THE N EWS li HRALD. T. G. COBB, Publisher. THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 1904. MR. B. F. DAVIS FOR THE LEGISLA TURE. The name of Mr. B. F. Davis, a prominent merchant of Mor ganton, will be presented to the county Democratic convention for the nomination for represen tative from Burke to the next General Assembly. Mr. Davis is well known to the people of the county, is deservedly popu lar and feels a deep interest in the welfare of the county and all her institutions. As to his dem ocracy, no one questions it he has always been loyal to the party, and is a high-toned, chris tian gentleman. He is a friend to public schools and. assures us that he will do everything in his power to make them better. As the Morgunton graded school is now in its infancy and needs the loyal support of every good citizen, and as a large number of the citizens of the graded school district naturally wish to know the attitude of a probable candi date for the legrislatu re towards the school, we will say that Mr Davis assures us that he not only favors and patronizes this system of schools but will use every effort in his power to help it along and improve it as the ability of the people justifies. - We believe the democrats of the county will look with favor upon the suggestion of Mr. Davis' name for representative. Mr. J. H. Giles, on account of pressing business in connection with his saw mill, and from the fact that he lives in the c mntry, thought it to the best interest of democracy that he resign as chairman of the county demo cratic executive committee. This he did at a meeting of the committee on last Saturday and Mr. A. C. Avery, Jr., was unani mously elected in his stead. Mr. Avery says the campaign will be red hot from now till Noy. 8th and the democrats will give the republicans and independents all the amusement they want. Rollins Notes. Correspondence of The News-Herald. James and Emma Holland are welcoming- a 12 pound boy which the stork brougfit them last Wednesday. Rev. J. S. Gwaltney began a week's special services at Mt. Olivet Baptist church Sunday. The meeting's are largely attended." The school about a half mile west of here has at last been supplied with a teacher and is in active operation. The fence which was formerly around it has been removed so that the scholars no longer haye to climb fences to get to it. Pitts & Giles have moved one of their saw mills onto the old Simpson place about a mile from here. The telephone line running out here is very attractive to the lightening-. Last week it was struck again, the wire melted and ten poles were smashed to pieces. Rollins d Duckworth's have now a private line connection and are waiting patiently the repairer. Optimist. IS COIfSUMPriOlT CXJEABLE? Yes! If Tjdale'a Elixer is used in time; before too much of the lune tis sue in involred. This modern, scien-. uue medicine removes an morbid ir ritation and inflamation from the lungs to the surface and expels them from the system. It aids expectoration, heals the ulcerated urfaces, relieves the cough and makes breathing easy. Kydale's Elixer doe not dry the mu cus surface and thus stop the cough. Its action is just the opposite- it stimu lates and soothes. It kills the germs that cause chronic throat and lung disease and thus aids nature to restore thee organs to health. Trial size 25 cts. L rge size 80 cts. The large Bize holds 2 13 times the trial size. tor OF COUKSE you are going to sow Koine gross or clover this fall. There is nothing that will putfthe farmer on "Easy StreeV' us quickly as growing hay and clover improve the land and puts money in your pocket. We handle Wood's "Trade Mark Bi and" seeds. If you know of any better you will do me' a favor