The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per IJt J?- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neitlier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Hud Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STKCT. NEW YORK CITY DR. FENNER'S All Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also heart disease, rheumatism, backache, gravel, dropsy, female troubles. AND 0 Boat become discouraged. There is a cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Fenner. Be has spent a lifetime curing just such cases as yours. All consultations are FREE. "This Is to certify that I was laid np with Sciatic Rheumatism 16 months, helnfr unable during that time to perform any labor and had naid out 40 to physicians without benefat. Being advised by a friend to try Dr. Fenner s Kidney and Backache Cure I did so and 4 bottle cured me. Since then f ha ve recommended it to hundreds suffering with 'kidney troubles and the result has been a cure in every case. O. S. sPUAY, Bloomington, ui. Sold by Druggists. 50c. and tl. Ask for Dr. Fenner'8 Almanac or Cook Book Free. aw IIITIIrl nillOr "We have sold many dozens of Dr. Fenner's St.Vitua VI UllllX I 111 HI I" Dance Specific and every case has been cured by it. Ola lllUO UHllU tilt is a blessing. Aiaen-Clakb: Drvq Cc.Akron.O. For sale by W". A. LESLIE, Druggist, MONUMENTS OF SHAME. Utntnd Erected to Men Who Were Liar. While on Earth. While other nations build monuments to the memory of men who have done great and noble deeds, the Dyaks heap up a pile of the branches of trees in memory of the man who has uttered a great lie, so that future generations may know of his wickedness and take warning from it. The persona deceived start the tu gong bula by heaping up a large num ber of branches in some conspicuous spot by the side of the main road. Ev ery passerby contributes to It and at the same time curses the man in mem ory of whom It is. Th Dvaka consider the adding to anv tugong bula they may pass a sa cred duty, the omission of which will meet with supernatural punishment, and so. however pressed for time a Dyak may be, he stops to throw on the pile some branches or twigs. This custom dates from very ancient times. It Is interesting "to notice that though the ethics of the Dyaks, even at the present day, do not agree in many points with the moral code of other and more advanced races, still irom the earliest ages the Dyaks seem to have agreed In considering a lie a most diseraceful crime and a liar a man who deserves the curses not only of his own generation, but also of people yet unborn. A few small branches, a few dry twigs and leaves that is what the tu gong bula is at first. But day by day It increases in size. Every passerby adds something to it, and in a few years' time it becomes a large and im posing monument raised to the mem ory of one who was a liar. It has often been remarked by Dyaks that anv other punishment would, if a man had his choice, be much preferred to having a tugong bula put up in his memory. Other punishments are soon foreotten. but a tugong bula remains na a testimony to a man's untruthful ness for succeeding generations to wit ness and is a standing disgrace to his children's children. Believing, as the Dyaks do, in the efficacy of curses a curse among them being a fineable offense it is easy to understand how a Dyak would dread the accumulation of curses which would necessarily accompany the for mation of a tugong bula. Straits Set tlements Budget. Smelting In Berlin Streets. Before May 23, 1832, no smoking was allowed In the streets or parks of Ber lin, and offenders were punished by a fine for the first infraction of the rule and by imprisonment afterward. The king of Prussia in those days detested smoking and the police and the mili tary men were under strict orders to arrest any one who dared to smoke in public. It is recorded that when Na poleon occupied Berlin a hundred years ago the Berliners eagerly took advan tage of the opportunity to smoke, and took a special delight in puffing smoke In the faces of the police, who had then nopower to arrest them. In 1832, how ever, the restriction was withdrawn, and since then the people have cele brated the anniversary with great