aff1 tt.tiB''i xmi BRING YOUR I ' "7 ws v ews-Hcrald IS THE job Printin- TO BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM - -IN THE 'the News Herald Office. T. G. COBB, Publish Work at Lowest er. THE BURKE COVNTY NEWS THE MOR.GANTON HERALD Consolidated Nov. 29. 1901. Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance Prices J VOL. XX. i'iednuont Section. MORG-ANT ON, N. O., AUGUST 18, 1904., No- 20. - H ID 1c rYDALE'S TONIC X New Scientific Discovery for the BLOOD and NERVES, JUDGE PARKER NOTIFIED. The Ceremony Terek Place at His Home at Rosemount. Esopus, N. Y.. Dispatch. 10th. Judge Alton B. Parker today received formal noliticatiou of bis nomination for the presidency of the United States as the candidate oi the Democratic party, and in accepting gave 'public expression for the first time of his views on the issues of the campaign. The i1'. , .- TIYir is ci-il.l nnHor !i ivio! I II O H O A t m Ks.. U t. . I tive g ,ri.;t,s the blood by eliminating the , mattt-r and other impurities and by as!e ;,ur the serins or microbes that dfTthe blood. It builds up the blood t l-oatriK ling and multiplying the red . sc't-s, nuking the blood rich and red. Tswres anj stimulates the nerves, " r" 1 . (,,'. frpp flow of nerve force ..-..l.T.illlH'" W1-" . ontirp nprve svstpm fore he continued, llis pledge not fj-fc A nl. t A It m w auccb a secoua term ii lie was elected aroused instant intprpnr which increased to marked eathusi. asm when the speaker weut on to explain his position. Then the crowd seemed to jield to the force of his reasoning, and at the end of a particularly telling period toward is th court the judge themon- It .u.-ho'ut the a I'- s 11(11'".. . , ' spe - - . - - . . . 4 I I 4.1 .araiitce, iAaI size SO cents, family size $1.00 MANITACTURED BY The Radical Remedy Company, Territory in the Un HICKORY, N. c in a A Ll-LIE, Druggist. FIRE: iN3URANC Wj w-i'Ue F;re Insurance poli- kums ot property home aid for- cie- o.i u ia the l-ir'est ( jj c n i) iuies FverV lo iiistained on property iasarfa Hi tins aseuuj, tMaunsueu fifteeu ye ns ago, has beeu prompt r auil silt, sfaetorily settled. (v an auts for the North Carolina Home, AtuH of Hartford, ' ll.i minus Bremen, Hart lord, of Hartford, Con Insur.i.iee Company of Sorth America, "iaara of New York, Home, of New York aui German American. Policies placed on our books are promptly renewed before expira ation. We write risks from i00 to jluiO 0, ou property in town or cjjii'ry, at lowest, rates. ' AVERY & EEVIN, AgtS. P.vt nlice. Hailil nir. C. W. Tucker, Contractor and Builder, Morganton, N. C. Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, aschairmau of a commit tee representing every State and ion. Mr. Clark, brief speech, informed the candidate of bis nomination and pteseuted to him a formal commu nication signed by the committee. Standiug bareheaded, during a brief lull in the rainstorm which had lasted since soon after day light, Judge Parker accepted the nomination and set forth his views iu a sjee:h that evoked freqneni and hearty applause, fle spoke for a little more thau half an hour. The ceremony was held ou the lawn at liosemonnt, under the trees t the north eud of the house, and was attended by upwards of 000 people, the large number of whom came from Xew l'ork city with the notification committee ou the steamer Sagamore. The com pany included many Democrats of national prominence, as well as a large and represpntative dele gation irom Tammauy Hall. There would have b en a gala day gatheriug from Kingstou and vicinity, where perhaps the judge is best known, but the ram had been so heavy and so continuous that few local people ventured forth. It"was at first decided to hold the ceremonies ou the Sagamore, owing to the storm, but the pro test of those who wanted Judge Parker notified at his own hous was so vigorous that at the las; moment the little platform erected on the lawn was hastily decorated with flags and the ceremonies were held there according to ths original plan. During most of the time occnpie.J by Champ Clark'd speech the lain was falling in a steady drizzle, but it stopped entirely just as Judge Parker