by telling me where to gd them. Don't send your orders away from home. We- guaran tee you that it will cost you no more to buy here. Leslie's Drug Store. i Lost on West Union Street Black Kitten with four white feet. Reward of $1.00for its return to NeWs-Herald office.! QUAKER MEADOWS. Personal and Other Items of Interest. (Correspondence The News-Herald.) Master Robert McCon naughey is attending the Pat ton School at Morganton. Misses Essie and Fannie Harrell, of Charlotte, accom panied by Col. Geo. R. Wat kins, spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCon naughey last week. They were on their way to Mr. Watkins home in Mitchell county. Mr. Watson Finjrer, of Charleston, S. C, is visiting relatives in Quaker Meadows, Messrs. Will McCon- naughey, Jim Wilson, D. W. Whisenant and Will Connelly visited near Marion one da v J, nr. tmii,.,i u- lul- lu,l"llu oauuudu, vwiu 1 u ai-.i r al- iia.3 uccu in x.idij(tma ior me past nine years, is at home on a visit. MissEffie Harbison, of Mor- ganton, spent a two weeks' vacation with her oarents at W low H 11. I rp. r , i. Ten A T tr on for imnn katr -foil I Mtw wont, prospects ior corn are lairlv trood. "Water- melons partly blasted." Pea J I vines looking nne. A new barn is in progress this week at the Methodist parsonage. One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season, was that witnessed by the follow- ing crowd at Burkemont last Tuesdav, to wit: Misses Annie McGJmsev Onhi J Avery, Addie and Fannie , , t- .. . , , .uaug, u u - naugney, Mamie ttarbison, nertnaana Bessie btacy, of Glen Alpine; Messrs. Harri- son and Alex. Avery, Robert, James and Waits Harbison, Ert McConnaup-hev. TCstnn Lackev and Frank Rlmncnn a I x. x .aud. oimuson, or Asnevme, visited James and Kobt. Harbison one dav last week. Quite a large crowd from Quaker Meadows attended me ounaay scnool picnic at Glen Alpine last Saturdav. mi ... J I a ney reported a large crowd Mci. .-j - r r J Fltaci.i,dUui ieitsi OI gOOd things to eat. Several of the young men from here went on the excur sion to Norfolk. Messrs. Erwin M c C o n naughey, James and Robert Harbison attended Epworth League at Glen Alpine last bunday night. The boys surely mean business or they wouldn't go there quite so often one of them especially tsome good work was done last week on our section of public ro?.d. We have a good oversPPr nnd I, v. . m re ic-oppuiuieu next time. "Q. Aug. 22, 1904. M. Boys." PUTS AN END TO IT ALL. AgrieVOUS Wail Oftimes S aa a roonlf f n."- mi x Lai u w i li 1 1 1 irn. i m. 1 1 1 (- nam i irom over taxed organs. Dizzi- tney put an end tO it all. Thnw are gentle but thorough. Try tnem. UnlV 25c. Onarantf,Pr1 John Tnll ff A T nJft? 5 y a 1 &lbls . . ... uuciic til 1117. wiivnuua msarjSUT. I Passed by the auartely Conference of uie Jnorganton Aethodist Church Whereat T. in the wisdo i!! ... w . - i brother W. H. Sloan I tCZT3 X- LA, remoTed from trTumphant and 3m the Church Whereas 7 to hi. ' . has lost Vhi,i our Church ttSrJ; citizen, ' . things work together for Sod to tK that love God, Ld SaVtoB?i?S Jf&&ffiS UonofHfsnrovfde thlSdlSpensa- 2nd. That we will try to emulate t,u .ar,w on" e his peaceable disposition aW ste ri ng in! tegritv. s ln 3rd." That these reselnti. , , in the public conirmrai.i T u-. Jbe,pnblished in thtll?'" that they become a .fi' lQ of this quarter conference. nfthUniu.,- "ir"""' "1C records Committee. r wjflCT PAINLESS FILL.. Is triA the wise sriss- mliirel in Jhl for doine such wori p easant " rr"- "rt11 -rxisers. i3ab Te,f La?fyette, Ind.Sa1?? -All other m Is I h t ffi. r.ffri "ffift VhUe De i ".- r"'i ""JLAwers arei oxuxuiy periect." S0 d by W A. Leslie, druggist. . y v,o atut;, uiver compiainr sirengtnen the nerves and hm'ld XT Vk , 1C! 10 a psi Ifn?0? 