Joy. LOVE. Love's a whetstone to the mind. Anacreon. Love stoops as fondly as he soars. Wordsworth. Love's best habit is in seeming trust Shakespeare. They who love are but one step from heaven. Lowell. Love Is not where most it is pro fessed. Spencer. The deeper the love the more exact ing it is. George Sand. There is but one kind of love, but there are a thousand different copies of it La Rochefoucauld. Love is never lost If it be not re ciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart Irving. Love looks through spectacles which make copper appear like gold, poverty like riches and foul tears like pearls. Cervantes. Natural Law. The reputation of Mr. George Wash ington Jones for honesty had oeen slightly tarnished for some years, but his son Erastus was not supposed to know It. "Cur's how cold contracts rings." Mr. Jones remarked thoughtfully one even ing. "Xow dere's Max'milian Smiths wood pile for a case. Tears like aat wood pile Is shrinking steady since dis las' col spell set in." "Seems as If our pile behind de stove was getting bigger, paw." hazarded Brastus, gazing at his parent for ex planation of this phenomenon. "Course it am, chile," said Mr. Jones calmly, " 'cause de room is hot an' heat expands t'ings. 'Fears like yo gwine to school don' put much wisdom into dat head of yours." Myatery Solved lit Laat. I lost my notebook one day," said a novelist. "I searched the house over for it. From room to room I went ex amining every corner, and at the end of a two hours' hunt I found the book. - "'By Jove!' I exclaimed. I wonder why it is that one always finds a thing in the very- last place one looks for it? " 'Maybe,' said a cousin of mine, 'it is because after we find what we are huntine for we end our search. " A Doubtful Compliment. lie You are just as aweet as you can be. She I don't think that much of a compliment. You see, it all depends upon bow sweet you suppose I am capable of being. Town Topics. Duplicates. She Did your sister get any du plicate wedding presents? He Yes; she married a widower with two boys. Yonkers Statesman. A Chinese Dos Story. The following dog story is a favorite one in China: "There was a Chinaman who had three dogs. When he came home one evening he found them asleep on his couch of teakwood and marble, whip ped them and drove them forth. "The next night when he came home the docs were lying on the floor. But he placed his hand on the couch and found it warm from their bodies; there fore he gave them another whipping. "The third night returning earlier than usual, he found the dogs sitting before the couch, blowing on it to cool it" A SWEET BREATH Is a never failing sign oi a healthy stomach. When the breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Uure tor cur ing indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds oi remedies but contin ued to grow worse- By the use of Kodol I began to im prove at once, and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like." Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by W.. A. Leslie, drug gist. Breese Gets Seven Years. Charlotte Chronicle July 30th. S'Vf n yfiva in the Federal piison at A'laiittt This is the ei tMice o! M-'j WiIImih E- linene, who was convicted of the al-strac ion and wilful nvsappl'cation of fund" and credits of the Firu National Bant qTAshevill-, f which I ewispn s' dent prior to it failure. M-ven fnrs ago this veiy day. Afier Mtl--atmg for 8eti hours iW jury retained to the court rom a 11:1" o'clock last nig ht. p'epartd to im der a verdict. It was tdionlj afier miduight when O'. II. C. Cwles polled tut- jury and aked for the verdict "We find tin defendant , n d guilty of emhezz'emeu', l ur guilty of abstraction and the wil- fnl misapp ication of ft o !,'' repl- Constipation makes biliousness & bad complexios Then where s your beauty? Keep the" system in gooa condition Dy taking and i until rfci-i-cio winui gently asi Nature in eliminating the poison, make eoodj blood, good digestion, and will keep the-:- Complete Treatment 25c co st. 1U1" ied the foreman of the jury, Mr John- K Pat(eroi, of Concord. TheiTeach juior answered to lis name as it was called l the cK-ik and concurred in the verdict. Defendant's attorneys filed lull of exceptions, and gave uotice of appeal to the United Staves Circuit Court of Appeal at E chniond. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Sljf 1'7-- Signature of (Lz&eUc&V. ' Wise buyers of IMPLEMENTS. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. . .Almost Impossible. Jack Why wouldn't she marry you? She loves you to distraction. I know it, because she told ine so. George She insisted on my proving that I am not already married, because she scys there j with the meanders of the railroad to a creai ueai 01 uiguuiy uoivauajs. the Deeinninsr. containing- acres. being- the K. J. Hennessa home place bought of Hundson & Johnson and ad joining the Berry lands, Bv v irtue of an order of the Superior court of Burke county in a special pro ceeding entitled Hennessa s adtmnis trators against John Hennessa and others, heirs at law, we will sell at the court house door in Morganton on Mon day, September Sth, 1904, the following real estate: First tract Beginning at a stake on the railroad in the line of the old track and runs south 84 degrees east 69 poles to a pine and pointers, (now down) then east 138 poles to a- pine, (now a sour wood) then north 78 poles to a stake on the railroad in the old line, then Is I Well, it is easy enough to prove that I one is married, but how the dickens am I going to prove that I am not? WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS, MO. MAY-NOVEMBER, 1904. ...SOUTHERN RAILWAY... Account the above occasion, Southern Railway now has ou sale daily, tickets at extremely low rates, to St. Louis, Mo., aud seturn Following i re rates applyiug from principal points in the SUte of North Carolina: Extlnarnlsher. "I followed good advice about re turnin' good for evil," said Mr. Raffer ty. "Casey has done me some bad turns, but he wanted a favor,' an I heaped coals Iv Are on him." "Coals lv fire, Is it?", said Mr. Dolan. "Well, there's no great danger. As he cem past the house awhile ago yer wife, be way iv neighborly repartee, tossed a bucket lv wather on 'im, so the chance of his burnin' alive Is over." St Louis Republic. Painless Spanking. Father (cutting the- whip smartly through the air) See, Tommy, how I make the horse go faster without strik ing him at all. Tommy Papa, why don't yon spank us children that way? Glasgow Times. Season 60-Day 15-Dav Asheboro, ..... $35.55 $29 60 $24.20 Asheville. - - - - - 32.25 26.90 2225 Charlotte. ..... 36.10 30.10 24.65 Dnrham, ..... 34.10 28 40 23.30 Gastonia, ..... 36.10 30.10 2466 Ooldsboro, - - - - - 37 10 31.40 26.25 Greensboro 34.10 28 40 23.30 Henderson, ..... 34 lo 2S.40 23 30 Hender8onville. .... 33.35 27.85 22.95 Hickory. ..... 3410- 2840 23 30 Marion, ..... 34.10 28.40 23.30 Morganton, .... 34.10 28 40 23.30 Mt. Airy, 37 00 30,85 25.10 Newton, - - - - - 34.10 28.40 23.30 Raleigh, 35.60 29.90 24 80 Kntherfordton, .... 35.55 29 60 24.20 Salisbury, ..... 34,10 28.40 23.30 Sanford, ..... 37.60 31.90 26,25 Selma, ..... 37.10 31.40 ' 26.25 Statesville. (via Knrxville), - 34.10 28.40 23.30 Wilkesboro, ..... 40.00 33.40 25.10 Winston-Salem, - 35.85. 29.85 24.40 Speaking From Experience. "If a man tells the exact truth at all times," said the philosopher, "he has done as much as ought to be expected of him." "My friend," answered the weather forecaster, "he has done a great deal more than ought to be expected of him." Washington Star. Stlngjy Steps. An old man was passing our house one afternoon, taking exceedingly short steps. My little cousin watched him for several minutes and then said. "Mamma, doesn't he walk stingy?" Exchange. A Knowing Dog. Traveler Here, landlord, what's the matter with your dog? I've driven him away a score of times, but he always comes back again and sits close up to my armchair watching every mouthful I take. Do turn him out and let me have my dinner in peace. Landlord Please, sir, my Carlo is such a know ing brute. I expect you have got the plate he generally eats off. Southern Railway operates Through Pullman Sleeping Oar be tween Greensboro, N. C, and St Louu, Mo., via Salisbury, Asheville Knoxville, Lexington and Louisville; leaviug Greensboro daily at 7.20 p. m. DoableDaily Through Pnllman Sleeping Cars from Asbevillei N. U. For full information as to rates