying the red )'' - making he olooa r,cn na rea jrtJUS1"' stimulates the nerves, j rere9 - n0iv of nerve force ' . ,h entire nerve system. It jrotiC110" ' ,.,-trunc nerves, nervous- if- .,, nrusinition, and all other f -t t!,. nervous system. vmLE'S TONIC is sold under a posi- tnjaraniec. Trill size 50 cent. Tamily size l.uo MANUFACTURED BY l,e Radical Remedy Company, HICKORY, N. C. Y. A. LKSLIE, Druggist. A Batch of Live Items Culled from the Papers in the Adjoining bounties. JVC P INSURANCE. Mcdowell. Marion Democrat. July 8th. Bell, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balle.v, of Bridgewa- ter, was seriou-dy injured last week. She attempted to cut off a chicken's head and cut off the upper part of her first finger and thumb. Dr. J. B. Riddle dressed the wound. George Eaves, a son of our fel low townsman Attorney O. G. Eaves, and a mail clerk on the Southern Railway, was quietly married Wednesday night, June 29, in Blacksburg, S. C. The bride was the charminer Miss CALDWELL. Lenoir News, July 8th. CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise. Jnty 8th. Mr. E. P. Johnston of Bandy's township has been appointed a county commissioner to take the place of Mr. J. A. Cook, who has resigned. Mr. T.rnrsin Whitpnpr a well Mrs. It. T. day well, of Mor. known smd reSnected citizen of gantcn, is vi-iting her mother, jHcnWa Pork towIIghin. Aiet s, Mrs. L. M. Xewland. o.. 4.. ti. o.i 1 Ioumruuv, j uiy uu, ageu it years. He lived just beyond the finished her work as tax collec- Simpson bridge on the South tor, left for her home at Cptcn Fork and was for many years lyeffri.e Fire Insurance poli eieon all kinds of Property B ;bt Urgest "me and tor- ... ,1 .n 'ItfCI'S 1 .. .... Jnr .iiwd nn nronertr Helen Whisnant. a dniurhtpr nf r,vr iu. -u.-i --' 1- Lar'eil iu this agency, established Kr. amj Mrs john Whisnant -air -.1 .M. Ilrl lift II U1UUJUL' ranl sat.siacroruy seuicu. hfeareagtnis 101 Sorth Carolina tionie, 'Aetna ol Hartford, Hamburff Breirieu, Hirtt'oal, of Hartford, Con. Iusur iaee Company of North Aaifnc., ira of New York, Hume, of New York and Geimati American. Miss Mary A. Gainer, a very popular and highly gifted young lady of Washington, D. C, be came the bride of Dr. W. P. Jones, proprietor of the Mc Dowell Furniture Company of this place, Thursday, June 30. The ceremony was performed at 1 ... - Policies placed on out books are nign noon at the residence of the .1 .1 It j 1 Tj-vwr nvrwiv 11 3 . 1 l j frompuj reuecu uc.uio caFh- uriae s orotner, ueorge earner, i""0- . . . 07 T Strept "NT V. vvViero cho O I - j " I 1 t 1 m . . . . or maae ner norae. rne Dnde and groom came here Monday night and will reside on Garden street, in the attractive dwelling which Dr. Jones recently completed. J. B. von Eberhard, at the ripe age of almost four-score years, died last Thursdav afternoon at his residence on Morgan street. Deceased had not enjoyed good health for several vears, being troubled much with rheumatism. He came to this place in the ast Wednesday. The eight-year-old daughter of Mr. Haywood Hartley, of near Hudson, died last Saturday morning of appendicitis. The Democratic county con vention has been called to meet in Lenoir on Monday, July 25th, to nominate a county ticket. Mr. George R. Clark has been efected chairman of the Demo cratic County Executive Corn- postmaster of Jacob's Fork of fice. The 4th of July was more ob served as a holiday in this coun ty than we have ever known it before. There were celebrations in Hickory, Plateau, Monbo.and Rock Springs, besides numerous other small parties. There was also a good sprinkling of people in Newton There were more people from I j:cc j. e it. i. i mitteeand Mr. J. E. Mattocks Uiuere"L V m uie couuiy net I f rn t 7 4-ar rTt omr rna rloir fnr some time. All speatc in tne most uwt&onaay night about H cheerful terms of thir orons. On ',.lU V.I - . I 1 wciulk a email coiiage ueionging 5oth bottora and upland, the to Jno. F. Bost, situated on Col- clop proapect8 in the COunty are ege avenue, was Durnea. ine , J 1 T 1 iuue was occupieu oy joun the first week of tuiv. TTT a l .t.l .. .1 v arson, wno ininKs it, was set We write ri?ks lrom