2P V9- It's alsoa g?eit SS3JfSS.S5f ffiTi! Hv - i-i a unw 1 11 1 M 1 1 1 ic 1 11 iwfijri I .1 nt. GLEN ALPINE NEWS. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Last Saturday afternoon, in" a beautiful grove near the Methodist church: on a table two hundred feet long, the parents, children, Superin tendent, teachers and friends of the Methodist Sunday school enjoyed a "feast of good things." Prof. A. C. Reynolds, of Rutherford Col lege, came up on the noon train. After the opening song and prayer, Superinten dent T. S. Patton introduced Prof. Reynolds, who made a splendid talk on the subiect of Sunday schools. He corn- pared the Sunday school to the borax the blacksmith uses in welding iron. "The old r.oWH man m. Pnv I r .... lug ludu uti i. lie mil nv irnintr , .J r" r r oeiorewuna Dunaie 01 ioa- I i .... . ........ aer. "A man invited all his friends to a feast, everything was clean, hut when the r.lnth was removed the table' was empty, after a while they emit romintr." n w.fh nnr I t " RiinrlTTT cli i. . , ; 4.! 1 ..11. r j t I nuns, udve sumuinmg ior me people Messrs., Rhnii M.,1. ' w w w w Mil) AA U A ton Simpson and John Leon ard, of the Southern. were here Sunday. Miss Mabel Ene-land and Louis Clark, of Calvin, who have been gnK to school at tne mission of the Good Shep- herd, left last Monday for Watauga, where they w i 1 1 enter the school of whichRev. Will Hardin has charge at o Valle Crucis. ---- - lulucu " "is auties on tne uumern. Mrs i-yspn, of Washington city visited her son, Mr. Carroll Tyson, who has a po- sition with Mr. J. D. Pitts. . last Mondav. ixis,5,es merina ana Hettie U'ltts left to-day (Tuesday) for McDowell where thev will visit their uncle Mr Te m;i ler- Mr. I D. Pitts returned h3" "om an extended vis,t to Greensboro and Ral- t I ein 1N - tcu. . ""WBuiswurio US mat the woods are full of candi- dates. We trust, however however, that good men may' be nomi nated for various county offi ces. The Presbyterian meetim has been postponed. Mr. C. E. Tate and daugh ter, Miss Katie, of Rutherford College, came up for the pic nic oaturday. U. No Hoo. Aug. 23, 1904. SUICIDE PREVENTED. 8WIU1UB. announcement TV. or.-n: mat a preventive of suicide has been discovered will inter- est many. A run down system or fifisnnndoTiTT ;t,t,:ui -I nrnnnXTn j j iauiy precede SUlClde and Something lias ueen IOlina mat Will Drev- ent that erinrlitinn -nrV, tv,01. sninJo 151l a 4. xi 7 ihAnh ni ZlrA'X TfTiT 7IV VT. . . uvo".uu u" Pj PPrrin Kirrnno i i z i great tonic and nervine will I " I I rficnlntrkP rl-cr r;n CJ.:-i- J tion guaranteed bv Jrr,r, Tnii and WAT oei; n j. ' L,eslie' Df UgglStS. 1 . cm.m oiiiliS ilUarlTAL NOTES. 'ss fame HCAdams, Superinten- I ... I S, hr j, , . " A Mane N; C' " She " svuwi, resigned last wooir i-. I , ' . V """ ,or T" Hfg in private nursing. . M rt Z t m n T m umberton' Mr Lllla Abee has gone to Oxford onavit. Mi- Ktterree, of Durham, has joined the training school at w.. , Messrs. Alex., James and Robert Murphy " a11 at home thi week. o.-i-inonthly dance at the Hos- fltal Tuesday night was largely at- lnSe takln Part were: M aswi WhA a..: -.r . Vsuurhf r :X'Vv 'V 'y' ,SSCS Vaue - ht. GnU ' I'"' 'L " vjr, I,trK uett. Mc- ' y, Ferree, Kirkpatrick. Curtis, Hoyle. Gauirer anrf w-..., ' urgin, ralbert, Ross, Waters, Brown, Wood, Tyler, Moody, Epley, . Murphy, Lvnn. Johnson rv.f. . . - ""J" fee, Runnion, Hensley, Clark andHar- bison C ASTO R I A T3 U You Han Alwajs Bought B" s,9TT7T- 5 A la f f.t I Turnip Seed at Tull's fTHE Newr-Hekald Office I1904' for .Tnh VVrrt MORGANTIN IS GROWING. Mr. H. S. Milner, a Railroad and Con tracting Engineer, Talks of the Prog ress of the Old Town Waterworks and New