Irom all points, Sleeping-Car r -servations, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., address ANY AGENT, or B.L.HEKSOS, Traveling Passenger Agent, J. H. WOOD, District P ass. Agent CHARLOTTE, N. C. ASHEVILLE, N. C. S. H. H 1RDWICK, Pass. Tarfflc Manager, W. H. TATLOE. Gen'l Pas. Agent WASHINGTON, D. C. t is better to have it always and not need it than to need it once and not have it. A WARNING TO MOTHERS. Too much care cannot be used with small children dur ing the hot weather of the sum mer months to guard against Dowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder o the bowels- Do not use and sub stitute, but give old-fashioned caster oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked in its incipency and all danger avoided. The cas tor oil and this remedy should oe procured at once and kept ready for instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most successful treat ment known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infan tum. Ifor sale by W- A. Les lie, druggist. Considerate. "Why don't you take me with you sometimes of evenings, dear? I get so tired of staying at home alone." "Because-1 can't afford to dress you aswell as myself. I don't want to be seen around with a woman dressed as you are." Absolute Proof. "Do you consider Whiffles an honest man, Keene?" "I know for certain that he con tributes regularly to the conscience Tund of the treasury department." Don't judge a man by his failures in life, for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed. A SUMMER COLD. A summer cold is not oulv annoying but if not relieved Pneumonia will be the proba ble result by Fall. One Min ute Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws out the inflam: ation, heals, soothes and strengthens the lungs and bronchial tubes. One Minute Cough Cure is an ideal remedv for the children. It is pleasant to tne taste and pertectJ v harm less. A certain cure for Croup, KjO ugn and Uold. Bold by W A. Leslie, druggist. FOlEYSIflDHEYCURE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right Second tract Contains 1 acres and adjoins No. 1, bought by K. J: Hen nessa of A. J. and M. E. Lowdermilk. Third tract Known as the Dale place, on the waters of the Catawba river and Hunting creek, adjoin intr Hogan's mill tract and others and con tains 53 acres bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine stump and chest nut, Deal s corner, in Hennessa s line near the ridge road and runs south with H's line 30 poles to a post oak in Duckworth's line, then with his line west 46 poles to a pine in Pearson and Sudderth's line, (now Hogan's) then north with that line 10 poles to a large black oak, their corner, then west with their line 52 poles to a stake at tneir corner, then north with said line 20 poles to a black oak and Spanish oak near Berry's coal pit, then the same ourse with Dale's line 200 poles to a stake at his corner on the river bank, then down the river with its meanders 35 poles to a stake and white oak. Dale s corner or. the 7o acre survey, then south with the same tract 200 poles to a pine stump, his corner, then east 64 poles to the beginning. r ourth tract Contains 28 acres, ad joins No. 1, and was purchased of Jethro.Berry and wife. Begins at a rock and sourwood, R. J. Hennessa's corner in J. W. Rector's line, and runs south 86 poles to pine stump on north sitle public roan, Kector and Brittain's corner, then north 64 degrees west 56 poles with the road to a rock on north side of road, then north 8 degrees west 64 poles to a white oak Hennessa line, then east with his line 57 poles to beginning. Fifth tract Bounded as follows Beginning on a rock, R. J. Hennessa's corner in Adam Bettis' line, and runs west 41 poles to a post oak, then north 31 poles to a rock in J. E. Grady's line, then north 60J4 degrees east 48 poles to a post oak in R. J. Hennessa's line, then south 55 poles to the be ginning, containing 11 acres. Also one undivided one-half interest in a grant issued by the State May 21st, 1902, to J. A. Baker and R. J. Hennessa, containing 44 acres and ly ing on the waters of Sandy Run in Burke county. For further description ot which reterence is made to book F, No. 2, pages lo8 and 159 records of