began his ad dress. Representative Claik wasspek ing and Judge Parker was stand iug bareheaded without shelter, when a man iu the crowd called "Somebot'y hoM an umbrella over Judge Parker.' A number were immediately offered, but the judge refused them with a courteous wave of the band. ' "Justice for bll. special privileges for none," sid Mr. Clark, and the spectators showed their appreciation of the sally by a shout ot laughter. While Judge Parker was speak ing there was no need of shelter. The rain stopped and not a breath of air stirred. In the stillness, every word could be heard distinct ly to the farthest borders of the crowd. It is long ears since Judge Parker has been heaid in a polit cal sneech, and to most of his bearers he was absolutely new in this capacity. They heard him with a keen interest, not nnmixea with cunositv. The address was delivered in the clearest tones, in a voice seldom raised above the conversational pitch but perfectly andible, nevertheless His enunciation was distinct and his delivery exceedingly deliber ate. He used few gestures, mak ing bis emphasi3 almost C7 entirely with his voice. Headher ed to the text of his written ad dress, with the wording of which he When discussing the Bubject of high appeared perfectly familiar, . the close of the speech it gave the candidate the greatest demons tration of the afternoon. It looked as though every man, woman and child in the throug surrounding the platform bad a small American flag; and as they cheered, the wav I am i i t-pared to take contracts for all kinds of building, and guarantee firstciass work aai material. Esti mates furuhed on application. Parties wishing to build can get information as to my ability as a workman and reliability fr m the best citizens of lljiautou. 4 flORIH-lSTEM H SCHEDULE Effective July 10, 1904. Mixed Xohthhovxd i'asseneer Mixed LvChe-ter 9 00aa 4-30 am LrVo-iville 9 4-8 am 7 57 am Lviiastonia 10 33 am g ooam Lv Lincolnton 1 1 50 am 10 4-5 am LvXewtun J 2 '2,-i pm 12 15 pm lv Hickory ii' 57 pm 2 4-5 pm 11 00 am Ar Lenuir 2 10 pm 5 05 pm 1 30 pm Mixed 8 CO am 9 25 am Softhbovxo Passenger Mixed Lv Lenoir 2 0 pm 4 00 am Lv Hickory 3 32 pm 6 05 am LvNewti.n 3 59 pm 7 20 am Lt Linculnton 4 37 pm 8 25 am LvGast.mia 5 25 pm 1 30 am LvYorkviiie 6 14 pm 3 OS pm Ar Chester 7 07 pm 4 45 pm CONXECTIOXS. Chester Southern Rv., S. A. L. and L. & C. orkvi'ie Southern Railway. Gastonis Southern Railway Linciinton S. A. L. Newton and Hir-korv Southern Railwav. Lenoir Blowing Rock Stage Line and C. & E. F. Keid. G. P. A.. Chester, S. C. Magna Est Majestas Legum. Selected. Young Law Student Who is that bilious-looking fellow sit ting up there between the gas pedestals? Old Attorney That, my boy. arch of this circus the general manager of the actors you ste performing before him. Y. L. S. Oh! ves and that man with a book in his hand, who appears to be swearing at ng flags almost concealed the luecoui 1S 1 suppose, me nng- ocenpauts of the stand. The sneak- master? er waited for the applause to sub side, and then made his few con cluding remarks, finishing his ad dress at C minutes before 3 He began his address at 2 18 p. m. As Judge Parker spoke his clos- hg words, the baud struck up "The Star Spangled Bauner," and from the deck of the yacht Sap- O. A. Well, not exactlv he io only an attorney, and he is tell ing the court where he made a mistake in deciding a poinftifew minutes ago. Y. L. S. Now, the 'atto-ney, as you call him, has sat down. See how he is shaking his finger phire iu the liver below a nuuiber and fussing at that poor man of bombs were fired in salute, who is crouching: in the chair. I These, bursting iu the air, re- That must be a murxlerer, and eased parachutes, from which the attorney is telling him what were suspended the national col- an awful thinK it is to 8Uch a ....... I. I T . 