Industries. Mr. H. L. Milner, of Morgantoo, had the following to say, concern log tne growth of bis town, to a Charlotte Observer man Tuesday; "Moiganton certaiuly shows every sign of participating iu the general prosperity of the South, and the improvement has been most matkod iu the past Several months. UA new bank has been organized and will commence business Sep tember 1st and the old First Na tional has increased its capital stock to keep pace with the grow ing business. The Piedmont P"ug9 Lumber Company has re centij erected a fine plant . , !Vonirlift Jfr Wall i . - . .. ua commenced constraction upon im Mr.lhl,vimPnr. fr. I J Boger secently commenced the manufacture of light delivery wag I ons and are meetioe with flatter- inS success. The new hotel is well Patronized and the older houses seem nueu witn via.rors. jiroau I - .!. c-:. : i t , o-uiiutium uao uetju eumrg- ed several times and is about to re modate the increasing number of patients. "The new water works is practi cally completed, the water is from a system of tube wells located oce and one half miles from the centre of town, and furnishes an abun dant supply of absolutely pnre and wholesome water for domestic use as well as efficient fire protection for the ntire town "New cement side-walks are be iK laid in the business portion of f the town and the other streets are undergoing a general improve- I , mi.;. . ... : . t. ... . I change for the better in the town's anoenrance -'The graded school is now about to enter upon its second vear and is a marked success, and with the other improvements will utill fur- tner sumu,ate the growth of the li r. . .... loWD- Keai e8Caie nas Deen qQlte residences are nnor innirrnMnn. and more contemplated DE WITT IS THE NAME When you go to buy Witch g' pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making De ",.. '" oaivtj, which is the best salve in the wi f -, vr;u IT i oi wnrHfnrflnts. hnm hvm'cos boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of De Witt's Witch nazei oaive, uue to its manv cures, nas caused numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed, on the market. The genuine bears the name E. C De Witt & Co., Chicago. Sold by W. A. Leslie, druggist. .SALE OF HELTON LARD. TiY VIRTUE of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Burke County, N. C, made and enter ed in a certain Special Proceeding, pending in said court, entitled Jud B. Helton and Others against R. P. Nantz and Others, I will, as commis sioner, expose to sale at Public Auc tion to the highest bidder at the Court House door in the town of Morganton. "NT r fnn-. t,a Ir-A n.. ober' A- D- 1904 the same being the the first Monday in the month, the foi- ?"W "S unuiueu .raw or parcel ot land iying and being in the county of Burke, State of North Carolina in upper creek Township, adjoining the lands of Robert Patton and others: -Beginning, on a Popular m the bot S?Uth s.idl ?f the (Irish) rccK' eiton s ana KODert Nation's vnt- :u n-i.i i h00 56 degrees west 28 poles to a U4-4-nn 1 . . A I A 1 Art 1 west60 coles to a nine: thnrp nrth u df" west 60 poles to a mapie on top 01 in"Qg"' east 01 tne mm; thence south 70 degrees west crossing the mill c rt v mcr homttr t-hA m. 11 en 1 a uiry lut ujui ju puics 10 a stake in the road: thence south 52 grees west 54 poles to a Spanish oak on thf Smith aiHc rA tha iwoli u rona twlce w poles to a Slack-gum on the7aid road iKt staKe; tnence south 40 degrees west 20 . . .. - i staxe; tnence south 40 degrees west 20 a. largespanUh oak on the ""f 01 lne roaa; mence west with "Tes to anT ner TrZTTJ north with Wakefield's line ISO po es to a black gum on Marlow's east line; thence east with his line tossing the V. VI "if Vne-DorV1 of mal1 Plue