Burke county. Terms of sale: One-half cash, bal jftice 6 months note with approved se curity with interest W. H. GARRISON, P. L. HENNESSA, Adm'rs of R. J. Hennessa N. B: The land on which ' are the buildings of the Chapel of the Cross is exempted irom above. A CONTINUAL STRAIN. .Many men ami women are con stantly Milic'eil to what tliey commonly leini "a continual sti am'' because f s rae financial r lamily trolmle. It wears tml (litstre nm throi bulb mentally and n'nsicHllv, atnciiDff their i erves badly and bringing on liver and kidney i.ilments, with the attend ant evils of constipation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vitality and despondency. They cannot, as a role, get rid of this "continual stain , but they can remedy v its health-destroying effects by taking frequent doses of Green's August Jt lower. It tone"? up the liver, Ktimiilates the kidneys insures healthy bodily functions. gives vim and spirit to one's whole being, and exentualM di-pels the physical or mental distress caused by that "continual stiain. rrial bottle of August Flower, '25 i leg itlar size, 75c. At all dnij: siiMs. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE) rv?rg?n J!? MEDICINE DENTIST R Y P H I R M A C T Modern Laboratories in charge of pedalists. Quiz System. Superior Clinics. Bedside teaching In our an TTncnC.I For detailed information, write THE PROCTOR. K'hawking and Spitting, Dropping into the Throat, Foul Breath, CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD By Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) TO PKOVE IT, SAMPLE SEXT FREE, Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B.l ha cured to stay cured more cases of Catarrh than all others remedies combined, B.R.B. kills or destroys theawfulcaiarrhal poison in the biood which causes the symptoms, and thus makes a perfect lasting cureof the worst old cases SYMPTOMS. The poison in the blood produces bad. offensive, fetid breath, bad teeth.and sickness of the stomach;in some cases vomiting up clear phlegm; enlargement ol the soft bones of the nose. affecting sense of smell. uicera- iiens of the mucous membranes, hawking, spitting up lumps, weak stomach, nose bleeding, headaches.snor- ing while asleep, stopping up of tlie nose: thin, hot blood, all run down, specks flying before the eyes, low spirited, etc. Botanic Blood Balm lU, B. B. forces its way through every blood vessel and vein, expelling all catarrhal poison that stands In its way. per manently removes every symptom and thus makes a perfect cure. B. B. B. sends a flood of rich, puie blood direct to the affected pans, giving warmth aud Strength Just where it is needed. Dealnes. Rinqinq In the Ears, Head No ses. Nearly all cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrhal Poison in the blood. The air passages become clogged by catarrhal deposits stopping the action of the vibratory bones. Thousands of sufferers from even total deafness have had their hearing per manently testored by taking B. B. B, for catarrh. B. li. B. gradually removes the catarrhal deposit from the air passages, thus making the nerves of the ear respond to the symptoms of approaching deafness and catarrh. B.B.B. never fails to remove ringing in the ears or head noises in a few week's time. If deaf or hard of hearing try Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. It may be the very remedy your system needs. OUR GUAR NTEE. Take a large bottle of Botanic Biood Balm( B.B.B. las directed on label. na when tne riant quantity is UKen a cure is certain, sure and lasting. If not cured your money win tromnT o rfmnoeo wmoiir argument. Botanic P.lood Balm fB.B.B.1 is Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 30 years, v-omposea or fure Botanic ingredients. strengthens weak Kidneys and stomachs, cures Dyspepsia. Sold by all Druggists. $1. Per Large Botte,with complete direction for home cure. Sample sent re) by willing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Describe your trouble, and special free medical advice. to suit your case, will be sent in sealed lettet W. A. LESLIE, Dinsg 8 , Morganton, N. 0. 