iUJ iiffl.iiou. ou iMoiu'itv in town bau-ry, at lowest rates. TEEY tN: lEVLN, Agl8. P,Kf, iii e B'iulmtf Tucker, Contractor and Builder, Morganton, N. C. Iam prepared to take contracts for I ill kinds of building, and guarantee hrstelass work and material. Esti sates furnished on application. Parties liishing to build can get information is to my ability as a workman and spring of 1900 from Savannah, :e!iatility from the best citizens of Ga.. but was a native born Ger- I Sorganton. ILi k NOR I H WESTERN B? TIME CDJLFLJD. Effective June 7, 1903. Passenger Mixed Mixed 10 TO 62 XosTHBorxD Ex Sun Daily I It Chester 9 00 a-a 8 00 pm Tnes. LtLostvs 9 I S am 8 28 pm LiMcConnells 9 2S am 8 4-8 om Thurs I.Ttaatnnes 9 33 am 8 57 pm ItVorkville 9 9 am 8 19 pm Sat ILiCldTer 10 12 am 10 00 om -tGanonia 10 3t am 1 2 30 am 6 00 am jtalis 11 00 am 12 45 am 6 20 am jH Shoals 1120 am 110 am 7 02 am '.iLincolnton 1 1 43 am 2 00 am 8 OO am -TMaiden 12 10 pm 2 30 am 9 20 am I -v Hickory I-Kllli: 12 50 pm 55 am 10 00 am 4- 00 am 2 OO pm man. iis wile, tormerly Airs, r M. Krivatsky, and a Baroness, of Hungary, by direct descent, owns some property in this coun ty and they came to look after it personally. In the fall of 1900 they purchased the property on Morgan street and have since re sided there. The wife is the only survivor, as deceased had no im mediate kin living. As they were verv reticent and went but 1 23 urn 4. 4-0 a in afOnm l.'iil. !,....,. Granite Falls 136 urn 4 57 am 3Sm uwa) "um luc p;;,-, M,r much was known concerning 9 71 63 -V OTHBOI Vn Fl Sun 1l.il. I UltTllI. 1'-' Lenoir 2 30 urn 8 00 nm 1 OO am granite rails 2 c.8 pm S 43 pm 8 05 am -TUlii 3 OS rim a -tn nm Q IS tm r:aickorT 3 20 pm 9 50 om 9 35 am 1-i.Vtwion 3 4-5 pm 11 45 pm 11 20 am -'Maiden 4 03 Dm 1 2 1 S am 1 1 1 n nm L-iLracointon 4 3o pm 1 50 am 12 45 pm 'aMloals 4 f2 nm ! - n oo I-ioast-,nia 5 30 pm 4 25 am ;i l!o-ter 5 57 pm 5 10 am norkvilie 6 23 pm 6 00 am JtothntS 6 40 nm 6 SO am 1r. McDonnells G 45 pm 7 OO am - Uwn-s 6 --pm 7 23 am i-Uester TlTnm 8 Oil om 3 25 pm 3 55 pm Mon Wed . Fri i pm CONNECTIONS. :-ier-!,c,nthern Kv., S. A. L. and L. & C. " -southern Railway -cijiton S. A. L. tMandHirkory Southern Railway. aS k n1T1 carry Pullman Sleep- uviwccn vnester and Lenoir E- F. Reid, g. P. a.. Chester. S. C. as good as were ever known in on fire by mice, as the flames started in a closet. Mr. Watson ost a great many housed old ar ticles and some wearing apparel. Mr. Bost estimates his loss $350, insurance sirou. ne will im mediate! v rebuild. Our community was mu h shocked last Sunday to learn of the death of Mr. Novel H Hailev. He had been confined to his home for about ten days un aer going treatment and was RAN AWAY FROM "DIXIE" The crops and the modes of farming, as seen from the car window between Newton and Gastonia, afford an interesting stud v. Catawba, Lincoln and Gaston are all spreading them selves on cotton this year, though along the creek and river banks are some fine fields of corn. It would be difficult to decide as to which county has the best look ing cotton and corn, it seems to b3 an even race. But the far mers of each county have a dis- doing well. On Friday night, t,nctive way of working their nowever, ne was tasen wicn a crops jn Catawba they use i i -i i t I cnui wmcn aeveiopea the cultivator in both cotton pneumonia and in the weakened and corn and prefer a jevel 8Dal. condition of his system his con- low cuitivatfon. In Lincoln they stitution was not strong enough UM the double foot plow, with ..IT I tO resist tne disease. mtW uW'la or tnrJtfora fn " Some days age John Ritchie, a Gaston nearly all use the single young man of Johns river valley, foot plow, with twisters. They was found dead on hi j wagon, plow deep and throw up high He had been hauling lumber ai.d ridges. As the crops all look being subject to epileptic fits, it about the same, we have come to is supposed he died in one of the conclusion that it does not these. His vvhm and hat were matter so much now crops are found about half a mile from worked, if they are only worked where his team was. He was an often and well A Story of the War-Time Experiences