the ?f Marlow's home Place; thence east with his line tVZt A dn poles to a large chestnut on the old thence north with said line crossing Mallow's mill creek in Poles, the sme course 40 polos to a "ackum an,d .whlt oak n the ridge- witn jonn mark's conditional "ne soum w degrees east 32 poles, ence still with said conditional line with conditional line south 20 poles to the mouth of JHarlow's mill creek; thence down the main Irish creek with south 30 degrees east 80 noles: thn 'V1! - wipdinp to the beginning. more or less. .Being the land allotted and set apart to John Helton deceased, in a certain Special Proceeding dulv recorded in the office of the clerk of tne tjupenor court of Burke county, N. C, as by reference to the S Proceeding Docket, of the said Court No. 3, page 377, e sen, will more fullv "m41- xcrms or-saie, zu per cent. tisii, oai&nce in six lb) months, nntc with approved security bearing inter est irom oate 01 sale to be required for ueierrea payment ; title trf be retained until the purchase-money is paid in fuU. Rents of the vear 1904 to rw cepted from the sale. Said 1 and c.lil josepn ii. Helton and John Helton. 1 his the 25th day of August, A. D., . W. C. Ehvin, Commissioner. Avery i Ervin, Attorneys. Any manufactured article that is honestly made and will give honest ser vice. And they know from actual experience that good serviceable shoes at reasonable paices have been hard to find. They had been deceived so much in purchasing before STAR BRAND SHOES were put on the market tha; they were looking- and longing for a brand of shoes that they could bu , and know they were made right and would give good satisfaction. It is an old adage that "Necessity and six years ago, realizing the necessity for a line of shoes of sterling merit, and believing the people would buy them if they could get t-hsm, the Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co., of St. Lous, was organized and began to place on sale their celebrated STAR BRAND SHOrJS and to-dav. Three Million. People are wearing their shoes and telling their neighbors and fi iends that of all the shoes they have ever worn, they find that " "Star Brand Shoes are Better" All articles of established popularity and merit are soon imitated, so in purchasing shoes be sure you get the genuine, You will find our Star tride mark stamped on the heel ot every shoe we make, and you will find our "Red Star" on each shoe carton. Some dealeas will tell vou other shoes are just as good. Let your answer to them be "STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER " These shoes are made in all sizes for Men and Bovs, for Women and Children. Be sure to give them a trial and you will we no other. You will find a complete assortment now ready for your inspection at ANDERSON'S. FOLEYSHOlffirrAR for chlldrstai afm urm. Jfo mptatm IS COME TO US when vou want drugs. No matter what you want, it is here. Ycu wil find here the largest stock o drugs ana medicines between Salisbury and Asheville. No boasing just the plain truth Come behind the Prescription counter and see the arrangement of. evervthing. You will be customer of this store when you see how the business is conduct ed. Leslie's Drug Store. Foieysiqdijeycure taxes Kidneys and Bladder Riant New line of Leather Goods, novelties in Ladies!, and Misses' Purses, Pocket Books, Wallets, etc. Leslie's Drug Store. For summer colds nothing so good as 'lull s Diamond White Pine with Tar. 25c. only at Tull's. eJNone but the latest crop Turnip Seed at Tull's JgWe sell high-grade drug store supplies et fixed prices and these are the lowest to be had A child can therefore buy here as safelv as an adult. Tull's Drug Store. ...VERY LOW RATES... Announced, Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Very low rates are aunouneed via Sou t hern Railway from points on its lices for the folio ing special occasions: Louisville, Ky. Bieunial Con clave, Kuights of PjtLias, August 16 20, 1904. Mouteagle, Term Mouteagle Sunday School Institute, August 15-30, 1904. Richmond, Va Grand Foun- taiu, Uuited Order True Reform ers, September 6 13, 1904. Los Aageles, Sau Fransisco, Cal. Triennial Conclave, Knights Templar, September 5 9. 