1 Jl . I ' -1 wa. -uvtiei tuBie wuisiieu i , , r u , oaa man: i i a 1 1 . . t i i v.... :. John irierce. the vachfc Sannhim . , r rri j. i anrl Anonct RalmAn.'cto. aiTHlU, Ul V UOV . X UUl BCartU- After the ceremony all crowded looting rellow is only a witness eagerly to shake the candidate's on the other side, and the attor- hand and to congratulate him upon ney is just asking him if he is sure his speech. about a statement he has iust i 1 be reception was rontinned on the veranda until after 4 o'clock, when the company broke np and the visitors returned to their boats and trains. The Negro Hts Deserted the Banjo and Now Cultivates the Guitar. Charlotte Observer, 10th. Among the passengers on an in coming train yesterday was a depu ty sheriff and a uegro prisoner. The latter was handcuffed, and the officer held him by alongchaiD attached to the manacles. Despite hese eucumbrances, the prisoner held fast to a guitar and seemed intent upon keeping his instru ment in good shape, under all circ umstances. "'See that nigger?'' said an intelli gent colored man, "he's ready to play that guitar just as soon as they take the cuffs off him. Did you evtr notice mat now a nigger made. Y. L. S. Yes, I hear him now. But when the witness tells him he knows it's so, why does he ask him over again so many times? 0. A. To be sure of it. Y. L. S. And by that means he will not forget it? 0. A. That is what is called "testing the witness' mexory." Y. Ii. S. Do witnesses like to have their memory tested that wav? 0. A. Do you like the tooth ache? Y. L. S. I've no objection when it's iu some other fellow's aw. O.. A. Same way with the wit- T Y 1 . 1 j 1 ness. tie aoesn t ODjcct to nav ing some other fellow's memory tested. Y. L. S Who is that red-head- never carries a DanjoT lie's got too refined for the banjo it seems ed fellow who has just jumpedup to him too much like being in a an J shouted, "I object?" cottonpatch, and uow he must have Q. A. That is the attorney on guitar.' When one comes to t hp othpr R:fiH think of it, this is about the case the negio, along with other "ad vances,' has gotten away from the banjo, and it is doubtful if the change is favorable for the pro duction of a large cottou crop, for to the question it he does not like the banjo, be is doubtless, also becoming dis satisfied with association with the mule, and the negro and the mule are the greatest cotton- oroilacine combination In the world. Times chauge and niggers Y. L. S. WTbat does he object to? 0. A. The question. Y. L. S. Why does he object er wasn't a hoarse-thief. 0. A. That's simply to estab lish liis character. Y. L S. Now he asks him how many times a week he gets drunk. O. A. That's to fix his reli gion. Y. L. S. Who are those men asleep over there in the box? O. A. They are the jurymen. Y. L. S. What are they for? 0. A. They are to decide from killed an aged and helpless couple in Tennessee for the sak3of $2.00 and their clothes. Let's go, quick! O. A. No, he's cooling off now. He will be through in a minute. Y. L. S. I guess the fierce looking attorney will wait until he gets outside to shoot him. Now the jurymen aregcingout.I suppose we will soon know who beat? O. A. Yes perhaps. Y. L. S. While the jury is out get a the evidence which side is right Y. L. S. But if they are asleep let's go down street and and don't hear the evidence, how glass of woda water can they tell who is right? O. A. All right O. A. Oh, when the attorneys Y. D. S. flow nice it is to be come to make their speeches out in the air once more. Oh, my! they will wake them up and tell The two attorneys have met! them what the evidence was. Let's run awav. There'll be mur- Y. L. S. But can they remem- der certain ber all the evidence themselves so as to repeat it to the jury correctly. O. A. Just wait a moment and watch them. Y. L. S Well, if thev ain't 0. A. They will telll the jury drinking together I'm a petrified they can. Y. L. S. But will the jury be lieve them. (). A. Wait and see. Y. L. S. Now the fierce look- ghost! O. A. Now let' et our soda before they drink it all up. Y. L. S.I believe that fifth glass went to my h Ad. Let change with them. GET YOTJB, MONEY'S WORTH. You get your money's worth when you buy Elliott's Emulsified Oil Lini ment. A full bait pint bottle costs Due O. A. Because he thinks it is 1 J 1 A. immaterial unu irrelevant. Y. L. S.