of Brigadier General "Jack" Hayes. Tbe Baltimore San prints tbe following good story ot a letired army officer who is well known in MorgnutOD, having married here": Brigadier General "Jick" Hajes, retire!, was seated with a friend ou the lawn iu front of his home one evening when a street piauitt came along an1! began Lis repertory, says a Washington let ter to The New Yoik llerald. It was a lair instrument, and the old soldier liked tbo music so much that he tossed the man a piece of silver. The Italian picked np the money, arranged the mle clutch and then "Dixie" filled the block. General Hayes got np from his chair without a woid, walked into bis honse, through the hallway and to the back yard, where he remained uutil the street pianist had gone dowu the street and out of the section. Then the general came out on the lawn again and took tbe cbair beside bis friend without saying anything. The friend, however was curious. . "General,'' be said, "I uever be fore knew that you were one of these prejudiced people. Wbal'd your idea in galloping away when that Italian began to unwind Dixie'? What's the matter with D'xie'f Why I've heard it turn ul- taously cheered in theatres in Boston aud New York.'' "That's all right too,'' replied General Hayes, chewing on bis cigar. "The persons who cheered 'Dixie' in theatres in Boston and New York never got such a stam peding through Dixie' as I did. Piejudice nothing! I'm not pre judiced against or sore on any body. But I made a bad break once in cou tied ion with that Dixie air, so that I've uever been able to listen to it since without getting op and walking as far away from tbe sound as I could get. "I was an aid ou the staff of General Kirkpatrick when be was ten iing up the railroads around Macon. The Confederates were never very far away from us while we were doing that woik. Tbey hovered around our front, watch ing proceedings. They thought" that tbey were not numerically strong euough to make it worth our wUile to go after them. They just watched us from their distance in front, making no attempt to bother the men. ' "One day Geueral Kirkpatrick summoned me I was in charge of a part of the track, destroying to Eirlwlisifi Wood's Seeds. THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly ani never gripe. They are so dainty that it is a pleas ur to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartfe. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. Oriisoa Glover at the last working Corn or CcttG'i Crop, Vi-toI rn.lo. tKo Wlinii... lay in tune to j.laiit com PREPARED ONLY BY . C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago Sold by W. A. LESLIE. cam JUST DRUGS. Ours is esseuti illy a drug btore. We are not confectioners uor do we conduct a cafe. Oar business is solely tbe sale of drills -,ud those sundries which have lon; been ideutiiied as ding Ktore goods. Oar whole time and attention is given to the sale and dispensing of drugs, and we feel that for this reason we can give a. kind and quality of service not to be had elsewhere. Ours is essentially ;v prescription pharmacy and should be kept in mind when Uiugs or medicines are wanted. TOLL'S KiARSACY. HUDSON'S EXCUBS10S Leaves CLAREMONT At 7:30 A. M., FRIDAY, JULY m 1904, Claremont to the and o." the Sky and Return Same Day Schedule and Fare for Round Trip. 7 30 a. m. Claremont ?1 50 7 40 " Xewtun 1 60 7 45 " Conover 1 50 8 20 " Hickorv 1 5 ) 8 30 " Hildebran 1 5 ) 8 40 " Connelly Springs 1 Zri 9 00 " Diesel 1 2 9 10 " Moryanton 1 25 9 23 " Glen Alpine 1 25 9 35 Eriil-ewater 1 25 9 46 Kebo 1 25 M Ct it i.i can ue 1 H A',:iior H Cil'w crop- the s:me fce.orr. i CrmisY.n l-iover prevents winter loa I-inyr of the soil, in ejual in fer ;1 ti:i.'.:r.v' value to a good p pplication of ftui.ie manure an. I will wonder fit'ly icre:'.-;e the yield and qnal ity of torn or other crops which r'l fciic-.v it. It rJso iYjalis splendid 1 ; v, ;r r .;r ! spring grazing, fine e ;riy grc-cn Ucd, oi a good hay 1 cr -o. Kven if tee crop is cut oil', I , the ictioa of the root-; and stnbMe i iui pr.ive the Ian 1 to a jaarked de- V.'r'Ne fr r rric? nr.i rotc-.