1904: Sovereign Grand Lodge-1. 0. O. F.. September 19 25, 1904. Kates for the above occasions open to the unblic. Tickets will be sold tJ these points from all stations on South ern Railway. Detailed information can be had upou applicatioT to any Ticket Agent of tbe Southern Eailwav.or Agents of connecting hues, or by :uuressing tne undersigned: R. I- VEKSOS. T. P. A., Charlotte. N. C. J. H. WOOD. D. p. A- j w m . . Asheville. N. C. S..H. Hardwlck, W. H. T, Pas. Traffic Manager. Gen1 Pats. At WASHINGTON. D. C. Hawke's Crystallized Lenses, Spectacles and Eve Glnsses-we fit them, and guar antee .you a fit or no money paid. That's the way we sell to even-body. Sppctades from fiOe up. - Leslie s Oruo Store. The People APPRECIATE is the Mother of Estimates Furn ished rR.EE. r-irtus Prices Low as First-Class Work Can Be Done. Satisfactiou guaranteed. Give me a trial and be convinced J. R. Wortman's Near the Depot, Is the only place in Morganton where you can get the genuine Laurel Valley Corn Whiskey, The Purest and Best for Medicinal Use. w; W COOPEE & CO., Marion, N. C. Our Responsibility Appreciated The efforts of the physi cian must always be supple mented by tbe effort of some capable pharmacist in order that the remedies ptescribed may be reliable in tbeir action. We appieciate onr respon sibility iu this matter and see to it that every drug tsed is of the most reliable charac ter, and that all prescription work is done by H graduated pharmacist ot ample m exper 'etice. Nffoetter service or fairer iricWcanbe bad anjwbue Tull's. COLLEGE One hundred and seventy irrad- of study m departments of Liter nre, Hi.tory, Science and Phil osophy. Well equipped labora tories in all department, of Cvmn,. lib-rary faCilitieS. Uymnasium furnished with best erPaPterat AM very mod- erate. Aid for worthy youne men. Broad and national spirit TRINITY COLLEGE HAS THE LAROEST ENDOWMENT OF ANY COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES For catalogue and further inl formation, address uriner ,n- D. W.Newsom, Registrar, , Durham, N. C. 35 Invention, V. V. Hallman, Contractor and Builder, MORGANTON, N. C. T I i i f .. ana opecmcations on Application. NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. This work, which is a comply ie his tory of the North Carolina Troops .a the great wai of 1S51-65, is in five large octavo volumes of over 800 pages each a total of 4,100 pages. The histories were written and the work edited entirely by participants in the war, without charge for their eet vices; and the engravings were fi t Dished by friends. The State f nrnisl paper, printing and bindiDg and ow- the work, which it is selling at cos . For the above reasons the book is being sold at the marvelously low figure of 81 per volume. There are over l,000Jine engravings of officers and private soldiers, including all of the 35 Generals from North Ca-o' Jin. Also 13 full-page engravings of battles and 32 map,. The indexes are complete and embrace over 17,000 names. It is a magnificent work, tell ing the story of the finest soldiery the world has seen. The edition is limited. Now sold at So lot the set or $1 per volume. When the edition is exhausted the set will doubtless sell readily at a very high price. Persona purchasing the books