-Is it? 0. A. It is for his side. Y. L. S. Now, the court says something and the attorneys are gatheiing up great stacks of comes in again Krinlo , Whnt nr-p thpv coinf to I X . lv. b. Uh! do now? 0. A. They are gowing to find out what some othercourt thinks u.s ing attorney says: "Take the go back and see if lie jury has witness." Does he mean for the come in sheriff to take him to jail.' U. A. lhey ar j ist passing O A TNTrk" if- ia a liirrnul f ri n "h I 1 r w n f lio iila he is to be released from torture. Y. L. S. Good! Now we'll Y. L. S. Now all the attorneys know who won are at their tables writing rapid- O. A. Yes, perhaps. ly. What is that for? Y. L. S. But look! That iel- 0. A. That means the case is low the judge called the foreman closed, and Xasy are writing in- says they've hung. Does that structions for the jury. mean the attornevs are to be ex Y. L. S.I supposi each attor- ecuted? ney will instruct the jury to find O. A. No, the jury's hung? in his favor? Y. L. S. Oh! the itirv's to be O. A. Possibly. Y. L. S. And the jury wiil . O. A. They ought to be. Let's 0. A. Hush! The attorney is go now. You can commence now beginning his argument. practicing law yourself next Y. L. S. Yes, I see. Now he week. tells them he will give them a fair and unprejudiced review of the evidence in the case.- Which means . O. A. That he will bring out all the strong points on his side. Y. L. S. And forget to men tion the other fellow's strong points? O. A. Exactlv, vou are learn-ing. Y. L. S. Oh, my! He has iust Painless- W could not improve the quality referred to the Other attorney as that experience can produce or that money nn nrrrinfJnlprl spminrlrpd rf tin I Can buy. i ...v2'mv , was mean enough to rob his aged parents and then send them to the poor-house! O. A. That's nDthing wait till the red headed fellow gets back at him. Y. L. S. But he speaks awful nice to those sleepy -looking fel lows in the box. O. A. That's where policy DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE. TH ORIGINAL. A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds Cures Piles Permanently DeWitt's Is the original and only pure and f enuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. All others axe counterfeit, prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO. CHICAGO Sold by W. A. LESLIE. Wood's Seeds. Lis- 25 cents, and you get your money back aDout the question objected to. if not satisfied with results. Use it in "L , . , your family and on your stock. You'll Y. L. S. Don tthlSCOUrt know your family and on your not be disappointed. enough to be able to tell whether the question is right or not? 0. A. Now he's through. ten to the other attorney. Y. L. S. Yes; he begins real nice and gentlemanly so differ ent from the fierce looking one. 0. A .Wait. Y. I. S Now he is talking a PnnciHoi" Uimcalf rioari Youths companion. 0. A.-He's got his ideasabout little faster, and appears more in Mr. L.. a eood-natured German, u,, v,a rtra rnr cm np-ainstthe earnest , " was tne proprietor oi a ciotuing QO.g business in a country town, ue Y. L. S. But I thought acourt was a judge to decide these mat ters himself? 0. A. To a certain extent you FARRAND ORGANS. though he held a copy in his hand aud followed it somewhat closely with his eye while speaking. The speech was heard with clos est atteution, and applause grade organs one's mind naturally re verts to the historic name of the Far rail. which for over twenty-three years has been in the lead of high grade muical instruments. The Farrand possesses a tonean.i ;a r..,n:j - .- j..,i, freauentlv punctuated it. The - ' a ii.i iniiiru iiii 1 1,1. 11 it i u Lfii, i i . A l - . . candidate s audience awoke to a high pitch of enthusiasm when he spoke of socalled militarism and imperialism. "Onrs is a woild power,'' said he, "and as such it must be maiutaiued; but I deny that it is at all recently flualitieg. JIy second Car Loal for Lenoir, N. y-- as just arrived and I am sure that 11 you i inace VOlir nrrlor nrith ma for ft. Hrrand you will never regret it. The "creasing demand for the Farrand 0rrans is sufficient evidence that they are appreciated. C. T. MOKRISON, Wholesale and Retail, Hickory aud Lenoir, N. C HOURS. thac the United States has attained that eminence.'' When he enunci ated this principle there came a burst of cheers that caused the 3 toB wait a few moments ue '0 To 12 BR. J. A. flFlLDS. Practice Limited to Diseases of Women and Rectal Diseases. Office ovet Martin's Drugstore, HICKORY. N. O. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. d-for Register of rwi of Rnrk I pa rth and will nrevent fatality. county, subject to the action of the when Barns'," Sores, Ulcers, and democratic county convention. Piles threaten. Only z5c, at EesDectfuiiv. John Tull and W. A- Leslie's R. g; Gibbs. I drug stores.? THE DEATH PENALTY. A little thing sometimes re sults in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death nenaltv..-It is wise to have ! Rnp.klpn's 'Arnica Sal we ever handy. It's the - best Salve on rf ri.rht. You see. the attorney nnPBr had u QOM t,P motion will read pleasantry wait I .. .. . ..I VT. S Nnw hp rpfprs tn A luuiuiug uc a Wh0ie lot OI decisions u-omu i ii- time wnen ue urone jan in Ala bama. 0. A. Yes, he's getting start ed. Y. L. S. My goodness gra- had in his employ oue John S, whom he had advanced from cash boy to head clerk. Since his pro motion John had several times asked lor an increase of salary, and each time his re been granted. One again appeared at the old mer- I. ourts to show he isright,and chant's desk with auother request a.torpv whn ..l ier-ted to the , -r c t ik n. l.uc .i.""v " lor an increase oi pio a inuuiu. tr oi 1- I. LtT H ; n K " V V. OUUU. BttlU 111 i JJM A uiui I . ,.t l i. 1 T k nnt xr., ..lrotrc- T-ftt aeClSlUUO nun. u10 "v,- X. UiX V o y UU yuyjuj ..... vuvoj) - . , for T Uav nn anv more?'' tne question i wiuug, aim "Well." replied Johu.confidently, Y. L. S men tne poor juuge I am vour principal help here. 1 is as much at a loss as ever to know every detail of the business, know how to decide, if the books aud, indeed, I think that you coma Qre both ways? not get along without me." n A Tnwardlv ves but he "Is dat so! Vy, Shon, vot would r., lpi ol, vyhile the argu , ... a WVJVUl w I do suppose you van w uier "Well, I suppose that you would hv to ?et alons without me then." The old Teuton look several wibffs fiom his big pipe and finally said: Veil, Shou. I guess you petter gonsider yourself dead." 0. A. Have patience. Y. L. S. Why, he tells the jury the other lawyer was detected stealing sheep down in th coun try. O. A. That is simply a little s Crimson Cloier Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crop, can be plowed under the following April or May in time to plant corn or other crops the same season. Crimson Clover prevents winter leaching of the soil, is equal in fer tilizing value to a good application of stable manure and will wonder fully increase the yield and qual ity of corn or other crops which follow it. It also makes splendid winter and spring grazing, fine early green feed, or a good hay crop. Even if the crop is cut off, the action of the roots and stubble improve the land to a marked de gree. Write for price apd special cir cular telling about seeding etc. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. Wood' Descriptive Fall Catalog, ready aDout August iai, teusaii aDout f arm and Vegetable Seeds for Fall plant ing. Mailed free on request. Clement Geitner, President. A. M. Kistler, Vice-l'resident, A. M. Infold, Cashier. J. A. Clay well, Jr Teller. First National Bank Morga.nton, N. C. CAPITAL, S35.000. SURPLUS 7,."0O. ABSOLUTE SAFETY Is the Best Thing We Have to Offer. Other inducements are of secondary importance. Upon this basis only do ue solicit your patronage. M. Kistler, R. T. Claywell, DIRECTORS: I. I. Davis, A. A. Shuford, Clement Geitner. S. R. Collett, C. Mcnzies, .at SEASONABLE GOODS For Every Housekeeper. MOTHALINE. The new Moth destroyer. No bad odor like moth balls. For putting up fine woolens, furs etc. Price 15c. pound package. SURE DEATH. For destroying Cockroaches, Vermin. Water Bugs, etc. In liquid form, put up in squirt cans. Price 15c. COEOLEUM. Disinfecting liquid. For sick rooms, closets, kitchens, stables, etc. One pint makes five gallons of a superior disinfectant. Price 25c. NAPTHA CAMPHOR. Moth destroyer. Superior to Moth balls. For putting up heavy woolens, blankets, Price 15c. pound. BED BUG POISON in liquid form. Applied with a feather. The most effective destroyer on the market. 