-ii cir cti!,;r tc!:-is eLou; EeeJijg elc. F,iC:2:5CS'), - YiSSinlA. V'j'.i's Deic!,ttv F:i CotaJje, ready t . ut A':."!t j't, 3ij-j.1t Fiirrsi nai - -i'-Ie S'-cas !t.r F a'.r plaut :ag. ii'-vJfci Irco oi request. For Register. I hereby announce mj-self an Inde pendent candidate for re-election for Keg-ister of Deec s for a second term. I am willing to stand on my past record and the manner in which I h.-vi con ducted the business of the ofr5 i-. J. K. BATTLE. FOR REGISTER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Regi&ter of Deeds of Darke county, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention. Respectfully, F. D. Berry. A CARD. To the Voters of Burke County: At the solicitation of some friends, I hereby declare myself an independent caudidate at the next November elec tion for the office of Register of Deeds for Burke county. Re.-pectfully, John Roderick, Itopsthecoabftnd blaatfs s hand organs. 1 6 DUUJOC6 Ol II IK II Korean.. ... .. ;ta tn T mina naturally re- the historic name of the Far- 1 instruments. The Farrand in.. , most wonderfully sweet m unquallied for its durable -mi es, UnoM Car Loai for Lenoir, N. 'voatJU6Urrived and 1 am sure that ?rtanP. Ceyur order with me for a WiU never regret ib- The w. -"-"""iu ior the Farrand 5aU8 IB cm tinn "uent evidence that they 'PPteciated. CT. MORRISON, Wholesale and Retail. ry aud Lenoir, N C. WATAUGA. Boone Democrat. Jniy 7th. Miss Mary Rryant, daughter of Mr. John Bryan, of Meat Camp, died on last Sunday in the 21st year of her age. A heavy rain in this section on Monday evening did much dam acre to tne roaas, ana upiana was considerably washed. Judge Councill and family, of Hickory, arrived in the village yesterday, and will remain here during the vacation the Judge is now enjoying. W i learn of the serious illness of Mrs F. P. Moore, of Globe, She has been ill for o..ly a few davs but when last heard from was ensidered dangerously ill. W 11 Wheelin, of Middle Cane, was tried before J. W. Bryan in Boone last Monday under a charge of being implicated in the killing of Henry Rimer. The de fendant was acquitted. -The cherry crop in this vicin ity is immense, and are now get ting full ripe. The small boy is getting in full time and the doc tors are fretting an occasional call as a result thereof. A move is now on fot to erect a verv handsome school building on Cove Creek. Dr. Madron tells us that a g)od part of the mon ey has leen pledged and that thev hoDe to iret the wcrk far along by cold weather. couiuuuic tuui i: man iVciny I Trio Mniifon toml huiil a vprv one years old and a member of disagreeable and unlooked forex- Uk me how the job was proceed- Green Valley Baptist church. He perience with Gouch's excursion iu wanted quicker progress was asked a short time before to Wilmington last week. The his death if he was not afraid he Wain tliPrn9Wp l,nVa wit would die in one ot tnose attacks thnm nro that, th hand wrotP to which he was subject and his to Arr Gouch, the manager of reply was he was ready to go at the excursion, offering to furnish any time. music in return for transporta tion to Wilmington and return. A GREAT RULER. made "Take one of the mounted b juds down to tbe place where the men are working,' said Geueral Kiik patrick to me. "The boys always work faster when there's music around" "I got one of the mounted bands and took it dowu to where onr j-v m .I" i. j i . I I iUl VJIUWU 1 lllU. KJ J IK CI U UJ V W vine oi me g rea tee l ui ruieiu is 1110 " w I n; nn tu t-; n A liver. It governB the human organism, get on the train and that there &anS was palling np tbe ties aud When tne liver is out or oraer tne your liver heahhy by using Rydaie's tation. The band boarded the trouble, They cure constipation. ?our j Carolina money back it they do not give satis faction. W. A. Leslie, druggist. m "OURS. 3 TO 6 3- ! A. CHILES. Wom Um,ted to Diseases of ana Rectal Diseases. emer Martin's Dtugstore, HICKORY, fj. C. AND WORKING NIGHT" DAY. The busiest and mighties little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Late nils These Dills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, bram-tag into menta power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only