must pay express or postage. Express within the State on single volume, 25 cents; postage on each volume any where in United States, 34 cents. The or o volumes shipped by express or wcigut is oi course cheaper in tion than by single conv. propor- . Also. Colonial and State Records at !W per volume, 20 volumes now ready. Cash must accompany all orders. When sent by express or freight, the purchaser can pay charges on the re ceipt of the books; if by mail, the amount for postage must be paid in ad vance. Send order and money to M. 0. SHEERILI... Stale Librariac, -Raleigh, N. C. Sale of Lands at. an,i v i.. tar "rl . College. 13 a pei Lindsay and ittur Z "''Kk Lindsay and others .1 ""J'I t 1. public auction to the h,niM , Rantoi, North Carol 29th day ol Aueust.A arolia. on i ""wi " ti,i the legal hour,, of al lt2 scrilKd lots or ,-arcel, ia , "u'tif ? and being in the 10u1.1v , ,' '', U: 1 North Carolina, in a ,";rkr- "i Rutherford ColicSe. 1 vu., First Lot. lK.niK the Ian,' . " K.Lindsay Ly L. o. X, 'rt'., deed dated January Hist i-u'' t being made to the sa'id ,.lXd ., ,'S r,'"n recorded in keirivt,-. " r m.-r..? Bim-iiicu 10 mt orilrrnl - ' "'"itlv. l7 acres. '"tiir,,n,..'. Second Lot.- ne:nc the i-. 1 Third Lot 1111; Ih W. Abcrueti v deed date.' '- being in 1-. : ,.. Resist .1 i a lui. 0 r. i. 1 BoOl .. I. ; " '-Hi. 1-k "Jb, t st t '1 C"..,' 1 uuriu Lot. . . . ra. l. urimo an vi;, i0 l, , . lM0 b, deed dated Jauuu nth mjtr bcniB made to the s..,.. ueci; ... ' rr. ' nc land Re.iler's otlice ol K. ..nceo. b..tke e,JUlu7uTu ' tie , paKe i'lj, ct ' . 1-.. ot t. e said lot ot 1 ill r LCrtS. mnr I ' u 't Costs. de. ci it tion 1 bo K K. Ho. in in a-o acres, more or i. ntil Lot. B.-ing the lan.i eonvf..H v V -Ik and wile to w. k 1 in,? ; B a .i. d January 27th, 1,; ! M ri n-ade to said o.ed recordcu'in tv o.:.ce ot Burke coun y i j, l rate 508 et scq , lor a lull de.'Cri',,,i' s-.d lot ol land, coiu.-t.iiiny i, . on uf tit le s. iixth Lot. Being the Hn.l Piney Micks to W. k. LnUav n-Ttyti s ue said deed rec nuruarj 151, 1015, rcltrtii.r 1. "... ttJ ry corned m tuc k, , Dla Ui tin Book S. 0 ? jt Burke county et seq., ior a lud dei-ripiioHo, the '"f 5T land, containing acres .,r . '"'of TT"r.. . WL). ti,v iai.,j j. o. v5iucs ana wiie to aeea aatea f cDruary th K. U bema made to the said deed rt, ' , 'clcr Register's othce of Burke eoumv v m l3t Book R, No. a, page ao tt j descriotion of the s.-iid 1,.. '"'.,ur Dul ucwmc.uu 01 tne aaiu lot ol iUuJ ing one acre. LiEtith Lot. Bein the t-ini , Fannie Houk to W. k. i ,n,i '',e-eJ ? dated December liCth. ; r' . .1 Uv fat aiade to the said deeu rce Uci in Vh obt11'' ler-s office of Burke count, V Kt' V. . -2. t.i:ire 72 . , . ". . .". r.-,n . ofthr a..c lot ol lanu ine rt .r less. 1 i aiTts A Sun.n and 11. i , Uuteu Apiil 14-th. ), to the said deed office of Burke countv. 2, page 205, et scq., tor u the said lot of lane, con:..! ';"":i?'." rf " cc U;nk- ffiloc " KcRlstCT. I'tM-Tijition a Adeline Roderick to W. K I dated Mav 1st. r 1,-" ' 01 DurKc county .". i... n page 206, ei seq , for a tin. cc said lot of lanu, contaiunif; more or less. .Eleventh Lot. Beinz the ':!. V . . t, L . , 1 ""J?av ir. ok-i 1 1 . t I l..f.T ) .0 1.1. T . . - - - Jl-. T V Rllr inH ... vi" ., . ro. X, page et scq.. n.i .. .. .t of the said lot of laiiu, to. ..: "-'Ci'' more or less. " l7ts- The said land will l,c so'd ' among the tenants in con.,.... Liti'aV"! whole and then in lots acc .id:n t , ' made by J. J. Aberuathv, arfur :5 which will be exhioitcd" u wi' cf Said plat can, in the mean tni.c tTi applying to the cum,nUi.jn r. sit . t reported at the l.i l. i-j " on said lands as a whole xviil cnrnicactc $88H.23. Lizzy M LindsaVs aOiaua, w This 25th day of uU 