4 LAST CALL FOR GRADED SCHOOL TAX. I respectfully ask nil persons wbo have not paid ihir graded school tax to come and pay and save rouble, for trouble tliete will be if the taxea aie nor paid mo. Who can yoa blame if yonr name piears in the list advertised! Yours trnlv, J. B. IJOLLOWA Y", Tax Collector Maich 15, 1901 ever go without it and you will never go broke. N ecurity is tne thing U should prepare for war in time of peace. Jun no risk. sticth in time saves nine. JNJothing like it. i;j . . rireaixors are arraia ot a man who don't cw iy Ui very good business man has it. GO TO M. B KIBLER FOB IT. 1 - LTLMS M hmt!) UUL5 1 IMMftlLS off VJM posiftiveBy coupe aauy case m. FT!) n n n mm - up! usuaoiraep disease not Bjeyoratfl ihlhe peacBu COdmey oir mraealiiCDnue. Wo jnraednclinie cara do mope. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 50c and $1.00 Pasieif Sfons and Gravil With Excruciatinr Pains f i.A" Hk Thu8' Mgr. Vills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O .writes I have been afflicted vita kidney and bladder trouble for WsS ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other roed?cine PK gaverelief. After taklhg FOLEY'S KIDNEY ajREflS fSIS w.I surprising A fevr doses started the brick dust, like fine stones" eTc and now I have no pain across my kidnevs and I f Mi i;iT- J . FOi fy'5 K-mMPv rtTDc u j ,ancv n i feel like new man. s KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good." 9 Othar Remedy Can Compare YIth 11 pos. V. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidnev Trouble .nri one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected t perfect cure lit he SVS there is no remrlir th. .,Jii - v " vurc Bna - - -j - wu wvii'parc wun It. SOLD DID REGOIjMEIiDED BY ZZZ W. A. LESLIE, Dnipiet now where to lev ten uccess ot or teiie; upon ti e took t!i.-vuH-. Implements are no ex peri men t. Detter crops with less Lih,,- mmS-W1 pastime7 THREE TIMES THE VA1UE OF ANY "OTHER. ONE THIRD EASIER. ONE THIRD FASTER. unoccu- Agents wanted in all pied territory. Wheeler & Wilson M'f 'g. Co., Atlanta. Ga. FonSALEBY HeLDF.BEASD & COSKELLY. STEVENS Single Barn THE MOST POPULAR GUH KA2E This gun is fully up to quality of our nrks, iv men lor years have been STANDARD It is made in ; styles. ar.J in i:. 1 6 and 20 gaue. I 'red f 1 r Nite: Powder and lullv ;uarar.tced No. 100 . . $7.50 ' No. MO . . 8.50 No. 120 . . I0.C0 Send stamo for larse catalrje complete line, brimful of v.uS.i iii to ,Jortsmen. J. Stevens Arms and Tool Ci P.O. Box 33 M CHiCCPEE FSUS. Mrs. Fred President Country 4'lnb, Benton Harbor, Mel. "After my first baby was born I did not teem to regain my s trength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead cf getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to tike up my usaal duties. I am very enthusi astic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not hare been weakened as she was. II er rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. M4U4 30 YEAR? v-.-'iS-''.- E.?K'C 5 Anvnne fnr.u .1 ' .''""TTrr i gniekly ascerlam i.t Trw:( " ir iiiviiti'.n i prihnl-!r i- ' ' . riia tinniiMinitlTC..i,,i,.-i ii..:. .n """V. ' -j. mnfeint ti.iri.V- mtliK-.t CP Uit;- A rtandomr-!T i "it.1 " ' :'r- JVm rotation .f any wi ' '"; nr : ftiir niti: lis. 5 1. 'J, ' 1 Bran"b Oitice. 02r V m V. CH:CKESTiT3 K3 VViHEorCAHDUl SEE J P MAY and" H R BR.IDGERS " Ar6 have the windows of your house fitted with the 20th Century Window Screen Before the Hot Weather Begins. This is one of the finest inventions of its kind of the age. It adjusts itself and gives free access to blinds and sash. Keeps out flies and other in sects. Give it a trial and you wouldn't oe without it. - - May & Bridgers, Morganton, N. C. - . L li -r HI ie;V( ( s I M.l.lil oll liieuJl r l . " ' 1 ralr n '!i-r. i:.-rti- l:ii iu;iona ii iiTji:;iii. ' -y rriti.-n 1 :.:n: i - " ch;c"I-.t-s ck. ,.w Cfc Xudiw.: Square. 1 ieui raoJel. stt-.-t.'a ,r I 1 lo l ' frjercpori Patnt a Uppostte u. o j:rn& I WASHINGJUJl ,t, r . r S. Arj'J bodied, unmarri.-l nwa. ..p- of 21 and 35. cit .' ' iievf; States, of good C,i-'UV habits, who can r,;ik-rtr 'fVvbv English. For infi'rn"l,B't-. cruiting Ofiker. 1 ' y1: street. Charlotte: Si 'u TruRt building. Orr K hiii1t!nr Wii.stiill baitU'" r!f4 ave.. Asheville. ; r Building. Spartanburg. 0

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