s5c per box. Sold by John Tull and W. A. Leslie, druggists. lieu i lie iivcr is uub ui uiuci iuc t 1 1 u a t a hole system becomes diseased. Keep would be no COSt for transpor- e band boarded the and Northwestern A Beautiful Sermon. Rock Hill Herald. A preacher in Kansas tbe other day delivered a brief but very beau tiful funeral sermon. Here it is: "A word to you all. Post mortem praises aud love are tn the air. People stoop to kiss tbeir dead who never stood to kiss tbeir liv ing; thy bover over open caskets in hjstenc sobs, bat fail to throw their arms around their loved ones who are fighting the stern battles of life. A word of cheer to tbe struggling soul in life is worth more than the roses of "Christen dom piled high on casket covers The dead cannot smell the flowers, bnt the living can; scatter them broadcast in their pathway, there fore, aud pluck oat the tborns be fore it is too late." rails. The leader asked me what kind of mnsic I wanted. I told him to go ahead with some of the patriotic airs. He swan? off with tram, ana uapt. noss passeu uHail Colombia.' 'The Star- them to Lincoluton without Spangled Banner,' 'My Country,' question. But when the telegram etc. The men worked like Tro- was shown to the conductor of jans under the inspiration of tbe the Air Line road, he said he mnsic. I coald seethe Confeder- couldnot pass them on it and ales massea among me trees out tW. thpv would hava rn hnv iney Dauu c ureu a suor- j -j ;jh ucucis cii lice uii. u otaiiicy i . . ., . .. P . J to. I appreciated the immunity iuucucuutuuincuum from tbe fire of sharp shooters and bought tickets back, to wbiCh they gave ns, aud in a sort Maiden. Six suits have since 0t bravado you've eot to remem- been started in Catawba Superior ber that I wa a lot younger then cuurt for damarre ap-ninst th ? than I am now I turned to the Guarantees to at rive at Ash'iile on or before 12 o'clock. Rctutuinir leave at S p. m. Eight Hours in Asheville. Special cars for ladies and their es corts. Grand opportunity to visit Kilt more and see Vanderbilt's wonderful mansion and the most magnificent es tate in America, Lookout M t'ntair., Bingham Heights, Richmond Hill and many other places ot interest ir, and around the Mountain CitT 0:1 theSwrm nanoa and French Broad rivers. The view from the cars-in crossirgtho Blue Ridge and in passing through numer ous tunnels, it is said, is tiie finest scenery in the world. Cheapest Excursion that will run this season. Remember the date, Jul 3' 15th, 1904. D. P. HUDSON, Connelly Springs, N. C. EASONABLE GOODS For Every Housekeeper. M0TIIALIXI2. The new Moth destroyer. No bad odor like moth balls. For putting up fine woolens, furs, elc. Price 15c. pound package. SURE DEATH. For destroying Cockroaches, Vermin. ,f . Water Bugs, eTc. In liquid form, put up in squirt if ' cans. Price 15c. . V" COEOLEUM. Disinfecting liquid. For sick room?, closets, ' , kitchens, stables, etc. One pint makes five gallons of a superior disinfectant. Price 25c. . . NAPTIIA CAMPHOR. Moth destroyer. Superior to Moth balls. For putting up heavy woolens, blankets, Price 15c. pound. j BED BUG POISON in liquid form. Applied with a feather. The most effective destroyer on the market. 25c. pinf HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. The good kind. 10c. bottle. VIOLET AMMONIA. For the toilet and bath. 15 and 25c. TURKISH BATH GLOVES 25c. pai r. Leslie's Drug Store. J. A. POTIIET. A. N. DALE POTEET & DALE, GENERAL flERC HANTS fy'iORCANTON, N. C We keep a gciiL-ial stock, and many times have things which are to be found nowhere else in town, such as fresh butter, eggs, chick o:is and various kinds of choice Country Produce. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. 