1jo. K I. E. COfLTLK. ton.nii:o- Avery & Ekvi.n, Attornes. u t it wute wi rvun.e eouiu v , ' -.ue tieeu rec,,r .. . tj.r ,c ilUIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIllliMhlliliiiidiiil'iiii;; I Always at your! I Service, j E Altboub our store is cut: open all night, we aieaUa-.s" E glad wben iireiU aiise I E J'ug!1, nieiliciiies or o;L-.i ; E supplies lor trfe s'tk, t: E answer uigbt calis. O.r ui-'ut I service is just as co'iijiettriit as our s-ervice tlurin tLf; E day airfl : Our prices are the same H Day or Night E And alike to all. When- j I ever jou L.ive occasion i : to patronize a uru toIt: 2 either day or nilit, rtriueai-l s ber you can be sure of rigtt: treatment, riijlit to Is aud E ribi prices here. W Don't hesitate to ring our E night bell when necessary. I TOLLS. 5iiii'Niii!i!ii:iiimiiiiiiiiniiMi::iii 11:3 I A. C. Avery, Jr., I Avery & Harbison,! INSURANCE FIRE INSURAN'E. ACCIDENT INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE are issued by ns. We;' bo": .on. .'llice, Corner Hotel M't Sale of Valuable Real Estate- BY virtnr of an order ot W. S. rV" Rrfrrrr in Kanlrnnl. v tn.i (if a"0 Z. tcrcd in a certain proceciiini. rni',!?.-irtt United States District Court I .r tne - District of North Carolina, enti'.i , Matter of J. E. Coulter anJ otners. rnpts." the nndersiincd. as receiver rnptcT. will offer for sale at vvU1"- for cash at the Court House "OT' ' , Town of Morganton. North I aroMJ. AwitfiiuilT, me om 11.1 ..... - j.. 1904,. the reversionary interests ' '"V.,. lowing persons in the follow inn tra,:V"Jij9r assienrrt to them, respective v. stearia lit it tn av: 1 wiil sell as 'Dc I' i ertTofJ. P Abee. subject to his n.n as ailowen nnuer tne Laws of North Carolina, tit !u"""-"I criDca reai-esiace. 11. t ,j .ti: list t ract. totisistinB t V Lew ladT Township Burke Countv, olina, whereon the said J- .' B" wentTtnrtt.ii.'Ji aerrs t.i ,: 2na Tract: iscinc an un.. -, t :. . ctnrhn,,r anil lot ot I'?"... Connellv Springs. Knrke toiinti. - ..j foil description of which reference ! " deed of Jackson Ieal. lixei-ut ir ot - ' ,s Uealtoraid I. P. Aliee. rci:-' , -f Reeister-s Office of Burke County, ! I will. at the SHtne time and P.' ," the property of J. E. Coulter. s'fl!poS Homestead allowed him umier tne V'rt r.a( 1 .1 . If lo uon ana Laws or .-xorm Pand icrencc is mauc 10 ueco o, - wife 'o said J. E. Coulter. of"' of land in Bandvs l-nnP-,..;nr nterest in Ihree and one nuanei 2na I met: Being an "' 'n,. 1 Conntv. North Carolina, tor tun of which reference is ni.-me to 1-" Tucker to said J. E. Coulter . oC(.c.: 3rd Tract. Being an u':c.vl"5; !acoi' (1-5) interest in 1S3 acres ot ia N. forlt Township, t aia raft , known as the P. A. Coulter horne-trf th Tract: Iteing a it ". fl,r 1 Uorirantnii Rnrke Bounty. - ,df 10 description of T'hich re'erence ' deed of J. H. Arcrr. administrate I will, at the same time and V . itct the property of H. Sonth-rland- ,w tr the homestead allowed him ot So stitution and Laws ot the Ma ts Carolina. the lollow ins tWi 0, to wit: that certain tr .ct ,r ' r .v. Lovelady township, lu rke . Carolina. hnmht lir sni'l l u . vf Mrs. A. .E. Connellv. contain" - frtf. "VICB, IUI fUll UCSC1 lyi.v ... L. y. ; .1 T T a .1 1 ..... i It ! y virtue of anorder o! , , snu ri' r Court oi kr'k ... . nU entered in a certain .. ..v':U!iU J nding in said court. -.,t1,.;.'a.1. !. .'.r t being made lo siU UttlJ' 1 ;" iv.' Register's o. i,..IK(; . J" 0C la fall descriDt.oi. ... n.e :i, " x: t If No. 2. pate "nim I;,,,. vine described real-estate 3 1st Tract. Being live (o) frt Sov v's township, Cataia u - . .s Register's Office of Burke t-" -F. No. 2. page 29. . , v.. l9T This the 30th day cf AulSV.rcP:'f M. SILVER, Receiver m UJ in