25c. pint HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. The good kind. 10c. bottle. VIOLET AMMONIA. For the toilet and bath. 15 and 25c. TURKISH BATH GLOVES. 25c. pair. Leslie's Drug Store. J. A. P0TEET. A. N. DALE POTEET & DALE, GENERAL fl E R C H A'N T S , MORGANTON, N. C. We keep a general -stock, and many times have things which are to be found nowhere else in town, such as fresh butter, eggs, chick ens and various kinds of choice Countrv Produce. A FULL LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES Constantly on hand- Aiad our Fresh Meat Department is always stocked with the choicest meats. cious! He says the other attorney for Burke county. was tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail for marrying three women in Texas. O. A. That's pretty good, but he can do better than that. A CARD. To the Voters of Burke County; At the solicitation of some friends, hereby declare myself an independent candidate at the next November elec tion for the office of Register of Deeds Respectfully, John Roderick, For Register. I heceby announce myself an Inde pendent candidate for re-election for ment is going on he rrentaTly flips up a quarter -and decides " . a against the fellow less able to ap peal. Y. L. S. Is that right? 0. A. No it's policy. Y. L. S Now, the judge says Y. L. S. SaV, I am going to Register of Deec's for a second term. " , ,? . - I I am willing-to stand on my past record ;t OUt Of here there 11 be Shoot- and the manner in which I have con- get ing, sure! He says it,s a known fact that the other attorney ducted the business of the office. J. F. BATTLE. "Dem Mixed Pills." Wallace & Coleman, Sologoh nhift. Aik.. write: In reea d to Kamou's Liver Pills we bought of you will ay that we have never jet baud ed a pill that gave bet ter satfsfactiou. When our col ored custouieisforget the name of what thTy want they call for "Dem Mixed Pills.' ACID DYSPEPSIA A VEEY COM MON DISEASE. It is indicated by Bour stomach, enmpthin!'. thev all sit down and stomach tender and bowels sometimes ,i- ii.nI1 i.o loose, sometimes constipated. Persona the fierce-looking attorney be Be;ing from Acid pepsia are mn4 fussinff at the witnessagain. usually thin and bloodleas. Sometmies glllS IUSBuii. i- the sufferer is fleshy, but the flefh ia fl . You should say exam- flabbv ad unhealthy. A Radical cure of this disease can do eneccea in a snort FOR REGISTER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds of Burke county, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention. Respectfully, F. D. Beery. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Burke ming. 1 time bv taking one or two Rydale"s v y q Well I would like to Stomach Tablets after each meal and I county, subject to the action of the I.Aj. ! whenever the stomach is out of order. 1 Democratic county nominating conven- . . . p 11 I. I J T ltr I , , , i I . - , , , . - net at tne ieuow wuw n umu j i xney are narmiesa sou u u taiteu ai i tion, ana, any iavors my mends may . 4.uQf ... o v Hp's I any time ana as ouen as is necessary to i snow me will oe nigtily appreciated to ""examine me that way. ne s relieve the Btomach. Trial size 25c Respectfully, obL-pH the witness if his fath- Family size 50c. W W. McGIMSEY. JUOU CA kj . I f you ynU SIIOKS or DRY GOODS give us a al! and we will save you money. "ee delivery to any part of town. POTEST & DAUS- Agents for the sale of Geo. E. Sisen Wagons. See this wagon at our store. JL. Mr alfc Sterl ing Silver. New Line In Handsome Patterns. to Paper Bags. We .sell Paper Bags and can fill orders for large as well as small quantities at very low prices. All sizes from 1-2 to 20 lb. in stock. We also keep many things in the Station ery line used in offices and the school room. We have a large stock of Printer's Sta tionery and are prepared to fill orders for Job rinting in the best style and on short notice. Try us. 'She News-Herald, 1 G COBB. Proprietor

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