'I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas-Apple-f?ate. of Alexandria, Ind.. 4 and could hardly get any sleep. had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained Do pounas.' It's absolutely ' guaranteed to curelCoughs, Colds. La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and 41.00. Trial bottles free at Jno Tull and W. A., Leslie's drug stores. The News-Herald forJobWjrk. Office Thome Lowdermilk. FisJt, Fruits, Vegetables and Groceries. Seabord Air Line for putting the band off the train. These were brought by G. C. Ikerd, J. M. Holshouser, J. W. Beard, J. D. Nixon, J. T. Huitt and W. L. Fry. There were 15 members of the band on the train. The others will await the result of band leader aud said to him: 'Those reUs' are treatmg us pretty white. Sappose yon just reward the poor devils by giving them 'Dixie.' Well, tbe leaderjgave them tbe word akd the baud began to pump Dixie.' At this point General flakes these six suits before starting brought his teeth down bard on cases against the road. W. A. LESLIE his cigar and remained silent for a minute. "Well!" i quired his friend. "Ob, nothing," replied tbe old soldier, 'except that that baud Dauu t piayeu more man six oars of 'Dixie' before the ground unde.r oar feet shook with the blastedest Ask the readers of this pa 1 flr a 1 per wno are sunering wun indigestion or dyspepsia to call on them at once and get bottle ofNKodol Dyspepsia (Jure. If vouknew the value of this rem- 'rebel yell,' any of us bad ever edy as we know it, you would heard, and in a minute and a half not suffer and ther day. Kodol those Confederates were on top ryspepaia v,ujo is a tuui yugu of n8 ati(J whipped h 1 oat of UlgttSlUIlb UUU USBUB-UUUUlUg , li ii. 3 J 1 US ionic as wen. xt'is euuuiscu Dersonally by hundreds of peo ple whom it has cured of indi - For a lazy liver try Chamber gestiou dyspepsia, palpitation Iain's Stomach and Liver Tab of the Liart and stomach lets. They invigoiate the liver. troubles generally. Kodol aid the digestion, regulate the Dyspeysia Cure digests what bowels and prevent bilious at- you eat. it is pleasant, paia- taciss. a orsaie by VV. A. Les table and strengthening. lie, Druggist. A FULL LINE OF ' FRESH GROCERIES Constantly on hand. Arc! our Fresh Meat Department is alwav.s stocked with the choicest meats. Phnro 87 Tuesday, fish. Fridav, and If you want SHOES or DRY GOODS give ns a roll and we will save you money. . v Free delivery to anv part of town. P0TT & DAb. See this wag Agents for the sale of Geo. E. Sisen Wagons, oar store. at 1 rout. JMulletts, ei"oa::ers Butter Firh. 15 to 25c. per bunch. FRUITS. Oranges 20 to 50c. per d;cn. Lemon9 20c. dozen. ( Bananas 20 and 25c. dozen. By the bunch Si. 75 to 52.00. Florida Peaches 10 to 15c. dozen. Canteloupes 8 to 10c. each. Watermelons 30 to 40c. each. Florida Pine Apples 25c. to 40c each. VEGETABLES. Irish Potatoes SI. 00 to 51.40 bushel. Cabbage 22c. per lb. Tomatoes 20 to 30c dozen. Green Beans 10c. gallon. GROCERIES. Heavy Rib Bacon 10c. per lb. Pure Leaf Lard 12,'ic. lb. Compound Lard 10c. lb. Good Flour S2.75 per hundred. Meal 85c. bushel. Armour's Hams 15c. lb. California Picnic Hams 12jc. Nice Line of Cakes and Candies to 20c. lb. Big line of Chewing and Smoking To bacco, also Snutt' and Cigars. Small line of Canned Goods. Ice Cold Drinks Ginger Ale, Coca- cola and Soda Waters. 10 hi Sterling Silver. New Line In Handsome Patterns. m - - i j I - rv v - w . f- Sr fp. g! 1 T. . W.. Mason's Fruit'Jars, doz., quarts 75c. 'z gallon VJc. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Burke county, subject to the action of the Democratic county nominating conven tion, and any favors ray friends may show me will be highly appreciated. Respectfully, W. V. McGIMSEY. - . T 1 ' j&sriYirs. iuarout. win re open her private school Au gust 29th, 1904. QUIT PAYING RENT! Owu .our home, your place of uiines, your farm, Buy aud be yt ui own landlord. It will pay. QUIT PAYING INTEREST Lay by something for a rainv day where it will pay you interest. Southern Mutual Home & Real Estate Co., The Only Building and Loan Association Chattered under the budding and loan laws of North Carolina, that ' MdlsVv&fc ai;l makes loans in any part of the State. In the - Country i.nd in Towns and Cities also. Now is the Time to Duy Stock- Don't Wait. The F..r further particalars spply to any of the Cosipany's AgenU or the llutaj Ofiivit', Wi'.iiiingtoti,' N. C. M. C. HAMMOND. Mainager. Ethable Aeut-s wanted iu every place in tbe State give references if r- i v

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